DR FONG YANG at FONG CLINIC ( next to Tiong Bahru MRT )

zoses, Dr Fong also suggest the method too..he said it helps reduce pain alot..but i agree with labbit..my pain was gone after a week..maybe earlier than that cos I felt the piles pain is more than the stitch pain ...

hi cocoa
yes he did. just request
he can compromise one
doggies mummy,

ic..thks. do u knw when( ard how many weeks) can we request for the leave to stay at hm to rest?
I'm into my 29 weeks and start to feel very heavy and clumsly and i really cant imagine hw i can drag myself to work . :p
u are still early hehe...
i started to clear MCs and Hospitalisation leave since 7th month (on off) cos i had twins and bleeding history

u may want to request for it in the later months once u start seeing him weekly... (forgot which week it is)
thanks hazel

hi star07,
Dr fong will arrange for blood test 1st done in his clinic ard ur 4th mth. then will arrange for a very detailed scan @ TMC ard ur 5th mth.
thanks zoses... i'm a 1st time mum and reali have alot of anxiety. I'm in my 1st trimster and the mind is keep thinking how's baby doin. hope to cross this 1st milestone smoothly soon.
hi star07
dun worry...like u..i m oso a 1st time mum. during my 1st trimester...i oso worry a lot...cos have miscarriage history b4. but try to relax & dun worry so much. Dr fong is a very cautious doc...trust him & everything will b fine
take care
halo !!

sian back to work today ... was v tiring bringing rachel for hse visiting cos she can be quite cranky when she see new faces.

how's everyone's CNY ?
xin nian kuai le to all!

when your bb go for 1 month jab, what is being checked other than ht, wt, head circumference? any development assessment done?
i just brought bb for 1st mth jab, bb sleeping, doctor just ask me "bb ok?", then tick all the boxes in the health booklet!!!

When i go home and take a look at what each of those boxes were for, i was kinda angry. Some boxes requires observation, which the PD did none of them. What kind of assessment is this?!!?
thanks ladies...

His charges are on the high side. 1st visit consultation (about 30 mins) is $140, scan $80. wow... subsequent visit 1st 10 mins $50, next 20 min another $50. Like lawyers, does keep track of time. Simple Scan starts from $60.

From the feedback here, i do hope the high charges are really justified by his skills.
There is a price list at the reception counter. where the consultation charges are in time block.

Perhaps due to his long list of patients, to be fair to all, he has to allocate his time wisely. so the time block based charges is to deter long consultation where some patients maybe quite draggy and ask lots of questions. maybe its better to keep thing short and simple, as long as all neccessary info are covered its ok.. thats the only reason i can think of. but he is a nice guy though.

dr fong's time block charging is true...
i have been to his clinic and I have seen the price list also. but i find as long you have a lot of questions to ask and he is able to answer and address your queries well i think is worth it.

i have just seen him and I would say that he is good.
I see, these are revised rates rite? I think my prev consultations were $45, maybe now increased to $50. Hmmm ... pricey but if can deter long consultations also good cos mean more accurate appointment time and we wont wait too long.
hi mummies
Dr Fong's price list do state down timing, but he will clear all doubts and will not shoo us out when the time is up, there is no timer inside in room ... hehee

maple babies
that is the revise price list for 2007.

Did the nurse or PD asked u qns on bb's development ? But i remembered there isnt anything much the bb develops during the 1st mth. THe nurse only start asking when I brought Rachel for her 4th and 6th mth jabs.
nurse didn't ask qn, only take weight and height. PD just ask "is bb ok?" only.

Last sat, I brought bb to KK children private clinic and the PD did some physical assessment and discussed bb's growth - which I find the session more assuring and worthwhile.

did you guys go for the rotavirus and pneumococcal jabs?
minePD is a visiting consultant at kk maybe tt y it's the same

but the 4th month check not so details, maybe cos done all the checks in 2nd month :p
hi mummies / mtb

i'm planning to go for the DS test. Can someone enlighten me how is the test done,
when is it done and are we given rest day after the test. Any pain huh cos the needle
will poke thr the tummy rite? I know this test will lead to some 'danger' but i thk goin
for this test will give me a peace of mind on how the baby is goin to be.

Also, i'm slightly under weight. which brand of milk should i drink?

thanks in advance for yr reply
hi star

i have not done DS before so cant advise u. U shld ask Dr Fong on this.

there are quite a number of milk powder for preggies in the market such as AnMum, EnfaMum .... but I think AnMum is quite fattening. Since u r underwt, u can try that.

I am using Fridge-to-go, FTG1200 is the model number.

I think in market it's selling at $40+ but I got it at $38 in a bulk purchase in this forum. U search thru the BULK PURCHASE thread and join in the spree if u interested.

star, welcome ! u can just pose any qns u have here and we'll try to help u if we can. But of cos, Dr Fong will be the best person to ans ur qn.
thanks labbit!

if u think u need more rest days after your amnio, u can request it from Dr Fong. if not, u'll be given 3 days if I remember correctly.
ladies, wanna know if Dr Fong is 'generous' with MC? for e.g. if given 3 days MC, can request to make it 5 days? I know soome drs abit 'stingy' with issuing MCs and some very generous (giving weeks of MCs).

i think Dr FOng will give on a case by case basis. No harm asking ?


i got this promotion email from Fridge-to-go.
For your reference:

Dear mothers and Fridge-to-go owners,

Fridge-to-go, the most popular cooler amongs breastfeeding mothers.

Catch Fridge-to-go at Babycare Festival 2007 at Suntec City Hall 401, from 2nd March to 4th March 2007. We are offering 10% discount on Fridge-to-go products for the first time and for this baby show only.

See us at booth G1 and G2.

To see you desired Fridge-to-go model before the baby show, simply visit

Remember to share this good offer with all your friends and other mothers. You can also watch this short video clips of Fridge-to-go here, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoPhUCezv8U

Best regards,
Fridge-to-go Team

Regional Showroom
Blk 1002 Toa Payoh Ind Park Lor 8
#07-1425 Singapore 319074
65) 6352 7833
65) 6253 1233
Good Day to all.

Long time didn't log on. I am now currently in China for 1 week biz trip. Working on a notebook, finish my stuff, then can come in here to chit chat.

Some update to share here, I am still giving b milk to my small Jun. Had lots of things to prepare bef flying.

I got the fridge on the go the big one, that can
hold 12 cans of coke size.But still not enough to bring my one week's supply back. In the end, I sourced quite a while and found a Aust DIY shop in Parkway basement and got a bigger one like a back pack with good thermo insulation. Need to prepare to bring back 30 bottles of expressed milk. My supply is still there and I am giving as much as I can to my babies.

Brought 2 pumps here, in case one breakdown, spare one to backup. As the electrical supply is 110V, so I used battery to operate them. Carry them in the hand luggage and expressed twice when I am on flght. It is a 5 hrs flight to Shanghai.
Don't care who is waiting outside the toilet, I close the cover of the bowl and sit on it and slowly relax to express my milk. Let down not as easy as on ground, guess it is due to the high pressure in the air.

The hotel fridge is not as cold to freeze them so I get hotel staff to freeze them in their kitchen freezer.

China office do not have a pantry or fridge so I have to do it in their toilet. Luckily the executive toilet is clean and over here male staff out numbered female staff so ladies toilet quite clean. Since it is winter here, temp is low and I do not need a fridge too.

Miss my babies, big jun and small jun. Called home numerous time to talk to the big one. Bought them alot of chinese story book.

My coming 5mths small Jun is teething on the lower gums, he is now 10kg really like a mini lotus roots on his thighs.I will intro semi solids 2 weeks later.

My excess b milk is also mixed with my elder formula to boost immunity. Really helps and he does not fall sick as frequent as before.

So mummy's milk is still the BEST and MOST NUTRITIOUS.

Now my only worry is when I am back, esp through the customs. Hope don't kena qn why I bring back so much "soya milk " from China !!

Thanks for sharing this! This discount comes just in time!

what do we need to prepare for BF before going back to work? Currently, bb is on 99% BM, need at least 4-5 feedings for the day. each time I can only reach an ave of 60ml for each pump. Is my milk supply low or misuse of pump? How much milk should each pump achieve to be considered as enough for bb? Also, are the EBM for night use or the next day?

Hi all

I'm interested to use Dr Fong but curious abt the charges....any packages? Or maybe you can tell me averagely how much u spent so far?
