Dr Charles Lim Mt E

I was on MC this am. Very dizzy and didnt manage to visit Doc.
Now, my tummy bloated like ballon, needle poking pain, backpain and mood swings. HuLaLa! Hope all these pains are worth suffered! I sounds a bit pervert.. LOL. My mil was really concerned about me and call me just to check that I am ok. So sweet of her.
Blessed to have such great mil..
Is it because you took med and jabs that's why having all these? The needle poking pain sounds bad. But hope that all these are for the good news. So sweet your mil.

Ovluation day for me ;) Shall plant our love seed for the little one.
Hi coyote, I taken te jabs a week ago. Shouldn't be the jabs. I took metformin. Perhaps I could be it. But when I first started it, I don't feel bloated at all now my tummy looks like I m 5 months pregnant...
No, I have some urgent tasks to do tml am. I just screamed at DH as got stressed out today at work. The needle poking pain comes and go. I feel tasteless for food and feel yuck when the food has strong smell. Just had mos burger as dinner. Not healthy hor? Maybe see dr lim next week if pain still drag till then.
Coyote, u use pre seed. It will help the sperm to swim better. Happy bd. can get from pharmacy. U can get it also from mt e hospital guardian. I also notices my bb are bigger now. Wondering what's going on in me.
Your symptoms are like.........*wink*, let's pray. Fast food is ok lah, just don't have it too frequent. Yup, do consult doc if pain persists.

I have baby plus, sometimes forget to use. Later will suggest to DH.

bb is what? Boobs?
Sleepless night! Argh. Tummy really bloated n keep burping. Yah, bb is boobs. Ha ha. Jia you. Remember to follow dr lim's instruction. We did bd exactly on the days he asked us to do. Just try and relax.
Hi Dragonhopes,

Oh we are so accurate then the witches are here. Today is my CD2. This cycle will not visit Dr Lim. Take a break. Afraid that too much injections no good for the body.
dragonhopes, today is DPO 6. I feel super bloated. Didnt sleep well last night. Today feel like zombie.

My gums also in pain. Have a feeling like diarrhoea but nothing come out. Wondering if i ********... haha.
hi ladies, can give feedback on Dr Lim? is he a caring doc?
i'm looking ard to c which pte gyane is gd in IUI. any idea his success rate?
hubby & I had our tests taken at public hosp last mth. if i consult dr lim nx mth, do we need to repeat all tests again?
thks lots.
Ching, Dragonhopes>> new cycle new hope! hope we can all graduate this new cycle.

Yanlin>> its a torturing 2ww... relax & good luck!

Coyote>> happy BD-ing. good luck!!

Rainy>> i feel Dr Lim is a patient doc. bring all your test results to see him, i don't need you'll need to redo the tests.
ladies, i read previous posts that some ladies went to pray to this zu shou nian nian at shuang lin temple. which area is it eactly located inside the temple? i been there once n saw many deities so not sure which one is it.
some1 mentioned take eggs from zi shou nian nian? how ah?
Dear All,

Total lost of appetite today. Tend to have sweet tooth for grapes and fruits. All other food are tasteless. I m hungry when see no food. When i see food, I feel full immediately. Tummy keep bloated to the max and cant fit into my pants anymore! Keep burping too.

My male colleague even ask if i am pregnant. Also applies to a few of my female work mates too.. *sweat*.

How? Argh..
loves - thanks ;)

yanlin - want to call the clinic and ask? Did you want stuff to remove excess gas in your stomach? Like Schweppes gingerbeer, chinese ginger drink, ru yi ointment or simply do an upward swiping using your palm from stomach to chest until you start burping out the gas. Hope you will feel better soon.
Coyote, the conditions seems worsen. Yah, perhaps have to visit Dr Lim tomorrow am.
Thanks for your suggestions.

My colleague keeps asking if i m pregnant or not.. haha..
morning ladies,

i went to see Dr Charles Lim and he gave me this cough thingy which is Fluimucil 100mg...
may i know what is that for?

I feel weird as i didnt get any clomid, and injection will properly next week...
Morning girls,

CD2 for me..went TCM yesterday and she said my body still not ready for conceiving..post O temparature not stable and lining might not be strong enough to hold..so she suggest we do IUI next cycle. sigh! My Dh is quite sad..

SJX, which CD are you now? Flumicil is for mucus i guess, to help sperm swim faster ba..
SJX, i think Fluimucil is for your mucus, sometimes ur egg and internal lining are ready for ovulation, but mucus not ready.
So he will prescribe you with this. Just take and it helps actually.
I took twice, and my mucus became stretchy.
Injection and pills have side effects. See how it goes..

btw, my bloatedness are now gone. My tummy become soft, unlike other days. so bloated till my tummy are hard.. seems like got baby inside one leh. Haha..
Hi Ching2627,
You enjoy well too.i gonna to work this Saturday. Planned for a short getaway to Bintan next week. To get away the anxious of the waiting results and at least there are something to look for. Good luck to you in this cycle.
Ho Coyote,
Got stressed out recently. I tends to feel all the symptoms of pregnancy in 2ww. My cousin told me that it could be the feeling that i desire for a baby, knows all symptoms and feel those symptoms in my mind. Recently, I got very very mild cramps out of sudden,feel tired, moody, bloated, lost of appetite, lost of patience,etc.
Hmmm.. my mum told me she was dizzy when she got me. My mother in law told me that she got cramps. Oh yah, another point, i hate meat recently, i can eat non stop for fruits and veges. Hee hee..Btw, today is my CD24, another 6 days for the results. Seems i am counting down.. Argh! I always forgotten the results release date for acca, not Home Pregnancy test. LOL.
Today c Dr charles. After uterus scan, he told me that i'm PCOS. Give me Metformin. next month after menses come take 5 days Duium and will give me 3 injection of Gonal-f. And now i'm in Plan A coz my DH sperm haven't check yet due to lab full. With previous doctor check up, my DH sperm no good. Think will jump to plan B.

Also give use Vit B12 and Folic Acid.

Can see he is specialist in infertility problem. He explain to us patiently.
Hi Ching, I m also PCOS. This seems very common in us now. I am also on Metformin. How many pills you take a day? Maybe first week 1 pill, then followed by 2 pills on second week and 3 pills in the continuous weeks?

I am at work now. Feel very weak to start leh. Now getting documents ready for the tax return. Very sian hor when heard of PCOS. My sister also PCOS, she got pregnant without treatment after 2 months of trying. Its a miracle. The boy is 2 years old now.
Yan LIn,

doctor advice me take 1 pill daily for 1st week and after that change to 2 pills daily. if body can no take it, can change back to take 1 pill. Doctor said i no need take till 3 pills.

My hubby can anytime go to test by appointment as long as got slot at lab.
Hi Ching,
Oh I se. Hope you are doing well with this and have big eggs when ovulation. Good Luck!
You call the clinic to find out the test result. Since you know ur DH SA not good last time, he may start the routine that Dr Charles recommends, ie wear boxes, no hot shower, no jeans, etc etc on the list the nurse gave to you on your first visit.
Good Luck!
Yan Lin,

Good Luck to you too.

Yes, Nurse have give list to me what should hubby do to improve Sperm. AD show me a lot of success IUI bb photo to me. haha...
Dr Charles loves to show the bb photos, keep taking out the albums to show. So funny.

Yanlin, I think all of us are suffering from the desire bb syndrome. Spot symptoms during 2ww and get disappointed when evil AF arrives

Coyote, Yah yah.. Feels so happy for those who success in this. I went to the clinic last Fri, there was one lady, she did 1 cycle of Plan A, 3 or 4 cycle of Plan B then went for surgery. She got pregnant on the next cycle after she underwent surgery.
So Mel, you will be alright after the surgery. Dont worry.
