Dr Charles Lim Mt E

Hi Ching2627,

my menses past already. Is on 16/11/11. i must wait next cycle but doctor give me Metformin daily start from today.

Ching, same here too. I think if you are on Metformin before your next menses due, then is better. At least, this will help to regulate the hormone first before stating on duinum.
I was really look forward for the treatment last time when first visit to Dr Lim.
Now I am waiting anxiously for the result. Hope for the best. Leave it at God's will. He knows what's the best for us!
hi ladies, i've just seen Dr Lim. currently on 2nd cycle of Plan A with more Gonal F jabs this cycle. hope it will go well.
dragonhopes>> Dr said 5 jabs first and see how. he didn't want to over simulate my follicles else i'll have multiples.
i tested pregnancy urine today. CD 26, 10dpo. It appears negative. Should i wait till one more week to test again? I read in forum that some can detect even at 9dpo.
dear, dont test it too early..it will stress yourself or if u dont feel stress then is ok to stress..

any symptoms? still feel uneasy?
dragonhopes>> yes, i took clomid for this cycle. saw Dr today at CD8.

yanlin>> wait for a few more days and test again. it could be late implantation or too early to detect. good luck!
thanks all.
My sister called me this am to ask how is the test going?
Today no pain. Yest got some very very milk cramps. I feel something is pulling down there, at the pubic area.. Wondering whats going on in me?
I am so stress out today. Argue with my colleagues over work matter. Argh! He is very agressive guy. Not good for my health hor. Wanting to delegate out the job to other department, but keep arguing with me.
Like this, how to be calm. Even pregnant, will affect the baby too.
yanlin>> its lunch time soon, have a good break from work!
is your cramps/pulling pain usual? do you get it every cycle or just this cycle? i've no symptoms at all for my last cycle and AF came. not even my usual AF symptoms.
no, i dont have any cramps until the AF arrives on the CD1 or CD2.
But this cycle, i have cramps from ovulation period till recently.
Dear Ah Ching,
Yah, luckily i have a peaceful afternoon. I m still at work now! Argh! Got so many ad-hoc issues today.
Uhm.. look forward for the short getaway this weekend. I noticed that I tend to scream at my husband, even though he done all the house work for me, sounds irritating. I think this is kinda of mood swing.
Hi Yanlin,

Is your menses punctual very mth?

Hi Dragonhopes,
How is your temp these few days? Mine went up (36.5) then go down (36.3).
Hi Ching,
Uhm.. not really punctual every month. I have just got home.

Hi Coyote,
Too excited liao mah.. Thats why cant wait to test.. LOL
Ching, mine also the same..36.42 to 36.27 this morning. Went see tcm just now, accidentally saw a girl with BFP..how i hope that belongs to me
Hi Dragonhopes,
If my temp not consistent during menses, is it bad? I am not too sure whether does it mean that my body is not "good".

My heart feel so heavy when i see ppl with young kids recently. Maybe had a few attempts & had this strong feeling. NEver had this feeling before.
Ching, me too! I feel sad when someone told me she is pregnant but why can't I? Sigh! Now I a bit like "kan Kai"just do our best, is all depends on god will..even ivf also not 100% will strike.

Temp up down I don't know good or bad le, just know post O shd be 36.7 then consider good preO below 36.5 is ok.
Hi Dear Ladies,
I feel very cranky these few days. Will just blow up small matter. How? This is not me.
Do you all experience the same thing?
Ah Ching,
Yes, you may request for this i supposed.

Yah, now rushing for closing. Keep having ad-hoc thing to slow down my progress. Argh!
Breath in.. breath out...
I am really stressed out. My acca exam is next 2 weeks. I am thinking of not going for exams.
hi ladies, i've taken the 2nd jab this morning and having spotting now. never had mid cycle spotting before. not sure is it the side effect of the jab. do anyone has the same experience?
Hi Coyote,
Yah, perhaps i shouldnt register for the exams. Our auditors are coming tomorrow for the finance audit. My bosses are away tomorrow night. So I have to rush out everything before tomorrow's lunch. Poor me..
yanlin, relax. i'm also in the accounts field so can understand the stress u r facing. i also throw temper at hubby. dunno y cannot control. maybe due to work stress bah. hubby is oso n finance line so temper oso not gd. maybe that's y both of us still hv no kids yet.
u at which level of acca? if final stage, juz go for it. gd luck!
Hi Rainy,
Thanks. Yah, i m at the final stage. Didnt manage to have time for revision. I am thiking to give it a miss this round.
My husband in IT Systems line. He is not busy so he helped out housework. My mother in law also make short trip at my place to help us with laundry, ironing, and housework. Basically, my stress is from work. Hope i can get a better job next time. Requested additional headcount to help. See how it goes. Informed the CEO. Hope they managed to get a staff soon. But now year end, i guess hard to get one with good common sense. Ai...
look like finance line is real tough, i also in finance. ACCA final stage..go go go..key word to exam is do 100% then examiner can help you.

i told my hubby this way too, just like attending exam, if got 100questions, we have to do all then got chance to pass, but i guess life isn't like exam..

see my previous thread, i always threw temper to my DH also, this few cycles better..thanks to bambinigal,kate and phylee..always ask me to cool down
bai long wang told, i have to change temper then baby will come, if a family full of quarrel baby wont come..but i only quarrel with him during my 2ww le..very irritating ma, one small little things will spark my temper.

Rainy, so fast join us in this thread? you may like fluffy, she also never think will strike ah..take it easy and relax like last 2ww, after this you will be in your motherhood journey..
Dear Dragonhopes,
The 2ww is the critical period that your baby will have implantation. My mil also told me not nice to loose temper. Coz it will make the family's luck not smooth. Luckily when i loose my temper, my DH will just ignore me and leave me alone. Or else, i just keep silent throughout the night and didnt talk at all.
Uhmm.. i guess perhaps have to lower down the job expectation.. LOL
Oh well, look forward for this pregnancy test. My menses should due in this coming SUnday!
maybe test it after the short getaway trip.. hee hee..
yanlin, i try my very very very best, usually i will tell him dont make me angry..lolz

i am going holiday also, hopefully only ovulate after i got there then can make baby outside singapore..

how are you now? still got many symptoms?
Hi dragonhopes,
No. I think my anger at work has overide all the symptoms away. My tummy not bloated anymore since last Friday when i started loosing my temper. But feel some very mild pain on the uterus part. I feel easily tired and can't concentrate for long.
Another thing is mood swing. I really hope to get one MC tomorrow,but cannot leh. I am soo tired.
Hi Dragonhopes,

If God's will for me to conceive this month, our baby is "Made in Singapore"
So if you are travelling to Australia, then your baby is "Made in Australia".
Good Luck!!
haha..yanlin, made where also our baby
just hope they can quickly come to us..

my baby will be "MADE IN CHINA"..lolzz

time to sleep la, month-end closing, year-end closing, auditor coming, consol reports..arghh..so many things
dragon, i've been a silent reader of this thread. plan to consult Dr Lim the next time after my failed attempt this round.
yes i heard pple syaing that if there are many quarrels in the family, it is not gd overall. so we hv to try to keep our cool n correct our temper. tink pple in the finance line tend to be bad tempered hehe

yanlin, final stage wor. go for it. all the best
just an update. i saw Dr Lim earlier. Dr scanned and said everything is ok, don't need to worry about the spotting.
yanlin>> have a good weekend holiday and update us when you're back!

dragonhopes>> hope you've have a MIC!

coyote>> no, Dr didn't say anything. i asked was it due to the side effect of the jabs, he said 'No'. shall monitor these few days & see how it goes.
ladies, may i know for Dr Lim, do they perform the IUI procedure in the afternoon? for scanning, can we go in the afternoon?
for my nx cycle, i may consult Dr Lim but bcos his clinic is quite far from my workplace, i don't tink i can go for scan in the morning
If no wrong Dr Lim only accept patient till noon only coz really got a lot of patient especially Saturday. You better go earlier morning. I reach there around 0810am. Doctor saw me 0815am even opening hours is 0830am. Everything done in half hours with consultation coz i also no much question for 1st consultation. Only blood test need wait at lab coz also many people.

Where you workplace? My workplace also far but no choice. Take half day leave loh.
rainy>> i've not done IUI but i think Dr Lim can perform the procedure in the afternoon. overheard the nurses saying earlier that they have 3 IUI cases this afternoon.
thks ladies. my workplace is at west side. though i drive but the morn peak hrs traffic is terrible. will get more details from Dr Lim's clinic if i'm doing it nx time.
roughly hw much do u all pay whenever u go for each scan? need to scan hw many times b4 actual iui?

Can we drink pomelo juice when ttc or in 2ww? Thanks.

Hi loves, thanks! hopefully is a great news. pray at novena church twice and was in tears twice.. silly me. My God heard my prayer. Hope for the best!
