Dr Charles Lim Mt E

Hi,dragonhopes, hope the best for you. Jia You.
I told you all previously that i dreamt i had 3 eggs. So it was indeed 3 when Dr did a scan for me on CD14. Today feel bloated and total lost of appetite. Did ovulation kit, but negative LH surge today. Will try again tomorrow.

Ching, Jia you. Take more rest now. You will sure make it de. Jia You!
I finally see the transparent mucus. Its time for BD on Friday am before visiting Dr. Lim.
Good Luck everyone here! Ching, when will u be seeing dr lim?
Ching, I went to the clinic. My mucus not ready yet. So got medicine to take. Good Luck to you.. all the best too.. Keep fingers crossed!!
Jia You coyote!!!

Hi ladies,
hope u remember me, i stopped seeing Dr charles since last cycle...
taking a rest and save more money first before heading down to him again...
in the meantime see by pure nature can work or not

By the way I am going to see Dr Zhou, understand u gals seeing her too.. can share ur view? and what should i bring and do to see her?
Anyone experiencing ovulation cramps lasted for 3-4 days? my muceous still not readt today.

anywhere that i can look for relaxation place for day time?

What is the recommended BD timing? Thanks all.
Hi coyote, how's thing? Please do share with us if you wish. Hope you are doing well too. Hi mel, how are you doing? When is the scheduled procedure? Please do take care. Hi Ching, jia you! Take more rest and eat well. Hope we all who are etc expecting soon. I m stressed up manzz. Maybe considering setting my bedroom tonight for destressed.
Hi Yanlin, thanks. Hoping that everything is fine or you. I do agree that BD can be quite stressful as you need to capture the golden timing
Hihi Yanlin, experience quite good. We went into his room for very long, maybe about 45mins going through our history, checkup, gave advice and plan for us. Will start plan A next month, gave me some pills to start from CD2 and go back for injection from CD7. This month just use opk and try naturally. He scanned my eggs, got 2 and I also having a harmless fabriod (arrrrggghhhh how to spell?) not at reproduction area. He said will shrink during menopause so no need to remove. Spent $800+ today, blood test experience was good. The nurses at test lab are very pro, frdly and good at assuring patient. We didnt have to wait long, process was quick. DH will need to take SA test when my next AF reports. Doc said dun do it today, probably is to reserve the troops for this cycle.

I forgot to ask doc whether there's a need to get rid of old troop first before BD during O. Coz we didn't BD after my last O.
Hi coyote, you can call the clinic to check. The nurse will let you know. Congrats on finding the righ doctor. I feel blessed that I finally got a great doctor for taking good care of me. Doctor will let you know which day to bd. don't worry. He asked me to bd on sat night and sunday night. He is very understandIng. Was told if my dh can't do it on sat night, then sun pm is also ok. I know male troops replenish everyday. I got cramps on Sat morning. Really hurts and it was ovulation cramps. Observe and listen to your body and you will know how your body reacts towards the mess and jabs. Good luck !
Thanks Yanlin. May I know how long is the jab session going to take for plan A? Is it administered by nurse/gyane? The 3 jabs that I will be taking will most likely fall on my working days. Need to plan.
Hi Coyote, The jab session is quite short. On CD7 or CD 8, you will be required to visit Dr Lim's clinic for jabs. The nurse will show you how to do it. As other cycle mate mentioned, you can jab anytime of the CD. You may check with the clinic on this. I took 4 jabs on Plan A, my eggs were quite small during my CD 14 visit. THe procedure is easy, no worries. Just relaxed and jab.. THat's all.
Hi Coyote, Correction here. my eggs are not relatively small. You will know thru the scan.
Dr will know, you may observe Dr Lim will tell the nurse for recording purpose.

Hi everyone, this forum seems silent.. Anyone got any good news?
Hi Ching,
Keep trying. You will strike next cycle.
You are very near to your goal. You are under which plan this cycle?

Hi all,
I think my ovulation is just over. Today has no slippery discharge. Pretty dry now. But some cramps and feel bloated. My tummy now is like a ballon and keeep burping. No appetite at all today.
Anyone of you having same experience as me? Or it is just me. Thanks
Hi All,

More Spotting last night & Temp drop to so low this morning. Most likely will see AF today or tom. I will not go to Dr charles for this cycle. Take a break first. No $$
Ching, hug hug! Me too, AF is just so puncture. i didnt spot last night but temp drop to 36.3 this morning..AF will be arriving tomorrow i guess!..

I wanted to see Dr.Charles but DH said wanna go for holiday.maybe see him then go for Plan A
ching & dragonhopes - jia you zai jia you.

Do u gers take 2 opk tests per day esp nearer to O date? I have been testing for the past few days and the test line is getting darker. Wonder shld I test again this evening using clearblue or I shld just leave it as it is and test tmr using the RightTime opk provided by clinic?
Hi dragonhopes,

My temp drop to 36.3 too....So sian already after that. My hubby said that take break from doc & relax.. then maybe go again in Jan. Do some exercise.
coyote, no i didnt take 2 opk test per day. i am thinking to buy clearblue digital opk but just afraid it is stressful. really wanted to let go everything, no tcm, no medicine, no opk but it is so hard to let go.

Ching, yeah, we bought sky fitness yoga classes,and playing badminton too!
dragonhopes - we feel you, ttc journey is never fun. Not sure how stressful is the clearblue digital opk, mine is those 1-time use. You can take a break and go for holiday, once u are ready can resume the plan.
Hi ladies, i've offically failed 1st cycle of Plan A. the aunt whom i hate most has came visiting. gonna start 2nd cycle of Plan A. Dr Lim said that i've to take more jabs for 2nd cycle of Plan A. can i know what is the max number of jab which you ladies have taken?

Hi Coyote, glad that you've found the experiece to be good. like you, my 1st visit was also about 45mins. i find that Dr Lim is very patient in explaining. good luck!
re: opk testing. i test opk twice a day so i wont miss the surge.

Hi Ching & Dragonhopes, take a good break and try again in January!

Hi Yanlin, i've no appetite for my last cycle. im not sure was it cause by metformin. all the best to you!
Hi ladies.. what a relief! I just got to know that my cramps is due to egg came out from the tube and is normal. Hooray.. ! Mother Mary, please pray for me so that we all conceive soon.
ching, dont feel dishearted! you have see red ah! it is just spotting.

Actually my spotting at DPO10 so i thought if today BBT go up then got hope..sigh! it dropped

Today is DPO13 for me, Yesterday temp slight drop to 36.7 then today worse 36.3. So most likely Auntie should report tomorrow. ALready got the cramp cramp feeling.
sometimes when i see drop, then i can tell myself, stop thinking 2ww..life move on..maybe god want us to enjoy more before kid coming
Hello loves, thanks. Will test tonite just to be sure. If positive tonite means can BD tonite right?

Yanlin - glad that it is normal.
Hi Yanlin, Great! All the best and fingers crossed for you.

Hi Dragon, think we r quite similar. I also took a break from Dr Lim, 3 months liao (no clomid , no jabs). But im still taking metformin, (on-off). Stopped visiting TCM Dr Zou. (not stamina to visit her as she is quite far and i simply cant down her medication).

Hi Coyote, All the way with the BD! :>

Hi ching, hugs.. but if AF doesnt report, you still have hope! Stay positive ya..

Hi loves, Stay positive and look forward to the next cycle!

Today is my CD11. I am so inconsistent with my BBT measurement and metformin. Tonight i will try OPK (cant detect any postiive OPK since past 2months, but detect BBT went up). Few days ago got UTI. (so painful!) Good thing now has become better. Plan to BD alternate nights from tonight. Fingers crossed!
Thanks Yanlin & Ching for the info.

Yanlin>> how do you know that the cramps is due to the follicle coming out from the tube?

Dragonhopes & Ching>> my bbt actually went up but i've started seeing red.

Coyote>> yes, if positive, get ready to BD!

Bambini angel>> jia you!
bambiniangel - Ur nick sounds familar to me. I am also CD11 :D "All the way to BD"? no no cannot BD all the way, sperm count not enough...hehehe.. Doc says to BD on +ve opk and rest for 1 day than BD again. I have stopped bbt charting, find it very stressful for me. I actually sleep better without waking up in middle of the nights after I have stopped. Are you seeing doc for your UTI?

Thanks loves, so much info on Sat by doc until I am confused when to BD.
bambini, hug hug! BD alternative night and enjoy it like when we are young

i remember u didnt take clomid then Dr.Lim ask you to go back earlier right? which CD you suppose to see him?
Thanks dragonhopes, i leave everything to God now. Hope He gives me the best, as always.
Dr Lim mentioned that I am having high chances this month. Keep an open heart, pray hard and be soft temper. Although i know it is hard in the stressful working environment. Now my tummy going to burst, too bloated. I am over my ovulation already. Very dry there and got tiny cramps last night. No caffeine intake for almost a month already. Stay positive~!
i m not sure. Initially i will die without coffee.. but now, i seems can live without it! Took my mil for afternoon tea break that day.. the most is latte. the coffee portion is lesser.

i was so surprised got to know about the 24mm egg too. my hubby was like nothing one le. No reaction from him.

So we BD on friday am, sat and sun.. LOL
Yanlin>> just curious, how did Dr Lim know that the follicle has come out? from scan? if this is the case, i will like to try out this cycle!
btw, 22mm and 24mm sounds really good!

Yanlin>> thanks. i was hoping it was detected via scan. not sure did my follicle come out every month even if i've ovulated.
