Dr Charles Lim Mt E

Hi All,

I am going to the clinic tomorrow at 8.15am for CD8 visit. Tomorrow is the Gonal F day. I hope everything is ok. Hope more eggs coming out after taking metformin for a month.
I took 3 tablets per day. Good news soon everyone..
good luck Ching, rest well for today ya!

Yanlin, 3 pills? that's a lot! hope you will have many n huge follicles tomorrow.
Hi ching, rest well and good luck. keep us posted.

Hi yanlin, hope you have many many eggs tomorrow!!
Hi Ching, Hope you will have good news to share with us soon!
Yanlin, Hope tomorrow you will have many many nice nice eggs...I had my Gonal F jabs too last cycle. Luckily my hubby helped me with the second self jab. It was a bit complicated for me...my hands not so steady one...
Really hope every one of us graduate soon!!
hi, i feel so touched for the good wishes. Thanks all of you.. Hugs and kissess to all of you sweety.
When i took the metformin, i feel very dizzy and of course, i cannot concentrate at all at work. But for the baby making sake, i have to get thru it. As once we conceive, we will stop taking them. Hope the best tomorrow. Will update u all soon. Remember, no alcoholic drink when taking metformin.
I take one after lunch, one after dinner, and one after supper. If i take them after breakfast, then i really cant work with concetration. Given my job as accounts staffs.

Love all of you.. Hopefully we all got good news and spread all baby dust to all.. Jia You Jie Mei Men.. xoxoxoxoxo
Hi All,
Just came back from the clinic. I dreamt that I have got 3 eggs. But this morning, Dr Lim told me that i have got 2 big eggs and 2 small eggs. So on Gonal F today, going back on each alternate day for the injections. Then monitor again on next wednesday. Keep my fingers croessed.. xoxoxo

Ching, i got the same early this cycle. Go and see dr Lim. There are blood clots and the ovary is contracting to push out the rest. Thus causes cramps. You take care too.
I took medicine and recovered on the second day. Take good rest too.
Hi Ching, No, I did not ask for the size. I m going to visit doctor next Wednesday. So by then should be able to know the size too. I m doing Plan A this cycle. Keep fingers crossed.
Hi yanlin, you are taking 3 pills of metformin? That's quite alot. I always feel sick taking just 1 and I tried to take 2 but it is not possible for me to work ;(

Kate, dragon, Ching and the ladies in the fertile window ,, BD all the way!!

I'm on my cd 30 today. Last cycle was only 26 days prob due to the tcm medicine. Normally my cycle is 30-32 days. So waiting for af to come. Slight cramps as usual nothing unusual. This cycle didnt take metformin, no tcm, no bbt, no opk. Plus go holiday, dunno how it will impact ovulation.
Hi Bambini,
Yah, i feel really sick also taking 3 pills. I started iff with 1 pill for a week, then followed by 2 pills for a week and then 3 pills till now.
After the Gonal F jab, i feel migraine, headache, giddy, and my eyes are real tired. I think it could be lack of rest.
I am sure we will all get conceive too. My condition is PCOS. What about all of you?
Dr Lim will tell u all the size of eggs on the first gonal f jab? or after the 3 jabs?
I went for the jabs this am. I asked about the size of eggs.. smallest one 6mm. biggest one is 8mm. Nurse told me mature size is 21mm
Hi all...sad sad sad!!! Done my HSG this morning and my left tube is blocked. The blockage causes the tube to dilate and fill with fluid. I will be doing laparoscopy surgery during my next cycle. Hopefully I don't have to remove the whole left tube. I'm very worried....
Hi Ching...can't stop thinking about it. But at least now I know where is the root prob. Hopefully is not so serious and can rremove the fluid and open up the hole. Otherwise whole left tube got to be removed and I am super scared!
Hi Mel,
Dont worry. Everything will be fine. Dr Lim will take good care for you. Think positive. Things will definitely turn better for you. At least, now we know the root cause and the journey of conceiving will be easy for you after the surgery. Stay Strong. We are all here for you. Hugs from all of us.
Hi All,
I noticed after the jabs, I have very bad mood swings. My hubby commented that my temper is worst ever since he known me. Are you all experiencing mood swing too? I feel very tired. Anyone sharing, please.
Hi Mel, hugs! Yes being worried is inevitable. Try to think more positive, dear? At least you know the condition n treatment lap might be able to make things right. As yanlin said, we r here for you. Jia you ..

Hi yanlin, for me, the jabs cause some bloatness but not much other side effects.
Hello girls, sorry haven't been checking back these days. Been really busy at work. Now I think I should really take it easy and slow le. Feeling the toll
how's everyone?

Dragonhopes, how are you? Rem to go zsnn there to baibai when you free yeah?
so that zsnn will rem you!
Phy, miss you so much! How are you dear? you belly must be very big by now, yeah! take it easy and slow but i am very sure i'm going to see cute n healty 2 baby boys and baby girl soon

i am now 2ww, this cycle ovulated on CD18, kinda late i think but dr.zou said it is ok.

i plan to go back see Dr.Lim next cycle (hopefully dont have to) and do plan B. yeah yeah! other than zsnn, i also went bukit batok song zi guan yin.
mel mel, dont worry! at least you found the root cause. Leave it to Dr.Lim, you are in good hand.

Bambini, what's your plan this cycle?
Hi Phy, you are finally back!
Hi All, I just came back from Novena Church. But this time, i managed to bring my hubby along (he is a free thinker, I m a Catholic). So we pray together. Hopefully we strike on the first cycle! Have faith. Lets hope for the best all. I m going to the clinic next Wednesday morning to check the egg size after jabs. Went on CD8, my 2 eggs were 6mm, another 2 was 8mm. What is your size egg on day 8? Anyone sharing?
Hi Yanlin, my condition is also PCO. i've increased from 1 to 2 pills of metformin a day and suffered a total loss of appetite. i can hardly eat these days. after taking gonal F jab, i felt giddy and bloated. i took 3 jabs this cycle. i've scanned on CD9 and my largest follicle was 8mm and it grew to 16mm on CD13.

Hi Mel, don't be sad. im sure you are in good hands. everything will be ok after the surgery.

Hi Bambini Angel, all the best for this cycle!

Hi Phylee, i've read about your triplets. congrats and do rest more.

Hi Dragonhopes, im also in my 2ww. i've ovulated on CD17 and my bbt is quite low still. sigh.
Hi loves,
Thanks for sharing. I m on MC today coz i have just taken jabs and resting at home. I feel giddy and instead of working in the office, I work from home. My condition is PCOS, now on 3 metformin and 3 jabs this cycle also. What was the size of egg on CD 17? I m thinking to go to visit Dr Lim on high LH surge day and ensure my eggs are out in the middle of ovary for fertilization. I got a friend, everything seems ok for her except her egg is hanging at the tube. Thats why she cant conceive. Everything counts.
Hi Yanlin, did you ask for MC? i felt giddy after each jab too. i didn't scan on CD17, last visit to Dr Lim was CD13. he told me to track my O using the test kits. how big are your follicles today?
Hi yanlin, seems like the the jabs dont go with you very well. Rest well.

HOw about taking the jab before bedtime? The nurses said anytime also ok to take the jab.
Hi gers,

I am planning to see Dr Charles and saw from the website advicing to see him on CD02. Is CD03 for me today. Does it matter if I see him later like on CD08? Thanks.
Hi loves, no. today i jab at home. so not known my follicile's size. I am going to see doc on CD14 too which falls on this wednesday.

Dear Bmbini,
I took the first 2 jabs on the morning. So just to ensure that they are 48 hours intervals, i have to follow the timing og jab with the other 2 jabs. But next cycle i m going to have the jab at night.

Hi Coyote,
Welcome to this forum. I went to see Dr Lim on a later part of my cycle. You call the clinic to check with the nurse. They are helpful and have good knowledge too.
Hi yanlin - thanks. I just called the clinic and she said it doesn't matter which CD to see doctor. I shall book a Sat appt :D
hey coyote! remmber me? i'm from ttc #1 2012 as well! welcome!

i went on cd 7 during my first visit. which i tot was not bad timing, cause can shun bian scan the size of the eggs.
hi mummy gingerbreadger, of course I remember u lah. How how, share with me what magic did dr. charles do to you?

Thanks, that's very assuring for me to learn that you go on CD7. I booked Sat slot which is my CD8. This morning I was very kancheong whether want to take urgent leave tmr and cheong down to his clinic...wahaha

How is mummy phylee doing? I was reading the archived and learn that she got triplets
Hi all,

I've some light cramps on CD13. Is this normal? Or it is just ovulation cramp?
I keep rubbing my tummy, telling and assuring that we must strike this month. Hope for the best all. Going to see Dr Lim next 2 days. Hopefully have good eggs.

Hi Ching,
I supposed it is ovulation cramps.
i m thinking of BD tonight. See how it goes.
Although I am on CD12 today.. LOL. I never have this cramps in my life. I believe Dr Lim's meds and jabs helps in producing ovulation. Where i did not ovulate at all previously due to PCOS.
So that by CD 15, DH got his sperm replenish and BD again to strike. LOL
Call the clinic today. The nurse asked me to try out tonight. Will update u all again. Looking forward to see dr lim tomorrow.
yanlin - Happy BD-ing ;)

I am going for my 1st appt this Sat, very nervous. Don't know what will the doc suggests ;)
Hi Dragonhopes,

I am gan cheong type. Just that think I should closely follow up and should go back to find out more about all details on different CD. Dr ask if i want to see him on CD 16. I told him Yes!
All the fees is worth it. Reach there 8.15 and left 8.45am. The consultation was around 8.30am.
The first patient as always..

Oh yah, i m on Plan A.

ching, my DPO 6
find a little bit cramp on and off. i was telling my DH now it the time for sperm to meet egg and they fell in love...lolz..

i got many dreams this few nights

i tried 1 plan B and 2 plan A with Dr.Lim then after that Dr.Lim go on leave and i stop for 3 cycles as TCM said my BBT too low, IUI wont help me much but now my BBT got improvement liao, so next month can go for Plan B
