Dr Charles Lim Mt E

bambini, if ever you need TCM help in male problems, I would recommend my TCM at Clementi - Dr Tan Kian Sing. He's trained in andology and there are comments that his medication really helps in men.

The thing is he would want SA results before he prescribe medication and he usually sends samples to CARE at paragon. He said that the results are more detailed as in it will measure how long the sperms can survive in CM etc etc.

His typical medication includes sea cucumber pills, fresh threadfin fish maw (that he suggests to buy from wet markets) brew with his other chinese powdered herbs.

Perhaps, you can 'play cheat' a little by adding 'natural' ingredients to your DH's diet. Making fruit juices with grapefruit or tomatoes, adding chives (jiu-cai) to your dishes, oysters, sea cucumber, fish maw dishes or having not more than 2-3 brazil nuts a day (as snacks). Men are probably more receptive twds natural remedies. It will take 2-3 months for men's sperms to reproduce as a new batch.

Big big hug for you Bambini dear! This thread is powerful, one month one mummy. So we will be next soon
so dont worry, be happy.

Yeah, will start LRD and chix essence next week.

Like what Phy said, maybe without stress and you will strike.

will you be going to Shuang Lin temple this sat?
i'm not sure whether it helps, but once we started ttc, i started feeding my hubs with folic acid. i read that it increases mobility. and when we saw dr lim, he aso ask whehter hubs got take that. every morning i will squeeze grapes juice for him. weekend other juice. everyday he will drink vit C aso.
hey hey, i am back! i got 1 super big follicle, 22mm, 2nd biggest is 15mm, the rest 8mm, 9mm and 11mm. 22mm on right, 15mm on left. Dr lim check my mucus say good and clear, lining is 7mm, he say consider good. DH's semen test result oso out liao, Dr lim say is good enough, iui confirmed on sat. like tat i dunno whether i can get ginger's egg on time anot! scared after iui, by the time i reach shuanglin temple. Ginger's egg gone liao! haiz... pray for me bah, hope tat sat iui is a successful one! go go fighting!
Kate, sizes are good le! can go for twins

i had a quite amazing experience doing IUI with Dr.Lim maybe you want to take a look during your procedure. The nurse will put the ultrasound machine on our tummy then doctor will look at the monitor. I actually saw sperms swam in and Dr.Lim is counting. That cycle i had 4 follicles and DH's SA also good! dont know what went wrong and i failed that cycle.

We will pray for you! hope you graduate this month

I think by the time IUI done it will be around 12pm. Be there earlier, then i think u can straight away send the semen to fertility centre and go makan. it takes around 2 hours for sperm wash.
Thanks all, Dragonhopes... Dr lim counting wat? hahaha...

just hope tat everything is smooth! my hubby say, no matter wat, after iui, will still go shuanglin temple, pray pray! got eggs, i take! no eggs liao, i oso happy for other ladies who have ginger's blessing! i told my DH abt phylee will contribute 100 red eggs to shuang lin zu sheng niang niang, hahaha, he say if i preg, once we get the BFP, he will contribute 100 eggs, after baby 1 month, he will contribute 100 red eggs. twin will be double, triplet will be triple! hahaha... he damn funny... i oni keep laughing at his funny ideas but in my heart, i scared, high hope= huge disappoinment!!! although Dr Lim everything oso say is good, but is really fate lor! last time, i doing ivf, he even more gan jiong than me, i actually have mense liao, but bcos the doctor in NUH say still must take blood test to comnfirm is BFN, so morning take blood test liao go home wait for result! i was so sad and depress, he keep comfort me, ask me to be calm, dun hav dun hav lor, but when the clinic phone call ring, he jump out of the bed in 1 sec, frm his expression and movement, i know his disappointment is same as me, but worse still, he had to an wei wo still. i still have him to cry on, but wat abt him? at tat time, i oni know tat i am emo, i felt tat i am a failure, i dun even care a little bits of his feeling at tat moment! haiz.. after all, he is as sentimental as me!!!
Kate, good luck to your IUI Tmr
it's very touching to read on what you wrote about your hubby. Jiayou!

The nurse asked me if I wrote on forum about my triplets and I said yes!!! Haha, she said one of the patients mentioned to them. I hope Dr Lim won't be shy about it :p

Btw just returned from Dr Lim and saw yet another preg lady!! Hope you girls have some baby luck Tmr huddling with the preggies on one bench!
Unfortuntately, I had some discharge may be due to fungal infection, so he popped in a pill for me..

During the scan, he is able to see some eggs in there, a total of 7 eggs. However, the eggs are still small, hmm the largest is about 14mm if I rem correctly. Next time is the 2nd jab tomorrow..

Next week I will be going during lunch time, hopefully the wait will not be very long? Any idea how long will you need to spend in the clinic usually?

So, after finishing all the injections, what's next? Dr Lim says he will tell me when to BD when I visit him next week.
Ayana, dun worry, my eggs oso small before jab, after 3 jab, it cecome so big, 8mm to 22mm within 2 jab, ard 4 days lah, so leave ur body to Dr Lim, he will teach u wat to do. u just follow through loh,

thanks phylee and bambini, i oso fingers crossed for myself, good luck to everyone here too... jia you!

Ginger i got iui today, sure must report one mah. see u later, maybe we will meet in Dr Lim's clinic. hahaha...
I've busy preparing Budget 2012. sigh! so many works so less time.

My OPK test, from Day 14-16, 3 days positive. i really dont know what's wrong. Anyway, i dont care just whack. :p

Kate, good luck to your IUI. Remember to update us the process ya!

Ayana, What CD you are now? How many injection you have for this cycle?
thanks hopes and Ginger,
yesterday iui is a exciting experience, at first, drink alots of water to make bladder full, very uncomfortable, too bloat, go in and scan, nurse say my bladder not full yet, how come? i drank at least 1 litres still not full? then where is all the water gone? nurse say must wait, maybe still in stomach, not yet come down to bladder, from 11.30am wait till 12pm, finally is full, Dr Lim came in, ask nurse to tied my leg, prevent me from kick him, hahaha... after that start put the duck mouth instrument into my vagina to open my cervix, then insert tube in, want to shoot in liao, suddenly Dr Lim say, cant see the tube? take out, put in again, once more he say to the nurse, cant see the tube, funny leh, first time encounter this situation! i shouted "huh" then how? i raised my head up to help him find, act like i may find it! hahaha... then he ask me to lie down properly, dont move! he turn the knob of the scan monitor to adjust the brightness, and adjust the position of my head rest to lower down and raised my buttock up to max, then finally he find the image tube of my dh sperm, he injected, and the sperm rush in, after tat nothing to see liao. then he ask me to hold the duck mouth instrument myself for 1 min, then he wash hand and go back next door see patient. after a while, the nurse came in, take away the instrument and let my hubby came in to chit chat with me, he told me that i am so noisy inside, outside can hear my voice oni, Dr Lim and nurse voice cannot hear. hahaha... i oni lie for 15 mins, i go toliet liao, then see dr lim again, he let us see my dh sperm sample of the morning, before and after washing. he praised my dh say that he got good quality sperm, wah, from there on, i cannot tahan my DH, he keep on repeated what Dr Lim say and so proud of himself. haolian dao!!!!

after leaving Dr Lim clinic, ard 1pm, we rush down to shuanglin temple! to pray, there got two zu sheng niang niang leh, one on the left side of the main god, the other one at the left hand side of the temple. so i pray to two zu sheng niang niang lor, with 5 orange, then after praying, i start to find ginger's blessing eggs but cant find, then my hubby go ask one of the helper in the temple, he say got one bag for eggs is put on the zu sheng niang niang table, but after sometimes, a helper took away the bag and put on another table, as the zu sheng niang niang table is too small. then i go see the bag still got eggs anot, in a white colour la-dunno wat, the brand name i forgot , got ard 10 plus eggs inside, on the egg got a "g" on it. dunno whether is it the ginger 's blessing egg? but my DH and i laughed out when we saw a "g" on it! hahaha... we assume it indicated ginger! i take two out, and bring it to the zu sheng niang niang and pray again, then started to eat the two egg immediately after i out of temple! hahaha... bcos i hungry, not yet eat lunch, by the time already 2pm le. then we go eat lunch, at the coffe shop nearby, and go home after that.
ah hopes, i oso got 3 days of OPK positive leh, yesterday iui, today still positive! maybe is the medincine and jab caused it. anyway, the idea of just whacked is correct! just do wont wrong! hahaha... good luck to all and we must really jia you! hopes, bambini, ayana and myself must jia you to keep our spirit high! we got a hard battle to fight, phylee and ginger, must continued to jia you, maintain a good health to give birth to a healthy and cubby babies! go go fighting!!! yeah!!!!
Hi Kate, very detailed n descriptive! All the best!
Hi dragon, Ayana, all the way with the bd!

I had been out of action past 2 days cos down with flu. I'm getting sick quite often it seems.
Have decided to skip clomid this cycle, and try myself. Maybe see dr lim coming sat to take more metformin.
Kate, haha..you are so detailed. Basically all the steps are same for my first plan B. I saw the sperm swan in thru the monitor.

I didnt go zsnn temple yesterday. Fighting with my DH and mood totally spoilt. Sigh! I told him such a bad mood go pray also no sincere. So I missed ginger's egg. I goin to pray today as I already bought oranges and flowers.

Bambini, is always good to stop and take a rest. Who knows u will strike this cycle
dragon..remember bailongwang? try to tone down the temper, my dear :> just bo chap all the nonsense and focus on the positive things.
ya lor, dragonhopes, my cycle buddy, dun always argue for small matters, must think for the big situation, nicely and gently may able to settle things better, calm urself, remember that babies is on the way coming to u, u too fierce, they will scared one!!! hahaha...

bambini, this cycle u decide to skip, when ur mind calm down n relax, maybe this cycle u strike! hahaha... not like me, i always too tense! haiz...
Morning girls,

Trust me, i tried it very hard. I am those kan cheong type, i like to plan my schedule and must be fit in nicely. My DH is slow-motion type, to him everything also tak apa. That's make me mad. All blame to my bad EQ.

He ask my MIL come over to our place then together we will go to shuang lin temple. the night b4 my MIL said she will be here around 10am. So sat, we woke up at 8am and went marketing. Came home waited till 12pm, then my MIL came. She somemore said, nvm la, late a bit nvm. sigh!
Hi Dragon, next time just go on your own lor =)

btw, any one went for the HSG to check for blocked tubes? Just wondering if its very painful and is it expensive...?
haha..Ayana, yeah! i learned the lesson.

I did HSG last month. Just like period cramp when injected the dye inside. I think cost less than S$300.
Went to Dr Lim just now, he mentioned if fail this cycle can consider doing HSG.. ekks.. so scary.. Hope that I dun need to do la.. ahha...

Btw I saw a young mother came in with her 6 mth old, coming in especially to show the nurses the baby... =)
yeah, Ayana, i did in 2009 together with my cyst removal operation, so i dont know how pain is it, i oso dunno wat is the charges as NUH lump together and give me total bill. as ginger said, it did help to clear the tube, so tat the sperm and egg can meet without blockage! jia you!

btw, iui on sat, is consider day 1 or day 0? today is consider day 2 or day 3 huh??? i back pain stomach cramp dunno wat happen, haiz... body ache, maybe bcos i restrict my movement become too tense le bah! haiz...
Thanks dragon, ginger n kate..!

I know what is Plan A2 already.. its still plan A but its the 2nd time you are doing it..

He also mentioned to me if this cycle failed, I can try Plan A again, if fail, then proceed to Plan B...
Hihi, this week busy like hell in office;( super sian. So many things to do.

Hi ayana, yes, dr lim also said, it is up to us if we prefer to continue plan a and not move to plan b yet. Anyway, positive thinking! You will strike this month!

I'm cd 7 today. I think I am down with uti. pain when I pee and always feel like peeing although I just went. Happened to me quite often, although I drink alot of water but maybe still not enough. My first urine test with dr lim also indicated this.

My tactic for this month is to bd every other day until positive opk from now. Hopefully got energy to sustain! haha!

Is anyone eating bai fong wan? I wonder if can eat together with dr lim medicine n the supplements?
bambini, Dr Lim told me before not to mix chinese herb and western medication together!!! i think u better consult him first loh, safer.
Hi kate, as phy n ginger said, they also got no obvious symptoms, just relax n distract yourself during the next few days, remember the LRD tea n chicken essence.;)
Bambini, get those powder type medicine for UTI, the result is quite fast. As for chinese herb, yes, dr.lim did mention better not to mix but i am on chinese medicine also, so i just took 4 hours interval.

Kate, no sign is good sign le! i dont know which DPO i am in now, just count the cycle day. I try not to focus on 2ww. i keep telling myself,it is all depends on god now. Let's we jia you together and hope we can graduate this cycle.
UTI is sucky I know, I had a really bad case of UTI before and even went of hospital cos of it. Drink lots of cranberry juice and wear cotton underwear ya.
hello ladies.. any updates?

Super Tired. I reached office at 330AM (yes! AM) for some kind of project observation. No energy to BD, jia lat.today is CD 9 liao.. better buck up haha..

UTI is still bugging me. but not as painful as tuesday. (tuesday was really terrible)

Anyone going to Dr lim on sat? Im thinking of going to scan my eggs and to consult him on the metformin. I've decided not to take clomid. I wonder if still can take GonalF or not.
i tink this sat dr lim is not available. you can call n try. cause initially i was suppose to go tis sat, then he say he wun be around, so change to monday.

i heard 1st 2 wks of september, hes not in town as well.
I'm using the Right Time O test now, Dr asked me to test for this whole week. But its Thursday already CD16 and so far no O leh.. Zzzz ...
Ayana, Right time is from Dr.Lim's clinic right? Did Dr.Lim mentioned to you roughly when will be ur O day? based on the follicle size then he will determine roughly when is our O day.
hello girls. how's everyone? This sat is election day so is public holiday. Maybe this is why Dr Lim's clinic is not opened?

bambini, take some cranberries? I heard it's good for UTI. CD9 is still early! You can start your BD around CD11 or so?

dragonhopes, kate. 2ww now yeah? these few days is quite a good period to distract yourselves from the tormenting 2ww. With the PE coming this Sat and holiday next Tues!

ayana, just whack and don't care about the positive opks. I didnt get a single positive opk on the month that I conceived. Dr Lim said, sometimes we can miss the surge even though I was testing twice a day!

ginger! hope you are coping well there with your little one.
Hi Dragon, yes the O test is from Dr Lim, didn't know the test strips are expensive de! One for 10 bucks! He told me to BD twice this week, and at the same time can do the ovulation test.

A bit demoralized when I didn't get the positive opks. But thanks to Phylee! Now I can see a gimmer of hope! Haha! This is the first time I am using Ovulation test.

And and and.. I made the essence of chicken soup already. But alas, I bought the normal chicken from NTUC instead of the kampong ones..

Ekks, I read that the normal chicken no good cos the essence will have extra hormones which will affect us?

Ah ya, shit man, think too much and worry too much, but how not to think right?
ayana, i also dont care normal or range chicken. in fact i used chicken breast from wet market. i made last sun also, the taste was so good! can drink homemade one more often?

yeah! just dont think so much! do it and you will strike. Not to think is always my mission which i failed every month.

Phy Phy, how are you? i guess your belly start to grow ya!

Kate, where are you?
Oh ya! Pe this sat, I still think about going to dr lim. Blur Liao.

I haven tried homemade chicken before. Maybe this week will try haha! (always lazy)

Ayana! Bd all the way..;)
i was told by tcm to use chicken breast.. its easier to clean for us.. but if u hardworking, shld use whole black chix... its quite small. more nutritious..

phylee>> i'm good!! jus worried constantly thou until i see dr lim.. haha hows ur triplets!! is ur tummy huge now?
yeah, i heard the calling frm my cycle buddies, dragon i am here, silently reading all the post u all write! i today is DPO 6, no symptons leh??? haiz, my temperature dropped a bit! i normal is 36.4 to 36.5, after iui, my temperature goes up to 36.9+, today dropped down to 36.8 loh, dunno isit a failure anot? i got no breast sore, nipple sore or cramps at all! oni like flu and lau sai, i think i fall sick le!!!

yah, Ginger u confirm singleton or twins liao bo??? phylee stomach should started to shown out liao, 3 months liao bo huh??? my hubby friend go kk do ivf, she got triplets of baby girl, last fri 2 years old, when she preg, she 3 month already look like 4 month plus, she very slim, but the stomach really huge! 6 month plus she started to stop work due to her huge stomach, make her diff in walking even for short distance!
phylee n ginger, take care hor! nowaday, weather not good! hot sun and storm repeated like nobody's business.

bambini, as ginger informed us liao, this sat and september 1st two weeks, dr lim not ard u better go catch him on next monday or wednesday, best is monday go lah, scared wednesday too late liao. jiayou!
Ayana, u can told the nurse that u have alot of OPK at home, and dun take the Dr Lim one mah, i oso told the nurse i dont need the test kit, i used mine, they wont force u one! anyway i felt tat Dr Lim OPK used liao more good lah. just take care, sometimes too stress, 'O' will just skip that particular month one bcos ur body sent signal to your brain tat this month ur body too stress and tense up, not good for preg, tats y ur body will stop ur 'O' for ur own good!
kate, sometimes no symptoms better le

today CD23, dont know what DPO as 3 days positive, i also dont know how. i have usual symptoms just that this month boobs not that sore, but still got cramp on and off, and i got feeling a lot of CM down there. I tested normal temperature last night, it is only 36.45 so equally no hope! anyway, i didnt put a lot of hope this month, just pin chang xin.
