Cooking Tips & Recipe

At least your boy is still willing to try,my girl won't even try.She saw me eating avocado,kiwi...but just wouldn't try.

My banana ice blend is the simplified version.Just use a packet of Marigold Smoo milk, 1 ripe Ang Bak banana and some ice to blend,serve immediately.

Some recipes call for a little honey and some plain yogurt.Didn't add honey cos I think the banana and milk are sweet enough. Will probably try adding some yogurt the next time.

If your boy likes berries, you can try this:
Add 1 packet milk, 2-3 tbsp vanila ice cream,some frozen/fresh berries to make Berries Milkshake.
Saw the Sun(Tai4 Yang2) Brand Induction heater having promotion.Usual $269 now $199,Usual $259 now $189. There is even one model which has 14 functions for steaming water egg,cooking noodles,boiling soup,stiry fry etc,and can set timer for up to 24hr.

It's sold in Best Denki,Tangs,Taka,Metro,Courts.
Thanks gals, will take a mental note on the suggestions.
My current maid cooked v tasteless and similar food. My confinement lady also taught her a few dishes else her cooking will be even worse. Her fish is always oversteamed, veg either under or over cooked. She can even cook pork rib soup with only garlic cos my MIL did not go market. Simply bo chap cos she cant drink the soup... kinda glad she is going back but headache when I think of training the new maid.
hie ladies..
ive been reading diz thread 4 quite sum tym.. quite interesting.. ive tried d idiot proof banana walnut muffins.. very successful 4 sum1 who is not pro enuf..

im wondering if u ladies hav recipe on how to make egg tarts.. thnx alot..
Think the English Name of the Induction Cooker may be Taiyo,not Sun(I directly translated from Tai4 Yang2).Just saw the JL sales mailer, one model is selling at $399,and comes with a free electric oven.

I have 2 egg tarts recipes but I have not tested them personally,cos I don't like to eat egg tarts. I did give one of the recipes to a colleague, and she tested it,and brought to office for me to try.It's ok,though may not be as perfect as those sold outstide.

Can post up if you don't mind to do the testing.
Yap, my mum will help me during the weekdays and MIL on Sat and Sun...

I bought some of the herbs yesterday already
I also bought the herbs for shower cos I gonna shower...
The rest will be to buy vege and meat ba... Anything else I gotta get?
If your mum and MIL are doing confinement for you,you should be alright,unlikely to miss out anything.Won't be like me,didn't get all the things ready.

Take Care!
little cat,
hope yr amnio goes smoothly, take care, waiting for u to come back to update us.

what's cooking...

didn't make the konnyaku last nite, hb said make during weekend is better, must suppress my urge until tomorrow nite, kekeke...
u inspired yr friends to bake and cook too! ya, now seriously thinking of getting an oven, will start looking around.

yr bb came early? on my EDD I was still doing last min shopping with hb, kekeke.

I love egg tarts, hope u'll share yr recipe.
Oh,Sori, drag the mouse too fast,miss out your post.Wish You Good Luck! Your gynae would give you at least 2 days MC, take good rest during your MC.

Not to worry.

I have done amnio b4,though that time I was under 35,as my triple-test result show "high risk".It turns out alright.
On the day I delivered,after seeing my gynae,I still went for hair cut at saloon, then my friends picked me up from saloon to have abalone feast at Ah Yi Bao Yu,as we have orignally planned to have it on that day to celebrate a friend's birthday. They then drove me to the hospital, while my hb went back to work, picked up my hospital bag,then met us at the lobby.

My waterbag broke while I was at the hospital lobby, and the nurse had to wheel-chaired me in. My friends were actually more Kan Choeng than me.

We will constantly motivate you to bake, so your 3-min hotness will stay for many 3 minssssss....

Will post up the egg tarts recipes tonight.

Where are the rest? Not cooking today?
Hello ladies, just came back from Taka.. lots of kitchen stuff on sale.. yah, van.. saw the taiyo brand heater too.. thanks, it comes with a free gift: a steamboat pot. think the JL free gift better huh , free oven ! sp, you want boh? sell you cheap cheap .. hehe

Also saw the thermal warmer that you all were talking about.. think it's a good investment. will get it aft my shift.. now got to pack stuff

Bought a la gourmet stainless steel frying pan, to fry fish , the promoter says it's non-stick .. will try it.. always have problems with chicken bones and fish bones while using my teflon! Changed a few pans liao!

Hey ladies, what kinda pan do you all use ? Esp for boney meat ?

Hey lyn, where you got your herbs ? for makan and bathing ? The last time, my sis bought the bathing one from JB at a low price. Are you going to wash your hair ?

hey watie, my whole family loves egg tarts ! But I only know how to eat, hehe.. so far the best egg tarts i've eaten are from Red star restaurant..

Hey Amelia, cheddar cheese will do.. realise that the ang moh home recipes always have bake rice, pasta, broccoli, cauliflower..

Yo cat, rest well, and don't eat hum secretly huh !

Wah van, your delivery day very happening and enjoyable ! "bu" liao then give birth.. my two had problems.. low amniotic fluid !
Hi mummies,
Wonder if any of u know how to make har bee hiam (hot dried shrimp)? Can provide me with the recipe? And any idea on how to steam "white stomach fish" (direct translation from hokkien, any idea wats the english name?) It has a v fishy smell, but my hubby luvs it.

Sent u an email.Van provided very good suggestions for training your new maid.Are you going do it yourself or is your mil doing the training?You can start your new maid on simple dishes like...

Fried tomatoes eggs
Fried minced pork eggs
Garlic stems with minced pork
Stir-fry vegs with oyster sauce and garlic
Ginger chicken
Soy sauce chicken
Fried rice
Fried noodles
Chicken soup with corn and potatoes
Chicken soup with lotus root and dates...etc etc

All the above are delicious and easy to prepare.


Yah broccoli is their default veg, and angmos like to add 3 or 4 different cheeses to their pasta.. a bit rough on the wallet hor..
This time round I will be teaching her myself cos my MIL spend most of her time at my SIL's place, looking after her kids. Since now I am not working, think its better I train the maid. I think I saw the recipe books at popular before (van, thanks for the tip). Will go and search when I am free. I checked my email but I did not receive the link, perhaps u can pm me the link?
Recipe tested by my colleague:

Egg Tarts

340g Hong Kong Flour
115g Butter
115g Soft Margarine
70g Icing Sugar
1/2 Egg

1.Mix Butter,margarine and icing sugar for 5-7 mins at low speed.

2. Add egg into the mixture and mix for another 2mins at low speed.

3.Fold in the Hong Kong Flour and blend well.Cover the dough with a piece of cloth and keep in the fridge until firm.

4. Remove the dough and roll it out to 3mm thick.Cut and line the pastry into egg tart mould.

<u>Egg Custard</u>
115ml Water
40g Sugar
35ml Milk
1 1/2 eggs

1. Pre-heat oven to 220C. Use hand whisk to dissolve the sugar in the water.Blend in milk,egg and mix well.

2. Pour the custard into the egg tart mould.Bake for 20mins till the custard has set and the crust turn golden brown.
This is not tested yet.Anyone wants to try out and share with us the result?
(I don't like to eat egg tarts,so not keen to try it out myself)

Egg Tarts II

<u>Crust </u>
100g sugar
1 egg
175g butter
350g plain flour

1. Preheat oven to 180C
2. Mix sugar,egga nd butter in mixer and beat until sugar is just dissolved. Add sifted plain flour and mix until dough holds together.

3. Divide Dough into small portions and press dough evenly onto moulds.

4. Bake at 189C for about 8mins,remove and let cool.

<u>Syrup </u>
Dissolve 140g sugar in 120ml water and bring to boil.

6 eggs
4 egg yolks
200ml golden syrup
200ml fresh milk
200ml water
2 tsp honey

1. Lightly beat eggs adn egg yolks.
2.Combine egg mixtue with syrup,water,milk and honey. Mix well and strain.
3.Pour into half baked pastry shells and bake at 170C until custard is set.

To avoid buring custard,release some heat by very briefly opening oven door halfway during baking.
Hi all

Here's the recipe of the Steamed Chinese Carrot Cake I have not been able to type out due to being too busy lately. And other recipes to share with all.

I make baked rice too, it is very easy but I will need time to type it out. Will share when I am not so busy.

Steamed Chinese Carrot Cake
500 g rice flour
1 radish- also know as white carrot (about 400g, cut into strips)
1 orange carrot (big one, cut into strips)
100g dried prawn ( pounded or grind )
50g dried scallop (soaked)
1 lean pork Chinese sausage (sliced)
mushrooms ( amount is optional, soaked and sliced )
*1400 ml water from the water of the mushroom, dried prawns and dried scallop.
2 teaspoons salt
1 tbsp oyster sauce
300g pork cut into stripe, seasoned with oyster sauce, light soy sauce
10 to 15 small onions ( sliced )
10 pips garlic ( finely chopped )
* Put rice flour into the 1400 ml of water. Add the salt and pepper.
Slowly stir the mixture with
your hands and mix well.

Garnishing Ingredients:
spring onions cut fine
red chillies, sliced
fried shallots
Black and white sesames

1. Stir -fry dried onions. When lightly brown, add garlic.
2. Add dried prawns, dried scallop and Chinese sausage, when fragrant, add seasoned pork.
3. Add mushrooms and stir-fry. Then add radish and carrot and stir-fry.
4. Add rice flour mixture. Gently stir-fry until everything in the wok
becomes thickens.
5. Add the mixture into a tray and steam for about 1/2 h or until the
yam cube is cooked.

The recipe is very easy to make. And can feed about 15-20 people for tea.

Oxtail Soup
4-6 pieces of Oxtail
1 carrot, cut into wedges
1 tomato, cut into wedges
2 potatoes, cut into wedges
2 onions, cut into wedges
1 cube of beef stock
2-4 tbsp of peppercorn, depending on how spicy you like the soup

1.Wash and trim fat off the oxtail.
2.Boil a pot of water.
3.Add oxtail and bring to boil. Remove any scum you see.
4.Add peppercorns, carrots, onions and potatoes into the pot and keep boiling on medium fire.
5.Add a cube of beef stock.
6.Let the oxtail and vegetables boil for 1 hour then add in the tomatoes.
7.Keep the soup boiling for at least 2 hours or until the meat falls off the bones easily.
8.Add some salt for taste when ready to serve.

You can add more carrots and tomatoes if you prefer a sweeter taste.

Chicken Pie
200 g chicken fillet(chopped into smaller cubes)
half cup chopped white onions
1 cup mixed vegetables(get those prepacked frozen
mixed veg from supermarket)
1 can of Cream of Chicken soup(Campbell's)
5 large potatoes
3 tbsp butter
1 tsp salt

1. Peel potatoes..and cook in boiling pot for 10 mins.
2. Mashed while still hot.
3. Add butter and salt to mix. Set aside.
4. in a wok, add Olive oil(2 tbsp) to stir fry onions
5. when it is fragant, add chicken.
6. Stir fry for 1 min, then add mixed veg
7. Pour in soup base.
8. Stir to mix evenly.
9. Fill each disposal aluminium cup to half.
10. Top it with mashed potatoes, spread to cover it evenly.
11. Baked in preheated oven for 25 mins at 200 deg. or until topping has turn golden brown.

Happy trying
Hi gals

Sorry, too busy to log in yesterday. My girl still coughing badly and can't get her phlegm out - anyone has a good home remedy I could try?My older girl always throw up when she coughs too hard - that's why I'm super scared of her falling sick. Had to clean up her puke 3 times yesterday - my floor is totally ruined!

Wah, Choc, sounds like you had a fantastic retail therapy yesterday! Did you bring your girls along or did your mum babysit? I can never go shopping with my two on my own!

Hi Van

Your birth story sounds exciting! I will try the egg tarts when my girls are back in school
Btw, I'm not pg - it's choc the super mummy who is juggling pregnancy with 2 girls! I don't think I'll attempt no.3 - will prob stop at 2!

Hi LittleCat

Rest well after your amnio

Hi giggler

We have saved all our recipes in Yahoo! group - if you'd like to join us there, drop me a pm, ok? Meanwhile, here's a codfish recipe I found in our database:

Steamed Cod Fish posted by justamum

codfish, sesame oil, ginger garlic

1. Steam a pc of cross-section cod fish.
2. Use sesame oil or cooking oil to fry chopped ginger and garlic until crispy.
3.When the cod fish is cooked, place it on a plate.
4. Pour step 2 onto the cod fish and its ready to serve.

Hi cupcake

My mum makes hae bee hiam by pounding the hae bee first - how long to pound depends on how finely you want the fished product to be. Then she just heat up oil in a wok, stir fry the hae bee, then add red chili paste that she bought from the market. Fry for about 15 mins over low heat then add some sugar, stir a bit more and that's it!

Btw, I found a very interesting website with people sharing pics of home-made birthday cakes:
Hi giggler

I don't think you'll need to add anything else on the fish cos' it's quite flavourful on its own. Choc reccommended using the Lee Kum Kee soya sauce for fish - maybe you could use that as well.

Depending on how thick the cod is - average steaming time for fish is about 15 mins.
I attend this @ Mayers cake making talk, and have tried myself... not bad, EASY.

Straws berry Trifle.

1 can of peaches (lngo brand).
2 cups of strawberries - diced.
cups powdered sugar
25 pieces ladyfinger cookies --- or 2 logs of swiss rolls.
500ml of pineapple juice or lemon juice.
225g of cream cheese (Philadelphia brand).
250g of unsalted butter.
2 tablespoons of cream/milk
4 tablespoons of honey
Mint leaves - for garnish purpose.
1 tablespoon of Balsamic Vinegar (To keep the strawberries color rich)

1. Leave butter and cream cheese unrefridgerated for about half an hour till it is softened.

2. Dice the peaches.

3. Put strawberries in a bowl together with sugar &amp; balsamic vinegar and let it stand for at least 15min. Mix well.

4. Line a 20cm * 20cm * 6cm dish with plastic wrap, lay the cookies/cake to cover the bottom of the dish completely. Spoon the juice over till the cookies/cake are lightly soaked. Using fingers press lightly such that all the gaps in the pan are filled.

5. Put cream cheese, butter &amp; honey in the mixing bowl of Mixer. Beat till well combined, light and fluffy.

6. Lightly mash the strawberries such that a sauce forms. Remove the cookie/cake from the refrigerator and cut into individual pieces.

7. Top with strawberry sauce and diced peaches. Garnish with mint leaf and serve.
Another dish... I didn't try @ home, but I saw they doing it.

Calamari w/ Thai Chilli Jam &amp; Lime.

1 kg squid - cleaned and cut into ringesize (Can replaced it by prawn).
2 tablespoons ginger (chopped fine).
2 tablespoons garlic (chopped fine)
2 teaspoons thai chilli paste (nam prit)
3 or 4 sprigs of kaffir lime leaves.
1 tablespoon of coconut cream
cup of plain water
1 tablespoon lime juice/lemon juice.
Pinch of salt.
Black pepper seeds - grin it into fine powder.
1 bunch of coriander leaf - for garnish.


1. Preheat over to 180 degrees for 5 mins.

2. Combine squid, ginger, garlic, thai chilli paste, kaffir lime leaves,,
coconut cream and water well in an oven proof dish.

3. Cover and put in the oven for 20 min or till the squid is just cooked
(translution color). Taste it, if necessary, can add in more lime juice and
kaffir lime leaves and bake for few mins.

4. Garnish with coriander leaf.
Haha... anne.. I'm no super mummy, I'm a super maid cum nanny ! sigh! at their age, got to keep the house clean or else, they 'll have bronchitis, asthma, runny nose etc..
Doctors suggest to always sun the mattress, wash the bed sheets with hot water.. but I can't keep up with that !

Brought my girls together with my mum to Taka.. yah.. the shopping was so "enjoyable" that it was a grab and left hand got to tell my right hand not to grab too much.. hee.. better not let ang know my latest steel collection..

Hey anne, give dd more warm fluid, think it's quite common to vomit aft too much coughing. Is she on any cough med ? Some medicine will actually promote vomitting to allow the phlegm to be excreted.
I buy dhasedyl from the pharmacy to help the girls' relieve their cough. Also apply Vicks on their chest and back.

Thanks for the website on cakes!

Hey cupcake, I 'll sometimes add some minced garlic and toasted balachan to the pounded hae bee and chopped chilli padi, you frying sambal kang kong is it ?

Hey giggler, how old is your girl ?
Can steam the cod fish for about 10 mins..

So what you all cooking ladies ?

prisc and van, thanks for the recipes !

hey van, does your dd drink orange juice ? I find the Florida orange juice very nice..but ex ! my no. 1 is also beginning to be picky about veg and fruits ! Your dd tried dried apricots ? They are quite nice.
Hi annelise &amp; choc, thanks... I really dun know how to cook one... But thot of cooking on weekends for my gal lah. Any soup that you can recommend that is easy to cook and suitable for todd?

choc, my gal just turned 2 yr old.
you can cook heng chye( chinese spinach I think ) soup with fried ikan bilis.

First, fry some garlic, then add in some ikan bilis to make the soup more fragrant..
Add water to boil, then add heng chye. Don't need to boil the chye too long.

some mummies suggested heng chye porridge also. you can add chopped heng chye and some ikan bilis powder to your porridge

Also pork ribs is a good soup base.. can boil lotus root, add some red dates and wolfberries.
So sori, all the while I thought you are also preg like Choc and LittleCat. Pai Seh,Pai Seh.

Thanks for the site on cakes.Feel like I am browsing the Photo Albums of the bakery that I always ordered cakes from.

So you didn't buy the induction cooker yet? Only the stainless steel pan?

Read about some titanium wok/pans that claimed non-stick and will last and last...

I use my anodised wok for frying boney meat.

It's not easy to sun the mattress, so heavy.So I bought a portable steam cleaner to "steam"thru mattress, sofa,cushions and soft toys. But I did washed the bedsheets/blankets and pilow cases with 40C water,since my washing machine can set the temperature.

My dd doesn't like fruit juice,including orange juice,but willng to take papaya/banana milk ice blend. She also doesn't like dried fruit,even raisins.So whenever we bake rock buns, she will remind me to split into two batches,one with raisins, one without raisins but with lots of nuts.

I use the same method as what annelise mentioned about hay bee hiam, But I pounded the dried chiili with seeds(washed and drained well) instead of using ready bought chilli paste.

There used to be a brand of ready mix chilled hay bee hiam sold in NTUC, $2.80 for a small tub.When you saute it till fragrant, it's as good as home-make one.But haven't seen it for some time already.

For your 2- yrd- old, you can also try cooking pork ribs with potato,carrot,onion and tomato(to be added last).

Your gal can drink the soup,eat the meat,potato and carrot.

Or you can try Chicken with corn,honey dates,carrot and apple,so she can also eat the corn,chicken meat and carrot.

Or use ikan bilis and soya beans to boil some stock.Use the stock to cook yong tau hoo with meat balls.She can eat tofu, fish balls and meat balls.
Hello everyone! Thanks gals for the well wishes. The test went well and it was quite fast too.
Now is the torturing 2 weeks waiting for the result!

Got 2 days MC now ideling at home. Yesterday was sleeping most of the time. Today sian liao...

annelise, my son will cough when he's lying down and then vomit. So during those time, i will try to feed him milk much earlier. Btw the time he is sleep the medicine take effect and he will be less likely to cough. But accident do happen

I also try Choc's method, to apply the vicks.
My aunt believe in chinese doc, she said give him some 'dissolve the phelgm' (hua-tam) thing, but i never follow leh.

choc, tell u a secret, i ate laksa with hum after the test. :p and i found out this store at Jurong, give 6 hums instead of 4!
I tell my hb, must 'bu' blood (cos i also did the blood test so the nurse draw some blood). Yesterday kena poke two hole liao lor...

Anyone watch the cartoon "Car" Yet ?
Van, hehe i sometime also forgot but.. since i maintain the table, so i can check every time... hehe...

may be it is time to update ?
gals let me know if u want to be in this list...

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD> Location</TD><TD> Profession</TD><TD>Kids</TD><TD> Dialect</TD><TD>Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annelise</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>2 girls (5 yrs &amp; 2.5 yrs)</TD><TD> Teochew</TD><TD>Love baking </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choc06</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> 2 girls(5+yrs &amp; 4yrs)</TD><TD> Cantonese</TD><TD> Loves cockles, cheesecake &amp; malay food (5 mths pg) </TD></TR><TR><TD>clover</TD><TD> bendemeer</TD><TD> sahm</TD><TD> 1 boy(2yrs)</TD><TD> </TD><TD>love food,seldom cook. </TD></TR><TR><TD>home</TD><TD> cck</TD><TD> sahm</TD><TD> boy(2yr)</TD><TD></TD><TD> edd 16/11 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilipit</TD><TD> Sengkang</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> 1 boy (9.5mths)</TD><TD> Teochew</TD><TD> likes good food and likes to cook if there's time </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_cat</TD><TD>Jurong East</TD><TD>fulltime working mom</TD><TD> 1 boy (4 yrs)</TD><TD> Cantonese</TD><TD> Luv cockles &amp; other seafood, currently PG must watch my diet. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn Happysunflower</TD><TD>YCK</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>Newborn in Jun06</TD><TD>Hokkein</TD><TD> Exploring Vegetarian food. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sophie</TD><TD> Bishan</TD><TD> SAH-Mum-Wannabe</TD><TD> TTC</TD><TD> Hakka</TD><TD> Experimenting with new recipes </TD></TR><TR><TD>sp</TD><TD>KL</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 boy (9 mths)</TD><TD> Hokkien</TD><TD>learning to cook </TD></TR><TR><TD>Priscilla</TD><TD> Toh Guan Road</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>1 boy (31 months)</TD><TD></TD><TD> currently outstation in Vancouver </TD></TR><TR><TD>Van</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> 1 girl (5yrs+)</TD><TD> Hokkien</TD><TD>Love baking, trying out new recipes </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hey van, where you got your anodised wok ? One of my friends says it's very good, the other aunty friend says not so good cos it's non-stick. I have seen my aunty friend using that, and the stains on the wok.. she says hers from tangs..

Maybe tomorrow or sun I'll go again with ang.. I need his wallet and to carry the stuff ,hee.. thought of investing in the thermal warmer(since got sale now) , but ask you , does the soup taste nice using the warmer ? I can taste the diff bet soup cooked in slow cooker and boiled from pot 2-3 hrs. Thinking whether I should get the induction heater or not.. it's either this or that..

I bought the pan and some facial cream, air purifier..

my dds also don't take raisins.. funny hor ! Now is yang mei(arbutus) season, see whether your dd likes or not.

Yah agree with van, the cake website is so good, give me ideas liao ! My dds like the strawberry shortcake with the printed pic on top and the hello kitty cupcake by this aussie lady. She actually cut out individual kitty head to put on the cupcake ! Phew !! lots of effort !
haven't tried to decorate with marzipan before, you all tried ?

Oui cat! ai see ah? steal eat hum .. why never gei hum ? I would ! what you cooking tonight? Don't worry too much for the result k, rest well and bb will grow . You feeling bb's movement already ?
I got my anodised wok from Tangs.Tiger Brand. Not fair to compare it with non-stick wok lah, apple and orange,how to compare? Should be better than stainless steel in term of heat transmission.I did some "research" from internet before I finally decided to buy those anodised woks.

But there is new type of anodised wok with non-stick coating, you can go and see,and ask around about it.

If you are going,also check out the titanium wok(not sure if Singapore is selling?) Then let me know.Just curious to know about this.

I haven't use the thermal cooker to cook soup yet, only cook green bean soup and red bean soup.May be I didn't boil on stove long enough, it's not as soft as using slow cooker.

Should ask LittleCat about the taste of soup.

The problem with my dd is,she is not "brave" to try new food.Sometimes have to use a little threat or bribe to get her to try just one bite.

Suggest you put down your EDD in the table.

I gey hum to my char kway teow on Tues,still got charged $1,but at least there are lots of hum,very satisfying.
I also have an aluminium wok which I bought from the market.. to fry boney meat, but got to use lots of oil..
will check the titanium pan, saw some promotion going on for WMF brand .. I used a supposedly titanium pan in china before, the brand is Kern, saw it in Singapore Carrefour, but I also scratched it a little .. so not sure how "pure" the titanium is.

Haha.. i threaten my dds with diseases and cancer if they don't want to eat veg and fruits ! very bad hor ! How many litres is your thermal cooker ? This La Gourmet brand claims that it can cook rice on top of the soup.

cat, you tried doing soups on the thermal cooker before ? nice boh ?
My Thermal cooker is 5.2L.Actually I am still thinking I might have bought too big size already. My cousin said I siao liao, bought so big, can cook for 10 people liao.

I told dd vege n fruits make her beautiful,she bo chap, make her stronger,again bo chap,make her poo easier,still don't really bother.So have to threaten or bribe,if you just try one bite, I'll let you have this...

If you are going shoppoing tomorrow, can do me a favour, see whether there is Endo Knife Set with Wooden Knife Block for sale, and check out the price for me.

I wanted to sell the free gift from cooker off,but need to know how much to quote.

Hi LittleCat

Good to hear you're relaxing at home
2 weeks will pass very fast - come here and chit chat, time will pass faster!

Hi Choc

I'm very inspired by the cakes on the site too! I wanted to do a simple 2-tier princess castle cake for dd1 but did not cos' scared not nice! Ya, the strawberry shortcake design is very sweet! I've never used marzipan or fondant before. There's a very good book entitled School of International Sugarcraft - it teaches you all the basics on making your own fondant, marzipan, royal icing and gumpaste and the various decorating techniques! The author (Nicholas Lodge) runs a cake decor school in US - I wish that if my hb goes there on biz trip I can sign up for the classes! Haha!

Hi Van

No worries
So are you going to try your hand at making any of the cakes? My mum and mil's bday are coming - heehee, thinking of using them as guinea pigs to try out cake decor before attempting a larger scale one for dd2's bday party!

Has anyone been to this baking supply shop at The Adelphi called Chong's Trading? Apparently, they bring in Wilton stuff as well. Thinking of checking it out this weekend.
No prob van , maybe on sunday..
Saw the Henckels knife set on propmotion on papers today and the tiger thermal cooker with a free 1.8l thermal warmer.. thought of getting a 3.5 or smaller. Never mind lah.. your 5.2l can use to entertain guests.. good for festive seasons.

I bought one Henckels parang-like knife for chopping chicken , then found that it had a dent and some rust stains which can't be cleaned at all.. going to ask the promoter about this.. Was thinking that it shouldn't have a dent... didn't cut human bones what .. did you see the dented chopper used on liu hong mei ?

Is the endo knife set in tangs or taka ?

anne, glad that you are up and about ! You taking antibiotics, remember to take yoghurt to have normal flora(good germs) in your stomach. How are your dds ? Still coughing ?

My no 2 coughs every now and then and I'm monitoring what she eats.. seems like acidic and sweet things including fruits..

How about the Wilton cake deco book ? Saw it at the BIY.. haven't heard of the Chong's Trading..

So what cake designs you going to make for your mil and mum ? Barbie or Cinderella ? hehe
What cake base do you normally use ? Tried to cream a butter cake before and when I sank my teeth into it, the butter cake was not fluffy and soft.
Thanks for the ideas on the soup... wonder if my gal will eat what I cook or not. Hehehe... This is the first time that I cook a meal for her.
Van, Pris, anns,
Thanks for sharing the recipes/ links!

How to buy cheap cheap oven from u as I'm in KL, hehe.
Haha, u so cute, go shopping need hb's wallet &amp; strength, he's so good, doesn't nag u?
Hmm, which soup tastes better, the one boiled 2-3 hours or slow cooker?

Little Cat,
Glad yr test went smoothly. Ya, every day come here the 2 weeks will pass very quickly.
Can trouble u to update, my son is 10 mths' old, hehe.

What cake r u thinking of making for yr mum &amp; MIL?
Florida orange is one of the best and taste original, but like u say very exp. And once u try this orange juice u can ignore the rest..

Choc, abt the soup from Thermal Pot, it won't taste like those u use charcoal/stove to cook continuously for 2 to 3 hours type. But definately it won't taste like slow cooker where u find like 'soak with hot water' till cooked... so i find the taste is quite nice.

After u gals bake the cake must put the photo here hor...

annelise, how u feeling after the antibiotic?
Pai seh i think the 'car' start tomolo?
cos my cousin got free ticket for us and my son too so can watch tomolo. I hope this round he wont' ask me to 'off the TV' and want to leave the place... cos he thot the movie screen is like a big TV screen can off it anytime...

choc, i wonder how many cooking utensil u have at home...

Do u guys know where to sell 2nd hand stuff? i have some item some never use some use only 1 or 2 times still look new, thinking of getting rid of it thru those shop.
hi here's the table updated with SP &amp; my info

Choc when is your EDD ?

<table border=1><tr><td>Name</TD><TD> Location</TD><TD> Profession</TD><TD>Kids</TD><TD> Dialect</TD><TD>Remarks </TD></TR><TR><TD>Annelise</TD><TD>Tampines</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>2 girls (5 yrs &amp; 2.5 yrs)</TD><TD> Teochew</TD><TD>Love baking </TD></TR><TR><TD>Choc06</TD><TD>Yishun</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD> 2 girls(5+yrs &amp; 4yrs)</TD><TD> Cantonese</TD><TD> Loves cockles, cheesecake &amp; malay food (5 mths pg) </TD></TR><TR><TD>clover</TD><TD> bendemeer</TD><TD> sahm</TD><TD> 1 boy(2yrs)</TD><TD> </TD><TD>love food,seldom cook. </TD></TR><TR><TD>home</TD><TD> cck</TD><TD> sahm</TD><TD> 1 boy(2yrs)</TD><TD></TD><TD> edd 16/11 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilipit</TD><TD> Sengkang</TD><TD> FTWM</TD><TD> 1 boy (9.5mths)</TD><TD> Teochew</TD><TD> likes good food and likes to cook if there's time </TD></TR><TR><TD>Little_cat</TD><TD>Jurong East</TD><TD>fulltime working mom</TD><TD> 1 boy (4 yrs)</TD><TD> Cantonese</TD><TD> Luv cockles &amp; other seafood, currently PG EDD Nov’06. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn Happysunflower</TD><TD>YCK</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>Newborn in Jun06</TD><TD>Hokkein</TD><TD> Exploring Vegetarian food. </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sophie</TD><TD> Bishan</TD><TD> SAH-Mum-Wannabe</TD><TD> TTC</TD><TD> Hakka</TD><TD> Experimenting with new recipes </TD></TR><TR><TD>sp</TD><TD>KL</TD><TD>FTWM</TD><TD>1 boy (10 mths)</TD><TD> Hokkien</TD><TD>learning to cook </TD></TR><TR><TD>Priscilla</TD><TD> Toh Guan Road</TD><TD> SAHM</TD><TD>1 boy (31 months)</TD><TD></TD><TD> currently outstation in Vancouver </TD></TR><TR><TD>Van</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>SAHM</TD><TD> 1 girl (5yrs+)</TD><TD> Hokkien</TD><TD>Love baking, trying out new recipes </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
To all cooking/baking kaki :
Have a nice weekend!

Lyn, did login? gone last minutes shopping liao?
all the best to you on Tuesday.
Post your baby photo here when you are ready
Wah LittleCat, you're very lucky to catch the movie so early! The rest of us will have to wait until middle of next week before it opens! Your son is so cute! Enjoy your weekend together

Thanks Choc for the yoghurt reminder! These few days have been staying home and haven't done any supermarket shopping! Will get my hb to get some later when he's done with the marketing!

Yeah, all the best to you lyn on Tuesday - we'll be thinking and praying for you! This is sooo exciting

Enjoy cooking for your gal, Giggler!

Thanks for your lovely recipes, Prisc! How's homeschooling coming along? Btw, can you share with me where you get your homeschooling materials from? My best friend just moved back to Oz and she's having probs finding a school for her 4 year old kid. She may have to homeschool her for the rest of the year but she's a new sahm and may need some pointers to get started. Thanks
Hi ladies!! how are you! long time no many things happening here.
Help ! Help ! My questions time again.. hee hee..
Firstly, about cleaning the microwave oven.
How often do you need to clean it and how to do it the proper way.
Is it sufficient just wiping with damp cloth?
If I use diluted water with dishwasher liquid then how to ensure that I don't leave any remains of the dishwasher liquid in the oven?
Secondly, about the peanut plants I saw in wet market. Those that comes with roots,stem, and leaves.
Does anybody know how to cook these?
Lastly, what do you mix with for walnut soup and its functionality?
Cooking saviours please help me!
Any suggestions for simple and nurishing lunch box for toddlers?
Just started my boy to a childcare centre and I hate their food. Have been staying with him a few days and saw the food they serve is down low nutritions. No fruits and vege, no proper meat and confirm no fish, just plain rice, porridge, maccaroni and noodle with little minced meat soup or one nugget and fishcake.that's all. They don't follow the menu as what they showed us and I heard parents told me other centers do the same too. These few days have been waking up early to make lunch box for him. Don't know my stamina can last how long to do that every morning.

wah i really like this thread.

but you moms are very professional, my kitchen is not very well-stocked hahaha

i'm cooking breakfast and lunch for my husband to bring to work everyday.

would welcome any easy to make recipes!!!

thanks moms!
