Cooking Tips & Recipe

Oh no... all the kids sick... very poor things...

If your ds got no cough, how about making popsicles to soothe his sore throat? At least that way can get some fluids into him. Honey popsicles?

Eh, you very daring leh! Preggie during first tri dare to eat sashimi? I was banned from all raw food... altho got craving for beef carpaccio!

Beauty World may be cheaper... good thing Van got us the number, can just call and check first.

These Thermos pots look good! I like the temperature indicators.

lol i to leh. preggie, i eat lots n lots of Salmon sashimi! lots of fish.. but cant stand the sight of VEGE! eat vege i will ARGUE with toilet bowl non-stop... sick manz
little cat,
thanks for sharing the healthy juices. yr poor ds kena sore throat, hope he faster get well.

yr dd skin & bones, oh, no! so heartpain for u...

the thermal pots look good!

in the end I never eat lor, but I did sneak 1-2 tiny slices of raw fish at the CNY Yee Sang dish, hehe...

u very funny, hahaha...
Carole, sp,
So you both also so garang, like LittleCat huh?

Think I most kiasi here... don't dare to touch raw stuff at all!
Feel like eating pineapple tarts also don't dare!

You didn't eat vege? No constipation? *my favourite topic
I just bought some pineapple tarts from Wooden Spoon at Shaw Gallery last month. Finished all at one go! Once you cross the first tri and more stablised, it is ok to eat all foods in moderation. Buy I stay away from internal organs cos it is high in Vit A and may be harmfyl to bb..Have u tried the cookies at Wooden Spoon? They sell very nice brownies too ;p
wah... now then i know we got so many "celebrity news broadcasters" here... hehehehe... eh, the photo of tom cruise w wifey n baby doesnt look very "real" to me leh... somehow it looks like those "japanese animation".. but e baby girl does look alot like katie holmes..

thanks for all e concern n warnings to stay off kueh lapis..
but still... i succumb to e germs liaoz... me GP gave me 2 days mc... says i look like i walk until very "kang kor" liaoz..
got the sore-throat, cough n minor flu... but can only take mild medicine.. so get more days rest lor.. my boss hear liaoz *flipped*....

krisjoy n sophie,
u both like ambassador for that vitasense products leh.. now make me tempted to try it liaoz... i got combination skin.. preggers liaoz not too oily, but still get e occassional pimple.. which products u both use??

abt japanese food:
i got a japanese baby boy inside me lah.. since 1st trimester been eating jap food almost once or twice weekly until now... my gynae told me as long as e restaurant is clean n popular (so tat they dont keep their food for too long), its okay to take sashimi in moderation... i only took max 3 slices of salmon sashimi each visit lah...

pineapples can take... a little bit.. it helps very slightly with constipation too... i also thought cannot take, but the key is really moderation.. my mum only allow me one slice of pineapple or watermelon at any point in time... but gynae n GP both say no problem can take..
u still having bad constipation problem ar???
try these... advise from my gynae (plus his nurses): yogurt, prunes, prune juice, guava, fruits in general (except for "heaty" fruits like durian, longan, mango).. i been taking yogurt (alternate days) n vitagen (daily basis), plus this pill from my gynae to help relief the problem.. now very much better liaoz...
why pineapple tarts cannot eat? the pineapple not raw, has been cooked with sugar long-long over the stove, then later baked in oven in high heat also with the pastry.

I very garang one, whatever I wanna eat I'll eat, don't let me eat will just mean I'll eat outside wuahaha...

there are TOO MANY things ppl tell me cannot eat, squid cannot eat, sotong cannot eat, black thing cannot eat, dark colour thing cannot eat, sweet thing cannot eat, coffee cannot drink, tea cannot drink, chocolate cannot eat, certain vege cannot eat, durian cannot eat, raw thing cannot eat, soft cheese cannot eat, alcohol cannot touch, certain fish cannot eat, certain meat cannot eat, blah blah blah... the more u talk to ppl, the more u cannot eat. In the end, nothing to eat already...
I bought the following products from Vitasence:
1) Cleanser
2) Sun block SPF30
3) Pore clarifying essence
4) Revitalising toner
5) Cell renewal serum
6) Ance detox serum
7) Deep whitening treatment
I bought a range as some products are to be used in morning and some at night..
Can't agree more with you! That's why I eat almost everything. Just be sure they are not excessive. I only avoided all the cooling stuff during my first tri as I had spotting then, so just play safe. Once it is more stablised, I start to whack liao...hahahaha...
I don't like internal organs, so no problem on this for me

Actually I dunno where Wooden Spoon is. Shaw Gallery... which one is it? At Orchard or at Beach Road? I always get the Shaw-buildings mixed up.

How come your boss flipped? Can work from home mah... no difference to me. Better let a sick person recover at home than go to office and spread to the rest of the people!

Heh, this Vitasence craze started by Krisjoy - she is the main ambassador for them! I only use the cleanser, toner, soothing moisturiser and daily SPF protector.
You can check up their products here
Website not very nice - I find it too messy and not easy to navigate... but can find info here.

Eh, my constipation problem started again 2 days ago - actually if I don't go to the toilet everyday, I'll consider it "constipation", cos I feel bloated, and the poo on the second day will be a bit dehydrated, which I don't like, cos afraid will get piles. Uh oh, too much info again
... somemore on Cooking Thread!

I tried all the stuff that your gynae recommended - in fact, I didn't touch those heaty fruits for a long time already! The only thing I have not tried in your list are guava and the pill. Not keen on pill, but may go buy a guava tonight

sp, Krisjoy,
Dunno why I so kiasi leh...
Hmm, I think moderation is the keyword

If too leychey to get to Wooden Spoon, will just buy a tub of pineapple tarts from PrimaDeli - heard they're not bad too.
u r the best... hehehe.. any kind of info u also can find.. thanks!!! i havent finish reading, but saw the "impt" point, grapes is good for preggers....
so sorry to hear abt ur girl.. maybe u try giving her some porridge water.. or soups like wat the rest suggested.. another thought, mayb can check if littlecat's fruit juice list got anything tat can boost energy, but still "safe" for ur dd to take now???

littlecat, sophie..
aiyah.. i already got over the fact tat i've "ballooned" so much liaoz.... resigned to it n try to stop thinking abt it liaoz lah.... i comfort myself by thinking, i only hear abt e celebs, n my office colleagues (who r all image conscious) weight gain... there r plenty of other women out there who gain over 20kg mah... so i'm ok lah. just hope tat after birth breastfeed n massage can reduce most of this extra "bulk" lor...

nope, i didnt buy e toyogo drawer.. cos i hv empty chest-of-drawers n wardrobe in my spare room... suppose to be for my MIL cos initially she say staying with us mah... now she's not.. so all empty, leave for my boy's stuff lor...

i dont know "xu qi" host any slimming shows leh, cos i hardly watch channel 8.. but just awhile back got one drama serial at 9pm on channel 8.. with Fann Wong, Chen ZhiCai, Chen HanWei.. abt this family restaurant business... the girl that acted as Fann Wong's younger sister is Xu Qi lor..

scratching ur tummy in e mid of e nite will not harm ur baby lah... but may cause scars leh... try wearing those "dress" type of nightgown lor.. i also have problem finding shorts to fit me now... sometimes feel like resorting to cutting e rubberband loose on those "newer" shorts to make it more comfy... try applying some lotion to ur tummy to improve the elasticity, then it wont be so itchy liaoz....
sp n krisjoy..
*high five*... i also agree with both of u..!!!! if ask me not to take so many types of food.. out of which so many are "baby's cravings".. think i cannot survive leh... i live to eat one...

my company doesnt practise/believe in work from home leh... *haiz*..
i think my boss was thinking of asking me to go back to work just now cos he was asking if i'm feeling better... until i told him i got 2 days mc n running a fever... then he asked me to make some changes to a report from home....
starz, your gynae so funny say u walk until so 'kang kor'. I can understand that cos i'm also very kang kor at that time.

sp and kris is rite. After 1st trimester and baby is stable, actually you can eat alot of stuff like pineapple. But me kiasi one, won't eat them. I also eat some sashimi although my gynae say i'm taking my own risk and regretted after eating them.

I think your body is consider heaty type, very easy to get constipation. Must eat alot of greens and water to make you go poo poo.

krisjoy ambassador, is the acne detox serum good?
My poor hb not only having chicken pox on face but also alot of pimples and acne.

I'm making some bittergourd pork meat for my hb, hope to cool his body down and also get rid of pimples

Also gave my hb celery+tomato juice to cleanse his blood cos got pimples.
Tomorrow will give him celery+guava, guava high in vit C

starz, these few days i'm watching channel 55, those doctor hk drama and my hb likes the ancient fighting drama show.
Can't remember which channel, 55 or 56, they got those scary korea ghost movie few days ago.

I used to watch a few hk drama before korea one. There's one quite nice but quite sometimes back, story about pilot and some trainee pilot. They shown some nice places and scenery of certain country.

Any good channel for cooking?
krisjoy, shaw gallery is it next to shaw tower?

Whatelse is good at woodenspoon? I don't really like pineapple tart, i still got a few pineapple tart from kee wah sitting on the shelve.
sophie: no constipation, cos before preggie i already dun go toilet often.. whahaha.. I was like eating jap food everyday, till my hubby says i super EX to feed!
Shaw Gallery is the one at Beach Road. Personally, I feel that Wooden Spoon's pineapple tarts hv a home-made taste while Prima ones have a mass production taste. If you happen to go there, drop by Tom's Palette (near to Wooden Spoon). They sell very good home-made ice-creams! Their mango and apple pie flavours are my fav so far. My friend likes their Horlicks flavour. Their ice-cream are rich and not too sweet. My friend is diabetic and still can eat their ice-cream

Think I'll go market to buy those ah-soh pyjamas. Cheap, good and comfy..hehehe..Btw, if you really want to buy Toyogo drawers, etc., go to their showroom at Toa Payoh. I bought the drawers there and it is almost $10 cheaper then Carrefour. So I thot quite worth it lor..

Btw, any mummies can advise what to wear during confinement? Is it those loose clothings or pyjamas?

The acne serum is quite good but it is quite sticky after you have applied and it has quite a strong chinese medicine smell (it is brown in colour). So for me I only apply at nite before I go to bed. Because I use the basic range of products, my pimples cleared and the scars are surprisingly less visible. So I do not know if it is the acne serum that works or a combination of the products. And I stopped using the acne serum after my pimples have all cleared.

Shaw Gallery is the one at Beach Road where the Prince cinema is. Besides pineapple tarts, their cookies are also popular. They hv a variety of nuts cookies and they hv a home-made taste. They also sell brownies. But they close around 7pm so go there earlier lor...
we all same, just eat!
my excuse is during PG i can't eat much, so as long as i got appetite just eat anything i like!

Sophie, if u dun feel comfortable eating those stuff, better dun follow us hor...

sp, u r right, if pg woman follow tht list hor, only can eat plain rice liao

for me constipation, the prune juice work wonder.

starz, i c, u have plenty of rooms to store haha..
for me still wondering if i should pack the cabinet shift the shelve up so can put my elder son clothes there and keep the multi-drawer for my 2nd one.. then have to drill hole etc...
aiyoh so ma-fan...
krisjoy, I wear pyjama during confinement. Try to wear 2 piece type cos easy to breastfeed and try not to wear those 1 piece of long T'shirt, you got to pull all the way up when breastfeeding and expose the bottom, unless there's buttom infront of the shirt then should be ok.

Are you going to be like Zoe Tay, 'bao kar liao...'

sophie, I saw Hilde Hemmes products, in case you wanna detox after birth, can get it from Fu lu shou complex, Yogi house.

krisjoy, thanks for the infor on vitascience and woodenspoon.

littlecat, if you're pantang, old folks say when pregnant, in the house better don't drill hole.
Thanks for your advice! I'm afraid that I cannot stand the heat as my mom's place does not have aircon and she says I can't have the fan blowing at me as well
Will be so sweaty and smelly for one month..
Your boss sounds like a slavedriver! Baby more important, so don't care what he hints... as long as doc gave MC, just stay at home and rest!

Yeah, my body is naturally heaty type, I think.
Bittergourd is good! My mum also makes bittergourd soup for cleansing blood... very liang soup, and very yummy! She adds a bit of fermented black beans in it... it kind of compliments the bitter taste.

I read on the Vitasence website that using the anti-acne range may cause more zits to pop out initially, like to clear everything underneath. Then must continue to keep using, and slowly it will clear. So don't be shocked if it doesn't seem to show improvement at first.

Thanks for into on Hilde Hemme products! Eh, you went out walking already?

When you buy the PJs from market, remember to choose nice soft material that's not too hot, cos my friend (now doing confinement) says she feels hot all the time, esp. after eating confinement food. Plus now your tummy itchy, better to get soft not-too-hot material.
I was thinking of going to those shops where they sell cheap silk ties/boxers, they may have those 2 piece button down PJs in soft satiny-silk material... dunno cheap or not, but worth it if it's more cooling than market cotton types... but nowdays hardly see those shops around anymore? Or maybe I haven't been noticing.

Yeah, I think I just follow my "intuition". I always tell myself - come so far already, why risk anything?

You don't go toilet often? Heh, I wanted to ask more, but think I'll stop here... better maintain my etiquette in this Cooking Thread
*haiz*... just finished a whole afternoon working.. so ANGRY!!! mc also dont get to sleep....
confirm tomorrow morning got to go back to work liaoz... he just told me "u come in the morning lah.. finish liaoz then u go home lor"... i am reli super angry now...

i also been following that doctor show.. at 8pm rite.. the one at 9pm also nice, but if now then u watch cannot catch up e plot liaoz.. its abt hotel n those family feuds lah.. but everyone super "cunning".. nice to watch n keep guessing..
if ur hubby can take "bitterness" hor.. last time my mum used to just boil bittergourd in water (nothing else), for me to take alternate days.. partially to "reduce the heatiness".. partially for my acne problem...

i think can wear back some of our pre-pg clothes by then liaoz lah... i usually wear singlets n loose cotton shorts at home.. now still wearing some of them.. so hopefully can wear then.. but we r quite lucky liaoz, confinement in nov/dec.. quite cooling weather then...

go off liaoz...
sophie, then i better don't get the acne serum first. He's so heart pain now, if some more breakout i sure kenna one.

I haven't go out yet, think will out on Friday.

oh yes, I got those silk PJ and didn't wear it cos makes me hot. Only wear it one time during chinese new year.
Hi ladies,

wow! so many postings to catch up.

confinement PJ
2 piece PJ is good but if anyone has c-sect then open front dress is better. reason being with the binder to keep the wound in place dress is more comfortable than hving a rubberise thingy at the tummy area.
Hallo all! For cleanser, I am using johnson and johnson's daily pore cleanser now.I've tried counter brands and drugstore brands, and they work about the same on me leh...I bought 3 bottles of Body Shop cleansers for myself but eventually passed them to my hub..Think my hub likes it.


The place was quite dark and I couldnt take pics without using flash.Don't think the breeders would be too happy if I used strong flash.No bengals there unfortunately...Was looking out for them too.


So poor thing your dd...cannot even drink porridge ah.You must be exhausted also..You take care hor..
I don't know the current price of that toddler bed, but saw on newspaper Carrefour having one type which is foldable,including the sides and mattress .Was wondering whether it would be comfortable,having a "split" in the centre.

Doct said she could take plain porridge with meat or fish, but she wouldn't eat,soup also refuse to drink.

Today managed to persuade her to eat 1/3 of a Tau Sar Pau,half slice of bread, and half packet of the flavoured glucose water I bought from pharmacy.

Really heartache when I see her skinny wrist and sunken cheek.
Actually I find that cotton pyjamas more cooling then those satin/silk-like pj,especially during confinement period, after eating those heaty stuff and hot drinks.After perspiring, the satin/silk-like material tend to "stick" to the body, very uncomfortable.

Can understand how you feel.When I went back to work during MC, my doctor sounds angrier than me and told me "Do you know that they have no right to ask you to go back during MC?",What to do, our sense of responsibility and our rice bowl, bo bian mah!

I did gv dd porridge water, she also refused to take...sign!

Best is to wear 2pc button front py, if you want to wear dress type, find those with buttons in front,I got mine from John Little. Mothercare also have, but a lot more expensive.
Sophie, Starz, Van
Thanks for your advice on PJ. Din know that JL also sells them leh ;p

Is your boss a lady or man? Seems like not very understanding...You are preggie somemore. Sometimes we take MC for too long also pai-say and will 'zi-dong' cut short to come back and work. It's more of give and take lor...

It's really heart-pain to see your dd rejecting food. My nieces n nephews are also like that when they fall sick. Hope that she recovers fast and out on the weight back.
annlee, Van,
Thanks for info on pj. I always thought that the satin ones look cooling, but actually not huh? Krisjoy, so I think still goo old soft cotton is the best!
Let me know if you find any cheap ones!

Oh dear, any way to make your dd drink more fluids? Fluids more important than food during illness...

I tried the J&J cleanser before, but maybe cos my skin is very sensitive, the top layer feels tight and after awhile, it goes red. Lucky you, I think you've good skin in general, so can take most cleanser!

Don't work too hard today!

Yeah, you can choose not to get the anti-acne range first, just use the normal range and see if he likes it first. Then when the pox marks are gone, then start on anti-acne serum.
Extracted from this URL
<font color="0000ff">"If you have deeply embedded oil or impurities, these can surface from the capillary to the skin surface in the form of pimples"</font>
During chickenpox period, because he cannot scrub or wash his face too hard or as per normal, he may have more oil clogs on his face, so you're right to be afraid that those oil clogs may surface into pimples.
hi ladies...
am at e office now.. waiting for e "ok" to go home.. today show him black face.. plus no make-up cos cannot be bothered... so ugly!!!

i dont know if tis will work for ur dd or not.. but i love "Bovril" especially when i'm sick cos of e strong taste.. cos when sick our tastebud go haywire.. maybe ur dd dont want to eat cos everything taste bland/awful..
try making porridge w carrots (cut into funny shapes - star, heart, fish etc.. and any other food tat will interest ur dd, i was thinking colourful, funny shapes..) or those "ABC" pasta.. put abit of the bovril n see if she willing to try or not lor.. otherwise, try other soft-food like steam-egg (ala chawanmushi), mashed potato (like KFC style).. ribena, or let her "indulge" in some biscuits snacks tat will not affect her condition.. kids need to be coaxed sometimes..

silk PJs will only feel comfy n cool in air-con room.. otherwise quite hot... i prefer "old old" PJs.. esp when e cotton is worn out after numerous wash... e most comfy.. hehehe...

my boss is male... its not entirely his fault, but rather the one right on top.. but e prob is, he's too reliant on me.. dats y i so fed-up... i never take much MC thru out my PG leh... tats y now i need to take n yet he still make me come back feels worse lor.... i very angry also.. keep thinking, if anything happen to me, is the company going to pay for it??? i'm most worried abt baby..... nothing can compensate if *touch wood* lor..........
I can empathise with u. My boss and colleague are very reliant on me too. When I am on long MC, they will sure call me. I was thinking I am that indispensible meh? Cos they dun want to learn and always rely on me to do the work..sigh...this is working life I guess.

I like your idea of making Van's dd eat. The way u described the food makes me feel so hungry already! How does the taste of Bovril differ from Marmite? I have not been eating Bovril since young so can't recall the taste liao.
van, aiyoh so heart pain to hear that...
does she take mee suan? cos my son not well also, still abit fever and cough, the auntie feed him mee suan, smaller meal but more frequent, he seems to be ok.

Starz, u take care of yourself, i know how it feels...
just wonder if u really didn't turn up what can he do huh?
if like that, i will foresee he might even call u while u pushing in the delivery ward!

here in MNC they smart in a way, dun put all eggs in one basket. But when lack of people they will still push everything to u. one of the manager, she want to push some job to the temp that suppose to relief me while i am away, i told her, dun put all the eggs in a "disposable basket" hor... the guy is a temp what if he can not tahan run away while i am on maternity leave, no way i am coming back to do anything man!
I keep telling myself dun work too hard, wait u see the 'return' is not what u expected very demoralized!
my target everyday is by 6pm to go home, the most is 6:30pm.
i dun might lunching in, less gossip with fren, but go back on time.

Thanks for your ideas of making my dd eat! I am sure you are going to be a very good mummy,feeding your bb with all the interesting food!

You are right that she isn't interested in bland food, in fact she asked me to put pork floss/fish floss into her porridge,that's one of her favourite. I am just worried that her digestive system is not functioning well to digest it yet.


My dd very picky, don't like to eat mee sua also.I brought her to playground,and let her ride on her scooter this morning, she managed to eat about 1/3 bowl of chicken porridge after that.

At least your ds can still eat, and if he is still active, then it should be alright.
Think I'm the only person who hasnt tried Bovril and Marmite.Are they really that good?


I will avoid japanese and korean skincare because I can't read the ingredients...Also anything with fragrance..
ya ya... i agree with u.. they r just too lazy to learn.. esp bosses.. just use their mouth can change reports lah, amend proposals liaoz...

i think marmite got a "sourish" after-taste.. i also cannot remember liaoz, cos i dont like marmite at all... bovril just saltish taste.. dont think they reli use "beef extract" anymore, cos i cant find this on their label liaoz... dont know why leh.. i just love bovril with plain porridge... hehehe..

if i never turn up.. black mark against me lor.. then bug me at home to do it for him... if not continue bug me to come in lor...
i already starting to take "precautions" liaoz.. give my close friends my hubby's n home number.. weekends start to switch off my mobile liaoz... think during my confinement i will also switch it off, so not to be disturbed. otherwise i can guarantee sure call me every other day one...

aiyo.... talking abt mee sua, i been craving for it for so long liaoz... with mince pork, liver, ginger in the soup.... *drool*...

no problem... i just trying to think wat would i want if i'm a sick child lor.. hehehe... actually can "bargain" with her mah.. u let her play at playground for awhile n she ate abit liaoz... so think of other things to "bargain" with her lor... i think pork/fish floss is okay to be taken lah.. just not too much lor...
these are not "healthy" food at all.. more of a "seasoning" in a way, to add taste... no "natural" stuff inside... so depends on your definition of "good" lor.... hehehe...

i was never a health-conscious person...
Amelia, J&amp;J pores cleanser is cheap and good as it really cleanse the oil in my face, but i find the skin quite tight after using so switch to other brand.

sophie, thanks for the infor on acne serum. you're right, my hb skin full of oil clogs. Will do a facial for him when recover.

I bought my PJ at Robinson when their having sales. John little having sales right now but not sure about PJ. And if the sales is only at expo then better think twice before going cos might be alot of ppl.

starz, ask your boss go marina fly kite lah... tortured you poor mummy.

I watched the hk ancient fighting show on channel 55 till 11pm. Quite funny show.

Today my lunch and dinner will be yong tau fu sister tabao for me at changi. The place quite popular, shop name is Goldhill hakka yong tau fu. Anyone try before?
your boss is not the worst yet.My boss asked my colleague to bring the files and documents to a sick colleage's home so the sick colleague could do his job at home!

Then when a colleague's son has HFMD, he asked her to bring her son to office while she worked,promised to drive them home after that, but in the end never.
Amelia, I like that can porkmince for porriage.... very nice to go with porriage hor..

Think hakka makes very good yong tau foo, mostly fried items? But the shop i went to some of the food although is fried but not that oily. Nice soup too.

van, nowadays kids are very smart. Add alot of colourful stuff on the food will not make them eat as they can recognise whether is it their favourite food or not. Sometimes I have to negiotate with my son to eat his fish porriage(he hates it) by letting him go out to the corridor to ride his bicycle or let him watch his favourite cartoon

yeah the pork mince is so appetising...i can cook one big pot of plain porridge and finish the whole can!

I like to have the Yong Tau Foo with plain rice or noodle soup whereas my husband is obsessed Laksa Yong Tau Foo.I will choose some fried items(fishball, ngoh hiang), some bai cai, eggplant, bittergourd,egg and tofu...balance it out.

Changi a bit too far for me...I may visit the stall when I go down S'pore Expo for cat shows.Where is it at?
The original Goldhill Yong Tau Foo is at Goldhill Plaza, which is near to my office at United Square. But have not tried before...let me know if it is nice ok?

I also like salty food to go with plain porridge, like ikan bilis, salted eggs/vegetables, chye poh omelette, etc..very tasty and satifying!I think Hakka YTF is fried and the filling consist of minced pork. Whereas the normal YTF is usually not cooked and filled with fish paste..Any Hakkas mummies here to verify?

Your ex-boss is very inconsiderate and self-centered! Esp dealing with your colleague's son with HFMD...too bad it din spread to him/her..hahaha! Just being evil..
Is the Original Goldhill Yong Tau Foo still at Goldhill Plaza? If so, I would like to try it since I go to United Sq almost every Saturday.

My Hakka MIL likes to make YTF with minced pork which I never like! I prefer the fish paste version.
krisjoy, not sure whether is it the same as in goldhill leh... I liked their yong tau foo, esp their soup base and they make their own fish paste taste different from others but nothing fantastic. like their chilli too. Got some big shot went there to eat, like ex-president Mr Wee kim wee.

Amelia, their yong tau foo don't go with rice or anything, just eat the liaw... they don't serve rice or noodle.
Don't have the excact address, only recognise the place. Is along changi rd, shop name is Goldhill Hakka yong tau foo. Will let you know the details again.

wah.... i like salted egg esp the yolk go with porriage.
Yes, it is still there, near to a Jap restaurant at Goldhill Plaza. From the United Square taxi stand, just cross the road and walk further down and you can see it liao ;p Your MIL is Hakka? Does she make the lei-cha? Heard that it is very healthy with lots of veges...

So far the best YTF that I've tried is at Ampang YTF in KL. It is really very fresh and is the dried version where they our gravy over the YTF. It is served with rice and their side orders fried dumplings are very good too!
Btw what school is your dd attending at United Square? There are quite a lot of enrichment schools there and I always see a lot of parents and maids bringing kids there...
Is it near the Jap restuarant called San1 Zei2? opposite IRAS Buidling or nearer to Thomon Road/Novena Square that side? Is it in a coffee shop? Sori hor,so many questions.

My girl goes to kindergolf every Saturday.

Didn't know the Lei Cha is supposed to be healthy MIL did make, but doesn't look appetising to me leh.

guess what?! I just cooked salted egg. I bought a type called Hong2 Xin1 Xian2 Dan4 from Shop n Save, the yolk always come out in very very nice orangey red color, but it's from China.

Yes you r right! It is beside San Zei and the place is more like a coffeeshop with no aircon (I think). Let me know whether it is nice hor

Wa, your girl learns golf ah! Are the lessons expensive?
