Cooking Tips & Recipe

sophie, actually i don't know what is xue di zhi. But sounds good for me cos i don't have a oven and always wanna bake cakes or roast chicken for my hb and my sons. That superwok I saw also got free gift like your xue di zhi but look quite small and was wondering how they bake cake. Will check out the u-like brand maybe tomorrow.


Does it itch?That looks like some kind of allergy to me....don't wait anymore...see a derm asap.

I ate instant cup noodles(First Choice brand by cold storage) some time back and developed an allergy...I saw a GP when the symptoms(bad itching) started and took antihistamines..Good thing it cleared up within a week.


Heh..I did the pattern freehand and the curve corners are not precise.Will purchase a curve ruler and redo the template and cardholder.Sewing wise, I think I did alright too.Thanks for the compliment
Hi Annlee and Van

Thanks for the warm welcome...
Annlee,I think better consult a specialist for the itch....

Van, me not very good in cooking, still in the exploring stage...Did think of attending cooking class initially but gave up as I feel that taste is a very individual preference. Like hubby is a peranakan, his taste bud is very uniquely to his type of even very good food from other dialect group, he might not appreciate that much...sigh...

Amelia, you might want to try spot light for some nice fabrics.I was very keen in making dresses for my gal during my pregnancy but gave up after the baby came along....too busy to cope up with both...

Oh yes, I think I better briefly introduce myself. I have one gal, 7 year old, one boy,13.5mth and a stay at home mum in east coast about you mum?

Have a good weekend all...
Yep, hives itches like mad! And the area will feel super hot. If you scratch it and your nails break the skin, you make get small little open wounds that look that mosquito bites when the red patch is gone. But if you don't scratch it, it goes off after a few hours, and you won't even know the same patch was red earlier.

The little "dots" normally starts from joint area first, but once mine got serious, it started everywhere. One morning, I woke up and I couldn't open my eyes, cos the rash was at my eye area... my eyes were like slits only! My dad was so shocked that he asked my brother to send me to Skin Centre straightaway. By the time I got there and waited my turn, the patch went off and my eyes were 3/4 my usual size already.

As for the wok and xue di zhi, Van posted a picture of xue di zhi here before:
I thought this promo will be useful for you cos it doubles up as an oven

For the U-like wok, just imagine Van's picture without the base. The base is actually a wok plus an extension ring so you can bake "deeper" cakes. The glass lid looks similar, with the temperature control up to 240 degrees celcius. So the electric plug is connected from the lid.

U-Like comes in 3 sizes - S, M & L. My mum bought the L which costs $178, and she estimated it can fit in 2 chickens
Cos my family is BIG

Whichever size wok you buy, they'll give you that same sized Xue Di Zhi cover that fits the wok rim-size.

Do call the dealer and ask where this promo is before you make a trip, if you're really interested to see this brand. Cos they may not have the same promo at OG, that's why the U-like promoter there got no business and looked sian!
Welcome, joy747!
I'm a SAH-MTB living in Bishan area.

Hey, you did that pattern without curve rulers? I am lost without a curve ruler!

I bought my fabric with cute animal prints from People's Park Complex 2nd floor. I can't remember the name of the shop, but it's manned by an old auntie. And some of the uncles there are very friendly... if you ask and they know, they'll tell you which shop you can get what fabric. There's also a little shop there that sells all the haberdashery accessories, so you can get your matching zips, buttons, velcro and curve rulers there.

For vintage prints, I didn't see so much there, but I bought this "auntie-vintage" looking fabric there before. My mum says it's really ugly
but no choice, that time instructor wanted us to buy "spun rayon" to make a circular skirt, cos she says this kind of fabric has the nicest "fall". Nowadays can hardly find spun rayon anymore, so when I found it there, there was only 2 patterns. It's brownish with red flowers... look a bit vintage but also like curtain

Joy is right - Spotlight has nice fabrics too, but I find them too expensive, especially when I am only starting out and don't want to waste too much money on my "exercises".

Some say Arab Street has nice fabrics, but I find the nice ones are mostly organza or slippery materials like silk/satin, and these fabrics are expensive and not suitable for beginners as they're difficult to handle. There're one or two Chinese shops there that sells more cotton.
Hi Sophie...Thanks...

You are so funny...I know what you meant by auntie vintage....

Agreed, waste of money to spend too much money on the high end materials for exercising purposes....

Browsing thr this site, seems quite a number are SAHM....Have you mum meet up?

Happen to see some interesting cooking recipie that you gals posted....You mums are very well versed with chinese herbs too...Me still in the learning stage as to find out what is good or no good or suitable for my baby ....most concern is his frequent block nose, anyone has got solutions for this?

You could be right that the orange juice or fish could have triggered the initial allergy. But remember that sometimes the initial trigger may not be the after-trigger anymore i.e. once the body's sensitivity level is up, any other foods or dust or even stress may cause a breakout again.

During the 2 years I had chronic urticaria, I was dependent on Zyrtec and had to take 1 pill or half a pill at least once a day. Then one day I had to take an exam. The beginning part of the paper was OK... but as I got to the later parts, the exam got more difficult, and I started to feel hot and realised my hives acted up in the middle of the exam! I had to ask the invigilator to let me take my Zyrtec to suppress it so I can continue with my exam! So you see, after I stopped the alcohol (initial trigger in my case) and other foods, even stress can cause it to act up. Mine was pretty extreme - I even stopped eating ketchup cos of coloring and I had a list of chemical names which I bring along for grocery shopping, so I can avoid certain food additives like caramel coloring even.

There are many types of urticaria - the doctor may be able to advise better. A friend of mine has "cold urticaria", so whenever she goes from a warm to aircon place, hives will come out and she needs her Zyrtec.

Your hubby is interested to see Tina Jenkins for himself or for your ds? Maybe can call to ask her consultation rates first, and talk to nurse about her "style", cos I remembered my friend had to avoid/cut down wheat for her ds and feed her ds organic flaxseed oil. She said very expensive, but after awhile, the eczema never came back, and now she also stopped the flaxseed oil already.
Hi Amelia, yeah, Joy is right. Spotlight has nice fabrics. I love going there to shop cos' my kids can run around freely. I took a peek at your cardholder too - very well done! Wow, you're up and about very early on a Sunday morning!

Hi Joy, welcome to the thread! I am a SAHM too staying in Tamp with 2 girls aged 5 and 3. Looking forward to getting to know you better!

Hi Soph, thanks for the contacts for the wok. I'm thinking of getting a new one too. Sounds like your mum got a really good bargain!

Hi Van, hope your dd has fully recovered by now. Have you tried giving her fresh goat's milk before? It's supposed to be more easily digested and absorbed. My niece started taking it since March and she's put on quite a bit of weight. Too bad my dds don't like the smell. Btw, do you know where I can buy Chinese ham? I always see it in Chinese recipes for soup but haven't seen it being sold anywhere before. Also, is it ok to use red dates that haven't been pitted? Does it give soups a bitter taste if the pits are still inside? Sorry, so many questions today!

Hi annlee, I can't rem which institute she's enrolled at - she mentioned that it's a 5 year degree course. It's quite tough cos' her Chinese is not so good - sometimes she'll ask me, but mine is not fantastic either!

Hi LittleCat, how are you? Is you ds okay already? Must be tough being a fulltime working pregnant mum juggling between work, looking after a toddler and doing housework and cooking! You're a supermum like your sister Choc! Haven't seen her around, she must be really busy coping with three!

Hi starz, it's so wonderful to see your baby on the ultrasound machine, isn't it? I always looked forward to a visit at my gynae's cos' she always scans me to monitor my bbs growth cos' I had problems putting on weight. Is your flu getting better?

Hi cupcake, sorry I've never fried fish at home cos' I'm afraid of the splattering oil! I'll check my recipe books and see if I can find any tips to share with you.

Ok, gotta go - lots of housework to do cos' hb away on reservist training. Catch y'all later.
<font color="ff0000">Sophie,</font>
I think I have seen the promoter selling U-Like Wok near market's make-shift stall. Not sure if it's the same brand as the demo at Tangs, but the combinations look the same, a wok+Xue Di Zi+extension ring.

Since you already have oven and oven toaster, perhaps you could just buy a wok, probably one that come with free steaming tray which you can stack on top of rim of wok?

OR... get the set with Xue Di Zi, then sell the Xue Di Zi away?

<font color="aa00aa">Amelia,</font>
Saw your cardholder,it's very pretty.Is it for your hb?

<font color="119911">annelise,</font>
My dd has recovered from stomach flu, beginning to pick up her appetite,but very heartache to see her skinny wrist and limbs. Hb keeps nagging about how skinny she is now, very stressful for me to hear that! Today she complained about ankle and thigh aching.

I only know that red dates which still have pits inside are heaty,so I always use pitted red dates.

You may be able to find Chinese ham in Chinatown,but not sure where. My cousin got it from China, and gave me some before,she said she heard that it's sold in Chinatown.

I admire your sis, able to committ to a 5 yr TCM degree course, I couldn't even committ to a short-term TCM course.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

about red dates in Chinese.doc (28.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>

<font color="119911">joy747,</font>
It's not really necessary to go for cooking classes,sometimes you need a bit of trial and error, and observing others, like your mum or MIL when they cook helps.

So your elder dd is in P1 now? Do you feel stressed right before, and when she just started P1? My gal is going to P1 next year, I think I am more excited than her!

Do you feel that having a bigger age gap between your no.1 and no.2 help to reduce some stress over your 2nd pregnancy and taking care of new born,since your elder one is more independent by the time you have your no.2?

<font color="0000ff">annlee,</font>

Did you manange to bring your ds2 to see any dermatalogist who is open for business today?

The hives sounds scary, after reading Sophie's account.
sophie, so paisay.... i ask the qestion about what is xue di zhi before and still don't remember, now die die i will rememeber that.
I think u-like will be more worth it as they give the xue di zhi away.

My son didn't scratch his hand at all, didn't know it suppose to be itchy.
I went to read at some forum about recommending on dermatologist or skin specialist, alot of them recommended private practice but none of them go to National Skin Centre. Thought NSC specialize in skin problem but no one recommend, don't know why?

About going to Camden, my hb wanted to bring my son there and keep asking when going to camden. Maybe i will try Camden when gather more infor about Naturopathy.

your skin must be very sensitive, poor you... i got a friend her skin is very sensitive, gets hives easily too. She cannot eat quite alot of food and drink alcohol, so when go to a pub with her, she only can drink coke or water, abit sian for her cos cannot get the high high feeling from liquer.

We went to eat ramen at Gallery Hotel, heard the place is popular. The soup taste so ggod at the beginning but find it very salty after that. A lot of Japanese bring their kids there and my hb say maybe jap love salty msg food hee...

van, you might wanna take down on this, Hua yuen porriage and yu sheng, BLK 22A Havelock Rd, 01-661G. Their yu sheng is nice, i don't like the porriage but think most ppl went there for porriage and yu sheng.
I used to go National Skin Centre for laser treatment and warts on fingers problem.I know why people don't like to go there.

Long waiting period for appointment,unless absolutely urgent case and follow-up reviews. Long waiting time to see doctor,long waiting time to get medicine....,and they are not really that cheap, that was in the past, hope they have improved now.

Good questions you have out there regarding the age gap of my two kids.Anyone shares similar age group?
Yap, initially quite stress up when she goes P1 as heard so much about the school..which school your child is going?

Big age gap means mental stress for the older kid and physical strenous for the smaller one...

Regarding cooking, yap did pick up from them but just hope to learn more...
oh yes van, I'm bringing my ds2 to Loke skin clinic tomorrow at peace centre. Have you heard of him?
The National Skin Centre is supposed to be really famous in the past, but I really don't think it's that great. Waiting time is long, urgent walk-in appointments are classified under "Consultant" level, so very expensive. I think if you want to pay less, have to wait a few weeks for your appointment. The kind of medicine they gave me is the same as what my GP gave. When I asked the consultant "How come a big angmoh eats 1 pill of 5mg Zyrtec and a small Asian girl like me also has to eat 1 pill? Do I really need 1 whole pill?", the consultant cannot even answer my question and just ask me to do as I like and monitor my own situation!

In the end, my urticaria was gotten rid of by going on a "naturopathy"/nutrition change in diet when I was staying in US. Other than an elimination diet in which I cannot eat lots of things and supplementing my diet with certain herbs and vitamins/minerals, I also kept a "food diary" and slowly reduced my dosage of Zyrtec. Hubby used to cut my Zyrtec pills into 8 portions, and we plot graphs on how many hours each section can tahan me. Then when 1/8 of a pill can last me for at least 18 hours without an outbreak, I did the Hilde Hemmes detox diet. I was also more desperate to get rid of the urticaria and not be dependent on Zyrtec cos my GP says if I want to get pregnant, it's better that I am not dependent on antihistamines.

Mine is extreme case, that's why doctors classify it as chronic urticaria. Most cases, esp. in kids, are acute urticaria, and goes away after a few weeks, so don't worry so much!

Yeah, take your time to research on Naturopathy and ask around about Tina Jenkins, cos naturopathy style may not suit everyone. Like TCM, it's a slower process and may not provide immediate relief, plus may have to modify some of your current lifestyle.

Hey, my hubby also likes the ramen at Gallery Hotel!
True ramen lovers say that the ramen texture changes after 10mins, so must eat it quickly. I find that after 10min, the ramen turned "rubbery" so not nice anymore. I also find it very salty.

Can't sell the Xue Di Zhi leh, cos it has to be attached to the wok as its base to use it. What they're giving is only the Xue Di Zhi cover which also fits into the wok to be used as a Xue Di Zhi. So unless the buyer has the same-sized wok with rims that fit the Xue Di Zhi, there is no point buying the free Xue Di Zhi cover from me. So you're right - I'll probably wait and look for a cheaper wok without any freebies, since I've got oven already.

You sure you wanna get that wok + free Xue Do Zhi cover? Cos you already have an oven... no point keeping the Xue Di Zhi cover as a white elephant. Plus the free item cannot be sold off as it has to fit into your wok as a base to be used as "oven".

Which part of tampinese are you staying?I used to stay in eastpoint green.


I think with bigger age gap,am able to treasure the second baby's childhood more but the drawback is all over again in taking care of a young baby...change diapers...watching his immunity going through stages etc...

Fun to be with the P1 Gal, but hard pressed for time. Managed to make her finished all the final exam's papers from other schools during this one week break...can you imagine, all the energy and patience that ran out while teaching and going through all the school papers? Glad is all done and she is going back to school tomolo.....

Regarding cooking, my hubby is quite particular about presentation and the way veg is cut can be quite frustrating at times...

Not really into cooking as not many people at home too_Once in a while, I will cook curry fish head, kong bar,popiah, mee siam...when there is a mood to invite friends over...I just had a popiah party for his course mates two weeks ago....

Oh ya, xue di zhi is quite good as no need intensive cleaning as compared to oven. Unfortunately,me do not really use oven type, or will surely invest in it. Think ever come across one that sell at 69.90 at giant.
sophie, you're very 'ke lian', you must have suffer alot fron the hives. So are you taking the zyrtex now cos you mentioned doc don't advised you to take when pregnant.
You're hb is so nice.... cut all the medi for you and do the graph together. He must be very heart pain seeing you going thru all the suffer. For my hb to do that then i must wait long long hee.....
I've stopped taking Zyrtec 3 years ago

I was on it from year 2000-2002, every morning 1 Zyrtec and evening 1 Atarax. Atarax works the same way as Zyrtec, but probably a different active ingredient that makes me drowsy so I can sleep better without feeling so "hot". When it wasn't so bad after the first 6 months, I skipped the Atarax myself and just ate 1 Zyrtec a day.

Hubby was really nice and supportive, helped me get rid of my dependency on Zyrtec by helping me plot graph and cut pills. In fact, it was his idea to ask doctor if I really needed 1 pill per day. And then finally he did the 6-day detox with me to see if we could get rid of all the toxins in my body.

I'm sure your hubby will do the same thing for you when the crunch comes!

Keep us updated on your ds' progress after doc's visit tomorrow!
Your hubby so cute, particular about the way vege is cut? Afterall, it'll eventually go into the mouth and be chewed into a pulp!

Woah, you know how to make popiah? I used to go to the Chinese restaurant at Sijori Sentosa to eat their popiahs, but haven't been there for a long time liao... dunno if they're still around. Now just buy cheaper popiahs from the stall downstairs for $1.20
In fact, I just ate 2 popiahs for lunch yesterday!
Hi all! Been sleeping early which is why I'm up early too!


Thanks, will check out Spotlight.

Making dresses requires a lot more work than bags and purses..It's tough when you have no time.

Peranakan food is very have recipes to share?



I saw 3 or 4 different types of curve rulers when I was there, got confused so I didnt get any.Shop owners also couldnt tell me what each was for.You have any idea on this?Am picking up this sewing thingy by myself.

Annelise and Van,

Thanks! I think I did ok for a first-timer.Yup, it's for my hub.I intend to make another wallet for him but have to get cotton canvas fabric first.


I was from NSC...paid 80sgd for senior consultant without meds for a less than 5 minutes consultation..

Loke skin clinic is very popular..but you may have to queue quite a bit.
How do I view your sewing pics huh? Btw, I have some Peranakan recipes at home. Will try to post them when I go home tonite. I've been to Loke clinic many years ago. He is very good and popular. I was there for my pimples problems and he prescribed Roacutine (dunno how to spell) for me..

Do let us know the outcome of your ds condition. My niece used to get a bad allergy reaction when she first started eating fish. But the allergy subsided a few days later. She can only continue to take fish when she gets older..

Thanks for the info on WMF. Think I'll buy them for my new house but will wait sales..


You have to sign up to the Yahoo Group through Annelise for pictures.

I haven't been to Loke clinic...heard he's very good through forumers.
Hello ladies,
Long time no chat ! Howdy and what's cooking ?
My two girls are at sch, so can log on..

My baby popped on the 28th of Aug, didn't know I was 4 cm dilated, so aft the routine checkup, the gynae asked me to go straight to the labour ward.. Then aft 4 and 1/2 hrs, bb's heartbeat went down for no reason, but I was only 7cm dialted.. epidural off immediately and bb was "vacuumed" out..

Yo cat and soph, how's your little one doing ?
The feeling of carrying the newborn upon delivery is so overwhelming..
My FIL double-boiled chicken with XO using a coconut with flesh still inside, wah.. very yummy and "bu"..

Hey van, what good dishes have you been whipping up for your ang ?

hey amelia, what did you sew ? Must go in to yahoo to see!

Annelise, how r your dds? Tried out any cakes recently ?

Hey ladies, have you all heard about the buffalo brand rice pot ? It's stainless steel and apparently better than teflon.. They are selling it in Metro.

Also saw sat's newspaper that tiger thermal pot having a promotion.. 4.5l for 199 bucks, van, is it cheap ?
My CL has been using the thermal warmer to make red date tea for me, very good and saves electricity..

Hi Joy747, welcome to the makan forum !

Yo lyn, how you doing with baby Aloysius ?
how is yr ds2's rash? he so poor thing.

u also very poor thing last time, thanks for sharing yr story of how u healed yourself, it's very inspiring to know that a change in diet/lifestyle is more powerful than relying on long term medication for our well-being. yr hb really good to be with u all the way, he's a very good and wonderful man.
glad to hear that yr dd is fine and her appetite is picking up. what are u cooking for her and yr hb?
thanks very much for sharing the article on red dates.

hi hi, welcome to this thread! pls share yr recipes, I'm newbie in cooking and need a lot of tips and guidance.
OK, so sad, can't view the pics leh

Btw, anyone interested in making your own mooncakes? I have recipes to share but have not tried them out yet...
morning ladies... hope everyone got a good weekend...

to fry reli crispy fish must have alot of PATIENCE... my mum's secret: wok must be dry n hot before adding oil (sparingly).. make sure oil is also hot, reduce the fire to "small".. then add in e fish... each side of fish at least 15mins or more, until its cooked before you turn over.. (also this way it wont stick to e wok). after both sides of e fish is cooked, then turn e flame slightly "higher".. but still not "big fire".. to make e exterior crispy... so, usually when she fry fish, it sometimes take up to 1hr per fish.. but its e best, esp fried pomfret, crispy until i eat all e fins n head..

congrats!!! we were all guessing that you muz hv popped, tats y so long never hear from you....

also settled into your new home already??? anything not done, please do not do during ur confinement hor.. must rest well...

i'm fully recovered liaoz.. thanks for asking...
ya, i do love going for check-ups just to see my bb on e u/s machine.. just nowadays he's growing too big liaoz, cant see whole of him on e machine, can only see one part at a time.....
abt chinese ham, i think chinatown shd have... is it called "jin hua huo tui"??? i'm not sure, but recall seeing it in e dried goods stall during chinese new year time.. when they have bazaar...

about Wok:
i bought the 40" U-like wok leh.. i bought it from OG, forgot how much liaoz, but they had a choice of "free gifts".. either a steam rack, a "xue di zhi" or a smaller frying pan.. but i've only used it a few times so far, cos so big, hardly got chance to use... so far, my mum (e fussy one) who used it no complains.. so it shd be okay lah... hehehe...
Hi ladies,

I MIA for awhile overwhelming w work and no time to cook last week. Rushing fm work, pickup bb then attend teleconference. So ask hubby to tapau lor.

my hb also peranakan but he eat anything i cook. i very bad one i cook wat he will eat wat. only occasionally i make his favourite.

yr hb so so sweet...
i've had a reli reli "sinful" weekend.. hehehe.. dont know wat got into my hubby, whole weekend let me indulge... started off with saturday dinner at "Westlake" restaurant.. where they r famous for e "kong bak bao"..
as i was craving for cakes/pastries.. he brought me to fullerton hotel for high-tea.. only to find out that they dont have high-tea buffet on sundays. end up just had their normal international buffet.. cost $35+++ per pax.. n honestly, not that fantastic...
ANY suggestions for a good place for cakes / pastries buffet anyone??? my craving not satisfied yet.....

last nite went for crabs.. at Punggol point foodcourt... hehehe.. we find e crab there one of e nicest in our area (hougang n surroundings)...

n i made butter-cookies to "thank" him... hehehehe... here's e pics...

How early do you sleep that you can wake up at 5am?

Yeah, that's why I think health is wealth now, after that bout of rash for 2 yrs. I still eat rubbish, but in moderation now

So good to see you again! Wow, you still get that overwhelming feeling even though it's the 3rd kid? Sometimes I wonder if my mum felt that way with me, cos I was the 3rd kid too

My little one is OK... now 16 weeks already, saw the baby moving on ultrasound machine, but I still have not felt its movements yet. Maybe not so early for the first baby. There were a few times I thought I felt someone jiggling my tummy fats, but when I lie still, I couldn't feel it anymore, so maybe it's gas!
ur hubby so sweet... go thru so much "effort" to help u get over e medication...
do u know if u r having a little prince or little princess yet??? start preparing for e little one already???
Thanks starz, no wonder my fish turns out raw in the middle....15 mins, will keep that in mind.

annlee, only manage to log on and saw ur posting on ur son's urticara. If u plan to c dr loke, best to go early to take a number, he dun take appointments. And be extra nice to the nurse outside his clinic (cos she is drs loke), she might charge u cheaper.

I also used to suffer from urticara. The thought of swollen lips and eyes still scares me. I had it on n off when i started work till a few months before my preg. I was super worried of getting it during my preg cos my sis had ecezma during her preg even tho she din had any prob b4.
best to avoid citrus fruits, chicken n pdts, diary pdts. But having said that I still got it even without touching these things. Oh ya, I cant wear clothes with rubber bands cos the welts will start from there, socks are another to avoid. I rem taking zytec and applying ice on the welts when they felt hot n itchy. I avoid steriod cream if possible but will go for the jabs when it affects my face. Wah sophie, u really had it bad, mine only lasted abt a week per episode I oredi buay tahan...urs a year?

Chocs, Congratulations!!

You email Annelise to join Yahoo Group lah...There're other pics in it.


Your butter cookies look so pro
Very beautiful


I knocked out around 10pm I i slept sunday afternoon.

We should know the gender of baby soon, right?So exciting!


Congrats!You rest well yah?
Your cookies look very professional! You have that sophisticated "tube-like" stamping cookie-cutter yeah? Wanted to buy it last time when I bake more, but didn't wanna spend money, so ended up with the cheap plastic mould ones

For the wok, I guess 40" is OK for large families, like my mum's. So which free gift did you choose?

I don't know if boy or girl yet
Couldn't see from the last doc visit cos baby was sitting on its bum all curled up. Will probably know at next detailed scan visit on 5 Oct

Haven't bought anything yet, but I was wondering whether to buy a bedside bassinet that looks like this with wheels
Cos my bedroom is very small... just imagine a bedroom that can only put 1 bedside table

So thought this kind of bassinet may be slimmer than a wooden cot for the first few months when I would like baby to room in with me.
Then after that, we'll transfer baby to the next room in its own wooden cot.

What about you? Gonna room in or baby sleep in another room? Are you getting CL?

Yep, my bra strap area always end up in welts!
Mine lasted 2 years, and everyday about 1 Zyrtec, so can you imagine, I always have a spare Zyrtec in my coin pouch just in case. Towards the end, when I cut out all the possible food (in fact, I was almost vegetarian!), then I took 1/8 of a Zyrtec once a day. Woah, you went for jabs? I didn't, cos I refused to take any steroids... only pop 3 days of steroid pills at the beginning cos GP was scolding me liao, say it's very bad and I need to take steroid for the beginning. I didn't apply any cream either, cos I find it no use... the welts go down as and when they like, so I might as well just live with it for the next few hours!
You knocked out so early? But I think sewing is quite tiring... in fact, I find it very taxing on my eyes, having to focus on sewing straight and think of which part to sew first. I've still got a bunch of cloth which I wanted to sew into dining chair covers, but got no energy to lug them out.

Sometimes, if I really need the pattern/instructions, I buy the "Get Creative" series of books. They're quite cheap at a few dollars during sales. I've got one which contains the instructions for chair covers, and another one to make maternity wear, but don't think I will attempt it

btw, Spotlight having sale... you can check out the catalog here first
15mins is reli just an estimation hor... impt thing is wok n oil must be really really hot to start with.. n "fire" must be small in e beginning to thoroughly cook the fish, then turn up after fish is cooked to make it crispy.. it may take longer than 15mins. another way to make sure is, cut 2 diagonal slits across e fish, will make it cook faster...

thanks for e comments on e cookies.. actually, those on e left side were slightly burnt.. those on e right were "under" burnt.. hehehe.. i'm still having problems "understanding" my microwave-cum-oven.. cos e temperature is not like conventional oven, i think it tends to be lower, n not as even... still prefer the conventional type, but no more space in my kitchen liaoz...

no, i used e small plastic "tube" to squeeze e cookie dough.. each "refill" can only squeeze out 2 cookies... very time-consuming n tedious..

i got e smaller frying pan.. i think abt 20+"... i use that one more often... n its good, dont use oil also wont stick..
e bassinet can reli only last u maybe 2-3mths leh.. if ur baby grow fast, or is big to start with, then may not even last u tat long. i guess its reli up to u.. any way to "re-arrange" any other furniture in ur room to make space for e cot? or try n find a smaller cot..
for me i got alot of "extra" space.. (i bought a resale flat) n i hv an empty room (tat was supposed to be for my MIL, but she's not coming to stay with us), so most prob my mum will use tat room if she's staying overnite to help me with baby... i also "broke down" 2 rooms to become my "master-room"... so if i need to put baby cot in my room also can...

i bought e "U-like" wok...
Wah starz, your cookies look so pro.. can sell them for chinese new yr liao... r u in your last tri now ?

Eh soph, I think most mummies will feel overwhelming when their bbs popped.. but when reality sets in , that's a different story.. hehe.. So makan all you can now.. I can't eat seafood for quite a while!
16 weeks bb, think it's bb moving, amazing right ? during the last tri, bb will move even more and you'll have to guess which part of the body is moving ..

thanks for the well-wishes ladies.. see you around.. girls came back from sch liao
Woah, you used the plastic tube with nozzle to do the cookies?! The kind that people use to do piping/cream right? I'm very impressed leh... cos I really thought the cookies were from the stamping tube where you can change the patterns at the bottom.

I know the bassinet can only last a few mths... but no choice, cos my room is so small. Actually wanted to buy a king-sized bed, then realised once we put in king-sized, no space to walk even! Actually I don't have much furniture in my master bedroom - just 1 bed, 1 bedside table and 1 very slim towel rack. One side of it is fully taken up with a built-in wardrobe and chest of drawers, which is not that big but also necessary. I don't even have a dresser or anything like that, so you can imagine that even if I were to rearrange, there's not much space to move things.

Yeah, I was looking at resale flats before we bought this one... I especially like the older ones where the rooms are spacious and I also had the idea of knocking down a common room to make the master room bigger, but guess hubby and I didn't have the luck. Those that we like were all above our budget at that time, cos they wanted close to $40k cash above the valuation.

I'll think about it... at worst baby will have to sleep in the next room in the cot, and maybe I sleep on a mattress on the floor with baby in that room
hi gals,my dd warded at Glenagles nw. waiting 4 nurse to do drip 4 her,PD surgeon to check n her n study her x-ray. feeling bored in the ward with her. can't imagine the scene later when she got her drip.
Oh no, how come your dd suddenly warded? Thought she was recovering and appetite getting better?

I think can ask for a local anesthetic to numb the back of the palm before they stick the needle in for drip. Not sure if they do that for kids, but I've had it done before, then when drip needle went in, no pain at all.
What happened to your dd? Hope it's nothing too serious...

Next time u can sell the cookies during CNY

Congrats on your new born!

I felt my bb first movements during my 4th month. Initially I thot it was gas cos it felf like bubbles in my tummy. Later then I realised it is the baby's movements..
so sorry to hear abt yr dd, how is she now? what happened to her...

wow, yr butter cookies very nice leh, u r really super patient, slowly 2 by 2 u press them out! they look so neat I also thought u used the tube stamping thing. I love to use my mum's to press out the cookies, it's very fast and fun and can change template, hehe.

yr hb so sweet, indulged u over the weekend!

I got this huge "urge" to buy pumpkin, what can I do with it ah? so far can think of cake, porridge, anything else?
oh dear.. wat happened to ur dd??? why need Xray n drip somemore... u r a very strong mummy leh.. if me i think panic attack liaoz... take care, n keep us updated hor.. if there's anything we can do to help... just say so..

thank u reli for being so kind abt my cookies.. maybe e photo turned out better.. i actually tot some of them were "out of shape".. culprit - my microwave oven... hehehe.. if only i can claim 3mths maternity.. then i will make this n sell for CNY... but i'll be back at work by Dec already, so no way lor...

yupz, i'm in e final stretch, "its the final countdown".. hehehe...

please DO NOT sleep on e floor during ur first few mths after delivery.. i maybe "brainwashed" by all my frens n mum.. but its impt to take care urself during confinement.. so as not to suffer from aches n pains later on..
maybe u can move e chest of drawers (n towel rack) out of ur room temporarily to make space for e cot.. or.. buy a single/twin bed to put into e next room to let u sleep with baby... u having CL??
hehehe.. abt baby's movement, wait till u past 5mths.. slowly slowly u feel more n more of baby's movements.. until now (30+weeks), i'm feeling every single little twitch he has.. he seems to be constantly moving, hiccuping, twitching.. until sometimes i got to "scold" him at nite when he won't stop fidgeting n i cant sleep...
Hi Choc, congrats, congrats!!!
eh u mean the XO coconut thing u take during confinemene? can meh?
remember to post photo hor

28/08 nice numbers leh :p

My baby now doing wrestling in my tummy.. sigh, may be he is hungry and mummy still working not going for lunch yet...

starz, u hor, never change one hor, i thot u had
sore throat, so fast u eating/baking cookies liao?
Better take care dun eat too much, drink more water, ok?

me soon will down with sore throat, i can feel it already..:'(

too busy have not read thru all the posting yet..

van, what happen? got to drip?
take care, let us know how is the progress.
My son last time kena the stomach flu, refuse to drink/eat, so warded stay at NUH for 2 nites. Once he start to drip, things improve. U take care too... i know how u feel...

Annlee, how r u and family? does all the 'chicken' gone liao ?
