Cooking Tips & Recipe

Krisjoy and Sophie,

Both Tai Wah and Tiger brands are good.My mom's using Tiger and I'm using Tai Wah.I will do a comparison between the 2 brands soon.They've different soy sauce grades within the brand like standard, superior, premium etc...always get the premium one...a bit more expensive, but it's worth it.


How different is the po-po M'sian soy sauce to our local ones?Dont tell me less salty hor...I like strong-flavoured food.


Your food pics look good..very pro.


Sorry to hear you caught the chicken pox virus.Remember to apply aloe vera gel on the scabs when it's healing.

You're not that far from me lah!
How's your water retention? Better after the rest?

I just realised I've also got a bottle of Tai Hua soy suace for seafood which my mum bought for me to steam fish. It's actually quite tasty, almost like the restaurant's style! So I guess Tai Hua is not so bad!
How's your sewing going?

Heh, thanks
Maybe oily skin helps.
I'm quite open about my age, but half the time I actually forget how old I am
Seems like the "number" is irrelevant after 30, until the gynae asks me!

How did doc visit go?
btw, did you catch the last episode of Glass Shoes today?
hi hi...
was very bz at work today, no time to drop by..

u r still awake at this hour??!!?!? not tired ar..

today abit quiet here hor.. Van also never drop by???

i agree tat u look young for your age.. i also hv oily skin leh.. but look mature for my age..

*haiz*... financial stability is also a concern for me n hubby... cos hubby is so much older than me, i'm always very worried dat we wont be able to support our children thru Uni if they r capable enuf to get in... furthermore both of us started off with debts, only last year then managed to "zeroised" the negative... plus now supporting hse, reno loan, car.. n bb on e way... i dont think i'd ever be able to be a SAHM no matter how much we compromise lor....

i peeped into some of the other earlier MTBs thread.. cannot remember well, but are u from either the June/July thread??? n now u are back at work n travelling already???

how did your doctor visit go? did u manage to get the injection tat can help reduce e "outbreak"?

going to sleep soon liaoz....
nitez nitez all...
Hi all,
I finally managed to grill my greasy garoupa last nite. No banana leaf so I wrapped with aluminum foil. Here's the pic.

I was at Marina Square Giant yesterday and I saw Po-po brand soy sauce. Look very thick leh and I like the traditional packaging. It says 'caramalised sauce' so I assumed it is the dark soy sauce? If this brand is good then i will buy a small bottle next time

Thanks for your concern
I think I still hv water retention cos when I pressed my fingers at my legs, I can still see a depression with a white patch that will take a while to go off. This is how they test for water retention...

How does your garoupa taste? And how long do you need to bake it? For me, I can only start cooking when I move into my new place next year cos now the kitchen belongs to my MIL...hehehe...somehow feel paisay to 'mess up' her kitchen...

I think it is very typical of all Spore families to have such commitments (housing loan, reno loan, car loan, etc...). For me, I feel that it is very 'siong' if I let my hubby be the sole breadwinner so I dun mind to be a FTWM to help bring in the bacon.
Dun noe how to describe the taste...heehee... u try lah. Maybe u try the thai steamed fish 1st since it won't be so messy to cook at your MIL's kitchen.

Baked Fish

1 whole fish

1 medium red onion (chopped)
50g Dried shrimps (soften in water & chopped)
1 tsp Szechuan Peppercorn
1 tbsp Abalone Sauce
1 tbsp Woh Hup XO sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1 tsp Galangal (cut into long thin strips)
2 tbsp Olive oil

1. Heat up olive oil in wok and add all the stuffings ingredients to fry till fragrant.
(For me, I dumped all the ingredients & blend it before I stir-fry)
2. Stuff it inside the fish. Remaining stuffings can be place outside the fish.
3. Wrap up with foil tightly
4. Baked in preheated oven 200C for 30 mins.
5. Open the foil & bake for another 5 mins
6. Take out & drizzle with Dark Soya Sauce and garnish with Coriander leaves and red chilli
sophie, doc prescibe medi for me to stop pox from growing more. Now weak but no fever. Thanks for your cconcern!

I missed the earlier part of Glass shoe, was back home around 6.30 so did not see how Zhexiong died. The last part coming to the end of the show, Taixi&shanyu was walking along the river after visiting their old home, they're play a song which is very nice.

starz, did not go for the injection. Very funny leh..... There's 3 GP near my mum's place, I checked all and none of them heard of the injection to stop from growing. Maybe use to have it before the oraL medi is out.
Thanks for your recipe

Btw, how do I share my photos with all of you? I've downloaded 2 pics in Yahoo and was wondering how to let u all access to it?

Hmm... I am sure there is cos that time I was having the pox & the Dr asked me whether I want to take it. But then that was 10 yrs ago, so maybe I am outdated already..heehee..
Anyway, do take good care of yourself.
<b>Anyone going to the cat show at Singapore Expo tomorrow?Hub and I will be going down.</b>

Lyn and Krisjoy,

Oh the po-po soy sauce is those thick type?The word caramelised gives me the impression that it's thick and sweet, like those drizzled on top of claypot rice.If it is, I will drop by Giant to get a few bottles.


My sewing is going on well.I have mastered my sewing machine, different stitches and basic sewing skills.So far so good.
kikoman soya sauce is also very good..

I like to fry my tau kua with chinese celery with some kikoman soya sauce.. it is fragrance and a little sweet too.

hee... i also around yr age and my boy only 4mth plus. Take one step at a time hor.. i also planning to find another job as i dun think company can be so nice for long since i also on project base.
wow so many posts. been busy w my son at home

going out soon, will catch up tmr. BTW cat tail yr bake fish look yummy ,my hubby sure love it.
Thanks for the synopsis on the last episode of Glass Shoes. I didn't catch it as I was out. Good that you took the medicine! Take care of yourself!

Krisjoy is right - most people in SG start off with debts, the major one being housing loan... so no choice. My hubby was so commitment-phobic that he didn't want to buy a flat at the beginning. Took us awhile to commit to buying a flat and taking up the mortgage. One step at a time...

Your garoupa looks good!
FYI on banana leaf - my hubby's friend used to stay in kampungs, and they says banana leaves attract the most insects/pests i.e. if the banana tree is not sprayed with a lot of pesticide, the leaves will have a lot of holes. Hence, the banana leaves nowadays all contain a fair bit of pesticide. I think using it once in a while is OK... but not too often, and have to scrub it really clean.

I guess your Janome probably has many more types of stitches. My older one has only the basic ones, so nothing much to practise. Heard from my MIL that the newer ones can even do embriodery work, and they're very nice!

Yeah, one step at a time. We'll see how it goes - if career path is not so crucial, tuition is a also a good option.
hi all,
Have been busy, no time to read and post. Baked another round of cookies for dd's Saturday Classes' teachers and friends, more wrapping of little gifts for little friends.

Will be busy again tomorrow, don't think will have time to come in.

you really so " heng" ,just when you want to send your maid off, you got the pox. How's your ds2, if he get it this time, it's not too bad, at least for the following years, don't have to worry about it.
You take care and drink lots of cooling stuff.
Finally back and let my boy rest abit before going out for dinner. Normally for wkend we will go out and jalan jalan and NO cooking. heee

this maid is having off days on wkend
i m in IT and running projects. i travel alot partly my projects are not in Singapore type lor. so sad hor.

Yup, i m in both Apr &amp; May thread. EDD is May 7th end up giving birth Apr 26.

Aiyo my story very long, let me tell u the short version lah, i was back to work after 2mth ML as my new boss on board and request me to come back lor got urgency stuff to do. Now i m clearing my bal ML by taking 1 or 2 days a week.

then i hv not found nanny so i work and take care of my boy at home. Ya Ya i m a maid+wife+mum+chef.
then finally found a nanny after 2 rounds of interview. After sending my boy there for 2 days , she is 'nanny fm hell' my boy abit tramatise refuse to drink milk, keep sleeping etc... so back to sq i m on my own again. until recently i sent him to infant care. he is much happier now and he seems to love going there.
Your job sounds interesting..but travelling becomes difficult when bb arrives right?
I'm also engaging a baby sitter next time and am crossing my fingers and hoping that I will find a good one. Luckily your ds likes the infant care, otherwise quite stressful for both mummy and bb..

I just had hi-tea at Merchant Court hotel this afternoon. Guess I over-stuffed myself and I went to the toilet to throw everything out. Learnt my lesson liao - not to overeat!
I wanted to go to the cat show today but after when our car reach the Expo, we U-turn back home after we saw the Q to the carpark! Must be the Comex. So did u manage to go?

Yeee... then i better dun use banana leaf too often.

Wooo.. better take care.

Yup hub and I went there.We took MRT and it was very crowded too, but the journey was pretty quick.

It was nice to check out the lovely breeds all at once.
Yes, I think the crowd is due to Comex. Singaporeans always flock to IT exhibitiona!

How's the cat show? Di you get any interesting stuff for your cat?
Good morning!

I love the Merchant Court hi-tea too, esp. the durian pengat! I can understand why you over-stuffed yourself... the throwing up must feel terrible!
Take care of your water retention!

As for the pictures, you don't have access to the Yahoo Group for spmctr (Singapore Motherhood Cooking Tips and Recipes)? This Group was started by Annelise, and at that time, we needed an "authorization" from her to "admit" the member... not sure about now.
How about you try and then see if need her authorisation? If need, prob just have to wait awhile then she can authorise the joining when she pops by?
This is the URL:

Being a maid+wife+mum+chef is no easy task! Good that your ds like infant care... I think it's quite good as kids in infant care and child care pick up interaction skills faster!

Did you take any pictures of any cats at the show?
I didn't go cos friend reminded me there's Comex going on, and it'll defintely be very crowded.

Like to check with you with regards to Infant care.
About how much is the fees?
I'm worried that my MIL is not intending to look after my baby so is finding out more abt infant care.
They do not have durian puffs yesterday. So dissapointed! But the rest of the stuff were nice. I felt bad about puking into the basin cos it will get choked but can't help it leh..everything just came out

Thanks for the advice on yahoo photos

I've registered myself to Yahoo Group spmctr. Pls approve my application. Thanks!


hee.. i also had buffet dinner at Merchant Court hotel 2 days b4 my delivery. Eat until damn shiok. ha ha ha

Job interesting but super duper stress. now i try to cut down travelling lor but take one step at a time . time is bad and employees cannot be chooser liao.

he likes it there b4 the teacher pamper him. all bcos he timing is opp of others and he wake up after every bb/toddler took their shower in the morning.
Hi sunsweet,

my boy infantcare is in the East. The charges is $500 after govt subsidy(subsidy is $400). it is one of the cheaper one around here. I also paid $80 for registration and $120 one time payment for the toiletries such as wipes, shampoo,tissue etc.

once the bb on porridge on 6mths onwards , there is NO increase in the charges.

This infantcare is also a childcare centre. it is on a landed property and the top floor will be bb/toddler under 18mth children, the 2nd floor is office and special activity rooms. 1st floor is for children in childcare grp. They also hv spaces where they take naps and lessons.

oh ya they hv a mini pool for children in childcare grp, every friday is water time and they play water game for 30mins in the afternoon.
Hi Twinkle,

Thanks for the info. Could you pls share with me the name of the infantcare? wonder if they have a center at the west as well.

I often heard the infant care could cost almost $1k, luckily now you mention there would be govt subsidy for it.. I feel more its more affordable. *phew*

The Infant care you had enrolled is for full day?
Hi mummies,

What a itchy day for me..... my hb worst, whole face all chicken pox although taken medi from doc.

sophie, the Bragg soy sauce is gd,using it for my porriage. Everyday eat fish porriage added only salt taste real boring so i added some Bragg soy sauce to enhance flavour.

van, you're right..... im very 'heng'.....

I'm craving for durian, kuay lapis, old chang kee puff, cakes, all heaty food which i don't really eat them but now with chicken pox, i crave them very much..... of course i can't eat them cos now cannot go out.

ya mine is full day fm 7am-7pm, they also open half day for Sat and the charges included Sat too

Subsidy is for mum who work full time.

Actually some bb in the centre live in the West but dad or mum office is in the East so they were sent there.

Adverture Land Tel: 67496908
How are you?

I also realised, there's no right or wrong time to have babies... It's not easy to be "financially" stable first. Unexpected incidents will crop up on and off...
U planning to give tuition?
kekeke... I am crazy about reading about swimming for babies now... Suddenly got another idea... Teach swimming for infants up to 12 months... lol...

The po po soya sauce has more flavour... The other soya sauce that I used before, just has this taste like salt, not much flavour.

I pray my kids will get scholarship next time... lol... dreaming... I just hope they can get into local uni

caramalised is dark soya sauce I think...

So good that you can work from home... I am also maid+wife+mum+chef+biz woman+student. I am thinking of getting my mum to come over to my place to take care of my boy already. Think I am getting burnt out and I fell sick already...
I tot the IT job market is very good now? My hubby every week go for "farewell" lunch... lol... sometimes a few times a week some more!

Wah... got XO sauce one... kekeke.. looks very nice...

Dun drink coconut water hor.. It will purge out all the pox and very nasty one...
I agree with you. My colleague also told me now that IT market is very good. He always get calls from recruitment firms leh.

Maybe you can start looking at newspaper or register yourself with the agencies around..hehehe..Seems like infant care is cheaper than baby sitter after the subsidy. Do you know of any infant care in Woodlands area? I heard that the down side is that if bb happens to fall sick (touch wood), the parents must bring bb home cos they do not want other bb to be infected. Is yours this case?
Your hubby also kenna chickenpox? Oh dear, better take care. Don't think about those food - just think that fish is yummy and good for your healing!

Yeah, the Bragg Liquid Aminos is not bad, low sodium too... my hubby now likes it, although at first he claims it's not "real" soy sauce!
I rebutted him that of course it's real soy sauce, cos made from soy beans... just that it has no added salt so the taste not as strong as conventional kind

Yep, thought of giving tuition after baby is born, if I am not going back out to work. Heh, the only tempting thing for me to go back out to work is I can wear all the nice clothes and shoes

But of course the long-term career prospects is more important, and I also miss the social structure... I can't help but feel a bit socially deprived now that I am staying at home!
Hey, you take care and not get too burnt out with work+kid!

I'm making a modified version of the Thai steamed fish with Red Snapper today

hee... i abit greedy want to finish tis project off then look around. tis project will add meat to my CV so i must do it good
Even working at home, the working hr is so long. evrey nite my boy will sulk when he see me go to my work room. imagine 4mth knows how to sulk liao

if to choose infantcare, must choose those w less bb so that getting sick is less prone and also the ratio of the teacher is better. the infantcare tat my son goes to, bb&amp;toddlers are only 5 of them. my son is the youngest, 2 more bb 1 mth older than him . 1 is 14mth and 1 is 17mth.
thanks for sharing the info. Hope that your project will lift off smoothly

show us the photos when done ok? ;p
hi, afternoon ladies....

hehehe.. today subject is infantcare hor.. hehehe.. all the "master chefs" not around...

ya, ur hubby also kena the pox ar.. e medicine work better on u?? hehehe.. look on it the bright side lor... hubby accompany u for 2 weeks.. no need to waste "annual leave" then get to spend time together...

*ren* for a while while ur pox recover lor... dont take all e durian n curry puff now lah...
i didn't know kueh lapis is heaty too leh...
i think weather not too good... i also kena sore throat over e weekend liaoz....

haiz.. who doesnt wish e child nex time can get scholarship... but super difficult leh...
i was smart enough to get into local uni.. (not smart enuf to get scholarship), and parents no $$ to support me finish e course.. so i had to drop out after 1st yr.. dont wish my kids to be in e same predicament... dats y i tend to worry more lor... i came from the low income family background..n i hv this mentality tat i wan to be able to provide everything that i couldnt hv for my kids...

wat business u doing? n u studying too??? saw ur "+biz woman+student"...
get some help if u feeling burnt out lor.. mummies also need a break once in awhile.. imagine if u fall sick, worse still, wont be able to take good care of ur son liaoz....

i really admire all of those full-time working n taking care of own kids (after office hrs) and doing housework mummies... for me its "luckily" my own mum will be taking care of my bb.. plus i "make" her come over to my hse to take care.. plus i know she will definitely help me with housework once in awhile, cos she cant "tahan" me sometimes...
in my "current state of mind", i cannot imagine having to "travel" after work to nanny/infantcare to pick up bb, bring home n take care of him all by myself, plus do hsework n cook..etc etc... then next morning wake up earlier than usual, drop bb off before travelling to work..

times r not tat bad leh.. can start by updating ur resume n sending out to some recruitment agencies liaoz lah... i recently keep getting calls from these agencies too... n my industry is abit "small / niche".. so if here got jobs, IT shd hv even more opportunities leh...
hello all! I am back !
month end is really 'siong', no time to eat my fav snack --snake! sigh...

how's everybody ?

Annlee, u feeling ok? u poor thing, so worry the 2nd one kena end up ma-ma kena ... :'(
take care!

Sophie, how's thing with u? more shopping ? :p

starz, how r u lately? me very tired, can't sleep well, the back like cracking liao..
in the office they see me the first thing is "not enough sleep" ?
Start to go thru the shopping list now.. have not starting anything yet..
even the decision to get maid or no maid still pending...

My hb back frm US on 27/aug. yesterday brought my son to botanic garden, play his new toy.

Any infant care at west side?
hi littlecat.. u finally back, missing for so long worried abt u leh...

hehehehe... so cute way of putting "eating snake".. its also my favourite snack.. but long time no eat liaoz...

i'm very tired too.. nowadays all i want to do is sleep.. yesterday slept till 3pm then wake up..

me not so much backache, but the hips joint/thigh area there sometimes get quite painful.. esp if i sit for too long or get up from bed in e morning... then i'll be limping..
r u sleeping on ur back thats y causing backache?
try to put a cushion behind u when u sit, maybe can help abit..???

wat new toy ur son have?? daddy buy from US for him one ar???
lyn, littlecat

I'm fine, thanks! Only itchy on my back and im good in 'REN' so will not scratch it.

sophie, my hb realise his chicken pox after i told him im having them.

The Bragg soy sauce also contains no colour agent so i feel safe to consumed it.

starz, ya.....kuay lapis is heaty and fattening.
The weather is no good, i got sore throat too... you take care!

wow... alot of infantcare happening here....... i remember looking one for my sister and is not cheap.... around 1k if not wrong. My sister chose to have a maid, can clean the house and take care of bb,but priority on bb. Luckily she has a good maid.

Littlecat, is botanic garden crowded? Heard that korean actor Kwon sang woo went there but not sure is today or yesterday

My sister is crazy!!! She went to see Korean actor Kwon sang woo at Ritz carlton.

cat tail, korean actor Kwon sang woo is handsome too.....
Don't think of durians... see this fish... good for your healing

For a change, can steam fish with Bragg to eat with rice when you are feeling better and don't have to eat porridge anymore.

annlee is right - kueh lapis super fattening! Lots of egg yolks and condensed milk used in making it... but once in awhile, one thin slice OK lah

Yep, hehe, more shopping for me... until I tabulated my receipts and realised I spent too much already! So now will STOP all maternity clothing shopping, no matter how cheap or on sale they are!
The Botanic Gardens is a nice place to bring kids and for Sunday walks and brunch. Did you guys picnic or eat at the new foodcourt?

Krisjoy, cat_tail,
Here's my version of the Thai Steamed Fish.
I didn't use garlic cos was afraid of gas, so used ginger instead.
Also skipped the stock cos I didn't have any.
And used normal soy sauce + Bragg cos no fish sauce.
But still taste very good... hubby loves it!
Re. Cat Show

They sold stuff that we've already gotten for our cat, so no purchase from us.There were other makeshift stalls selling Calvin Klein cat print undies, cat applique bags(i already have a few of these at home), cat wooden jigsaw puzzles and some cat display items.

The cat show itself was wonderful;Maine Coon(s) and Exotic(s) stood out in the pure breed category.The Household Cat category was a lot more interesting and laid back..Cat owners in this segment were just there to have a good judge Sato said every cat is beautiful and is a winner.
evening ladies...
nowadays i bringing work back home to do.. so get to log on at nite...

now u all tell me then i know kueh lapis is fattening n heaty leh.... its one of my fav cake, but always "bu she de" buy, cos its always so ex... even for a thin slice..

i hv the recipe tho'... its tedious to make too.. if anyone is interested..

go back to work liaoz...

Your steam fish looks very appetising and the photo was very well taken too
What kind of steamer are you using? cos the 3-tier steamers nowadays seem too small to put a whole fish it in...

Dun work too late even though working from home...have enuff rest ok?
Hi Mummies,
Was disappear for a moment cos my little gal is sick after I brot her to a swim.
Now she's back to normal.

Got any cat show pics to show us? Manage to see any bengal cat around? Oh well, will just wait for another cat show in the near future.

How's things going? Got any helper to help u? Heehee... u r so cute, can tempt me with handsome Korean guy. Kwon Sang Woo played in one of the mafia movie rite? Can't rememeber which one.. heehee..

Your thai fish looks good! Make me want to cook it for my weekends. *slurps~

Rest more k.
yeap his dad bought him a toy from US, some kind of outdoor toy.
He likes to go Botanic garden.

Annlee/Sophie, the botanic garden not crowded, too big

we sometime go to the pond to feed the tortoise/fish, or just walk around the park, the main purpose is to tired him... but at the end the 2 old folks (me and hb) are the one!
we tried the new food court, the food there so so... i tried the fei-siong noodle, u know their standard lah, nothing exciting. The roti John is the worst, saw them eating the paper prata, very big pcs, not sure nice or not.
i prefer the "Food heaven", the food there cheap and nicer too.

annlee, wow your sis so serious still go 'chase star'? :D

Sophie, your steam fish looks so yummy! i could eat the whole fish!

van u so quiet recently? shopping again?or more hi-tea ?

cat_tail, remember to post your photo too

my son got fever last nite, after medicine he sleep quite fast, so i ask my hb to bring him to his room, so i can have a good rest.
But around 3am, he realise he is in the wrong room so cry and look for me.. aiyoh and his fever is back too. After the medicine, he pass motion somemore, so busy, can't rest well...
ladies, was it here i read about drinking brown rice water?

Actually how to prep the borwn rice. cos last night I fried the rice dry and it started to pop like pop corns! keke .. well of cos i turn the heat off and cool it before i get a wok of Popped Rice keke

Can someone please share with me how to prep the brown rice?


Yep, I know you mean "don't need" to go for expensive woks.

I think that day when I saw from $50+ Meyer wok at Robinsons, I must have been hallucinating!
Cos last Sat when I went back with hubby to see it, all Meyer anodised woks were also about $200 without the steamer rack. It was the steamer rack that costs only $57.
Anyway, hubby quite like it, but forbid me to buy it till after I gave birth, cos he says it's too heavy for me to carry.

I didn't use a steamer. I used my normal Western-style stainless steel frying pan with lid.
What I did was wrap the fish + marinate in foil tightly, then put directly into pan and add water outside the foil.
The tail was sticking out of the pan so I forced it in and covered the lid, then used a small overturned claypot to put on top of the lid to press down lid so no air can escape. Quite a sight, isn't it?

After steaming for about 10mins, fish softens, then can take the claypot away cos the tail will no longer push the lid up.
Once cooked, I took the foil out onto the casserole dish and pull the foil out from underneath the fish, and served it like in the pic.

Your recipe is so good, hubby says it's restaurant-standard, and I was about to make him pay me back $6 for the cost of ingredients
