Cooking Tips & Recipe

Have not seen the dried mee hoon kuey in NTUC yet.Bought from small provision shop in market for $1.40.

For the Dao Ciam,remember to fry the garlic and meat first, then the soup will be more tasty.

The red bean bak chang is not the sweet one.It's with pork.Exactly same as bak chang but PLUS red bean,that's why it's hard to find. When I was working,two of my colleagues actually asked their mums to make specially for me, so sweet of them hor?!
Yes... Dao Ciam is very nice... My mum stir fry it like stir fry noodles.. very nice... I love it.. Or cook it like horfun style, also delicious.

You wanna use the beans to cook for dessert or for soup? For soup, I usually use black beans and soya beans. Soya beans make the soup "sweeter". Black bean is very nutritious. For dessert, I like the mixture of red beans, green beans and bian tou with rock sugar. Or red beans with black glutinous rice and rock sugar also nice.
You can add peanuts to the soup. But I do not take too much peanuts for now. I read from a pregnancy book that preggie should not take too much peanuts. The reason being the peanuts are grown underground and they have a layer of white mold thing around them. The mold is no good. I forgot in what ways no good already :p.

My gynae let me take the risk if I really want to go for natural. The risk is pretty high, according to him...

Are you talking about "nyonya zhang"?
Oh.. haven't tried the sweet beans with pork before.. hmm very interesting .. is it hokkien ? Will look out for ya..

Eh lyn, my 25th week scan shows that bb is breech.. heehee.. hopefully he will turn, if not will kena potong ..
You got a cyst in the womb is it ? If caesar the best, go for it.. don't risk ..
A friend got a cyst or fibriod growing side by side her bb, dunno how she gave birth, but it was natural..
oh i like the dao ciam too!
that was once i like anything tat looks like 'kway teow' so get to know the dao ciam.

eh have u gals heard of PG woman can't take broad bean ? (chan4 dou4)
It's not nyonya zhang.Just imagine the savoury bak zhang with lots of whole red beans.The red beans are soaked overnight, then stiry fry with rice.The rest of the steps are same as making ba zhang.

If it's too high risk, better take C section.My friend had C Section 3 times.1st time,wanted natural birth but after labour pain for so many hours,got to rush for emergency C-Sect,sufferd more and paid more.The following two births, she opted C-Section right from beginning.

Just made some goreng pisang with a new batter recipe. The writer claims that this batter recipe will make it stay crispy longer,so I am testing it out.

Recipe: 80% self-raising flour+20% rice flour,add water and a little cooking oil and mix well. Do not add egg,as it will make it lost crispiness faster.

Green bean is Cooling,good for clearing toxins,getting rid of water retention,relieve heatiness,promote urination. I have tried adding green beans to Wintermelon pork ribs soup with red dates,following a recipe I read in Chinese newspaper.

Red Bean is Neutral,rich in Vitamin B. TCM believes it helps to drive away "dampness"(qu shi),cure feet swelling due to water retention.
I have tried adding red bean to lotus root soup, based on a Hong Kong recipe.
This is the pic post-ganache. Eating it now - texture is soft, but not the Lana kind, so a bit disappointed. But overall, OK for a choc cake.

If gynae says high risk, maybe listen to him? Maybe can do natural for future births if your previous C-section is already past 3 years.
You sure or not? But you definitely made my day
, now migraine not so bad... but still gonna pop Pandadols.

Goreng pisang... yummy... my favourite is the one at LongHouse Hawker Centre at Upper Thomson. Batter stays quite crisy and it's not oily. Hmmm, now that you remind me of goreng pisang, maybe I'll go eat it tonight ;)

If any of you see this type of picnic table anywhere, please let me know.

I bought this for $9+ a few years ago at Taka.Used it for picnic and art and craft with dd. My friends like it very much and wanted to get it but we couldn't find it anymore.
hi all

It is now 1am over. I will type out the chicken recipe and then post....

Van....I have only try with the japanese pumpkin...which is the small type of pumpkin...never try with other yet.

Tomorrow...I am making Yam Cake. And will be very busy this week as the friends in the Singapore National Netball team are here for tournament and just went to support their first will be meeting them this week end.
yr cake looks so much more delicious with ganache (btw, what's ganache?). it's so smooth, how did u do it? any recipe for that? I also want a slice, make it a thick one ok, hehe.
hi gals, my 'honeymoon' period is going to be gone soon.. lots of thing to do now :'(

will try to login as and when i find time!

Sophie nice cake! why u have headache ? is it due to AF ? take care!
I used to have that very often last time till i scare.. some recommed the tian-ma (kind of chinese herb) to double boil with pork meat... try few time like got effect after that back again..

Somehow i find the headache thing go away (or much lesser, touch wood) after i gave birth leh...

pris, talk about yam cake, i dreamt of making the yam cake last nite!
aiyoh till morning my mind still thinking of how to cut the yam

eh sister choc06, is the bak zhang nice from cold storage? i bet they sure put msg one lah...

lyn, dun take the risk, better follow what the doc said. My first one I induce althought not yet EDD but doc said scare he pass motion inside.
Still nature birth, but kind of make it earlier since induce.
So i dun have to worry what mid nite water bag burst then got to rush then... i know not that natural... but just trying to weigh the pros & cons...

sp, i miss those nasi lemak wrap in banana leaf at malaysia leh...
u know those they put in the coffee shop at the table? just so nice!
this morning i ate at killiney kopitiam, not nice one ...

eh Van that's a nice foldable table! good for outing and also when doing art & craft, let them mess it up! ok i go see look at taka when got chance...
aiyoh.. I love nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaf too.. almost crazy .. thought killiney kind was the best !! "Changi village" brand one not bad right ?

the bak zhang in cold storage is nice.. a lot of liao.. you can also buy the small nonya zhang for your boy boy..

Eh.. don't tire yourself huh.. take it easy.. we'll leave some cake for you.. log on at night for supper..
Cake cut looks like that... moist but more "dense" type. I was hoping for some spongelike "holes"


sp, actually I don't know what the actual definition of ganache is... but from what I see in the recipe, I guess it's the cream they put all over the cake. I made it following the recipe - using 100gm dark choc, 100gm semi-sweet choc, 50gm butter and 4tbsp milk, cooked in a double-boiler pot so the low heat will not burn the choc.

Yeah, I always get migraine near AF, especially if I eat certain things like chocolate or cheese, then sure kenna big time. Didn't pop my Panadols in the end; went for a brisk walk cum slow run for 15mins, and headache went off! Tianma works? Maybe I go ask medicine hall... this time after AF, I feel like making something to "bu" the blood cos always feeling dizzy. Sometimes just standing at the traffic lights, I tell dh I am floating cos the ground suddenly feels like water. Anyone felt this before? Maybe will try lyn's gynae's recommendation of cordyceps.

Adam Road Hawker Centre
Nasi Lemak! Another place is the Adam Road Hawker Centre one. My friend thinks it's better than the Changi Village one; I cannot remember cos it's been ages since I ate the Changi Village one. There are 2 stalls next to each other side-by-side; you won't miss it cos the queues will be long. Some say the corner one is nicer but they close by evening time. Since I only go there during dinner time, I only tried the stall next to it i.e. the 2nd stall. Very good too, and looooong queue. Some say the Brunei of Sultan sends people to buy their nasi lemak when he comes visiting Singapore. No banana leaf, but still very good.
While you're at Adam Road hawker centre, try the prawn mee if you like the black soup prawn mee. It is good, but they've got a split shift i.e. they open in the morning, and close in the afternoon, reopens at 6pm.
Rojak get thumbs-up too, for taking so much pride in making the you tiao crispy before mixing it.

Ice=cream After eating at Adam Road hawker centre, cross over to the other side for some local-flavoured ice-cream. I cannot remember name of building, but it's the one at the corner with a "Tierney's Gourmet" signboard on it and some Black Canyon Coffee place. Cannot remember name of ice-cream place either, but there is only one ice-cream shop there. Interesting flavours like Tiger beer, teh tarik, Horlicks, durian, jambalat etc.
25th week still ok leh... My boy turned at 32 weeks. Tell your baby to turn everyday...
It works for me
I kena potong before lor... and the potong scar quite big, so very risky it will break during contractions.

Oh I know already... Ya, very difficult to find that type of "bak zhang" in Singapore. I think it's Penang style. JB also difficult to find this type of "bak zhang".
How's your goreng pisang. Yes, add corn flour can make the crispiness last.

I also craving for that nasi lemak wrapped in banana leaves! I just love the rice with ikan bilis and chilli. There's one stall in Whampoa market selling this type of nasi lemak... can eat la...

Here's one of my favourite websites to share with you.

It's got natural and non-toxic solutions for the home. Scroll to the bottom and you'll find more DIY solutions e.g. cleaning with vinegar etc. I am testing out using tea tree oil with water for the mould in my bathroom.

Other subsections in this site are:
- Personal & Beauty Care (making masks with fruits, beauty care with Epsom salts)
- Green Kitchen (Cooking Tips, Recipes, Organic Living, Whole Foods such as grains)
- Body Mind Spirit (Meditation, Buddhism philosophies) etc.

Lyn, I'll try out the lemon juice in batter next time. This time I added in baking soda + baking powder + salt, but still got a big "smiley" crack. Maybe lemon juice will help next time!
Hi there

Will key in the chicken recipe when ds takes his nap in the afternoon.

Another best nasi lemak is at the Boon Lay Market...the chili is one of the best and long queue, the malay style one.

The best chinese nasi lemak is in the CBD. Amoy market.
Van..that is the peranakan tao zhang. My cousin's mil is still making that.

My mum and aunt do not make dumpling for a while chance to learn liao.
Hi all

Here is the recipe for the Hainanese chicken and I also include the rice in case some missed the recipe of cooking the rice.

Hainanese Chicken Rice Recipe

Ingredient for the Chicken
1.5 to 2 kg whole chicken
1 scallion (Spring onion), washed and cut into 1 inch pieces
30g young ginger, peeled and bruised
3 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
2 tbsp of sesame oil
1 tsp of light soy sauce
1 tsp of salt

Method for the Chicken
1. Wash, clean the chicken and remove the fat on the buttocks.
2. Stuff the chicken with salt, garlic, ginger and scallion.
3. Boil 20 cups of water in a large pot. Add chicken, breast side down, submerging completely.
4. Boil water, turn the heat down to very low and simmer for 30 to 40 minutes, uncovering once to turn chicken over.
5. Remove chicken and drain liquid from the body cavity. Retain liquid for later use to cook rice.
6. Bathe/ wash the chicken in an ice water to create a tender, springy texture for 2 minutes to stop the cooking process and to tighten the skin.
7. Drain, rub some sesame oil over and let the chicken cool to room temperature.
8. Chop the chicken into bite-sized pieces and serve garnished with sliced cucumbers and tomatoes and Coriander (cilantro) leaves/parsley on the top. Keep broth for cooking rice and making a simple soup with sliced cabbage.
Ingredient for Rice
2 tbsp of minced garlic
2 tbsp of minced shallots
1 tsp of minced ginger
1 tbsp of mushroon sauce
1 tbsp of sesame oil
1 tbsp of canola oil
2 cup of rice
3 cups of chicken stock (or from the boiling water of the chicken)
salt to taste
Optional 150g of chicken fat (dh does not like it, but it make it more fragrant)
Optional pandan leaves....think will be more fragrant but cant get here

Method for the Rice:
1. Wash and drain the rice.
2. Add the canola oil and fry shallot until fragrant, then add the garlic to fry for a minute and add the ginger.
3. After that add the rice to stir fry for 3 to 4 minutes.
4. Transfer all to the rice cooker, add the sesame oil and mix well, then the stock and salt.
5. Tie one pandan leave and add in to boil in the rice cooker.
little cat, choc06,
the changi village one is ok lah, though I do prefer the sambal to be hotter and less sweet, so will still vote for Malaysia one, hehe.

hope u feeling better already. My pms also very sianz one, will bloat as long as 2 weeks, then very moody feel sad one. I wish "aunty" will continue long vacation for another year hahaha. So far haven't come back yet, my son 9+ mths old already.

I like dense choc cake texture, more "solid", hee. thanks for the ganache recipe! can give me another slice, hehehe.

thanks for sharing the link, it's very interesting.

thanks for the chicken rice recipe, got chance must cook it, my all time fav food.
Garden Chicken Stir Fry

500g Boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips (Marinate in soy sauce, pepper, mushroom sauce for at least half an hour)
750ml Thawed mixed vegetables
250ml Chicken Broth (or 1 can)
2 tbsp Oil
1 tbsp Soy sauce
2 tbsp Cornflour
1 tsp garlic powder
half tsp of ground ginger

1. Heat up oil in pan (preferrably non-stick)on high heat, add in chicken and cook until all side are slightly brown. Remove chicken and set aside.
2. Add the extra oil, then mixed vegetable and stir fry vegetable until tender-crisp and reduce heat to medium.
3. Add mixture broth,soya sauce, cornflour, garlic powder and ginger. Heat to a boil and stirring often. Return the chicken to the pan and reduce heat to low.
4. Simmer covered, until chicken is cooked through, takes about 10 minutes.
5. Served over rice or boiled bee hoon.
hi all the cooking kaki
Anyone planning to go Motherhood Exhibition ?
Date: 31 MAy - Jun 4
Time: 12pm to 10pm
Venue: Expo Hall 5
Admission: Free

I like the malaysia nasi lemak, als bcos the sambal can eat the onion one, not like here all become sauce..

Yesterday my aunt cook one dish very nice, hot & spicy hehe!
It is something like 'Otah' but instead of the mesh the fish meat with the paste, she put it fish fillet or fish head to make.
She told me ingredient include, dried chili, lemon grass, onion, coconut milk, eggs.. after she blend everything, she will put this chilli paste on the fish then wrap in banana leaf and steam.
I ask her to show me one day when she is cooking. Cos she also can't tell me exactly how much dried chilli:lemon grass:eek:nion: etc.. u know they cook without any measurement type.
The taste is really good. Some of her fren recommend she bake it like the normal otah instead of steam. Like put it on the ikan selar or stingray. Once i got the recipe will try it on my own before sharing with the rest.
hi Pris,
Chicken Rice recipe looks yummy and is definitely useful when we are overseas and cannot get local delights. This will go into my recipe file if I need to go overseas next time

hi sp,
Yep, feeling much better today. Better in terms of "moodiness" too, so I guess it's the PMS thingy
I've also snapped out of my "Don't do too much strenuous exercise mentality in case I am pregnant" thingy. Actually, I've been feeling abdominal pains since after ovulation this round that's why I've been making those black chicken "bu" stuff. And after stopping TCM this month, the pains must have come back. So I haven't been doing much since my ovulation cos of the pains and "in case I am pregnant". Then yesterday I got angry at myself (after my migraine!) and told myself I should snap out of this silly mentality of living around TTC-ing. Went out for a short run (having not run since my miscarriage cos afraid), and booked a holiday in Ho Chi Minh too. I think I need to come to peace with myself - that if I get pregnant, it's a gift from someone above. And if I don't, I cannot live my life around it. Have also stopped going into TTC thread to "peep" cos I think it makes me stressed unconsciously.

OK, going for a walk-cum-run now. Talk to you guys later!

P/S. This food forum helps cos nothing can beat the smell and pictures of delicious and heavenly recipes! not bother so much about TTC. Get your body tone up and strong first then try for bb. But must remain relax through out.
Hey Soph, thanks for the cake..Is the recipe saved in the yahoo website ? Want to try too.. I am trying to look for the kind like saraly... a bit bitter and not so sweet..soft and dense

Soph, I used to have bad pms too, ovulation bleeding and pain, to the extend of taking pain killer and also menstrual cramp.. went to gynae and he potong out grape like cyst, that was thought to be the prob.. but few months later, came again! Gave up and went to Eu Yan Sang, then the physician prescibed some chinese herbs for 3 months, aft that, the bleeding stopped..

I like the banana leaf wrapped nasi lemak.. those already in the stalls.. Have asked my malaysian students to buy for me years ago, very nice and pang, but portion very little, my guilt stopped me from eating 3 pkts! The adam road one has a long queue and not wrapped up.. somehow , psychologically, banana leaf wrapped nasi nicer leh..

Hey Prisc, thanks for the chicken rice recipe, and the garden stir fried chicken, this is easy and can do for a quick lunch..
Eh sp, you know where in JB got nice nasi lemak ?

cat, your aunt's spicy fish makes me drool !! Using hands to eat with nasi puteh lagi yummy !!
Hi Sophie,
You can still excercise during TTC
Just becareful when you run. Cos if pregnant, your ligaments will be loosen and will cause injury. I dun think running will cause m/c. If the embryo is healthy, will not lose it so easily one

Yes... TTC thread and m/c thread can make one very stressful and sad... cos I experienced it last time too... :p So if affected emotionally, just try to avoid it

Are you a runner? I envy you can run... I was injured years ago and cannot run already... Next time when you are pregnant, you certainly can stay active throughout...
You wanna go into JB to eat nasi lemak ah? Those places that most Singaporeans go are expensive and not so nice... kekeke...
I know where to eat prawn noodles, Penang char kuey tiow, sha bo fan, bak kut teh.. kekeke...
Eh lyn, where ? The only place I went the other time was called Zhu Ling, famous for otah and steam herbal chicken .. ang dared not go in by car now, scared kena robbed ! So, maybe june hols, take bus in.. aargh.. what a glutton !

How much milk to use prisc, by gut feeling ?

Oui lyn, go mac's .. got air con !
sorry don't know abt JB.

maybe we shld cook our own nasi lemak, then we no need to crave for the taste that we can't find outside, hehe.

I very long never help my mum to do prep for cooking already, can't remember how much of what ingredients to put.

think to make the "basic" sambal need fresh and dried red chilies, onions, garlic. Belachan, lemongrass, kunyit, daun limau purut if u like. to thicken can use buah keras. salt and sugar to taste. anyone got the recipe pls share ya.

as for the coconut rice, use coconut milk, water, a bit of salt and pandan leaf to cook the rice. need to stir the rice once halfway through cooking.

the rest of the ingredients is up to u, fried ikan bilis, kacang, hard-boiled egg, sliced cucumber... Don't forget the all-important banana leaves, hehehe.

little cat,
yr aunt's spicy fish sounds delicious!

wow, u r active girl! glad u r happier! enjoy yr day.

Any of you interested to attend this Parenting Conference?

$10 per person or $15 for two persons(per session)

Venue: HDB Hub Convention Centre Auditorium (B1)
Date: 01 Jun 06, Thursday

Registration: 8.30am
Conference: 9am-12.30pm(English)

Regisration: 1.30pm
Conference: 2pm-5pm(Chinese)

I intend to sign up for the English session.
hi Everyone,

Headache tody so staying at home.
Here is the muffin receipe that someone asking. Cant rbr who.

Banana & Chocolate Chip Muffin

Ingredient A:
Egg 350g
Brown Sugar 225g
Emulsifier gel 5g
Vanilla Essense 1 tsp

Ingredient B:
Butter 360g
Milk 180ml

Ingredient C:
Cake flour 330g
Baking powder 13g

Ingredient D:
Banana 900g
Chocolate Chip 360g

1) Preheat the oven for 180 - 200 DC. Mix ingredient A (Egg, brown sugar and emulsifer gel) together.
2) Beat ingredient A in the fast mode for 4 min until it is fluffy.
3) Turn the beater to lower speed and add in the Vanilla Essense
4) Melt the butter and add in milk (do not boil the butter)
5) Add ingredient B mixture into ingredient A mixture and beat in low speed.
6) Sift the cake flor + baking powder
7) Add the flour + baking powder into the mixture and mix well.
8) Add in mashed banana and chocolate chip
9) Scoop into baking cup and bake it for 15-20 min.
hmm... If you are taking bus into JB, very inconvenient, unless you are only going to places where the Singaporeans will usually go... My parents stay in JB. If there's no car available for me, I wun go back... hahaha...
Most of the nice food are quite in... kekeke... For the banana leaf wrapped nasi lemak, sometimes can get from the morning market. There's one Malay restaurant in Pelangi that sells that... Not bad...
hee... I very long time never go Mac and eat already... :p almost 2 years already...
u really good lah, can resist fast food! I can't lor, max a few months will succumb. yr bb will be very healthy as I read that healthy maternal diet from before preggie, all the way during preggie and thereafter thru bf will give yr bb the BEST possible start in life!

hope u feel better soon!
thanks for the recipe. how many cupcakes can it make?
i havent try out. will try out later but i will half all the Ingredient.

i try to post the pic later.. i go rest 1st.
Hey sp, yah.. I tried making nasi lemak from scratch before,wrapping in banana leaf.. but the tricky one is in the sambal chilli leh.. I like the malay style..

I still can't get the taste I like..dunno what secret ingredient they put, didn't put belachan and limau purut the last time.. maybe that's the secret..
I can just eat sambal with rice and cucumber !

Thanks hong, for the muffin recipe.. rest well ..

thanks lyn, pelangi is the place !
hi momies here, anybody has any simple soup recipe for 1 yr old? My gal keep falling sick (cough & running nose) every few wks ..not sure is it due to she is in infantcare.. Anyone has recommendation on simple to cook recipe? I am a FTWM , not good at cooking at all!thx...
I have the pancake recipe but they are back in Singapore...hardly make pan cake here except in Singapore.

Sambal Belacan...I miss that!
over here I can't get sad ..... in infantcare has the tendency of falling sick at least 11 to 12 times a year compare to those that are care at home.
You used to run alot? Actually I am not much of a runner. Haha, looks like one but actually cannot even run a 2.4k decently. Then before m/c, I started walking/running alternately up to 5k. Then the stop for the last 4 months. So now decided to pick it up again. Will take note of the loose ligaments if I am pregnant next time.

hi Choc,
The recipe is not in the Database nor in this website as Amelia emailed it to me privately. She mentioned she got this recipe from some other forum, so it's not nice to post it up publicly. I can email it to you (Amelia, hope you don't mind if you're reading this!) but I tried looking in the Yahoo Member's namelist, cannot find any names that resemble Choc

Pris is right, use dark chocolate. I used half dark & half semi-sweet choc for my ganache, still find it too dairy-tasting, so not very nice. Next time if I do it, I'll use 100% dark choc.

Take care. It could be the weather cos yesterday was just super hot and humid. Drink lots of fluids. Look forward to your muffins!

hi all,
Thanks for all the advice and encouragement on TTC. After my run/walk and meditation just now, I feel much happier, like the world is almost brighter

I'm gonna be learning how to make zhong zi from my mum next Sunday; figured I better learn it from her before this becomes a lost art! Get ready for some pictures of out-of-shaped dumplings

llyn...another thing is to bring bb for children Tui Na....I brought my ds to the one at Chinatown...Tai Shan Medical Hall - Physican Tan Eng Hwa (Chen Yi Shi)...she is very good. When my ds undergo Tui Na....his immunity improve alot and even when he is unwell, he recovered very fast and now in Vancouver, he is taking it very well and I continue to do the tui na on him daily and when I return for a holiday in August will bring him to Chen Yi Shi again for tui na.
