Cooking Tips & Recipe


havent been logging in for quite a while...have been pretty busy..

Same as choc, I do discipline my kids by caning and usually this will be the last resort if they still dun listen despite several warnings....

I agree that usually the younger one will have worse temper as compared to the elder....n when the young one do wrong and before i scold him, he will start to cry ....n my elder son will be so soft hearted to sayang the didi and tell me its ok, didi is still small....dun scold him...

tonite not cooking...bringing the kids out for dinner.....

I have tried the cordyceps chicken...i used it to cook soup....taste good n the chicken is pretty tender too....but once in a while can lah...otherwise its more ex than the normal chicken...hehe

Hi ladies,
How's your weekend?

So where did you take the kids for dinner?
Dunno if I am becoming an auntie, but I find eating out quite expensive nowadays... and I really don't enjoy it cos half the time feeding kids and making sure they don't pull or upset anything on the table. Then when they've finished, they will want to run around, so I never really get to eat properly... only gulping down in between feeding them.

Hee, I also find the cordyceps chicken exp that why only tried it now after it's been launched for such a long time... just cos there's a promo now!

Tried making a hongzao chicken last Fri cos cf nanny gave me some hongzao... yummy! esp. with mee sua.

Also made this doufu ru chicken for inlaws when they came to my palce for dinner yesterday. Looking at the way they eat it, I think it's quite yummy.

Hmm... all my friends say younger kids are more aggressive cos they want the attention.
Hello Everyone,
Its hol, bet more relax for everyone esp for mummies that have got school goers.

Been busy preparing for hokkaido holidays trip next and prepared.Luggage still in the storeroom.This is the first time bringing the two children to winter, not sure how well they will take it tho they have been to around 10 deg temp.

These days, try not to cook cos I know that next year will be too busy to cook unless I can find a short cut.

Happy week ahead.

Good late morning gals!

Hey joy, same here,preparing for taiwan trip this coming weekend.

Husk, hehe.. don worry about being aunty , we are just being wise in handling our purse and feeding our kids and also not tearing our hair out in public, trying to feed them while gulping down our food. Yes, It's stressful to eat out with them alone, so if it's real good food, normally I'll ta pow home for the kids.
Last week, I was out with 4 of them, and they wanted ice cream, knowing the mess they'll create and not being able to control their excitement, I bought a tub of NZ ice cream to let them enjoy at home.. hehe.. they are happy and I'm happy.

Also, sometimes when the kids want fishball noodles in the foodcourt, I only see 4-5 fishballs and some noodles swimming in the soup, the only veg they add is spring onions nia, very miserable!

The cordyceps chicken is on promotion now? I also want to get it later. I ve tried it, but added too much water to boil, so it was a bit bland. This time round, i must remember to use lesser water.

Want to try the doufu ru chicken one of these days too. Tks for the link

Tried Reena's miso paste chicken too, tasty and nice too, but my dds still prefer 3 cups chicken.

Ivena, your gorgor is so sweet to protect didi.. My youngest has a bad temper too

Tonight making batang fish soup with bittergourd, and rice. Quick simple meal

YO CAT and COOKIE, where are you?
Hi all

Oh...we usually have our meals at foodcourt....cos the boys like niang dou fu or carrot times will go swensens or crystal jade though...usually i will buy food for the kiddos first, then while they are eating i will go get my own food to eat. By the time I start eating, they are more or less done, then will get their fav ice milo ..therefore they can still remain in their seat...while i am enjoying my food.

ya...i agree with choc, we are not being aunty,so long as the kiddos get wat they wanted to eat, they will be so satisfied and happy, there's also no need to dine at ex plcs....

oh....i also had fish soup tonite for dinner... added water cress in the fish soup for dh and for myself, its tang for the kids they jus have it plain cos both dun like vege....
Have a great trip!
I am also going to HK next week... quite excited just planning the itinerary cos haven't been back there for a long time... gonna do lots of simple walks/hikes with the kids.

Hokkaido should be lovely - kids would enjoy skiiing I am sure.
It's my dream destination when kids are older and can do long walks by themselves.

Choc, Ivena,
Thanks for the advice on eating out.
Think next time I will be wise and tabao back too! Just that hubby prefers to eat there and then cos he says tabao food not nice, so I gotta find a way to persuade him

The 3 cups chicken is good hor? Although I haven't done the real version with basil. Gonna buy a pot of basil - saw Sheng Siong selling a good sized pot for only $6.

Tonight made black bean lotus root soup. Also made steamed pandan cupcakes, modified from this recipe as I did not have green tea powder:

Gonna try this version once I get hold of some 7-Up:
Last saturday went to the southen ridges, weather was cooling after the rain.

See some photos taken:

We start from the Telok Blangah Hill Park then walk till the Jewel box about 30min (for us with kids).



Thanks! Next week will be my turn with mountains of laundry!

After seeing Ivena's previous post on Southern Ridge, I also did it a few months ago. It was nice, but when I was there, there were a few teenage couples sitting by the sheltered side hanky-pankying away. DD kept staring and asking me what they were doing, so it was a bit awkward for me! :p
Hehe.. husk and cat, next week, I'll join you with MT EVEREST laundry.. will take a whole week to conquer that!

Husk, HK food is good! Enjoy eating! Dunno what to expect in Taiwan, it's my first time there..

Joy, heard from mil that Hokkaido is beautiful, so excited for you.. friend told me the jap noodles there is very yummy..

cat, after the southern ridges walk last June, kids were so sweaty, we went to Safra to swim

Tonight cooking papaya soup with figs, peanuts and spare rib. Fry petai with silver fish, steam fishpaste with tofu and fry broccoli with beef slices..
What you all cooking?
Hi Choc06,
Yes, heard hokkaido is pretty at different time of the year too.
Not exactly excited as this year hol is abit too late, and also come back, few days school starts and my girl p6 race really have to enjoy myself in hokkaido...hope time will standstill...hahaha.

Have a good holidays...
Are you just going Taipei or to other parts like Taichung and Hsinchu?
My parents, sis' family and bro's family are all there now, coming back this Sat. Wish I could join the whole clan, but hubby could not take leave so we're doing HK next week.

Have fun!

Do you use ripe or unripe papaya for your soup?

Read Wendy's blog and got inspiration to make beef rolls yesterday. Modified it a bit. Sis' helper, dh and even dd gave thumbs up for it, but I think it's thanks to the store-bought dipping sauce :D

Just now had this urge to eat tiramisu, so went out to buy some cream and mascarpone cheese. It is really yummy, but I think the sweet marsala wine made the difference.
Recipe is here:
Husk, we going taipei and gaoxiong. Besides the street food, I dunno what else is good.. haha..
This time round, my pils, my parents, my bro's family and sis' family all going too, same like yours

I used unripe papaya, and it tasted great! Esp with the peanuts, read in a soup book that this soup is supposed to help clear phlegm and nourish lungs, maybe the effect comes from the dried figs.
Wow beef rolls! Will check the recipe if it's easy to make..

Ya, my bro tried making tiramisu using kahlua, was good too..

You have fun in HK too, when are you coming back? We ll be back next sat mid-night.. After conquering Mt Laundry, we must share tips on cooking new dishes;)

Joy, ya, know what you mean, mine's also a late hol and I actually prefer to go immediately after sch closes, so as to have time to recover from Post-Holiday-Depression.. hahaha..
Nevertheless, let's enjoy ourselves before we start "chiong-ing" again

Tonight, cooking caigan( dried vege) soup with honey dates, carrots, chinese almonds and pork ribs. Then apple cider vinegar pork ribs, blanch kailan..
Yes, let enjoy our holidays.
Actually go too early for hol may not be a good idea.Last year, I went off before the hol even started.DD ended up complaining, why everyone is going to hol and am already back home.So best, its to time in between.Probably come back by 1st dec is the best bet.
Next year , my hol will be right after psle.

Your turn will come soon to hokkaido.

When children are young, can go anytime.When kids older, its the peak season.Have to rush wif others.
HK should be lovely weather now.I went there with ds when he was about two.First trip.Its fun.
Woah, both sides of grandparents going with you and kids? It'll be fun! Enjoy yourself!

Will try the soup with unripe papaya!
Beef rolls is easy, just use the shabu shabu beef slices and roll them with Spring onions and enoki mushrooms, sautee with oil and butter. I used a sesame dipping sauce meant for shabu shabu as dip, and dd loves it!

Thanks, I am looking forward to Hokkaido soon, just a bit expensive that's all :p

It was good meeting up with you this morning!
My helper says your ds2 is very sociable and chatty, kept talking to her!
Must meet up again the week after next!
dd likes the "auntie who gave her M&Ms" and kept asking me where you bought the little packs of M&Ms from! :p
huskie, sure let's meet up after you are back from HK.

oh the M&M we bgt it from HK.

wah the beef roll make me droll... must try it one of this day!
Happy 2011 to all too!

Hi reena,
I've been peeking into this page but guess everyone is busy with kids starting school!
Have also been reading you blog - I've totally stopped blogging since may this year cos I'm just too tired. When I have abit of me time, I just want to read up and do some sewing!

Dd is doing well at c-o

What are you girls cooking tonight?
Tonight we are having grilled salmon, stir fried sweet potato leaves, curry chicken and fen ge soup.
Hello all ladies! Happy New Year to You too!

Been trying to settle into new routine this yr, so schedule bit unpredictable for these few weeks..

Husk, how was your HK trip?
Mine was ok, except that MIL complained alot cos the itinerary was not what she expected
.. As she had been to taiwan before, she expected to visit to vege farms/plantations and villages this time round. But our tour package was full of SHOPPING, night market MAKANing etc, far from what she wanted, so gave black face and complained..
Well, at least, we got to try the 'large-intestine- wrapped with small-intestine', oyster mee sua, white bittergourd juice(which is sweet), dan zai mian, deep fried mushroom coated with salted egg, just to name a few..
Now got to watch diet to shed those extra kilos away before the CNY feasting

Tonight will be cooking curry chicken also, fry jiu3 bai cai, and steam threadfin for the little ones

Joy, how's your hokkaido trip?
hello everyone !

Happy new year !

A new busy year... ds1 start morning session, so got to wake up at 6am.
This year i am back to full time 'chauffer', morning 6.45am send ds1 to school, then go back prepare breakfast for ds2 and dh. Then send both to childcare and office, then back home do housework, prepare lunch etc.

Afternoon 1:30pm pick up ds1, 4:45pm pick up ds2.

For the first week i follow them sleep around 8pm+, haha...

Ds2 adapt well in new childcare, lucky me.

Husk, we should do more kopi session ;)
But current schedule is after drop of ds2 will go bouna vista, dh office, by the time back to Jurong is around 9.15+.

We can plan one of the morning go chinese garden or Jurong lake park for a walk. think your ds2 will like it

The past few days menu,
monday - steam fish, corn & carron soup
tuesday - herbal chicken, vege
Today cooking beef noodles.

any new dishes menu for the year ?
Good morning gals!

I'm running out of menu ideas! HELP! Either that or I have lost the passion for cooking.. hahaha..

Wow, cat, seems like you are working 3 shifts
.. Your menu looks good!

Today s lunch will be fry mee tai mak, dinner will be watercress soup with pork ribs, pork chops, fry bittergourd with eggs, nai bai..

Watched the 3+1 dish show last night, think the dishes they prepared are rather complicated. Next week, the chefs will be doing new year dishes.

Husk, last tues, I made fish bone soup( sheng yu gu) with the yellow-skin pear + chinese almonds, red dates and a dried fig, season with salt and it was very tasty.

Reena, I like your huai san soup posted in your blog ;)

You guys making any new yr cookies or goodies?
I used to blog on a daily basis but now if I can do 2 entries a week, I'm happy.

Good to know your gal is adapting well in C-O. I miss their teaching styles.

You just came bk fm Taiwan? I've always wanted to go there but 2A3C now is quite tough on us, unless mil wants to come along (nt keen as she just visited Taiwan 2 years ago). Will prob have to wait till kids are bigger, for now it's only Malaysia.

Rgdg the huai Shan soup, my kids all love it and kept asking for 2nd and 3rd servings. Do give it a try when you have all the ingredients on hand.
Hokkaido trip was fantastic and thinking going back again this year...Ask my girl to work hard for her psle and may then reward her the same trip.

How are your kids in school?

Mummies here,
Busy for cny?
Dont know why, I dont feel the cny mood this year, maybe the nation wide exam has dampened my mood, has to take the race....wish us luck...

Ya Reena, going to make huai san soup soon. Recently din see any nice huai san in our market. The jap ones are very ex..
Haven't started baking bread this year, got to make a loaf this coming week liao

My friends did a customized taiwan tour and they got to see much more, like village life and the plantations. Then my sis' friend went up to a snow capped mountain in taiwan during dec..

Joy, hehe.. you are right, my dd1's honey moon is over! yesterday hb and I went to meet the new principal and teacher of my p5dd1. Man! they started to yak about preparing the child for PSLE, the expectation and the journey starts now. GULP!! scary.. the weightage of the eng and mt oral is so high, think my dd will mati..

Saw the papers showing Hokkaido pics, the snow and all, very beautiful..

Husk, I just came back from Bedok Sheng Shiong, saw lots of very nice, fresh sea coconuts
Joy/choc, best of luck to all! including myself. my ds1 only p3, but i really worry for him.
this year with additional subject somemore.

This year teacher like very fierce leh, not like p1 p2 chin-chai type. good for him, let him get the taste of fierce teacher, if not he like bo chap bo chap.

just now check his chinese work, i was laughing out loud, cos he pick wrong word on the sentence and the whole thing so damn funny.
yeah laughing outside, worry inside.
Yesterday after seeing your message, I rushed out Sheng Siong to find the sea coconuts, but also don't have. Went to both West Coast (huge one) and Clementi Ave 2 one somemore... Seems like they don't make their way to the west!

My sis and mum and whole clan also came back from Taiwan - they enjoyed themselves very much too. Went free and easy then got a guide there. I saw some pics of the sea with very beautiful wind-blown rock formations. Then of course ngiht time it's all night market

Did you get your fridge fixed?

Guess you must be really busy with the 3 kids to blog everyday. I've also left my blog in cold storage, at first due to being busy afetr helper left. Then later realised when I read my friends' blog who write lots abour their kids learning and achievements, I get kan cheong about my dd1, and I don't like that feeling cos I don't want to pressurize her in any way... she is only 4yo! So I stopped blogging for awhile. May just convert my blog to a food blog!

DD1 is adjusting well, but she is missing the Chinese lesson which is after their naptime, cos she currently only goes for half day. Will give ehr some time to adjust before putting her in full day. In fact, am hoping that she would ask to sleep in school herself :p

I also got no CNY mood... dunno why. Too tired I guess.
Eh, your dd is already in P6 this year? Time flies huh?
Seems like just yesterday when I took my 3yo niece to Phuket, and just last week, she got her O-level results!

What is the additional subject? Science?
It's good that you can laugh at his mistake lah... makes teachinf and learning more relaxed for him
huskie, laughing outside, boiling inside...
must 'demostrate' my KS-ness this year, start early to pump him more work !

yes the addtional subject is science.

eh finish cooking your two packs of sea coconut already?

hehe so funny i didn't read this thread about u finding hi and low for the sea coconut.
Was sms choc about the receipi then relized u looking for it. Good that we stay nearby, so i can help to get.
Hope it helps your dd1's cough.

was queueing for close to 50min for the CNY ang pao $$.

Menu for this week:
Mon - grill pork fillet, misu soup with clams, leek, niu pang, carrot, golden mushroom
Tue - Pork rib with yam, spinach soup
Wed - Chicken curry, serve with rice and prata, simple fish ball soup
Thu- Yam rice, winter melon soup
Fri - fry noodle, grilled chicken wing

hehe plan ahead !!
hey Littlecat,
Thanks sooooooo much for helping me get the sea coconut! Hee, cannot finish cooking them all at one go... kept the treasures in my freezer!
Made honey sea coconut dessert the day I got it from you, but dd not too keen on it although dh likes it.
Yesterday made sea coconut, fish maw (dried ones which I bought from HK), lily bulb soup. Seems like dd1 coughing lesser in the night. MIL quite likes it, esp after I told her fish maw is a good source of collagen, good for skin!

CNY Angbao money: Lazy me never queue up. I recycle all the past $2 notes, usu those that are not folded, I just "return" the kids their money doing an Internet transfer. For the $10 notes, I just go and draw a few times at the ATM... usu ATMs will have new notes during CNY period.

Woah, you got menu plan! That is very good cos I find that way no food wastage. I used to do that when I had my 6-mth helper, but now no time! Sometimes kids bug me so much at Sheng Siong, I just grab whatever I could find nearest to me!

Thanks for letting Littlecat know about my hunt for sea coconut!

I found THE PANCAKE recipe!
No joke, it's really good... my pancake connoiseurs (dd1 and dh) both think this one is better than the expensive White Wings jar one. Now I really save lots of money by using this recipe instead. Abit leychey since have to separate eggs and beat egg whites, but the result is worth it!

Just scroll back the post, and found that missed yours.

Pri five is a foundation year, lots of foundation is building up from there.Pri six just a few topics to go, all the rest are pri five topics, but at a more profound depth.For language, if your dd foundation is solid, not much to worry....Hey, pri five still ok,cos in pri six , there is NO U TURN....

I just pm you.

Hi mummies,
Where to get sea coconut? And how it look like? Weather is too cold and my kids are down with flu n cough
sad.gif's everyone??

cny is coming...any recommendation for tarts n cookies etc...
was walking ard bugis junction and parkway parade basement that promoting cny goodies but don't know which store is good.

my sons down with flu and cough and recovered. Try quite a few chinese n western medi but dont seems help until vomit out phelghm then start to recover.
Read your PM, but reply you this weekend cos reading from phone now, hard to reply emails... comp broke down, sian!

sea coconut... littlecat got it from Sheng Siong for me. usu in chiller section in a plastic bag.. looks like tennisball-sized "mini coconuts"

i haven't bought any... saw a lot at ntuc all got colourings one
vomitting phlegm is good! Try the burdock soup... expels toxins and clear phlegm!
sure hope your ds is recovering well .How is school?

No prob, take your time.

My boy has been coughing on and off since before we left for hokkaido.He is quite allergic to food that has got preservative.Once eat, u can see his cough coming back.Now, he should be recovering from phlegmy cough.Hope I dont hear it anymore soon.

How is things?

Additional subject is no worri, you will be surprise some kids are really good at it.

still looking for your sea coconut?
Joy done!
Wah your boy looks very handsome leh..
Eh from this picture he looks a bit like Japanese boy..hehe :D

Sigh, I really hope my boy is ‘those’ kid that can do well in this subject.

He seems to like this new subject but he very sloooow type! So can imagine with another subject, I am really worry he got not enuff time to do all the things…

Huskie, u r most welcome !

Eh dun keep to long, not fresh, once i see it will let u know.

Muffin, see attached link for the photo, but this one looks like already cut to smaller pcs.

Those selling in market will be packed in plastic bag, think you can ask the ntuc or sheng siong stuff.

Heard from news that day many were down with flu due to influenza & H1N1 virus.

Must take care everyone.

We kiasu had the H1N1 jab last year, must check this year if they have the updated jab.

I find with the jab and also by given them cod liver oil and Vit C every morning do help.

Oh burdock is good for expels toxins too? Good good, cos I heard also good for lower cholesterol too.

Must stock up more :p

I use it for cooking chinese soup or use it in the miso soup. The texture abit like lotus root and surprise my ds2 like to eat too.

Here’s the recipe on the tonjiru - Tonjiru is a kind of Japanese miso soup with pork and lots of vegetables.

Spring cleaning any one ?

Sigh, thinking of baking CNY cookies is fun, but think of spring cleaning is sian..

This year with my ds1 change to morning class, plus seems to have more homework everyday, not much mood to bake leh.

Cos he very KP type, once I do those thing he will want to watch and forget that he should be doing his work. Even I told him he can join me after he finish, but he can never make it…

Seriously I don’t think the homework is that much, it is more like he is too slooow…

Any advice to help on this ?
Thanks for casting the vote.Appreciate it.

With regards to your boy doing work slowly, is he bored ?

My girl at times has this prob even she is so much older.I will look into her prob.

Like lately, she is doing the last topic for pri six, speed on math, very slow, and I realised cos she is not very confident in this topic.Thus, I stepped in and spend this whole morning and study up the topic myself.From here, then i coach her and dignose her prob.Hope this helps.

Good morning ALL!
It's Friday today.. YAY..

Joy,done too
.. ya, your boy's very good and smart looking.
My p5 dd has lots of homework, plus her chinese cannot make it, esp compo! Haiz.. For English, she's quite ok, that i don't really bother.
My p3dd2 is still enjoying school, she
s in the pm session and now is 10.30, and still zzzing away..
How's your dd coping?

cat, same lor.. when I do some baking in the kitchen, my big and small kpos will come.. So, I must do fast baking, usually cakes, and will bake cookies only during hols..

For my dds, initially they are very slow to complete their work also, due to many reasons, questions too challenging, can't concentrate, etc.. so, I bought a little timer from ikea, asked them to turn to half an hr for each work.. then I do my things in the kitchen.. when I hear the alarm ring, I'll go into the room to see what they have done, how many questions..And then "reward" accordingly.. so far it works, dunno how to do, I'll sit down for a while to guide, can't concentrate, I'll take away their privileges..

Husk, tks for the website.. and wow! the pancakes look very very pro and fluffy. It will be on my breakfast menu next week
.. tks..

Yesterday I forgot to thaw pork ribs for my soup, so ended up putting chinese ham, conch, red dates, honey dates with green and red carrots..seasoned with some salt.. Surprisingly it turned out yummy..
Saw lots of bananas in the market, going to make banana cakes
Hello ladies,
Have you been doing CNY baking?
I did a little today - made Cranberry Shortbread and Lemon Cloud Tea Cookies.

Have you found the sea coconuts?
Flu and coughs are apparently at epidemic level now, so ladies, pls take care esp. with all the CNY goodies.

Yes, burdock is god for expelling toxins... think most detox recipes contain burdock.
ds also likes to eat it.
Thanks for tonjiru link... looks yummy! I always have miso in my fridge so this is a good recipe

Thanks for helping me keep a lookout for sea coconut!

Let me know how you like the pancake!

Your soup sounds good to... reminded me that I have conch in my fridge. I added it to a soup once, but it was so SMELLY that I just stuffed them to the back of the fridge. Must take them out to cook again.
I also didn't make bread for a long time since my bread machine died. Dont want to spend so much time kneading the dough.

My gf stayed in taiwan for 2 years, commented it's a lovely place. I've always wanted to visit but DH not keen, don't have good impressive since he army days.

The only huai Shan available from my ngrhood is from japan, ex but no choice. I understand huai Shan is good for boobs enhancement so better start my girls from young :p
Yes I called the manufacturer and they sent their technician, coated me a fraction of my fridge price to replace. The compressor spoil

Sea coconut
I also bought mine from sheng Siong bedok. Looks like not many places selling.
Little cat
Your child in p3 this year? Mine eldest also, very fierce teacher according to dd1. Last wk went for meet parents session, FT says my girl very blur and in her own world. She's like that at home too. I don't know how to handle her..
CNY cookies
I'm left with almond cookies, green peas cookies and pineapple tarts. After that I'm done, no more baking. So tiring, shouldn't have committed to my mom I'll bake her cookies this year.

What are you ladies baking?
I've tried the same pancake recipe and I agree it's good. But a bit leychey to whip the egg whites. Unless I have more time to spare, else I always use whole egg recipes. Compromise on the texture.
