Cooking Tips & Recipe

Anyone knows where to buy wushu pants and shoes? DD1's teacher no longer selling, need to buy from outside ourselves. Was told can get from Tampines/Bedok but these 2 estates so big, where to find??
Hello ladies,
My kids are still coughing... this flu and cough epidemic is quite serious huh?
Their coughs only really surface at night, then there is "backdrip/backflow" (can't remember what the exact term PD sed) of mucus to throat.
So sad to hear them cough until throat parched

dd also hasn't been going to school this week. Hope she gets better end of this week so she can start her long-awaited full-day session on her birthday (so she can share her birthday cake during the PM teabreak).

I think there are lots of beautiful places in Taiwan other than the trekking trails used by NSmen! :p

Yeah the pancake recipe is a little leychey, so I usually make it in night after kids go to bed, then put batter in fridge. Still good the next morning, so it's really worth lugging out my handbeater to beat the egg whites!

Huai Shan: didn't know it's good for boobs... haha Reena, you're starting dd young! My kids like the Jap ones just steamed... dd calls it "Japanese potato".

Wow, you are really baking for CNY! I am just making those 2, and not even in big batches... lazy me!

Have you bought your CNY goodies?
I got my fav Glory pineapple tarts, and this year tried the Chewly love letters cos it seems to be the only without funny colourings. My verdict is it's a bit hard... crisy, but hard. Dh thinks it's alright, but I think he has low standards on love letters :D
Hi Ladies,
Good morning.How time flies, next week is cny.

What will u be doing on the eve and first few days of cny?

Added you and your girl looks exactly like you.She is so sweet.

Reena, yes my ds1 is P3 too.
he told me the teacher very fierce if any mistke in spelling must stay back after reccess wor.. dun know if the teacher really doing it.
oh your meet the parent very early leh, mine is in march.

Yesterday went shopping at giant, if u spent 200, can get $18 voucher.
huskie, did doc give any medicine for the back flow?
like spray or any drip?
aiyah hear already also heart pain..

Hope they get well soon.

Joy, yeah so fast next week CNy liao..
later going jurong west to get the cny goodies. Some are quite nice.

this year CNy eve both dd got class, half day. After that will properly go to the aunt's house for lunch and also to help prepare dinner.

First day is the visiting day, then after that is own time own target, haha.
You are early...Thanks for info on Giant.I was still thinking should go giant or ntuc for some shopping after sending boy to school.

Very much like you, I also own time own target after first day.But, this year second day has got a hsewarming to attend.

My boy suffered the same thing like your child.We brought him to both TMC and Western Doctor.For tmc, its heaty.For western, they will say its nasal backflow.Have to be careful esp having fever.My boy had ear infection as the flow affects his ear.

Hello all!
My family is also down with the flu bug too. My kids are coughing terribly too
Going to make fish bone, apple, sea coconut soup later..

Husk, YES, the pancakes are very fluffy, very nice. Had it on Tues and today.. I doubled the recipe cos my hub loves pancakes..My previous pancake recipe is more lei chey.. haha.. got to sift flour, and add melted butter and use evaporated milk.. Tks very much for the website

Normally, for the eve of CNY, we will dine out with pil and family.. this yr, my dds will end sch at 9.30, the ang is off the whole day, so maybe will do some outdoor activities like cycling or swimming.. Then 2nd day going to pil's place for lunch, then to my parents' house and to my grandma's.. dinner will be at my sis' place. And then cny ends there
.. so boring I know.. 2nd day will be own time own target.. 3rd day will be nua-ing at home..

Today's dinner menu : roast chicken with potatoes, thurs will be : lotus root soup, steam threadfin, fry sze chuan chai with pork strips, and another green vege.
Fri will be the tonjiru soup+rice

Reena, I haven't come across any shops in Tampines that sells wushu pants leh.. Dunno if round market has it or Bedok interchange. If I see it, i'll inform you
Hello ladies!

Eve of CNY: Reunion at hubby's auntie's place. Note I wrote "reunion" and not "reunion dinner" :D
Their norm is to have all the cooked food laid out, and whoever gets there at whatever time will eat with whoever is eating there.
Last year we were the earliest, but because I had to feed the kids first (not enough space in the kitchen so I fed in living room), hubby had his reunion dinner with my-then-helper LOL
After that he took over with the kids and then I ate alone.
The rest of the people (aunties, uncles, my PILs) only came when kids were cranky and we were leaving.

First day CNY: Same buffet-style lunch at the same auntie's place

Hubby will usually suggest going to my mum's in the morning cos our kids are morning people, and they're bored doing nothing in the morning.
Can't let my MIL know this... she'll get upset that we visited my mum's side before her! ;P

2nd day CNY: own time own target... usu my sis' place.

3rd day CNY: PILs and BIL having steamboat dinner at my place... also a cake for dd's 4th birthday.

Thanks. I haven't updated FB for a looong time!

I also wanted to take dd to TCM, but hard to get an appt with my tcm doc.

Thanks for info on Giant! I can go there to stock up some shabu shabu meats for steamboat dinner on 3rd day CNY... but I suspect hard to get certain veges on 3rd day.

Jurong west which part get CNY goodies?

dd not going to school on eve... dh got a day off that day, so we're thinking of doing beach picnic in the morning.

I made a slight tweak to the pancakes today. I used buttermilk instead of fresh milk... makes it even fluffier and lighter... practically melts in the mouth because apparently the acidity in buttermilk reacts with baking powder to make it lighter. But somehow it seems to stick to the pan more, so maybe gotta add a bit more oil/butter, so will experiment a bit more.
If you want to try the buttermilk version, just add 1 tbsp lemon juice to 1 cup fresh milk, let it stand about 10mins. Once thickened/curdled, it's buttermilk.
Joy, happy shopping

Oh btw forgot to mention must use Citibank credit card then get the voucher.

Wah so many good review on the pancake, must try it tomorrow! Just nice, run out of breakfast idea.

Choc, pei fu pei fu, sick also got to take care of whole family, not easy leh.

Hehe so fun reading everyone cny plan.

Huskie, haha, u r right just ‘reunion’ without dinner together. Funny leh…

my aunt’s house, normal day they do that, who come back early will eat first , but cny eve must wait for all.

Huskie, near the jurong west st 51, the big market there, lots of thing to buy. full of CNY mood
, no need to go china town.

wow, I believe in Jurong area, better festive mood, over the east, nothing much leh...thanks for the info again.

So many good review about the pan cake, really want to make, but so lazy to bring out the mixer...any short cut?thanks
I tried the buttermilk substitute... works really well if you make the batter on the spot and then do the pancake... very soft and melts in mouth type. But I kept it overnight for next morning breakfast and dh says it was rubbery and flat! :p

Eh, use Citibank credit card then I don't have! Guess I'll buy the bulk of my stuff at NTUC then... can chock points.

Yeah, reunion means sit together and eat mah... that's the real spirit. Some of hubby's aunties and their families very bochap... come very late. Then they can sit there and eat up all the nice expensive goodies and not nice ones they don't touch... so funny right?

OK, I go check out Jurong St 51 one of these days

Haha, no short cut! I tried using hand whisk... very tiring! Or maybe I am just lousy :p
Final effect also not so good. I think my arm muscles are just under utilised lah.
Hello all,

Good morning.I always start my day feeling abit restless cos so many things to do.I will usually do half way and take a break, sitting right infront of the pc...hahaha.

Thanks for the info.I think I will not make pan cake liao...cos too many things in hand.probably will make the pan cake when I got a lot more time and less things in my head...heeee

Yesterday, went giant, bought more than 200 over dollars of goods, but ended up my citibank credit card got prob, i think more like their machinese got prob, cos verify wif the bank later.The casher(very old one), well known for her nastiness, rushed us to use another credit card instead....ERRRR...did warn dh not to queue at her counter, but he refused to, see it in his own going to boycot her counter in the future.Anyway, mgt also cannot do anything to her...dont know why...many lodge complaints on her too...very crouchy woman....

speedy recovery to your kids...

So you didn't get the voucher then?

You take care and hope your kids get well soon!
I am also feeling a little under the weather... think I'll be next to catch the flu bug from my kids!

What are you ladies doing over the weekend?
I'll have to do some major spring cleaning!
Hi ladies,
I made a soup today with chicken drumstick, soy beans, ikan bilis and mushrooms.
Learnt this from one of the cooking thread ladies here... very yummy! A good alternative to my usual pork broth.

Also made a condiment to go with the chicken - chop up some ginger and spring onion finely, add some salt then pour some really hot cooking oil over it... had this at a restaurant at Sembawang before... yummy!

Tomorrow will be an early reunion dinner with my side of the family so a day off for me... no need to cook!
hello all!

today cook century egg porridge as breakfast, then send dd2 to childcare, dh to office then dd1 to school.
Now at home doing laundry and some final clean up.

yesterday i tried making this pork stock, using pork bone, pork meat, chinese ham bgt from NTUC, some dried fish, one carrot.

This morning wake up boil the soup, add the rice tha already left on fridge over night, then the minced meat, and put the pot back to thermal base.

The porridge turn out to be nice, very fine like those cantonese style

Tonight will have steamboat dinner. Later will go dh family side for preparing dinner.

Wish all a very Happy Lunar New Year ! Gong Xi Fa Chai!!
hello everyone !
Happy Birthday to all ! it is 7th day of CNY which is everbody's birthday :D

How's the CNY holiday ? enjoying yourself?

so fast the holiday is over, on monday really drag myself out from bed.. sigh.. the daily routine resume...

Yesterday try to make the soft beancurd inspired by one of the store at old changi airport road.

I used the pack soya bean milk and add some gelatine, and the texture is exactly like the store.. yummy !

what's cooking tonight?

Today i will cook pork rib with bitter gourd, then steam the left over 1/3 chicken with herbal with more water so like a soup. Then stir fry a vege.
Hello happy CNY to all too!
My CNY was very eventful..Dd1 had chicken pox last monday, so she had to stay home and so did all of us

Today cooking fishbone soup+pear+almond seeds+figs.. fry sliced pork with potatoes and fry broccoli..

cat, tks for sharing, must do it one of these days;)

Ladies, what are you all cooking?
choc, this is how i made the soya milk beancurd with gelatine.

2 cups of soya milk (any brand or self made)
3 sheets of gelatine (i bought the boon huat brand)

First, soak the gelatine in tap water till soft.

Warm up the soya milk, add the soft gelatine, stir till dissolve completely.

*i saw from some website do not boil, if not the gelatine will not work.

Put the mixture in fridge, it will take about 3-4 hour to set.

If u want more flavour, can try put some almond powder in, then u have the almond flavour :D

Hello ladies,
Happy CNY to all!

What an eventful CNY you had!
Did anyone else catch the chickenpox virus other dd1?

I peifu you for making porridge in the morning!
I hadly have time to make pancakes for dd for her breakfast!

I also had a hard time re-adjusting to school last week :p
Cannot wake up in the mornings and suddenly feel like I'm a maid, having to cook and wash everyday. (I was eating at inlaws and my mum's almost every day of CNY so didn't cook!)

The soy milk beancurd sounds good! I'll try it one of these days since I just bought some organic soy milk powder.
haha i know how u feel, we are back to the 'maid' time liao...

No need to pei fu leh, the porridge really easy
to make using the thermal pot.
Remeber the tips i shared before about putting the washed rice in the freezer? it really help to break the rice and the result is very close those cantonese porridge.

With the thermal pot just ensure it is boiling then you can put it back and u can go back to zzzz.

Today making huai san soup, curry chicken, ti huang miou, toufu with beancurd.
I've tried the washed rice in freezer method before... the porridge is indeed smoother, but unfortunately dd says it's still not as nice as the HK cafe's porridge, so I stopped making it. Somehow when she sees the smooth type of porridge, she will associate it with the HK cafe one and of course the taste of mine is never the same!

When you mean you put porridge in pot then go back zz, you mean you put it in thermal pot over the night?

I love di huang miao! Eh, what is toufu with beancurd? How to cook?

Hey ladies,
An article called "Bad breakfasts breed dumb kids" was in some chinese paper some time back... you can find a summary of the pointers here on razortv.
I can seem to copy the exact link to put here so you can do a search for it:

Curry chicken sounds good... I think I will try that tomorrow but with soy milk if I don't get my coconut milk.
Tomorrow's dinner: sea coconut or burdock soup (have not decided), curry chicken, red leaf bayam, eggplant with tom yum minced meat.
How's the steamed huai Shan? Taste like potato too? My kids love it in soup but I've not tried steaming.

Little cat
Dd1's school has meet the parents twice, once in the beginning of the year to share their curriculum and another after SA1 to talk about your child's performance in school.

I found my wushu stuff thanks. You staying in the east too?
Hello all!
Husk, unfortunately yes
, 13 days after dd1 caught the virus, the rest got it.. boo hoo.. another week of quarantine.. until tomorrow.. So bland bland food these 2 weeks, no oyster sauce, no or tau you ...

Reena, I happened to see dd2's friend wearing the wushu pants and dd went to ask her friend. Her friend said she got it from the instructor.. Ya, I stay in Tampines

Cat's porridge like very yummy.. MUST do this one of these days..

Tonight's dinner will be huai san soup in pork ribs, steam minced pork with salted fish( from housefly blog), fry kow kee veg with eggs and one more veg or yong tau foo..

That day, did an oven fried chick wings using kfc powder and it turned out crispy, nice golden brown
.. First mix kfc powder with water, marinade wings for a day, before baking, coat with kfc powder, lay on a grill, bake at 200 deg about half an hr or until golden brown, DONE! Oiless fried chicken wings!( tweaked from Reena's blog and also little cat's expert advise;) )

Happy Weekend All! Yeah! It's Ma-ria's off days tomorrow and Sunday.. haha..
Oh dear... your kids not vaccine against chicken pox? DD1 did but still kena, so now my other 2 I gave them booster jabs.

I'm staying in Simei, if time permits, we should arrange a meetup one day ;-)

Today is my off day, TGIF!

Oh, you tried the baked wings? I like it too, no fuss and healthy too.

Have yet to try out stir fry wolfberries leaves, not sure if my kids can accept it.
Steamed huai shan is nice... can taste the natural sweetness.

Can I ask where you get the dried tea tree mushroom from?

I like kow kei! Kids like it too, maybe cos I used to sneak it into their porridge!

Just as well that the kids got chickenpox now. I had mine only at 15 and it left me with so many scars! Skin heals better when they are younger.

I've never tried kfc powder before! Must try one of these days!

Made a stirfried king oyster mushroom with dried chillies and rice for me and ds for lunch today... quite nice!

Tonight's dinner: fenge soup, steamed cauliflower, stirfried eggplant with szechuan peppercorn and steamed fish.
Hi all

Its been a long while since i log in....have been busy settling down cos my elder boy is in P1 now....guess all mummies must be thinking its honeymoon period for me...since all of you have kids who are in the upper pri.

Tonite's dinner was curry fish, boiled lotus root soup with zhen zhu dou and stir fried sweet potato leaves....

Only tried to cook wolfberries leaves in soup with does it taste when stirfried?

Think the dried tea tree mushroom can be gotten from those shops tt sell gan liang...ever saw it at those shops opp the waterloo st guanyin temple....
Hello all,

Hope everyone is fine.
Sorri, have been MIA for a while, cos busy with the older one.Every day is rush rush rush.
Not really into cooking, I wish I have more time, maybe next year?

huskie, pai seh, typo error, i think i cook the toufu with minced meat and mush room :p

abt the porridge, no i didn't cook overnight. cos i wake up at 6am, cook the porridge once boiling can put in the thermal pot and go back to sleep. but normally can't sleep liao.
choc, i must go get the kfc powder liao... just nice for this friday menu.

Reena, wah your school very On leh...
Eh your kids like the kau kei (wolfberries leave)?
Like Ivena most of the time cook soup with egg

But i do see a fren last time blanch and put oyster souce eat like 'you chai', but hor very troublesome she even remove the hard part on the leaf , not sure waht is called? vein?
so it is very smooth and nice.

DS1 will be having CA1 from 28 feb till 3rd March.
i thot i can give him some revision, but his daily homework already so much!
he reached home around 2pm, after lunch and relax abit already close to 3pm. From then is homework all the way till 6pm. and after dinner still continue...

But i do find he is not really focus while doing his work.
Sometime u go in to peep him, the homework on the table, he is either looking around or singing or biting the pencil and dreaming...

I ask him to list out the # of homework and put expected completion time next to it.
ie maths - 45 min, Chinese - 45 min etc...

But he always exceed the time.

Any good advice on how to improve on that ?
Thanks. I went to a few Hock Huas and ZTPs to ask for it, but they all said they don't carry it. I'll probably have to go to the market type of dried goods stalls.

For kow kei leaves, I stirfry, but play cheat... I usually add in a bit of soup stock too, otherwise it's a bit tough.

If you're not cooking, how are you settling your meals now?

You wake up at 6am!? I cannot wake up till 7+ every day, and even then I have to drag myself out of bed.
Hello all!

Ya, fry kow kee is nice. I normally just fry some shallots, minced meat( optional), add in leaves and some soup stock( depending on the soup i'm cooking) then crack an egg in and swirl together with leaves after few weeks.
Thereafter, I'll ask dds to go stick the kow kee stems into soil to show them stem cutting method of reproduction in plants.. haha.. a science cum cooking lesson
And the leaves really grew..

Husk, maybe try chinatown gan liang shops? I only get my tea mushrooms from sheng shiong. It's seasonal and if they have it, i buy few packets.
Saw from Reena's blog that she boils them with chayote or something. Apparently, it's a very nutritious .

Last night prepared the pancake batter and made them this morning, yum..
Tonight's menu will be chicken rice, then using the soup stock to make abc+sze chuan soup, steam luffa, fry nai bai..
Last night made the ngor hee soon fish, copied the recipe from 3in1 dish last wk. First panfry fish with ginger, just until skin is brown. Set aside fish. Saute some ginger and spring onions til fragrant, add the fish in, add some soup stock, huatiao wine to simmer for a while, add little tau cheo, sugar. Cover to simmer til cooked..

This week and next week is CA1 week.. cat, I'll vomit blood together with you, then we "bu" together..lets brave this battle together and repeat this cycle everytime.. hahaha..

What you all cooking today?
Thanks, will definitely try to steam huai shan one day.

I bought the dried 茶树菇 from Bee's Brand. I don't see it in ZTP and 福華. Sometimes I buy the fresh ones from NTUC.

My kids love the wolfberries but not so much of the leaves. I still try to cook though, since it's good for them. I also remove the centre part of the leaves, alot of time and effort spent on it.

Rgdg DD1's primary school, last week another session of meet parents, for Mother Tongue teachers.
Huskie, yes wake up at 6am.
boh bian leh, ds1 need to be at school around 7am, latest 7:10am as per the form teacher's request.
So got to wake up around that time.
Now very healthy schedule, sleep around 9am and wake up at 6am, haha!

choc, eh i like the idea of showing them how kow kei plant grow leh. Must do that next time

Ds1 P3 now, so got lots of science related experiment can do together.

Yeah CA1 will be next week, 4 days in a roll, from Monday till Thursday.

Yesterday try the new approach to let him do his revision first before doing his daily homework from school. Previously thot of doing it after the homework, but he like can never finish on time

Reena, yes the kow kei is good for eye sight, kids should do more.

Today cooking beef noodle.
hee...I understand littlecat...I wake up at 5.50am in morning as my son need to leave the hse at 6.50am to school. Cannot be late as will get demerit point. Think joy also wake up that early...your turn will come soon so now enjoy ur sleep as much as poosible

I really running out of ideas what to cook

Talking abt wolfberries I will add to my kids porridge or soup...sometime will give a few to my ds3 if he ask for sweet to bluff him hee... yu yan sen got those washed n dried wolfberries that can be eaten directly but quite ex
Reena, Choc,
Thanks, I'll try to go to Bee's Brand outlet one of these days. Saw one at Chinatown and another at Jurong West.

When you graft the stems, you mean the long thick stem with thorns yeah?
Sorry, I am not very good with science/gardening :p better make sure I am doing the right thing if I am going to try it with dd!

Seems like the san cai yi tang show is quite popular. My mum made a fried luffa with steamed shredded dried scallops yesterday... it was pretty yummy. But they only use the luffa without the pulpy part, so she has to keep the pulpy part to fry with egg the next day.

Littlecat, annlee,
Seems like AM session is quite tough for the kids in the morning! But the good thing about AM session is that they get the whole afternoon free.

hey mummies,
Can anyone help me with this behavioural problem?
dd's teacher says she cries over the smallest thing e.g. today she cannot fix a puzzle, then she cried and said "I want Mommy". tecaher said this is common amongst the 3yos, but not the 4yos in N2.
I know she cries whenever she cannot do something, and I've always told her to try harder, or a little longer. But she will just cry. How to help her?

Teacher thinks the "I want Mommy" reaction is due to me helping her too much at home, but I actually don't, unless you count the time that I spend "playing with her"?
Or is the "I want Mommy" cry a delayed reaction to her starting full-day childcare 2 weeks ago? She usually gets delayed reaction even in her previous school and cries for me only after 2nd or 3rd week of school.

Any insight/previous experience on such behaviour?
Husk, my dd1 was like when she went to K2! I can laugh about it now, but didn't know what to do that moment.. Same thing happened to dd1 also, last thing she said was she didn't want to go to sch.

Also when she couldn't complete work, or din know how to do, she would cry. Teacher had to keep assuring her and build her confidence by praising her. At home, my hb and I had to talk and talk to her, it lasted for 3 months plus, until I put dd2 in the same sch as her. Then when she saw her sis around, somehow she stopped.
Hb even had to secretly observe her behaviour outside sch windows, then when she came back from sch, had a chatting session with her, then praised her for good behaviour/no crying in sch. Think this is called separation anxiety..

Hope I ve helped a little
.. give your dd a bit more time to settle in to new environment

The kow kee stems, i just pluck off the leaves for cooking, ya, the thorns were attached to the stem. Actually saw it from wendy's blog, I think, but wendy's kow kee grew so well, mine just very little leaves, but enough to show dds.. hehe..

Tonight's menu : 3 cups chicken, fry snow beans with carrots, hairy marrow soup with fish balls. What you all cooking?
Thanks for the advice. I didn't think it was separation anxity cos dd was doing well adapting to full-day school for the last 3 weeks. But I guess the novelty probably wore off and it's her usual delayed reaction!
Will google to see how to handle this separation anxiety.

Thanks for confirming the kow kee stems
I'll try it soon!

Tonight's dinner was: minced meat poured over blanched fine french beans, red leaved bayam, radish soup.

Thanks for reminding me about 3 cups chicken! I've totally forgotten about it... gotta cook it this week!

Tomorrow's dinner: sea coconut lily bulb soup, steamed broccoli, and thinking of doing a seared tuna with green onion sauce cos I just bought a pack for frozen tuna from ntuc last weekend... I didn't know they sell frozen tuna chunks!
Hi mummies,

I am new to this thread and would love to pick up more cooking tips from all of you great cooks!

Reading your menus make me salivate...I am a sahm and can only manage simple meals with a newborn and a 7YO + no helper. I find it pretty tough to whip up a good meal with no help (gotta prepare, cook, eat, wash everything myself!) but I am still trying. I have also procrasinated planning my meals in advance for the longest time .... ;P

Hope to learn more here and improve on my culinary skills. =)

It's past midnite and I plan to cook spaghetti meatballs tomorrow (or rather today). This will be my 1st time adding cheese to the meatballs...hope they turn out fine!

Hi seagal! Welcome to this cooking thread!

hehe.. I have been SAHM for 10 yrs and still learning to cook a decent meal too.. not easy tho, and got to think about breakfast, lunch and dinner.. only 3 weeks ago, then I started drafting out a weekly menu. In the past, I didn't believe in planning menus, cos I m sure I won't follow them.. And also, everyday, my dds will ask the same old question, "what are you cooking tdy ar?", so I put up a menu on the fridge, then either they give me a "sian" face or an enthusiastic applause..
And now, I attend a weekly wed night cooking class on channel 8 called san-cai-yi-tang and also kpo into other people's blog to see what they cook
.. These food bloggers are so nice and generous about sharing their recipes..

Wow, your meatballs sound yummy with cheese! How's the outcome? Look forward to your recipe;)

Husk, how was your seared tuna? I bought a big fat fresh tuna fish from market the other time, sliced it into half and pan fry it. Kids didn't really like it cos the meat was bit "siap siap" and dry.. But I like the look of the fat tuna, looks so succulent!
How's your dd1 in school?

Yo cat, what's cooking? Last sat, I went to sheng shiong, didn't manage to buy alot too.

Yesterday i made a strawberry jelly heart cheesecake for a friend's bday, recipe is from hhb's blog. Easy and refreshing..

Tdy's menu will be bak kut teh, grill snapper( marinade with ginger juice, lime juice and soy sauce) and fry cubed potatoes,carrots,peas and luncheon meat..
hi seagal,
Welcome! How was your meatball spag?

What a coincidence! I also made the strawberry jelly cheesecake on Sunday cos dd asked for it!

My seared tuna was good. I seared it such that the inside is still raw cos dh and I like it that way. But for the kids, I had theirs totally cooked and they don't really like it cos it's a little dry. They like the "Tinkerbelle sauce" though - that's green onion sauce. Anything that is green is Tinkerbelle

dd seems to be doing better, but still doesn't want to go to school... always asking me "Why do I have to go to school everyday?"

Does having a menu work? I am wondering if I should do one up too, cos many time I will find veges rotting in my fridge!

Today if the weather permits, we will take the kids to West Coast Park for a picnic dinner and cycle outing cos dd has just learnt to cycle without trainer wheels and West Coast is a nicer and bigger area to learn how to brake!
Will be cooking a wongbok fishball soup, baked unagi (frozen type) and rice.
Hi everyone...

DD draw up her menu for me...but I never follow...

Today cooking a fried rice and a yong taufu soup.Simple one, more complicated one will only start in oct, maybe..

hi mommies,
Just spotted this thread. I'm FTWM and keen in learning to cook but not sure where to start. TOtally not capable to cook ba. haha.

Hopefully can get some tips on how to cook for toddle. I have big problem with my boy meal.
Hello mommies,

How is your march holidays?Anyone travelling?

Can check wif mummies here about pan cake?

I bought this ready made powder from ntuc.I mix and try to make, but it turned out to be a disaster cos dont know how to control the heat, and dont know when to flip over, and it so messy in the end,even though I used non stick pan....can someone pls advice.Thank you.

Have a good holidays all...

Hi Reena,

Thanks for the link.Will try that.

I also love to do all in one pot kind of cooking but more or less, the dish is still the same, not sure u notice that.

Hi Connie,

I also use the small nonstick pan. I think I read somewhere that one you see the sides are no longer runny and bubbles forming on the top of pancakes, that's the time to flip over.

As for one-pot meals, my latest fav is chicken and leeks with potatoes. My mum says it's weird cos Chinese usually fry leeks with tau kwa. But I sort of adapted this from the common angmoh leek and potato soup
My MIL says it tastes nice and sweet without the "leek-y" smell.

Did you go anywhere during the one week break?

We went to Genting... drove up there with my family and inlaws. My brother's family went to Kuantan and then met us at Genting. Kids enjoy the rides, and queue is not as long as HK Disneyland... good enough for 4-yr-old toddlers.
Hi Huskie,

Long time never see your post.
Thanks for the tips on pan cake.What about after flipping over, how u know the other side is ready?Just hope the other side doesnt turn black...

Interesting one pot meal you have.How did you put in potato with leeks?Stir fry them first?thanks.

No for me, quite wasted cos hubby was actually on leave.But, will fly in october to states instead to Japan.

Huskie, glad that you have a great holidays.Bet hk disneyland will be super crowded this june holidays, cos most who previously that go japan will head that direction.

Have a great week ...

hi all
welcome seagal & connie!

Didn't travel this time, sign up science center membership and brought ds1 there couples of time.

Today i am cooking herbal chicken and stir fry baby kai lan with bacon bits.


Thanks.May have to trouble huskie to repost her pan cake recipe....hahahah.

Today am stir fry brocoli and wu xiang.

