Cooking Tips & Recipe

After you flip the pancake, just leave it for one more minute and you should be done.
This is a great pancake recipe, even though you need to beat the egg whites separately, but trust me, it's really good. I only eat pancakes from IHOP, so you can imagine my "ngiao" standard :p I've never used any other recipe since I use this one, and hubby has never touched any hotcakes from Mac since he ate this pancake.

Chicken Leek Potato Stew: Heat oil and fry some garlic slices, add pcs of marinated chicken in and saute for a min, then add sliced leeks and potatoes and enough water to cover chicken and potato. Simmer covered till potatoes are cooked. All the leeks will be soft and mushy and sweeten the stew. Even my dd who doesn't normally like leeks can't taste the leeks and eats the stew. For chicken marinate, I just used sesame oil, light soy sauce, pepper and cornflour.
Sometimes I am lazy to cook a separate soup, I'll just add a bit more water, and it's a really soupy stew :p

which part of USA are you going to in Oct? Thought your dd this year PSLE?

Wu xiang is a lot of work! Can roughly share recipe?

Can you roughly help me read this and tell me what this is in hanyu pinyin? Just the big 3 words will do cos I know the small words are blurred after uploading.

My mum bought this from the market and vendor claims eating it helps lower cholesterol, lose weight, clears skin etc etc.
It really looks like the kiwi seeds we use in konyakku jelly but she told me it's some seeds from flowers?
I just want to make sure she is not eating some dubious stuff.

Thanks for the pancake link.

Yes, wuxiang is alot of work.I usually spilt the work into two days so am not so tired.Here it goes for the making of wuxiang.
The main ingredients as it is, pork, prawn, carrot, shallots,chestnuts.Seasoning ,oyster sauce, wu xiang feng.Portion, you can put those u prefer more but pork and prawn portion mix must be more than the veg.An egg to be added into the mix,corn flour too.You can stir fry some garlic to add on, and some raw cong too.

This way of doing wuxiang is after many trial and error of mine cos mil and mum doesnt give me exact portion to be done.If you want to know more, do let me know.


PSLE this year ends early.Last paper 5th oct, and we will plan around that time to leave.Most likely will do self drive .One of the destination is Las vegas.

joy, eh we also plan going US, but not sure dh will change again last min

Also thinking california area, last time we did self drive cover yoshimite park then drive to LA and Las vegas. wah very tiring, and only dh driving haha... but that time only two of us.
Now thinking with two kids may be have to plan shorter trip.

something wrong with this site, i thot i posted the herbal chicken recepi, but not here leh...

gals, i love the one pot dish also leh :D
easy to cook and taste good.

This is another one i just cook recently.
Stir fly the BBQ pork with garlic, then put some long cabbage, sea cucumber, carrot stew till tender. I think put in the leek will taste good too
HI everyone,

huskie, going hk this June holiday? Was planning abt this but Joy says is crowded now got to think twice.

will try your pan cake recipe

think using non stick pan will make beautiful pan cake but always worry abt those toxic in the pan but once in a while shd be fine.
I tried using stainless steel small pan and do it but need alot alot of oil to pan fried not to stick on pan. But ends up unhealthy pancake with too much oil.

Your BBQ pork stew looks good. BBQ pork is it Char Siu meat?
Hello All,

Nice to see this thread comes alive.I guess all of us are busy.

But, post once in a while to keep in touch is definatly nice.

Littlecat, may have to get your adv on driving tips cos i never do free and easy there before.

How is kids in school?Next year my boy pri one....

Have a good day all.
hehe.. IT'S Friday again!Yeah!
Been busy lately, cooking and delivering food to dds who have extra classes.. Ask them to get canteen food for lunch, but they stay in school for 3 extra days and don't wish to eat the same food they ate for recess.. So I bo bian..

Joy, P5 is no joke
, it's really a GREAT jump from p4 to 5.. it's rushing to catch up syllabus everytime..
Yes, honeymoon period is over..

cat and joy, wow nice to go to the states! Many things to see and do esp the parks..

I bought one pancake size pan to fry pancakes. Got to see if bubbles appear on the batter, it's time to flip, then it'll be a nice golden brown when cooked. I also bought a wooden fork to flip the pancake. Initially, my pancakes always burn, and i felt so lousy that I gave up!

Reena, I saw your post on Malacca and WOW! I want to go there in June too. the hotel you stayed in is super nice. I especially like the market that you brought your kids to. So nice and interesting!
The last time we stayed in that hotel where they filmed "the little nonya", was quite old but nostalgic.

Today's lunch is minced pork porridge and eggs for kids, but mine will be with century egg. Using the same recipe and method from cat..

Dinner will be Cai gan tang, pork chops( marinated with soy sauce, sesame oil and egg white, then coat with soda biscuit crumbs), fry bb chye sim and ladies fingers with silver baits.

Recently, I have been into pandan chiffon cake madness, trying to perfect the pandan cake.. haha.. yes, to relieve stress.. read up on one blog ieatishootipost, and got a very detailed research and write up, the trick is the ratio of egg whites to egg yolks..

How about you all? What's cooking?
Thanks for the translation!

I love Yosemite too
Waiting for the kids to be a little older then I can bring them there. I also love camping in the National Parks in California.

I love sea cucumbers, but not very sure how to buy and cook them. Is BBQ pork char siew or siew yok?

Thanks for wu xiang recipe. I'll try it out when I have the time one of these weekends.

Las Vegas is nice, but I still prefer the National Parks. Guess I am not a casino person. Plus, Las Vegas is just too hot for me in the day time. I usually sleep in the afternoons and then come out to walk in the evenings.

Time really flies huh? Your dd will be Sec 1 soon and your ds in P1!

My ds loves pandan chiffon too, esp. the ones from Bengawan Solo. Too bad I don't have a big oven to try it out!

This afternoon's lunch was cold noodles. Dinner will be a one pot chicken leek stew cos I need to rush out to pick dd from school today.
Hi all,

Can I join this thread? I never knew there was a thread on cooking tips and recipes till I did a random search this morning. Have a 2+ years old toddler and full-time mom. Only started cooking in 2009 and have lots to learn from all of you.

Hi Huskie,

Thanks for the pancake link. Been wanting to do own pancakes at home instead of going to Macs.
Welcome mumusing !

Hi Muffin, never see you for awhile leh, how's thing?

this thread has been like 5 years now ?
wow, can't imagine how time flies...

Initially we use to post every signle steps the details recepi, now we tend to skip, haha, all expert liao.
Hi Little Cat,

Thanks. I'm lazy to retype recipes so everything's on my blog and will paste updated posts if you don't mind
I can't bake, have no ovens and only do recipes that use my rice cooker, basic pots and pans.

Here's my site. Do give feedback - I'm totally new to cooking (only one year plus!).

Hi Muffin,

Haven't seen you for a while - nice to see you here too!
annlee/huskie, the bbq pork is the 烧肉, u can add other vege too

The sea cucumber can buy from market too. i heard the uncle say buy big and fat one.
That day i bgt some frozen from giant, no good, it turn very soft, i think if i boil somemore will melt in the gravvy liao.

Joy, sure, we can share some tips, that was like 7 years ago trip :p. we were there for business trip then extend the holiday.

Huskie, i prefere the national park too
, but also good drop by vegas since we alredy there. It was only one night, we find not enuff. But this time if going with kids then can skip that. Stay at LA slightly longer for the theme park.

Choc, u scaring me... i already find P2 to P3 quite a jump, P3 to P4 lagi big jump (!!) no more blood to vomit liao..
*we like to joke about teaching the kids causing us to vomit blood ^.^

Yesterday cook nasi lemak, also bgt some banana leaf to wrap the rice
I cooked sambal sotong, sambal petai, then non spicy one are hotdog, hard boil egg, ikan bilis and tempeh for the kids.

I have been reading the posts via iphone. Very difficult to find time to on the PC and post... Kids have been sick and for a long boy kept getting the flu bug. Has been months, and just when I thot it was better, the flu bug came back. Dr says he has sensitive nose, v difficult to recover. hiaz.
I have been trying to look out for sea coconut at clementi sheng shiong, but have not been able to get any at all. Think only eastern side outlets have it.
thanks mumusings

Muffin, oh no wonder. eh my ds1 also like that last time. the flu is like never ending

Dr even prescribe close to a month long anti biotic

He also has sensitive nose, now on and off still got nose bleeding. Dr adv as and when seeing him like having running nose symtom must spray the nose spray to dry out to prevent it getting worst and later infection and then need anti biotic.

His condition is much better now, could be outgrown, and also the weekly swimming and daily cod liver oil help.

Lots of my fren recommend code liver cod for kids. Now both boys having it daily and i really see lots of improvment, maybe u want to try ?

Tonight having papaya soups, bake curry fish, di huang miao and grill mushroom.
Yes, most 1 pot dishes about the same ingredients so I cook until sian.

My mom always make wuxiang in bulk, about 20 - 30 rolls and she will freeze for us. I usually take about 6 - 8 rolls from her.

We love that hotel! Wait for my updates, yet to post the interior of the hotel, nice too. BTw, just sharing 2 other hotels that I've shortlisted. May try them out next trip but DH likes Courtyard alot so reluctant to try new hotel.

Pandan chiffon
I've not baked this for a long time. Do try out the one from bakingmum, very good. I've baked it a few times but haven't posted in my blog.

Welcome! You've got a nice blog.
This is mine

P3 and above,
How do you cope with their science homework? I find that I spent so much time surfing the net for answers.

Nice food! I've not made bread for a long time! Itching to bake some but hardly have time now.
Reena, thanks ! haha must thanks my si-fu choc send me the link.

Now waiting for her wholemeal bread photo ;)

Choc, got pressure liao.. kekeke!
Hello mumusings! Welcome too!

My ds was also down with a mild fever last week, guess the flu bug is around.

Muffin, how about vitamin C tablets? My no.3 and 4 have been taking them. My no. 2 is asthmatic since 2 yrs old, but recently( 9 yrs old) she has "outgrown" it, and no more on the puff.

Thanks very much cat for uploading the pic, eh, how did you do it? haha.. I can't resize leh. Aiyo! the kitty mouth spoil liao, very obvious, got one patch like plaster like that..
This one was dd2's bday cake last yr, using MMF fondant over steam moist choc cake and liquorice as whiskers, jelly beans as eyes and nose..

Wow, your nasi lemak very pro leh. Like banana leaf restaurant standard. So is your banana cake all gone? Can chill them for a week.

Yes yes, reena, waiting for your updates hor.. The hotel is neat, clean and nice. Told my ang we must go there in June and ... lug some fresh fish home
. And hopefully some local vege..

For science, ya, the answers that are required by MOE is very stringent, they look for key words when marking and also students need to apply the concepts behind the experiments.. headache for me too
, i turn to guide books for answers. I'm using the ultimate science guide book for lower block.

Made some wholemeal sausage buns this afternoon. Recipe taken from cosybake. Tonight's dinner will be yong tau foo soup with bai cai, ready made pandan leaf chicken, and stir fry xiao cai xin. Simple one, as ds and dd going for chinese class later..
Haha.. cat, my baking sifu/sifus all in Reena and her blog roll.. Hope my sausage buns turn out pretty and nice, cos I can't roll them properly like cosybake
Dunno how they can do it so well.. think must have time to practise and practise
choc, this one too big, i re size to 10% still exceed, 60kb, so i re size again, now the file size is 48kb and able to post.

eh looks very healthy :D
Your HK cake is nice! I've always wanted to try my hands on MMF but am worried it's too sweet.

Which banana cake recipe you sent LittleCat? I'm always on the lookout for banana cake recipes although I already have a few good ones (esp the one from Yochana's blog). Want to try out new recipes.

The fish and vegetables are very fresh. The photos you see in my blog was taken on Fri morning. We checked out hotel on Sat so MIL went to market, planning to buy some fish and vegetables but happened that it's lunar 15th so most of the stalls close early. And those mobile hawkers, no one came. She only managed to buy some balance french beans (but still very fresh) and cranberry beans for me. My gf just came bk fm Malacca, she went on Sun, also no mobile hawkers.

I have the ultimate science guide books too, recommended by my SIL. But not all answers can be found there so still need to surf. Nowadays kids study, parents end up doing all the work. I rem she has one project, almost 20 questions and to quote some (based on my memory)

1. Rear some earthworms and make observations, taking down notes on a daily basis for a week.
2. Go to a local supermarket and observe 10 or more fish, take down short notes about the fish and draw sketches.
3. DIY own zoo using dough, bring to school to share with friends and walk them through your zoo

I really think these should be project basis, not individual effort. I complained to DH, go supermarket also need parents to bring right, where got time??

Your bread looks good. Share with you one method to shape hotdog bread.
Choc 06

Not to worri so much about pri five.I would say its an adjustment period for most kid.Most can get use to it and catch up.Foundation in pri five is quite impt.

On the contrary, in pri five, sci is not that scary as compared to some concepts in pri six.I guess one just need to have some fine skill when doing the mcq and section b.Has to precise.Even with keywords, your answer must be scientific enough.This is one subject even you can do tons of past year question, the adaptation topic kind of question, u just have to read widely, and apply the concept into it.Just one cent of my thought.


pancake using huskie's recipe.. It's real yummy with honey and butter.. and some sausages

CAT! YEAH! successful liao, finally can upload.. hehe..thanks v much IT Sifu..
This morning, my ds decided to take his thomas train for a dip in the washing powder and brought "the snow train" to the coffee table
.. last sunday, mydd3 slapped on the washing powder on her face and neck
.. They knew it's a prohibited item, yet they were very curious, and also got some good phiacking from me...

mumusings, your blog is so interesting, got so much to learn from you ;).. I like your meat patties, must find one day to do it!

Haha.. one small fish in the sotong! So did you fry it? Reminds me of the toy tin soldier found in the fish's stomach

Reena, I think I took the banana cake rec from yummy koh. ,
and another of my fav is from cosybake, the one recipe cake without any baking powder.

Both are nice, but must use phang jio, I realised delmonte ones not as fragrant.

Thanks joy, at least I'm comforted, but there's so much to do this yr, only beginning of year nia..
Hi Choc,

I'm the real klutz and home-econs flop!!! Hahaha... Never did like cooking since my cake sank during Home econs. You ladies cook like fish swimming in waters...

It was quite a large fish stuffed in there. I have seen tiny ones before in fish stomach (like 2cm sort) but today's one really blew me away. No wonder the sotong cost me more today - hahaha.. Threw away the fish!!! It's face was a little disfigured (in the process of being digested by Mr Squid) and I don't want to eat squid saliva... Haven't gotten over it and haven't had my breakfast even - no appetite
mumusings, eh buy get one free ! haha !! yeah u r paying more for the fish's weight too.
imagine the sotong can eat such a bigsize fish.

yes i encountered before, that also one of the reason, i dun really like to cook sotong hehe...hate the cleaning part. sometime thot very clean, later got sand, or maybe not the sand is something else !!

Choc, think at the bright side, you boy very creative leh, can dip to the powder to make snow train !!
eh maybe sure leave a pack of flour there, at least not poisonous...;)
But then later u will become the 'white queen' with cane...haha!

Banana cake, make sure to keep the banana really ripe
Hi Littlecat,

Usually my hb cleans the seafoods but I thought I'd better try doing it myself since I'm really wanting to improve in all aspects of kitchen-tasks... Next time will wear gloves and pull out everything hard/fast without looking. Or, just only eat sotong out there like always. Anyway, can't beat the nasi padang stalls and foodstalls...

By the way, anyone tried using rice cooker (with bake-function) to do cakes before?
hello ladies,
So many postings and beautiful pics... always makes me happy to see this thread alive

Cleaning sotong: I quite enjoy it... I love to peel the skin out and clean out the insides till sotong is just pure white

Hi Musings,
I also love clams... but just have no guts to wash them... always ask my mum to cook!

Baking using rice cooker - I've always wanted to try it, but decided against it cos the manual says it may leave a smell in it. Not sure if I want my rice to smell like a leftover cake!

I like your "giveaway" posting. Nice of you to give the items away. I should try that with my Vouchers/coupons etc next time. It's just that I am quite a lazy and messy (although pretty organised) person who cannot find enough time to do my own things, not to mention trudging to the post office! :p But should really make an effort!

Your bakery items look great! I'm gonna try them one of thes days
Buns are great for my cycling picnics at West Coast Park and for dd to eat as breakfast in car on mornings when we are late.
This morning the whoel family woke up at 815am! So late I had to rush her for breakfast just to get her to school by 9am

My flu also better after popping lots of Vit C and lingzhi capsules over the weekend. Now nose is just a little congested that's all.

Your HK cake is gorgeous!

hey you found a tin soldier in the fish stomach? Was it a vintage? Did you keep it?

The pancakes are yummy yeah? Know what? I tried using storebought buttermilk, and it seems fluffier than normal milk. BUT when I tried to use buttermilk which I made myself by mixing lemon juice with milk, the batter separated the next morning. It can still be used after mixing it, but not as nice. I may try the lemon juice method one more time. Will let you know.

I also use Amway products, but I get it from my friend who only gets it once in a blue moon cos we get pretty big quantities each time. I can help you ask if you need? My friend stays a few streets away from you I think.
ok, some pic contribution

My pancakes... look a bit crumpled. Hubby says I have no patience and always dig it up before it sets :p

My CNY tiramisu:
Hi Huskie,

How do you find time to do all those pastries? Amazing. I'll be so impressed with myself if I ever ever ever get down to doing even pancakes... (saved the link you provided in one of your posts).

Clams don't need cleaning. Just dump them in water and add some salt for them to throw out dirt/sand. My rice cooker was with the chicken-rice smell for a couple of days but all clear now. Guess it's the garlic and pungent ingredients. I've decided to just eat flavoured rice outside. Sotong for sure!!!

I found alot of stamps in my drawers (almost thrown away) that I forgot I had from years ago. And lots of coupons, samples and tiny things here and there. Better to send some happiness to those who need the items than throw them away. The bird park coupons are so 'hot' that ppl are still messaging me to ask if I have any more!!
hi everyone!

welcome mumusings and connie

so happy to see the thread coming alive.

have not been checking the thread often as quite busy at work.
there are so many recipes and can't wait to try them.

choc told me abt the sausage bun. they looked really yummy.
this weekend baking menu will be sausage bun and mango chiffon cake (fm reena's blog) .

with huskie's pancake photo, sunday breasfast will be the fluffy pancake.

past few weeks have been attempting recipes at reena's blog. the children love the watermelon popsicles.
love the orange chiffon cake and will try the mango chiffon cake also as thai mangoes in season now.
reena can u pls advise did yr donut tube pan stick after awhile.
i got the non stick tube pan and first time baking was alright.
however the 2nd time stick badly.

joy, maybe u can search the forum cos remember some time ao seeing some one selling amyway products.

little cat and choc, yr nasi lemak and hello kity cake looks professional!
can team up and do catering.
then i chip in to be the delivery man.

Take care - flu bug going around now! Pop more Vit C!

Tell you a secret - I'm not really disgusted with cleaning clams. But I am actually quite frightened of them :p They're alive right? I heard my mum say they're alive, and so she soaks them in very salty water to make them open up so the sand can come out. I'm just quite frightened of the thought of handling live things that I'll be cooking soon. Also don't think I will have the appetite to eat the thing if I touched it while it was alive.

I saw your Huggies stamps and remembered I still have a Huggies passport that I have not redeemed... it was Station 4 for the Vtech storybook. Just redeemed it today cos hubby managed to take a day off. We left kids at MIL's for their naps and went pak tor from 12noon-5pm
Kids will be really pleased with this new toy tomorrow!

Eh, the tiramisu is really EASY - doesn't take more than 15mins! And no raw eggs, no alcohol, with decaf coffee so the kids can eat it. Here's the link:
It's so good my ds will beat up my hubby when hubby feeds him and plate is empty!

I find baking very stress-relieving so I try to find some time to bake my favourite stuff. Also, homemade cookies are just so much more tastier and cheaper.

I'll love to make chiffon cake, but unfortunately, I do not have a big oven. WOndering if I should invest in a tabletop oven, and if a tabletop oven is good enough to make chiffon cakes?
Any ladies here have done chiffon cakes with tabletop ovens before?

Post some pictures of your creations soon!
