Cooking Tips & Recipe

The pics of fruits and veges are lovely!
But eh, I didn't know strawberries are planted in a pot?!
Wish I can take the kids there, but I doubt ds at 11mths can survive the trip there.

Hey, does any one of you have any reviews on Creative O childcare at Int'l Biz Park?
I am enroling dd there starting next Jan.
Also thinking of Pei Hwa for school for the kids.

Cat, your ds so funny! Kids this age is really say funny things! That day my ds poo poo and exclaimed, " wah, ma, look at my ng ng, got number 18," Then I laughed and saw, indeed there were 2 round ones sticking together and a straight one!Haha.. then another time he asked " Mama, why, when you and papa sleeping, I cannot see zzz coming out from your nose?" .. I laughed and said, don't have lah, he said " have, I can see it from the storybook!"

Your pics are very well taken!

Seems like your family side got lots of strong Y genes, my side X genes very strong.., out of 7 grandkids, 2 are boys nia..Maybe you can give a last shot using methods like diet, do it bef O, etc ;)..My speculation is that my girls were conceived bef O leh..

I have 3 powerpuff girls at home, and my silly no.1 asked me to reward her by giving birth to another didi if she does well for PSLE.. I tell her to MMtan/wait long long..LOL

One lady I read from sunday times, says she has 7 children, no maid, homeschool. Another lady, a teacher, has 6 kids also, think the last one she gave birth was when she was 42 or something. First child and last, like 16 yrs apart or so.. Wow!

Think America's std of living and education not as stressful as singapore, so they just relac relac and pop.. haha..

Today not cooking, taking kids for swim lesson. That day did a fried rice with salted eggs, was very fragrant..
My marmite/bovril was very lu wei! Only marinated with bovril, sesame oil, oyster sauce and honey..
Sorry, I mean the grilled marmite/bovril chicken wings was lu wei. Non messy, no oily kitchen to clean up thereafter ;)
Didn't login here for a while as I was busy with kids (school holidays).

DD1 was from Creative-O, what do you want to know?
secret of making chewy cookies:

Found this website:
The thing that makes cookies soft and chewy is high moisture content. Moisture content is affected by the type of sugar used, how much flour is involved, how long the cookies bake, and the temperature at which they are baked. When you want your cookies to be chewy, use brown sugar, which has a higher moisture content, helping to trap moisture inside the cookie. It is also a good idea to measure the flour by spooning it into a measuring cup, rather than dipping the measuring cup into the flour container; spooned flour is fluffy, whereas scooped flour is tightly packed, adding several tablespoons to the measurement.
Yes, America is a lot more relaxed. A friend has just relocated there, and her P2 son already declared he doesn't want to come back to SG! That he prefers the school there.

Think I will make the Marmite chicken tonight, then tomorrow pack to the beach

Hi Reena,
You stay in the West? Maybe we mommies should meet up one day, esp. since so many of us stay in West!

RE Creative-O:
- when and why did you pull dd1 out?
- how do you find the environment and teachers? as in, was your dd happy there?
- heard they do project-based work and not very academic... does that affect the kids' learning in any way?
- read in their website they have camps... wonder if they still have that now?
choc, you ds is so funny !!!
he must be good in maths next time! still remember numbers when doing 'big business! haha!!

oh my , she think that is a doll or something,
do well in PSLE got a new didi... hehe..

yeah they are planted in pot, not like the fairy tales that they find their strawberry from the forest or jungle ground..

Glad that you guys like the photos

i can imagine if all of us got those fresh vege, fruits, definately can cook even better meals for our family.

it is a good and healthy trip there, u eat lots of vege and do alot of walking too.

tonight's dinner:
fish, marmite chicken wing, vege

After heard so much about the marmite chicken wing must try it.
It also happen that my ds1 said he miss chicken wing, so i just thot of try this new receipi.
Hi all

been pretty bus past few days at work...didnt have a chance to log in...

the photos look nice...ya...agree that with the fresh supply of the fruits n veggies, the dishes we cook will definitely taste better.

tonite not cooking as might be going to central to view the lanterns...that day passed by and see that it looks so nice...also need to get lanterns for the kiddos...

oh..which part of west do u stay at?...maybe we can arrange somewhere central west which is convenient for everyone to meet.
Hehe.. husk, I stay the opposite pole from you guys..

Cat, tks for the tips on chewy cookies.
After baking about 300 over cookies with my niece for her teachers and my dds' teachers on teacher's day, my cookie ingredients have wept out totally! But during the baking, the aroma from the cookies was so heartwarming

Will be so nice to freshly pluck our own veg and cook it! Heard that some people do hydroponic vege at their balcony. But I think got to invest and look for equipments and a huge space for growing them..

Eh, for the cookie pic, did you download the pics from your hph or your dig cam? I tried re scaling my pics from hph and download to this forum, but pic size still too big leh..

Tonight frying watercress, deep fry prawns( in kogi brand seafood flour), fry aspargus with beef slices and huai san, dang sen chicken soup.

Oh ya, one more thing to add into the marmite chicken is diced garlic.

Also saw the recipe from last sunday's life, grill chicken wings with lemon grass, looks yummy too. got to try it one day..
I wanted to try growing veg at my balcony too...but dun think so i can do it cos its either too windy or too sunny since i stay on the top floor... not quite suitable....

do u fry the watercress with 'dou fu ru' or jus with garlic...does it taste nice...i always have the mindset that watercress is more for cooking soup until i see that you are gonna stir fry it.

Ur dinner tonite is so 'feng fu'

All like cooking chicken wings hor...hehe..seems to be talking abt chicken wings for the past wks...i will be cooking 'hong zao ji' this wkend for family dinner... its one of my favourite fuzhou dishes.
Ivena, i just stir fry watercress with garlic, it's very crunchy. Went to some buffet and they just blanch the watercress and drizzle some shallot oil and oyster sauce over, very refreshing!
sometimes, I fry you2 mai4 with dou fu ru also.
Wow, hong zao ji, i like it too, but alw eat at food court

Haha.. just clearing off stuff in my freezer,as I always do,
, got some big prawns, so tot wan to deep fry it..It's sometimes a headache to think of what to do with stuff in the freezer. And I have a bad habit of stocking up my freezer and then forget about them
Saw a lady's blog, she suggested to plan a menu each week, I thought it was a great idea, after planning 2 weeks, i gave up.. hehe.. sometimes, either can't find the ingredient i need or something last minute crops up..
I shall try to cook watercress this wkend too ....

oh ya...past wks seem to see a lot of you mai cai in the mkt..have been buying it to cook too...

u can try cooking it urself...i always buy the hong zao from one grocery stall at tanjong pagar mkt whenever i pass by the area...the uncle dun always carry a lot of the stock cos he commented the hong zao is fermented by one old uncle...n with age catching up, he dun do it often...havent yet to try nice hong zao ji outside though.

ya..i agree its quite tough to plan wkly menu...usually will jus grab some of each item each when wkdays jus see wat i have n cook it.
Heard from my mum the veges at Cameron are extremely sweet. She brought back one big back of veges and potatoes for the kids the last time she went... potatoes smell esp. fragrant, dunno why.

Try using Irfanview, freeware. Easy to resize.

Hey, can tell me roughly te ingredients for the lemongrass chicken? I went to so many places last Sunday to get papers, but all sold out. Maybe everyone was like me, kaypo, wanna read about Sumiko Tan's married life! :p

How to cook hong zao chicken? I've heard annlee talk about it last time, but never know where to get hong zao. Asked my mum, but she also doesn't know, cos she says we just use our own homemade Hakka rice wine, never use hong zao.

WHat is dou fu ru?
Haha husk, I'm one of the kpos who also wanted to know about sumiko tan's married life
. Ok, let's call ourselves the high EDUCATED kpos.. haha..

K, let me look for the recipe first hor, tomo i post for you. It was a catholic friar( young priest), who contributed the recipe.
Normally I will heat up some sesame oil in the wok and then add shredded ginger. Keep on stirring it till it become fragrant.Add in the hong zao. Keep on stirring again it till it become fragrant. Add in the chicken and stir it further. Add in a little salt and sugar to taste. Can add in some wine as well. Will be done once the chicken is cooked. This is a bit heaty cos its cooked in the confinement style as in using sesame oil. U can mix sesame oil with normal cooking oil too.

dou fu ru is fermented beancurd. Can use it to stir fry veg like kang kong, you mai cai n water cress.
I am staying in Clementi area.

Thanks for hong zao recipe. I'll try and find hong zao at West Coast or Ghim Moh market. Can find at those stalls that sell dried goods like cuttlefish and heh bee?

I Googled an image search for dou fu ru.... ah, it looks like fu yu! Think I remember a friend talking about some "red fermented beancurd"... now I think she's talking about this same thing. Will try it too... I love fu yu!

Thanks for recipe in advance!

Hey, maybe during the sch hols, we can meet up somewhere in the central part of SG too.
Hey Choc,
No need to type out the recipe for me - just found out my bro has straits times online subscription so I got the recipe!
You have 4 kids? How old are they? I have 3 and am struggling, everyday drive me up the wall. I think you should have double my "madness" from the kids :p

Talking about serving them food, I couldn't cut the fruits in time for them to eat, all like scavengers.

Rgdg morning sickness, I'll like to share my experience.
#1 - I had MS throughout my pregnancy, yes, solid 9 months. What goes in will come out, but from the mouth. And when I felt better, if someone comment "hey, you look better today", I'll need to run to the toilet within minutes. Very bandang!

#2 - MS for 1st trimester but puke over 10 times daily. Had to be on IV drip to prevent dehydration. And it was a miracle that I stopped puking when I hit the 2nd trimester.

#3 - MS for 5 months. How many meals I eat = how many times I puke. I get hungry very easily and I eat alot (even during non-preg days). During this preg, I cannot tahan seeing food, even soupy food from coffee shop makes me wanna puke. But being hungry, I have to eat but I eat very little each time. So imagine eating 7 - 8 meals a day means I puke 7 - 8 times too.

I've had my fair share of suffering during preg but looking back now, I think it's all worth it.
Thanks. I believe in training them from young, be it in the kitchen or doing housework. I've seen many men not helping their wives and that's because they were not taught to do it. I don't want my DIL to complain about me when I grow old :p Of course, my kids will only help me when they are in the mood. Sometimes a simple task like getting them to keep the folded clothes into the cupboard also gets ignored.

Little Cat,
I cook my chicken stock this way too! Using the bones and pan juices, I add carrots, onions and celeries, enough water, cook and simmer for 2 hours. I learn it from here

Your Cameron trip sounds like great fun! I've never been there, hope to visit one day. And I hate going to Genting, so polluted with 2nd hand smoke and I dislike theme parks too. I'll rather bring kids to see nature.
I stay in the east but used to work in Creative. DD1 was initially in a childcare near home but because I spent too much time travelling to and fro work, I didn't have much time with her. Morning rush to work while DH sends her to cc, then at night DH fetch. By the time I reach home, it's almost time for her to sleep. I only have 30 mins (or less) with her each day, and that seem too pathetic.

After some discussions with DH, I decided to put her in C-O so that I can at least have some quality time with her on the road. And yes, we did have a great time then.

Alright, to ans your questions.
- when and why did you pull dd1 out?
I quit my job so it doesn't make sense to send her there anymore. That was in 2007.

- how do you find the environment and teachers? as in, was your dd happy there?
I like the compound as they are relatively big in size, unlike those neighbourhood cc, so small and clustered. I'm claustrophobic so C-O attracted me with their open concept.
I've also observed that in many ccs, they sing along with the CD playing in the background but in C-O, the teachers sing without any "assistance" and this is what I admire them for. Every song seems self-created, be it a "copycat" from other sources or they composed it themselves, I'm not sure, but I'm truly impressed.
During that time, I've not seen a teacher shout at the children. To me, I think they are more in talking sense and explaining to the kids. It is not a one way traffic. From these, I feel that the kids are respected and not treated merely as a child.
If I rem correctly, they have several days of outdoor activities, and again, this is what I like too. Climbing stairs, walking down the stairs @ amphitheatre for motor skills development, water play (kids love this!), ball games, skipping, racing, etc... Their advantage is, they have ample space outdoor. There is a small playground but I don't see them use it much, which is also what I like :p I'll rather the kids learn through outdoor activities then just play at the playground. Also, the teachers are very involved when they are outdoor and not simply dump them at the playground to play by themselves while the teachers "laze" around doing nothing (I've seen this in so many other centres).
And most importantly, DD is happy to attend school everyday.

- heard they do project-based work and not very academic... does that affect the kids' learning in any way?
I don't know about you but I prefer this way of learning. They learn through play and everyday when I fetch DD1 from school, she's forever so eager to share with me what she did in school. They don't learn ABCs as it is but they learn in other means. They don't have homework like writing Aa, Bb, Cc, etc... The teaching is very different from my time.
In my observation, the children there are more vocal and independant.

- read in their website they have camps... wonder if they still have that now?
I believe this is still ongoing as the principal believes very much in this. Camping helps the child to grow and be independant. And that helps when they enter P1. DD1 didn't attend as she has already left the centre.

I hope I've answered all your queries and if you need more feedback, just let me know ;-)
Ivena, tks for the hongzao chicken recipe. Must try this one day, I LOVE confinement food. Problem is where to get very good hong zao in this area.

That day, I boiled some/lots of shredded ginger in water, add some chopped black chicken, boil for abt 1 hr, add half bowl of DOM , boil till alcohol evaporated, add salt to taste. Blanch mee sua and add into soup, Yums.. good for women..

Hehe Reena, ya, i have 4 rascals( dd1(1o),dd2(8),ds3(4), dd4(2)), 3 guppies, 6 mollies and 1 angelfish.. and not to mention, my boss..
Madness is an understatement.. I am slowly losing my sanity that is.. haha.. no lah, not that bad, I enjoy having them around, and esp cooking for them. I showed them your blog abt the watermelon popsicle, and now they bug me each day to make for them. Just bought the popsicle mould last fri. Tks for sharing what you do with your kids too;)
Wah, your MS is really trying..but I'm sure the moment you gave birth, all the "hardship" is worth it

Husk, Ok, I try to look for Irfan view, tks

Tonight baking salt bake chicken( using premix), green and red carrots and you mai cai.

Last night for dinner, didn't know where to eat, ang googled "best hor fun in Singapore" and found this place in bedok north, blk 86. Indeed the hor fun was great, nice wok hei, brought back childhood memories
.. The horfun has sliced fish, liver, big prawns added, slurps..

Re: Do you ladies take any vitamins or "bu" after AF?
I only started to take ba zhen this yr, found it quite good, and AF is on the dot as compared to last time(alw delayed in the past and spotting during mid cycle)
Hi all

I like ginger nowadays...esp after the birth of my second child....when i am cooking whatever dish that requires ginger eg. fish porridge, I will scoop up my portion and add in loads of shredded ginger till hubby commented he wondering if i am eating fish porridge or ginger porridge...haha

seems like whatever food that i dun favour when i give birth...i like it all now...bittergourd, celery. ginger....tastebud change when get older.

I didnt try making the watermelon popsicle but made the sour plum jelly n my family loves it....have been making it for few days in a row...its so refreshing esp in hot weather like the past few days.

Dun consume any vitamins cos i scare later too heaty...body cant take it...
Reena, aiyoh your morning sickness quite serious hor.. i shouln't complain liao... my first one was tough, but afer 20 weeks, it is ok. But keep having this funny taste in the mouth, but afer give birth everything ok.
2nd one the MS is better, no need to wait till 20 weeks.

guys, hong zao and hong qu (红曲)got relation or not ah?
cos heard the hong qu can bring down bad cholestrol.

choc, my photo need to resize to 30%.. then can upload here.
eh so much ginger not heaty?
recently i heard from radio, one chinese doc say 'ba-zhen' is really good!
so we should take more. but he recommend taking in the morning. or 4 hours before sleep, cos suppose to give you energy.. skali can't sleep if u drink too close to bed time.

Was sharing with choc one receipi using apple cider.
chicken wing or baby pork rib (about 300-400 g)
2 table spoon of dark soya sauce
2 table spoon of light soya sauce
1 table spoon of sugar, or honey
7 table spoon of apple cider (can reduce to 5 if u want it less sour)
water enuff to cover the meat
cook in a pot in mid fire till boil, change to low fire, for about 30 to 40 min.
chicken will be slightly faster.

It is very nice and tasty, try it!
Hi Reena,
Thanks for giving me the detailed feedback on Creative-O. DH read it too, and says a big thank you for such a detailed write-up!

Seems like it's quite good and fits dh and my requirements. We're not looking for a school that is super-academic, just good enough that it prepares the kid for P1. But mostly importantly, we would like to "toughen" dd up. She is pretty gu niang and cries over the littlest thing, so I thought the camp would be good for her.

Can download it here:
Super easy to use - I use it to resize my passport pics too!

OK, ds is dismantling cat door... gotta run now!
Tks husk, wil ask my ang to help me. Your ds so cute.. want to dismantle cat door? maybe he wants to play with the cat

yesterday while I was in the kitchen doing things, suddenly I saw a shadow,when I looked up, it was a DOG! Dunno which neighbour's dog crept into my house cos it had a tag around its neck..Must be the octopus+lotus root+corn soup I was boiling that attracted it! The salty smell of the octopus..

Eh ivena, I love ginger too! Esp fried with sesame oil, so fragrant..but heaty. And like what you mentioned, also after giving birth, my taste buds changed..

cat, ya, ginger a bit heaty,hehe.. so i try to boil liang cha to balance that.. I normally drink the ba zhen after breakfast
That day went to Fuhua, the sales lady recommended the $6 pack which is supposedly more effective. She claimed that the herbs in it are of better quality

Going to try your apple cider recipe on chicken drumsticks this week;)

Husk, I love the chinese soup recipe blog.. Have been visiting it to get great ideas for soup making..
choc,haha!! eh you big chef , cooking so good even the dog also want to visit you to get free meal...:D:D

Ic ic, must try to do the same in the morning.
it is not that costly compare to other 'bu'..

huskie, did your ds managed to break thru the door and meet the cat ? hope is a 'peaceful' meeting... :D

I am boiling the lemon grass drink, the smell is good. heard is good for lower blood sugar also ...

yesterday bought the live flower crab from sheng siong.
Steam with ginger, green onion, cooking wine, taste good!

Saw they have the live seabass too, next time can steam seabass, hongkong style.

bought some bamboo shoot, tonight going to fry with shedred chicken breast meat, hope they like it.

Found sheng siong got more vege variety compare to NTUC.
Sometime cooking the same type of vege every week sian...
Hello ladies!
hee, ds didn't manage to break the cat door, but banged it so much that a few screws dropped out. Definitely a friendly meeting. When he learns not to put his hand in his mouth, the cats would start to roam free in the house

I made coconut soup from recipe yesterday. Just pork chunk, chicken, red dates, coconut meat and coconut juice. Tastes a bit weird to have coconut juice in soup... think if I every try it again, I'll put in lesser juice.

I love the chinesesouplady website too! Noticed that they use more honey dates than red dates huh? When they write "date", I think they mean our kind of honey date rather than red dates. Very HK style kind of soups which I love!

The dog must be attracted to the smell of your food! Did you give the dog a teabreak? ;P
My grandma used to say that you will have good luck when a dog goes into your house by itself.

You seem to be doing a good job as a SAHM! Your meals always look so elaborate! Somemore got crab!

Hey, I bought bamboo shoots in vacuum pack from ntuc before, but they are a bit smelly huh? How do you handle them?

Saw that you made some mooncakes! They look lovely!

You mentioned you made popsicles too... where do you get the moulds from?
Hi all

I usually like to add red dates than honey dates when cooking soup cos i find honey date a bit too sweet for my taste.

I will boil a pot of water and then add it the bamboo shoot to cook for a while to remove the smell...after that dish up and its ready to be cook with other ingredients.

You can get the moulds from daiso or ikea...they do sell it.
haha husk,no i din give the dog a tea break:0, I was so shocked for words that I invited it out, then I saw,that it was my neighbour's new dog, actually it was another person who gave birth to a baby and donated their dog to my good neighbour..
Ya good luck, ha! my mollies just gave birth to abt 15 babies! Now I have a fish nursery and a normal 'ward' for the parents

Have seen the coconut soup recipe also, thought of trying it. Tks for the review. I also bought a pack of sea coconut and froze them. As and when I need it, i'll take 2 pcs out. That day i tried to look for white radish soup recipe from her blog, but couldn't find it leh..

Also made the water melon popsicles from Reena's blog, I bought my popsicle moulds from daiso, the mould comes in 4 colours, the popsicles were indeed very refreshing and the lime made it bit tangy, v nice .

Yesterday I made cat's recipe on apple cider vinegar, using wuhuarou pork ribs, they were THUMBS UP, very lu wei! Was surprised to see ds just scrapping the gravy and eat with rice only! And the rest of them asked me to cook more next time. And best of all, it is non messy, slurps!

Ya, I also thought bamboo has a very strong smell, havent tried cooking it before. I scared attract the dog again.. haha..
hello ladies...

wah...alot of recipes. will read thru when I'm free

recently watched one taiwan show showing this chicken soup dish. I've tried it and tasted good.

Maybe you ladies might wanna try.

One whole chicken
long cabbage (put as much as it fill up the claypot)
8pcs of dried scallops
1 cube of chinese ham (I'm greedy and added 2 cubes and tasted quite salty)
1 big slice of ginger (optional)
sharkfin ( the show added it but I don't as I seldom eat it and don't have it at home hee)

Add all above in a big claypot, add water to cover all ingredient or add till full. Lower fire when boil and let it cook for 3 hrs.

Very easy and yummy

Littlecat and joy,

no...I'm not hakka but like the food. I bought my leicha fan near my home, v healthy food. I also like hakka yong tau fu near kembangan, quite famous but soup full of msg.


have u heard Tao nan might be shifting to temporary premise?
huskie, haha no choice leh...very boring to cook the same thing everytime.
Actually crab easy to cook, just clean it and steam nia...

I bought the vacuum bamboo shoot too, from sheng siong. There's no smell leh.. i just wash cut and cook with chicken breast meat.
It taste good, even my ds1 also like it

Yeah hongkonger like to add honey date. recently i also usee the honey date alot especially cooking radish soup, but not those already sweet type of soup like corn, ABC soup.

Choc, next time buy 2kg of bah kut lah ;)

Hmmm.. must try the popscile next time

Annlee, hmm.. the soup make me drool... must be very tasty, ham plus dried scallop too.

Tonight going japanese, will make sushi for the first time and also use the apple cider receipi to cook the wing.

choc, wait for my update :D
tonite going to ikea....will be having my fav chicken wing from ikea as well as the sausage bread for dinner.....

see so many praises for the apple cider recipe...guess i will also try cooking it this wkend.

enjoy the wkend ahead....cheerios
hey girls,
Thanks for letting me know where to get the popsicle mould. I'll check out Daiso this weekend.

LittleCat, Choc,
I made the apple cider pork ribs just now! At first I was afraid it would be too sour cos I tasted it without rice (I used 5tbs apple cider vinegar).
The dh says it's really good - that the taste is just balanced, although he likes a sweeter version personally.
The ribs are soooooooo tender, maybe cos of the vinegar?
Definitely will make this dish again!

Eh, for crabs, must buy live one and kill them yourself right? I don't dare to kill it!

Thanks for tips on cleaning bamboo shoots.
Actually after reading through the's recipes, I realised honey dates are nicer, but cos our honey dates have a sugar coating so soup turns out real sweet.
I normally soak them in hot water to get rid of the added sugar.

Don't think chinesesouplady has any specific radish recipe. Don't recall seeing white radish on her blog before, only green ones.

WHat did you do with the radish in the end?

Hee, congrats to your "babies"!
huskie, yes you can reduce the cider or increase the sugar.
yeah i think the vinegar help to tender it.

btw i try using the chicken wing, not very successfully leh.. it become too soft after long hour. Guess have to modify the portion and also cooking time.

Glad you guys like the apple cider receipi !! :D

next i want to try using the beef. the other day i try, but it was using lean meat, so abit tough, the texture, but the taste is good. will try to get the right type of cut.

The live flower crab, i put it the fridge, but the time i take out around 5pm, guess already 'fainted' or in coma ;). So i just wash and remove the shell and remove all the unwanted portion and chop into half..
If is mud crab, i dare not do it, will ask DH.. he is the expert cos he LOVE crabs.

choc maybe your house 'fenag shui' very good leh... so fertile ... haha!

everyone have a good weekend!
Good Monday Morning to All,

Tonight going to attempt annlee's claypot chicken recipe!
Looks very yummy leh, going to add sea cucumber n fish maw. Thanks annlee! Your description made me drool

Ya cat, the apple cider recipe is a good recipe to keep, think will buy 2kg or more pork ribs next time. Can't finish, can freeze, sure very luwei one!

Husk, hee.. I ended up cooking radish soup with honey n red dates, dried octopus n pork ribs

What kind of pork ribs did you buy for the apple cider recipe?
I bought the kind for bak kut teh once, grilled it, top part burnt and meat still very tough! Butcher still told me that pork rib is the best!
This time round, I bought a cheaper cut,and it was very tender, could still bite off some tendon..

Now, the molly babies are very happy, hope they'll grow well, haha.. cos the last time I had baby mollies, they all died after 10 days
I siao liao.. but it's sure very therapeutic just to watch the babies swim around.
Hi all

had jus cook a cny dish 'hao shi fa cai' over the wkend...was cleaning the frige and realise i still have a packet of dried oyster and some black moss...also have fish maw...n since i have some guest over my plc during the wkend, decided to cook this dish...

went to qian hu fish farm at cck...then also went to kok fah vegetable farm...bought quite a fair bit of veg to last these few days...tonite cooking radish soup with pork ribs n dried scallop...the radish is the small type with the green leaves still attached...the uncle at the farm was telling me that the leaves is looks like cai far i have yet to see such radish with leaves selling in the mkt...

also bought some kang kong, kailan, caixin n herbal tea...all grown at the farm...cant stop buying as all look so fresh n nice.
hello ladies!
dd and I just recovered from some puking disease - not sure if it's food poisoning or stomach flu.
Today we had a little family gathering to celebrate ds' first birthday. He turns 1 tomorrow!

Time really flies!

Haha, I don't dare to cook crabs like that leh! I keep thinking of myself being steamed alive, yikes! Hee, but I am sure they taste really fresh!

I bought the angmoh type of ribs, or rather, my hub bought them the last time.
Got them from NTUC... some Canadian pig.
I think if you're grilling it, might have to reduce honey else sure burn? But if reduce honey, then not so yummy huh?

How are your molly babies doing now?

I grow up eating hao shi fa cai! Yummy!
I think I really need to go learn some recipes from my mum soon.
Hello mummies
Have been MIA from here for a while cos have been busy wif hw and coming sa2.

Yes, it going to swift some where to tampines but am not sure where it is.My son will be affected.Very xian.How is your child coping?Still honeymoon period right?So nice, I envy...

Talk to mummies here again...
Hello mummies
Have been MIA from here for a while cos have been busy wif hw and coming sa2.

Yes, it going to move some where to tampines but am not sure where it is.My son will be affected.Very xian.How is your child coping?Still honeymoon period right?So nice, I envy...

Talk to mummies here again...
Hello all, Have been busy with the kids too! Esp the children's day hols.

Ivena, wah, so nice to buy fresh veg form the farm. I'm sure you enjoyed your trip tremendously! I love to do this too, must ask my ang to bring me there, the last time I went was a saturday mid morning, and all the veg left were not very fresh liao

Oh dear husk, could it be stomach flu? A couple of my friends caught it too.. Glad you are up and about now.
The molly babies are growing very well.. I actually fed them fish liquid food, that looks like milk.. And they grew very fast. Thought they were big enough to be with their parents, but when I put one Molly adult in, it started chasing the young with its mouth open.. haha..

Think I must look for a tried and tested easy recipe for grill ribs. Some of the recipes call for the ribs to be boiled first then bake.. Now I think I'll continue using cat's apple cider recipe since my whole family likes it.. Ya, it;s the honey that made the ribs chao ta, yet the meat is still tough after grilling for an hour!

Hey Joy! Ya SA2 is around the corner, very sian.. Lots of revision to be done..

Tonight making nasi lemak with fry kang kong, petai and prawns. What are you all cooking?
Hi choc
I try not to cook these days but did yesterday.i COOKED chillie petai,yong taufu soup, stir fried bean sprout and a mix bean eggs.

Ya, sa2 coming, xian and i just feel that the four days psle marking days like sitting in the jail.
Hahaha.. I share your sentiments, for pri6, during PSLE marking is like sitting in jail, waiting/hopeing/praying for the best.. for the rest of the levels, it's sitting in jail with piles of revision
My dd1 is pri4, and dd2 pri2. Dd2 didn't have SA1, so this time got to do SA2..
Dd1 has just boo hoo hoo over the fact that exam is 2 weeks away. So I had to tell her that it's better late than never and not just mopping around doing nothing.. She got to memorize all the phrases for chinese compo, given by her teacher and Aiyo! it's like wanting her life..
So the study room is her jail now.haha..

Yours is P5 right? Very siong also hor
Hi Choc,
P5 is a big jump from p4.Competition is very keen in her class and school.So, to upkeep the position is very stressful.

If just close one eye, then pri six then worry, but I cannot.So siong for me lah.

She is having her oral this and next week, still ka lai ka how?
Hi, this is not related to cooking/baking. Just want to share a lobang.

I'm doing a spree for sunscreen, for those who are actively outdoors with your toddler, you might want to consider this spree. I have used up 6 bottles/tubes of sunscreen since Jun (when DS2 took up swimming) and it costs me a bomb. Looking for alternatives and found this Aussie site.

Singapore is selling it at $75/bottle but online we can get it at ~ 35% off.

Check out the spree details below if you are interested. Thanks.
hello ladies,
haven't been logging on this week...
dh has gone to US and it's just me with the 2 kids. It's already been one week, so I am counting down to the day he returns... another 8 more days!
MIL has been helpful coming over to help whenever she has the use of her car, and it really helps that she can play with the kids, although I think the kids do tire her out... poor lady!

Choc, Joy,
Seems like kids in Pri sch need lots of coaching huh? My friends all seem to be quite stressed whenever it's their kids' exam period.
Quite glad my kiddos are still in preschool and I can still play with them... dread the day when I have to coach them and drill them for exams!

I made your Ribena konyakku jelly recipe yesterday,... they're really yummy!
Will be trying out the sour plum one once I get hold of some sour plums!
Hello Huskie
Hey, enjoy your kids when they are still young.

Now, pretty stressed up by my girl's exam and looking forward to my year end trip in dec.This is always a recharged for me.

What ribena konyakku jelly recipe?can share wif me, cannot find the post.thanks


Hope your girl's exams went well!
Where are you going for your year end hols?

This is the ribena konyakku jelly on Reena's blog... very yummy!
dd normally can't even finish 1 pc of jelly cos I didn't know must add so much (100ml) of ribena. So the ones I made are usually very pale in colour and pretty tasteless.
This time, following Reena's recipe, dd can eat 2 jellies at one go!
