Childless Not By Choice Group

Hi all, I am an silent reader all this while.. Though I did not post my comments but will always come in and get some encourage from this thread... Cos I know I am not alone in this journey..
Congrats to those who have bfp! Your experience really give me the strength and hope to carry on this tough journey...
I manage to conceive naturally this year feb but lost it at 8
weeks, prior to that was trying for almost 4 years.. Hence it
was really an sad episode for me, i would have given birth
now I didn't lose it.. When I look at preg ladies, I will get
jealous and angry.. Time will heal the wound.. I am still
waiting for this time to come, is healing slowly though...
Anyway i've gone thru 2 rounds of so iui, will not be going for
3rd round.. Will fix my ivf with dr loh next year april... Y April is
becos I will be quitting my job after getting my bonus in
march hence I can fully concentrate for ivf, with no work
stress involved.. Hopefully my chances will be higher...
Not too sure if I make the right choice by quitting my job (dr
loh don't encourage actually) but I know my job will not allow
me to rest mentally if I don't resign... So any ladies here who
quit their job to do ivf ? Hopefully I am
not the only one doing this.. Haha
anyway ladies happy holiday and those who are still ttcing.. Let's jiayou together!

hi ladies

mik mik, liz...thanks for coming in to share your experience and cheer us on. Congrats to liz for the birth of boy! Seeing your boy def makes the pains and complications you endured during your pregnancy worthwhile!

babygalore, hi! it has been a long time... miss reading your long long threads too.... despite reading about your loss of freedom, i could also sense the blissfulness when you talked about caring for your baby... congrats again

bingo, hugs, hope you move on and look forward to new hopes of conceiving again. i am not sure abt resigning to ivf but many of the ladies ivf while holding on to a job. Keeping a relaxed mind is very important too, so i think got to think again before you quit work so you have no regrets later factors like financially can afford if you loss your income? hubby opinion? utimately it come down to what you want... and i do heard of ladies who r succcessful in ivf after quitting their work...

My episode of bleeding/spotting is back. Since tested positive till now, i only have 4 days of respite of clean undies... The passing of a blood clot the size of a 10 cent coin freaked me out on Thurs night. So i went down to A&E. Scan show the gestational sac but no fetal pole yet. Feeling frus sometimes because doc cannot pinpoint the reason of bleeding. I find my mood like a yo yo... happy and relaxed when i see a clean pantyliner, moody and tensed when i see red.... i hope everything goes fine and can have a more optimistic pic during scan 1.5 weeks later
Mik Mik, thanks for dropping by to encourage us. Yr pregnancy is indeed not easy, but at the end of the day, u will see fruits from your labour which is all worthwhile. Like you, I am also a silent reader in the other thread and only post here. Enjoy yr motherhood

A big congrats to you Liz!

bingo, a big hugs. If u r comfortable financially, quitting job to concentrate on ivf is good provided you dun feel too bored at home and let yr thoughts run wild at home esp during 2ww. And bear in mind if u bfp, u will hv to go without a job for the next 1-2 u must take this into account too.
I did not quit my job for ivf as I need the extra income.

Tigi, rest well and minimise yr movements. Bedrest helps for spotting/bleeding. It is indeed v frustrating to see spotting at times...

An update from myself. I saw Dr Loh on Tue and he did a V-scan for me at 5 weeks + and he says he saw 2 heartbeats but no yolk inside sac? I am v puzzled abt this, anyway will wait for my next scan next week. Pray hard tt I can see more on my next scan. I am given a proluton jab and so far I saw 2 times spotting while I am in office which is pinkish/brown dots when wipe and sometimes will see it on my liner a few dots also. I hv learnt to be calm abt all the spotting episodes. Dr Zou told me spottings are v common during 1st tri for ivf pregnancies and I hope it will ease off soon.

Take care all
Congrats Tigi!
Congrats Rostrum! And congrats again Rostrum for twins!!

Sorry for late well wishings as i went into 'hiding' for a while. Need to read up more past posts to catch up with all of you!
Congrats Liz and Mik for your bundle of joy!

Gan, your princess is of good weight! Are you done with all your preparations already?

BabyG, as usual, very comforting posts from you! Thank you my dear sis!

Hihi Hopewaves, Bingo *wave* we meet again.
Bingo, go with your heart what you think helps you. If minus work stress/commitment = plus peace of mind, heart and soul, then go for it. Money can always earn back later, health is more important whatmore now you are pursuing a special phase in life. More importantly, dont look back, dont have regrets. Of course must get hb support, very important.
tigi, bleeding in 1st trimester cld be that ur placenta is low so therefore movements such as walking cld cause spotting or bleeding. When i had my 1st bleeding, dr thinks cld be the flushing out of the other 2 embbies that did not implant, then 2nd time bleed which is quite alot, i kinda freak out when dr loh said cld be my placenta detaching. Anyhow subsequent scans shows that i have a blood clot in my womb, so the bleeding was from the womb. Luckily the blood clot was eventually absorp by my body. So for ur first trimester as u have spotting, rest is impt. Dun go to work and bed rest at home. I was on 3 weeks HL till everything was ok before returning to work.

Rostrum congrats again on having twins!

Sunny how r u? I think my bb stuff are more or less prepared. Maybe i have been thru too much, i can get abit paranoid at times though i try to be as zen as possible. Was very happy with my gal's weight gain but started worrying if i have GD, so asked dr loh to do a glucous test for me. Results normal....find myself silly, worrying for nothing. = ) are u planning any hols for the yr end?
Hello sunny!! "waves waves" haha!

Hi Tigi, rostrum, sunny! In fact, hubby is the one who insisted I should resign, I wanted to proceed with ivf in Jan and work at the same time, talk terms with him many times that I can juggle work & ivf.. But his answer is no.. Reason being, my job is not desk bound, I am in sales.. Always meeting client,
meeting demanding client and etc, stressful job.. Hence if I do
ivf while working, I will not have enough rest, mind &
physically... I totally agree with him.. But I don't not hate my
job hence is quite painful to quit my job lar.. Anyone job is not desk bound, sales etc and bfp??
Good to hear that your princess weight is increasing. Looking forward to hearing abt the birth of your gal,

Try and rest as much as poss and minimize walking. I was bleeding throughout the first trimester. Was on 2 pregyl jabs and 2 proluton jabs weekly and I was still bleeding. The only thing that minimize it was bedrest. My doc suspected that my placenta was weak. Just try and rest as much as possible. And yes. All the hardship is worth it when I see my boy. Lol . He is also the reason why I am posting at such an unearthly hour. Am also thinking of taking a break from work to care for him.

Rostrum and sunny
Thanks for your Congrats. And a BIG Congrats to rostrum for your twins.
Bingo, the stress level in sales is quite high, cos u need to hit sales targets etc, so perhaps that is the reason why yr dh ask u to quit yr job and concentrate on ivf.

If u love yr job, maybe can ask for unpaid leave for a few mths just for this ivf? If bfp, then quit yr job?
Hi rostrum, I thought of taking unpaid as well. But not very visable for my work place, they normallly don't encourage that and I will feel more stress having to face my coll if ivf fail...
Actually If I bfp while working, I will not quit cos want to benefit from the 4th month ML ma... Haha
Bingo, There is no need to tell your colleagues that u r going for IVF. Taking unpaid leave can be for various personal reasons. When u are doing ivf, u also need to apply HL for about 2 weeks to bedrest at home. So u must gauge yrself whether u can juggle ivf and work at the same time, travelling to hospital for scanning, BT etc..and back to work.

I did not tell anyone about my ivf cycle this time, only a few close ones. Reason being not too much stress when they become "concerned" of us. In this way, u will feel more relaxed when cycling.
Rostrum, if I am taking no pay leave, I will have to tell my boss the reason why I'm taking and I don't think he can keep secrets... Another reason is I am in sales, hence who is willing to visit my customer if I am taking unpaid? They will think of their own customer first lor...
But if u are taking 2 weeks HL.. Your coll will not ask y u are having long HL? I thought of not telling my coll too if I am cycling while working, but I don't know how to hide the 2 HL especially to my boss...
Bingo, u can tell yr boss u going for woman's op and request the clinic/hospital that u r going to cycle with not to put ivf/assisted reproduction on the HL.

Once u decided to start on ivf, I think u hv to sacrfice something else. No more thinking of work, customers, sales targets. This is something we hv to forgo.

We cannot hv the best of both worlds u got to weigh which one is more important for u.
Hi rostrum

envy u leh! Bfp on 2nd try. Dunno when it'll b my turn.

Hi Lynn

*waves* good to hear u hve been enjoying couple time.
I can understand how u feel. At times I just wished I'm
One of those who decides not to hve bb, then I wun be so sad. Haiz

I'm feeling a bit down.. Haiz.
Hi girls I have delivered my baby on 18 dec when I was 36 weeks 5 days. My waterbag leak and mucus plug dropped. Tried natural but not successful so ended up doing emergency c section. Both of us are doing well. =)
Gan, have a Good Rest. Glad To hear both mommy n Bb are doing well. Doesnt matter shariah It's natural or csect. Most impt both of u are safe. Have a Good confinement
. Let us have a glance of ur gal gal once u r free OK? Again,Big Big Congrats To u
Congrats Gan! Good to hear tt!!! So hw are u dealing with you girl? Got time post the photo here ok?? I wanna touch her

elle, waves! Hw are u? Hw is yr lil one?
wave wave. I am here. hahha. my lil one is getting cheekier and notti. she now knows how to bully me and super sticky to me cos i tell her i'll be going back to work next month. I really dun feel like working. sigh! How're u? sorry a bit lost track, how many months are you now? gender known?
Hi elle,

Wow, she must be v cute now...when she start walking, it is even more cuter lor...keke...I understand hw u feel, can't bear to part with her right after so many mths of bonding..

I m coming to 11 weeks now...still long way to go coupled with lots of worries, but I try to brush all these waiting to go for my nt scan in 1 weeks + time..

Will keep u girls update...nowadays here v quiet...hope everyone is doing well...

Merry X'mas to all!!!
Thanks Gan! I hv sent you an email....reply me when u convenient...though u are a cow, I am sure u are a happy cow now
Enjoy motherhood yeah!

I will write a proper reply soon but here's to wish all the sisters on this thread a very very fruitful and "babyful" 2011.. Look forward to 2011 together

A big welcome to ur princess
and congrats. Have a good confinement k.
Hallow to my ttcing comrades once again

I am finally back at work and regained a part of my freedom, ie is can run errands during lunch…Over the last four months, have been on 24x7 duty to baby and I do miss her every now and then in the office but also value the regained freedom.

My lil gal has already tuned herself to planet earth in that her sleeping and feeding at good now. Much earlier, she was such a poor thing, confused between day and nite and that left me sleep deprived too..U are very lucky to have your mom's help leh..envy envy... That will make you enjoy motherhood more. Sometimes I also think about what I want to achieve 10 years down the road and right now. I suppose while caring for our little ones, we must also not forget to look after ourselves and stay healthy and well-groomed least the last two resolutions are within our control..

Lets meet up
I am quite flexi if its lunch in town on the weekday and for lunch on weekends, we can set aside a few dates. Maybe lets take a poll. I shall set aside a few options and the invite is for any sister on this thread and see who respond. If no one respond ;p, we meet up ourselves.

Option One
1. Weekday lunch time at Cityhall. Cityhall as it is the most center part of Singapore. Depending on who wants to meet up, we can adjust the venue accordingly.
Possible dates: 11 Feb, 18 Feb, 25 Feb.
All fridays as fridays are less "rushy".
Option Two
2. Weekend lunch time at Cityhall. Also due to same reason and venue can be adjusted depending on who can come.
Possible dates: 13 Feb, 20 Feb, 27 Feb. All Sunday afternoons. Sorry, because I cannot make it on Sat afternoons.

I will not be bringing my baby if we are meeting on weekend, will leave her with my MIL and hubby. This will an outing for any sisters who just want to chit chat about life, hbs, ttcing, of course babies included. Sisters who are ttcing, pls come if you are free. I believe everyone of us here on this thread are very sensible people having to go thru all these, won't turn it into a baby session for sure. Just want to extend the friendship to beyond virtual reality since we share so much in common. Sisters are free to bring anyone. Can bring pets too..hehee..

Lets decide on the actual date base on the majority rule.

How are you!!!??? When u read this, faster update us on you and babies k…I do think of you every now and then too
Wonder how you are babies are doing??
Now that I have regain my freedom like before, I will sure drop by often one. Where is your office? If you are coming for outing, we can move to near your office since you must be getting heavier by the day.

Yes, you are absolutely right, I have set up an nice routine liao as I worry my mom (about 60 year old) will age more with the caring of the baby, so much that my elder sisters think I am like a military officer loh ;p

Congrats lots lots. So your girl girl is a december baby..also good..actually for girls, its better to be dec babies than Jan babies. I remember I used to be the oldest girl in class, always feel so "lao" because I was born in Jan.

How are you and girl girl? Update us too
Miss "talking" to you too

Lets keep up with the smses and you must also update me on your latest development too k..such as what bak gua to buy. I am checking out what you told me on my way home later..

Mik Mik,
I remember you mik mik. Remember I was so blur, thought you are "milk milk". Thanks for your blessings. I am inspired by your story. Its indeed not easy to hold on when Dr Loh told you the sac was irregular as that would easy dash the hope of any MTB. Your ttcing story was really trying and I must say heart wrecking. Thanks for your encouragement for the sisters here too. I like what you said that "tell yourself your turn will come one day". How true that is loh..Some day, some how, each and everyone of us here will have "its" day.

Congrats on your gal gal too. She is another miracle.

Yes, I can testify to your trying pregnancy too. Sometimes, god really like to test our limits, make it extremely difficult for us to concieve and then give us all the hurdles during those months. Cannot agree more that all these seem to be like a very very long dream.

You are definitely not the only one to quit for IVF. I believe its correct to follow your heart in this. If at this point in time you believe that you should focus on the program and not think about anything else, than have no second thoughts and go go go for it. Having 2nd thoughts will only add to the stress and not forgetting that ivf is already a very stressful program itself. Jiayou and your day will come. I want to wish that you will have lots of dirty diapers to change in the very very near future
May you bingo bingo, better still with twins and than can close factory liao. Agree with Sunny that money can be earned back later but youth is limited.

How are you too sister?? Update us when you read this k…

U also must jiayou k. You always live up to your nick of Sunny, positive as always. May 2011 be a brand new year for us. I want to lose the dark eyering I gain over this months and you gain a sunny baby soon. New year, new hope.

Don’t feel down sister….you are still so young. I am a mom only now, time is on your side.

I just discovered the PM you sent me. Pls expect my reply soon. You also jiayou k sister, Gambatte for everything in life be it ttcing or own happiness outside of children.

Jude, hopewaves and miraclebaby and Nancy,
You girls are not forgotten. Hold on to that faith and also must love yourselves first and foremost.
Hi everyone,

Some of u may remember me. Proud to announce that I am mummy to a 3 mth old baby boy through adoption. He has fulfilled our dreams in every way and wiped out all our 12 years of longing and anguish at our infertility.
Hi Babygalore, thanks for thinking of me and thank you so much for your encouragement! I also hope to be sunny and tries as hard as i can be. Hopefully when the storm blows over, i can shine with a big bright warm smile! Right now, i am not doing anything as doctors are puzzled why cycle after cycle, can produce good results and can preggy twice but just cannot keep the babies. Suspecting might be deeper issues like genes, auto immunity etc ... so no point throwing more $ and efforts into more IVFs until more tests are done on these areas. Will be meeting doctors (2 specialists somemore) by end this month to conclude if IVF is still the way to go. If not then i will join Die onto the adoption path.

Die, congrats on your baby boy! I am a silent reader on the adoption thread and very happy to read your post each time. Can truly feel your bliss and happiness. He brings you both (mother and child) this big blessing, you both are blessing to each other and to your family. I am so touched! When its my turn to adopt, give me your guidance ok? Hehe, thanks in advance!

Rest of sisters, a big hello!! Sorry i have not been posting. Was rather down these few months. But whenever i m free, will read and always happy to read about your progresses etc ... Wishing us all a good 2011! Most importantly good health for one another and our loved ones!

*wave* *wave* Of course remember u Die
I remember last time at the ivf thread, many sisters asked you why you call urself Die and you told us its a short form of your name. I would imagine ur name to be "never say die attitude"

Congrats lots lots on your little blue bundle
I am sure you are very busy with all the nite feeds and routine setting but enjoy every single bit of it somehow. If got chance in future, my current 4mths pink bundle can make friends who your blue bundle
Happy CNY.
I support your rational way of dealing with something so emotionally draining. Your step by step way of moving forward and knowing what you what in life is very brave and smart you know

No matter what is the route that will lead you to motherhood, Sunny, many years down to road, when we look back, all these will/has make us tougher and more appreciative of everything/everyone. Pls don't feel down for too long. You deserve a big pat for being so brave and rational about every resolution to issues. Hopefully the two specialists can solve the puzzle. I await the sunny big bright warm smile. It will be in the coming rabbit year for sure
Good luck to "will be very lucky Sunny"

The longer and more difficult route we take and the more obstacles we overcome, the sweeter the rewards at the end.

All the best in the new year. U can pm me anytime if u have questions abt adoption.


Yahoo, we are mothers now! Cheers!
You are right loh, somehow the longer the route, the sweeter the rewards are at the end and the more we cherish. When I look at some (of course its some and not all) of my relatives who conceived with ease, they don't care much bonding and often "dump" babies at parents or inlaws place even over the weekend. One of the baby took close to 1.5 years to be willing to call her mom mommy as she always think her mommy is her grandmother.
Posted on Tuesday, February 08, 2011 - 10:59 pm:       
Hi sisters,

Hope everyone is doing well. Haven't been posting for a while cos work's pretty stressful. I'm also thinking of quitting to try ivf but not sure if the tight finances will pose an added source of stress for me

I have some questions which I'd like to get some advice from before my first consultation at sgh this Thursday

1. How long on average was ur whole ivf cycle, for long cycles?
2. For govf hospital like sgh, how much would it cost roughly?
3. Will they give mc after the embryo transfer? If so, How
many days?
4. How often do we have to go back for scanning etc during the course of the procedure?

Thanks a lot in advance, I'm not very sure what are the
questions to ask when I meet the doc this Thursday so hope to get some background knowledge. Any info will be greatly appreciated. If anyone has done ivf in sgh, do u mind sharing your experience?

I'm kinda torn- I have an impt event in May for my work which is gonna stress me out like crazy, will it be too foolish of me
to do my ivf in mar/ April when I already can predict I'll be quite stressed? Or should I wait and try to take tcm in the meantime?

By the way, I'd love to meet up for lunch if th dates can be arranged
wave wave. Sorry to miss your post. I have been out of the forum for quite sometime since i'm back to work late Jan. Now my routine starts as early at 5am and ends at midnite. really exhausted. My mom is no longer helping me. Lots of things happened. Now my gal is in infant care. So I need to send her there early and rush all the way from office to pick her up as well. But good things is she sleeps early and wakes up early. The moment clock strike 7pm, her eyes will start to close. hahaha. It has been like tat since she's 2 months old. I'm fine with meeting up in city hall during weekdays on Friday. Let's say Friday 18 Feb? My working place is at orchard btw.
Any more sisters to join us?
You are right to anticipate that ivf is costly and also time consuming. But one thing for sure is I come to realise is that for sisters who decide to go for it/have gone for it,regardless of the result, they never regret, including myself becoz the process can really strengthen one's character.

Some details I don't remember as crystal clear and I will say whatever I can remember.

1. For a long protocol (including stage 1 with suspension of hormones), its about 1.5 months. Its about two weeks of stage 1 (suspension jabs), followed by about 2 weeks of stimulation (this stage varies in length depending on how well one responds. I have read of 8 days to even 18+/- days of difference). The last phase is 2 weeks wait for implantation to take place.

For short protocol, the dr skips suspension usually due to anticipation for poorer response to stimulation drug. So its about one month.

Try to be conservative and set aside 2 months for one cycle as sometimes dr will even lengthen stage 1 if they need to conincide your embryo transfer with their leave.

2. This one I cannot remember crystal clear but you can claim about $6000 from medisave if its the first try. I will cost about $8000 to $10000 for one cycle under government. The main variance in cost is due to amount of stimulation drug one uses (the most exp cost component for ivf). I have read sisters who spend close to just $1000 for one cycle or a few thousands. On average, need to top up say about $2000 as cash after deducting medisave. Correct me if I am wrong for sisters who know/reember the costs very well.

3. They will give 2 weeks of hospitalisation leave immediately after embryo retrieval. Pls take the two weeks in full whenever u can as its difficult to focus on work during the two weeks even if one is able to work physically. The few days after embryo retrieval is unsuitable to go to work because the who genital area will hurt from the retrieval process.

4. On average, most sisters go back for about 3 times for scanning during the stimulation phase. Usually go back in the earning morning, so no need to take leave. It can be more depending on how well one responds.

Generally, it might be good to start with TCM (that is if you beleive in it) for between 2 to 3 months before ivf to regenerate the body as our cells take three months to regenerate. If u dont mind waiting a while adn start tcm first, its one option. But if you are the type that can handle stress well and believe u do not want to waste timing waiting, try to brush aside the 2nd thots and go ahead. Why not talk to ur hb and say what he says, as its impt to have the support of your hb for the whole process and if everytime you have 2nd thots, you can turn to ur hb for support and with support, no matter how stressful, you can survive and hopefully bfp. Babydusts to u Hopewaves

I understand its a big decision to take about doing ivf. Think about, don't be afraid as all the sisters here will be here to support you too. Once you make the decision, go for it and don't look back!
Hope you strike

Hallow again
No problem
fully understand taking care of baby and working is very taxing for a first time mom. And I can sense your guai gal gal is making your rushing here and there very worth it..She is a really a good gal in the sleep department. God-sent sleeping pattern
Its very common for young infants to struggle before falling asleep peacefully. Ur gal knows mommy need her beauty sleep to function at work.

Hopewaves and Elle,
So far, this are the dates:

13 Feb (sunday lunch in town): Lyn (difficult to meet on weekday lunch due to working hours) and me. Hopewave maybe can.

18 Feb (friday lunch in town): Elle and me. Hopewave maybe can.

Probably will have to go for majority, hope to see more sisters who are free to come.

Hopewave and Elle, I will PM you my handphone no so you girls won't miss out on any updates of meeting in case you go no time to come in here.

Regarding quitting ur job, it depends on a few things whether ur hb is supportive and whether ur industry is one that you can rest and come back without much resistance.

If there is support from ur hubby and u find another job with ease later, its a feasible route.
Just to clarify for point 2 which I did not write clearly. It will cost a total of about $8000 to $10000 for one cycle under govt and after medisave of $6000, you will top up cash of about $2000. I have read sisters who pay less than $1000 in cash and some a few thousands in cash depending on how much stimulation drug one uses. On average, its about $2000 cash. For subsequent cycles, the amount of subsidies reduce by $1000 for each cycle.
hi babyg,i tried to pm u but u doesn't seem to accept pm. i m interested in meeting up but weekend only ... is 13 feb still on? can you pm me details?
Hi sisters in this thread!

Hi babyglore, really thanks for your message, always enjoy reading your post, are u a writer/ editor? Haha
I've confirmed that I will tender after collecting my bonus either end feb or end march, my ivf will start most likely early April or late march depending on af.. Intially was quite hestitate to quit, but after I have decided to quit and fully rest for ivf, I can't wait to quit and start my ivf! Everyday I am looking at the calender and start counting down.. Haha

hi hopewaves, with regards to quitting your job for ivf, I struggle to make an decision to quit ot not to quit, my Hubby is very supportive towards me quitting as I am in sales job and job scope is indeed stressful. I thought over it and my priority is to have bb hence I have decided to set my priority right and set my mind on quitting for ivf, I don't wanna have regrets later and said I should have do more to bfp if bfn.. I liike wat babyglore says... Money can earn back but youth/time are limited, once gone is gone..
Take your time to decide, speak to Hubby or even close friends, they sometimes can say things to "wake u up" important is to have peace in your decision... Jiayou!
Hi Bingo,

Looks like we are pretty much in the same boat! My hubby has been very sweet and always asking me to quit seeing how stressed out I am and how late I work until sometimes at night.. but my hesitation is the added financial strain going though ivf with one income, and dunno if having extra time on my hands will cause my mind to wander towards the negative end, which is what I'm prone to do. Feels that though work sucks sometimes, it allows time to pass fast and help me not to "hu si luan siang"
I'm in the civil service so thinking it may not be very easy to get back to the service later.. and dun think the private sector would want me haha..

But having said that, I really applaud your decision to go ahead with quitting your job. It's really a noble act for the sake of having a child, and it's great that your priorities are so clear and both of you are united in the decision. The earliest I can make my decision will be in May after an impt event at work which I'm in charge of, by that time, I hope that you will have a BFP to inspire me and all the rest of the sisters with

Anyway today was my 1st appt at SGH, reached at 3,30pm and left the hospital at 6.15pm!! we were almost the last ones to leave. Saw Dr Yong, she was nice but somewhat impersonal. Next step is the ivf counselling!
Hey sisters..
Just an impromptu post.. just received an sms from one of my best friends who told me that she is pregnant.. no wonder she has been avoiding me as she was not sure how to break the news to me. She said she understands how it may affect me but she cherish me as a friend and don't wanna lose this friendship.
I broke down in the office.. kinda pai seh cos' not sure if anyone saw.. waiting for lunch time to come so I can sneak out to take a breather. Not sure how to react to her.. I've distanced with some friends due to them getting preggie already.. Not because I dun care for them but I just feel so sad for myself.. I dun want to do that again but it's so painful..
Hi Hopewaves,

it took me a few good months to make up my decision, well financial is also part of the reason I took so long to decide, some things have to be sacrifice, like prada, Channel, long holidays, shopping for expensive clothes etc haha! And one of the important factor why I choose to resign is because I m/c last year in April after 4 years of TTC (natural conception), and maybe is because I work too hard during my early stage, stress over deadline, work until 8pm hence reason in m/c, somehow believe that I didn’t rest enough hence it could be one of the reason. So I don’t want to take any risk anymore, I cannot handle another m/c hence to resign could be better for my body, hopefully. And my other department seems to get preg so easily, one after another, every month is a blow to know that someone is preg AGAIN in my office, I believe you will know what I mean…
But I can understand as a civil servant, it is more difficult to return back, I used to work as civil servant many years back and I suffer pay cut when I join the private sector after leaving the government sector.
Well, I hope I will have good news to inspire you too! Haha!

I can fully understand the part you send about knowing friends pregnant, I am experiencing the same feeling as you.. I suppose to have an baby shower today but I choose not to go and avoid meeting friends who is preg or wife is preg, it hurts but I just don’t want to feel “fake” talking to them, acting like I am so happy for them yet hurts so much inside, so Hopewaves I am sure your friend will understand your situation.. so don’t feel bad about it…
I am writing from iphone, so must a fast one first regarding the meeting. Both meetings are still on:

Status of two meetings:
1. 13 Feb at 1.15pm in town. Most likely still on unless no one can turn up last min. Should be able to confirm who will come and where to meet on Sat night.

2. 18 Feb (fri lunch) in Orchard at around 12.15pm.

For 13 Feb, for any sisters who are interested, I have ok my private message function, do send an email to me and I am very contactable with email over iphone.

Bingo and Hopewaves,
Will write again later and must must cheer up because I also fully understand that feeling of "being left on the shelf". It takes one to know one. Its perfectly normal to feel the worst kind of "sianess" on earth when that feeling strikes. So this weekend, must must do something nice to compensate. If life is unfair, than make it fairer in your own little ways. Such as retail therapy or food therapy in a nice eatery with hubby. Speak again
Regarding retail therapy, it need not be something so expensive. Tell u all something, don't laugh at me. Even if I go Daiso shopping, I can feel very happy because when I buy something that can make the house neater or more efficient, I will feel happy and a sense of achievement for improving my life. This is my simplest way of making myself happy when I feel down loh..
Hallow sisters,

Update on meeting:

13 feb cancelled as turnout no good.

18 feb confirmed at 12.15pm at orchard. Anyone who is free to come can pm me.

Tigi, I will try to arrange for another weekend later. But if u can come on 18feb last min, just pm me k. Meanwhile, pls rest well n take good care of bb n urself.

I would like to share this website about struggles with fertility. Upon reading what some celebrities have publicised about their long and winding road to conception and parenthood be it surroguation, ivf or adoption, we are really not alone. Actually i am very grateful that these people in the limelight are willing to share their stories because it has in a way legitimized what is still taboo in both the eastern and western society - to openly talk about dealing with fertlity challenge. People who can conceive easily should one day stop treating people who cannot conceive with such ease like people from mars.

There are also sections on "the arguements" and "emotional issues" that I find useful to read and has struck a chord with me as many of the emotionals are all so familiar.

For sisters who are on this ttcing journey, jiayou, rest at times and don't think you are any lesser due to this fertility struggle. Do treat yourselves very very well

Our first gathering confirmed tomorrow:

Date: 18 Feb
Time: 12.15pm
Place: Heeren Level 5, Fish&Co
To be there: Noi, Elle, Tigi, Hopewaves, Liz n myself.

Looking forward to see you all yo

Lyn, really hope u can join us but I know its difficult with your Nightingale role. Pls also get well soon and next time will try to plan on a weekend.
Noi, Elle, Tigi, Hopewaves and Liz,

I enjoyed myself today and the its due to a simple reason of being able to have girly talks with you all who share similar experiences. Thanks for the friendship and whenever we are free or not burdened by anticipation of ttcing (for sisters cycling, I understand sometimes we just want to lie low to manage the anxiety), we can keep in touch, kids, ttcing aside, just for ourselves and the fact that we like to chit chat and somehow have the fate to meet…heeeee..And I wish we could have chatted on none-stop. Maybe that is why people always say, three women, one market..

Thanks for not finding what I write too longwinded and can find them useful. It’s an occupational hazard and also because I am very kiasu type that I spend a lot of time researching. I am honoured to have your appreciation..hehee..Its fun to have finally met you. As expected, you are a kind and gentle girl and that is why is difficult for Prof not to treat you so nicely. After seeing you, I know why you can melt Prof immediately..heeehheeee..

Although we met for the first time, feel like I have knew you for very long. Today got so many things to talk about until I got no time to ask you if the flu bug has left Celine? Hope to meet her in person some day.

Wei, want to tell you are that you a very dong3 shi4 siao mei mei to me… your age, I was still very selfish, thinking about how I want to enjoy myself and not want to sacifice too much for other people. I admire the maturity you show now and that you are willing to put in all these effort to add to the family. I think your hubby is very lucky loh

U r another siao mei mei who is so sensible at such an age. Feel so ashamed sometimes, in my twenties, I am really quite clueless compared to you all. Maturity aside, you are always so funny that you make me laugh…keeekekekee.

If you all are free, we try to meet up again.
Hi Hi Babygalore, Hopewaves, Elle and Liz

Nice meeting u girls…

Hi Babygalore
Really appreciate your time to do research and post all the information and knowledge u know to us, I learned a lot from your posting. Always looking forward to see your posting…

Hi Hopewaves
U r a cheerful girl..Dun worry, follow your heart, most importantly, u must be comfortable with the doc and the medical team. Do let mi know if u wan to find out more abt NUH… Jia You, I’ll be cheering for u!

Liz n Elle
Both of u r a young n happy mummy!

Sisters, I’m not good in expressing myself, jus wan to let u all know ‘Thanks for your friendship!’

Hi sisters,

I had such a good time over lunch with you guys! We really yakked so much that we lost track of time haha.. I think it's so amazing that we could connect so fast, I feel as though I can share my deepest feelings with you guys as though we've known each other for very long

Babygalore, I've always been inspired by all ur words of wisdom in your posts but upon seeing you, I'm all the more impressed because of ur warmth and "motherliness".. Including how you made us eat grilled and not fried fish hahaha.. Thanks so much for taking the trouble to print the book for us! I have been reading it the whole morning today..felt very touched by your thoughtfulness and kindness.. Sob sob..

Noi, I enjoyed listening to your sharing. Even though you say you are shy, but from each of your experiences all I can see is a very strong and courageous woman who keeps on persevering and never give up, no matter how hard the going is. Like what Babyg said, after talking to you, I can also see why you can make Prof melt.. I salute you for all the sacrifices you have made for the dream of starting your family, the little soul who will be yours next time is very very blessed. You really make me wanna switch to NUH immediately haha.. Are u doing ivf soon? Maybe we can even cycle together in June

(by the way pai seh I think I gobbled down most of our shared meal, hope I didn't leave you hungry in the end hahahan :p)

Liz n Elle, thanks for sharing your experiences so readily too, I appreciate the fact that even though you guys have already "graduated", you do not leave the struggling sisters behind but continue to encourage us. Hearing your stories also makes me feel like what I've gone through is nothing. Pls continue to stick around as it gives us hope for a bfp too!

I can't wait for the next lunch time, and hope more sisters can join us
