Can use scissor during pregnancy?

i did my cross stitch on the sofa .. when my colleague heard, she was the one that almost went mental .. telling me dos and don'ts .. better to follow than to be sorry later .. but come on la, at work still have to use scissors and pen knife.. of course i didn't move heavy objects for the obvious reason of not wanting to over-stress myself but other than that, i didn't have any pantang at all .. i drank coke, junk food, pineapple, etc .. all the things that a pregnant woman is not suppose to take but my daughter was still born healthy ..

wah.. you 2 very daring.. tho heard that it may be no good to bb if you do this and that.. but you 2 still continue to do... brave...

I dun think it's a matter of being brave. It's more a matter whether people believe or not. If you don't believe such things, then you won't see any harm in doing it. Some pple are just not pantang lor. Unless of coz pple say that there's concrete evidence that doing this leads to that, and pple still go ahead and do..then I guess that's being brave (or reckless, depending on how you want to view it).
but when you heard something will go wrong if you do this or that... and still dare to do.. to me is consider daring lo.. cos things that we cant see of cos playing safe and taking precaution is better lo..

hmm.. but different people different views lar.. maybe some people really dun believe so think that is just myth... so didnt really pay attention to the myth lo.. hence, not being disturbed by them...
Yup yup, some of us just don't believe. I mean there's no proof that doing this will cause such and such things to happen mah. If not, many of us will kena already right? If it does happen, it could just boil down to pure coincidence. I mean, for babies to develop some abnormalities, it could already have been in the genetic make-up, so whatever you do also can't prevent anyway. Many of us also do things against beliefs due to pure ignorance (nobody tell us mah), but nothing happen to us too..and the odds of things not happening are way higher than these things coming true. So its just a matter of whether you want to live by such things. What if you did something by accident and later pple tell you 'oh no! You shouldn't have done this coz this will happen!' THen in fear for the rest of your pregnancy? That isn't very conducive or healthy too.
that's why lor.. if you do something that you should or must avoid doing.. and nothing happens... to the old folks is you are lucky... but if anything touchwood happens then you get the blame.. i mean traditional old folks think this way... so is still better to play safe lo... but of cos there's a limit lar.. not everything you msut follow...
i think this is very much up to individual to believe. if can avoid is best to avoid since we heard ppl talking about it. but how to? You mean we have to hide or throw away the scissor?? What I heard is not to use it on your bed, meaning can be use still.
heehee, i'm one of those ppl who cannot be bothered one. I think I broke just about every rule there is to break... superstitions, that is.

Umm, drink cold water lah, bathe during confinement lah, use aircon lah, sew lah, fix furniture (hammer nails), move things, cannot see monkey (bring kids to zoo), all that... all done before. haha.

To me, I think nothing happened. All is well. Maybe because I don't believe, so I'm not on a lookout for anything, so have no problems because I don't see it. Does that make any sense??? Anyway, yah, I'm just one of those ppl lor. Haha, my confinement lady laugh at me, becos I very disobedient... during confinement, some more bring her and baby shopping at carrefour.... LOL! That was the best lah!
My MIL is very pantang. She told me not to do anything on bed Eg putting clothes, putting bags, eating and etc. Is really everything can't ma...? i know that sewing, cutting, painting n nailing better dun do in the bedroom or on the bed... best that you are not ard when doing painting, drilling, nailing and etc. Issit true that even when doing air-con servicing, i also shouldn't be ard?
Never heard of such things. Don't think too much as long yr baby is healthy. I know that during preg if you laugh a lot then yr baby will be the same too... I think this applies to my gal...
ya.. agreed with siaogirl.. if the mummy keeps laughing the bb will always be smiling also... proven as in my SIL cases... heehee....

btw... what if got friends sending bb furnitures and barang over to my house... can i be present when they shifting in the things to one of rooms where we put the things temporary?

what about shop sending over the wardrobe we purchase... can i be present and tell them where to put the wardrobe??
Well, in our case, the baby's crib and furniture all came 1 mth before my due date..I was around when they were fixing them up. Think it's quite impractical to follow all of these superstitions to the 'T'. Even my mom also dun believe in such things..say all nonsense..hehehe. Luckily I dun hv pantang parents and in-laws :p

Think the talkative superstition is ridiculous! I can't imagine a mom counting down the number of hrs she can talk per day. Pls lor..if your kid end up not talking at all, I think you'll be more worried!
my mother in law is driving me nuts and she just arrived not too long ago. i have no privacy. she's so nosy i have to do my personal stuff in the bedroom. today, i was sorting out my old bills and mail in my bedroom. i was standing by the bed, with a paperbag on the bed, i was cutting my old bills. i read that this is very bad. is there anything i can do to repair this? please help. i'm worried.
i even shift out my bed to clean the floor below it as it was very dusty and i was ard 8mth pregnant that time and rearrange my bedroom furniture and even change bedsheet which also involves shifting of bed.....

I do sew my clothes when button dropped but not on the bed and some even saw cannot cut fingernails but i still cut lor...

Now baby out liao also swee swee..
all are in the power of the mind la.

IF u think something will happen, it will happen loh. If u think wont happen, it wont happen. I do all sort of things in my first pregnancy too. My son is still strong n healthy.

Faith hopes for the things will be good
Fear worries for things will be bad. So your choice to live in fear or faith.
totally agree with Joanne
all in the mind
Did loads of stuff during my 3 pregnancy..if my mum n MIL knew will most prob hit me with a that also they pantang

I think need to be logical at times yah
coz ppl in the old days, wat they dun understand they try to make up stories/myth to justify them.
I think that old wives tales shouldn't bother us unless there's a logical rationale behind them. I didn't do anything differently when I was pregnant with my first. Now that I'm pregnant with my second, it's the same. I've used scissors, razor blades, pen knives, knives, drills etc. I suppose the fundamental thing is to be safe.
Cannot use sisscors then Jialat leow. Seamstress, Hair Stylists, Designers, all have to be out of work. No wonder the Singapore Babies are not enough lah.

Old wives tale is just cannot cut things while sitting on the bed.

A lot of things with regards to the matrimonial bed cannot do. One good thing was when I was preggy I can't change bed sheet. Soo happy! LOL
How about attending funeral? My best buddy's dad just passed away, is it ok for preggy to attend funeral?
i wonder what about mositurier and whitening cream can be used during pregnancy?
(cos sure got some chemicals woh)..

and shaver of leg hair or underarms hair? (cos sometimes in the process i oso cut myself alittle , not sure if will be absorbed into the bloodstream.....jus wonderg)
ask ur gynae (likely he/she'll said no problem). if u worry, don't use lor, as easy as that.

The more u worried, the worst u get. Don't listen too much of these stuff, a pregnancy is to be enjoyed & not worried thru-out.
I attended my friend wedding dinner , vist my friend when she is doing confinement , attended my friend's child full month celebration but funeral i think better no .

Hi starfruit
i do waxing when i was pregnant and went for normal facial too , but for whitening i think its stroner so better dun use .
hi pjlim and mummy,

thks for the above answer...
ya, you are rite..if this and tat and everytin oso cannot do, then very jiat liat one...

We getting aircon people to do servicing of our 3 aircons leh....Any issue/pantang for this too?? I won't know exactly they may do, like any undrilling/hammering involved leh. If I stay away from home, will be ok?
if its just cleaning shld be ok just dun move your bed , if its drilling den u better stay away from home , just to play safe
I also attended Malay Wedding, Baby shower party, assembly baby cot, BIL helped to assebly certain furniture in baby's room. As for painting, I just hide in the room and come out only when they are all done up.

now my PIL said they won't be around/visit me and baby for the first 12 days after I give birth. they said pantang. I don't know. is it true? or they are afraid to do confinement for me? or just DIRTY?
are they taoist?
Some taoist like my mum will not visit me for 1st few days too,
there's a saying after visiting confinement houses, they cannot go temple for praying.
They may want to use this period to pray for baby & your good health.
Think positive.
Ok, I will think positive and see if they really travel all the way to Penang for praying, they stay at johore. the only temple they believe, and another one is at bugis. But again if they are coming to bugis for prayer, he won't hide from hubby because they need hubby to get them hotel in sg. We'll see how.
don't think so much,
don't try to find out,
you'll need all the energy to look after yourself & your newborn.

Why bother so much & make yourself unhappy?
It may be a blessing that they are not doing your confinement for you,
then you can do things the way you want it & not the way THEY want it... right?

There are many mummies here that have their in-laws poking noses into unwanted matters,
like fighting to look after their babies & going into their rooms when they are breastfeeding,
I think you are very lucky.
Hi all,

I have just found out that I am pregnant (1 month). Husband and I had been planning to do some renovation work outside our home, which are:

1) Improve our drainage system behind our house - to avoid future flooding

2) To fence up our compound - so I can let my small dogs out. I currently keep them in the house afraid that other dogs would hurt them. But since I am now pregnant, it is time to let them play outside for cleanliness etc.

Both of these reno work will include digging, cementing, nailing, drilling etc.

Will it be ok if I stay away of the house during the day (when work is being carried out) and return in the evening only after workers finish their day's work?

I try not to be superstitious and be positive about the whole thing but I cannot ignore my 'how if its true' worries. Both sides of parents are superstitious.
ssa, maybe move to one of the parent's house for the time being would be better... other than the superstition, health is another concern... those reno work will leave lots of particles (dust, chemical,etc) in the air and not good for you to breath in...
Hi, is it okay for us to do renovation at our house and moving new furniture to our house? My wife and i are not staying there yet though..
30012011, just leave the room when the workers r drilling or knocking. This is what I did when I was preg with my baby and worse, I was in charge of the Reno. I told the uncles to only start knocking after I stepped out of the room, they were happy to comply. So I hide in my boss's room with my notebook after confirming the details with them then go back when they need me to confirm the stuff.
Dear all. Abit of advise, hope it helps~
all these so called superstitious n old wives tales has no scientific prove etc. But there r many coincidence cases. So to believe or not is really up to individual.
For myself, im the kind who rather believe those harmless ones, better b safe than sorry. I mean, it dosen kill u to go dwn for a walk if anybody in the family needs to do hammering or nailing work right? Totally not using scissors or knifes r too ridiculous. Esp when yr work requires u to.
During my early stage of pregnancy i was working in a bridal boutique. Lots of sewing work. During the mid to later stage i was working as an admin, scissors r not avoidable. My office undergo a small renovation, n my manager chase me out for a walk when they had to do drilling, the renovation area was out of bound for me. Though i very much wanted to help in packing n shifting (dont want pple to say i use pregnancy as an excuse), but my manager 'ordered' me to stay away.
Anyway, what i did was, whenever i have to use knife or scissors or do sewing, i wld whisper, 'baby siam ah mummy needa cut things, siam far far ah'.
My mum's story of the superstitious is that, when u r pregnant, after the fetus is form, usually 12weeks onwards, yr 'baby's spirit' will follow u whereever u go. N when u use scissors or do sewing etc, may accidently cut or sew till the baby. Even when other family members do things like nailing drilling painting, the baby is in the house when u r in the house, so if really cannot avoid, best is u go out so that the baby wont b in the house. That also explain y when u do painting will 'cause' yr baby to have big patches birthmark, drilling will 'cause' baby to have hole on body etc..
I think the cutting sewing part is ok but NVR do it on the bed. Its a big nono.
For those who r worry, talk to yr baby?
Sounds kinda silly but i did that to play safe. I mean though its not that logical, but well, play safe lo..
Hi Cindy, I totally agree with you.. my mum was also reminding me not to cut anything on the bed.. avoid drilling, nailing, etc that is happening in the house..

since all these are within our means and no harm doing it, why not we believe them for the good sake of our baby? jus my thoughts..
Try not to. It's still poking something into the wall.
If u really have to, ask yr baby to Siam. That's what I use to do.

ooohh.. thanks cindy..
cos my job requires to do that sumtimes.. but if hv to tell boss to not to let me do that will it be too much?

askin bb to siam will helps aR?

how abt usin the photostating machine to photostate a pile of papers?
