Can use scissor during pregnancy?

Can i do some DIY furniture while my pregnant wife is outside? I bought a ikea study table so i need to build myself..

Jenny: is best when do painting, assembling pregnant ladies best be outside . Unless you not watching them paint or u paint it will not effect. Elderly say if painting when bb born their face will have red patch or something on
Dear all,
I believe it's all in our mind...

I have a friend who just gave birth on the 20/12/2011,
to a beautiful baby girl, without any birth defects.

During her pregnancy, they (both husband & wife together);
shifted the bed,
changed the bedsheets,
painted the house,
nail & hang up some pictures of adorable babies,
shifted the dining table,
drill a hold on ceiling to hang YAO LAN...

They also got a contractor to change their air-con unit, due to leaking water,
with drilling & hacking of their bedroom wall,
with her in the bedroom (to supervise the work to her satisfaction!).

Just my 2 cents.
Hi all, been reading the forum and need to post a question here. My Hubby was cutting his toe nail on the bed yesterday while I was lying beside him. He was too engrossed with the tv program n unknowingly sat at the edge of bed to cut one toe nail. Till I heard the sound and quickly rush him out of bedroom to do continue cutting.
Pls advise if it's any pantang to it.
is whether u believe it or not..if u dont believe it..then nothing will happen...

if u are everything oso pantang...

i dont believe thou...modern mother! And my baby of 4 mths old is cute and beautiful..
Everything in moderation and don't over-do anything potentially hazardous to your own health or overdose any activity.

Sure lots of folks had 'evidence' of the damage to bb (cleft lip etc) when pregnant moms did sewing or renovation. Some attribute these to the 'xiong shi' (malignant hour) on the almanac. If you really wish to be safe, consult the geomancer/almanac if you really need to start on major renovations?

If you have doubts over an activity (eg. drlling the wall), then don't do it if it's not that urgent or get someone else to supervise the reno? Bottom line is: better don't risk the guilt (if anything untoward should happen) if your bb is the top priority. No harm not sewing, over-straining body and observing extra-carefulness for 9 months.

Babies need love (parents), warmth (blanket/swaddle), diapers and milk when they first arrive at our home. There's really no need to fuss over decorations of room till they start to crawl/walk. Can always add on furnishing/furniture later on. As for picture frames, it's really alot safer just buying non-breakable frames and using those 3M adhesives to mount onto the wall. Many things can be achieved without having to use conventional methods like drilling and hammering these days.

For nails hahaha... I simply file my nails rather than cut them!
i just listen to whatever my mum said of those donts and make sure i oblige.

she said that we only need to bear with it for 10 mths only (whether we believe or not) and our baby will have to suffer for the rest of their lives if anything ever happens to them.

they must have seen true cases in their times, that is why mums always said during pregnancy must be super careful with all the donts. better be safe than sorry cos this will concern the well-being of our baby.
In any case, our bodies are made differently. Some mummies may be more easily fatigued or shocked by loud sounds etc. Better to be safe than sorry.
during pregnancy, if cant avoid doing certain thgs jz avoid. if cant, like use scissors to cut food that is inavoidable, juz b careful.
just want to share that during my pregnancy i never go and cut using scissors on bed or all the patang things. on my 2nd pregnancy, just happen the pipe connecting to shower head spoilt. So i unscrew and thinking going to hardware shop to get a new one cos water mum scolded me for doing even that even though i thought this is not part of the patang but after getting scolded, i screwed back the spoilt removable pipe without getting a new one. When my boy borned, his head has a hugh bulp out,if you checked yourselves or child, our back of our head mostly flat. my boy back of the head really protruted out, like an mirror image S shape if you view side way. My gynae has to comfort me that just appearance only and my boy just need to have slightly long hair, should be able to cover. That is the worst encounter i had. now not so prominent cos of the hair covering
Hi larkspur,

When your boy is older and his talents identified, tell your mum that it was because of the same problem-solving / engineering incident. Keep us updated too.

hi TaraG,

dun quite get what you mean by talent identified. anyway the bulp getting smaller as he is older. i used to be upset when i touch the back of his head. My frens used to tell me most people dun believe and says superstitious. They told me westerners dun belive and yet they are also the people who always ganna strange disease or strange things happen to them. Not sure if that is true though

"dun quite get what you mean by talent identified"
For instance, let's say when he is 21 years old and took up engineering and is good in maths/problem solving. You can tell your mom that it's related to the same 'incident' which she viewed it as negative. Don't be too upset about the incident.

Tell your friends that there are thousands of culture and tradition on Earth, each having their own unique belief, if ALL the 'beliefs' are true, we are doom.

For instance, at the extreme, there are fanatics who believe that killing non-muslims can gain them 72 virgins in the heaven when they die.

Tell your friends that unexplained disease and strange things happened to humans all the time, regardless of their belief systems.

Chinese can choose to do everything 'right' according to their 'tradition' and yet strange things still happened to them (eg. SARS, Bird Flu outbreak, HFMD, etc).

You will understand, in time to come...

FYI, I am a Chinese.
oh, i was thinking how come suddenly have engineering stuff. Ya cos my frens feel that somehow some tradition no matter wat, sure have things happened before to people and that's how it is passed down to us. I guess too many people like to compare with westerners who doesnt have such belief. just talked to a French colleague and he was mentioned they do have some belief in their culutre during preganancy on the dos and donts and confinement too. Guess every culture does have their own beliefs but just that people like to do selective information
if the handles of the cupboard dropped out..dont glue back..coz MIL said relative did that and her son's ear was folded in..dont knw hw true..
yupe my fren glued dunno wat during her pregnancy and her girl borned with one ear folded in. went for surgery at 1 year old cos my fren said have to surgery in case grow up go to school laughed by children.

my girl best fren right side of her face lower half cheek all the way down to neck , one big long red patch which her mum said birthmark. initially i tot ezema but no, it is birthmark and have to grow long hair to cover half her face. her mum said her hubby cement something in her house during pregnancy. the mum gave birth to second one told dun dare to do anything during pregnancy and her second one born normal
Its all up to individual beliefs and traditions...
I am a nurse and using scissors is part of the job, daily...but cant avoid it too... So far all my colleagues who gave birth, normal babies...
To me certain things I will listen to ...some I just think it is absurb...
Like killing a lizard...Months I try and am into this 2ww, it just have to make its presence known...If we kill it that month I cant get pregnant, so now we have decided to leave it until it leaves my home on its own...
When I got preggy,had to attend a wedding, and following week had that time I din think of anything but now i realise it could be one of the reason why I MC...
Chance upon this thread and saw the don'ts:
Oh dear... I am 32weeks pregnant now and i did quiet a few of the forbidden acts like:

Glueing - use super glue to glue my shoes, use glue during work and art and crafts
Use Scissor/ nailclippers/ pen knife
Kill lizards and crockraoches
ELectrical and maintenance work at home - change aircon, shift furniture etc

I only don't dare to use scissor on the bed that's all. Hope my bb is born well and healthy.
Good point on the scissors, Mrs_R.

Happyjul, among the 4 items, if you can avoid "Kill lizards and crockraoches" in the future, that would be best.

In the mind time, have kind thoughts for all living beings.

For now, I've sent positive thoughts to you and your bb. Enjoy your pregnancy journey.

wow... didn't know there were so many things to avoid. good thing i don't happen to be fixing stuff at home then.
Hi mum...I'm so worried this morning the unit above my house was renovating and hammering non stop I didnt see the renovating but heard the hammering sound very clearly will it affect my baby? I feel so disturbed and worry.. :(
Hi mum...I'm so worried this morning the unit above my house was renovating and hammering non stop I didnt see the renovating but heard the hammering sound very clearly will it affect my baby? I feel so disturbed and worry.. :(

Hi Elroychang,

Don't worry, nothing will happen to your baby scientifically. Did the drilling and hammering last very long?

But if you are a Chinese and believe in the old tales by the folks then not too sure about it. Anyway, it's not like you want that to happen, don't think too much! I went thru some drilling and hammering of my own flat renovation during my late pregnancy too. My baby is out now, coming 3 months and healthily kicking :)
Hi Elroychang,

Don't worry, nothing will happen to your baby scientifically. Did the drilling and hammering last very long?

But if you are a Chinese and believe in the old tales by the folks then not too sure about it. Anyway, it's not like you want that to happen, don't think too much! I went thru some drilling and hammering of my own flat renovation during my late pregnancy too. My baby is out now, coming 3 months and healthily kicking :)
Hi May, thank u for ur reply... I'm relieve now was so worry that I left my house and went out for lunch.. the noise is so disturbing.. thanks for the feedback :)
Not to worry ...
I shifted to my new house and was overseeing the renovation while i was pregnant with my 3rd child ... Baby is good ; She is already 5 year old now....
But take note to avoid the dustiness from the reno and avoid the painting smell.
may i know how about office where there alot of drilling and sanding things for machine and etc.. will it effect the baby if im on the working enviroment where there is chemical, drilling, sanding sound all the times for repairs of work?
may i know how about office where there alot of drilling and sanding things for machine and etc.. will it effect the baby if im on the working enviroment where there is chemical, drilling, sanding sound all the times for repairs of work?

I believe drilling in moderate volume is fine. Sanding that has dust and chemical for long period is not too good I guess. I once sniffed in burning plastic for like half an hour and I got so worried but my gynae said no issues with that. So short period not knowing it shouldn't be a threat to your baby. But best to avoid, in my opinion :)
I believe drilling in moderate volume is fine. Sanding that has dust and chemical for long period is not too good I guess. I once sniffed in burning plastic for like half an hour and I got so worried but my gynae said no issues with that. So short period not knowing it shouldn't be a threat to your baby. But best to avoid, in my opinion :)

noted on the information. unless i avoid going downstair at workshop but cant possible. :) need to check the stock of the own items under the purchase order and delivery.
