Breastfeeding Support Group

Hi I need milk
I'm like Sunny, a Jan MTB and wld have to try out the papaya soup in my last tri, then hopefully will have sufficient supply after I give birth. I'm 31 weeks now. When shld I start drinking the soup and how often is it? Thanks much.

Do you latch on both babys at every feed? If not, you could do tandem pumping if you dun like to latch on your left. When you latch your bb on your right, you pump your left breast at the same time. Usually you are able to get better letdown when you tandem pump.
any mummies here who breastfed babies more than 6 months? my joshua is 10 months now and i find that i'm drying up...
Hi Joan, I bf my gal till she's abt 13mths. Is your menses here? My ss dropped tremendously when yi-ma comes. Try tandem pumping, it helps to build up my ss.
Hi Joan, I'm still bf my boy who's 10.5 months. I find that my ss is also dropping over time. I used to have excess milk every day. Now it's just nice for his two feeds during the day when I'm at work. I tandem pump before work, express at lunch, after work, and tandem pump again in the middle of the night when he wakes up for milk.

My menses not here yet tho'. Can't imagine how my ss will drop if it comes. Will just take one day at a time.

Agree with Giggler that tandem pumping helps. If not, try to fit in one extra pumping session.
oh my mensus just came for the first time last month. i tried adding one extra pumping session but no milk seems to come out.
it is once yi-ma go away ss will come back?
Hi absolut,
My menses nt back yet but last 2 days i have some brown spotting lei.. Today gone liao.. So dunno whether this is an indication that my menses coming back soon?

read in some old posting that u are drinking some tea to increase BM supply. Is this the one?

not sure if its good or not leh?? any feedback? wonder if i should invest in it or buy the fenugreek pills

me struggling. and my boy is getting impatient during every feed. very sad to see him like this and i can even be feeding him every hourly.
Yes, this is the nursing tea i bought. I chose the fruity flavour.. It does help in increasing my ss by abt 20-40ml per session. Personally if u travel ard, I think the pills will be more convenient. I actually like the flavour of the tea but I quite lazy to make the tea so pill is a better option for me.
Anyone can advise on whether I should use Avent VIA cups more than 4 times? I intend to transport EBM using that, not for freezing. Last time I bought Medela BM storage bottles and have used them many times over, yet nothing happen to my boy. How different are these cups from Medela bottles

like to check with you all .... me just came back to work and have been using those milk which i started pumping out a few weeks ago to feed my bb ... however heard that it is better to feed my bb with whatever i can pump out at work and only touch the frozen supply when necessary as the chilled milk is better in terms of the nutrients compared to the frozen milk ... is this true?
Hi seabreeze,
It would be better to feed your bb with the fresh supply first then use the chilled ones. Adopt the last in first out rule for EBM milk that you put into storage. In this way, bb always get the best. Reason being that during the freezing and heating up process of the EBM, some antibodies will be "killed".
If you can dun use the EBM, then dun. Can store up to 6 months in the freezer. BB can use the frozen EBM to add to cereal when bb is
Hi cookie,
Are your using the VIA because you can't find the disposable liners under avent? When I bring my EBM home from work, I use the medela bootles. At times I also use the milk glass bottles that I got from the hospital when I gave birth. Not sure what you mean by difference in Medela bottles and VIA cups. A fren of mine use the VIA more than 4 times but after a while she say the cups like go "soft".
Anyone took medication before to increase milk supply? Think there are 2 kinds - maxeran and domperidone. Wondering whether they are effective, and also the side effects. Tks!

I'm new mummy trying ways to improve my ss which i'm gonna try out fenugreek..

everytime i see my poor gal keep sucking for almost half hr or more but still not satisfy..i heart pain..

hopefully it will helps..

Hi SSL, I can understand yr situation..

btw can anyone tell me how do i know if i have blocked ducts ah?
honey bee:
i took domperidone + i continued with latching frequently. in the end, my ss did increase and i have no side effects. The reason y i took medication is becos i have been direct bf for more than 6 weeks and still ss is not established. Thus, i took the medication. Took for 2 wks.

esther yeo:
if we use the last in first out rule for our EBM, then wouldn't our old stock be spoilt in the end? thought shld be first in first out..
funky tan:
u know u got blocked ducts when got painful lumps on yr breast. Most of the time, its only on 1 side. plus, blocked ducts mean suddenly yr milk ss dropped drastically. then gotta massage like mad and use hot compress and manual express or let yr bb suckle.
Hi ineed milk,
The reason for the first in last out is to ensure that baby gets the freshest all the time. Frozon milk won't spoil for a long time. A fren of mine is still feeding her baby boy with frozen milk stored a year back. She deep freeze her milk that's why the ss could last so long.

I've bought the fenugreek but yet to try it out. Wonder if my BM ss is considered low or not leh. I latch my son more often now. sometimes he can sleep for few hours after feed, sometimes 1hr he wakes up fussing.... So wonder if i should be taking the pills now cos dont want to have any engorgement.

How long should i take the pills har? can i stop taking when BM ss has increased? How do we know when the ss has increased

thanks for i understand better.

keep me update whether fenugreek really helps in increasing ss...

i'm waiting for mine to deliver to me hehe..
Hi I need milk,
Thanks. I've been taking Fenugreek for the past week. Supply doesn't seem to increase much. But will keep on trying Fenugreek for the time being, and pumping more frequently. Also, think my problem is that i get so stressed out trying to figure out whether my ss has increased or not. Need to relax... :p
See whether this works for the next week...
even if u take fenugreek, u can bf yr bb directly. Don't have to pump out unless yr breasts are still not completely empty after bb has finished. Then u shld pump out the remaining to drain yr brs fully. Like that then ss can increase further.

I took fenugreek for a few days b4 too but it didn't work for me so i stopped taking it. Do keep on pumping frequently or direct latch frequently. Don't need to take medication unless last resort. And yes, gotta relax!!
By the way, after pumping, u shld try to manual express to further empty yr brs. Cos sometimes the pump can only drain out so much.
Oops - sorry i wasn't clear. Nope - dun mean that we need to pump out when we take Fenugreek.
I bf baby directly. Then gotta supplement with formula after, coz baby dun get enuf. But I pump for abt 10 mins after that, hopefully to increase stimulation, and hence milk supply.
Hi Honey Bee,

when u bf yr bb directly, how would u know how much fm to supplement?

now i prefer to pump out so that i know how much i need to supplement her with fm...

i scare i overfeed her..sigh...endless worries..
Hi Funky Tan,
We just make either 60ml or 90ml, and trust that baby knows how much to take. Coz found out that baby his age takes about 90ml each feed.
But there are times when he regurgitates a little bit of milk after we stop feeding. Or sometimes he still cont to root after drinking so much (even after 80 or 90ml). Then i put him back to the breast to hopefully let him suck til he falls asleep (hopefully soon, coz we also worry he not enuf sleep - see many worries for us too *hee*). The lying down position is good for this ;)
Yeah, i know the worry of whether we are over-feeding baby. Guess just gotta trust they know how much to eat?
Tried before to chart his feeding patterns. Like the timing of his feeds; the amt of FM i hv to supplement; and the extra amt i can pump out from breast after feeding. But then i think there is no real science to how much baby feeds. Just gotta be brainless and give baby what he needs. Dun think so much :p

Me no expert in bf, but wld encourage you to direct bf your baby. Sort of heard before that direct bf can draw more milk from you than what you can pump out. Also, for me, pumping kind of makes my nipples sore. Dunno whether you gals hv that kind of experience.
Hi HoneyBee

Ic..we also just make 60ml even though after latching her on for like almost half an hr or even 45mins.

Sigh. I always prefer to latch her on cos I'm too lazy to pump out & morever my ss doesn't seems to satisfy her. I keep wondering if my latch on is incorrect?

Ya my nipples sore too after pumping & worst still if I pump & latch her on. I think is becos I tend to use higher suction hopefully to pump out more milk for my princess.

I feel so sad & stress out regarding bf'ing. Sometimes will even cry out when I can't satisfy her. Feel like useless mummy sometimes..haha..
Does anyone have such feeling?
funky tan:
i felt like useless too in my first 1-2 mths! cried almost every day over breast milk. But now after 3 mths of bf, i think i can take it better. Now if i dont have enough, i just top up with EBM or FM. Not so stressed up liao.. And i just tell myself to enjoy every moment of bf i have.
hi ineedmilk,

ya me too. I cried everyday also..I dun even have enuff EBM to stock up. sigh..

Now i'm still trying my best to take it easy. As long as she has some bm is better than none but sometimes I do occasionally breakdown when I see such little amt I can pump out.

Now i'm trying out fenugreek to see if it works on me.

all i can do is to wait....
funky tan:
don't worry. if u keep latching and pumping frequently (ie. 2 hourly), yr ss will definitely increase. when i started out, i can only get 20ml in the 2nd week after delivery... and i pumped for almost 1 hr each time! now after 14 weeks, i can pump 120ml each time after 15 mins. Things will get better... Jia you!
i need milk

did u pump after latch everytime to get 120ml?

i didnt n sometimes when i did, can only pump out 40ml after latching. i know thats e balance milk.. but i tried pumping this morning at 5am, i got only 70ml

wonder if its a must to pump after latch cos its really diff for me. if yes, can i stop pumping once ss goes up?
Hi ineedmilk,

thanks for yr jia you! Wow..120ml...i'm waiting for this day to comes.


Me too. U still can pump out tat much after latching. I can only pump out 40ml every 3hrly so pathetic w/o latching.

Any improvement after taking Fenugreek & how many dosage u take per day ah?
when i was on maternity leave, thats what i did, pump after latch. but i didn't do it for every feed, only did it for 2-3 feeds a day. Now that i'm back to work, i pump 120ml each time. Quite difficult to increase ss when back at work cos can't pump every 2 hourly.. boss will think i eat snake! :p

funky tan,
usually most pple can pump 160ml-200 plus ml after 3 mths... so my ss is still much lower than other pple! But oh well... at least i got milk left.
i need milk

so u only pump in office ah? now i try my best to pump after every feed lor, if not, at least some. Me intend to wean after 6mths. me not working now so can still latch and pump at home.


i took 1 pill each day. wont say ss increase as yet lah. probably not so fast or i took too little dosage. only got leak first day i took the pill.

now i try to pump (if i feel full at breasts) and feed my son FM at wee hours feeding time. (like 4am) Cos FM can last him longer and i can pump out to stimulate. i used to BF even at wee hours but find that it can only last him 1hr and he will cry again. so i rather he get more rest at night.

u should try to latch cos it gives more stimulation to milk production compared to just pumping. I intend to BF totally once my ss goes up.

hope wont be long. my boy is now 7weeks old so hopefully my ss will increase soon before his appetite becomes bigger. heehee
now i pump 5 times a day.. pump 3x at work, once b4 i go to office and once before i go to bed. rest of the time i latch my bb on. So weekends are the only days when i try to latch the whole day.. i also intend to bf up till 6 mths... that's the target i gave myself for now. Last time i tell myself to bf for 3 mths but now that i already met 3 mths, i thought i will cont till 6 mths.. Especially since my bb fell sick this week makes me wanna give her more BM to drink to build up her immunity!
hardworking for now lah.. dunno how long i can tahan this. *yawn* feel so sleepy today... baby woke up for milk twice last night...
Hi ineedmilk,

u really can tong..i started taking fenugreek & see only slight improvement increasing of ss but still not enuff for her.

i dun know if i can really tahan like u do. let's jia you for each other then..haha


I starting to take 2 pills per day. Initially take 1 pill only alittle bit so try to increase & see how but i scare wait got side effect for bb.

do u feed BM when u take fenugreek? I heard some of them actually throw away BM while taking fenugreek. hmm..
Hi funky tan and ineedmilk,

I'm actually taking 9 pills of Fenugreek a day (610ml each). 3 pills 3 times a day. Taking for 2 weeks already.

Milk supply is increasing, but baby's demand also increasing faster than my supply

Actually thot of decreasing dosage of Fenugreek. But then think can't yet, coz baby's demand still outweighs my supply.

Also drinking more water - dunno whether this also helped increase milk supply.

I still bf when taking Fenugreek. Tho read somewhere that it may cause allergy in baby. That's why hope supply increases soon, so can stop taking Fenugreek soon...
Hi HoneyBee,

Wow tat is alot per day but i tot the bottle instruction mentioned 1 or 2 pills per day? Is it safe to take more than tat? Sigh..I am abit worried so dun dare to take too much dosage of it. so how much yr ss increase after taking fenugreek?

Mine increase slightly only but better than nothing. Hee..

BTW how do you know baby's demand increase? My bb used to drink 60ml & usually last her for 2 & 1/2 hr or even 3hrs..recently she start to wake up almost every hr crying for milk but sometimes she is able to sleep longer, she is coming to 1 mth this friday

Sorry ah..first time mummy so abit kan cheong spider..hee
funky tan:
usually bb will drink more often at 6 weeks and 3 mths old. It's called "growth spurt"... usually they drink every 1 hour! This period will take a few days... then later when yr ss increase, then back to the 3 hourly schedule again. So u gotta tong. Don't give up!

isn't 9 pills alot??

i still BF BB as usual. So far ok. How we know if BB is rejecting our milk??

I'm wondering should I pump after latching (which I dont really find time to do that) or should i pump every 2 hourly during his feed to increase ss and latch him at night? during my pumping time, will feed him EBM (if there's any) or FM (which i hated)

How leh?? seems like those pumping out can really increase their ss. but does it mean that once ss established, we can dont pump out?
hi mummies here..

i understand tt some of the babies here are on tbf.. would like to check if my bb now 5-6weeks old le.. would it be too late to introduce him to total bf? i have always tried to latch him on.. then supplement with FM..

i would very much love to go on tbf.. but dunno if its achievable or not..

am a bit depressed by the fact tt i can't produce as much milk as wat my son's taking in now...
hi adelyee
don't worry - I also had problems meeting her demand at the beginning but now I am on tbf and my gal is 4 months. If you are willing to continue, you will be able to do it.
u just have to be mentally prepared that it would be rather taxing on you physically and mentally at times.
Hi Funky Tan and ineedmilk,
A lactation consultant told me to take 9 pills a day. Also checked with pharmacist, and they also said 9. Yeah. Its really a lot. and the capsule is huge! Sometimes i think almost get stuck in throat :p

Not sure how much in terms of ml milk increased. But at least can feel some ducts get filled up few hrs after each feed. Previously can't feel anything.

Hi Tuffy,
You managed to catch up with baby's demand? How did you do it and how long did it take? Feeling super discouraged now, coz even though been taking Fenugreek for 2weeks plus now, and pumping, baby's demand still outweighs my supply. Not sure whether he's going through a growth spurt now. Think this is his 6th week.

How many days did the growth spurt last? He's really been crying hungry almost half hour to one hour after we put him to sleep. Also, wld baby's intake/ demand increase drastically after the growth spurt? He cld take up to 120ml of EBM/FM at one feed today! Sob...

Do any of you find that baby sucks slowly and less strongly? worried that if baby is too used to bottle, he gets lazy to suck strongly on the breast, and hence dun stimulate enuf milk supply
hi honey bee,
There was a period of time where I feed her more ebm than direct latching. During these times, I found that my supply cannot match what she can actually consume during the same period. Eg, if she consumes 150ml every 3 to 4 hours, I may or may not produce the same amount if I were to pump during the same interval. overall, there is still enuf because I can get 1 to 2 extra pumping session at night when she is no longer wakes up for night feeds.

Recently, she has been rejecting the bottle so I had no choice but to feed her directly. As a result, she needs to feed more often (compared to days of ebm). In that sense, I guess the supply still meets the demand even though not for the same frequency of feeds. Do you know what I mean?

The thing about pumping is that you must be able to totally empty the breast. Sometimes I can do it, sometimes I can't. When I can totally empty it, I find that I can get almost 1 oz more. If you find that you can empty your breast more effectively with direct latching, the bb will end up getting more milk than you think (if you just compare to the pumping session).

Also - how do you reach the conclusion that there isn't enuf milk? is it because he is crying a lot? sometimes bb don't just cry for milk. Do you latch him on? if you find that he latches on for comfort (and the weak sucking can be an indication), then he is not really hungry. have you tried comforting him in other ways?

sorry for the cheong hei post.. just thought I would share my experience
hello! i gave birth to a baby boy on 8 nov and have been trying to do total breastfeeding since coming home. it is soooooooooo exhausting!!!!!
in fact, he is latched on right now and i am typing with one hand.

quick question: those who pump more than once a day: do you wash and sterilise your pump again each time? also, when should i pump if i want to increase milk ss? thank you!
honeybee: why did the bottle say take only 1 to 2 pills? did u ask the Lactation consultant and pharmacist? i dun mind taking whole bottle if it works! haha.. so far bit scared so take max two pills in a day at different times. if 9 pills work (how much more increase dun mind i ask) then i will increase intake too. Is yours from GNC the one pill 610g?

and yesw, i find bb sucking quite weak cos i do bottlefeed too... and his upper lip always not flared out as supposed to...

tuffy: how to tell breast total empty?

youpi: i wash and strilise after every pump.. think should pump after every direct feed or every 2 to 3 hours interval.
Hi Tuffy,
Tks for being cheong hey. Hey - i write long msgs too

His mouth still opens and closes after i bf him. Tongue sticks out too! So that's how i summise that he's still hungry. Sometimes he cries too. And when I supplement with FM/EBM, he can take up to 90ml now. So think he's still hungry after being on the breast. He also sucks slower and looks tired. Even when we try to put him to sleep, he can't fall asleep. Think coz he's still hungry, so can't sleep.
Me worried that he suck the whole day - doesn't get enuf milk - and worse, takes away his sleeping time. Double whammy!

Whether 9 pills work - it kinda worked few days ago. Can't tell you in terms of qty, coz told myself not to be stressed out by measuring and thinking too much abt it. But breasts felt fuller in between feeds, and also saw more leaky milk from breasts. But now that i'm feeling discouraged again, think it also affects the milk production. Breasts like dun fill up again.

I was shocked at first too when lactation cons told me 9 pills. Din ask why tho
Yup! Its the 610g capsule from GNC.

Do your breasts fill up in between feeds - so that you know that there is milk there?

The problem i hv now with pumping is also that sometimes after i pump, baby cries for milk. Like timing real bad. Hmm... dun think i really know how to empty breasts with pumping. If baby sucks strongly, he empties breast better. But with the weak sucking, its q hard. I also massage breast as he sucks. Think that helps a bit.

thought maybe can share this..

fenugreek (Trigorvella foenum-graecuml), an herb that can cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and has been tried in the management of diabetes, albeit unsuccessfully. Diabetics must monitor their blood sugar and measure the dosage of medication to manage their illness very carefully, making it very difficult to control the disease with natural substances.

Fenugreek probably has little effect on milk supply until a mother takes large amounts of (about three capsules, three times per day, but this varies from pill-to-pill) and her milk and urine begin to smell like maple syrup, though no clinical trials have been conducted to prove or disprove this relationship. When a mother takes large quantities of fenugreek, the baby begins to smell like maple syrup too, and some babies have been misdiagnosed as having "maple syrup urine disease," a serious metabolic disorder. Another danger associated with fenugreek is that the herb is related to peanuts, the food most likely to cause an allergy. The possibility of an allergic reaction in a baby is quite high, and many cases of colic, stomach upset, and diarrhea have been reported among babies whose mothers take fenugreek.
