Breastfeeding Support Group


my cl says my boy has the habit of suckling or likes to suckle now esp at nite though he may not be hungry.. help..

My bb wakes up at least 2 times every nite to suckle. Last nite 4 times, every 2 hrs...

Hope yr bb won't do this to u... siong ah...
Hi all,

Am new to the forum. Having struggles with breastfeeding.

My baby is 12 days old today. And already, having thots of giving up breastfeeding. but gonna try to perservere on. Have been having problems latching him on. He tends to just latch onto the nipple, rather than taking in the areola, esp the bottom part. He also is super impatient - screaming and flailing when he doesn't get fed now-now. Which then also leads to the latching problem... coz he chomps down on the breast.

My bb's feeding patterns also seem to hv gone wonky. He used to feed and sleep at q regular intervals. Now, he sometimes has this 2-hr feed, which seems like he is never satiated. Reading through your posts, sounds like it may be comfort suckle...

Thinking of seeking formal help from a lactation consultant. Anyone used them before? And are they any use? Any recommendations? Thanks!
Hi Honey Bee

Looks like yr bb i going through a growth spurt. My lactation consultant says some babies' growth spurt is on the 7th day and some on 10th or 14th day (if i'm nt wrong), 1 month and 3 months. a growth spurt is which where the bb gains weight n grows rapidly and thus they wil need to hv losta milk to help them grow. Its ok.. juz let him latch on as and when he wants and as long as he wants (its supposed to be this way coz newborns' stomachs are very small-the size of golf ball. so they wil get hungry very easily.. their stomachs wil b empty after they pee and poo a few times). pls dun feed him according to schedule and do let him latch on one breast for 1 hour unless he fusses coz there's no more milk. If u keep changing sides, he wil nt get enough hindmilk and wil get hungry easily.

Breastfeeding is a learning process for both u and your boy. boy needs to learn how to suck to remove milk efficently and yr body has to learn how to adjust to his needs.

It is very tiring and frustrating especially when u r doing confinement (cannot bathe, eat all types of funny confinement food, plus hormones not settled yet). but perservere, (muz 'ren' and 'ren' and it wil b over soon without u knowing).

He wil soon settle into a fix routine where he wil feed at more regular fixed intervals. my boy (now 11 weeks old) can now last 3 to 4 hrs every feed.

intially during the first month, my boy had to latch on to me every evening from 7pm to 10.30pm before he's full and go to sleep only to wake up 2 hours later for more milk. Day time, each feed can take as long as 2 hours and he wil wake up 1 hour again for more milk.

Really PERSEVERE!! i m enjoying BFg now and its really very rewarding knowing dat he survives on nothing except my milk and its my milk dats nourishes him and helps him grow. i can feel the bond wif him and look forward to feeding him every time.

my lactation consultant is from KK and she's very encouraging. Her name is Yan Ping. u can call the kk main line 62934044 and ask the receptionist to message her. she wil call u bk as soon as she's free.

Thanks for the encouragement!
Wondering whether if coz the latch is wrong - he latches on the lower nipple, rather than taking in the areola - he wld not get enuf milk? And hence keep sucking coz tummy not full?

thanks for sharing such a wonderful link


how much does Yan Ping charge for her consultation? And does she consult on saturdays? I wanted to approach Mrs Wong from TMC but she doesnt see patients on sat. And i bet we will need to bring BB as well so that she can see how we latch him? and show us the right technique etc.
Hi Honey Bee,
My lactation consultant is Doris Fok. Her contact tel no. is 96387660. She's on private practice so its very easy to contact her. Don't have to wait. Just last saturday, i had a lot of blocked ducts (so painful!!) and immediately i can see her and she managed to clear my ducts. So grateful to her....

Hi Nicole,
I really dread the growth spurt period... 3 mths is coming up for me.. my bb is 11 weeks old and i really wonder how am i going to meet my bb's increased dd at 3 mths when i am back at work!
i need milk

How much is Doris's consultation charges? And did she come to your house for the treatment?
Hi SSL, I'm just passing by and responding to your question on Yan Ping, the LC at KKH. I went to her for consultation twice - once for my mastitis when she helped me massaged my breasts to get rid of the plugged ducts (OUCH!) and second time to get her to see if my baby is latching on properly. She is quite professional, encouraging and motherly. If you give birth at KK, the first time consultation is ard 30-ish, and second time about 20+. If you din deliver at KKH, then the fees are slightly higher but still reasonable. You must make appt cos she's very busy. And she sees patients only from 7.30am - 4.30pm from Mon - Fri.

She is very helpful and I used to call her countless times from home in the first few mths on various questions on bf and she helped me with my queries, tho' sometimes in a rushed manner cos she's so busy.

Hope the above helps! Jia you!
hi ssl,

i know Yan Ping too. She is very experienced LC at KKH and she is always very busy. So book her inadvance.

During my stay in hospital, she is the one who come to help me to latch on baby. My baby was really impatience that he didn;t want to latch on no matter wat...

In the end, I have to let bb drink my EBM..
LH & bitbit

Thanks for your feedback

I was hoping that she does consultation on sat cos hubby cant take leave and can only do it on sats.

Yep fully agree wif LH and bitbit. She's very good (can clear yr ducts in 5 to 10 mins) but u must ren coz its really painful until can drops tears dat kind. She's oso very fully booked. must really call in advance. oh yes, pls bring boy along. she needs him around to guide u.

Like LH, i used to call her countless of times until she can remember me coz of my boy's eractic feeding patterns during his first 2 months + there was once i had a blocked duct. she's really encouraging.

Hi i need milk

Yep, me oso abit scared of the 3 mths growth spurt after going through the previous ones. so trying to store as much EBM in the freezer as possible just in case my daily pump is not sufficent for him. me going bk to work next mon, so guess juz hv to latch him on for as long as he likes when i come bk from work to boost up my supply.

When r u going bk to work? If u r stil on leave, tink u can latch b on for all his feeds. tis way wil b the best to tide over the growth spurt.

Read on the internet that the next growth spurt wil even b worse (coz their appetite wil have increased alot over the next few months). so at 6 mths, he wil need a lot of milk (if he's not starting solid foods yet). read that the way to get around it is to add in one or two more expresso sessions + utilise the EBM in the freezer wisely)
Hi, ladies!
Anyone here on partial bf after returning to work? My bb gets 4 FM feeds on working days. Is it ok if I just latch my bb on over the weekend and reduce his FM feeds to maybe 2 a day? I read from a website can only reduce supplements GRADUALLY i.e. only 1 oz in 24 hrs... so now I'm worried if I'm underfeeding my bb over the weekend...
Hi need advise on storing milk...

If I put the EBM on the chiller can I transfer them to Freezer to store longer?

Reason I realise that 2 bottle of milk which I express on 26th 8.30am going to expired tomorrow morning if BB don't consume tomorrow before that time will need to throw away. Please Help thanks!

wat is growth spurt.. my boy needs milk every hourly wen i latch on. if i express, he takes 50ml to 80ml (at one mth) for interval of 1.5hrs to 2hrs..

is this tiring
Hi, Rainna, think it's ok to trf yr ebm from fridge to freezer b4 8.30am today. U so good, able to hv "extra" ebm. My ebm not enough for bb, got to give fm, sigh...
Hi, inc, I think it's normal. Very tiring but it'll pass, so hang on ok? Maybe try bf in side-lying position so that u can get some rest.
Hi, tuffy!

Err, how to tell if he's still hungry after latching on?

Usually I'll let him latch on both sides, each side max 30 mins, so max 1 hr. Then I got to unlatch him since he won't auto let go nipple. He'll then nap or play for abt 1 hr b4 he makes noise.
i'm going back to work on 7 nov... me also storing up ebm. The last growth spurt at 6 weeks was horrible.. every 1.5 hours.. In the end, i had to give in and feed her a bit of EBM after latch. THen when she sleep, i go pump out if got any left.

Doris charge $60 an hour. I went to her house but i think she does house visits too.

i read somewhere that growth spurt should not last more than a week. How long has it been for u?

usually if bbs are still hungry, they will cry or lick their lips or will root for yr brs or keep putting their hands in their mouth.
hourly!??! Like that how you cope? Already finished work super tired.. still gotta bf hourly... siong. Pei fu you.
hi sp,
I read somewhere that bb usually should be able to finish drinking from the breast by 20 mins or even less. The rest of the time, bb is just suckling and not sucking. Hai.. i also cannot tell sometimes. But nowadays, when she doesn't suck so vigorously and doesn't seem to be swallowing, I will unlatch her. Otherwise, she can be stuck there for hours.
So how long do u normally latch yr gal? Do u latch both sides? Does she suck hard to trigger letdowns? Mine will only suck hard the first few mins, after that he'll suck softly and pause/ wait for my slow letdown.
Hi SP thanks for your advise...

Actually told by my SIL today that is not very good to store chilled EBM to Freezer, she told me is better to store it straight to Freezer after express... But this message was given to me after I give Justen the 1st feed today, due to that dare not feed him the reminding 200ml. So sayang but I keep, see can use it to wash my face or hair.

But Justen didn't LS after the feed so I think should be ok.

As for the milk supply, I feel that need to be presistant... and very soon you will get enough supply and more to keep. I went thru the stage and I know is not easy... But you will succeed if you don't give up. Justen also finish 1 can of FM before I have enough milk to supply him.

As I need to go back to work in 5 weeks time so I bottle feed him in the day time and only direct feed him at nite. I will keep the 1st EBM in the morning for future use and the rest EBM of the day in the chiller. If the Chilled one is not enough than I will take those in the Freeze to feed him.

But my supply is not as much as those I see from the forum, so I also afraid I will have not enough milk for Justen after I go back to work. So now just keep as much as I can for rainning day.
hi sp,
it varies from half and hour to 40 mins for both sides together. Till now, I haven't quite figured out how it works too..
the left side doesn't seem to have much letdown compared to the right side. I notice that she sucks harder before letdown. Once it is triggered, she just slowly drink cos I can see the milk overflowing at the sides.
But sometimes, I don't see any milk overflowing and yet the breast feels empty. sigh.. dunno how it works.
Hi, Rain,
Wow, 200ml is a lot, if I were u I'll taste it to make sure it's ok then feed it to bb, too precious to "waste" leh.

Thanks for yr encouragement! I'll keep up the pumping but since already back to work & my ebm is short by >50%, don't think can tbf lah. Will see how long I can continue partial bf instead, hee.
Anyone has any recommendation for breast pads?
And anyone tried the Medela Milk Collection Shells? Does this function similar to breast pads?
hi ladies
have few queries on bf
1) do we need to wake up our bb when it's time for bf (time set by us)? or, should wait till bb wake up?
2)if say, we wait till bb wake up, b4 bb wake up, we start feeling engorgement, we need to express the milk?
3)but if after we finish expressing, bb starts crying for milk. but our intention is to TBF without bottle, should let bb latch on? will the milk flow come in so fast?
4)how long do we need to thaw the EBM?

hope you won't find my qn silly. :p
hi sunny
1) how old is yr bb? if less than 1 mth old, u need to wake the bb up for feeding every 3 hours. If older than 1 mth, then wait till bb wake up. Reason is that bbs who are newborn tend to be very sleepy plus, usually got jaundice so will sleep and sleep and sleep w/o waking up for milk.
2) u can express a bit of the milk to relieve the engorgement. Don't have to express all.
4) usually i thaw the frozen ebm in the fridge. Just put overnight, then it will become liquid again. Then when need to use, just put in hot water to warm it.
hi all,
I have some enquiries:
1) Can I still try to latch my bb on after stopping bf or pumping out for 1 week plus?
Can I try to bf again?

2)If my breastmilk is not enough, can I supplement with formula milk immediately after that?
hi all, i have a few questions to ask all the experienced bfeeding mummies here. My bb gal is now 3 wks old and currently, i latch my bb gal onto my breasts for feeding during the day and supplementing with formula during the nite so tat i can rest during my confinement.

1. Currently, i do not suffer from engorgement and i do not have excess milk after bfeeding. so it is not possible for me to pump out & store ebm in the fridge. So how do you all manage to pump out ebm and store?

2. How long can ebm be stored in fridge and in fridge's freezer compartment?

3. What should i do or go abt preparing to get ebm for my bb when i return to work in abt 2 months time?

4. For frozen milk, when thaw in the fridge, how long can the thaw milk be keep in the fridge?

5. When u all go out, do you all bring ebm (from fridge or freezer) for bb or do you latch on directly.

thanks in advance
bbmum:yes to both questions
poko: I dun wear nursing pads when my breasts dun leak anymore.

garfield: If u want to pump out milk , you have to have excess milk first. You can try to stimulate the breastso produce more milk. I only start storing ebm when baby is around 6-7 weeks old. I stored EBM in fridge for 2-3 days. I keep frozen EBM for 2 months.

about 3-4 days before going back to work, you should try to pump milk for storage. Quantity may not be a lot each time, but it will accumulate.Thawed milk can be kep for 24 hours in the fridge. I breastfeed my baby directly when going out.

Thanks for your reply...
BTW can I check with you, I can feel needle poking pain on both breast everytime after 1 to 2 hrs after pumping out milk... Is it common?
hi i need milk
thanks for the advice.
i am just a mtb, due in jan... so worried about my BF plan might not be successful. sigh....
Hi sunny
Don't worry too much. Enjoy yr pregnancy now, rest well, eat more fish plus drink papaya & fish bone soup in yr last trimester to increase milk supply.
Hi mommies,

I am in a dilemma now. Hubby n i tot of trying for No.2 when Sherilyn turns 6 mths old. This means that I have to give up bfg so that chances for me to conceive again will be much higher.. But I have just managed to increase and maintain my ss so I find it a waste to give up bfg so soon lei. Thou my gal dun suckle from my breasts anymore and is totally on ebm, I still kinda reluctant to give up giving her ebm lei.. I told my hubby i want to extent my target to 8mths liao then he mentioned abt having veri slim chances to conceive lei.. Seems like there is no win-win situation hor?
hi i need milk
thanks. the papaya is green papaya which can be any type bot in the market? 'cos i am a vegetarian, so, can't eat fish. the main thing is the papaya right?
how about papaya milk drinks? will it help?
As bb's demand for BM decreases after the introduction of solids at 6 months, the chances of conceiving is higher than before. I conceived my no.2 while still breastfeeding my daughter when she was abt 11 months and that was within a mth that we decided to leave it open and try.
Hi sunny
I just read an article by mrs wong from TMC where she say the soup only works if its green papaya AND fish bones. Will not be as effective if take it separately. But i guess u can always try taking papaya stuff.. no harm anyway.
Hi Sunny

My SIL drink only green hawaiian Papaya cook with water after her BB give birth as she also have problem producing milk and after that she claim that her supply increases... She treat it as plain water but I try it before can't stand the raw papaya smell.
Hi absolut,
Realli can get preggie while bfg arh.. Always hear pple saying that bfg is like a form of contraceptive so chances of getting preggie are quite slim..

Since we nt havin menses, how we know when we are ovulating? Or just BD regularly?? But it will be kind of tiring and stressful lei cos already quite worn out taking care of my gal at nite..
Think the natural contraceptive of breastfeeding is higher when you are tbf your bb esp 1st 6 months. If you are supplementing with FM or bb is on solids, doc usu recommends that you use other forms of contraceptives if you wanna prevent pregnancy.

I didn't check for ovulation. Dunno how to check also. is your period back? That's not really that indicative but my period only came back once before I got pregnant again. That's why I wasn't sure if I was pregnant again til a bit later this time coz not sure if period was gonna be regular. Your period is not back yet? If you're willing to wait til 8 months and hopefully your period comes back by then, perhaps chances would be higher.

Hi ladies, I'm new here. Need advices on bfing too.

My bbs are 2 weeks old. They are a pair of twin. I'm partially bfing them now. My left breast is inverted nipple. There's hardly any milk from the left. My right breast can express about 60ml at each pumping. How do i increase the supply on the left? It's painful to latch on.
