Breastfeeding Support Group

as babies grow older, they get more efficient at suckling... they can empty the brs faster. Another possibility is like what you said, yr milk flow may be faster now.

most mothers i know will break the suction if its comfort suckling.

hi mummies
could i check with you that i notice that my breasts are softer compared to 1st few days after deliver... does it mean that the supply goes down as there's no engorgement and feel of heaviness? or, it should be softer when there's no engorgement?

and, if i express the milk out, could i pour it into another bottle which already have cold breast milk (after i store it cold)? ('cos i don't have enough bottle to store it)
i need milk
thanks. good to hear that he's more efficient. But, he started nursing more frequently today, like every 1.5hr, used to be 2.5hr. Think it shld be the growth spurt, he's going to be 3 weeks soon.
Hi all
New to this thread... may I know how to sterlise pump when at work?
Now I am still in confinement period think how to pump at work.
N how often u pump at work? e.g. 8hours working hours. And where?

Btw, do u encounter problem with NB bb no stamina to empty your breasts?
My bb recently seem to have this problem. She will suck until sleep, I wake her up to continue until she drop off and sleep. So I put her down to sleep. After half an hour will wake up n ask for milk again. Then I like got no more milk for her... sigh... how?
So pek cher now for this problem... waste time n unhappy bb (like always not enough)
Hi moms,

I'm a new mother and my baby is only about 1 week old. She feeds about 3 hrly or so depending on her mood and I latch her on one side each time only cuz that's how much she will feed. I tried expressing a couple of days when my engorgement is very bad. Meanwhile, my breasts do leak after she finish feeding.

Some advice given to me is not to pump at all cuz my milk supply is not established. She is getting enough milk as her poo has turned yellow and her pee is enough.

My question is when should I start pumping??

TIA for all advice.
Hi ginger

to my experience is best to let the baby latch on totally as long as you can(preferably the 1st 2-4 weeks). the milk supply usually will comes in after 2nd week. it goes on the demand n supply theory. If you want to pump, you have to do it diligent at every 3 hrs interval regularly, if you don't it will affect the supply.
Hi, am new at this thread. wonder if any of you have similar experience before. recently i have been experiencing my baby screaming his head off in the middle of a feed... it happened for several times for a certain feed, today, he cry almost at every feed. i would pull him up, blurp him, pacify him for a while before trying again and this could go on for 45 min, where he would suckle for 5-10min, and scream.

do not know if its a supply issue? or letdown issue. but when i press my breast, milk do sprout out! and sometimes he scream with the milk still in his mouth and end up choking and coughing...

my boi is 21 days today. and this had been happening for almost a week already.... appreciate it if any experienced moms could advise me!!!
another question. when do you switch side when you BF? how do you know if baby is already getting hind milk? i had tried the pressing the breast. but the moment baby is latched on and start suckling, my breast would be soft in a min or so... does it mean he already has hind milk?
could he be suffering colic?
if not, then your flow might be too fast for him to swallow. try to lie down more instead of sit up right position with you feed him.

my gal will normally 'release' after she suckle for about 10 minutes, then i will switch to another side. for hind milk, you could check his poo, should be yellow mustard colour, then meaning he got hind milk.
siewlng, noticed no one answer u... hehe... I sterilised by soaking it in hot water... dun feel comfortable with tablets... I started off pumping once before work, once during lunch and once just before knock off... interval is about 3~4 hours... then another time just before I sleep... my baby is now over 1YO so I drop 1 pump during lunch... hope this helps!
hi sunny. thanks for your answer! he is colicky prone, having a lot of gas in less than 6hrs old consuming FM after delivery.

that was my first thought. but when i use bottle the following day, he seem to be ok!

just went to PD, and got RIDWIND for him. will try today, and see if it is ok....
Thanks for the advise! Haha I waited so long for an answer leh...
I was thinking to do the same as wat u said, 4X a day, but for the evening one, I will not pump. So tat when reach home, I can let bb latch on, to get closer to her, bonding time. N also use to soothe her cranky during the evening time after coming back from nanny's place.

Btw, where u all store the EBM at office?
In opi, we have a common pantry with a common fridge to use, I dun feel comfortable to store there, n many ppl will open n close that fridge. Plus usually is full with stuff liao.

Also, I have solved my issue of low supply to bb, I pump out n combine diff pumps to feed her by bottle. N no choice supplement with FM for 1 feed. So far so good, she is happy n grow fat liao!
Win - Happen to see your question. My baby also has similar problem. He will cry while feeding, then feed again. He will also cry after feed and vomit milk.

Asked this question to PD and he prescibled some medication, this could be something like heartburn where the gastric acid flow out, causing vomitting. Baby feel very uncomfortable hence the crying. You may want to bring yr baby to see a PD. Meanwhile, try to hold yr baby in a upright position after feed to prevent the acid from flowing out of the stomach. PD said no point burping cause will still vomit milk.
siewlng, i store in the common fridge... if u scared pple take out ur milk to "play", then keep in a plastic bag lor...
Hi all,
Wendy joining here. bfed my son for 18 mths till he self weaned when i 3 mths preggy. now tbfd my 2mo
hope to share more tips n tricks here!

hi siewling
u can consider investing in a mini fridge if u r bfding long term.
hi wendy

dun mind i ask a few q ok.
did u introduce formula aft or b4 he self-wean?
what kind of bottle u use?
what kind of nipple 4 bottle? or u use those sprout kind?
still bf my girl - 15mths thinking shld start helping her wean off.
pls share. thks.
b4. ny then he's taking milk by the cup. ds took mainly fresh milk n i mixed pediasure into his oatmeal.

i use NUK.
Siew ling
Same probelm with u with the bb, she will suck sleep and wake up again . How u increase your supply, I have tried all method still not much ss. Can e-mail me at [email protected], quite desperate. So happy that i am not alone. My bb is coming to 4th weeks.

kim heok
hi everyone,
i got a question for those mummies who had wean off their babies.
Does ur breast size get smaller? i mean smaller than before u got pregnant.
i have just stopped BF my child after feeding him for more than a yr. I realised my breast really shrink in size even smaller than wat i used to have before pregnant. now i feel so flat haha...
then my fren told me i should be contented cos i've been a bo ba for more than a yr haha... but still abit worried does that mean my breast will remain this size? anybody has this same experience?
hi ladies, hope someone can provide me with an answer. my question is if i pump out a small amt of milk, can i actually pour this milk into an already refrigerated EBM to combine the amount of EBM? coz sometimes i can only pump out 2oz of milk which is not enough for 1 feed, thinking of pouring into another 2oz of refrigerated milk to make 1 feed. i read in some website that its ok to express into refrigerated milk but this milk must be use within 24hrs. just want to get a better idea here. any mummy here does this? also any mummy here that feeds your bb milk that was unfinished in the previous feed?
1 more question, what's tandem pumping? is it latch bb on 1 side, at the same time pump the other breast? will we get more milk supply if we do tandem pumping?
Missy, yes you can do that. And you don't have to consume it within 24 hrs. Most ladies here consume within 48 hrs but my EBM is ok even after 3 days.

It's perfectly safe to save the left-over milk and use it at the next feeding. I have been doing it for the past 4 months. But if you have good supply and is comfortable with dumping milk, then of course it's all up to you. Refer to

We just spoke about this few days ago. You can refer to this thread about feeding EBM:
hi, kiddo,
Why cannot take HL milk ah? I did drink some while bf, my bb ok leh.

hi, missy,
yep, that's tandem pump, supposed to be able to fool our bodies into thinking that we are feeding twins so will produce more milk.

congrats on bf so long! I haven't stopped bf yet but my brs already shrunk SO much, smaller than my old size. Now my A cup also loose aah, hmm, maybe God knows I hate to wear bra so make them so small until no need to wear liao, hahaha
My bb is 6 wks old. So far since birth, i hav been breasfeeding , then supplement with some FM as the milk supply was low & bb don't seem to be satisfied aft each BF.
Over the last 2-3 days, she will only latch on & suckle for a few mins. When the milk "let- down", she will unlatch herself (the milk will then be squirting all over her face as the flow is quite alot at tt point ).After that, she refuses to latch on again although I can see that she is hungry. She will cry until I give her the bottle.

I am so stressed by it as I feel tt she is rejecting to be breastfeed directly.

Anyone out there had this experience ?? Pls adv as I am desperate to continue BF. Thks
dun give up ok?
My MS is too much that my gal has problem swallowing when she was a bb. End up she will pull away and BM will squirt on her face too. So no choice I have to give EBM all the way.
Of course it will be best that they latch on and feed directly but when circumstances does not allow then no choice got to use bottle.
Moreover drinking fm bottle is easier as she does not need to suck so hard. So she may prefer bottle.

You can try to continue latching her on after you massage r breasts to help the let down come faster?

Don't take it as she is 'rejecting' u or yr BM. Just continue to feed her EBM if she only wants the bottle. I think there is nothing wrong with it.
If ur bb is satisfied after feeding on 1 side. Maybe u want to express bm of the other side. If u only keep feeding on 1 side bm will reduce as time pass.

BTW, how old is ur bb? I find if u hv more than enough to, it's ok nt to express the other side. My bb is now 5mths, sometimes he'll just take one side n enough for him. But I'll usually offer both sides n see if he wants. N I dont express tat often since he's nt drinking as much as before.
hi mummies,
I'm a 1st time mom and hope to BF my bb when he/she is born. I'm looking ard at the moment for a good breast pump and I heard that Avent and Medela is good. Any mummies here who can give me some suggestions as to get manual one or electric ones? Which brand is highly recommended?
Thanks in advance.
hi blue_rabbit,

it's best that you feed the baby when he/she is born, cos they are better than any pumps! In the event, that you have sore nipples or cracked nipples, a pump is good. I would advise Advent Manual if you are not sure whether you will be bfg for long and you want to save cost. If you are really committed, then Ameda and Medela would be good cos you will not have aching can search through some of the previous posts abt the pumps comparison
Need to check:
Any mums breastfeeding a G6PD baby? Anything to watch out for?

Am having my confinement now, am wondering if it's ok to drink DOM (2 hrs) before feeding him...
hi blue rabbit, from my bf experience, a good pump is very impt coz it will boost yr morale. A lousy pump will make u think u do not have enuf milk for bb. Coz usually u dunno how much bb is drinking n may misunderstand his/her cries as hunger every time. A good pump will let u know approximately what yr yield is. I m using medela mini electric. At first I used Avent manual and is very very demoralised. I would say it depends on individual which pump is suitable, but so far, aside from the noise, there are no serious complaints abt medela
my bb also got G6PD.
I did drink DOM b4 bf, bb seems ok. But I only drank very little and only for a few days becoz it made me very sleepy and I was afraid I wouldn't hear bb cry for milk at nite, hehe.
i need feedback/ advise!!!

have been back at work for one week plus, and it had been a challenge trying to ease this new phrase of my life... it had been TIRING!!! and i am almost at the edge of giving up BF...

good thing is that baby is at my mom's during weekdays, i just go back to see him and put him to sleep... and of course send the EBM over.

i have been pumping at home twice (b4 sleep and wake up) and at work, twice.

as such i brought the AVENT Duo electrical pump to work. its huge - about the size of laptop. coupled with another small freezer bag which i brought the EBM from home, i looks like a courier man with 1 big bag, i small bag and my own bag! i am not even bringing my laptop back!

each day after work - i will go back to mom's to bf baby... and pat him sleep which could range from 9pm - 11pm, before i can leave. after which i will go back (HB drive - takes 30min) and pump again when reach home.... by the time i really hit the sack, its almost 1am... and have to wake up again at 6.30am to pump again. it takes me 1.5hr to get ready to work, compared to the usual 30min before... and i am still late at work! my travelling time from home to work is about an hour on mrt/bus. sometimes i took the cab to work which can cost up to 20bucks if i call.

this whole cycle keeps repeating everyday.

please tell me oh great mothers... is this normal?

what are my other options or is there other grand ideas? should i invest in another breastpump to put in the office to save me the hussle of bringing the pump wherever i go?

i tried skipping one day in a week where i can have the option of either working late or ve the day to myself for some sanity sake, but i had bad engorgement immediately... which pumping cant seem to clear!
win_ng: Why dun you bring the baby home? You can then go home earlier and feed the baby. If you are tired, you can sleep together with the baby at the same time. For me, sometimes the pump can't clear the engorgement/blocked ducts. Baby can...

As for pumps, if you do not want to lug the pump everyday, you can buy another set. Maybe a second hand? I am currently using Ameda pump and it is not very heavy.
the good thing is baby doesnt wake up for his night feed, its just challenging to put him to bed.

bringing baby home is not an option as my mom stay in the east while i stay in the west, and workplace is in the north... it will be a killer for my taxi-fare from west to east and to north every morning and back.

yah like u... only my baby can clear my engorgement

yah my next option is to rent another set of pump... the cost is not cheap!
wah, yr daily life very siong!

hmm, will yr mum be able to help u pat yr bb to sleep or only u can do it? after u bf yr bb, yr mum can help to pat bb to sleep while u go home earlier to rest. maybe every wed nite, so that u won't be too worn out by fri.

another way is to consider staying overnite at yr mum's place 1 or 2 nites.

so r u getting another pump? I think that's a wonderful suggestion from MH.

yah man. i dun even have energy to talk to my hb at the end of the day... i guess its a good idea to stay overnight at my mum's place 1 or 2 nights...

my bb seem to sleep late these days. i think its becoz both me and hb visit him late, and he wanted to play with us. it caused over-stimulation which in terms make him cranky and refuse to sleep. My mom is usually so worn out by end of the day coz he dun like to NAP, i felt bad asking her to help putting him to bed.

yup! a friend has very kindly loan me hers... so i can save some money from there. am already using avent duo which can pump a lot faster and save me some time and energy...
win_ng: got my second hand Ameda pump (with bag and cooler tote) from ebay, think it is cheaper than buying second here (total less than S$200 inclusive of shipping)...It is called Purely Yours over there...if not, yahoo auctions and MarketPlace is a good place to source for 2nd hand
thanks MH.

one kindhearted friend just loaned me her set. so that would at least save me from looking like a delivery man everytime i am out...

i am purchasing the Avent Duo which i had rented initially at a discounted price. but i shall look at the online sales as well!

hey all...

is me! eggie.. new in this thread..

just a question.. do you feel that when you baby start solid.. milk supply has decrease?
It's norm for ms to decrease when started solid. bb feed less so less demand, less supply. U can try to express ur milk to maintain supply.

My bb now sometimes slp through the nite. So I'll express milk early in the morning to maintain supply. so far so gd. He has started solid abt 1 mth ago.

I guess this had been asked, but can I verify again how many hours can I keep my EBM in the fridge (own compartment)? And how can we tell if the EBM is spoilt? Must we taste it?

Going back to work soon, and I want to expressed more for my baby..

Thanks in advance
I kept chilled EBM up to 3 days without any problem. Heard of some mummy's BM smell a bit 'sour', so I guess it may depends. You can just smell it before giving it to ur baby.
fates.. nice to see u here..

smell it then u will know lor

YL, my bb still wan sucker in the nite.. milk supply goes lower and lower each time.

Is just that I dun want to lose the touch between both of us.. i enjoy the time when i bf him.. i am very worried and sad if i have no milk
hi eggie,
can understand how u feel becoz my ss also slowly decrease over time. I also enjoy bf my boy & can't bear the thought of no milk for him to suck.

anyway, I tell myself it's only natural for ss to reduce and eventually cease and bf to stop. as my ss drop, I no longer need to rush home everyday to pump, nowadays can go do some quick shopping on the way home after work. it's really nice

Hi fates,

EBM can keep in fridge up to 48hrs, in the freezer up to 3-4 mths. Check those BF websites for more details. Websites like baby centre will give u a lot of info.

Your one is quite big liao rite? Did u mention 9mths(I can't remember liao) at the Globetrotter gathering? Can start solid now. I start my boy on solid at 5mths 'cos now he drinks milk like ai mai ai mai like that. So far 1 wk alrdy and he finished 1 packet of Heinz rice cereal liao.
