Breastfeeding Support Group

hi honeybee,
could it be a problem of let down? I have that problem so bb can suck forever and still not be satisfied. but I noticed that when I express at regular intervals (to match her feeding time), the letdown improved. But doesn't work all the time too lah.. today having a bad bfing day - she is cranky all the time...

the breasts do fill up but not like v full in between feeds loh. but if you sqeeze, got jets of milk come out lah.

Hi Tuffy,
Yeah, suspect that i hv problems with let down too. Dun sense any tingling feeling in breast, and don't very often see baby speeding up his sucking

Do you express before feeding her, or after?

Hi Adelyee,
Yeah, read before also abt danger of allergy. That's why really praying that supply catches up with demand soonest. So I can stop taking Fenugreek. So far dun see any diarrhoea in baby tho.
i took 2 pills today.. hopefully can see some results by tomorrow.. didn't dare to take so many at one go.. grgr.. scared also..

am monitoring lo.. tried to latch him on to feed him but obviously not.. enough.. in the end got to supplement.. FM. am so stressed!
Honey Bee:
My girl has been sucking weakly since birth... that's y i gotta massage and compress my brs EVERY time when i latch her on.. if not, she drinks veryyyy slowwwly...

And yes, i do think that weak suckling does contribute to low ss... (that's y i don't have abundant overflowing ss). So gotta pump diligently.... And i know what u mean abt the bad timing part... I guess since u already pumped out and the bb wants to drink, just let him drink the ebm first and then latch him on thereafter if he wants more. Cos by that time yr brs will have filled up with some milk liao.. and bb is not super hungry (cos he drank ebm) and will be more patient to suckle....

As for growth spurt, i remembered at that time my girl was drinking every hour for 1 week plus! Since that time i mostly latch her on, i don't really know how much she drank.
Honey Bee,
re: letdown
I never had any feelings of let down....... guess I'm one of those few women who don't feel anything. Actually with my low ss and no letdown feeling, i am surprised that i can still cont to bf! Already been 15 weeks! So i'm sure u can do it too..
hi honeybee
I used to try to express after feeding but found it too tiring. so gave up. but that is supposed to be good for promoting ss. If I happened to have expressed out before her feed, then I won't latch her on. otherwise she will get super frus and bite me.
so wat if u have got the let down feeling...
i have got it but somehow or rather.. it still seemed to me tt am not having enough supply! sigh..
Hullo mummies, just wondering if any of you are experiencing this and how you are coping with it: my baby boy is two and a half weeks old and has marathon feeding sessions! He will feed from one breast and then seemingly drift off to sleep. I put him down in his cot and go on to do my own things. Within 5-20 minutes, he will scream and cry. I go in, do the necessary checks (diaper, temperature, burping etc) and if none of these are the problem, I latch him on the other side. This can go on for 3-5 hours each day! I've tried walking and rocking him to pacify him and soothe him to sleep, but nothing works. So I end up doing the breast to breast tango and can't do anything else at all! The short breaks (5-20 minutes) in between are enough only for me to dash to the loo and brab a drink before the next scream. It's really exhausting! Is anyone facing this as well? What do you do? Any suggestions? Thank you!
Hi adel...congrats! remember me? samval lah. hey..dun worry too much abt your bm ss ya. it will stabalise after 2 months or so. try not to supplement. i know its diff especially when we dun hve enuff milk ss. but you will get thru it and ss will gradually increase. anyway, fenugreek did nothing for me. the trick is still latching on and loads of pumping. good luck.

hi youpi...i had the same prob as you. my baby (now 4 months) was also having marathon feeding sessions. i was bf and she will fall asleep aft 5 mins of latching on. then will wake up again every 15 mins then i latch on again and she will fall asleep again! this went on for the whole day. i cant even go to toilet! so out of the 24 hrs a day, bb was clinging on to me for 20 hrs!!! so tired and stressed. dun really know whats the cause of it. i guess its nothing as bb oso hve their moods. saw lactation consultant and she said that maybe bb just wants cuddle or comfort. nothing to do wif bm. but dun worry will pass. that time i was really depressed and lack of sleep and wanted to give up bf. but after some time bb just stopped like that and started to sleep for 30 mins then 1 hr, then gradually increased. now since she 4 months, i supplement with fm as i went back to work liao.
perhaps you would like to try waking the bb up to finish the feed to break the "vicious cycle". I know it is v tempting to let bb sleep cos then we can get some rest but if bb keeps doing this - cannot tahan lah... the same thing happened for my gal. that's why I did and the situation has improved alot. good chance that bb is just suckling for comfort (ie using you as human pacifier). hope this helps.
Hi samval and tuffy, thanks for your responses.

samval, when did it stop happening?! i look forward to that day! am already thinking of supplementing and it's not even a month yet!

my baby is drinking enough milk, to the point where i offer him ther breast and he doesn't want it. i think it is as the lc told you, samval, that baby wants comfort. when i pick him up and cuddle him, he goes to sleep in my arms. but put him down and 10 minutes later, it's screaming again. right now i am holding him in my left arm while i type with my right hand. he's peacefully asleep. don't dare to put him down...
At least yr bb will "doesn't want it" when he's full. Mine, always want to latch then go to sleep. Unlatch will wake up, put down will cry, during the worst days will be latched on for more than 10 hrs, really tiring & frustrating.

Sometime after 5 weeks then can start to put him down for max 1 hr after bf in the morning. He will be wide awake and moving his arms and legs in the air. He hardly sleeps except in my arms. Afternoon & evening back to non-stop latching until he finally falls asleep for the nite...

youpi, u be strong & hang on, ok? Don't be like me, after 6 weeks no more tbf... & ss also slowly going. Now left very little only although my bb is only 4 mths' old.
hi stopped "clinging" to me when she was almost 3 months. but every baby varies. wah now at least i got some peace and quiet time. haha...i oso like you...carry bb in one hand and type with one finger!! but it will pass. no worries abt it ya.

hi bb oso like that. latch will sleep, unlatch will wake up. frustrating huh? put down less than 5 min will wake up. drop 10 cents coin oso wake up!! must tip toe into the room liao. hey.. your bb and mine same...4 months liao. u from the july 05 mummies thread?
a suggestion - my bb also sleeps v well during the day when she is being carried. So I put her in a sarong sling during the day when I want her to sleep. At least that frees up my hands to do other things.

sp - your boi latches cos he is sleepy and wants so comfort suckling? have you tried playing with him instead of latching him on? at least your hb can help entertain him mah. maybe he will sleep better if he is tired from playing?
hi, tuffy!

Oops, the scenario above was in the past when he's still below 2 mths' old.

Nowadays, he loves attention & likes ppl to play with or carry him. When sleepy he will make noise, then fall asleep. I'm so glad those days of non-stop latching are over!!!
hi just stumbled upon this thread. Can anyone help me?? I have a 7mth old boy and i breastfed him til 2days ago he just refuses to latch. he will chmop down on my nipples and it hurts soooo much! i really want to feed him til at least 9mths but it's so impossible now. what should i do??
Hi all,
Can I find out how long thawed breastmilk can be kept in the fridge? Must it be used within 24hrs? Want to mix with cereal but wasted to use abit, then throw the rest away. Thanks
Hi Mummies
Used to frequent this thread when I was b/feeding my boi. Having my 2nd/3rd end Jan. I wish to ask if anyone knows where to buy the Playtex bm bags to store bm. Thanks.

Saw some at the CGH online pharmacy sometime last month...not sure if it is still available. You can check it out.

I'll try to use them within 24 hrs....but I do sometimes break this rule by a little bit. My bb took the milk without problems. Really deps on how cold is your fridge, and of course your bb.

Your bb could be teething. When he bites, you shld unlatch your bb and tell him firmly and sternly that biting hurts mummy and he shldn't do it again. After a while, try to latch again and repeat the routine if he does it again. Usually, if my bb bites, I will do the same and the next time I latch her, I will watch her closely and the moment I see her trying to bite, I will tell her sternly that she cannot do it. She will usually stop and look at me. A friend of mine actually give her bb a slap in the thighs to reinforce the "not biting" message....but too cruel for me lah
If really really you cannot latch, then you will hv no choice but to pump out the milk to maintain the supply. If diligent in pumping, it is still possible to feed till 9 mths or more.
hi mummies, juz get to noe this thread.. u gals hve been very informative..

nid to check out, my ss has been quite stable since i delivered in end july.. recently thr was a pimple-like growth on my areloa area then follow by menses.. till now. my ss has been very bad.. been forced to used frozen ebm 1-2x a day..

now i'm thinkg whether to take fenugreek, massaging/ lots of fluid.. all dont seem to work on me... mummies who took fenugreek, whr u bought it, how much is it? is it really work?
Hi all mummies,

Any advises on how to increase the milk supply? I have been trying to breastfeeding for the past 1 week. I breastfeed my baby during each feed but it is usually not enough so I have to supplement with formula milk. My baby usually latch on for 10min and will fall asleep. Each time I try to pump out the milk, I will only get around 20ml from both side
That is really not enough for my baby. Do I have to pump out the milk each time after breastfeed? I really hope that I can breastfeed 100%.
Hi Lib,
I bought fenugreek from GNC. Can't remember the exact price - need to refer to the bottle and it's at home. I think bet $15 to $20. It's fixed price if you buy at GNC unless there's some promotion going on. Dunno whether it really work, but I'm not abt to stop since I'm worried that if I stop, my ms will be affected
. But I think more pumping and regular pumping does work for me, though effect may not be immediate.

Hi Apple Lau,
How old is your bb? There are many discussions abt how to increase milk supply if you do a search. Offhand, some of the methods are massaging, drink enough fluids, hv fish & green papaya soup, hv oats for breakfast, pumping (tandem pump, pump in betw feeds, pump to empty your breasts), hv fenugreek, hv nursing tea, hv enough rest, etc. By the way, how do you know that your bb does not hv enough? The amt you pump may not be representative of the amt the bb is taking, 'cos our body needs to get use to the pump and the pump usually cannot empty the breast as well as your bb. You can pump after each bfg if you want to increase your ss...but it's hard work and the amt you pump out may be dismaying since your bb would hv taken most of it
Hi blueberries,

My baby is newborn, 10 days old. Hmmm... Usually after every feed, she will still keep crying. And I will supplement her with formula milk. Then she will stop crying.
Hi Apple,
The recommended way of checking if bb has enough milk is by counting the number of wet nappies. You mention earlier that your bb feeds for 10 mins and then fall asleep, so did she cry 'cos you tried to put her down? If so, the crying may not be 'cos of not enough milk, mayb she wants comfort/warmth if she is wetting enough nappies. Did you try to wake her up when she fell asleep at your breast? Actually, if she cries when you put her down, you can always put her back to your breast again 'cos more stimulation will bring abt more milk.
hi blueberries, thx for yr info.. my hb is quite against me taking hormone pills, scare it may affect both of us.. so nw still considering.. tink thr is nursing tea rite.. maybe will get to try..
Hi Apple,
One way to wake baby up when they fall asleep is to burp them. And also to change sides.
I remember I used to do this when my baby was born. 10-15 mins on rt side. he sleeps. i burp him. then another 10-15 mins on lt side.
Hi Lib,
FYI, the nursing tea also contains fenugreek, amongst other herbs. If you are not comfortable with these things, then the way to go is to latch on more and pump more. This shld up yr ss.

Hi corrine,
Can still bf when menses may be affected when menses come, but level will come back up again when menses end....shld be ok if you cont to feed and pump. Anyway, not everyone experience a drop in ss when menses come.
Hi Mummies,

Am new to this thread. Will be grateful for your advise in a few matters.

a) My baby will be with my in laws for a week. What is the best/ cheapest way to store the expressed milk during this time ?

b) When I go out without my baby, I will feel engorgment after 3 hours. What should I do ? If I pump out the milk, how do I ensure that the milk will not get spolit as I may be out the whole day ? Does this also means that I will not be able to go overseas without my baby ?

c) Anyone has any idea if we go for courses at IPAM, is there any nursing room or way to store the BM ?

Thank You.
hi mummies,

would like to seek advise if we need to sterilise out pump every time we use it? i find it rather troublesome.
dolma, preferably... especially if ur bb is very young...


a) dun understand your question... will u still be seeing ur bb everyday? if yes, store fresh in bottles and pass to ur ILs every day... if not, any EBM not used within 48hrs should be freezed...

b) u can try to keep the milk cold in coolerbag with ice packs and transfer to the fridge as soon as possible... EBM at 25deg can still last for quite a few hours and will not spoil so easily unless it is contaminated... if overseas, you can freeze and bring back the milk if u have the means to transport... otherwise, either drink/discard it...

c) there's no nursing room but the disable toilets there are very clean and has a sink... if u do not mind expressing in the toilet... i think the staff have their own pantry with fridge which u can store the milk if u dun mind asking them... otherwise, keeping it in the cooler bag with ice packs should be alright...
hi all,
I am new here. I am preparing for my babies to be delivered in about 3 to 4 weeks time. need to know any tips on preparing to do breastfeeding. I have read some books and seen two cd on this topic but still worried. Should I be massaging my breast now and how to know if the massage is properly done? is there any food that can help to stimulate milk production so that it will be ready when my babies are born? what else should I be doing to make sure I can successfully bf? I am haivng twins, and as a first time mummy, being very gan cheong. thanks for any advice given.
Thanks Jen.

It is likely I will not be seeing my gal for about a week as I am staying in Tampines and my in laws stay in Bt Timah and I have to fetch my 2 year old son from childcare after work. Actually what I am asking is what is the most economical way for me to store my BM as I have limited no of glass bottles. Can I get more bottles from KK even though I have been discharged for more than 2 months? Should I get disposable bags to store the milk ? If so, which brand as I calculated that I will need about 72 bottles/ bags ( 12 bottles *6 days ).

Thank You once again for all the advise given.
ng, yes i think u can ask for more from the hospital... but milk bags are easier to stack up in the freezer... especially if you have so many packets... if u need those glass bottles only for short while, i can lend u as i have abt 20 glass bottles with caps... PM me if you need...
for those who TBF, does ur bb has bf jaundice? Wat do u do? My bb is 16 days old n I'm at loss as he has bf jaundice n i'm TBF.
Usually the Ped will check and do blood test. If nothing wrong, it will go away. Nothing to worry about. BF babies are more likely to get jaundice.
dear mummies
Wld like to join this thread, pls. As I've just given birth on 6 Jan and am trying my best to bf. How do we differentiate comfot suckling from bb's hunger suckling?
comfort sucking is slow and has longer intervals in between suckling. Hunger sucking is strong and has loud swallowing sounds. Usually for the first 5-10mins is hunger suckling..

i ever asked my gynae abt this hair highlighting thing and she said no highlighting of hair when i'm bf. I didn't listen to her and highlighted my hair anyway. I still bf my girl for 5 mths already and so far, she's fine.
Qn: my little girl fuss alot before her last feed like abt 11.30pm every nite. and she always dun wan to drink EBM and chooses to latch on direct. anyone knows why is this so?

Its normal as long as your bb jaundice is on a declining pattern ... I TBF my bb and his jaundice went off by itself when he was 3mth + ... as long as your bb is growing & active i think no cause of worry ...

carole ...

think clarisse wants comfort ... they say that if want to wean off nursing ... night feed should be the last to wean off cos its the most comforting for bb ...

i need milk ...

me too ler ... just went to cut and highlight my hair last week ... cannot mer?? me dunno ...
my girl does that too! I figured its becos she wants to nurse to sleep. Cos she don't get the same nice comforting feeling from the bottle. So fuss like crazy when give her bottle at night. Only when direct latch then happy.

think its ok lah. Perhaps the doctors are just being cautious.
i need milk,

your gynae says that? Well, I pumped out my milk and threw it away when i came home from the salon. To play safe..... i felt that breastfeeding has alot of restrictions on the mummy.
yes, sometimes i feel that bf has restrictions on mummy eg. can't go out for more than 4 hrs w/o baby cos gotta pump.. but overall, i suppose bf also has lots of conveniences eg. no need to wash/sterilise bottles, no need to warm milk, wanna feed can feed immediately etc.. can just go out w/o lugging vacuum flask,bottles... so got pros and cons. But think overall more pros than cons.

i need milk
thanks.. oh that means my boy does hv some comfort suckling. Shld i then break the suction when he does that?

I agree with you. I've to stop eating diary products (which incl my fav milk), spicy food etc to minimise colic in my boy. Also, must rem to feed him before eating, etc. But, also like that we can just feed as and when we want like what i need milk says. But, my boy feeds for qt a while, so a bit boring for me while nursing him.

BTW, can I check with you all, my boy used to nurse longer, abt 30-45mins, sometimes even 1 hr (for both breasts). But, these few days, his nursing period is shorter, abt 15-25mins, the most wld be 30mins, shortest is 10mins, then he dun want the breast already. Is there any reason? He is 17days old today. Not too sure if milkflow is faster now, so he needs lesser time?
