Breastfeeding Support Group

hi aical,

How did you remove cradle cap? My boy also got a bit. we now apply bb oil before bathtime, and then wash off during bath. Is this the way?

Thanks for info on fantastic sam...I also interested to bring my boy there. So sad, his hair dropping faster than mine!

My baby also got cradle cap. And it's at the part of the skull where's it's soft and also on her eye borws. tried using olive oil but her skin turned red and had small red dots so didn't continue.

By the way, what is it caused by?

yah BM is dilute. It's v different from formula. Dun be "deceived" by the look... it's the best milk for baby even though it looks diluted. And the high water content is good, coz it's like water for baby too.

So you stopped bfg? Why you pump after 8 hours? That is too long an interval. For initial weeks it's good to pump every 3 hours.

Wow you are so encouraging... want to tbf all the way. Thumbs up for you!
U pump at work?
yeah lor,... put on weight again.....
I think I ate too much liao esp those snacks/tibits..

yeah lor, my boy have craddle cap problem. I thought it was clear when he's two mth, but now I saw it came back again in patches. when do you apply the baby oil? How long must the baby oil be applied before it will the stuff will comes off? Overnight or just 1 or 2hrs?

Is fantastic sam very crowded? Any idea what's their opening time? My boy like to turn his head all over, so it makes cutting difficult, are they able to handle such? I'm so scare it will be too difficult for them to cut and hurt my boy accidentally. So what must we do to tell them it's first hair cut? How will they check whether is true or not?
my boy also has craddle cap on the skull where it's soft, so my mum told me to leave it as don't want to hurt the area.

Yes, u can shave yr bb hair there also. so long as it is the first haircut whether shave, trim or cut is FOC for weekdays.

U cannot just apply the bb oil and then wash it off, the carddle cap won come off. wat i did was to apply johnson bb oil onto her scalp, leave it on for 10 mins or so, when u feel the craddle cap is soft, then u scrap it off using yr finger very gently...the craddle cap will come off very easily.. wat is impt is u need to be gentle and cut yr nails before that so taht it won hurt yr
bb scalp. U can then wash the craddle cap sticking on her hair.

Try it and let me know. My girl's hair also dropping alot esp those behind so brought her for a trim. but i realise that her hair those infront actually grow longer after i remove all the craddle cap.

for my girl,i actually also removed those craddle cap on the skull where is soft. i was really slow and gentle so as not to hurt the soft skull...My mum told me if the craddle cap r not removed it will actually spread and before u realise the whole head is full of craddle cap.

For my girl, the craddle cap problem came when she was 3 mth plus. intially, i only saw abit on her soft skull, so i thought is ok and just leave it there. a few wks later, i realise the craddle cap has spread all the way to the bk of head so i quickly start to remove them.

Maybe u should used Johnson bb oil...cos is meant for bb...i never use olive oil.

u may read my reply to qhl...
Fantastic sam is crowded on was pretty crowded when i went over last sat. got to wait. i think for weekday...should be quite ok.
not too sure their opening hrs...should be after 11am. u can try to call them to double confirm.

Don worry, they r really good in handling bb, most of their customer r baby...they r very gentle and professional...u will be carrying him while they do the haircut. My girl also keep on turning when the lady was trimming her hair...until i tell her "Mei Mei" then her head stop moving funny...even the hairstylist said she very vain...

Not too sure how they checked, i actually told them is the first haircut but since i need to pay cos is on wkend, they actually never check. A cert will be given with her hair pasted on it at the end of the haircut. Quite nice!

Ya, i am ignorant mummy lor...anyway, i stopped BF after 6 wks cos my supply was very low and cant satisfy my girl demand.
u mentioned that u got the Ameda Dual Elect Pump thru a friend's recommendation n got it at cheaper price? how much u paid for it n is it still available? currently i'm using Avent pump cos i usually latch my boy on. but now abit half hearted to give up bf juz bcos he's teething, so if got good price on an elect pump, might express n feed on a regular basis. u may email me if u wish to.
Hi pple, can I join?
My bb girl is 3.5 wks. I was so disappointed and troubled when my pede weighed her for the 3rd time in 2 wks and she hadn't gained much wt at all. So now I have to give her 20 ml of formula with every feed. I felt sooo sad, like I failed her or something. I give her the formula through a syringe and a tiny tube, at the same time as the breastfeeding. This will be until she regains her birthweight... hopefully by the end of next wk.

Actually the pede and I think that it's because she's too active in the day. She hardly sleeps. I dunno the reason. My pede thinks I'm doing the bf'ing thing correctly - 8 feeds a day, 20 mins per side. I'm thinking of increasing the frequency of the feeds, maybe she just needs more cos she's so active. Maybe she's active and crying cos she's hungry all the time. I just don't know what to do...

Anyway, my hubby is really supportive of my bf'ing. Baby sleeps well at nights, I wake her after 4 hours during the nights to feed, otherwise she won't wake herself.
in case you need to buy avent disposable bags, Taka has 20% off avent product, went yesterday and bought one box at $5.64 after discount.

u r doing great for ur baby, i thot its normal for them to lose some weight from birth.
dun worry, do ur best.

during the 1st mth, my gal oso wakeful in the day...seldom sleeps, but now, she need a nap after she is awake for 2-3hr...
Stylobb, Jas
My mum take care of my gal at my house, so she dont fuss because of change of environment, still cant figure out why she choose to fuss over weekend even my mum is around. maybe should try to get her some toys to distract her.

Yes, exactly, when we forced her to drink, will normally end up that she vomit out everything, now we all learn to be very careful, once she refuse, then we stop so end up wasting 4-5 bottles of milk everyday. It is still hard to get her to drink now, when the teat is in her mouth, she can still go ee ee ar arrr for few minutes then only start sucking, and most of the times cant finish. Unlike your gal, she doesnt suck at all when she is sleeping or drowsy, if let her drink when she is drowsy, she normally cry out very loud, think she is really stubborn.
So far when trying to feed her cereal, we use spoon. If i want to use bottle, does the teat need to be change? is it too risky cause bb might get choked?

Ya, maybe we can meet up one day cause I like to see your gal. maybe you can visit my place when you drop by rivervale mall for dinner. My mum stay in Msia, so she is temporary here to take care of my gal, is her first grand child, so she insisted she want to look after but refuse to stay here long term but wnat to bring bb back to Msia, so for time being we compromised that will let her bring bb back in Aug but she has to bring baby out every 2 weeks. Hubby and I very "bu se te". Is your MIL looking after your gal? or you bring her to baby sitter?

Sorry, since you guys are talking about the fantastic Sam, I tried to back track, but couldnt find the contact, can somebody let me know where is it or the phone number? Thanks.
I think it depends on individual, for me, my menses return on when my boy is 5mth. Some people I know takes longer some shorter.

I also feed cereal mix with EBM to my boy in bottle, for such feed, I use the avent variable flow teats and switch to the one with faster flow.
You went KL and you expressed there rite?
How you transport the BM back?

I am planning to go KL too. Abit headache over transporting the bm back to spore. I am going by coach somemore....
Wah, how can you take it not seeing your gal for two weeks?? Heartache right... You have no other alternative?

Can, can, welcome to join. Bbs really come in all forms and behaviour! My boy also never slept for long last time, very tiring for me. Now much much better.
So is your gal taking bm from you direct? Is she sucking well? Does she get hungry?

Yep, I did. Got a lot somemore (maybe on break so more relaxed...hehe...) We drove back. I put in the PIS bag which has a compartment. Maybe you try those hard-foam type of boxes, do you think it'll help? Was afraid initially if milk still ok for consumption, thankfully ok, but I think should have thrown away the earlier ones.

Seems sale is still on, Isetan also has 20% off Avent and other bb stuff.
Did you use the Nestle rice cereal to mix with milk? I fed my boy the brown rice. Did you try the white rice?
my boy also like that before his first mth. refuse to sleep in the day n dun sleep long at night. v actively moving abt. he got slightly better after 1st mth, n even more settled down after 2nd mth. that time my mum always commented he slept lesser than an adult. u r doing great n supply will sure come in since bb sucking well
I didn't get any nestle product, I use Heinz rice cereal and mix with EBM to feed my boy. Not sure nestle rice cereal is milk-based, if it is, then just add hot water will do coz got milk already. My mum just tried to Dumex apple rice cereal sample pack I got from gynae on my boy yesterday and he seems to like it.

All Isetan got sales? Which branch you went to? The Tampines branch Isetan children dept not very well stock with bb stuff, little variety.
Hi stylobb & mini, thanks for the encouragement. As of yesterday, I have been expressing some breastmilk in between feedings and adding that (only 1 oz) to the usual DIRECT feeding, + the 20 ml of supplement that the pediatrician ordered. That should improve my milk supply, though it is very tiring and doesn't give me much time in between feedings to do very much.

I think my bb gets really sleepy at the breast and hasn't been stimulating the breast very much. The expressing has helped, even after just 3 x. I hope to continue this for a few more days and see how. Hopefully I can go back to direct breastfeeding totally soon. Have to teach bb to stay awake and suck and swallow properly.
Hi Aikal,

I really felt with you when I read your posting. My little girl was born weighing 2,6 kg also because of placenta malfunctioning. And when the she always fell asleep during the first few days and didnt really drink I downright panicked!

Anyhow, for the milkflow it is so very much important to drink enough! Sometimes nobody tells you, but a breastfeeding mother should drink at least 2,5 liters of liquids per day. My midwife gave me a very good recipe for breastfeeding tea which stimulates milkflow. If anyone is interested I can post it here, just got to find it - my little on is now 21 months old.

Drinking about a litre of that tea every day for about a week really helped me. After that I reduced the amount (coz now it was too much milk!9 and the tatse it not that great, but you can add some sugar.

Anyhow, my daughter didnt eat anything else for the first 6 months of her life, which is exactly what doctors recommend here in Germany, it really reduces the risc of allergies! After that she started with a few spoonfulls of mashed carrots.

Even if you dont breastfeed anymore I wouldnt give "solid" food to a 19 week old baby, the baby powder milk is a very good substitute for mothers milk, it got all the nutrients they need at that stage.

Dont feel like a bad mommy just because ur not breastfeeding anymore, sometimes its better to be a relaxed mom and give formula than to be a stressed out mom breastfeeding.

I wish u all the best
Yup, WK tan is very gd. Still dunno whether I want a 2nd bb.
But I might not go back to her, thinking of going to a younger gynae tt can follow up with me every yr, coz dun want to change gynae next time.

Cannot leh, those dates I am going to JB. BTW, I am going to TPY at ard 11 ++ today, will be going kiddy palace, HDB Hub area.
But dun think u will read this in time.

BF really tough, just try ur best. Can try to burp bb every 5 mins and switch breast, tt's one mtd to keep bb awake.
I agree with you esp on the part to be a relaxed mom than being a stressed out mom breastfeeding. By the way, you are a german?
Hi mummies
How is everyone?

Yah, too late...hehe...I just read your message.

Anyway I am still a way glad I still have bm (and some stock) to give my boy cos the past week he wasn't well and he still took the bm. He is much much better today, in his smiling mood when he woke up. I felt better seeing him like that.

Yeah, me curious too...are you a S'porean living in Germany? Which part? Hmmm...wat's this recipe that you mentioned? Can share with us?
I too drank a lot of water but not much effect on the quantity of bm on me...
hi priviledged,

Not sure if this works - but theory sounds fine to me. I'm taking cod liver oil capsules + calcium pills everyday. Intention is for my body to absorb this and then pass it on to bb via breastmilk.
hi mummies,

A bit sad. I overdosed on shellfish last few days. Now bb coming out with eczema...his armpits, leg/hand joints a bit reddish. I applied some steroid based cream (from pd) on him and it went coming back.

Am resolved to do better from now on and really watch what I put into my mouth....
your boy not feeling well past few days too? glad that he's better now. Indeed, parents feel upset too when they see their bb fall sick. My boy fusses a lot and cry a few times over the weekends, suspect he is feeling discomfort due to teething.

What makes you think is an overdosed of shellfish? Advised by PD or ??? By the way what is a shellfish huh??? My boy also has some rashes under one of his armpit last few days and I apply the nappy rash cream and today is better clearing up.
HI appleG,

ya i m hoping to encourage other mommies too! i like the convenience of bf'g. also tt's when i feel closer to my gal. otherwise, i m working on weekdays n only hv little time for her at night n weekends. so i really want to feed her till at least 12mths.

hi priviledged,

how heavy is ur bb? my gal used to fall asleep too after awhile at the breast. i try to tell myself not to think too much abt her intake, if not i'll surely freak out. coz beginning i got little milk too...i struggled for the first few weeks, trying to get more BM.

juz my experience: while trying very hard to get more BM, i brought my gal to LC. to my horror, she weigh less than wat she should (she was less than 1 mth old then). LC say no choice got to give FM as supplement coz bb not getting enough. n when LC try to express milk from me, oh my!! only like 30ml from 1 side. i was soooo upset n depressed. i cried infront of the LC. she was very encouraging. after i went home, i sort of become very upset, i kept crying. BUT i refuse to give FM to my gal, coz i always think that supplementing somehow will not help in incr BM ss. i really spend all my wakeing hrs (i did not hv much sleep) feeding or expressing. Thank God, on her 1st mth chk, she put on 1.2kg. I was so motivated n glad i did not give up. at abt 5+mths, she weigh 8+kg.

i m not asking u not to supplement, coz PD definitely knows better than me. i m not professionally trained
. juz wan to share my experience n encourage u. with determination, u'll sure to make it!!
Hi, can i join in?

My girl is 1mth+ old and I'm tbfg my girl now. I'm thinking of buying a dual breast pump. Is anyone out there has any advise or comments on Medela Mini dual pumps or Ameda dual pumps? I dun know which brand to buy. Pls kindly advise....thank you.
Hi blessed, I think my experience is similar to yours. Btw 2.5 & 3.5 wks, my bb didn't put on any wt. She was 7lb 10oz at birth, 7lb 1oz on leaving the hospital, dropped to 6lb 14oz at her 2-wk checkup. 3 days later, she went up to 7lb. But 1 wk later she was still at 7lb. So we were given some Enfamil to supplement... just 20 ml (less than 1oz) per feed.

Like you, I was so upset and depressed at having to 'supplement'. I felt like I had failed. Worse thing was the worry that I was getting myself into some kind of vicious cycle where the only way out was to give up breastfeeding entirely. My hubby was upset too and didn't know how to help me. I spent so long trying to manipulate the tube feed of the supplement. Took me 3 days to be able to think logically again.

In the end, i started pumping to see just how much i was getting. So i fed the EBM by bottle (again plagued by fears of making her too lazy to take from the breast) with the supplement (totalling only about 2 oz) AFTER feeding by breast.

Yesterday was good cos I talked to other breatfeeding mums in church and some had had the same sort of problem. My solution to the whole problem is to attack it from all directions. Get Sarah to stimulate the breasts by sucking a little longer each feed, make sure she's sucking. Pump between feeds. Give her a little supplement as well to keep her growing well.

Thank God, in 4 days, she put on 9 oz!!! PD says no need to give formula supplement anymore. Can supplement every other feed with EBM. But I think I will still continue the little formula supplement in the way I've been doing, since I have the formula. Maybe no need to be so strict about it now. I'm so relieved.
Hi everyone,

I got the recipe and called my midwife for more tips on the tea. I hope you can get all the ingredients over there in Singapore - here this tea has been used for centuries and I found it quite helpful. I included the botanical names of the herbs to help you find the right thing.

Basic recipe, recommended for all breastfeeding mothers:

Dried Leaves of Stinging Nettel (Folia Urticae)
Anise fruit (Fructus Anisi tot)
Fennel seeds (Fructus Foeniculi)
Caraway seeds (Fructus Carvi) yes, the same as you use in kitchen!

If you need "a lot of boost" add all or any of the following:

Dried leaves of Balm-mint
Dill seeds
Hop "cones"
and another flower of which I couldnt find the english translation, Ill check with my pharmacist

Always mix 100 grams of each ingredient. I used to buy large quantities of everything together with other mothers to get better prices and then mix a weekly portion.

Take 5-6 tablespoons of the herb mix, place in a thermos, pot or something like that and pour about a liter of boiling water over it. Let steep for 10 Minutes, then pour through a strainer.

Does not look pretty, taste could be better as well, but you can add sugar or sweetener and then I found it okay.

Here there are lots of manufacturers who sell this mixture in teabags for convenience, but I liked to mix it myself so I could be sure whats in it.

Hope this is of any help.

Now to me:

Im actually German living in Berlin, Germany. Im a wedding planner and was looking for some fresh ideas on how people elsewhere get married.

Im now on mothers leave from my job in a hotel (reservation/sales) and keep working a little bit in my business. Basically I specialize in wedding ceremonies in castles, organizing the honeymoon, photoshoot, etc.

I really enjoy this forum! I visited Singapore in 2000 and liked it a lot!

When, by chance I saw your support group I thought I might be of some help - mommies got to support each other, even round the globe.

Have a nice day everybody, still got some work to do while the little one is sleeping...
hi Jastan,

shellfish = any seafood with shells like prawns, crabs, mussels etc. I know I had been taking a lot of that these past few days cos my dad's crazy about cooking those. Have to start to be more selective about what I can eat.

It's quite irritating. My parents are the ones telling me I have to be careful about what I eat; and then they go around and cook all those....I can't possibly avoid these unless I eat out.

Sigh....anyway, pd told me that this COULD be a reason. One way to find out is to avoid it totally and see if bb's condition get better; and then eat shellfish and see if it comes back.

I'm just hoping that his eczema is a babything.....pray pray.

hi Priviledged, I'm so happy that things are working out for you. Keep perservering, never lose faith. I'm sure your supply will be enough!
I am using the medela mini dual electric pump. I find it is good except that the motor is noisy. Ameda is not bad too but I find that it is bulky to carry around and power adaptor is heavy as compared to medela, however, the motor is not as noisy as medela.

Oh i see, I have been eating prawns, crabs last week. maybe I have to cut down on these as well, just in case.

thanks for the receipe and your job sounds interesting. Wonder how getting married in castle is like?
Thanx for sharing but I wonder if we can get all these stuff here in S'pore?

Thanx for your sharing, indeed it's not easy, only we mummies understand how we feel as we 'struggle' with b/feeding. Glad that you pressed on. I think it's ok to give fm to bb cos not everyone can produce that quantity of bm.
Every bb is so different, I complain that my bb is quite fussy, wanna be carried but gotta be thankful he does not fuss when it comes to eating, and also never gave me much problem when direct latching. But his behaviour when younger (and sometimes now) really gives me stress, cos he wants attention and wanna be carried... aiyoh... and carry him cannot sit down, must be standing up.

My baby is in the same situation as you. Ate some shellfish over the last week and baby has major rash all over her face and it seemed to be getting worse so brought her to PD last nite. Told me baby got very senstive skin so must put cream and change bathing lotion and also watch my diet. Also praying baby get eczema coz I've got a history of that.
Yep brought her to church for the past 2 weeks but things are so different in the parsonage. feel so uninvolved in the service and it's hard to concentrate on the sermon when kids are just playing around.

Oops just realised a mistake in my earlier posting. Was mentioning that I hope bb won't get eczema.

I'm doing alright though at times I really feel like just leaving baby with someone so I can get a whole day or night free coz it's no joke facing the bb alone for the whole day. Now I understand why you mentioned that you needed to go back to work. Sometimes just feel so helpless when bb is fussing and you're all alone. Yesterday wasn't too good but today is a good day. Managed to get her to sleep from 330pm til now and still waiting for her to wake for her feed.
Yep, we felt the same too, hb says we are 'banished' to the upper floors during service! but we think it's better than the parsonage. No one is helping you now? You should try to take a break if possible, that was what Idid tat time, put bb with mum and went shopping or ran errands. It didn't help my bb liked to cry and does not sleep for long, very depressing for me, I was counting down the days to go back to work. But things will change, it's still tough but sorta gotten used to the routine. And bb not so bad now..hehe.. but hb helped me a lot.
Hi everybody,

you really just need the first four ingredients for the tea and all but the stinging nettel are very common spices, I think also in Singapore(?).

Here I go to herb shops because they are less expensive than the pharmacy, but all the ingredients are medical plants, so maybe they are also available in pharmacies in Singapore?

Would be interesting to hear whether you were successfull in getting that stuff.

My Tania will be 21 months on July 15th. I got some pictures of her on the net, but the newest one is from Christmas (the one on the upper right side). So if you would like to have a look:

I would be interested in how much time you can take off from work after having a baby over there?

Gotta run now...

Talk to you soon.
hi all,

My bb's condition not much better, probably cos he hasn't drank the shellfishfree-diet milk yet. Hoping it will though.

But dunno why he's not drinking during the daytime. My mom told me she had to struggle to get him to down 3-4oz (he's 3mo old now). But at night, it's different. He can down 5oz at 7pm, and then want more at 8.30!?!

hi absolut, when you feel stress, it's good to take time out from baby. There was once when I took care of bb 24hours (he was in hospital for a minor op) - no support cos family all working. I was so stressed out.....even had to steal time to go down to the shops at KKH - and all the time super afraid that bb might wake up and not find me there.

Dun worry, pd told me most bb grow out of eczema. Guess we just have to control our makan for now.

Hi Germangirl, it sounds absolutely lovely to get married in a castle. Guess it's just so different in Singapore. We get 2months paid maternity leave here - that's it...anymore time is going to have to be unpaid.

To all bfding mommies, work hard.....our babies are all the better for our efforts!!!
hi Jastan,

If your baby doesn't break out in rashes, or in my case, the folds of my bb's skin became reddish and like a bit dry, I think it's still ok. My dad really overdoses when it comes to cooking shellfish...although I have to share the blame for joining the gluttony :p

learnt my lesson liao...beta be kuai kuai and cut down for now. On the other hand, I still believe moderation is key.

wrt the frozen ebm, my pd advised me not to keep longer than 1 month. Reason being that our fridges are used to store foods other than bm. I'm gonna have to start throwing all those old ones away....just have to tell myself to do what's best for bb.
Thanx for sharing pics of your gal..she's a big gal now.
When you mention the 100g of herb mix, you are referring to the first 4 items that you listed, yes? I have kept the recipe for future use cos I have stopped b/feeding (expressing once now) and my boy is coming to 6.5mths. What I do now is after I express in the morning and once he awakes, I feed it to him immediately. Thanx again for sharing cos a couple of us here really had difficult trying to increase our bm (with little success..) to latch direct and express but not enuf for total b/feeding.
I hear that we might get another month, the government will confirm in August so all those mummies who are due after August will get it.

Sorry to hear about your boy. He does not wanna drink? Bbs have their strange patterns, I think your mum should not force him if he does not want. There was a period too my boy was not taking so much so I usually leave it (yeah it meant throwing away the fm, but for bm I usu give him when I know he's super hungry..hehe.)But this week after he recovered from his running nose, his appetite shot up, drank a lot. Last nite he was hungry and after I fed him earlier than was scheduled, he started talking and singing and looking so contented.
My bb also had reddish streaks in the folds of his skin but lately all seemed to have gone..thank God.
Hey I dun recall how old your bb is.. are you back at work now?
My bm stock is constantly used so I don't have much left now...

So far I ate some cockles/laksa, prawns too but ok, no reaction.

I only know the Medele mini pump is just so noisy!!! Many mummies here recommened the Ameda one. How are you coping with your bb?

Actually I didn't shop a lot, whatever time I had for myself, I tried to relax and rest cos that was more important than shopping!
I usually go TPY once a mth on sun morning, when my hubby is on the afternoon sunday shift. Tell u b4 I go next time and u see whether u can make it.
For far I only brought my boy to church once only, and like what you experience, can't concentrate on the sermon as the kids are making quite an amount of noise. that's why ever since we didn't bring my boy to church anymore, maybe later till he's older.

my boy also the same when he's about 3-4mth olds, daytime can't drink much and can drink more at night time, but now his feeding amount for the entire day has stabilise.

thanks, normally I try not to have stock older than one month, but there are some around, so like you, will have to throw away as well. Although it's quite wasted but like what you say, must think the best for bb is more important.
got no one except me to look after bb for now coz my parents r working and my mom used up all her leave to look after me for 4 weeks during confinement. MIL can only carry baby ... dunno how to handle the rest. that's why she asked us to get maid and leave at her place so she can play with bb whenever she's home (abt half day). so have to tahan another 2 weeks all alone til the maid is here and then train her then it's bk to work. actually I think i may have food poisoning today ... feel a little nauseous but am trying to tahan til hubby comes home. If not, poor hubby will have to waste his leave. Somemore his boss not very understanding.

Kis, just bought the ameda pump and like it. it cut down my pumping time fr 45mins to 1 hr for avent manual to 15mins. although i find that i can sometimes get more milk w avent but i dun miss the massaging req'd for avent (massage til breast sometimes got blueblack.)
Having a bb really changes our lives hor? I can forget about leisure shopping now. So the maid will stay at mil's place? Not easy having so many adults around either.
For us we live near our parents, so it's not so bad but still tiring cos everyday is this fetching here and there business. But seeing Jesse growing is a joy.
You ok or not? O dear, beta see a doctor if needed.
