Breastfeeding Support Group

My boy had breastmilk jaundice too.It went off after about 6 weeks. Just continue to breastfeed your baby. The jaundice will clear.

my boy's jaundice went off when he's ard 2.5mths.

u can definately try american ginseng to reduce ss. i took the soup (by accident) n it causes my ss to drop by at half! now headache, got to start simulating the ss.
Hi All Mums,

Can i chk if any of you have ever purchase bulk milk powder from this website : [email protected]

If yes, is it the same as those in NTUC?
Or do anyone of u hv any lobang for cheaper milk powder. My boy is currently drinking Similac Excellence (infant formula)
Hi Giggler,

Congrats on the arrival of your baby. Haven't spoken to u for so long. hope everything is fine.
my baby had jaundice too...My PD actually told me to stop bf for 3 days to see if the jaundice can go off, and also tat time I had blocked milk duct and fever. After that I resumed breastfeeding but think supply was affected.

You have the same problem as me. My baby also asking for milk like every half to one hour..very tiring. Sometimes each time he suckles only like 5 minutes or 2 min on each breast. Very discouraging..actually they need to suckle more to stimulate milk demand.

Boh bian..up to now, I still have to feed very often. Sometimes he gets frustrated maybe becos I not enuf milk, so last resort I'll have to give formula to supplement if not he'll scream the whole house down and end up waking my whole family up.

I suppose since you dun want formula at all, then you'll just have to let him suckle very often, and hopefully your supply will increase and he can drink more and feed less often.

It is very stressing and I'm amazed I am still bf. BF really not easy. The endless problems nearly made me give up initially but I'm glad I persevere. Better to let him have some than not having at all, however little milk I have.

Wish you all the best and I do hope you'll succeed in bf. I do feel guilty giving him formula as supplement but I've learnt to take it easier.
Thanks, my PD also said start with rice cereal first, but when I went to buy at NTUC, there are so many brand and all kind of flavour, I was confused and didnt know which one is good, so end up didnt buy. Well, thanks for the advice given, think will buy plain rice cereal first. I have another question, shall I give the rice cereal to bb at noon time only? or dinner time as well?

Hi, how are you? You still continue losing weight? I am still fat, still cant fit in old clothes.

I also read that can freeze baby food and defrost. But i have same doubt as miu, how to heat up the food? is it like how we warm up the bm?

My baby also has bm jaundice and it got worse at 4 weeks time. I bath her with Guiness Stout, I dont know if this is the thing that help to clear up the jaundice, but it went off after we bath her twice.

DO share your experience of introducing cereal to your gal.
I gave my boy Heinz rice cereal when he reaches 4mths old. I didn't get those milk based rice cereal as I want to mix with EBM and not just plain water. Intend to start my boy on porriage when he reaches 6mths onwards.

Still remembers me? Glad that you are taking BF easy. Don't feel guilty about supplement formula for your bb, I too coz it too tiring to wake up at night to feed, so give formula for my boy during the night instead. Agree that BF is not easy, I almost wanted to give up after 2 weeks coz too tiring and stressed me out, broke down and cried a few times. However, I'm suprised that i can still preserved till now, anyway will be stopping soon.

Everyday during my bath time, I will wash my nipple to prevent having clot ducts due to dried milk, so far so good.

Frozen vege?? sounds interesting but my mum and mil will not buy this idea, my mum will cook little bit each time for my boy and the remaining we adults will eat.
Hee..ur mum same like mine, she also dun like this idea. So she also cook a little for my boy everyday and eat up the reminder.
Now I better observe my nipples everyday, and make sure there are no white dots.

I intro bananas to my boy b4. Thats all. For veg, I fed him spinach, potato, carrots, cauliflower, peas.

The books says u can heat up in a bowl of warm water. They also mention bb fd can be eaten at rm temp, heating up the fd makes no diff to bb. Just tt we adults prefer fd to be warm.
Just tried cooked apples mixed with cereal on him today, he seems to like it.

For my case, i am adding the rice cereal directly into her formula milk and feeding her thru the bottle. So, currently all her feeds are with one scope of rice cereal. Just introduce brown rice to her last weekend and she quite like it.

Maybe for you, u want to mix the rice cereal with milk and then spoon feed her directly to see whether she like it. I have some Nestle stage one plain rice cereal sample (my PD gave me a few packets of sample previously), u want some? I can pass to you since i do drop by Rivervale Mall to buy dinner. Just let me know.

Doing well except that always feel tired. Not much rest and sleep with a baby ard. Every weekend is so busy, doing housework and looking after my girl. Don think i am losing any further la. More or less stagnant already. :) Cannot afford to loose anymore.

Don worry, u sure can fit back yr clothes just maybe take some time. Looking after baby is tiring, so don have to worry abt loosing weight. BTW, who is looking after yr girl? R u doing breastfeeding?

I really salute to all the mummies here still hanging to BF. For me, i stopped after 6 weeks due to lack of supply and stress. Really not easy to BF.
Hi girl,

how old is yr baby? i think bb ard 3 to 6 mths get distracted easily. so not easy to feed them. Must always find a quite place to do feeding. So don worry, they will cry when they are hungry...Just that now, got more interesting things for them to explore and they are more selective.
how you cook apple with cereal? You take the whole apple to boil or just cut some apple out and add into the cereal?
morning mummies,

same as me, when the PD said can feed rice cereal (he said in chinese). I was so blur, I asked him what is dat? what is it called in english. hahah...

Then when I go and buy, I oso dunno which brand and which one to buy too. My PD asked me to feed the rice cereal to my gal in the morning. Let her try the rice cereal once daily 1st. Till now I havent let her try yet, will intro the rice cereal when she is 5MO.

Wow..bath her with Guiness Stout for jaundice, dat's something interesting.

Desert, have intro so many stuff to your boy liao. How? He likes it?
Hi gals
How is everyone?
Me/hb had a trying Sunday. Bb started to develop rashes on Fri evening. He was ok on Sat and we even brought him out, but on Sat nite he could not sleep properly and woke up 5-6 times in discomfort. Brought him to doc on Sun to check on his rashes. He started to have running nose later in the day. In the evening on Sun, we brought him to another doctor, doc said it is not flu (thank goodness!) cos no fever but possibly some reaction to dust or dirt that triggered his running nose. He started to cough a bit too. Went home and each time he sneezed he started to cry cos mucus came out and made him very uncomfortable. We took turns to carry him and so poor thing, he got so tired and finally fell asleep in my arms. Managed to coax him to take some milk and put him to bed.. he woke up once fussing and hb carried him for a while, then he slept through...this morning still quite bad cos he still has running nose. But thankfully his rashes are all gone! Sigh...his chubby look is like kena gone for now...feel so heartpain... I miss him so today.

Anyway we were down at Plaza S'pura for the Singapore Food Festival but were rather disappointed by the variety of stores/food and WORSE, there is no place to eat after you purchase the food. Ended up we had to stand to eat while we took turns to carry bb. Rather lousy compared to previous year's FF which were held at City Hall and Bugis Junction.

Sure understand your too, nowadays on weekends when bb naps, I quickly rest too otherwise cannot take it.
I was so blur, I got the brown rice cereal (did not get the white rice) and have fed bb on it, he's ok with it.
Yah, have finished six months of b/feeding... now only express twice and gradually try to stop. Can't believe at times how I did it, with work, tight schedules, clogged ducts, pimple, etc.

You added the apple into the cereal?

Me also wondering about the apple and the cereal. Can we try bananas?
I think we can use banana, coz m2bagain gave that to raine. I am asking her how she do it.
Hopoe Jesse is better now. Indeed can imagine the tiring weekends you have been through. Indeed whenever bb sick, so pity them. you take care of yourselves too.
Hi Jas,

Of course I remember u lah...I remember everyone who feasted with me at Marche...hee hee! hmm when will that happen again...aiyo better dun think about food for a long time...I'm having problems finding clothes for work. So fast, starting work soon. Saw your baby's pic..very cute. hope to see him at one of the gatherings soon.

You did a great job with bf too...good to have sustained for 6 mths. I wish i can do that too.

Hi Stylobb,
nice chatting with you..need to start shopping this week..can't imagine starting work soon. My brain really rusty. Glad to know that Baby Jesse is take care of yourself too..send my regards to your hubby. Maybe we can have dinner together one of these days...
Hi stylobb
How is Jesse now? I really understand when they get sick we are the ones who really can't slepp and rest. Wow you still Jesse to the fppd festival. We usually aviod crowded places.
I already tried giving my boy banana, apple, pumpkin, carrots. For apple and banana, I just scrap from the friut leh. Not sure how to steam the apple. never try before maybe desert know. Not yet try spinach.

Your bb is 5 months old?

Hi Maro
I guess the mommies already told you how to start your gal with cereals. I tried the plain ones too . I let him try Heniz and Dumex. Dumex got milk inside but Heniz, don't have. Really bland taste. I have not tried Frisocreme but heard is nice but don't think want to try cos got sugar.

Hi mommies
Wonder do you let your bbs eat those rusks and wan wan xiao man tuo. I read the ingredients like have honey, some got sugar and egg. Can eat?

Hi joy
Are you the one who ask me about the phome number for the salon?I lost the number can't find but you can check the thread on new moms I think someone post there before. Or you can call the forum shopping mall to check is called fantastic Sams.

Hi Aical
You stay in SK too? Which part? Me too. Are you the one who collected the cards for me and maro?

Hi masshiro and giggler
How are both of you? so long never hear from are things?


Ya lor...really not easy being a working mum. But my girl don sleep long. The longest nap she has is in the morning after her shower and feeding which is an hr. The rest of the time she will nap only for 15min then she will be very active and alert again.

When she nap, i need to quickly wash and iron her clothes and do other housework. So effectively,cant catch any sleep when she is sleeping. Furthermore, she is used to waking up very early. I have trained her to wake up at 7am during the weekday cos i need to shower her before going to work. when weekend comes, she will also wake up at 7. So, is very tiring for me...cant imagine with another bb...

wow, i really admire yr determination in BF. Initially i also wanted TBF but cannot cos my BB was born very small and PD suggested to PBF. Then later on, my supply was not able to cope with her demand and becos of that i get very stressed and depressed during my confinement cos i cant give my bb BM so eventually decided to stop before returning to work. So, i always think that i am not a good mother lor, cant give her enough when she is in my stomach and when she is out cant give her enough BM.

Poor Jesse, hope he is feeling better now. Anything happen to our bb, our heart ache the most and cant concentrate on our work. My girl also have sensitive skin, can have heat rashes very easily, so my PD advise us to apply nappy cream to all her folds. Maybe u can try that.

Hi moon,
Yap, i am the one. No,i stay in P21.
So, how old is yr boy? any photos to share?
Sorry wasnt able to go to yr place the other time cos every sat is my family day.
Thanx, gals, Jesse is getting slightly better, he still has mucus..really so poor thing, I rushed home to see him after my dental appointment. Thankfully he didn't fuss so much but he look like he has shrunk sad.

Eh, you are here ah.... yeah nice catching up with you. Can tell how much you miss your bb already. Hope all goes well. When then can we feast without interruption...quite difficult leh.. nowadays eating also so chaam, must take turn...hehe. You went shopping right, dun overbuy clothes cos figure will change in the coming months. Now my clothes are so loose and I am trying to get some clothes which are my pre-preggie size.

Ya lor, really regretted going, I tell hb no more next time, so dirty, crowded and noisy... thot we go and take a look mah cos last year's event was very nice. Do you then feed different things at different intervals? Me so blur leh, there are only so many intervals a day, how to know what to give?
How's your work? Got scold students or not? Hehe..

Guess what, I fully understand what you feel. Me also ironing clothes, have to ask hb to take over so that I can finish. But my hb helps me quite a bit, like Saturdays he'll let me sleep in while he carries the bb. Do you know how great it felt when bb started to take like 2-3 hour naps cos I also slept beside him! No lah, I only give whatever bm my body can produce, dun feel guilty, all mummies want the best for their children and I am sure you have tried your best... if sandwiched between stress to produce bm and spending time with kid, then my as well choose the latter.
How old is your gal now?
Hi Moon,

Nice to see you here. So fast hor...was it last Nov that all of us met..ha was still in 1st tri fast now my baby coming to 2 mths already. Can't wait to see all of you again with your babies...think I'll start joining you all later when my baby is stronger.

I already burnt a hole in my pocket buying clothes..and still not enuf. Got to buy somemore to tide me thru this weight loss seems to have stagnated...dun really dare to go on diet since still bf. Maybe got to find some time to exercise.
Glad to hear tt Jesse is ok now.
For bananas, u can just scrap and add to the rice cereal.

My boy just turn 5 mths on 1/7. I am not feeding him porridge though, coz I check with PD and she advise me to feed porridge after 6 mths. So, I will just continue with bm and 1 rice cereal.
Frisocream is definitly yummy, I tried it myself. I bot it 1st, then realise got added sugar, so I went to buy gerber instead.

For the apples, I removed the skin and cut into slices, then boil with water. After tt, I used the processor to grind into puree form. Can do the same for pears. Read abt this mtd in bks.

Yup, he likes the fd, his fav is spinach and pumpkin.
But so far, I've not repeated the fd, hv been feeding him the same fd for 3 consecutive day, just in case there is allergy. I will be trying out tofu and sweet potato next.
Thanks, I'm sure you can do that do. Anyway, just doing the best. Till today, still not able to get back my pre-preggie figure, got lots of extra KGs to shred off. Worst is that I have gain additional KGs. Now all my clothes are upgraded sizing... all my old clothes is now kept in boxes.
You attending the coming gathering at Cherly's place?

I have not given my boy such rusks, I thought such rusks is for them during teething? Don't really have the intention to buy for my boy at this moment.

don't feel bad about not able to TBF your bb. You have done your best already. Not everybody can BF as smooth as others. I also went through much stress and depression trying to BF my boy initally. Not able to BF your bb doesn't mean you are a bad mummy. BF is just a part of motherhood.

Just boil the apple till it becomes soft? How long it takes? Need to add anything to the water? Is the method same to process pumpkin as well? For the spinach, also the same, boil in water? I heard that can also steam the spinach, is it true? Sorry for so many questions coz I really blur when comes to such processing of bb food. Till now I only know how to feed my boy banana and apple juice.
Thanx. He looked like he shrunk but thankfully today he is much better. Still got a bit of cough and running nose.

Me feel like trying the banana in cereal... any type of banana will do?
my mum told me to give 'frangrant' (to pronouce using hokkien) banana (short and small type, yellow colour meat) only to my boy, coz other type consider cooling.
hi mommies

it's been some time that i login...very busy with baby gal..she is 3-mth+ now

i am tbf, but my supply seems to drop, cos my gal seems not interested in feeding these days, latch-on 5 mins and she is done...offer her another, and she ll scream....

sometimes very tired to pump, as got to do housework..

i saluate all the moms who are bf, esp those working moms...
Hi All

Just wanted to check with you if your babies had a tendency to want to be carried til they fell asleep before being placed in the cot? Have been direct latching baby for the past 2 weeks and recently realised that she refuses to sleep on her own esp in the day and evenings. Insist on being carried til she slept. Wondering if there's a link between that and my direct latching or is it just a phase that they go thru. Definitely super tiring coz I'm looking after her along this month.
Hehee...I cannot figure out what you are saying in hokkien..
You still busy at work? Me just at bad...take a bit of time off to write this.
Btw I am running out of disp bags so I decided that I transfer to bottle and feed him instead of keeping.

So you are referring to me (ok, ok, I take the compliment...hehe!) Just joking. I dun know, seemed my boy considered cooperative all this while, never reject my brs, wean him off also never fuss. So no problem for me in this sense, otherwise another headache. But yah, gradually stopping.

Anyway so funny, when my boy was not feeling well, hb said 'feed him bm, latch him on'. I said, 'huh, here I have just weaned him off and you want me to start supply again?'
I think there is such a phase that bb wants to be carried to sleep. when my boy is 2nd month, it's very difficult to get him to sleep in the cot without lots of patting. My hubby will carried my boy esp at night when he simply refused to sleep. After which I let him sleep in sarong and so much better, no need to carry him. Now my boy is coming to 6mths and he likes to be carried for about 15mins till he doze off, then we transfer him to sarong.

I am not too sure whether is it a growing phase but I don't think there is a strong link due to direct latching.

can't figure out ah??? oh dear, but do you understand or know which type of bananas by my description? Yeap, me still busy with work but will come to this thread for a break. Now I buy the disp bags on per box when current one is finishing coz don't want to have overstock.

your hb so cute, maybe he forgotten you are trying to stop BF.
How are you doing? Me same as jas, we went thru same 'difficult' phase..our bbs refuse to sleep unless carried.. and sleep for short period.. yah, very terrible during 2-3 months, after that they settle down better. Did you try swaddling her? Cos it could be she feels insecure now in the open. I had very little sleep during my first two months. Very tough.

I think Jesse is slightly better, does not need to be carried for 15 mins, he will fall asleep in our arms less than 1 min when he is really sleepy.
Ok, small banana.
Hi stylobb,

Thats wat my husband think also. He saw me very depressed and stress over my low supply of BM so he asked me to stop BF. I continue to do PBF until 2 wks before i return to work, i stop. So don think my girl has gain enough from my BM. Is always so diluted i find.

Anyway, i really don think i am a good mummy lor cos my placenta was not functioning well in my later stage of pregnancy so my girl though full term was born weighing only 2kg. I felt so depressed and sad when i first saw her. That's why i got post-natal blue when my BM supply was low cos i wanted to give her the best but cant.

My girl is 19wks now.How abt little Jesse?Is his rashes and running nose better?

Hi Mummies,
Can anyone advise what food i can prepare for my 19wks old girl?

Hi desert,
If u boil the apple, doesn't it mean that all the vitamin will be lost in the process cooking. I also wanted to prepare apple puree for my girl, but if i boil it or steam, i thought all nutrients will be gone?

BTW, is yr gynae WK Tan?
Hi stylobb,

Thats wat my husband think also. He saw me very depressed and stress over my low supply of BM so he asked me to stop BF. I continue to do PBF until 2 wks before i return to work, i stop. So don think my girl has gain enough from my BM. Is always so diluted i find.

Anyway, i really don think i am a good mummy lor cos my placenta was not functioning well in my later stage of pregnancy so my girl though full term was born weighing only 2kg. I felt so depressed and sad when i first saw her. That's why i got post-natal blue when my BM supply was low cos i wanted to give her the best but cant.

My girl is 19wks now.How abt little Jesse?Is his rashes and running nose better?

Hi Mummies,
Can anyone advise what food i can prepare for my 19wks old girl?

Hi desert,
If u boil the apple, doesn't it mean that all the vitamin will be lost in the process cooking. I also wanted to prepare apple puree for my girl, but if i boil it or steam, i thought all nutrients will be gone?

BTW, is yr gynae WK Tan?
I only boil pear and apple with water and then puree them together with the water they are boiled in. Takes abt 10-15 mins b4 they are soft.
As for the rest of the veg, I steam them with a sprinkle of water. Coz if they are too dry, diff to puree into smooth paste. Alt is to add some water while u puree.

I understand ur stress over bf. I faced a lot of problems with bf. Almost gave up too. Even up to now, still got problem with blocked duct, really stress.
Dun think so, coz we are suppose to puree the apple and the water tt it is boiled in together. Yup, my gynae is WK Tan. Urs too??

My boy still needs to be nursed to sleep or carried to sleep. Now, I normally nurse him to sleep. Going to hv a tough time carrying him when I wean him off bf.

How come ur hubby suggest u latch on? Is it coz its comforting to bb. My hubby very irritating sometimes, everytime bb cries, ask me to latch him on. He says can comfort him and give him some milk, so quite gd.
seems like jesse is getting so much better as he gets older. my boy will only sleep within 1 min unless he is very very very tired, else if we tried to put him to sleep he will struggle and make noise for the 1st 5-10 mins.

you can let your bb tried to have rice cereal so as to start and prepare him for semi-solid food, can also give him apple and banana. Just little bit will do to get him used to feed by spoon.

my hubby cannot suggest I latch my boy on coz I am BF my boy through expressing all the time.. hee hee.. even if I want to latch my boy on, he also don't want already I think.
My hb quite opposite, he saw me so stressed and tired, he said to try my best, he said that if I wanna stop, it's ok but I know in his heart he wanted me to continue cos he firmly believes in bm. So in the end I pressed on lor. BM is normally diluted, it's the nutrients inside that count.
Your gal about 5 months? Is she eating well? Is she gaining weight? How heavy is she now?
Jesse was fussing quite a bit last nite, and refused to drink milk. But he slept thru till this morning. He is ok daytime but tends to be fussier at nite probably also he still has running nose.

Yah, cos direct latch on is instant comfort to the bb. Very effective...hehe... but I told hb I already weaned him off, dun wanna restart leh.

I managed to skip the night express last nite.
Thankfully this morning ok and I managed to express.
I think my ss increase abit. I can get xtra 60-80ml per day. Jia-lek!

Since you managed to skip the nite session, did your ss decrease when you pump in the morning?

These few days I have been thinking whether to stop b/f. Expressing is like part of my daily routine. Jus dat, expressing is a burden when I need to go out or stay longer outside. Haiz....
I already bought the nestle rice cereal, they only have 6 mths and above right? Thanks for your offer. May I check with you how your gal went thru 2 weeks without milk? or she is drinking very little instead? My gal still not drinking well, her daily intake think only 200 to 300 ml, sometimes did not drink for 12-14 hours. We were so desparate to get her to eat, try everything, even gave her rice cereal (she not 4 mths yet), but she just refuse to eat, spit out everything. She doesnt look sick also, she quite happy and active even though after 14 hours not eating, strange rite?

You are not alone, I also didnt bf for long, only able to last for nearly 3 mths. My mum is taking care of my gal with the help of her maid. Is your gal weight gain ok? how heavy is she now?

thought you just strated to give your boy solid, and he tried so many things already? Does he enjoy the new food?

does Jesse still fuss when returning home at night? I find my gal always fuss when me and husband around at home, my mum and maid said she was not like than in the normal day. How can I calm her down other than carrying her?
Yeah, at least he takes longer naps now. His pattern in the morning is after poo-poo, bathe, eat is sleep.

Your supply went up, that's good. I get 60-80ml in the morning (of course a far cry from 120-150ml) but I dun pump to empty, just ok that they are not hard. I think gradually supply will go down. My supply in the fridge is also getting less..feel a bit sad. Nowadays my parents will ask me, please bring the bm to feed bb. If you can continue, press on. After six months, then you stop, I know, the going out and all that can be quite inconvenient but I think it is worth the sacrifice...once bm is gone, you cannot recover it.
Hello. When he was 3-4 months, quite bad, fussing when we go home but now less. I always say to him "baby, we are home." when we reach our place. Usually will carry him a bit, then he starts to rub his eyes and take a nap, lasting half hour to 45 mins, depends. After that he is ok, but we notice he is more difficult to care for in the nite than daytime.. hb and I always end up so tired.
my gal is 15 wks old now...she oso seems not interested in milk...latch-on for less than 5 mins, and she starts it's usually feed when she fidget, wans to sleep,(1-11/2 hr interval) then can feed for 5 mins, and she sleep..

i dare not express out, cos she still fussy, dun wan bottle...but need to train her now...cos i intend to start looking for a job when she turns 4-mths...

if we place her near the dining table when we eat, she ll drool...and sometimes swallow saliva..
my mom was saying maybe she wans solid food already....

but during her 3rd mth vacc, the nurse told me to start her on rice cereal only when she is 6-mths old, say better for their system..
seems like so far so good for you. I will be reducing to 2x of expressing starting next monday. Hope it goes well for me too.

understand what you going through now, I have been through and still going through. Can only go out during the 5hrs period when I am not expressing. Expressing has been part of my routine for the past 6mth, at least now am stopping soon... How long you been expressing?

you bring your bb back every night? My boy used to fuss every friday night when we bring him back home for past 2 mths, so far he's okay last week. Hope he will continue this good behavior. Now every friday bring him back I got phobia that he will fuss. Other than carrying my boy, we also try to distract him by showing him his favourite toys - cookie monstor that plays music. It works sometime, but most often got to carry him, no choice.

I think it depends on individual bb, 6mths is common guidelines. Actually can start cereal when bb is 4mth in small quantity. Just buy those cereal meant for 4mth bb will do.
alot of mixed feeling hor!

I have been expressing for 4 mths+ liao. Started to express abt 4-5 days after I hav given birth. But dat time was like partly latching on and partly expressing. Now 99% expressing, seldom latch on my gal.
Chee.... after reading all mummies' postings, i don't feel so bad now. My baby is only 1 week old today n boy was BF tiring. She latch on for a while n will fall asleep. Tot she has gotten her fill, put her down n within the next few minutes, she will start wailing again.....
No choice succumbed to giving her FM in between, so that she will be full and i get some time to rest. Praying very hard this is the only tin of FM i need to buy. Plan to be on TBF b4 the FM runs out.
My girl oso has jaudice but luckily after 1 week, it resolve. In fact, the dr advise me to give more water to her. So, for mummies who doesn't mind feeding water on top of BM, can consider this method.
Hi Mummies
What a wet morning! Wish I were still in bed...
Jesse still has a bit of running nose and was fussy last nite, I try to soothe him once he cries otherwise the mucus will start dripping again. He just wanna be carried.

Has your supply dipped lately? Think we deserve a little pat on our shoulders lah...for doing it for six months.
Jesse still fuss in the evenings at times, we notice he's easier to care for in the daytime. I tell my hb he fusses till I can feel the tension around my stomach area...

I notice that GENERALLY bb gals tend not to latch on long and will fall asleep, just my observation after reading thru this thread.

Will you in TPY weekend of 24 and 31 Jul?

We did not feed our bb semi-solids till he was 5.5 months old. I read that their digestive system not that developed and also milk should still be a major part of their diet hence I did not want to feed him earlier.
hi giggler,

CONGRATS...hehe i m very late coz i dun hv much time to contribute to the forum, till now coz i m on leave n gal is sleeping
. i think u r going great on BF, me too, din hv any FM at home at all. n i juz offer my breast whenever she needs. beginning also like no milk, after few weeks things got better n i can TBF till now.

Hi moon,

ya ur boy got the honest look, so cute hehe. ya my gal dun look like me hor. i intend to TBF my gal till at least she's 12mths...after that i see how, if she still wan, i'll continue. coz i m so used to BF, very easy, no need to prepare milk, juz latch on. wat abt u?

hi desert,

did u try putting ur boy on another bed? these few nghts my gal sleeping w me coz hb not in Sin, aiyo, wake up so many times!! i think she's 1 of those that must sleep alone
... recently she start to fall asleep for nap n night at my breast. previously, for a period of time, the more she nurse the more alert she becomes, so i put her down n pat her to sleep. now she refuse to b patted to sleep. so strange... but i read nursing to sleep is like a recepie to future sleep problems. coz bb will not know n not want to sleep without the headache
indeed mix feelings that's quite a fair bit, but ultimately need to make a decision. I also same as you, started expressing since my boy is 1week old till now. Anyway, my target is up for BF for 6mth, stopping soon, coz I really need to start dieting, cannot tahan my look now..

I also gave my boy 1 FM during the night, coz I need the rest. So don't feel bad, you are not the only one.

so far my ss is okay, but later seems like takes longer time to express the same amount I need, so sian already. anyway stopping soon so I take it easy. Maybe it's a signal for me to stop also.. hee hee... Will be reducing the expressing frequency next week or the week after.. really scare of engorgment leh... that's explains why I delay the reduction of expressing frequency.
Does your bb on demand or at regular intervals? Even if I stay home and b/f direct, I dun think I can meet my bb's demands unless I am on stay-by 24 hours! Good for you.

All the best, hopefully no engorgement. Not easy, but it'll happen gradually. You mean you put on weight since I last saw you?
Hi Stylobb,

I see so BM diluted is ok. I thought becos me not eating well so my BM not good then plus i really get very stress when i fail to pump enough every morning after 8 hrs for my girl, i got very upset and so decided to stop eventually.

Ya, she is eating quite well now. Taking about 6.5 oz per feeding. I have just started last sun to spoon feed her with Nestle brown rice, and she can take abt two spoonfuls. First attempt, she already can swallow the cereal. So quite happy with her progress.

Her weight was about 6.2kg when she was 16wks. but i think she lost some weight recently after her 2nd jab plus she is teething now. Roughly she takes abt 4-5 feeds daily. My PD said her weight belongs to the average grp so i am quite happy with that cos she was born small so always very concern whether she will be drinking well.

Poor Jesse,can understand why he fusses. must be becos of the running nose. We adults r feeling so bad with running nose not to mention abt the little one when they don know how to remove the muscus. Maybe u can try to apply some vicks to his nose and his will help to relief his discomfort. That's what i did to my girl when she was down with running does relief her and make her easier to get to sleep.

Hi dessert,
Ya, my gynae also WK Tan. Though her charges is X but i think i will still go back to her for my second one.

OK, i will try the apple puree this weekend.

i just try brown rice and she quite like it. but don really dare to try other new food cos i read that better to start bb on semi-solid food after 6 mths cos their digestive system will be more ready and then to be less allergic to food. My PD actually told me to start her on some fruits but i am still holding back.

Hi m_maro,
yr girl behave exactly the same as mine. We also try every means to make her drink but she simply refuse. Can understand how u feel...we also force her to drink until sometimes she vomitted everything out...

She prefer to drink water than milk during that two weeks.Like u say, they don look sick and r still quite active.During that two weeks, what i did was normally coax her to sleep then when she blur blur sleeping i will quickly feed her with her milk and she normally finish all. When i brought her to see my PD cos she not drinking well, the PD actually advise not to force her to drink if she really don want cos it will have -ve effect. He said that if they r really hungry they sure cry for milk. So far, my girl no more problem drinking her milk since i added the plain rice cereal to her milk for feeding.

How u feed yr girl with the rice cereal? thru bottle? I think u don force her to drink or else she will vomit everything out and is actually not gd for them. So til now, she still not drinking well? Maybe u want to bring her to see a PD to make that she is ok if she still refuse to drink. At least that will set yr mind at ease.

So far, my girl weight gain is ok...but i still find her skinny though PD said her weight is ok.Maybe becos i prefer her to be more chubby!

So yr mum looking after yr girl...that's good! So u bring yr girl back home everyday? if so, must be very tiring for u? yr mum place near SK also? Maybe can meet up one of these days at Compass pt :)

Saw fm New moms thread that yr boy having craddle cap problem is it? My girl also suddenly have lots of craddle cap on her head when she was 4 mths. What i did was apply baby oil on her head and slowly remove those cardle cap, it actually comes off quite easily with the oil apply. This method was taught by MS wong from TMC.I removed them when she was sleeping so is much easier.U need to remove them else it will hinder their hair grown.

For the info on Fantastic Sam, yes the FOC first haircut is valid for weekdays only. I just brought my girl for her first haircut last weekend so have to pay $17 for the cut. Very X hor...somemore is just for a choice la, cos my MIL said first haircut must find a good date and the "auspicious" day happen to be on sat and sun. Anyway, the hairstylist there very profeesional, and they know how to handle the baby rest assure, will be in good hands.

hi giggler, congrats..
u r so firm in hubby bought formula during the 1st mth, when i was struggling with my bm ss, even now, when i m lazy, ll jus give her formula...but she usually takes a bit and dun wan any more..

thumbs up for the moms who perserve till 6-mth..
though i am not working now, bfg my gal is tougher than before, easily distracted....the doc makes it sounds so easy by saying,"if she does not want, then dun feed, offer her next time..." so i spend my days offering my breast to my gal frequently

Aical, on the FOC haircut, can shave hair there?
my gal's hair on the top dropped, so now her hair got unequal length, thinking of shaving her head then...
