Breastfeeding Support Group

Fresh and cold EBM got no smell, but frozen EBM stored for some time got a smell. QHL means the fridge got smell.

I am not planning for a second kid now. I hope to plan for one when my boy turns 1 next Feb but I hope to continue to bf him if I conceive again.

I will persevere and pump as much as possible to get through this trying period.Thanks for the advice.What other 1st foods can we give babies? I have given him carrots and cereal.
Jas, i am thinking of breastfeeding after i return to work am currently waiting to deliver. However, my company also not BF friendly, no rooms and i can't imagine expressing in toilets. You mentioned you expresss in your cubicle during lunch time, do you mean there is nobody around at all during lunch since it is not totally concealed for your cubicle right? How do you manage? How to ensure you would not be "exposed" if somebody suddenly drop by?
Hi Jas,
Nice to see you here. Me back at work. Me too, I had e-caesarean after 10 hours of labour. I felt really bad after that not being able to witness the delivery of my baby.

It's tough expressing in office. Yesterday pumped thrice - average only 60ml each time. Today worse, this morning only like 45ml. Think I''m too tired and also due to work stress. Wonder if I should stretch longer interval before next pump so can get more. But I read through internet, most suggest to continue to pump more frequently so can build supply.

Not very encouraging so this rate, I'm going to dry up soon. *sigh*
<font color="aa00aa">jas,</font>
me still doing fine. 29 wks this Sat
these 2 days beginning to feel my right rib being "pushed". previously was the head, kept pushing against my left tummy (beside belly button) but now lesser.

ya lor, how to do it at cubicle? my cubicle oso those "open" type

btw, u mean u dun go for lunch? since u'r expressing during lunchtime, or u ask colleague to pack back?

hmm.. i bought a mini cooler/warmer so that next time i can store the EBM, but i'm afraid it's not cold enuff.. cos i tried at home, seems like not cold

was thinking will it help if i put ice pack in the cooler, but the thermostat (or the device whh control the temp) will still control the temp in such that it's still not cold rite?

<font color="aa00aa">QHL,</font>
ya, i'm hoping not have to express in the toilet, that's why now so headache.

our meeting rooms cannot do that leh.. all 3 sides (except the white board side) all glass panels, if use newspaper, will take me long time to cover all....

hmm.. good idea, but hor, sometimes it gets so overcrowded that there's no space to "squeeze" in. can u imagine the bar fridge is so full till the freezer compartment doesn't freeze?!!

hiaz...... really headache ah!!! maybe the govt shld get all employers to have at least a proper room for BM expressing..
i am using a mini cooler/warmer to store my EBM in office. dunno r we using the same one as i cant find the brand. it is made in japan. i have this as a gift. overall i feel that it is cold. even put fruits inside also feel v cold. saw the instruction manual, ambient temp=25degC. so cools to 20degC below ambient temp should be cool to 5degC. u can try to put fruits/a bottle of water inside to see if it is cold.

my co has fridge n v few items in it. however this is a strong smell. since have this mini fridge even better. i expressed my milk in the laser measurement room (a lab) since no one is using it.
angelia &amp; QSG,
previously i used to express milk in the empty cubicle at the end of my office. my colleagues knew abt it n they will try not to walk there. but there was once my boss went there n saw me expressing. heard my colleagues said he kept looking left n right but dun think he saw anything. was so scared then. after that they suggested me to use their lab since they r not using it. since then can have an ease of mind
is there any spare room or quiet corner where u can express ur milk? think if u tell ur colleagues before hand they will be considerate not to walk there.
my new workstation (shifting when i go on maternity leave)is actually right at the end of the office but the problem is not everybody go for lunch at the same time and some do not go at all. The photocopier is next to me and there will be people walking near my cubicle when they use the copier, can't really stop them from using the copier during lunch time since it is part of work. Real headache about where to express milk since no spare rooms in my office, even contemplating to resign because i really hope to continue to breastfeed beyond the 2 months.
<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
really??? oh, that's a relieve to me then, cos i bought the mini cooler/warmer specially to store my EBM next time. but, i got it off yahoo auction, &amp; it doesn't hv the warranty card

that time i try at home, put a glass of water in it after 3~4 hrs still not cold leh
maybe will try again this wkend. leave it on for 2 days see how

now think gotta think of where to express BM. think i juz found a place... a BIG conference room..... but muz check to see if can lock both doors or not.. if not, then scarly i express halfway, someone wanna come in take a nap then will be so embarassed!!! then think i muz book the room everyday from 11:30 ~ 12pm for BM expressing
does ur cooler comes with "intense cooling" option? mine has it n have to set to intense cooling for it to be cold. mayb u can try to on for longer period to see if it is cold or not since some may need longer time to start up.

the other time when i went japan for 1wk biz trip, i expressed bm in the meeting room too but too bad there is no lock. was afraid ppl will anyhow open the door as they dunno i m inside. luckily no one open the door. tat time i still put a chair at the door to prevent ppl from opening the door. if not u can see if there is any whiteboard in the conference room n then shift the whiteboard near the door. so tat when ppl open the door they will see whiteboard n not u.

hope u can find a good place to express milk. can understand how u feel. somemore if we cant find a "safe" place we will not feel at ease even when pumping milk. this may affect milk supply too.
Hi blessed, thanks, u still remember me! Wow, u bot PIS, yeah, heard that its v good, but too ex liao leh. Your girl 6mths old liao, time flies hor...

Hi germangirl, I'm petite in size too. Ok, i go measure my ger head-circumference tonite. Hope she increase in size. Thanks.

Hi desert, yeah, of course still remember u n i still using the pump. My bb birth wt is 3.06kg. Will try to feed her more often now and hope she gain wt soon. How old is your boy now?

Hi stylobb, me also impatient, tats y my pumping time is short.

Hi absolut, my supply also not stable, n on the low side too. My ger also vomit her milk, but not tat much. There was 1 time when she vomit each time after her feed. I was so worried n tot its due to the way i burged her. She drinks 2.5-3oz, now i try to feed her whenever she's awake. Hope she put on wt soon.
hi Cat,

I see...maybe you can try tandem nursing when your second one comes along

I think you can try a bit of fruits like a bit of mashed banana or mashed papaya. Can also give a bit of potato or pumpkin.
ok, i have another qn... i intend to find a babysitter or an infant care centre for my baby after i return to work... so do i pass them the EBM? how do u "warm up" the EBM before feed then? i'm worried the babysitter too lazy to warm up or the infant care centre can't be bothered to warm up... in the end, my baby not taking BM... btw, do anyone know what is the "market rate" for babysitters?
<font color="aa00aa">mini,</font>
dun think mine has that "intense cooling" option. there's only a switch to switch from Cool or Warm or Off mode

hmm.. cannot shift whiteboard cos it's fixed to the wall...

<font color="aa00aa">jen,</font>
for babysitter, can get a baby bottle/food warmer for them to heat up.

for infant care, i not too sure. but can warm the milk by running it under hot water. but do NOT boil or put it in microwave to heat up.

some juz put the bottle in hot water to soak but i not sure for how long.
Hi gals
Quite a lot of postings today...
Brought my boy for his hep B jab, last of it till he turns one, there is an assessment at nine months.

Sorry to hear office has no facilities to express milk. It's terrible right, you want to express but dun have. I wish companies are more pro-bfeeding. Wat about getting a nursing bib...wud it help?

You brought all you barang to work to express?
Why dun you try the recipe that germangirl shared with us?

Just went to check out the stuff in my room, found some toys which were gifts.... have this water mat, and some toys which need battery...Ithink from Fisher-Price.

Went Germany many years ago (my carefree days!), Cologne, Munich, Heidelberg, and to the Ludwig castle (Neuwaninstein.... spelling prob. not correct) to Istanbul from Dusseldorf airport - it was make-shift one cos the airport burnt down. I like german beer and the yummy sausages.

Ah, you tease me you know, it is to monitor when NOT to get preggie... hehehe...

Frankly Icant remember whether it's 1.5 hours or 2 hours, I only know it was very tiring.
I think it's $550-600, food you need to pay another $60, how I know is I met this old lady at my block and we started talking and she casually told me. Ex, hor? Govt wants women to give birth but women have to work and also have no one to look after babies... really a dilemma. It's not just a give birth and matter is finished, we need caregivers..and reliable ones.
my cubical is not concealed, but is those with tall partition type and not half height, so not that bad. My office got people around at all times, it's just that lunch time got lesser people that's all. I sit with my back facing the entrance and I use a nursing bib to cover the front portion when doing pumping.

wow times flies, now you back at work. don't feel bad, more important is that bb is safe. Mever mind, you can try for another one and aim for natural delivery so that you can witness. Admire you that you can pump three time at the office. I only pump once during lunchtime. Stress will affect the ss, so try to relax and rest more, but the problem is how to relax and rest when at work.
Drink plenty of water, it helps to increase ss. Maybe you want to try out some drugs which can help increase ss.

so you will deliver in 10 more weeks, excited? Yeah, sometime will have heavy breakfast, sometime will get colleague to pack for me. I am not sure about the mini cooler/warmer as I never use them before. As for how I express, you can refer to my reply to QSG above.

I pay about $290 for it. bought it from Mums and Babes at Plaza singapura
haha...but seriously, do u intend to hv a 2nd one? I am still undecided.

My boy is 5mths ++ now. U might need to monitor her wt closely fr now on. Regarding let down, bbs stimulate let down much better than pumps. U can try pumping when bb is sucking on the other breast, will get let down easily. But then, I also could not get much when I express then. So, I always let my boy latch on.
Ideally should have another one, although financially and timewise, it may be draining...hb says if wanna 'suffer' in that sense ie waking up for feeds, start all over again, then have one asap....haha... I think an only child will be lonely. Do you feel tired physically looking after your boy? For me I can feel it cos have to work and look after, even with hb's help, sometimes I just can't wait for him to sleep so that I can rest. We just observed that he loves my hb to carry while he likes me to play with him.
Enjoy your gathering with the girls!

You heard of this device called a netbook ie a sub-notebook? My hb just bought one, it is really cool, can serve the web, and now I am using it, it's about one third the size of a notebook, does not heat up, the battery lasts pretty long, and you can just switch on and off without the usual loading for a notebook.
Hi desert,
Your boy so big now, going to 6mths soon. My girl going to be 2mths, but that means i have to go back to work.

I try pumping the other side when feeding my girl, but she dun seems to like it and with her kicking, its difficult to do both at the same time. Yeah, now i try to latch her on most of the time. But she always fall asleep drinking, she won't open her mouth or suck even if i disturb her. In the end, i have to feed her every hr interval.
Hi Stylobb

Some days it's really a challenge when baby doesn't seem to sleep a wink the whole day and fusses even when you carry her. And I'm stuck alone handling her ... days like that I wish time will pass fast and hubby will come home soon. Once he's home, I try to pass bb to him so I can regain some sanity but usually she'll cry and cry til I come back and carry her.

But I'm thankful she's usually well behaved at night after the 11-12 midnite feed. She can fall asleep without being carried after being swaddled.

Although I get really frustrated and upset at times but I know when I get back to work,I'm gonna miss her a lot.

I seem to get this impression that bf babies gain weight faster. Is that true? Always thot FM fed babies will be heavier but coz my baby has gained quite a bit of weight (super double chin ... hard to find her neck) ... the nurse at PD clinic said you bf right?
Hi Jim

My bb thows up at all times ... sometimes before I can even burp her (leave her in feeding position for a while to let milk go down), sometimes during burping and sometimes even 1-3 hours later. At times, she also does the merlion and throws up almost all the milk. She just did this an hour back and we had to change our bedsheet and mattress protector.
Hi mommies
How are you all? Have been busy with work. No time to read all the postings sometimes.
Hi stylobb/Desert/Jas
Ya is ideal to have a 2nd one but looking after really tiring. Me same like you stlyobb, hope he will sleep then I can rest and do my things or else don't have time. My boy doesn't eat a lot of porridge. Wonder how much your boys eating. Half a bowl. I think mine not even onequarter. Not sure why sometimes he will eat more sometimes less.

Hi duchness
I also find myself addicted to bfing. But my workplace not bfing friendly. So xian. But I find my ss reducing I think due to stress at work. No choice.

Hi stlybb
How does Jesse look like now? Can share his pics with me? Email me?

Hi masshiro
How are you? Jiayou with bfing. I understand how you feel. Don;t stress yourself over this. Try your best lor.
Hi Germangirl
So good . Your maternity leave so long. If we go beyond two months will be no pay already.

Same here, I always cannot wait for him to sleep, so tt I can do my own things. Sometimes, feel tt I am so bad. Definitely physically tiring, esp sleep wise. I used to sleep a lot. Now...

U using the medala pump? I tried b4, but its too noisy, so my boy refuse to suck. As for sleeping, some bks suggest undressing bbs to wake them up, but sounds cruel hor. The nurse did tt to help my boy wake up while in hospital.
Hi gals

So I am not alone, I thot how come I feel so tired... I think Moon for you is worse, cos your profession quite terok.

Yep, it seems b/f bbs do gain quite a fair bit of weight, mine doubled his weight like within 2 months, Ithink. I think bm is really great, only if I have can tbf... but I guess whatever I gave to him has been beneficial. How come your gal throws up milk? Instead of burping immediately, why dun you hold her upright for a while and see if she can burp on her own. Jesse burped on his own when he was 2-3 months and he hardly threw up his milk, think he always got good appetite but we dun force him to finish.
Dun worry, the time will pass and she will get better, more aware and things will improve.

I also used to sleep a lot...hehe... so this is quite tough for me to handle...
Quite funny last nite, actually he's been a good boy these three days, he slept and we woke him up to feed him, he got so 'angry' then he grumbled and grumbled... made us feel so bad.

You show me your boy's foto too?? I can email you and desert.
Porridge - my mum says he does take one small bowl with spinach and fish. At my place I only feed him rice cereal cos I have no time to prepare and he just had his hep B jab. He is 8.7kg at 6.5 mths... I think those of us who have bbs about 8kg, our bbs may considered 'overweight'?
me also not deciding having another one as of yet. Coz physically tired and now with my hubby can still cope with my boy, but can't imagine with another, how to cope.

never heard of such thing before leh. Wow, seems like it is specially for surfing the net purpose. How much it cost? Sounds interesting.

my boy just started porriage last friday. Seems he like it and take about half bowl in total of two feeds. but the porriage has not yet replaced his milk feeds yet.

undressing bb to wake them up? Sounds a bit cruel leh. Normally for me I used to tickle his chin to get him to start sucking, used to work when he's younger, but now not working.

I think our bbs are just nice, not overweight according to the health booklets. my boy is 8.5kg at 6mths.
<font color="aa00aa">jas,</font>
oh, at least u hving full height partition. mine is half, &amp; cubicle is those "aisle" seat, so many pple walk by /pass

hiaz... wanna BF oso got so many problems.
My boy has been really cranky these 3 days nite time. Really tiring. Hope he gets better today.

haha...Next time let Jesse sleep, dun wake him up. If it had been me, I would not wake Ivan up, coz I will be very happy if he continue to sleep. Me...lazy mummy.
Ya..the tickling only work when he was younger.
hi serene,

yah, very hard to stop hor? my workplace is also not exactly bf friendly. there's no nursing room so everyday, have to be thick-skinned, just use the dept's meeting room to pump :p but luckily, the people in my dept know what i'm doing so they never complain or anything (so far!..hehehe) if the meetign room is occupied then i have to rack my brians to think of where to go. once i was in a hurry and the meeting room was being used so i just did it at my cubicle. put the pump uder my blouse and also used my jacket to hide. luckily nobody came looking for me.
just warned my colleagues sitting next to me in case they wonder what i'm up to..hhehehehe
<font color="aa00aa">working mums who still BF</font>
wanna check wif u, do u leave ur bbs at ur caregiver's place &amp; bring home bb at night? or u bring bb over to caregiver's place &amp; bring home only during wkends?

have the following queries :<ul>[*]how u gonna BF ur bb in the day &amp; nite if u'r going to bring bb home only on wkends? <LI>what abt sterilising bottles &amp; pumps? put sterilser at caregiver's than use hot water to sterilser pump in office? <LI>how to pass EBM to caregiver? drop by every nite? <LI>how many times u pump at work?[/list]it's really tiring &amp; a lot of issues to sort out leh, esp we're not driving &amp; goes off to work very early (leave home at 6:30am)
styloBB, Mini &amp; Jas

Think i may consider buying a BF bib to cover up, just concerned if milk supply or the time taken to pump will be affected when i felt insecure about doing it in my cubicle

Jas, what kind of porridge do you use to feed your baby? Is there any type of baby porridge that is recommended for baby? Can we use normal rice to cook porridge for baby?
hi dutchess,

thanks for the schedule, i m not concern abt BM wastage, juz hope she can drink more. I'v advised my mum abt it liao. hope my gal drinks more
...actually she's chubby, but i juz feel insecure that she's drinking so little, afraid she loose weight.

me too, so used to BF'g...dun realy want to give it up to plan for 2nd. though i hope to hv 2nd earlier so can close shop. but i guess my gal gets priority. haa
HI angelia,

working mums who still BF
wanna check wif u, do u leave ur bbs at ur caregiver's place &amp; bring home bb at night? or u bring bb over to caregiver's place &amp; bring home only during wkends? <font color="0077aa">I am living w my mum who looks after my gal. but when i move out, i'll definitely bring her home everynight. coz i hope she can be close to us (hb n me)</font>

have the following queries :
how u gonna BF ur bb in the day &amp; nite if u'r going to bring bb home only on wkends? <font color="0077aa">i think u can BF ur bb at caregiving place if u visit her everyday</font>
what abt sterilising bottles &amp; pumps? put sterilser at caregiver's than use hot water to sterilser pump in office? <font color="0077aa">when i move to my own place, i'll wash n ster all bottles n stuff at my mum place. or i get her to do it. as for pumps+ bottles, i'll do at my own home.</font>
how to pass EBM to caregiver? drop by every nite? <font color="0077aa">from this, i think u dun place to visit ur gal everyday? then u can pass all forzen 1x a week. but if u prefer give ur gal "fresh" milk, then got to go everyday</font>
how many times u pump at work?<font color="0077aa">3x. but now my gal drink very little, i may pump 2x</font>
it's really tiring &amp; a lot of issues to sort out leh, esp we're not driving &amp; goes off to work very early (leave home at 6:30am)<font color="0077aa">oh, u not driving, yes, i understand if not driving, very very tough for u to see or bring ur gal home very day. i'll miss her like crazy if i dun see her daily.</font>
hi Moon,
Nice to see you here're so good too..still bfg. Wonder how long I'll last.

hi Stylobb, Jas,
still 60ml today when I expressed. Guess it's gonna stuck there. My boy can drink like 100ml now. Can't meet his demand. Now that latching on is easier, I do enjoy bfg my baby. Love the feeling of him being so close to me. So spent most of weekends latching him on. Can't seem to find any timeslot to express leh..cos not enuf milk after he can't really stock up on ebm
Just want to check with you, what is the ideal weight gain like every month?

Hi Angelia,
Like blessed, I'm bringing home my baby everyday. I live far from my MIL's place so got to get up early everyday. The shuttling is tiring but no choice..want to bond with baby at night and latch him on. If really sometime very tired, then I might comtemplate letting my baby stay one night, but dun want it be become a habit. Maybe you can trial and error, and see what works best for about brining baby back every alternate days?
<font color="aa00aa">blessed,</font>
does that mean u'll hv to buy 2 sets of steriliser?? 1 to put at home and 1 at ur mum's place??

i got only 1 steriliser, that's why dunno how....
hi angelia,

my mum is "old fashion" hee, so she can use the boiling method. no need for another sterilizer. is ur caregiver ur mum or mil? can u mayb stay over with ur gal few days on weekdays?

i dun use to live with my mum, but coz its easier for me n bb, we moved to live w my mum. now she's older, i'll probably get my own place in few mths time.
Hi Angelia,

I have one sterilise at my MIL's place, she uses the boiling method. So dun need to get both, unless you have extra budget
Hi mommies,

My boi getting notier. These days he just wants to latch on. Everytime we bottle feed him ebm, it's like giving him poison, he will squirm and 'swim backstrokes', cry and refuse the bottle. According to my mom, during the day, he also tends to search for 'ze nipple' when she bottle feeds him. Anyone with any such experience?

Also, he's been drinking less. Last Sunday, we gave him about 100ml at 7.30am. fed him at 11.30am but he only managed to down 60ml before I surrendered and let him suckle. then it was about 4.30 when we 'forced' another 140ml.....sigh....
morning mummies,

Used to send my gal to bbsitter for 6 wks before I moved to my new hse. We sent her and bring her back everyday.

I passed a week ss of frozen EBM to the bbsitter. I passed her the sterilizer and taught her how to prepare the EBM for my gal.

Pigeon has a smaller sterilizer costing abt $30?, mayb you want to buy dat for your home use?

I pump once in the office so there is no need to sterilize the pump in the office. I wash and sterilize it when I am home for my next pump.

It's tiring so you got to have lotsa determination

just to inform you all, Moms &amp; Babes is having a promo with their Medela pumps till 31 july. the double electric pump is currently selling at $259.90 with freebies such as disposable breast pads, milk bags and nipple cream .. had thought initially tt Medela pumps are noisy but it turned out tt only the single pump is noisy but the double pump is quite quiet .. i bought mine already and feel it is quite a good buy!!
my bb stays with MIL during wkdays n only bring him back on wkend. but tot of bringing him home soon everyday. but problem is my bb sleeps early at ard 9 n i only get to see him at 730-8pm. so cant spend much time with him even if i bring home. somemore hubby bz n cant really help take care.

i dun have any steriliser n both my MIL n me use boiling method. will go to MIL house daily after work to pass her EBM i express in office. bb only latch on once in the evening at 830pm. my bb already so used to latch on at 830pm n will fuss if din give him brs, but after drinking he will fall asleep on bed. on those days i cant be there at 830pm, he will fuss n my MIL will rock him in sarong. he will also refuse to sleep on bed. so sometimes really dunno should i stop bf or not. initially intend to bf for 6mths but if bb still want brs may consider to bf longer. my hubby will drop by MIL hse in the morning to pass her some more fresh EBM that i expressed over the night n before go work.

so far i expresss 3times in office. thinking of reducing to twice as still have quite some amt of frozen EBM n bb going to start solid soon. my boy is 18+wks. somemore feel tat mayb i can still get the same amt of milk if i express twice. shall try out to see. in office i just use lots of hot water to go thru the pump.

initially u will find it hard to have good peace of mind, but after a while should be better esp when ur colleagues know abt it. my colleagues are v thoughtful n they make it a pt not to "disturb" me when they know i m expressing. good idea to get a nursing bib as they cant see even they walk pass.

I'm having the same problem with my girl..... Started about a month plus back, now every now and then will totally reject the bottle from my MIL and start screaming....

Had to rush back from work to latch her on twice already.... Think will have to take no pay leave soon till she's weaned....sigh.....
Hi desert,
i tried both pumps. Ya, medela one was so noisy tat my girl keeps kicking. As for undressing baby, won't they get "chilled"?
1) how u gonna BF ur bb in the day &amp; nite if u'r going to bring bb home only on wkends?
I only bring my boy back over the weekends, I bring EBM to my mum's place every morning if I am not staying at my mum's place that day. My mum's place also got storage of frozen EBM, if fresh EBM not sufficient, will use the frozen.

2) what abt sterilising bottles &amp; pumps? put sterilser at caregiver's than use hot water to sterilser pump in office?
You can use sterilising tablets to sterilise pumps at office. I use hot water to sterilser at office.

3) how to pass EBM to caregiver? drop by every nite?
As mention above in (1), I bring to my mum's place every morning if I am not staying overnite the previous day.

4) how many times u pump at work? only once during lunchtime

I only got one steam steriliser at my place, my mum prefer to use the boiling method.

You can use normal rice to cook porriage, my mum done it using slow cooker, so far she uses carrot and pig's liver in the porriage for my boy. Just remember no seasoning is required for bb's porriage

I'm not too sure about bb's weight gain every month leh. As long as there's some weight gain for my boy I happy already.
hi angelia,

My mum is the caregiver. I drop bb by everyday in the morning b4 going to work, and pick bb up every evening.

I express 3 times a day, once at 5.30am, 12pm (in office), 6.30pm (at mom house). I will leave at home the first ebm of the day for night feed and bring over to mum house those extra. 12pm is frozen for future use, 6.30pm is left at mom house for next day.

cos my house fridge empty, I usually try to store ebm there and bring over what's required - frozen or otherwise.

Dun worry too much about storing for future use. I did and ended up with whole freezer full of ebm. Had to throw away quite a few cos they should not be kept more than a month. FYI, there was a strong smell from some of those about 5 weeks old. Mebbe it was the fridge...not sure. Now am aiming to give bb only the freshest, any extra then go into freezer.

As for sterilisation, I sterilise before going to work (unless I have night class, then I will lug the pigeon small steriliser to office). My mom house also got another one. I was lucky to get the pigeon one for bb first month - bought the Avent steriliser (cos very big) meself.

last thing. super long post. pai seh
Got something to check with u all. Are u all still on prenatal vitamins and calcium? Tt time my gynae told me to continue to take them as long as I am bf. I am thinking of stopping coz my ss are running out. Wonder whether it is ok.

I think its ok. When the nurse undress him in the hospital, the air con was on. He was just in his pampers and the blue vest. But then, I find it quite cruel lah, so I nvr try it at hm. Maybe tts why I got some problems with my initial milk ss. An alt is to pump 5-10 mins with dual pump after bb sucks.

I got this problem too. My boy used to switch between breast to bottle with no problem. At ard 2.5 mths, he just rejected the bottle. Now he's still the same, some days he takes a little fr the bottle, some days he just totally reject it.

<font color="aa00aa">masshiro, qhl, miu, blessed, mini, jastan,</font>
Thanks for all ur input. will print them out &amp; go thru them again/as references, then try to work out the best possible way/solution for us &amp; bb.

do keep ur suggestions/comments/ways of juggling coming in
and i guess i'll hv more qns in the very near future... kekeke..

btw, i read b4 that once bb starts on solid, there's no need to sterilise. not sure if any of u mums is doing that? and that brings on to another few qns
- when do u start ur bb on solid?
- what is meant by "weaning" (read but still dun quite understand)
