Breastfeeding Support Group

I remember Agnes ever mentioned about Brewers' Yeast tablets to increase bm.

What you wrote about using hot compress or hot shower makes sense. I will keep in mind for next time...I have stopped b/feeding since my boy turns 6 mths too, but he was not on tbf. I still express once a day. Have you stopped completely? How did you do it? Cos me still have bm and if I dun express, I can feel a bit of hardness.

Hi helena,
My son is 9.1kg

Hi Jas tan,
THanks. I think breastfeeding helps in contributing to all the fats, he used to be even chubbier but lost some fats as he feel sick. He was actually born premature at 2.45kg.

Hi stylobb,
I am still breastfeeding my son. I heard from the lactation consultant that to stop breastfeeding, don't express and don;t feed baby and the milk supply will drop and stop eventually. It is normal to get hardness due to the presence of breastmilk.

Hi anyone here who exclusively breastfed and their period has return. Mine still not back yet leh about six months plus already abit worried.
Wow, super-heavy..and to think he was born have done a great job. My boy is also about 6mths, he is 8.3kg.
So leave the hardness???
So you doing work from home? What sort of work, may I ask?
Hi Jas, seems like you have both sets of pump. So u prefer Medela compared to Ameda? In terms of effectiveness, which one is better?

Hi Stylobb, ya, the single Medela pump is noisy. I'm using it right now. But i found it easier to assemble (less parts than the avent manual one)Ya, quite a no. of mummies recommended Ameda. But Medela seems not bad too. Sighed, still dun know which to buy.

My girl is doing fine, but i'm a bit worried she underwt. She's only weighs 3.45kg at 1mth. My mum giving me pressure to feed formula, saying baby not well fed. My mum compares other same age baby who weighs over 4kg (who formula fed).

Hi Absolut,
Ya, looking after bb alone is tiring, esp at night. Luckily i live very near to my parents, so i bring her to my mum to look after, and have some breaks myself. So, u bot Ameda pump liao. Wow, u spent so much time pumping out? Is it continuous pumping or inbetween short rest/breaks? Can i know how much milk you pump out each time? I only pump continuously abt 15mins and stop, cos its seems no more leh. I can only pump out a range of 2.5oz to 4oz dpn on interval. Does it means my supply is low?

I have another qn. If i give baby 4oz of EBM (taken out from the fridge), and she drinks 2oz, can i keep the remaining milk outside and reheat again in another 2hrs?

Anyone heard that Yeast can increase breastmilk? My girl PD gave me Yeast to increase my milk.

Thank you.
Hi Jim,

Your boy is so cute and chubby

My periods came back after 2 months even though on TBF


Once you've warmed up EBM, have to either consume all within 1 hour or else must throw away the rest.

I bring my girl to church too.... Also feel v uninvolved with the service, cos have to keep looking out for her....
wow your boy is heavy. My boy is 8.5kg at 6mth.
I not sure can consider exclusively BF as I've been doing exclusive expressing since my boy is 1 wk old. My menses returned end last month when my boy is 5 1/2mth. I think it's okay, coz I heard some have their menses return only their bb is 8 or 9mths. So no worries, okay?

I keep the EBM warmed for up to 2hrs before discard away if not finish.

I only bought Medela dual pump. I got a Ameda set for a 3-days trial 2 mths later after I bought medela. Can't really able to comment on the performance of Ameda as I only used it once to test out, but the motor is indeed quieter than Medela. Once thing I didn't go on to purchase Ameda as I find it bulky and heavy (due to the power adaptor) to carry it around.
hi jim,

just steal a minute away from work....

don't worry about menses. i have been TBF for nearly a year now and still no sign of menses. enjoy it while it lasts!
Hi Dutchess
You TBF your baby up till no year. No solids? THanks for the reassurance.

Hi Jastan,
As long as your baby is on breastfmilk totally with no water and formula it is condisder TBF.

Hi Kis,
Like what I mention in my post earlier. I think yeast increase milk production. Actually no need to take tablets just buy marmite. Cheaper and better than tablets. Don;t worry about ppl arounf pressurizing you to formula feed. Must remember mummy's milk is anytime better than formula. As long as you baby is healthy, it doesn't matter if he/she is less chubby. THink of it in th elong run, better for baby.
hi jim,

tbf exclusively for 6 month. after 6 months then introduce solids like porridge, cereal, fruits etc. now, he eats about 3 solid meals a day, fruits and about 4-5 milk feeds a day. I feed him directly in the morning (if got time before work) and once at night. In between when i'm at work, he drinks EBM.
hi stylobb,

My bb is 3mo old now....weighing 7.5kg (power milk, hee hee). Not too worried about the eczema thing, I'm confident that it'll clear up. Am eating cherry tomatoes now just to be more dun like tomatoes.

Hi jim_teo, whoa, you have a beautiful boy think he was premature. Well done!

hi Kis, dun compare bbs like that - each child have their own growth rate. As long as she's active and developing, dun bother wif what other people say. Next time tell your mom it's different mommy and daddy :p (no offence hor).

I am using Avent manual pump - each session is about 30-45min. I find that usually after the initial gush, it becomes trickle. I just give that br a 'rest' and 'do' the alternate br. Find that I can usually achieve letdown after this. Not sure about electric ones.
Hi girl, jastan,
tot EBM can stored upto 4hrs, din know that its so easily perishable. Thanks for yr advise.

Hi jastan,
thanks for ur comment on breastpump, i have a better understanding now. Think i will buy the Ameda ones, will check out first.

Hi jim, qhl,
ya, will try to ignore but sometime cant help thinking if my ss is low. I even tell my mum that i'm going to buy the pumps and so definitely will breastfeed till 6mths if i can.

Hi qhl, i always have letdown when baby latched on, but not so when i pump out.
Hi stylobb,
I run an online store. I read that your baby have rash. Mine also have some and was diagnose with mild eczema. Sigh....thought tbf will prevent this but still can't avoid it. REally heartache to see red patches on his face.

Hi Mocha,
What kind of Teething bisuit do you give to your baby? Do you give your baby finger food?

Anyone knows what any type of teething biscuits tat contains only rice and no egg, wheat, sugar and flavouring.
hi kis,

...was juz thinking recently if u given birth! dun feel pressuried about old folks aking u to supplement. juz go with yr heart. mummy's milk is definitely best for yr gal!

re the pump. I m using PIS, which i find very good. esp if i need to travel n there's no power pt, i can use the battery adaptor.

hi priviledged,

if can, mayb u wan to stop supplement. coz the more ur bb draw from u , the better ur supply

hi dutchess,

my gal 6+mths, now she's taking 2x porridge when i m at work. but my mum feed her less than 300ml (not even 2 bottles of 150ml) of EBM while im away. i feel its too little milk, is it? i feed her in the morning abt 8am b4 going to work. n 8pm b4 she sleeps. means 12hr period she drinks less than 300ml.

does ur boy sleep thru the night now?
hi blessed, yah. I don't supplement every feed anymore. But how do I know if bb is getting enough without having to feed her almost continuously? How do I know if she is crying from hunger or something else? Anybody got any advice? Would value it greatly.

I will still pump to stimulate the milk flow for the next week or so.
Hi Kis,

dont let anybody talk you into a guilty conscience! If your baby gains weight (even ever so little, about 500 g per month) and has about 5-6 wet diapers and about 2 or more full diapers, the baby has enough intake. Maybe your little one is just of the petite kind like mine. My daughter weighs 10,5 kg at 21 months (she got it from her father, hes also so skinny!) and is perfectly healthy. Her doctor even said, that its easier for her in hot weather and that its easier for her to move.
The La Leche League (Breastfeeding Leage International) says, everything is alright if your baby is looking healthy, got elastic skin, grows and also grows in head-circumference. If you add supplement to the diet, it will just result in less mothers milk. So if you got enough milk, let your baby decide how much to drink, they know much better than us.


100 g goes for all the ingredients in the BF tea recipe. That could be quite a lot such as with stinging nettel or balm-mint, because the dried leaves are volouminous but light in weight or it could be just a little amount in the case of anise and caraway seed, that by the way is also supposed to help prevent bloating and the baby should have less belly aches :)


Your boy is so cute! Makes you wanna cuddle him!
hi all bf mums...

i delivered abt 12 days ago... trying desperately to bf but without much success
my supply is extremely low, feeling v demoralised. My breasts are often soft... and after my bb latch on for 15-20 min each side, he's still hungry n need formula. When I pump ater 2+ hr interval I could only get 1.5oz both sides. I've seen the lactation consultant twice, increased fluid intake, drank fish soup but still...

Really need some support, anyone can help?
hi blessed,

i started off my boy on solids very slowly. so in the beginning he was mostly only eating cereal, about once or twice a day, with some fruits in between. so he was still drinking a lot of ebm, i would say about 500-700 ml a day, depending on who looks after him, cos my mum seems to feed him more, whereas my ils feed him less, maybe cos they always keep him busy playing. In addition, i latch him on at least once a day, usually at night after work before he sleeps. it was only recently in the past one or two months that he was settled into 3 solid meals a day with milk feeds in between.

i personally feel the amount of ebm your daughter is taking is a bit on the low side. i read somewhere that babies over 6 months should drink at least 600 ml of milk a day in addition to solids, in order to be adequately hydrated. have to go check my baby book again, don't have it with me now.

maybe you could ask your mum to try to feed her at 2 hour intervals even if she does not cry for milk and see if she takes. if she takes it it means she can still afford to drink. usually if the baby is full they will just refuse to drink. and not to worry about overfeeding on ebm. i find that as our babies grow older sometimes they are too intent on playing that they dun cry for milk as urgently as when they were just born. so sometimes we have to initiate to feed them. only thing is if you worry about wastage if your daughter refuses to drink and you have to discard the milk.

so your schedule sould be something like this:

8am: direct latch
10 am : ebm
12 noon: porridge
2 pm: ebm
4pm : ebm
6 pm: porridge
before sleep: direct latch

like this if each ebm is about 150ml, your daughter would have 450ml plus 2 sessions of direct latching, which i think is quite all right. in between can give some fruit juice or fruits, which can give extra fluids.

yes, my boy sleeps almost throught the night now. he has been doing since about 5 or 6 months. sometimes he wakes up once in the night, then i jsut need to latch him on for a while then he will fall back to sleep. but nowadays he also hardly wakes up. sometimes he will stir a bit, we just stuff the pacifier in his mouth and pat him back to sleep. :p
Thank God, his rashes are all gone... now is smooth skin hehe....

When you say 'continuously' how often is that? Mine used to be 1.5 hours...about the crying, gotta to check if nappy is wet/dirty, wanna be carried or really hungry, the cries can be a bit different. You will have to observe. Certainly it's not easy.

I think generally girls tend to be on the 'lighter' side. How is the weather over there? It has been raining here, now it's so cooling at my flat in the evenings. I like Munich a lot, I mainly remember all the crafts and nice stuff sold in the shops though, the hand-painted brass hangings and woodcraft.. and of course German beer...hehe..

So poor thing...someone recommended brewers yeast (in the form of capsule)...maybe you wanna try that? The other one is Fenugreek capsules available from GNC... but I tried and it didn't work for might work for you. For me I just direct latched on that time.
oh I see, than mine is not TBF as I gave my boy water and one FM for the night feed on certain days of the week.

I have not come across any teething biscults without the ingredients you mention. Anyway I don't intent to give to my boy. He can't handle the biscults well enough.

in singapore weather, the EBM is for 2hrs only. 4hrs is for those places where the weather is not as hot and humid.

haven't got the chance to visit German, wanted to go there when I was in England few years back but due to the tight schedule, have to give it a miss.
haha...ok, when u see Ivan, remember to call me. I will definitely be ard, coz I am his fd ss.
U got recent photo of Jesse for me to see, I still remember him fr the photo of ur 1st mummies gathering. He must hv changed a lot now.
Read that u are getting the bumbo seat. Just wondering is it necessary, coz Jesse will be sitting on his own now? Hubby wanted to get it 2 wks ago, after seeing it at Taka. But too ex, and we tot Ivan shd be able to sit and play on his own soon. (Hopefully)

Ur boy is so cute and chubby. Wow, 9kg. My boy was only 7.8kg at the 5th mth injection. Think he will just be slightly over 8kg at the 6th mth one.
I hv been tbf my boy for 5 mths ++(except for the initial 1st mth, where I supplement with one nite feed), and my menses also not back yet. But I dun mind too.

Still remember me??
What's ur bb's birth wt? Dun listen to ur mum, formula fed bbs are chubbier. But chubbier does not mean better. Anyway, its also dependent on genetic factors, some formula fed bbs are not very chubby. My boy only put on 800g in the 1st mth and PD says its fine. Subsequently, he put on slightly more than one kg every mth. For my case, my initial milk ss quite low, only stabilise after a mth.

I also had low initial ss, ss will be stable at ard 6-8wks. U just got to press on, feeding bb on demand, very tiring. I gave in then, and introduce formula for one nite feed, so at least I could get some rest. A mth later, my boy rejected his bottles, so I am back to tbf again. U can try pumping after every feed to stimulate milk production. U can also take Fenugreek , brewer yeast. ( But these depends on indv, coz it did not help me. )
Stylobb and desert,
I was contemplating on getting the bumbo seat too. My son wants to be carried all the time to look around so I tot getting the seat will allow him to look around and give my very aching arms a break.
I think the nice thing about the bumbo is the safety function, coz babies can't fall out when sitting.

I had very low supply and thus my son was readmitted for jaundice. I gave forumla milk once a day initially but persisted in giving bm, and now he refuses bottles and just wants to latch on. Intending to stop when he's about 6-8 mths.

I heard alot about fenugreek and i took the fenugreek seeds when my son was a month old. I dunno if it helps. Personally i think drinking water/milk helps.
When do you want to stop bf so that your menses will return and you can try for the next baby? When do we have to stop to regulate our menses if we want to try for the next one?
desert: Email me and I'll reply. Yah, he grew quite a bit and looks different liao.
Re the bumbo seat (I got the yellow one), he only sits for a short period anyway it's not recommended to put bb in there for too long. Still gotta give him a toy to entertain him and it ends up he will toss it on the carpet while in the bumbo. Then after a while he will fidget (as all bbs do! he is distracted) and try to stand up but becos the seat is firm yet soft, it is stuck to his bum... my mil says is it becos his thighs too fat like kena stuck, I said no leh. It is made that way, to contour his body. Maybe it's more worth to buy when there is a sale, KP was having 20% off that time. Mine ah, long story...too long to say, in summary, my bil got it from UK. Mya, how old is your boy now? Yah, no joke to keep carrying but they love it...!

Yah lah, how to travel now? I miss my carefree travelling days....
My menses has come back and it's making me very tired...

I think need to monitor for a few months, is yours regular in the first place? Me using a programme that I install in my palm to monitor my days.
About the pumps, me really hopeless with the manual one, pump pump pump and nothing comes out, I gave up after two tries...too impatient. So I had lugged the electric Medele pump to the office that time to express.. actually if only I knew how to use the manual pump, I wouldn't mind only that it takes soooo long, me have no patience.
my boy is 3mths, weighs about 6.5kg. Now already complaining, dunno what to do when he becomes bigger. mayb i'll wait and c how he sits then decide whether to buy anot coz now he can still fit in his car seat.

i dunno whether i'm having menses anot, i had v little bleeding last week then it stopped, then now abit again. i tot not supposed to have menses when bf?
My menses was regular. So regular that I got preggie the first time I tried without contraceptives. I hope when it returns, it will be as regular so that I can plan for the next baby easily.
hi Cat,

all along i have set myself small targets adn each time i met the target, i feel i can go on longer. and so far, i have met my target of one year and i'm addicted! :p i think i will just continue until my son weans himself off naturally, as i feel that it's such a waste when the baby wants to bf, the mother has the supply but does not want to continue bf.

i believe you can still get pregnant even if your menses don't return. one of my colleagues got pregnant while still bf her first child so she just continued tandem bf both her children.

frankly speaking, i haven't thought of trying for a second baby. too tired already...hehehee but i suppose i will probably wait until my son is 2 or 3.

as to your question about when to stop, i'm not too sure. but i was thinking since the possibility of getting pregnant while still bf is very real, maybe you can use ovulation kits to check when you are fertile and try during your fertile period. then you can still continue to bf.
What are the chances of getting preggie when one are still bf though menses may not have returned?

My son is also drinking more than what I can provide though I supply about 900 ml each day. He has a big appetite. I am starting him on cereal and veg. He is 4+ months going to 5.I do not wish to give him formula but I am already pumping at least 3-4 hrly in the midst of my busy work schedule.
Hehe..mine is regular too. In fact I've been tracking and it's back to regular timing.
I dun know the chances but seems it could happen...hehe.

The bumbo seat is meant for bbs till 10kg if I remember correctly what the label stated.

I agree with you,if you have the supply and bb demands for it, then continue. Me was getting busier at work and my target was six months.. no joke worrying about expressing when I have meetings on or have to go outside the office.
Me also too tired to think of second kid altho the faster to get one, the better it'll be..heee..
yo mean you hit jackpot again ah? I didn't get the bumbo seat for my boy, coz he now can sit on his own for a while, just need to watch him in case he leans forward to grab his toys.
Aiyoh... no lah!!! Just start to track the periods again..
But cannot sit still right, so tiring, got keep watching them. What toys do you get? My boy has only a few...any recommendation?
hi Cat,

actually i don't really know how high the chance is. but i've heard it happen many times before though. actaully you don't have to worry. no he is at his peak in milk intake. once he passes 6 months and starts on solids, his milk intake will decrease. that's what i experience too. suddenly i had an oversupply and i could not freeze any more milk cos there was simply no more space in my freezer. i had to try to reduce my supply then.

are you already planning for your second kid now?

hi stylobb,

yah, i know how it is. sometimes i also worry when i have to go for external training or have meetings. but somehow, try to get around things and work things out. so far so good. ya, no energy to run after another one now. will also have problem of who to take care of second kid.
Hi Kis

My supply isn't great ... usually ranges from 80ml to 160ml (3 hour interval to 5 hour interval). Quite depressing but tried my best already. There was a day I only pumped out 60ml for one session after 3 hour ... so sad. Sometimes I seem to be able to satisfy her with direct latch... other times she seems hungry all the time.

Yesterday coz I wasn't feeling too well and threw up my lunch, direct latched her in the afternoon and she was feeding every 1-2 hours ... at the end she kept crying even after unlatching herself. Thot I didn't have enough milk since didn't eat or drink much yesterday so supplemented with FM... in the end, she threw up so much milk all over me. By the way, if my baby seems to keep throwing up milk (abt 10ml - 20ml) after feed even after burping and feeding infacol, does that mean she's drinking too much?

Kis. 3.45kg at 1 mth seems ok depending on birth weight. My baby was 2.955kg at birth and she weighed 3.35kg at 3 weeks and doc said she was fine. Just weighed her on Monday (start of her 7th week) and she now weighs 4.45kg. Your bb so good ... drinking only abt 2 ml? My girl at one month was drinking 90 - 100ml. PD says she's a greedy girl.
Currently, my baby who is 3wks old has thick green gooey stuff up in his nose. He also makes noisy, snorting sounds when he breathes. I'm very disturbed by this. We went to our GP and he prescribed Fedec for running nose at tiny doses. It has been almost 2 wks and my baby has yet to recover. I'm breastfeeding my baby(not total bf). I wonder if my frequent drinking of cold water is contributing to my baby's sickness? Any experienced bf mums would like to advice? (fyi, I'm very used to drinking cold water during meals.)
Aiyoh, no no, me not pregnant !!! Haha, why you all think that?? I only monitoring my cycles..hahaha...
Btw is it true that for c-section, the second time will also be c-section?
Hi stlobb,
Aiyah...the way you right like you pregnant leh. So is your menses erratic when it returns? HEard from some friends that their menses went haywired after they have their baby.

Not really true. It depends on how soon you get pregnant. If the gap is more than 2 years than natural should be fine. The reason why it is better to go through another c-section after the first one is to prevent the risk of uterine rupture which could happen during labour. Anyways, I want to op for another c-section as I prefer that. My c-section was a breeze no pain after that. I was able to get off bed and walk around on the same day and I heal very fast also. I went through 12hours of labour pain before I decided on c-section. Compared to labour pain, c-section is a really painless.
How come Igive you gals wrong impression ah? Haha...It is regular...that's why first time Iknew when I conceived...hehe....
You must be one of the few who managed to heal so fast after c-section. Btw I still prefer natural... mine was natural and I was ok after giving birth, only Ihad bad uterus contraction pain... so painful but guess it worked overtime that I got back into shape quite fast..hehe..
So you wanna try for second one asap ?

How are you doing? Read about your 'ordeal' in the other thread. Don't stress yourself too much, ok, you are doing your best. Bbs will have growth spurt, so be aware...I think around 6 weeks or so. They will want to be keep feeding, cluster feeding. If you feel depressed, must talk it out. They will settle down somtime after three months, so hang in there. Mine cried till he gave me phobia in the evenings, now much much better, can chuckle and things will surely improve. Only thing is you will feel tired, esp after you get back to work. God will give you strength. even now Ido feel tired esp if Ihave a rough day at work.
Ideally should have another kid but nowadays my work load is quite heavy altho I would think forget it! work will always be there. Hb thinks the earlier the better, get it over and one with.
Imean, get it over and done with....
I guess motherhood is such an overwhelming experience for me and juggling work and family is really not easy. All this rushing about has really made me lose all my weight.
Hi Hariati,

hows your baby? I dont think drinking cold water is harmfull, since your milk is always about 37 degrees celsius, but do you have air con in your home? Maybe its too cold?

My daughter also had a congested nose for some time. Her doctor gave me a nose spray for her which is basically something like purified sea water or something which is identical to it in salt content. It liquifies that gooey stuff and is good for the skin inside the nose. She also prescribed some drops for lessening the swelling so she could breathe easier. At that age you cant really do much else than that, since they dont know yet how to blow their noses!

Sometimes babies also catch something like this coz theyre dressed too warm, hands should be warm, but the baby shouldnt sweat at his neck, coz when he gets into a little bit of wind then he might catch cold.

We have a device here for babies with stuffy nose, I just remembered. It looks like a small baloon kinda thing with a pointed tip witha whole in it. You press the baloon together, put the tip in one of the nose openings, close the other opening with your finger and let the baloon open. The change of pressure in the baloon will take all the gooy stuff out. My daughter didnt like this at all, but she could breathe much better then. (This thing is dishwasher cleanable and has interchangeable tips, so its not as disgusting as it might sound)

All the best for you and the Baby!

Hi styloBB,

I feel betrayed here with the weather! Its the coldest in decades. Its been raining, Im still wearing a light sweater while I should be sitting at the lakeside eating ice cream! Some people even still heat their homes...

I like munich too, but only for visit. Dunno, but bavarians ARE different from prussian people. So I like the surroundings and arts and crafts and the mountains, but I think I couldnt stand it for more than a few weeks. When have you been there?

Hi piggy and absolute,

I know I might be repeating myself but do try that breastfeeding tea (recipe in the archives of this thread) it worked wonders for me!

Try to relax as much as possible, dont do all the housework and errands when your baby sleeps, just sleep as well. Your body needs rest, BF is hard work!

Take care, bye now
I just read that you got only two months ML! How do you do that? How do you manage after the two months?

We can choose how long we want to stay home: 8 weeks after birth are fully paid and it is actually illegal to work during that time, after that we can choose up to one year during which the government is paying us a sort of pocket money of about 460 EUR p.month or we can stay home up to two years with 307 EUR p. month. The third year is totally unpaid, but during these three years you cannot be fired from your job and have free health insurance for you and Baby and the time also counts for your pension.

Im home for two years now and think Ill have to let go of my hotel job after the third year, because I got noone to take care of Tania. Her preschool(she starts this september) closes at 5:30 pm and my husband and I both work shifts. My parents are living on the other side of Berlin, so its too far to bring her there everyday.

Ill miss my colleagues, coz sometimes its also nice to chat and gossip and stuff and talk about something else than the house and the family...

Howbout you all?
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies,</font>
anyone had problems expressing milk in office? i mean, though we have meeting rooms, but they're all with glass panels &amp; no blinds.

the toilets are not clean, cos it's an industrial building
then, only have a miserable bar fridge which is always overcrowded &amp; has a smell. so even if i managed to express BM somehow, still dunno how to store it till knockoff time at 6pm.
I dun hv ur email leh. U PM me or send to me at [email protected]

Oh, u got the bumbo seat fr UK, is it cheaper then? I wun be getting it, if Ivan is still 2 mths ++, then I might consider.
From the congratulations fr the mummies, I also tot u are preggy. haha.

German girl
Wow, really envy ur maternity leave. For singapore, its just paid maternity leave for 2 mths. Anything extra is dependent on approval fr ur co, and its unpaid. I am on unpaid leave for 8 mths.
hi angelia,

I'm lucky that my office got meeting room...I just cover the frosted glass panel with newspapers...damn unsightly, but gives me a piece of mind.

Try not to do it in toilets....kinda gross. If you are worried about the fridge, why not put the bottle/bag inside a ziploc bag - that way, smell shouldn't permeate?
Cold water shd be fine, I drink lots of it too, so far my boy has not been sick b4. (touch wd) But a hot drink is still recommended b4 bf, suppose to dilate the milk ducts and let milk flow better.
Stylobb, when you say 1.5 hrs are you counting from the end of one feed to the start of another? When I say 'continuously', it's because I don't know when bb has had enough, and I could go on and on and on feeding her. If I unlatch her because she has dozed off, and put her down, she could start crying again after about 15 mins. Even after checking diaper etc, she is really hard to console. She can go through this feed-doze-cry cycle all afternoon.

oh i see..
Yeah lor, cannot sit still, must put cushion all around in case he topple. Most of the toys I got are fisher-price product - sesame street series. Sometime I let him play with tissue boxes and some books. My mum just bought a small mobile phone toy for him as well. Also those small cartoons figures like alladin, tiger etc. So far my boy only has total of 5 - 6 different kinds of toys. I personally like fisher-price product coz they are very colourful and simulating to bb with musics and sounds.

me same as you, went through 12hrs of labour pain before opting for emergency c-section. Actually I very much wanted to experience natural delivery.

how are you getting on with your pregnancy? My coy is not breastfeeding friendly, got no meeting rooms for me to express, so what I do is to express in my own cubical during lunchtime. As my office no fridge, what I do is use a blue ice-block and cooler box to store the EBM till home then transfer to fridge.
