Breastfeeding Support Group

violet.. ya lor 10 months liao..

start solid when he is 6 months old.. now suck for comfy only.

i tot i can breastfeed him for at least 18 months mah.. but now looking at it.. signzzz.. i think 12 months my milk supply will not be there liao

do u pump? for me at least, pumping has helped tremendously to stop my ss from decreasing too fast. can no longer depend on bb latching to keep my ss going becoz my letdown too slow & ss too little, drop by drop. I take up to 1 hr to get max 3oz, my bb will not latch that long.
Hi all,

I am new here.

I am a 1st time mom to my 1 week 3 days old DS. Like you guys, I am also trying to BF. However, my milk supply just doesn't seem to be enough to fill my DS's tummy. Hence, he ends up screaming as he is hungry. So, I had to sup with FM. He is huge eater : 15 min on each breast and still drinks at least 60ml of FM. DS will keep crying till he is full. Then he will rest and sleep. Anyone encounter this also?

I am also drinking the papaya fish soup and milk for BF moms to increase my milk supply. I am also trying to pump at least once in 3 hours. However, my milk supply is never alot...around 20-30ml (esp. in the morning). I was wondering if I can keep topping up the BM into the same container till it reaches 60ml and then store it into the freezer?

I also think that I am not latching properly coz I always feel the pain when DS latches on and sucks. However, the pain goes off after a a few sucks.
JP: do a check with the LC to see if ur latching is correct. If latching is not correct, it may lead to sore nipple which u are having now. Incorrect latching could result ur baby not drinking correctly and indirectly causing milk supply to drop. 20-30ml for a 10 days quite a nice amount.

With regards to the topping amount, I sometimes do that but some said not advisable lar...
MH - I was at ParentCraft once when I had to breastfeed. The latching should be OK as Mrs Wong or the other nurses who saw me BFing did not comment anything. I am also checking other websites just to ensure that I am latching correctly. Thanks!
dun give yrself too much stress ok? At least you have given him the best till now and even longer la.

I also wanted to do 1yr or more for my gal last time, but hor end up oni 7mths 'cos ms dipped very drastically when i get back to work.
This time round, I tell myself not to be too stressed by work lor and try to relax. Now my boy is oni 5.5mths, hope I can tahan till 1yr mark this time.
Hi mummies,

need help or advise from u all. My menses came when my baby is of 6 wks n i m on TBF. How come? and i realised my milk ss dropped, issit due to menses arrival? also during tis period, i tried feeding my baby FM but she rejects bottle, Really very worried n demoralising.

are you sure it's your period? I was still having light bleeding at 6weeks and I thought my period came too. Gynae said it's not, just normal discharge of the lining of my uterus, usually caused by breastfeeding.

As your baby has been used to your nipple, she may not like the teat of the bottle you are introducing. It can be too hard for her. PD recommended NUK as it's softer. Perhaps you wanna change the teat and try again.

I introduced the bottle to my baby at 5 weeks using Avent. She's okay with it. But when I tried NUK on her, she rejected the bottle. It seems she prefers Avent's teat.
its heavy bleeding, menses like lasted for 1 wk n stopped liao. wil menses affect milk flow or stop milk flow? me very worried now.

if its really your period, i dont think its something you should be worried about though.
now its about time for you to see the gynae as well right? At 6 weeks? it would be best to consult him or her.

as far as i know, menstruation wont stop milk flow. The hormones though, may cause your milk supply to dip a bit during ovulation, before our after your period. But this is temporary.
juz report back to work. ms dropped 25-30ml, so shag. nw only 2mths plus, dunno can tahan until 6mths or more

my menses came 2mths exact after giving birth although i've been pumping daily
glad to know that menses doesnt stop milk flow, i was scare to death cos after my menses over, my milk flow dipped alot. Now its back to normal again. Really freak me out. This week i shall consult my gynae to confirm whether its menses. Thinking of asking gynae to give me medication to stop menses temp so that i can concentrate on BF.
hi need help here...
does anyone know if mummies who are HepB carriers can breastfeed? i heard that some gynaes discourage breastfeeding for these mummies... is that true?
Hi HepB,
Since this concerns a medical condition, I think it is best for you to seek advise fm a professional. Why not you check with your gynae or with a lactation consultant?

Both PD and my gynae didnt make a big hoohaa about it. The only thing is your baby must be vaccinated immediately at birth before you can breastfeed. From there, its no concern anymore.
Violet Blaze,
my gynae knows about my condition, and she hasn't stopped me from breastfeeding. however i have heard from another friend in the same shoes that her gynae advised her against breastfeeding, that's why i'm confused.

been there,
thanks, i was only told it will only be a concern if there are any cuts or lacerations (on the breasts), then only need to stop breastfeeding. i believe he meant that the virus may only be transmitted thru' blood...?
The virus is transmitted through blood and bodily fluid. However, if the baby is vaccinated, then it wont be a problem. Since you are in doubt, best to check with your PD.
It is better to check back with yr gynae why there is a difference in opinion fm another gynae. Perhaps she is able to elaborate futher why she did not stop you? And what are the risks involved?
Doctors are suppose to help patients on their problems so if anything is unclear they shd explain till clear lor.
Hi mummies, I am new to this thread and BF hope u can help me clear some doubts.

I hav just started BF my 1mth old bb. Currently he is taking abt 100 -120ml of EMB/FM. When i latch him on, he takes abt 10-15mins on 1 breast and stop after it. He doesn;t feed on the 2nd breast. Is this enuf for him? After nursing, he'll fall asleep.

Then, as i still bottlefeed him EBM, sometimes he shows he wants more milk after a feed, and i'll latch him on. and this might take also abt 10-15mins. Which means he is actually taking 100-120ml of EMB + BF, is this normal? is he sucking for comfort? but as i have not express yet, there is still milk in the breast.

Looks like bottlefeedign him tends to lead to more intake of milk, isn't it?

Hope mummies here can help me out. Thks in advance..
Hi misaryeo, does your baby appear content after each feed, even with one breast? If so, I think he has enough milk. Do switch breasts for the next feed so that you wont have lopsided ones.

I also think 100-120ml of milk are good amounts. More than what I can produce in a day!!

Sometimes after a bottlefeed, my bb also wants to latch on for comfort. She'll then fall fast asleep. However, personally for me, I try not to encourage comfort sucking during bedtime (unless she's having a really bad day), as I dont want her to need the breasts to sleep which could be difficult to wean off if you are establishing a sleep routine.
Hi mummies,
I'm currently using Medela PIS. However, like many mothers. i find the pump really heavy. I'm thinking of getting an Avent manual to be used at home and when i'm out shopping w/o baby. Will leave the Medela PIS at office.
any mothers have experience of the 2 pumps? can offer some advice?
hi honeygen, he looks contented cos he fall asleep after feeding, but only awhile cos he wants to be carried and refuse to sleep longer.

B2B3M4, how to bring pump out when i want to go shopping alone? dun we need to sterlise? where do u pump? in the nursury? i always wondering abt this. i'm a first time mum so abit blur
u sterilise the pump 1st b4 bringing it out. of course put the pump in a clean tupper ware or zip lock bags. if the shopping mall has a nursing room, u can pump there. otherwise, have to do it in a toilet cubicle.. no choice loh..

anyway, i have decided to get Medela's Harmony Pump... apparently the fdbk for Avent ISIS is not so good.
i have a problem. my boy is currently 2 weeks plus. i been direct latching him for feeds til now. but i am starting to try and pump some BM as i starting to feel sore nipples. but i have low supply when i pump. however when i feed him direct on one side , i can collect much BM on my other side.

If u feel ur nipples are sore. After bfg, squeeze some breast milk and spread them over ur nipples, it will help to reduce the soreness. If the soreness become more serious, u might want to consider applying nipple cream.
I have been latching my 20 day old girl on almost 100% of the time. she needs to be latched on every 2-3 hrs. I would like to pump out milk to store, so how do i go about doing this, on top of latching her on for her regular feed?

i have an Avent iq uno, but mostly using the manual function after nursing as the suction is more powerful, but i only get drops of milk that aren't enough to accumulate, especially as the days go by. Best collection time is in the morning when i can get 5-10ml, after nursing.

I once tried to pump before nursing my girl. and can obtain 30ml on 1 side...

Any advice of increasing my milk supply for storage of EBM? i have been taking papaya soup and fenugreek and drinking lots of fluids.

How do i implement a pumping schedule without interfering with my latching my girl on for her regular feed?

Also, i feel very discouraged by the amount i pump, although i am sure my girl has enough as her poo is very yellow and she poos ~4-10 times a day and wee wee min 8 x..

i would like to build my storage of milk to facilitate me going back to work and also for hubby to assist me with night feeds by then and i don't want to rely on FM..

will appreciate any advice!
Hi Jasmine,

Take it slowly, ok?
Your gal is only 20 days old and you can pump 30ml on 1 side, that's v good
(I'm assuming your interval bet feed/pump is 2-3hrs).
Do not expect to pump out a lot of milk after nursing 'cos your bb would hv already taken the milk.
If you continue to pump after every feed, you will be signalling to your body that your bb needs more milk and over time, the body will produce more milk. Make sure you empty your breasts every time you pump.
You hv 3 months to build up your storage, so take it slowly. Frankly speaking, even if your hubby help you with night feeds, you will still need to wake up and pump to maintain your supply.
Keep it up with your pumping
hi mommies,

I am wondering if anyone here do TANDEM BREASTFEEDING. It means feeding a toddler and infant at same time. Just need some advice and encourgment as i know it is not very commom to continue breastfeeding once we are preggie again.

Appreciate all

My boy is 5 weeks old now. I have been bf'g him as well as giving fm. My milkflow is low, only 20-30ml after pumping. If I drink papaya & fish soup, can pump upto 50ml for first time, then subsequently, can pump 10-20ml. If I latch him on or bottlefeed him with ebm, I'll still need to supplement his usual 100ml of fm.

I'm wondering how do I know if he's got enough becos he always falls asleep after 10-15 mins? If I put him down, he'll cry again. After 10-15mins on the other breast, same thing happens again. So I assume he's still hungry & give him fm. I take fenegreek but milk supply doesn't seem to increase leh. Really desperate liao, is it true that after 1st 2 weeks, very hard to get milk supply going?
Hi awhuang,
this is what my mum taught me,
with your baby latched on & dozing off,
"tag tag" your breast a little to wake him up,
or "try to" pull out your teat slowly to wake him up.

Supply = demand
Your BM will drop if your supply FM.

How much Fenugreek r u taking now,
I took 3caps 3 times a day when my BM drops low.
Rem to drink lots of fluid too.

harlo, can i ask how do you thaw yr bm from the freezer ? and do you thaw extra incase there is not enough..

appreciate all feedback..
Hi Leng Leng,

Tks for your advice. My BM has fallen to 20ml now, so depressing!!! I only took 2 caps per day as per the instructions on the bottle but has since increased to 2 caps 3 times a day. When do u see the result after taking? I've started taking more since Sun but ss still same leh???
Hi awhuang,
3 caps 3 times a day, drink 3L of water,
you should see the result in 24-48hrs time,
and don't stress, try to take lots of rest.

Do u smell like "curry" & urine smell like maple syrup yet?
BTW, which brand of Fenugreek r u taking?
calbee: are you tandem feeding?
i've only got a 1yr old toddler and planning to concieve #2 next year.. Still Bf-ing my toddler and no intention of stopping as yet but wondering if it's ok to bf while pregnant.. this other mummy mentioned that if bf while pregnant, may induce contractions..

awhuang.. how often do you breastfeed (as in interval) and do you direct latch or pump?
actually i find that if you direct feed all the time, your milk supply will increase, rather then if you pump..
if you find that your baby falls asleep in the middle of latching, can try to wake the baby up to continue suckling by stroking the cheek, chin, unwrapping the baby (if you wrap ur baby), tickling the toes.. that worked for mine.. also you said that your baby cries when you put him down.. could it be that he still wants to be carried a little longer?
It is Not true that you can't get milk supply going after 2 weeks.. actually it takes 6 weeks for your milk supply to establish itself.. so don't give up k? 20mls is still breastmilk
It is also true that if you give Fm, then ur baby suckles less and you produce less milk, the supply+demand is v true.. I've also tried taking fenugreek and it didn't work for me..
What worked to increase my supply was to direct latch ALL the time.. after you latch, can use pump and just pump for another 15min to stimulate more milk flow (whether there is milk or not to con the body into thinking it needs to produce more milk).. lots of sleep (v v impt) and fish soup.
all the best!
Hi Leng Leng,

I'm taking GNC fenegreek. Huh, u mean I'll smell like curry & urine like maple syrup? Never notice leh but I perspire a lot before & after pregnancy, so feel quite uncomfortable when bf'g. Wow, 3L of water is a lot, I guess I'm not drinking enough!!


My boy is 8 weeks now. I try to latch on becos my boy super impatient & will only suckle for 5-10 mins before he pulls his mouth out from my nipples. He's drinking 120ml every 2.5 to 3 hrly & my milk ss is only 20ml at most for first pump & subsequently pumping after 3 hrs is only 10ml!!

I am looking after him on my own, sometimes it's difficult to pump when he makes noise. I dun pump at night becos I feel so tired after looking after him during the day. I guess this is the reason why my milk ss is low too. I'm not greedy, if I can pump 120ml each time to feed him, I'm happy liao. I only eat fish & green papaya soup during weekends when my mil makes for me. On weekdays, I prepare simple lunch, sometimes with fish.
Hi I am a first time mother-to-be and I need some advice regarding breastfeeding.

I am planning to breastfeed exclusively when my baby is due in Jan.
I understand that milk supply will only come in on the 3rd or 4th day. So between the waiting period for the milk supply to come in, do u give the baby formula or just let the baby suckle on you?? Will colostrum be enough? Will baby cry alot if she is not getting sufficient milk from you??
GNC Fenugreek is good stuff ley,
I'm also taking GNC's.
If you hadn't smell like curry,
then you haven't take enough dosage.

No water input how to have milk output!?!?! hahaha...

I think your boy is having nipple confusion,
he'll prefer the bottle,
cause no need to search for it & easier to suck milk,
my boy is 99% latch on, no need to wash bottles.

For a simple lunch with rice, u can try cutting veg & meat/fish,
cook rice in rice cooker, 5-10 mins b4 the rice cooker "pop",
throw in the veg & meat/fish.
When the rice cooker pops, all's done.
You can stir in some sesame seed oil,
"left-over rice wine" from your confinement,
or soya sauce to your liking b4 "serving".

For a simple lunch with porridge, cook rice with water in a pot over fire,
cut veg & meat/fish,
when water boils, lower fire,
stir the rice to make sure no rice sticks to the pot,
bring to boil again, throw in your veg & meat/fish,
when water boils, switch off the fire.
Then go do something for about 20mins,
read email, chk on baby, go toilet, etc. etc. etc...
After 20mins, bring pot to boil again,
your porridage is now done.
Then stir in some sesame seed oil,
"left-over rice wine" from your confinement,
or soya sauce to your liking b4 "serving".

for my boy, he was half half at the hospital,
when I came home on 2nd days onwards,
he's on full BM,
1 night at home, he suck so hard that my nipple bleed,
he's drinking my blood & milk at the same time,
perseverance pays, 3rd day onwards, BM kicks in.

If you are able to feel "lumps" around your breast,
do start to massage them now,
if u see "milk discharge" from your nipple now,
But do not pump them out, they're there waiting for your baby.

awhuang..i know what that's like.. i also looked after my baby myself with no help.. there are times when i'm pumping halfway and baby will cry..then i'll stop pumping and latch my baby.. It's super tiring.. That could also be the reason for your milk supply..Cos you are not getting enough rest.. also it sounds like your baby has nipple confusion.. (just what i think ?
) babies are v clever.. if you offer you baby a bottle, they will prefer it cos milk flows out faster and they take less effort to get the milk coming, just suck and there is milk immediately whereas for the breast, they have to suckle for awhile before there's letdown andmore milk.. i'm not sure what you can do about can try to continue offering the breast even when your baby unlatches.. if baby refuses, then never mind.. don't give bottle, but if baby cries out of hunger later, then offer breast again? cos it's a cycle, when baby is given fm fr bottle, baby doesn't want to latch and if baby doesn't latch, milk supply doesn't increase lor..
just share my experience with you and see if it's useful for you k?

i think rest and eating well are v impt.. so when my baby sleeps, i also sleep.. meals wise, another mummy taught me this.. i ate steamed fish and rice for lunch almost everyday.. v easy to prepare.. just put the fish in a metal plate in the rice cooker so can cook rice and fish together..or if i am too tired to cook, will eat bread and fish fingers.. as for dinner.. my hubby will prepare lor.. or the other thing you can do is order tinkat? also if you latch and don't pump, there will be less things to wash so you also have less tings to do and more time to rest..
preservere on k?
it will get easier as the baby grows bigger and sleeps more.. then you'll get more rest too and milk supply will increase..
awhuang: just read lengleng's post (i was typing this yesterday afternoon but didn't finish then just contunued this morning..) my guess that ur baby having nipple confusion not too far off..

monsta: i had colostrum on day 1 and i fully latched my baby 3 hourly from birth onwards.. if you can, try to latch your baby the minute the baby is born.. have to let you gynae know first lah.. my baby was given to me straight after birth and she attempted a few cursory suckles while my gynae was stiching me up.. milk came in on day 3 or so for me and i didn't give any Fm in between, just latched every 3 hourly.. baby also didn't cry much the first couple pf days...was mostly sleeping..
Thanks LengLeng and fushiastar,
I will try to breastfeed exclusively when my baby is born. Hopefully I'll be successful!
In fact I believe I have some colustrum leaking now, yellowish transparent discharge. Dun dare to squeeze out fear I mite trigger contractions....
Tks Leng Leng & Fushiastar for your quick & easy recipe!!! Will try to eat fish more, even fish fingers is fish right?

I will increase my dosage to 3 capsules 3 times per day & see if it helps. But the GNC sales girl actually said 6 is recommended leh???

I will continue to pump no matter how little lor, a little milk is better than no milk right?
Want to check is it normal if your breastmilk supply decreases when bf for 1yr already. Heard from gynae that breastfeed up to 1 1/2yr will do cos it will not benefit the child anymore. Any comments?
Did any mummies bf when they go back to work? And will they bf for 1 or 2yr while working? My friend bf for 1yr+ and wish to work but undecided whether to continue bf. Seek your comments so that I can advise her. Thanks.

Hi Mummy07,
My daughter is almost 13 months and she's still on TBF. My milk supply is still maintained even after her first birthday.

BM will continue to benefit the baby for as long as they're on it. So your gynae is not correct there.

I'm also a working mum... I came back to work when baby was only 9 weeks. I'm lucky that my workplace is bf-friendly. I still express milk 1-2 times every work day.

For your friend, since baby is already 1yr+... if workplace is not bf-friendly, and difficult to express milk, she can consider just bf baby in morning and at night. Give baby formula milk during the work day. She doesn't need to stop totally.

