Breastfeeding Support Group

My parents, hb all know about bb's fussiness...but must say he's getting better... altho sometimes he still fusses to be carried. He just hates lying down, yet he cannot sit so it's either we have to carry him or hold him (but not for long).

When you say your bb doesn't sleep thru the nite, how often does he wake up? Some usually settle down after 2-3 months, but some still get up twice for milk.

It's normal to lose weight at beginning.
I too wonder all the while if I have enuf bm. If you feel you still have bm, why dun you try expressing? I was feeding like every 1.5 hours....very tiring.. so I let him take fm in the nite. Do you intend to b/f after you go back to work? I am still expressing in the office, got about 2.5 weeks to go, cos my supply dipped especially after I went back to work. Guess I already tried my best.

1st month was very tough, u should ask me how often he wasn't nursing instead, hee. He just keeps nursing, sometimes even every half an hour. Everyone who visits me at the hospital or home will see me nursing only and sometimes for a stretch of one hour or more.

Maybe u can express and feed her thru the bottle instead? Then at least u noe how much she is taking. If really tiring then maybe give one feeding of fm, let someone else feed her and u take a rest, though it may affect the supply.
now he sleeps for longer stretches but sometimes he falls asleep while nursing then jialat lor, every one and a half hour he'll wake up for a feed coz still hungry i guess.
U tried giving him the pacifier if he still wants to suck. My gynae told me to do that, but my boy rejected the pacifier. I also hv the problem of my boy wanting to comfort suck for long hrs. But it stopped at 2.5 mths, coz he's more interested in his surroundings. Now, difficult to get him to suck longer, he also seems more efficient in getting the milk req.
Hi Mya

Your first month sounds like mine and my baby is only 2 weeks old.
( Trying to shorten my nursing time to keep it to max an hour ... 30 minutes on one side esp when I feel her sucking has weakened. Really dun want to spoil her too much and also getting really tiring for me. At least during confinement period, my mom is helping me out in the day so I can rest in order to cope at nite. Worried how i'm gonna be able to cope during the second month when I'm all alone so praying baby will improve and sleep for longer stretches in the second month.

Nope, haven't tried giving the pacifier. Dun intend to unless I get really desperate coz both my nieces didn't have the pacifier so dun have to wean them off at a later stage.

dun worry la, usually they r better as they grow older like what desert said they will be more interested in their surroundings after sometime.

at least u had help during ur confinement. I didn't even do my confinement. Maybe bcoz i've been looking after him on my own I can feel the changes.

Pacifier is ok. I give it to him before and he rejects the pacifier. I heard from the nurse that if ur latching is no prob, there should be minimal nipple confusion dunno how true la. ANyway let her suck on her fingers is another option
Hi mommies
Have been following the thread but sometimes too busy to write everyday. Really hard to bf after going back to work. Express is not easy. I don't have fix time to express, not sure will it affect supply.
Deser, My boy like your bbb don't seem to be interested in drinking also. You direct latch on bb right? I read that you are on no pay leave till end of the year. I always have the problem of not sure how much is he drnking. Nt sure enough or not? How often do you nurse him? My bb feeding schedule erractic.

Hi stylobb
You decide to stop bf already? I still not sure but I can feel the stress when I go for course no place and time to express. Express already no palce to store also so I threw away.

Hi Jas

You busy never see you around?

Hi maro
Are you still bfing? Did you express at work?

Hi ww
I am also facing the same problem. My friend told me that maybe cos I wear nursing bra that do not give enough support. Nursing bra no wire. You wear normal bras or nursing ones?

yeah, very busy recently at work so less time to log into the thread liao.. so you want to continue BF till when? I will be the same as stylobb, intend to stop when my boy is 6mths old which will be in a month's time.
so what is your plan on how to stop BF? Decrease no of feed/express session? I also don't know how to gradually stop BF, afraid sudden stop will have terrible engorgement.
Hi gals
Hmmm....have been thinking about it...I tried to skip the 5pm expressing time and it seemed ok. But must feed by around 9pm+. Moon, my boy's feeding seems erratic too, I have been monitoring today, he ate at 9am, then 2.30pm, then 7.00pm, 9.30pm (just one side). When it came to his last feed, he was like the nite before, refused to drink the fm. I was expressing halfway and hb told me he refused to drink, only took a bit, hb asked me to let bb suckle, so I transferred whatever I have expressed, I feed direct, then I feed the ebm, then I feed the other and lastly tried the fm and he took them all! Me so blur now! Then hb asked me whether I am sure I wanna stop b/feeding completely cos in situations like these, I can still 'salvage' by latching on ...hehe... I also dun know how. Jas, morning my brs are usually very full so I think I cannot skip that. Work - me also busy, so sian last week. On leave this coming week.
hi all,

would like to know if anyone has milk bottles to give away or to sell at a cheap price ?? Preferbly those bigger than 240ml type for storing of breastmilk..
i have used up more 20 bottles (10 bottles of 330ml and more than 10 bottles of 250ml) and more than 20 milk bags to store my breastmilk for my baby.

u can call me at 98270284. thks!!
Yup, I direct latch, nvr express. Must be tought expressing at work, are u targeting 6 mths too? My boy usually feeds when he wants to sleep, difficult to get him to feed at other times. The interval can range fr 1.5 hrs to 3 hrs, depending on when he feels sleepy. So, his shedule also quite erractic.

I think U can also take medicine to stop the ss, wun hv the painful engorgement if I am not wrong. Tt time I went to GP coz of my blocked duct, he said he got medicine to stop the ss, but no medicine to clear the blocked duct.
Am wondering if any of your babies is like my 3-mth-old boy.

He used to take 125ml EBM every 3 hours but lately, he takes less at longer intervals. Sometimes, he takes 60-80ml every 4 hours. Once, it even stretched to 7.5 hours!

My nanny's daughters-in-law told me to feed him water in the middle of the night if he cries for milk so he would not wake up for anymore night feeds as time goes. I wonder if I'll be starving my poor boy if I take their advice.
Hi All

I spoke too soon. Think my little girl (starting on her 3rd week) is more aware of her surroundings and even during the day, she fusses and doesn't suckle as strong as before at the breast and keeps falling asleep halfway during her feed. Give up on her suckling already. May resort to expressing my milk and feeding her thru the bottle but feel so bad coz see her still struggling for the breast.

Managed to pump out 120ml this morning coz breast was quite engorged after a whole day of weak suckling yesterday and managed to pump 40ml after her morning feed and 60ml about 2 hours later. Waited another 3 hours and now barely managed to pump 90ml. Sure hope that's enough for her at this stage. Really want to avoid giving her too much formula coz intended to breastfeed for at least 3 - 6 months. But at the rate she's suckling, really worried that ss will decrease rapidly so no choice but to resort to pumping even though it's so much more work. Hopefully pumping won't decrease my milk.
if you pump at regular interval, the ss should still be maintained. I am on exclusively pumping till now and my boy only latch on me direct for his inital 1 week. My boy is now 5mths old. For the past 5 mths, my ss gradually increase to be able to meet his meets till now and I still manage to stock some in the freezer. However, just to clarify that my boy's appetite also remains fairly consistent for past 2mths feeding 120ml - 130ml every 3hrs. Note that I do supplement one formula for his night feed on weekdays, on weekends is on all EBM.
hi mummies,

guess what? i tried expressing last nite and nothing came out. i guess that's the end of my bm production *sob* anyone has any solution?

Why don't you just buy more breastmilk bags? They're much cheaper and you don't have to wash them up or sterilize. It's better to store in smaller amounts just enough for 1 feed rather than pour out each time you want to feed the bb.


My 3 month old girl has always been taking in small amounts, so far she's never taken more than 100 ml at a go.... Recently prefers the breast to bottle - she'll suckle even though she's stopped at the bottle.... Maybe you can try letting him suckle after a bottle feed too....

Has your bb been latching on well still?

I seem to be having a prob too with my right br...
somehow cannot achieve let down....

So have resorted to pumping the left to get let down, then quickly switching to the right to pump b4 moving back to left....
Oh no. If u want to get back the ss, u can try latching on ur boy. Then pump after latch on to stimulate ss. In addition, take oats in the morning + 3 days of papaya fish head soup. That was what the LC advise me when my milk was running dry due to the blocked duct.

It shd be ok, they are suppose to slow down their growth at this stage. My boy is also like tt, he does not suck for long and spit up quite a lot of milk at times, I use to worry a lot, but end up his wt gain is always ok.

U started ur boy on Frisocream? I am putting it on hold, feeding him Gerber rice cereal 1st. Coz I noticed Frisocream has added sugar, which is not needed, so dun intend to start my boy on it so soon. But Gerber rice cereal is not so yummy.
hi quench,

Sorry, working from home these days. No access to fax. Anyway, I talked to my gynae and he told me that the doses prescribed are safe for use. KKH is aware of this report also.
Hi absolut,

Did you give birth during night time? My boy came into this world around 11pm plus. he was on US timing for about 2 weeks thereafter (day time sleep a lot, night time 2 little eyes open like nobody biz).

Give him time to adjust. Anyway, I tried feeding my boy formula at night to let him sleep longer....., he will still wake up at 2am and then 4am. I think his body clock already adjusted to that timing.

I have since switched back to tbf.

My boy taking about 125ml max per feed. Sometimes more, sometimes a lot less.
tks desert and qhl.

desert,i've already told my mum to do the papaya soup for me. didn't know abt the quaker oats thing. btw how much did u managed to express when ur ducts were blocked.

i went to see my LC and she told me my breasts are lumpy. does tat mean i have blocked ducts?
Sugar in Frisocreme? Really...thankfully I did not start him on that yet. Hb wants to try the rice cereal today, and my mum said not to give him that after his jab tomorrow.

Yah, must express at regular intervals. For me, my boy is ok with direct latching so I do that all the time at home.

I was just thinking, o dear, how to stop the b/f cos I direct latch? Cos my boy still looks for sucking at times. He can take 180ml fm in the morning which lasts him about 4 hours. No way can I produce that much and sometimes if I give ebm he may not finish which is such a waste.
On leave this week. I think looking after a bb whole day is no joke. He still loves being carried and going out but so heavy.

Your LC did not suggest any solution for the lumpiness?
The other time when I had the clogged duct, I could not express at all. Had to get my boy to suckle..phew...he did it and managed to clear the clog.
Hi stylobb
SO your hubby ask you not to stop bfing? Ya is true leh looking after the bb the whole day is not easy at all expecially if you are alone. Your huby took leave also? Then he can help you. I guess now still ok when they know how to crawl, like my niece my sil can't even go to toilet or bathe. Cos she may crawl around dangerous. So she bring her into the toilet also hee.You started solid already? Me started already. My boy doesn't really like dumex, he prefers henzine.(not sure the spelling). a I heard Frisocreme is sweeter cos there is sugar.

Hi desert
I not sure when want to stop bf? you leh? My boy also feeding time between 1.5 to 3 hours but sometimes can be longer. But I find direct latch no good leh not sure how much he drinks . Sometimes he fuss don't for what thought he is hungry but end up drink a little bit only.

Hi jas
Me can't bear to give up bf.

Hi mommies

Can I check with you? Bfing means no period right? Then no need to go for pap smear test? Can wait till stop bfing then go for the test? Wil it be safe?

hi moon

heheeee... not true. your menses will return (although later) even if you're b/fg. mine came after 8 months. but not very sure abt the pap smear though.
you have stop BF for a while and trying to re-start or you have been BF is just that you encounter this problem?

I also gave my boy Heinz rice cereal. If Frisocream has sugar I will not let my boy has it. Initally thought of giving my boy friscocreme when he reaches 6mths. Looks like I will stick with Heinz.

no joke right looking after bb whole day... understand your situation, mine also similar. my boy wants people to play with him every moment his awake, and he likes to be carried around.. now can't carry him for long as my hands and back will ache. I think must use the bb carrier already.
hi mommies...
greetings from japan. reached japan ytr afternoon. will return to spore on sat. it was so terrible on sat night when realised my ameda cant work on AA batteries. cant use the electric supply as japan is using 100V output instead of 230V. not sure is it sth wrong with the pump or the pump have to use special type of batteries. so panic as not possible to manual express for a wk as tiring on hands n time consuming. it was then 12am n not possible to go out buy transformer. end up i checked with my colleague if co has transformer n luckily have. went to co at 1am. but the time in flight was not so good. at first tot just need to spend 10min in toilet using electric pump. but electric pump cant have to use manual pump. end up went to toilet 4-5times n stay inside for 10min to pump. each time only pump 1 breast. not sure if there is ppl waiting outside but most of the time i din see any when i came out of toilet. luckily the flight was quite empty. hope flight will be empty when i go back. today went to a meeting room during lunch time to pump milk as need power supply. was quite afraid someone will open the door. din tell the japanese abt it. hope can go off on time n then back to hotel to pump milk. been drinking my EBM since such a waste to throw. but throw away those pump in the flight. at first find it horrible to have to drink it. but felt nothing once drank. EDM taste sweet. no milk taste. no wonder bb likes it so much.
aiyo..miss my boy leh..2 days din c him liao. will think of him every time i express milk. so hope he can drink the milk i expressed. still have to wait until sat. dunno will my boy reject breasts if din let him suck for a week.
mini see, all mummies are the same lah, try the best for our bbies!! Do your best, jia you! Got any hardening or not? IF I were you, I'll be so stressed. Even last week, I pumped in the hotel already so stressed.

Hb and I are on leave together...I can't imagine handling him on my own, already I feel so drained. Anyway I intend to cook dinner tonite cos my mum prepared all the ingredients for me and I just make soup, beta than going out to eat.
Aiyoh, looking after him whole day is not easy leh, morning we went for breakfast and brot him down, he likes going out to see things. Then came back and he hates lying down so we put him in pram and rocked him a bit, he fell asleep. It's so hot today, and he perspired so much! Poor boy! Fed him a bit of rice cereal, only a bit. How much do you feed your boys? Mine did not take much. Then after a while, he fell asleep in my arms, now I hear him crying, slept for more than one hour.

Hb said if bb wants to comfort suck and still wants bm, how? I also dun have an answer to that.
Hi mini
Wow you go Japan already. Lucky you manage to express? I think your boy will miss you too.

Hi lea
sorry I forgot how long have you bf? Still bfing? When your bb teething does it hurt? So have you gone for pap smear?

moon, my boy just turned 17 months and me still b/fg. he bit once or twice when he started teething but overall, he's ok. i think bbs learn not to bite when you tell them 'no' firmly a few times. i have not gone for my pap smear yet. will probably have to find time to go soon. you reminded me ...
hi all

want to ask a silly question,do u gals wear nusring bra or normal bra to work if u need to express bmilk ???

hi serene , lea

my menses came after 1.5mths. i think it come too soon... thinking that bfing can enjoy a bit.
I went for my pap smear about 2 months after I delivered...I think it's recommended all mummies should go for it. If you have not, you should make your appointment soon. And I'm supposed to see my gynae a year later.
Yah, hb asked me to reconsider b/feeding but I said I will probably stop but if I can schedule it such that I can feed once in the morning, and once a nite without engorgement (I heard it can be done), maybe I can continue. Do you know how much are you producing now?

Nothing silly, I wear nursing bras to work cos more convenient mah. But they dun look nice if you are wearing tight fitting spandex top, only if you wear shirts/blouses then the shape is not seen so easily.

Wow, your boy is already more aware and will surely look for 'them' when he is hungry...hehe.

So did you lose any weight ?? Yah, boys are really tougher to handle!
Hi Jas/ Stylobb
My boy likes people to play with them. He can play on his own but not too long cos he wilol get bored and also likes to be carried around and look here and there. It really seems that our boys are the same leh! Really tougher.

Hi lea
When do you intend to stop bfing?

Hi stlyobb
You know why must go for pap smear? You know I called up the clinic and the nurse asked me not to be too anxious and said my menses not here yet nevermind. Then I asked her what if I am going to bf for long. She said don't so anxious.
hi mommies
thanks for the encouragement. will press on with expressing milk. v afraid of getting block ducts n have been praying hard not to have it while in japan. everyday counting down. this morning told myself still have to express for 4 more mornings after tat can see my boy. my body has adjusted to ameda pump n can take express milk efficiently. the pump is good to create let-down too.

find EBM not so raw. overall taste sweet. i dun bother too much abt it n just drink it. think all have to depend on the food consumed.

i have been wearing nursing bras to work as more convenient. but then cant wear tight clothing. whenever i wear tighter t-shirts, will wear cardigan so as to make it not so obvious. been longing to wear those sexy tops but have to wait till after stop breastfeed. cant fit into those tight tops.
I could not express when my ducts were blocked, coz the blockage was in the nipple. So even though there was engorgement, I could not express anything. The milk will accumulate in bumps above the aerola, so I hv to press there to get the milk out. Anyway, the problem was solved when the lc removed the clot in the nipple. hee...I din follow her instuctions on expressing after latch on,so can't ans ur qns.
No lah, lumpy breast is not blocked duct.

I also dun know when to stop bf. I am thinking of stopping at ard 9 mths, b4 I go back to work. Will see how things go first.

Yup, there is sucrose. And sucrose = sugar. I just read in bk to check the labels of baby fd, there shd be no added sugar, as it is not necessary, just makes the fd more yummy. So, I went to buy Gerber rice cereal instead.

Stylobb/Moon/Jas boy not only wants pp to play with him, he also wants more pp ard. He fusses less when more pp are ard.
Till now I am still wearing nursing bras coz it's easier for me for expressing. Have not wear normal bras since delivery.

loss weight? I hope to have but the fact is nope, in fact seems to have put on... so sad. After stop BF must start my diet plan already liao...

I also taste EBM a few times, not much taste with only slight sweet taste. I drink the remainder when my boy couldn't finish it, don't want to waste mah..

so in this case, you must make sure he's surrounded by more pp then.. hee hee
Hah, you drank the ebm? I never tasted it, feel strange if I were to drink my own ebm.

Yah, at my mum's place, there is more 'entertainment'.. but ok lah, more or less we know his pattern. We go downstairs for breakfast, walk him a bit. By mid morning, he will be tired and fuss, when I carry him, he falls asleep pretty fast. I hope it'll rain afterwards cos it was so hot yesterday. He just took his third jab, also didn't cry. Am monitoring him now.

YOu can start your slimming package then.

If not mistaken, it's to test for cervical cancer.

Was your boy the one who was rejecting bottles?

I'm really worried, cos my girl recently refuses to drink from bottles.... I work 3 full days, and yesterday she only took 200 ml the whole time I was away. Once I got back she wanted to suckle every 1.5 hrs..... Any solutions?
hi jastan,

i was bf-ing all along but with very very little supply. but now no more. even last night when i expressed also only a few drops came out.

Hi desert,
tks for the info. hmm...guess have to go see LC again

Hi mini,
Jia You!
hi all,
am idling in office. feel so bored n sleepy. dunno y in the first place my boss want me to come japan for a week. ytr has meeting but today none. was given a pile of specification sheets written in japanese. trying to understand what is it about. tough as my jap knowledge is limited. there was a change of plan. initially they want to involve me in project A n now in project B. mayb tat explains y nothing much to do. but will sure have a hard time when return to spore as no one to help me. sometimes have the strong urge to want to fly back today to be with baby.
i just eat normally. usual diet include bread, rice, fish, meat, vege, fruits etc...nothing special. your milk not sweet at all?
hi mini,

wah u drank ur own EBM? i was away from Sin too for work, i used my EBM to wash face n hair etc hahaha. Coz i dun dare to drink my own EBM (n i dun drink any other kind of milk). i'v friends who drink their own EBM too

hi aloe,
i wear normal bra to work. i m using PIS n i think normal bra is ok for expressing. also coz my ofc has a nice room for expressing, so make it very easy even i wearing normal bra.

hi moon n lea,

my gal bites since very young. i'v tried all ways to stop her like say no firmly, put her down immed, pinch her cheek hard till she cry. all dun work. she's aware she cant bite, coz when i say "no", she'll give me the "i know" look. but then she'll still try her luck
Hi Girl
My bb also rejects bottle when I get back to wok but slowly he is adapting already. How long have you gone back to work? At first he can go hungry for the wholle day almost more than 8 hours. Now ok better can drink cos no choice lor.

hi mommies,
got a question. my boy usually takes 130ml of EBM 3 hourly. i increased it to 160ml n he managed to finish it but take it 4 hourly instead. the problem is my freezer now is stocked up with all 130ml packs of EBM. how shld i go abt mixing them to all 160ml?

PIS is the medela Pump-in-style electric breastpump.

I think got to thaw one pack of 130ml, and pour out 30ml each time to top up the rest for each feed.
