Breastfeeding Support Group

thanks jastan. but i dun always give him EBM, only occassionally. so if i thaw 1 pack to mix with the rest, then must finish tat pack within 48hours rite? worse come to worse got to give EBM for entire day.

Hi! I realised cooled breastmilk always have a thick layer of substance formed on top of it. Anyone know what's that?
this is the first time i heard using EBM to wash face n hair. is so nutritious..should drink it to get the nutrients.

that layer is fats which is higher in calories. do shake abit to make a homogeneous mixture.

since only give bb EDM once in a while, think its ok if just give him 130ml for that feed. then give him next feed at shorter interval. find it tough to pack EDM as dunno how much to pack as dunno bb will change the amt of milk intake. this wk my bb is drinking frozen EBM since i m in japan. by the time i go back he should finish most of the 125ml EBM. then i should start packing 140-150ml EBM since he is taking this amt now.
thanks for the advise. yar everytime dunno how much to pack. will try it out see if he's ok with it - in case he fuss for not enuff.
Hi lea and mommies who had bf for more than six months,
Can check with you all whether your bbs sleep through the night by drinking b milk alone? Do you direct feed them or through bottle?

Thank you
hi moon

yes, my boy still wakes up for night feeds. i think this is due to habit more than hunger. will latch him on because he refuses to be bottle-fed if i'm the one holding the bottle.

feel that there is a higher tendency for b/fed bbs to wake up for night feeds coz they can 'smell' us.

i din b/f my gal for very long last time and she was able to sleep thru the night from 1 mth onwards. does your son wake up now? i've also been wondering when mine will stop this habit.
hi mini,

haha, ya BM is nutritious, but i dun take take any form of milk. so nx best thing i can think of is use it on my face n hair, mayb the nutrients will go to my face n hair haaa

hi aleo,
ya PIS is pump in style, medela

hi serene,
my gal is coming to 6mths, n till now is tbf. she dun sleep thru too. i also think its habit rather than hunger. when i m not in sin, my mum had to bottle feed her during the nights. i really pray she will sleep thru. but i think need to train, unless miracle happens loh. i tried the give water method, but my gal will keep crying. alot of times i leave her to cry, still no use.

she used to wake for milk 12am, 5am....recently go haywire, even 3am also wake up. driving me crazy
I have heard of bbs who are on bm and can sleep thru. Like what blessed and lea, I also think it's more a matter of habit. Moon, your bb will wake up for feeds?
Btw my boy just had his third jab, he was ok but last nite quite cranky, cried and cried, we also dun know why. His voice is so loud, aiyoh... I just spent nearly an hour trying to pat him to nap, by which time he was hungry, fed him but he did not finish his milk...finally he fell asleep. I am prepared he will be cranky after the jab since Tue but still it is so tiring for me... so stressful, fort. am still on leave. Actually when we bring him out it's ok, but at home he just kinda gets bored.
Hi lea/stylobb/blessed
Ya my boy initially can do without night feed but not sure why suddenly around 4 months plus can't already. He will make noise and wants to have milk.Don't give will cry. So blessed, the water mthd don't work for your gal also? I never try but my boy doesn't drink much water. so I guess it doesn't work for him also. The pd says can let him cry out then he will be ok after 1 or 2 weeks but you know he will cry very loudly. Do you all think is hunger or habit cos I can really see him suckling like very hungry. My hubby says must be hungry cos breast milk no full. Is it true? Do your bbs slep with you?
So do all your bbs like to drink water?

Are you working? How long do oyu intend to bf your gal?
Hi stlyobb
Your one week leave over soon so fast. How is Jesse? My boy also bring him out ok I guess there are so many things to see not bored so don't make noise.

hi all,

my gal is 2.5 months and she sleeps thru. I think it depends on individual.

abt the third jab, she's due to have it. will it affect her habit of sleeping thru the night? does this jab affect babies?
moon ... yes! now that you mentioned, i remember that my boy was able to sleep thru the night initially but started waking up at 4-5 months. like yours, my boy also cries very loudly and will resort to screaming if i dun let him latch on. yes, he sleeps with me. my gyane also told me it's a habit. coz he thinks that bbs are fully capable of gg without any milk during that 8 hours of sleep. my bb hardly drinks any water until recently when i bought him a cup with a spout. he's very amused by it so will drink NON-STOP ... hehee
Hi all,

I currently freeze EBM for future use in Avent storage bags.

Currently what I do is to put the bag in a cup of water, in the lower compartments. This helps to thaw faster. putting the bag in an empty cup takes upteen hours to thaw.

Not sure if my mtd is ok. Appreciate if you could share your 'xin de'.

Thanks much
Hi mummies,
It has been long that i have not prop in to say hi, have been very busy over past few weeks. I am shameful to tell you guys that i have stop expressing, its not an easy decision. At first i did stopped and resumed back, but find it really tired and affecting my work, so finally just decided to totally stop, have been feeling very guilty for not able to perseverence. But now I get to spend more time with my gal at nite cos dont have to rush for expessing at the fixed timing. But do hope all of you continue with your hardwork to give your babies the best that you can......

hi moon,
Have you done your pap smear test? I did check with my gynae why is it recommended for the test after delivery. She said pap smear test should be done every year, since the whole pregnancy take almost a year time, so after giving birth it will be the right timing to do the test again. I am not sure if returning of menses affect the timing of the test. Anyway, how are you lately? seems not so tight up?

how's your japan trip so far? must be missing your boy badly....
Wat I did is bring down the freezed EBM from the freezer compartment to the the fridge. If the EBM is meant for tomolo feeding, I will bring it down the nite before. It will slowly thaw and shd be in liquid form by the next day.

I know it is not ez to make dat decision. Dun feel too bad over it.

I am still wondering whether I shd continue b/f as long as I still have bm or stop at 6mths. I am oso kinda tired. Haiz...
so glad i m going back to spore tmr. nothing much to do for this trip n yet dunno y my boss planned for me to be here for a wk. miss baby v badly on tue n wed. so hoped to fly back spore asap. today was better as know can finally see boy tmr

dun feel too bad abt stop bf. u must be glad to give ur bb abt 3mths of breastmilk. it is not easy esp work load is heavy. stop bf can make ur life easier n happier since can rest more. do enjoy the short time spend with ur girl everyday.

i also have the same tots as u. intend to bf for 6mths but what if i still have bm? but want to buy new clothes, want to go gym for long workouts etc. right now only tell myself wait until stop bf.
One week is almost over. He is fine, napped longer, maybe becos I was beside him.

Indeed not an easy decn to make. Dun feel so bad, you have tried your best already.

Sorry to hear about your boy, how did he get it?

I think it's due to the weather and also, his father has sorethroat and dry cough.
I am afraid the virus will attack his brain. My neighnour told me we bring him out, that's why he's sick but I see many babies going out. I thought since he's on breastmilk, his immunity level will be higher?
I ever heard from a friend who said the doc commented that it's not so good to bring bbs to crowded places esp shopping centres... better to be out in nature eg parks.. I dun know how true.

Am trying to stop b/f by month end.. dun know what to do... suppose to stop direct latch and then pump in longer interval. But when bb wakes up early morning, it's faster and easier to direct latch.
the thaw frozen EBM got to finish within 24hrs and not 48hrs.

it's normal for the cooled EBM to have a thick layer on top and very thin layer at bottom.

my boy still wakes up once during the night sometimes, his night feed is not fixed, sometimes wake up and sometimes not.

I will bring the frozen EBM into the fridge to thaw, once the ice soften I will bring it out and put in tap water for the ice to melt completely than use hot water bath to warm it up.

Recently I got experience several pack of frozen EBM the avent bag tear, end up got to throw all those thaw milk away. Not too sure why also.. so sian.. and wasteful.

don't feel shameful at least you have tried right? I will be stopping BF too when my boy reaches 6mths, coz expressing at fixed interval is taking up my time, I can divert the time to play and interact with my boy instead.

I also don't know how to stop Bf, but as i am on expressing, for me I will have to reduce the expressing session gradually.
Have you started to feed your boys rice cereal?
May I ask other mummies how much to feed? Cos I tried and only succeeded in a few spoonfuls and bb does not seem to like.
Any advice?

I also dun know how to, guess I try to skip one session and gradually also wean him off the breast. But it is quite strange cos last nite I fed him fm before he slept, he did not finish, so I let him direct latch a while, after that I gave him the remaining fm and he finished all up.
Hi StyloBB,

i intro cereal to my bb at 4 mths and now at 5.5 mths, he's into porridge and fruits. my pd gave me a write up on introducing solid n i have type it out. maybe helpful to u.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Introducing Solid Foods.doc (28.2 k)</td></tr></table></center>
you mentioned that the thaw frozen EBM got to finish within 24hrs. So if after thawing and warming it up, how long can it last? I've read that EBM can be left at room temperature for 6 hrs, but recently I've seen from somewhere that cos our weather here quite hot, can only leave for 1 hr. So which is more accurate? If after thawing and warming but bb don't drink immediately, do you warm it up again when he wants to drink? How about the EBM which you leave in room temperature? Need to warm before feeding?
hi moon,

my gal quite like water, but if feed water at night she dun want. she wakes for milk, but i dun think she is hungry, think is habit. recently, she's starting to wake very frequently, not sure is it coz her gums are painful?

my gal is 6mths now. I m hoping to tbf her for at least 12mths. but old folks r asking when i m going to give her formula milk, they think BM is not good enough after 6mths... strange.

oh yes, i m working

ur pd suggest letting bb cry when they wake for milk? wah sure will cry for very long, if they cry, will b so disturbing, we also cannot rest leh.
Hi Stylobb,

wow! you're reachin your goal liao....I still have 3+ months to go. I totally agree with you that it's so much easier to latch bb on during night/early morning when bb wakes up. I cannot imagine having to wake up and prepare formula....very lazy mommy me :p

heard from my cousin that she just expressed just enough to relieve the engorgment and her supply dried up within a few days.
Hee, I got the same info fr my PD too.

I think the rule is not to force feed, so I guess we hv to let our boys decide how much they want to eat. I started my boy on si shen brown rice and gerber rice cereal after the 4th mth jab. He still does not take as much as what the PD recommends, he only takes abt 2 tablespoon. I've also fed him carrots and bananas b4. For banana, I mix into his rice cereal.
hi all...
i'm looking forward to join tis thread for info, advice and tips from all of u...

i'm pretty stressed up now abt bf'g even though i hv not given birth... cos i hv inverted nipples, and i reali do not know wat kind of probs they wld pose for me. but i'm trying v hard to be positive abt it and hope by the time comes, the LC at kk will be able to help me along.

not sure if any of u hv any stories or experiences to share on bf'g for inverted nipples.
Hello! You are due in Jul right?
Yah, b/feeding is not easy leh, esp for working mums. And if office environment is not supportive, lagi worse. I have a room to express but schedules/meetings get in the way... Think I have done my part liao.
About the inverted nipples, maybe you should ask the person when you attend the ante-natal classes?

Yah, reaching my goal soon but have mixed feelings. But have just been told to sit in for 2-day external meeting Thu/Fri.... no way can I pump but I manage to skip one timing already so these few days, will prolong the hours and hopefully no hardening... really xiong to be a working mum and b/feeding, thankfully manage to persevere for six months. I hope to still b/f him morning once and night-time once.

Thank you for the info. I dun mind delaying till now (5.5 months) to feed him on solids.

Yah, I dun force him, maybe it's a sign he's game to try other foods.
Btw am back at work after a week's leave. So xiong initially but slowly got used to it and gotta go back to work...rats. Now I understand my boy a bit more, his schedule, habits. But really not easy to be a full-time mum altho it's great to have all the time with bb.
hi stylobb...

yeah... u still rembr me... hehe... yup... due on 17jul... but somehow got a feeling he wanna come out sooner than dat.
i agree wif u on the envt... thankfuli, my ofc has recently allocated one of the lesser used small meeting room for EBM purposes.
i didnt attend any classes, so i cldnt ask... but i did wat i cld to read up... i guess i will hv to take things as it comes...
hi stylobb,

remember me? finally get to join u and the rest at this thread.

I am going to start work in a few days time.. took a few extra days leave. I am not sure if i can cope with expressing at work. There's no proper room at my wkplace.. secondly, my supply is low..and each time I could only express abt 50-70ml. Rather discouraging..

Before my boy's birth, I have intention to bf him for 6 months...but I had fever during confinement and supply dipped tremendously as I couldn't bf him for 4 days. Tried to build up my supply, but it remains the same. I could latch him successfully in the morning, when he's not so alert.

Now, my boy is sick, down with flu.. really heartpain
I will try out expressing at work, even though my supply could only manage to feed my boy for 1 feed, the rest of it have to go on formula.
Hi soyabean,

Just to prepare you, I gave birth at KKH also. Initially, squeeze like mad, only 1/2 drops of colostrum could be seen. The nurses were encouraging, but didn't offer much practical support. I tried latching on, but only ended up with sore nipples. Then I really wanted to give up.

On the day of discharge I met this nurse (Francesca Chua - can't remember name, I was in ward 81). She was very patient and very kind to spare time to teach me how to bf with my bb. If you ever have the chance to meet her, must grab her - she's very nice and very very good. Practical is always so much more difficult.

To date, I still tbf my baby...and I always give thanks that I met that nurse. Perservere and you will see light at end of the day.

Perhaps you're the lucky type that leak milk like free, otherwise, all the best and enjoy your impending motherhood!!
hi QHL,
thanks for ur tips.
to me, i think its good dat the nurses were encouraging though like wat u said, didnt offer much practical support. i hv heard of stories of nurses who werent even supportive.

and its great to know u r still tbf.
how old is ur bb btw?

hehe... i oso hope i will be those kind who will leak milk like free...

btw, i hv noticed dat for the past couple of days, my nipples are rather painful to the touch. anybody experienced tis b4 they give birth?
Hi all.

today is my first day return to work ... hm.... quite OK la as i did not really working ..
whole morning was cleaning table (thick layer of dust on table), clearing email and
i finially expressed milk in office.. in a store room .. (i think still better than washroom)
This room do not have proper chair and table, i got to sit on a computer and use another computer as table. Lucky this room is quite clean and with aircon ...still can express in peace.

i feel vy strange as my milk supply is not consistence. I can get 160ml supply in the moring but during lunch time, i only have 70ml and most of the milk supply is come from one side of the breast, the other side is vy little. i am not sure this is normal.....
you using manual pump? if so, think becoz cant get let-down for the other side of the breast n thats y cant get the milk out. i have this problem when i was using manual pump. hands so tired n could not get much milk sometimes. in the end i went to buy ameda pump n m happy with it.
hi soyabean,

My bb coming to 3months soon...still have some way to go before 'da gong gao cheng'. I started building up supplies during the 2nd month cos I was worried about lack of supply. Amazingly, milk started coming in during last 2 weeks of maternity leave. Morale of story is not to write off myself so fast.

Anyway, I was on Doperamide for a couple of weeks to establish supply. There was some news that this drug is dangerous, but I called my gynae up and he told me that KK is aware of this report, and that the dosage given to me should not cause any toxicity.

I think Avent has some nipple shields or something that's supposed to draw out inverted nipples? You might want to have a look at those.

Oh yah, and do drop by if you ever feel stressed etc, the ladies here are very supportive. I derived so much information and encouragement from this thread also.
hi mini ..

no i am using the medela mini pump ... duno why even i pump at 5 mins still can't get let-down for one side... any idea on how to get let-down easily ??
hi mini...
ur ameda pump is a double pump? so double pumps are beta in getting letdown for both breasts at the same time?

for me, i will be using avent manual pump. i decided i will oni get a electric pump when i hv established bf'g.

yeah... i hope to be inspired and encouraged by u gals here... will hv so much to learn from u all.

yup... i hv seen the avent nipplette... it costs quite ex.... over $70plus... so i didnt buy dat... instead got a nipple puller from pigeon.
hvnt used it now yet cos afraid it will stimulate contractions. hehe...

btw, i intend to massage my nipples prior to birth... when wld be a good time to start?
Wow, girls, a lot of postings today..

I found it frustrating that we were not taught how to b/feed the first time so we struggle with it. I also had help from a nurse from Gleneagles. This particular nurse was also very helpful and encouraging, she even bothered to check my br when I told her I thot there is no milk because of soreness. feeling a teeny bit 'lost' that I'll be stopping soon... a little bu xe de.. plus my boy quite good leh, never reject my brs, most of the time eat with gusto, but only my supply is not much/enuf for tbf.
Your goal is also six months? Hmm...looking back, I'm glad I did not give up.

april joy
Yeah, I remember you. How you getting on? You also having problem with milk supply? If you can persevere, then press on.
What about at home? Does he latch on? Try to direct latch if possible. I am going to stop expressing during office hours from today onwards.
I have been very busy at xiong. My boy will have had six months bm when I stop end of the month. I can see the benefits of it in him. I was on leave with hb to look after my boy, hmm...must say I do miss him a bit today.

Hopefully you can call up the LC and check what can be done about the nipples.
Room - that's good. So far my office always has a room available but nothing is said openly about support. But I feel the stress when it's end of the day and I got work to complete, a few times I could not express cos too rushed. My colleagues are supportive but management never says anything, they are neutral. It's up to us as mummies to do it at our time and effort.

Haha, so funny, no one cleaned your desk while you were on ML? Sorry, your bb boy or gal?
I think it's normal that in the mornings, our brs are fuller.
Hi all,

I'm new...from the June/July thread..

I've delivered Matthew on 1st June @9.32pm after 36 hrs..

Need to ask..-

1)Matt's paed says he's got oral thrush... how do I get the Daktarin gel on all his tongue?? I'm suppose to also wash his tongue but his mouth so smalll!!!! Is there another way to solve this problem?? What is the cause of thrush in the mouth?

2) Are there certain times when BB does not zz after a feed?? I have instances where I feed him and put him down but he "ee ahh ee ahh". If I ignore him he'll cry..should I leave him crying??
When at MIL kept on carrying him.. I'm afraid he's "spoilt" now. What should I do??
Hi soyabean,

I think you mean massage your br? Anytime's a good time....I didn do it before my bb born cos my hubby kena overseas posting and I didn want bb to be born when daddy not around...maybe that's why milk supply non-existent in the early days :p

I heard it's good to massage b4 birth cos my cousin did it and hers was 'hong shui fan lan'. KK has a pretty good booklet on bfding. If you want, I can post it to you also.

Just dun expect gushes to come out esp the early days. I didn know what to expect and my confidence was severely tested. Then I began to take it easy and just tell myself that bb is having enough....mutter enough times &amp; I started to believe it.
Hi stylobb,

Yah, I hated it when the KK nurses were going on about benefits of bf; but not offering much by way of practical support.

Heard that TMC offers far better support for new moms - they conduct classes to teach you how to bath baby, how to bf for those new moms.

Anyway, I was lucky that I was bored enough to read the bulletin board in the ward and found out the really good nurse (cos she got sooo many commendation letters) and requested for her the very next day.

I looking to 6mths also. But if supply permits, may want to extend it to year end. Not sure how long I can go without my char kway tiao...
36 hrs?? Wow!! Must be so tiring... if I look back at my own experience, I think why the bb does not sleep is becos he does not feel so secure yet, cos 9 months in protection (womb) and now exposed mah. Actually I also dun know whether it's good to keep carrying, we did carry but we try to minimise as he grows and learns to sleep...but even now we will carry him esp when he is sleepy. Do you swaddle your bb? I find that helps cos it makes bb feel secure.

Hmm...unfort. my supply did not go up leh. And going back to work has been stressful and affects my supply..when overly stressed, the supply dips. I had really wished my supply was more than enuf but that did not happen.

Your boy must be active too! Me all tired out by my boy, at least now it's better, otherwise I look terrible!
Hi Natalie
WElcome to the thread. I am not too sure about the question about thrush. Maybe the other mommies can help you. But I heard is it cos of the milk left in the mouth. You can call your PD to ask.
Me same as stylobb, carried my bb too. Now try to carry lesser as they get to understand better.

Hi Maro
I am starting to get busy already. How are you? Please don't feel guilty about bfing. At least now you can spend more time with your gal. Thank you for helping me to get the pens and the papers? You got my email?

Hi stylobb
One week passes so fast. So you expressing at longer interval already?

Hi lea
My boy still doesn't really drink water. Which kind of bottle you mention you bought for him? Can I take a look? So your boy still wake up for night feeds? So how ah? DO you intend to stop bfing or how to train him not to?

hi stylobb &amp; rest of mummies,

I could only successfully latch my son during his first morning feed. Other than that, I tried latching him for other feeds, but he will only suckle for about 5-10mins and then he will start to wiggle and become impatient and start crying. Guess my supply not enuf and he's getting impatient with the slow milk flow. So, have to give him formula. I will then express..but supply only enuf for one feed.

Does taking the medicine really helps? my hubby not in favour that i take medication. He said natural bm is always better...and never know what side effect it may have on bb in future. i didn't take any medication to increase supply.

hi aloe,
ya, i also ve the same prob. Most of my milk comes from one side of the breast.. I also used medela mini.. but finds it so now using Avent manual, rent from friend.. Wondering how to get let-down easily??

hi natalie,
does your boy takes pacifier? u can apply the gel onto the pacifier and let him suckle. That's what I ped taught me. My mil also use a towel to rub away the thrush, my boy cried v loudly then cos she forced her way into his mouth..Me heartpain cos' i scared will hurt bb..but mil said won't.
I delivered in TMC, the nurses there are really helpful when it comes to bf. Really pleased with their svs. H/w, the bf expert there is the lc Mrs wong, she helped me a lot, showed me proper latch on and how to bf lying in bed the proper way, etc. They also hv a free course for u to attend on bb care and bf while u are in hospital.

For ur inverted nipples, I read in bks tt u need to draw them out b4 bf. U can also get ur gynae to check on them. For nipple and breast massage, my gynae told me to do at abt 32 wks during the shower.

Yup, no joke looking after bb alone. I cannot take it too, so tt's why I brought him to my dad's shop, at least I dun feel so stress. Are u stopping at 6 mths? I am thinking of bf him until end of the yr now.
hi stylobb...
yeah, its not easy to manage EBM and work cos there will somehow be issues/things dat hinder. anyway, if we as mummies know dat we hv tried out best to provide for our dearies, dat wld be assuring already.

hi QHL,
thanks for the info. okie, i'll prob start massaging my br from now. oh, i wld love to hv the kk bf booklet.
u hv to snail-mail to me or email?
Hi Natalie,

Read that for the first few months, it's not possible to 'spoil' the bb by carrying him when he cries - this to reinforce in them that mommy loves them. Otherwise they may be insecure. But of course there are other schools of thought. Personally, I would comfort my boy when he 'ee ee ah ah'....

hi joy_apr,

I dunno leh cos first week my supply super pathetic. Also, I am like your hubby, worry about the effects of medication, so I stopped after 2 weeks. Perhaps it did help to 'jumpstart'? Anyway, if you didn take, don't fret. Bb is still the best 'milk-drawer'. Perhaps you can super load on the green papaya soup and fish?

I not sure why your bb dun like to suckle.... I use this 'weapon' to quiet Nathan down when he frets (even if he just had EBM) - works like a charm. :p
hi soyabean,

Have to snail mail, unless you visiting KK these few days - prob can request from the nurse.

Let me have your addr. My email is [email protected].

There's some pictures on massaging inside also.

hi mummies,
Had a terrible weekend. Think I got blocked milk ducts on my rite brs. The whole brs swell up and there are 3 hard lumps on it. The pain was killing me. Went down to TMC to seek help from Mrs Wong but she couldnt do much cos I was in intense pain whenever she pressed on the lumps. Ended up she asked to seek help from my gynae 1st to get some painkillers.

Though the lumps have cleared (I shd think so) by my gal but the experience was so horrific dat I am thinking of giving up b/f.
