BEDOK mommies club

anyone following the financial crisis news??

The worst is yet to come as one said ... wage going to decline and increase unemployment etc ... economy is already slowing down ...

Thanks Lee Tai for your reply.
Heee.. any mosquito near reservoir??

SAHM: I really salute those SAHM - not easy. Have to take care of kids, housework, cook and etc.
My elder son is going to Pri 1. I, FTWM will probably be the one to supervise his work... thinking how to go about doing it. He can't sleep late as he is in the morning session....
Juz me

one of the reasons why Bedok command higher price is because of limited supply, not that many units selling

compared to new estates like Sengkang, Sembawang, plenty of sellers so prices lower

you can also consider Chai Chee

ouch! 50% of my stock portfolio kanna wiped out

no money to go holiday till my kids start working
lee tai,
Ya just saw the economist on the TV saying recession in singapore is confirmed. Sigh....

sorry to hear about your twin gal.. din know about it.

I more than 10 years never stepped into karaoke. Hubby dun like karaoke so no opportunity to go. Maybe can bring my kids instead ; D Is the lunchtime special only on weekdays or weekends also. Next time I take leave next time, take a break and sing my hearts out.. Mummies also need to relax leh.

Thanks for your offer. I gave away everything cos thot that so long already, factory close mah. Din know suddenly strike “toto”. Asking around for everything. Managed to find a bath tub, play pen and pram from a friend. Also looking for maternity clothes & baby clothes. I don’t mind breastpads if you have left overs. Just curious, was your no. 3 planned? How do you handle 3 kids, must be quite a handful…. I hope my no. 1 will be more mature when she goes to P1 next year. Now she is still v temperamental, throw tantrums sometimes. No. 2 always run, jump around like monkey.
Hi 2sleepy,

where is E!hub? we can arrange to go movies together during the sch holidays.

since most of us go to the library, can arrange to meet too. then go for tea. haha, sounds like tai tai hor?

actually singapore quite boring, nothing much to do.

i like to bake like Hammy but not very gd at it. now doing self learning. sometimes i will do knitting too. but no knitting shops in the east, so quite inconvenient. anyone doing knitting?

sometimes, i will help my sis-in-law run her online clothes shop. if she goes to events, i will help her, like the recent flea market at downtown east.

otherwise, i will spent my time surfing the web, reading, coaching my ds, entertaining my girl. everyday is abt the same. so thinking of going back to work. but now, like wat lee tai mentioned, economy going downhill. so probably not easy to find a job. sigh...

anyone thinking of going back to work?
Hi hi,

E hub at downtown east... count me in if u gals are going..
We can go to the explorer kids and let the kids do workout while we sit and chat..

Lee Tai, actually it was seen coming since beginning of the year. Many companies already adopt a cut, cut, cut approach since early 2008. While many say that there are plenty of jobs in the market, the unemployment rates are also very high this year. Most company now take in contract / project based staffs only. Full time jobs with full benefits are getting lesser and lesser...
Now need to save save save and when the market hit the lowest, buy blue chips.. hehe
What do you like to bake? I used to bake too but after starting work last yr, no time. My favourite is almond cookies. Kids like to eat and it's healthy (cos I reduce sugar and no preservatives). Easy to make too.
yoz...i also like the MA MA MIA movie... real nice manz! relaxin n entertaining!! like the songs by ABBA too
my boss bought the soundtrack, i faster burn a copy liao..the musical is nice ? u watched? i din haf the chance to... over liao rite?
yah..noe abt the K lunch, alreadi booked my frends for klunch for my next off day.. !! so excited! so u like to sing too... great! mayb we can haf a ktv gathering in the near future huh?!

i guess u alreadi noe whers E hub huh.. its jus besides downtown east...a not too big mall wif KTV, cinemas, bowling, resturants, explorer kids, ntuc, etc
so u like to sing too? most prob can count u in if thers a ktv outin liao? keke
wat job u intend to get? mayb can help u keep a look out if u plannin to go back to work later on? i drive.... but no car.... haha... so sometimes do rent a car once inawhile... if not jus take public transport loh... if got car will be great manz... but too bad car car so exp... reali cant afford...
u drive?

wow... so envy n admire u... got 3 kids also.. reali not easy loh.... one of my good frend also into bakin recently... not me... i dun even own a oven! haha... cos my house kitchen belongs to my MIL, so i basically jus the eater in the house.. hee... i dun realli go tampines library often cos most of the time got to work mah.. .so onli off day thn go dwn loh.. u usualli go tamp library on weekdays or weekends? will appreciate if u could email me some pics of the cupcakes? carriemoon11@hotmail thanks!!!!

its okie, dun worry...

SNG's mummy
u go explorer kids often? so most prob our near future gathering could be at E hub thn? keke....
wow i so busy din check, the thread become so alive.

yes she is 4 yr this dec

sleep resolutiom
yes , u are right. i slowly telling myself dun worry so much just time show the result.
actually my this elder girl got a lot of problem. first is speech , then learnign ablity then recently eye problem. He eye ball cant focus straight doc review every 3 mth.
really have to "look wide' or else will go crazy.

thanks, yes my girl oso a baby in the cc. all teh teahcer are very protective over her. love nad kiss but sometime i worry over affection will it lead to further baby keke... she must tot living in a world of love and take her own sweet time to grow

congrats, take care. no wonder so logn din see u here.
me too hope for a boy but secretly hope i dun strike tis 'toto"
quite stress to start all over again. wan and yet scare keke.
anyway leave it to god.
u rest and eat well ok
dun worry so much yah...most of the time most of the kids will outgrow these "problems", so can be onli temporary... wat happen to her eyes? cant focus as in? one of the eye will look out or in huh? or both eyes? hope its not something too serious huh...
take care yah
hi carrie
u are right, in fact eye got problem the eye will look side way or look out at certain time. doc say is sort of imtermitte focusing no actual term.
at the moment still nothing, doc oso cant advise much say too young, just keep monitor hope will not affect eyesight. it is sort of those call lazy eye. the doc did say if older a surgery can be done to re-adjust but it more for beauty aspect it wont help in the eyesight. to my most impt no harm or damage to eyesight is ok beauty is primary to me now, i more worried the eyesight.
had been brign her for eye check up, speech therpy, speech doc at kkh regularly until the nurse oss know us sigh
it seem as a parent, everyday is a worries..
thanks for your concern. Dun worry so much, when your gal is older, the problem may correct itself. Good that you discover early. My boy oso have ear problem when he was about 3-4 yo but now 5yo under control. At one stage, the doc say he failed his hearing test and we were so scared. Some doctor can be crazy. He told us, never mind still got one ear can hear. Is that a consolation? Anyway, we went through day surgery and follow up, now he is much better. Speech was affected initially but he is catching up. We still go to KKH to see ear specialist regularly. His speech has improved significantly for the last 1 year since he started K1.
Hi Hi Mummies,

I'm new to this thread, but am recommended by Carrie saying this thread very active and warm.

Staying Bedok North near that reknown bak chor mee market...haha.

Eldest: 3.5yr old boy currently at Sasco (Heard got one mummy's kid there ah?)
Younger : 8month old boy
Youngest: 8 month old girl

If you're wondering? Ya, they are twins..keke.

So sometimes if you see one sweaty crazy looking mummy pushing twin strollers around past Sasco childcare in the morning.....ya that's me. :p

A Joker Stole my dad lorry!!! How come har? Lorry also wanna? So today made police report, banks (cos got bank book in lorry), LTA, Insurance.... head pain liao.

Baking for fun leh... maybe 1 day can open bakery at Bedok Reservoir.. Haaa Haaaa

actually we been hoping to have a 3rd bb but no courage! that's explain why the 6 years apart... My elder 2 already quite big then out of sudden I got this "wai wai". This was my worst pregnancy cos bleeding from 4th month to 7th month... my bleeding once wet the floor so got to inject every 2 days to stable my no.3. So she is our miracle baby... We are very happy to have her.

If ever the only change I wish is to have her earlier... me married young, so now got postphone retirement plan! We got to SAVE! SAVE! SAVE like what Sng's Mum says.

I knit too but dont know where are my pins! My kids will use them as their swords!

I do look forward to working full time but think will never got the chance to work Full Time again. No one to help me look after my monsters! Anyway, my house beside filled with baking trays also stacks of unfinished paper work : <

no prob, i keep them well and clean, been wanting to post on the FREE thread but no time to take photo. you wanna liner? all brand new too. i will list out the items i have, jus tell me what you need and i keep aside for you.

kids have all sort of prob de hor... 1 after another! when my son in P1 his form teacher always kept calling me loh, "yr son very active, need to eat pills"! har, what pills! my son like a bumble bee in school, can't keep still so labled - hyper active kid! then he got asthma and sensetive skin.... fell last yr and BROKE his arm!

Lee Tai,
WOW! Reservoir View... my dream house.

Happy hunting! Sure will find dream house!
welcome bearymum!!!
ohh... the mummy's kid at Sasco is not here lah..keke... next time thn i intro u

dun worry... if its only intermittent, thn its not serious.... but its still better to haf regular follow up wif the check doctor...but as long as ur child's vision is good n balanced...thn it wont develop lazy eye...but if its realli lazy eye, if its discover under 5 YO, eye patching/glasses still will help the child recover his/her vision

last time, my younger gal also haf to attend PT, OT, ST, follow up wif the neurologist,surgeons, etc... i understand hw u feel...although its troublesome.. but we still got to go all the way.... cos mummy is we da de! keke
i m sure this miracle baby is definately the princess n bao bei of your family

so u ll email me the pics of the cupcakes?
now the retirement age also get older n older... no in spore is jus like tat...
Hammy, wah!! i find teachers now a days terrible! it's tough to find 1 who really puts the heart and soul in to love the children and teach them.. i also had to go for weekly jabs when i was pregnant, all thru-out the 3 pregnancies... don't ask me how come i still had the courage to go for 3 kids man!

carrie / hammy / wendy,
My #1 also lots of problems when young, every month hospitalize for asthma, then wait heart murmur, then wait surgeons for his lump under the chin.. at that time, i couldn't understand y everyone's kids are so healthy or just usual coughs, cold, fever while mine is like so "problematic" and needs to be hospitalized..
envy meh, have reservoir view..., my dream house must have seaview...

earlier i read, a mum said she bought a bag for her girl at OG, cos the bag size match her small built, may i know what is the brand? Cos my son also quite small built, when he is in P1 i can look for it, kiasu right.
hammy, Iwg26, Joy

Our kids all same age, going to P1 next year

I'm looking forward to P1. Will have the whole afternoon to idle with dd2 at home. I am determined to take afternoon nap, my only perk as SAHM. But very deprived since my kids refused to nap in afternoon &amp; I 'bu fan xin' if don't supervise

have you let your kid try ordering food from food court or hawker center? We did a few trial run but no success. my girl stood like a stone outside the stall. She's that how to order food from cateen next year?
don't worry she will able to do it, at school when she see all children are buying their own food, she will follow.

the problem with my boy is, he don't get his change back, just walk away after taken the food. gald that he is able to identify from 5cents to big notes.

what do you think is the ideal age to let your child own a handphone? My son able to operate handphone and make phone calls to dad when he is very young, he have a technical brain, he always eyeing at our extra handphones.
of course, we always let him know, cannot anyhow call, ie. 999.

We bought a pre-paid card for dd1 when she was 5yo to call us after she's done with Kumon. Kumon hours quite erractic, don't know what time she finished &amp; we were so frustrated waiting long long outside the center. Her pre-paid card had since expired &amp; we didn't give her another hp. Now my kids just use my hp to play games

by the way, you can consider Singtel RedPAC for your boy if you expect low usage

I switched to Singtel RedPAC recently. promo till 31 Oct $8.56/mth shared outgoing airtime with main line, extra 150sms. I 'gon gon' paying starhub the last few years &amp; way under utilised my airtime since I hardly make any outgoing call, just sms only. So happy to disover RedPAC

i used to drive when i was working. then sold off the car b4 i went to states. now got no car cos hubby maybe going back to states again end of the yr. everything still so uncertain. if he goes back for long time, then my kids and me will hv to follow him there. ai... back to super cold weather again!

SYL, welcome!

Looks like lots of you hv 2006 juniors. anyone going to maha bodhi?

u are so humurous! yr kids using yr knitting needles as swords! hahaha. thk god my kids not doing tat.
I also want to go back to work but think now shud be difficult to get a job.

Maybe we shud organise 1 all mummies nite outing and get the hubbies to look after the kids. after we get to know each other, then we can organise an outing with kids, like going to downtown east. wat do u gals think?
ohh... so if u used to drive... now no more car also very sianz rite? nebermind.. take cab here n ther loh.. keke... so very siong....
nite outing!!! yeah! i m onz... but i m workin till 930pm... unless after work or my off day loh... but meet wher? 85 bak chor mee? haha.. or go dragonfly? haha
sleepy resolutions, thanks for sharing.

Shirley, which part of states are you staying? Your kids will have to attend international school there?
i was staying in salt lake city, Utah. my kids studied in their local sch.
sch is fm 830am -330pm. so i have alot of time on time to go shopping and do my own things.
Sng mummy's,
Wow... injection every week. Must be a torture. So 'pei fu' you have courage to have 3 kids. Now my neaseous already make me curse and swear. My ds ask me why I keep sleeping.

So far my dd has ordered food from hawker ctr but dunno how to count the change yet. I guess have to do a crash course in Dec holiday to teach her. I just bot school bag from BHG (20% storewide sale) and school uniforms, socks for her last week. Went down to the uniform seller in Paya lebar to try and buy. Cos heard that on orientation day very chaotic and since hubby was on leave last week, we decided to settle it early. So now left with only the books that we will buy after the orientation.

Thanks for offering. I dun mind even if it's used. Factory will close after this
so dun intend to buy too many new stuff. I still need to go gynae next week to "confirm" that the bb is growing well. So far, hasn't announce to my parents and in laws yet cos dun wan to scare them, just in case....

Btw, does anyone knows if there are confinement lady in Singapore that does mainly cooking and take care of the baby in day time? Last 2 babies, I have confinement lady that live in. This time, wanted to consider help only for cooking and helping out during the day.
u want to check out the TMC service?
They have trained Singaproe confinement lady for day and stay in. Personally feel the fee a bit on the steep side...

My gal born in Dec too, due for P1 next year. She still not as mature and not independent. Many areas needs asistance and guidance. We are considering deferring her P1 as also advised by psychologist.
We are very worried that she cannot catch up with the fast pace in P1 as she is unbale to cope even with her K2 syllabus as well.
We got her diagnosis too late *guilty*
Currently attending private OT, just started abt a month ago nia. Pocket a big hole!
Hope the OT can help her...
Any mummies of similar situation, could you share your opinion...
thank you mummies for all the comfort and advise. guess most of the kids seem to have those common problem, learning. speech , etc. it really tough being the modern mother.

now i visitng the speech therpy weekly at HPB, 6 mth review speech doc at kkh nad 3 mthly review for eye, all these appt are for the elder girl. now we are crossing our finger so tight for the younger girl

pls rest well, dun move too much. eat and sleep is the best remedy.

i am in the same flight as u. both my girl is dec kids. elder one havign speech delay since 18 mth. we dun know wan to stress her since young so deferred the session till she is 3yr. we are extremely guilty for not seeking early treatment. now tryign hard to catch up by attend speech thereply and she also have learnign ability. she is current N2 gog to K1 next year she still catn write number or recognise word.
teacher suggest retainher for N2 but we refused we will only retain her in k2 if really a need now shall wait for the doc to decide.
hi shirley

I stopped knitting about 10 years liao guess ever since i started working ...

Thou that maybe I can pick it up again when older :p like kids all grown up and going to semi retired ...
I used to go karaoke 10 years ago also ... during student times ... will always go with buddy during non peak session and stay there for 5 - 6 hours ... :p
I am going to pick up a new hobby i.e. baking!! The last time I bake should be back in seconday school days!! :p

Anyway, I have already bought a oven for the new house and hubby is hoping that i can bake at least one cake before Christmas

Anyone with any simple recipe that can give me?
hi hammy

my reservoir view is only for the time being ... when condo is up in yr 2012? ... no more view
and even worse no pool view too
Hi lee tai,

stopped knitting too long will forget how to knit. so i'm still doing it. moreover, i hv plenty of yarn which i brought back fm states. it's cheap there. only thing is it's hot here, knit already my kids have no chance to wear them.

Hi carrie,
can do a poll of where mummies want to meetup. which day is yr off-day?

Hi Hammy,
i not going library this week. kids having exams, no time to read story books these 2 weeks. think will go only after there exams, sometime end oct.

these few weeks i'm busier cos need to coach kids exam and at same time trying to get a job. economy really bad. classified ads very few job adverts!
Shirley, for meet-ups, i prefer weekends..

Mummies, need some opinions.. I am planning to send #3 (18mths old) to childcare. But the current cc that my son is in does not have enough students to start a playgroup. They suggested putting her in N1. What do u think?
Pros : Maybe she will learn more with the older kids..
Cons : She will be the baby in class since she is the youngest and i wonder if she will end up having the "it's ok not to know" thinking permanently in her brain..
Hi Ladies,

Downtown East just renovated! I went there the past weekend for my cousin 21st birthday..... looks interesting with lots of light. didnt managed to walk round, the place is so crowded w teenagers! how abt after examination period? we can bring the kids there to run....

ds no school this thur, fri and next mon n tue! Same here got to prepare for exams! will still go library to BREATH! i like cold weather leh... but the travelling hours really scare me off. my best friend stayed in US-NJ for coming 10yrs and i never visit her at all! the hours in plane is just too long.

Lee Tai,
Think still good area la.... yr kids going to which school?

no prob, jus give me a tinkle when u wish to get ready the baby stuffs. SLEEP and REST....

Wendy, spagoh
my son now p3. he is dec kid and had alot of prob too. asthma, sensentive skin, seeing doc every once a mth, late in speech... when he attended p1 - teacher say he is hyper active kid n results no good. in the end i brought him to see clinical doctor and a consultation to diagnose him. the diagnose result - he has certain % of hyper active (not enough to classified him) and certain % of autism. his IQ is higher then average. thus he select what he wanna to study. because he dont really messed w many kids (most of my friends no kids at that time as we married v young) he lacked of confidence....

i personally think some kids are just taking their time and does not meant they dont make it. it's just matter of time. alot of times we are so "kan cheong" to get things done and forgot to give the fundementals to kids.... been reading up articles on autism kids. not that my ds is but i find that the articles are gearing back to basic on how to "deal" with our kids....

the consultations actually helps hubby n me to understand him better and gear him towards where his strength are..

just a thought to share....
O... someone ask me abt the brand of bag... i bought at OG. the bag is no brand, just a simple melody bag. it's light too! $49.90 less 20%.

my bake over wkend.. for my aunt's birthday.


my off days are usuali more on weekdays... onli 1-2weekends per mth onli
if u ladies prefer weekends, thn i got to arrange my off day like 1-2 mths beforehand to book my weekends off.. haha... whn to meet up? this mth off cum free day will be 22,23,25
2 sleepy,
That day we went school uniform seller, was advised to buy 2 sets of uniform + 2 set of PE attire.

What school is your kids studying? Sorry, I haven't been following thread so lost touch
It has been quite long since I last visited Downtown East as I was staying in the west for the last six years. So what has become of that place huh?

What kind of activities for the children? Like 4 Yr and 1 Yr?
leetai, yes... Self-driving to penang, stopping by KL and genting
With the next recession right at the door step, i guess it's better not to spurge 10k on a family vacation..

My dh say waiting for the big chips to hit lowest and then buy in somemore... hehe..

Mummies, i think there is a story time at the library this afternoon... anyone interested to go?
spring cleaning
year end coming, have you all started spring cleaning?

I'm clearing the clutter in my study room cabinets. Gosh, just realized we never really unpacked, just shove in piles &amp; piles of books &amp; notes &amp; magazines, shut the cabinet door, out of sight out of mind
Hubby nagging me to throw away my 'precious' textbooks &amp; notes. I kept telling him 'in case' I'm going back to work...can recap...
although a little hard to explain why I'm still keeping my textbooks from poly days
