BEDOK mommies club

Thanks Mummies for your advise.

In the end, I did not buy the unit (same block) as both of us don't feel comfortable staying at 2nd floor and it really involve alot of cash for this major overhaul.

I guess if it is on higher floor, we might take it....

Hence, slowly looking around. Anyway, people have been suggesting that I sell my Sengkang flat first and look for a resale unit later. They predict - next year - the property prices may be lower...However, I am not too sure about this esp with 2 IRs coming up....

juz me, IR wont affect HDB price, at least that is for now or the next 2 years.. It's more of the economy downturn which is going to bring the prices of houses down.
ohh... so my gal haf chance to be your gal's classmate loh...
cos my gal is also 2005... thn gg to be N2... but haben decide which class to put her... but will prefer the 11.15am class...u alreadi register ur gal?

first mum
my gal is in playgroup now...1.5 hrs daily frm mon to fri loh.. she enjoy gg to sch so much tat she always rush into the class sometimes without saying goodbye to me loh!! she learns quite abit ther too, cos me working retail hours.. also din spend much time wif her..
juz me
dun rush into selling leh... later if u cant find a suitable flat in bedok... how? unless u got relatives/friends who can put ur whole family up for sure if u cant manage to get a new flat in time loh...
hi mummies!

Just some pictures to share... made these recently.


Me no contribution to enrolment for the kindergarten! my kids in Primary School next yr liao! Me probably need childcare for my now 8 months bb soon....

my son also dec bb. in childcare my son teacher treated him like a bb. when he was in P1 the teacher kept calling me to complain abt him. but he has since improved. so no worries de. jus believed in yr kid and give them the best knowledge we have!

Sng's Mummy
Any decision yet? Going where for hol?
Hi Carrie,

i registered my gal last month liao. i took the 1115 slot cos the sch bus uncle said too early he cant fetch my girl. 1115 also gd cos come back fm sch can go straight to bed for afternn nap.

yrs is walking distance fm sch, right?
Mmm...with IRs - more foreigners coming (need a place to stay) - hence, it may not drive the HDB prices down, do you think so?

Currently staying with parents-in-law who is taking care of my kids. Hence, kids are growing up - need space and hence, we thot of selling Sengkang and hopes to get a flat near parents-in-law....
so ur gal takin sch bus ah... ? wats the charges like? yah... my within walkin distance... ard 10-15mins bah. 1115am also good for we dun haf to wake up so earli wif my gal.. .she sleeps late... jus tat my hubby find the timing abit not so good... as its conincides wif the lunch time loh... n dunnoe wat they serving.. if they take up too much time for lunch.. thn will haf less time for learnin liao mah... .will go n register soon tml or next wk bah...

juz me
in this case, u dun stay at the sengkang flats huh? rentin out? thn i feel its okay to sell the SK flat first... thn next yr thn slowly look out for flats ard bedok loh... cos flats price is usualli based on economy market leh i think... so next yr most prob property price will go dwn... thn b4 it goes dwn... sell SK flat first as it still can fetch quite okay price now...
but this is very personal lah....
wow... nice cakes u got ther... u bake nice pretty cupcakes for bdays also??
hi carrie,

their lunch time only 20mins. wondering how the kids finish in time. sch bus abt $90. hopefully wont be 1st to board and last to alight.
juz me, foreigner cannot buy HDB. Even if prices were to go up, it will be rental prices. Then again.. we if are talking bout tourist, they will stay hotel. Expats, they usually rent condos or private cos company is paying anyway... The rest usually work permit holders, cant buy HDB flats.. so i don't think they will affect the sale prices loh...
Thanks! I do cupcakes too : ) I like to bake for girls de... can put pretty stuffs!

Wow $90! That's expensive! A big diff from my son primary school bus $35 per month.

juz me,
i have been eyeing on mum's pl area at bedok reservoir for years! everytime not suitable and we found another place. How abt travelling hours... if its taking up time and transportation cost, will help if you buy now then later? your kids going to primary sch soon, maybe can consider which school yr kids going?

i neber ask the principal how long the break... so its onli 20mins.. guess should be onli snack break loh... shouldnt be lunch lah... mayb jus biscuits n stuffs... mayb i try to ask the teacher again whn i go register... if its only snack, thn most prob our gal still got to eat abit of lunch after sch at 2.15pm loh...

nowadays the sch bus is expensive wan loh...

so do u bake for sale? wher u stayin? u got any nice pics of cupcakes ? cos thinkin of gettin it for my gal's bday next mth for her class celebration...can order frm u if the price is reasonable n the cupcakes are nice!!
Hi Carrie n Shirley

my girl is in the morning session. They don't have lunch time only the second session has lunch time. However morning session have snack time. The snack is provided by school, if not wrong, each day different snack. Eg cereal, biscuit, milo, barley water etc.

Besides that, the kids have the option to order milk or yakult. Have to pay additional $16 (if not mistaken) every term for milk or yakult. This is optional. If don't order also can. The kids will receive 3 yakult or milk per week. Sometimes my girl will bring back the milk if she didn't consume in the class. If she fall sick on the distribution day, then next day the teacher will pass to her to bring back

There's also an optional computer classes for N2 onwards. 1/2 hour session twice a week during the school hour. It is currently $120/term. If the kids not in the computer class, they will be playing or watch tv somewhere.

Initially I didn't enrol my girl in the computer class cos I don't want to expose her to it at her age. Thereafter, the teacher called me saying 95% of her classmates have enrol, asked me to reconsider. So I agreed as don't want to let her feel sad why everyone is going except her
hi shirley n hippo

my girl start recognising words about 2 yrs. We are surprised by it too. We think she learn it from watching tv or vcd or dvd. My mum will on the tv for her when she is busy with the housework and I also do that when I want some private time or do housework.

Thereafter we taught her simple words for spelling. After repeating to her few round she can remember. Hmmm actually not too sure how many words she can spell now but not alot lah as no time to teach her for the last few month :p

We didn't send her to any enrichment class currently. I am thinking after I settle in my new house then enrol her in the classes
hi carrie,

the principal told me it's lunch not snack leh. maybe must ask wat they eat. my girl not choosy over food so i didnt ask.

i will give her a heavy breakfast, like rice or noodles b4 sch. think when she comes home, she will probably sleep on the sch bus and thus skip her lunch liao. probably she will ask for milk. then when she wakes up, will give her early dinner.

ya lor, sch bus nowadays very x. my friend's daughter in kinderland parkway paying $130 for sch bus. my sons are in maha bodhi, i pay only $48 each.

hi lee tai,
yrs is walking dist fm sch too?
hi juz_me

we bought a bedok reservoir unit two months ago COV we paid is $16k.

for units near shops, popular schools etc, sellers are indeed still looking at COV $30k even thou you have to overhaul the whole place.

we didn't have so much cash so we settle for this bedok reservoir unit. Now our flat is undergoing renovation and estimate is $50k
hi shirley

yes the kindergarten is less than 10 min walk from my parents' place. my mum will bring her to school each day.

once a while I will bring her there as well but at the expanse of being late for work. but each time when I bring her to school, my gal will be very happy
lee tai u noe wat they ll be having lunch? anyway, dun think they ll be able to eat anything much in 20mins loh... rite? my gal usualli takes 30-45 mins to finish her dinner loh..hee

aiyoh.. i also dun plan to enrol her for the computer class loh... got to pay more somemore.. maybe later bah... 95% enrollment ah.. thn abit stressful not to enrol her also hor..
but ur gal enjoy her computer lessons?
not bad lah.. still got milk/yakult hor... i ll also prefer the mornin session if not bcos of my workin hours 11am-930pm.. usualli my gal will wait for me to come home thn play wif her awhile... thn sleep ard 11pm+.. hw to wake up at 7am? u send ur gal for other courses outside?

yah guess tats quite a good planning also loh... if the sch time is reali like tat
at least its not too earli in the mornin got to wake up

lee tai

thanks for providin the info on the bedok lutheran church... wow.. ur reno cost 50K? tats quite a big overhaul yah? but for COV of 16K is not a bad deal....
Hi mummies!

I have been a slient reader here

I have read somewhere that there's a music school in Bedok central? Please may I know what school is that and the contact? I wanted to start my son on violin class and is looking for a school nearby. Any recommandation? Thanks!
hi hippo,
Sorry has gone MIA for a while. Buzy at work plus got some news. Am expecting no. 3 so feel very down (neauseous, sick, shock etc). HELP!

It’s quite a surprise so I’m still trying to get over !! Anyway, it’s only 6 weeks so it’s not “finalized” yet. Gotta go back check up to make sure bb is growing well. Guess I’m going to join the younger mummies for baby talk. Not sure whether I need to go for all those test or not cos I’m 34 now but will be 35 next year. I thot I’ve got over that bb stage long ago. Sigh…… Have even identified a infant care at Sparkletots near my house for the first 2 years. With 3 kids dun think I can handle leh cos I only have 1 maid and no other help. Even tho my no. 1 and 2 are quite grown up but still need lots of attention lor. I think the only consolation is 4 months maternity leave and the tax rebate/baby bonus.
i stay near bedok interchange, chai chee area. me always hang around bedok reservoir too! how abt u?

lee tai,
may i ask which part of bedok reservoir? the 600+ 700+ or 100+! am looking at the 719 to 721 for awhile le... owners wanna $30k CASH! FAINT. the previous time when market was slow, we almost got it at $350k EM. But we are 1 step too late.
hi Carrie

we remove everything in this resale flat as it is already 24 yrs old and everything in original condition. Material cost has gone up hence estimate reno bill will be $40k plus furnishings $10k

hi Hammy

ours is the 700+ series but not the new ones i.e. the bedok reservoir view
almost got one 5A which is like EM before we got this unit. It was selling 420k + 25K. We like it so much until we found out it is 5A not EM. My previous flat is 5 room and if we were to buy this 5A, we cannot take HDB loan but bank loan instead. The agent who brought us to view this flat gave us the wrong info saying it is EM. As we have to take bank loan, the interest will be much higher hence we give up the thought of buying that flat.
From HDB websites, I saw alot of sale transactions of Bedok reservoir view 700+ flats.... why "alot" of pple selling huh? Is it inaccessible or not much facilities??

Sng Mmmy,
Yes, you are right, foreigners cannot buy HDB... however, quite alot of foreigners become Singapore PR and buy resale flat...
lee tai,
No. 1 is 6 and no. is 4+. I'm still trying to get over the surprise. Sigh.... No more holidays, shopping and facials for me for the next 3 years. Only reverted to normal routine 1 year ago, now start all over again. You have 3 kids oso right?
lee tai

wow... realli cost tat much huh...reno costs also went up... almost wanted to move to pasir ris.. .luckily didnt.. if not got to spend so much.. wher to get so much money... but i believe u will definately enjoyin stayin at ur new home after the reno.. cos everything will be NEW!!!
so whn u shifting in?

congrats...still can go shoppin lah... holidays also can lah.. mayb shorter wans loh? me 1 also very stress liao... reali admire those mummy who can take care of more thn one...keke
Hi Iwg

Currently I have 2 kids 4yr and 1 yr. My ideal is 3 but hubby's ideal is 2. If I want no3, need to put in alot of effort to convince hubby
Hi juz_me

one reason I feel why alot of people selling at the 700+ series is because they can sell already as flat is more than 5 yrs old liao. And they should making a handsome profit as I believe the prices they paid for previously may be 200k plus.

Other than the fact that the estate is one of the newest in Bedok, I don't like the area because it is not accessible.
actually 2 is ideal. i hv 3 cos my 1st 2 are boys. so try for a girl. if i had 1 boy and 1 girl, then i wont try for 3rd one liao.

but there again, children are really fun to be with. so no regrets!

i went to register my gal this morning le. the principal is sayin lunch time is minimum 20 mins... they most likely will be having noodles/porridge/rice.... so not too bad lah... at least wont be hungry at sch loh... so dun haf to feed ur gal too much b4 sch.. if not, she cant finish her food at sch? keke
so shirley... to take care of 3 is reali not easy rite? u workin?

lee tai
dun worry... everything will turn well lah....
thn after tat u can invite us for house warming? haha...

I stopped working in feb this yr. then went to states with my hubby, then came back and now not working.

i had a hard time adjusting to being SAHM at first. but now i'm starting to like it. but hubby asks me to go get a job. he says since my mil can look after my 3 kids, then should go and work. if not, very sayang.

eversince i stayed home, my girl becomes very attached to me. she refuses to let me go to work.

but now economy is going down, so probably hard to get a job. will see how it goes.
oic... so how do u spend ur day at home? usualli like to bring ur gal out to hang out wher? mayb can share share... see if got interesting n nice places to bring my gal ther too...
very bored sometimes. haha.
mayb next yr whn she start attendin nursery... wont be too attach.. thn u can slowly look for job loh...wats ur gal name? next yr.. i can ask my gal to be good good frend wif her...
my gal is Jelaine.

That's wonderful news!!
baby sooooo cute

How are your kids reacting to this news? are they excited?
Did you retain all your baby stuff (cot, pram, etc)?

Hubby also insisted to stop at 2. Now that my kids are so big & way too heavy to carry, I kind of missed their babyhood

I carried my dd2 throughout her waking moments during her 1st year, so nice to cuddle mah
Totally freak out my mom & MIL
my girl's name is kalista. so lucky to hv friend before sch starts! haha.

i'm pretty bored at home. my eldest is in morning and my younger boy is in afternoon session. so cant go anywhere for long.

i will do marketing, go library, run errands on different days. when i m at home, i wl do colouring with my girl, play toys with her, read to her. when my elder is back, i will hv to coach him homework.

so sometimes alittle boring. the place i go most often is bedok and tampines library.

wat abt you? got any recommendations?
Initially I oso thot 2 is ideal somemore I’ve 1 girl 1 boy. Did consider about no. 3 cos I like babies but the thot of waking up few times a nite freak me out. Babies are the best – at least just make sure they eat sleep poo well. When they grow up, start arguing then the challenge starts! And then worry whether they go to good school, do well in school, choose good job or not. The worry never ends for mothers.

I give away all my baby stuff already leh. Thot I factory close. Sigh… must go around ask my friends whether can spare me maternity clothes and baby stuff.

If you have no. 2, then won’t be so bored. Now my 2 kids always play together all the time so never boring moments. But also keep quarrelling. They never seem to run out of ideas. I’m going to train my no. 1 to take care of the baby next time. Have to tell her mummy not young anymore so need her to help out.

wow... so hardworkin mummy, most hang out library... if i m not workin... most prob u ll see me at shoppin centres loh... (TM,EP,WS, bedok central), most recent hang out @E hub... keke... bought my gal to the little explorer ktv next wk wif my friends...
sometimes do bring my gal for grocery shopping, library also...kalista.... nice name! so will take note next yr..haha
so thinkin of bringin my gal more outdoor east coast park, zoo, botanic garden, etc... my future plan.. still plannin... keke.. got chance can jio u n go if u interested loh

i also wish... but not at the moment... cos i jus lost my younger twin gal
not mentally ready for a baby... mayb later on can consider bah.... i also wan a company for my gal... shes lookin for mei mei sometimes too...
ur eldest is 6 YO rite? so... can train can train... next time u ll haf a part time nanny for ur little wan...
used to go ecpark but now got no car yet. going to places like botanical gardens and zoo abit too inconvenient. now only go to nearby places which i hv direct buses. u drive?

so u like karaoke! i used to go there with my colleagues. now just meet up with friends once awhile for dinner. they are all working so not free to entertain me. hvnt make enough housewife friends yet.

I'm a SAHM too but no maid so very busy lor, can't even find time to bring them downstairs to ride bicycles. Busy sending & fetching them, coaching homework, cooking, cleaning, laundry...aiyo, too tired to go anywhere on weekdays other than ntuc

We make trips to library twice a month, to scoup 2 dozen of books for my elder girl each time
Tampines library has a bigger collection of English books

you can bring your kid for movie at E! hub. Mom & tots promo, free admission for child under 7 yo on weekdays


Kbox lunch is very good deal. $10++ per pax from 11am-2pm. I like Karoke too, into ABBA now, every shopping center is blasting mama mia, dancing queen

Just watched Mama Mia movie recently. hubby & I couldn't resist singing (very softly)
The musical is nicer though

yeah, lots of worries for mommies. Wonder why daddies can be more relax

I even worry about who they get married to in future

Are you looking forward to P1?
WOW Ladies,

This thread is moving fast! I also SAHM, no maid. Didnt have good experience with maid leh. So ME is the MAID of House!

sleepy resolutions,
yr daughter the one wanna to be Super Star? Can start training liao! Can Kbox!

Yr dd going RSS right? Orientation soon... 15 Nov, me ok la, but I kiasu bought her a school bag during the OG sales. My daughter very small build so difficult to find right size. Since right price n size we just got it.

Congratulations! Me also just had a baby 8 DS 9yrs and DD 6yrs. Quite big gap loh, sometimes my hand got to hold a cane and a milk bottle at the same time! What type of bb items you looking for? Breast pads? If you dont mind...I got some disposable ones from Mothercare or Baby liners?

I loves to bake. Especially festive period. Start being a SAHM early this year and trying to find "myself" again so start baking more often. Can pass you some to try? You go Tampines Library often? I email you some picture k.

I didnt go Kbox for long long long time liao... can't sing well : ( but I do like listen and leh. Bring my kids to East Coast quite often. We would rent bicycle to cycle, my baby though small will be on the front sit :>!

Let me know when you going library leh... I prob going next wk...
Hi Lee Tai,

I can walk bedok reservoir with my eyes close loh! I stay here since young.... everyday also at Bedok Reservoir!

The flats here are all v old, got to spend quite a fair bit of renovation. We prob will start looking again at the 700+ when the market not asking for crazy amount!

Happy Renovating! ; >
HI juz_me

we bought a unit a bedok reservoir.

Our ideal choice is bedok south but there is hardly anyone selling there so we settle for reservoir

our unit living area has the reservoir view

I always envy SAHM because can spend alot of time with the kids when they are young ... those moments are the most precious which money cannot buy

Our financial status don't allow me to be SAHM so I have to continue working ... until don't know when
