BEDOK mommies club

shirley,bedok library..weds 2.30-3.00pm for english and 3.00pm to 3.30pm for mandarin. for kids 4-8yo only so i think i won't be going cos the librarian say below 4yo cannot admit...

lee tai

downtown east wif the wild wild wet n the escape theme park loh... n got a few new resturants opened...but jus rite beside downtown east,thers a new leisure mall wif NTUC, KTV, cinema, bowling, resturants, the explorer kids(indoor playground), etc...

spring cleaning... too lazy to start loh.. haha... time to throw throw throw liao... mayb another 1-2 mths time thn i ll start spring cleanin.... no time to do spring cleanin... busy watchin Dvds onli...keke...
Thanks hammy.

Wow spring cleaning..., i always do house-keep, so don't really have to throw old stuffs, but still have to do a bit of cleaning. Will get a part-time maid to clean window, hee...
I can understand why you keep those notes and books, me too...keeping mine since poly days..., i keep them in a big box, and self it at the top of the storeroom.

I bought my son to the explorer kids few weeks ago, well he don't really enjoy..., he is a sunshine boy, prefer outdoor activities. There are quite a few those family resturants, price quite reasonable, foods also yummy.
Hi mummies,

Seems there's quite a broad range of topics covered here. From baking to knitting, schoolings, housing and traveling! Really marvelled how you ladies keep up to topics! Haha.

Just a question here, any recommendations for primary school around Bedok? Maybe I am too kiasu, but I thought no harm to just ask around.

I am staying near to Red Swaskita and heard it's a good school to go, but not sure if it's super tough to get in? Pressure cooker?

thanks for advice

do you buy textbooks from popular or school bookshop? any difference?

does the school use the textbooks?
my friend's son in Poi Ching said school didn't use the Chinese textbooks at all, but it was in the booklist given out

can we return on another day (not orientation day) to buy exercise books from school bookshop?
is it open during school holiday?
hippo, from what i realize the previous years, books in the school bookshop no need to pay GST. the ones from popular, need! but, cos the bookshop Q is so freaking long, we end up buying it at popular instead. Most textbooks do not have the 10% discount. And even with it, it's still more ex than the school bookshop.
Great minds think alike.. I wanted to ask the same questions as you. Seems like "cheaper" to buy bookshop. Some school (St Anthony) allow parents to place order first then collect on orientation. My friend already got her booklist & orientation prog. So far, din see anything yet from my postbox. Must check again ; D Have you started buying anything (stationery, schoolbag etc)?

If you stay near RSS, can consider do volunteer work. High chance to get in & dun need to take sch bus. I think other than that, Temasek and Yu Neng is the next popular school.

Any recommendation for Maths enrichment for K2 kids? Is MPM good? Quite confused. At times feel that should not go for too many academic course but at times, peer pressure... Is extra lessons necessary for maths?

I called on Monday to enquire, they said they will be sending a letter to parents by end of this month.

My girl with Kumon. Aiyo, every time must nag nag nag. I'm so determined to withdraw her but she wants to continue. Very funny hor, don't want to do homework but want to continue??!!

SNG's mummy

Thanks for the tips

if we don't buy from bookshop on orientation date (over crowding), can buy another day? aim for off-peak hours?
bookshop is open during school holidays?
hippo, there are other days where the school bookshop is open.. but those many times we went.. it's still long Q.. i think they do assign days for certain levels also to avoid over crowding.. But there are things like exercise books, socks and PE t shirts which is def need to buy from the school bookshop de loh!
Spring Cleaning? Am doing everyday leh.... so many things to clean and wash.

My son has 3 set uniform n 3 PE Tshirt. 2 pair shoe school and a brand new pair (bigger size) as standby.

Welcome. Bedok mummies all multi tasking ma! TALK everything under the sun.... My son in RSS. Got in cos me OLD girl : >

Lee Tai,
Oops wrong info! Playing time for you! I really missed the time when my kids are still in the nursery... no worries abt spelling, tests and exams... Haiz.

i normally will go during the non peak period - like a wednesday afternoon to get the books and uniforms! prefer school cos everything is there. if run abt to popular etc, will incur transportation cost.

I v kiasu and will start buying school shoes in early nov! There was 1 yr I start buying in Dec and all sizes sold out! I buy Fila, its cheaper then Bata and quite durable. No need to put shoe white somemore!

yr dd going RSS? RSS has a listing of dates open during the school holidays for parents to get books, shirts etc.... if its a normal wkday afternoon, shld be not so crowded.

During orientation, parents will get to see class rooms, form teachers, get the book listing, register for school bus etc....

Yr dd taking school bus?
Thanks for the tip. Where can I find Fila school shoe? Only at Fila shop? I ony know there's one in Tampines mall. Does the school list down the opening date of school shop in the orientation letter or I have to call and ask? I am actually quite excited about the orientation.. I think more so than my dd. Ha ha.

Sorry, many questions.. 1st time mum in S'pore primary school education ; D
Hi lwg26,

i normally buy from fila tampines mall. its really good that we dont need to put shoe white! very troublesome de leh.

for rss-red swastika school, they will list down the dates and all contact numbers of vendors. you can even fax in for packing. which primary sch yr kid going?

my info :

hammy : DS 9yrs-RSS, DD 6yrs-RDD, DD 8months-Drinking Milk
Is your dd going RSS next year? My dd going there. Maybe they will be classmate. There's 10% chance since there are 10 classes. ; D

lwg26: DD 6 yo, DS 5 yo
Hi Hammy, 1wg26,

I think you should be rec'd the orientation letter (which include the booklist, uniform list) from the school soon. Then you would know if your children are classmates.

cdajun : DS1 9yrs RSS, DS2 7 yrs RSS, DD 3yrs

walking distance, just stone throw away. The main reason (probably ONLY reason too) why I chose this school: no need school bus!
I'm one sleepy mommy, can never wake up early to make breakfast, so the nearer the better. Ask me to wake up at 5am to catch school bus my girl will surely be late everyday. Now she's late for kindy everyday even though also stone throw away

I cheapo lah, will be buying those $5.90 made in China white shoes for my girl. Throw every 3 to 6 months & get another pair. No need to wash, disposable shoes!!
BTW, fila shoes - if u buy 2 pairs got discount.... much cheaper.

Hi cdajun,

yr son in P3 too?

hammy : DS 9yrs-RSS, DD 6yrs-Going RSS, DD 8months-Drinking Milk

u LOVE to sleep hor! Haa Haa... me too!
looks like my ds1 (10yrs) is the oldest here.

hi cdajun, yr 3 yo dd going to any classes now?

my dd is always complaining she has nothing to do at home. i tried all sorts of things liao. colouring, toys, cartoons, play computer games/ nintendo, go playground. i even let her help me with cooking and baking. i'm running out of ideas. anyone can help?
Hi Hammy,

You told me your ds in P3/1 and I told you my ds in P3/4 the other time. Remember?

Hi Shirley,
My 3yrs old dd go to playgroup 2 hrs a day. My dd like to do homework, reading, play toys, watch tv, singing. I bought some workbooks for her to do. She can learn cutting(with inspection), folding , pasting, drawing mazes, matching pair and coloring. My dd likes to sing with the CD. By the time, my dd wake up, it is almost 9am, then time to go playgroup, come back it is 12noon and go out with to send children to school and fetch children. Lunch 1-2pm. 4pm go to nap till 6plus. sleep around 10pm at night. I think she doesn't has a lot of time (only 4hours) to do a lot of things. These thing is enough to keep her occupied.

cdajun : DS1 9yrs RSS, DS2 7 yrs RSS, DD 3yrs playgroup
Just to share. I think different kids enjoy different environment. My dd is very outgoing and likes to be with friends. My ds is more independent and can play on his own (some times). When they were around 2-3 yo, my dd hates staying at home and she complains nothing to do so I started her in playgroup at 22 mths. Whereas my ds kind of enjoys home with me, playing his own toys and spend 1-2 hours at playground. Maybe your dd likes social play with other kids of her age.
Hi Hammy and Iwg26,

Thanks for advise. I will check it out for RSS. However, only concern is I am just afraid my parents in law might be against my son enrolling into RSS ,though, logically it's the nearest, for religious reasons. Sigh. Can anyone advise whether RSS imparts any Budhist or Taoist teachings?

Hi Shirley,

First of all, how old is your daughter?

Have you tried doing crafts or some online educational sites?

Also, there is a blog site that I came across with some good recommendations for family. Try out the farm places.

As for crafts , some ideas on web that you can find on this web, quite interesting.

I used to also learn places on the map with my son, and we used to browse websites for those countries together. Such as showing him the 7 wonders etc.

Just some ideas of things you can do with your daughter. But again this depends on her age and areas of interest.

Else, how about getting her a pet? Or let her pick up a musical instrument?
it's 4 hour programme. Includes tea break & additional stuff like reader programme. Fees also more expensive $100+ per month

you can also consider St Hilda's. Not too far, only 7 minutes drive from RSS
If you're wan to know more, can pm me. My kids are in Blk 135 PCF. So far satisfied with the program. Mixture of academic and fun learning. Definitely well prepared for P1. K2 have tingxie/spelling every week + revision test for all subjects every term.
Hi all,

thks for all the ideas! my girl is 3yo.

i keep her with me on the laptop initially but now she's tired of it. she used to go playgroup since 18 mths but didnt rejoin after we come back fm states in jun.

i will try the websites and hope she will be happy. i will bring her down to the playground but she doesnt play with the other children unless her brothers are around.

o ya hor! me blur la... next wk "war" starts liao. Final exams.

RSS is not a religion school! even sometimes i tell pp i am from RSS they still insist RSS is a buddhist school. it was found by the association but not in anyway associates with religion! i guessed the school crest is abit misleading....

early this yr got change in new VP n P... very ON type, plan ahead long way liao. if u interested in doing Vol work, suggest u call early to find out.
Hi Hammy,

Thanks. Actually I am looking for a school that would have a conducive environment for children to learn in, with also a good focus on character building. Just opposite my block is the Canossian school(Unfortunately is a girl's school only), and a little further down walk ing distance is RSS.

I am just a little worried whether RSS would be too pressurizing for my son, as I heard that for some good schools, the child will be asked to drop out if unable to cope. I am just worried this might be a big blow to their morale if "suay suay" he cannot keep up.

As for TPS, I came from that school but is a little way off. As my mum will be helping with my 3 kids, I am hoping to find somewhere really near and convenient for her. Especially during infaltion times, we still have a challenge on increasing transport costs. Hehe.

Tough choice leh. Any advise?
Hi Hammy,

Must coach my 2 ds on the exam this week.


If you doesn't want pressurizing school, can consider Fengshan. It is quite popular neighbouring school this few years.

Yu Neng is also quite pressurizing.
my neigbhour is tutoring a girl from St Anthony.

Heard standard also quite high, though not as high as Yu Neng. Her daughter in Yu Neng
any idea what is Stellar programme?

I heard about it but still not too sure what it is about exactly. Only know it's a new English programme for P1 next year

mommies with primary school kids, can shred some light?
I receive RSS book list. There is no English text books / workbooks on the list. Anyone has any idea why no English text? Considering if I should call the school to ask .
hi lwg26,

May be you are under new P1 programme as i know some other school are not using english textbook since this year. Can call and check.

My ds (currently this year) still using textbook and workbook.
Hi, Thanks. Blur me. Din know Stellar English programme has no textbook. Went to website and it said starting in all school only in 2010 but prior to that, some selected schools has started. My friend's gal in St Anthony still using textbooks. Good also to go book-less, less books to buy and carry to school!
Hi Mummies...

Good news! Cos am still worrying abt how my girl going to carry her school bag : >

BTW, I was at Tampines Mall-Fila to check out the price for school shoe. Islandwide out of stocks. They are preparing now for school sales.... St Hilda is 1 sch they are going. I do hope that they will have enough to retail at the malls cos I do not have the time to put on shoe white!
Wah.. so hot. If you know the stock arrive, can let me know? Still telling my hubby to go there next month. Better buy earlier... not sure whether queensway shopping centre has fila or not.

I saw their chinese textbooks are Higher chinese. I feel stress even b4 starting school. I still cannot imagine her doing her zhao ju and zhuo wen. Her memory is so bad teach today, forgot tomorrow. So muz teach again and again until volcano erupts (I'm the volcano!).
Hi lwg26,

There is no zhuo wen for P1 in exam only kan tu xie hua ( see picture write sentence) during the lesson time.

Mid Year Exam : only test oral, listening and Chinese Paper

Only test on Zhao Ju (Sentence Construction) at End of the year exam which is 20%, Oral 10%, Listening 10% and Chinese Paper (60%)
Thanks cdajun,
What's Chinese paper (60%). Guess I worry too much. My friend in St Hilda said her gal scored Zero for zhuo wen in Berries whereas in St Hilda her chinese score was alright (80-90 marks). Because Berries use Higher Chinese syllabus so everything is more advance by few months compared to non-higher chinese. So worrying about how my dd standard will be when she take Higher chinese.
dear mummies

I hv registered my girl to K1 at PAP-PKC Blk 135 Bedok, but thinking of changing her to Bethesda(Bedok-Tampines) Kindergarten.

Like to know if you have comment on K1 of PKC, is it good and any comments on Bethesda.

I value your comments as I really can't make up my mind yet....tks all
I like to let my kids go the bethesda bedok tampines kindergarten cos it is christian based and it is near our place (like what the other moms says) They cover basics phonics and hanyu pin ying in k1 , K2, sing christian song every day and bible story telling once a week. They also expose kids to performance in concert every year (starting from playgroup level).

We had excursion about 2-3 times a year. At K2 there is a primary school visit and 3 day P1 preparatory course. During school holiday (June or Dec), they may organise bible enrichment course for a few days.

I do not send my kids for extra phonics / HYPY lesson outside the 3 hr school. My kids will have more time to play before they attend primary school.

K1 & K2 is $435 per term. Computer lesson are optional and it is about $110 .

Lesson are 3hr for all levels.

No sure if there is still vacancy for K1 as registration dates are March. You can call and check
Stellar Programme
Each term has 4 "Big books" which the teacher will read to the class or read together during english lessons(only teachers have the books). then given related vocab/ grammar worksheets to do. also has related spelling lists and songs and activities.

then there's picture composition. could also have grammar/ vocab/ comprehension assessment books.
My 2 kids are in PCF blk 135 starting this year. Previously they were from church kindy. I think the main diff between PCF and church kindy is that PCF promotes community living. They get to see and mingle with the MP and grassroot leaders during National day, annual photo taking and some celebration (racial harmony etc). For e.g. my gal in k2 got to perform in a charity golf tournature at a country club for the grassroot leaders and MP recently. At K1, they have 1-2 outing per year. At k2, because it is heavily subsidised by govt, they have outing almost every month so far to Singapore flyer, chinatown, Explora Kid, boat ride etc. Computer class, gym class and water play are conducted once a week and are inclusive in the fees. In terms of academic, by K2, they will write simple 5 sentence composition and have 15 words of ting xie + spelling every week. Maths wise, my son at K1 is doing addition/subtraction. K2 is following P1 syllabus. A main reason why I chose that place was because they have very strong Chinese foundation and also it is 4 hours, so easier for my K2 kid to adjust when she goes P1. They have very comprehensive enrichment program after school - speech & drama, phonics, abacus, art, piano. If you stay nearby, it's worth sending to cos the fees are very reasonable. There are holiday program which is optional. The principal is very hands on, you can call her and ask more.

I guess most important is convenience and your objectives for your child.
dear cdajun & Anxylyn

thank you so much for your info, definitely very useful for me, I think i have a conculsion now...cheers
hammy, haha... i went a couple of days back... Very quiet loh.. even macdonalds at east coast on sunday morning is quiet too!...

Am heading to Johor for a short trip this weekend with the kids... Hoping cos it's also exam period, no jams man! hehe

Those who have kids attending kindergarten, should be having their year end concert and also K2 graduation ceremony right? My child's school will have concert for all level, including the playgroup level. I really enjoy watching the children performances, they are so adorable and innocent, especailly those nursery level.
