BEDOK mommies club


I don't think should retain her. You still have 2 years to prepare her for P1. Maybe can send her to more enrichment classes. I feel that enrichments help a lot in my dd2's case, in speeding her up

My dd2 only 'wise up' after she turned 3. We thought she was relatively slow too. One example, my dd1 can fix 24 pc puzzles independently at 2yo whilst dd2 can't even manage 3pc at 3yo. We were quite concerned as she lagged far far behind her elder sister in many areas. Fortunately, she managed to catch up eventually. My conclusion is kids develop at different pace.

Your girl in childcare? maybe you can switch her to a montessori based one. There's a new MMI in Bedok Reservoir & another MMI in Tampines Blk 939
I've not viewed these 2 centers but I do have good impression of MMI. My elder was in MMI Woodlands before we moved house. You can check out MMI website for contact details. You can also google on maria montessori & her method of teaching to determine whether suitable for your girl

Hi carrie

my gal is in bedok lutheran church N2. So far she enjoys going to the school and all the teachers are friendly too.

They teaches english and chinese on alternate day which is what I like. E.g if today is english, everything will taught in english and vice versa.

One of the reason why we chose this kindergarten is because it is christian based and is near to mum's place
thanks Lee Tai for your comments....
we not christian... ok to attend christian sch rite? hows ur gals progressin? learnin alot in sch? cos i m a workin mother... not much time to teach her myself... she home wif my MIL n maid.. onli speaks chinese most of the time at home... so realli concern abt her english standard in the future

u noe any other not bad kndergarten nearby?
realli considering bedok lutheran church at the same time.... hee..
hippo, sng mummy
thanks for the advise adn sharing. yes after we ask ard we are very firm that we shall not retain her.
in fact my girl all along is slow, she start to walk at 16 mth only fail to talk at 24mth, she start to attend speech therpy at HPB(KKH) since Mar. She had attended 6 session, as per the therpist she is indeed slighlty slow as compare to her peer but after the 6 session she can speak quite well and the therapist conculde tat her slow is due to her age other then tat nothing wrong.
we are sort of in dilema too the expert say she had no problem buy teacher say she is slow. as per teacher, they claim tat my girl cant sit still to do draiwng, colour and writing. she can hold pencil very well but cant write or trace.
Teacher comment tat all her peer can do all the above wif out any assistance.
what we observe is my girl can speak quite well sometime not clear, she is stubborn and get distracted easily cant sit still for long. teacher do not recomend to let her attend other enrichment class as they feel those are too far for her age should concentrate on the basic for her now. they did suggest us sending her in to cc on sat mornign for extra session.

u are welcome, my nehpew was in the same compound many year back. tat time the centre was not smartz schhse was under another cc name. my sis withdraw him after 6 mth due to frequect fall and injury, tat why i rule out this cc when i source ard tat area.
Wendy pooh

I don't think there is retain of level at this age. Which preschool or childcare is she attending?

Are you a working?

Share my views with you..., I believe you have to spend time to teach her, focus on her weakness. At the same time send her for enrichment classes and have to do it yourself.

For my son, i got him prepared before he goes to playgroup and kindergarten..., since baby i showed him flash cards, When he is older i taught him how to colour and write from basic, and so on..., when he goes to school he is able to caught up and also learn new things which i didn't teach him at home.
My niece also Dec child, she initially also abit slow, can't catch up with her peers, eventually my sis spend more time to teach her, she finally catch up with the rest. Wendy pooh, don't worry, believe your girl can do it.

if you don't wish to try those 'academic' enrichments, maybe can consider those for right brain training? My dd2 attended Shichida for 7 terms. Fees very shiong so withdrew her when she's old enough to attend other less pricey enrichments. Although we can't pin-point exactly how Shichida benefited her but we do believe in the concept

There are other right brain training centers besides Shichida. You can check around for feedback
wendy, ya... nick's current;s CC mind champs at toa payoh is a whole brain school.. In school, they get double doses of what the usual CC does. apart from SM, there is Trio at bugis as well.. dont worry too much.. they are solutions and joy is right... BELIEVE SHE CAN.. SHE CAN

Other kindergartens in Bedok's vicinity:

'premium' PAP at Blk 135 Bedok North
Bethesda along Bedok North Ave 3
Soka next to Safra Tampines

SNG's mummy

wow! Mind Champ childcare very expensive. Do you see results?
How old is Nick?

By the way, does your boy attend any enrichments in creative writing? any recommendations?

I'm totally stuck when it comes to teaching creative writing. Both English & Chinese.

My MIL stays in Bedok North. Anyone knows of anyone selling Bedok flats?

Can share - what are the things one needs to look out for in buying a resale flat?

Hi carrie,

My dd would be attending nursery at Bethesda Bedok Tampines Kindergarten (Along Bedok North Ave 3) next year.
thanks for your post up of kindergartens... hope to find one within walkin distance.... stayin at bedok south rd... anyone stayin nearby? keke....
bethesda bedok tampines kindergarten seems to be a popular choice yah? good comments huh? how much is the sch fees ther? care to share? do u noe whether still got vacancy? my gal is attendin nursery next yr also.... whn u register her? i haben register yet! keke
wat makes u enrol ur gal bedok lutheran church? u haf friend's kids ther? gd ther? i still considering whether to put my gal ther for N2 next yr....
juz me
well... if u getting a resale... dun rush loh.. cos heard tat property price might be gg dwn next yr loh... cos if share market realli collapse thn.. everything will be affected.. but also depends whether u haf any house to sell nw anot... if u haf to sell urs thn buy a new one, thn it doesnt matter much.. .but if u not sellin any first.. .thn slowly see see look look loh.... cos the valuation of flats nowdays are pretty high.. thn some sellers still very crazy.. askin for very high COV (cash above valuation).. hope u find some nice flats ard! keke=)
juz me

most importantly no loan sharks (look out for fresh paint) after them. If asking price too low also suspicious
And the feeling when you step into the flat is important. Sometimes, just don't feel comfortable lor

Bedok flats surely must overhaul unless recently renovated by existing owners. So I don't really look into deco or condition of flat. Location is more important to me. Near my parents, near schools, near amenities

you can check hdb website for market price the last 3 months to get a feel of what price to pay. Have a ceiling price in mind & be prepared to walk away if beyond what you are prepared to pay. By the way, I noticed point block price is higher compared to other 5 rooms though similar floor area
hippo, nick's just turn 3yo. Surprisingly, i see results in nick on the 2nd day of school. Prior to that, i tried memory linking and other SM methods (#3 is with SM), don't seems to see any results.
Normal CCs after nap is play, go playground, mind champs after nap is enrichment again...
Oh, and the biggest thing i see in him after going to school for 2 weeks, he became an extremely confident child. Before that, he was scared, timid, dare not voice out his thoughts, now he's extremely outspoken and is better in expressing his thoughts thus making him a less irritating/needy child.

juz me , most important is must be comfortable and no loan sharks.. make separate trips down to the block without the agents and try speaking to the neighbours before committing.
Thank Mummies for your advise.

Seen one last Friday - same block as my MIL but 2nd floor (malay family).. seemed have to do major overhaul... Will you buy if the convenience is there... but 2nd floor and major overhaui??
SNG's mummy

Wow, that's substantial improvement!
I feel that right environment is really very important, especially the child spends so much time in childcare.

Juz me

same block is the best. I wanted same block too but didn't get. Another buyer offered $20k+ above valuation so I gave up
I don't mind major overhaul. In fact, I rather overhaul, at least everything sparkling new mah
juz me, i am staying in the same block as my mum and my grandma. Staying in the same block has it's pros and definitely has it's cons as well..

Need to bear that they will come to ur house as and when they want and like with no advance notice (my dad pops by when i am not even awake or my grandma comes over as and when she wants, my mum goes into my master bedroom without knocking), everything in ur home becomes shared stuffs (my parents hardly cook. when they want to, they come to my place and take rice, sauces, veg, meat, chilli, etc... my sisters borrows my car often cos my dad refuse to lend them his car.) My own family (dh, me and kids) outing becomes a whole kampong outing..
SNG's mummy, Juz me

haha! I can relate to that. My parents also pop by anytime they want, but more to drop off bread, herbal tea & sometimes durian. They scared I let their grandchildren starve

I put a big stop sign to storing things at my house. hehe, my therapy is to throw things away so my mom knows fully well where her precious will end up in

once, she brought her friend to visit my house, without informing me & when I wasn't around. I only came to know about it when my elder girl told me. Hubby was quite displeased so I have to give verbal warning lor

I think pros still outweigh cons lah. My quality of life improved since moving here. At least can sneak out to watch movies sometimes & go line dancing with hubby once a week when my mom helps to babysit
I agreed there are pros and cons staying same block or near by parents/in laws. I am also one of them who staying near in laws. Don't quite like it they just pop by without letting us know or taking the opportunity to pop by when we are not around..., when we first moved in. Eventually, am use to it now, as long as don't mess up, ransack my things and most importantly don't dirty the floor.

I seldom trouble them to take care of my son, which i doesn't want to trouble them. I don't mind to bring my son anywhere i go, even facial... hee...heee...
helo mummies,

The long school holidays are approaching.. Any suggestions as to where to go for a family holiday? i am running out of ideas and i can only afford to be away on the 5-10 Dec.. haiz...
Hi Carrie,

I like to let my kids go the bethesda bedok tampines kindergarten cos it is christian based and it is near our place (like what the other moms says) They cover basics phonics and hanyu pin ying in k1 , K2, sing christian song every day and bible story telling once a week. They also expose kids to performance in concert every year (starting from playgroup level). I do not send my kids for extra phonics / HYPY lesson outside the 3 hr school. My kids will have more time to play before they attend primary school.

Playgroup is more expensive $600.

Nursery is $450, K1 & K2 is $435 . Computer lesson are optional and it is about $100 plus.

Lesson are 3hr for all levels.

May still have vacancy but in the second session ie 11:20am to 2:20am

I register in Mar and my dd will be in the first session. If you are in the second session, you also can switch to first session for K1, K2 subject to avaliablity. You can call and check
hihi.. i list down hor.. bear with me..

Bintan / Batam : monsoon
Perth : summer, a lot of flies.
Japan : went last year liao
HK : 3 star hotel is 300 a night.. with my platoon, i need 2 rooms that like 600 - 700 a night for 3 star hotel
Bangkok : Been there in july
Phuket : considering
Chiangmai : considering
Malaysia : over done liao, but considering Penang + Genting again
Korea : been there last year liao
Taiwan : Typhoons
China : Not for now cos of the melamine issue
Ho chi Minh : got to wait till my girl is 3yo at least

Tell me loh... haiz
hammy, china out... i've been there numerous times for work this year.. and the melamine issue, i think i am avoiding that place for now.

Japan at nov is cold... But i think i brought too much clothes for the kids liao.. cos weather too cold, i hardly change them.. :p
sleep resolution / sng mummies
thanks for all the encouragment and advise. Mind champ is a cc not just those 3hr enrich class? Anyway the location is out for me, not possible to send her so far.
2nd i am a bad mummy, ashame and sad to say i cant possible send my girl to those high end sch, as u all know I punch a lot of cash for tat new hse in Bedok now still tryign hard to earn back.
Hopefully the KKH doc can find where went wrong and work on tat.

thanks for yur tip and encouragement. yes i am working and i agreed spendign not enough time wif her. weekday after fetch her from sch will drop by my sis hse to eat dinne rthen fetch the 2nd girl by then go home tiem for bed. weekend wif 2 kids also hard to teach them sigh... it really tough on the kid and parent. I alway tell myself dun worry so much too cos many ppl tell me she will catch up some day.

staying too near!!
yes i agreed pro and con. convenient in a way easy to send and fetch kids but no personal time. since we had car and stay near, PIL often wan hubby to pick and send them to somewhere. we feel obligated lor, weekend dinner alway have to ask them along them whole kampong tryign to squezze into the car lor.
Any mummies hv any recommendation on good chinese physician. Thking of bringing my elder boy as he hv been coughing badly recently & to "tiao" his weak lungs. Dr said his lungs weak..
Hi Carrie,

my mil stays at blk 10f, opposite lutheran church. if i were to go to work, my girl will be taken care by her. so need to register a sch that is convenient for mil.

think all churches' sch are abt the same. i was recommended grace kindergarten at east coast but didnt register there cos of disctance.

my elder son used to go to lighthouse but cos of sars, they closed down. it was a gd sch though. very loving environment.

the only thing i dont like is lutheran church has no aircon in their classroom.
wendy, no lah... u are not a bad mum. doesnt mean at because i send my kid to mind champs, i am a good mum...

BTW, i read an article b4 something bout dec kids... u shouldn't compare they to those born in the same year as they are like the youngest of the lot.. Their development should be around those who are born in Jan the next year cos then, they are like 1 mth apart...

FOr now, don't try to drill things into her, take it slow and do it the fun / creative way instead. u mention she's not doing drawing and tracing very well... My boy also not doing that well.. so i print more worksheets from the internet, and i let him do them at home. practice makes perfect mah.. Once they learn and master it liao, they will be more confident...
if yr girl finds tracing on paper boring, u can print them big, then laminate them, and then buy markers for her to trace on top of the laminated sheets. afterthat u can erase them and reuse them again on a later stage. More fun this way.
sng mummy,
yes understand yur point.but sometime i cant stop feeling bad and have guilt toward my girls. I really admit i dun spend enough time wif them.

yes many ppl tell me dec kids will be slow since when they born their peer tat born in Jan alry eating solid and maybe walking alry but they are still baby. my girl worst born on last week of dec (24 Dec). many ppl oso quite comfort me worst to worst delay her study by a year. beign a dec kid ppl will understnad. But i am afraid she might feel the pressure when gog to sch and being slow then her peer.

u are right the sch did do wat u say on those writing actvity. i bot those aqua doodle let her draw and trace too. someitme weekend my younger ard both tend to fight alot
wendy, look on the bight side.. My #1 and #2 these days like to quarrel (as in exchange words) too.. i take it as #2 is learning to talk, #1 is learning to fight it out. To me, they need to be able to fight and protect themselves. Sometimes, they scream at the top of their voices and will say "i don't want to friend u" or " i don't want to talk to you" but as we all know, after a while, they will be talking and laughing again. they learn to fight it out and make up.. very important lesson

Anyway hor, as people always say, education is not the only thing in the world. They can learn other stuffs like art and craft, music, sports and still make a name for themselves. As long as we do our best for them, can liao
hi shirley
no aircon has its own benefit as the school has no record of HFMD but music room, assembly room, computer room and tv room are all aircon

My gal will be in K1 next year.

I choose the school also because of the distance as near to my mum's place.

If not my first choice would have been bethesda bedok tampines kindergarten.
Hi wendy

not to worry about your gal, she will be 4 this dec is it?

my gal's teacher has also tell us she cannot draw and last week said she cannot write. But commented that her colouring has improved since she started. I told the teacher that I don't like drawing previously hence my gal may not like it as well :p

Regarding her writing skills think partly our fault as I have no time to teach her for these few month cos we have been house hunting since early this year and now busy with renovation.
I hope that once we settle nicely into the new house, I will find time to brush up her skills.

Other than that, my gal can recognise alot of words and she can spell a no of words as well even thou there's no spelling at her level yet.

But her speech is not that fluent yet sometimes still use baby language

And I always tell myself she's already so much better than me when I was 4 yr old more than 20 over years ago :p
Hi lee tai,

the principal told me the kids' lunch time is only 20 mins. can yr girl finish in time?

now my girl takes abt 1hr to finish her meals. so i think she will hv a problem there nx yr.

yr girl very smart leh, can spell liao. when did she start recognising words and spell? my girl can only recognise some letters.
shriley n lee tai
thanks for your advise abt lutheran bedok hubby alreadi decided to put my gal ther also liao!! so will be the same kindergarten as your gals

she ll be in N2 next yr... .shirley urs is in N1 next yr rite? lee tai is K1 next yr huh? all different levels... cant be classmates....
though no aircon... but most of their windows are open... most importantly the air circulation is good bah.... which session is ur gals in? got lunch time meh? tot its onli snack time? do u haf any idea what they ll be provided to eat? or u haf to bring ur own?
Hi carrie,

i made a mistake. my girl is 2005 baby, so will be in n2 next yr. she is in the 1130am session. what abt yrs?

unsure wat they will eat for lunch but saw the kids drinking yakult. i'm not so worried abt the food cos my girl eats practically everything. haha, like rubbish bin!
hi carrie and shirley tan,
my girl is also going to N2 next jan (but not same sch)it's her first time going to sch as ive not placed her in any playgrp before.

how abt ur girls?

abt lunch, i tink all church kindys afternoon sessions will provide. they give rice/ noodles/ beehoon etc. for morning sessions only snack served ard 9+, no breakfast.

our kids same age

she's attending any enrichments? can read so well


don't blame yourself. One thing I learnt after becoming a mother is to be forgiving...towards myself!
I used to be a perfectionist which has its benefits but cant' continue to operate like this otherwise I sure go crazy

Share with you my friend's story. She flung her O level English & had to repeat. She used that one year to take an extra subject Accounting & realized she has a flaire for Accounting. She's now a qualified accountant with 5 staff reporting to her. It may seem like end of the world to her at that time, all her peers moving on. With benefit of hindsight, that one year delay has absolutely no impact on her career sucess.

Hence, don't worry so much about the possiblity of delaying her primary school by one year. More importantly, must communicate to teachers not to label your girl as 'slow'. This would affect her self-esteem.
Continue to encourage her & let her progress at her own comfortable pace. Studying is a life long journey, she has plenty of time to catch up
Hi first_mum,

my girl started pre-sch when she was 18mths. but after half a yr, we went to states. over there, they dont hv sch for kids less than 3yrs. so fm then until now, she hasnt been attending sch. recently, i started her with ballet and she's fine. so think she should be able to cope with nursery next yr.
We used to have a <font color="119911">table of particulars</font> last time. Can a mommy update for us? I not so savy

I start the ball rolling

<font color="119911">table of particulars</font>
nick: sleepy resolutions
child 1: 2002 girl
child 2: 2004 girl
location: Bedok North
enrichments: Kumon, Arts, gymnastic, swimming
where is your girl learning ballet?
I'm planning to start my dd2 on ballet &amp; music next year

busy lately? drop by to chat leh

hi 2sleepy,

i sent her to crestar but not learning much. just go there to skip ard and hv fun. think actual learning will be another yr or so.
