BEDOK mommies club

Baby Planet (Infant Care)... near siglap area. I was exploring early this year environment seems ok but not sure of their charges now.

Sng's Mum,
WOW that's a jump! Your son express interest to go P4 too? He will be studying n playing with kids 2 years his senior.... prob that is something you wish to remind him. Whatever decision, stay positive and Congratulations!

Hammy, thanks... ds is ok with playing with kids 2-3 years his senior.. He actually has no friends in class and he usually stick around with those P6 pupils. Really feeling very upset. His teacher wrote bout him misbehaving in class on the homework diary yesterday and he called me today telling me he mis-behaves again! And if this is still going on, he will put him on the corridor so that he do not disturb the rest of the class.. It is frustrating to know that my son is treated that way in class!
Sng's Mum, Ai Yo! That's not nice. I think... The fact that yr son is able to jump to P4, he is simply bored with the class subjects. He probably ALREADY know what is going on. The 8yrs old boy already bored with his "toys", of course get restless loh. The teacher must have forgotten he has been given the choice to be "promoted".

My son is not study type la.... misbehave n very ACTIVE in school. Since P1 his form teacher always call me n say bring him see doctor. Hubby n me worried, finally bought him to see a clinical doc n consultant. The result from both of them was, My son IQ is average n above. His motor skills is super and can visualise very well. But if you give him a BOOK to study without his interest, he will "DUMP" it. We eventually did not submit his report to sch. Very sad to say, the sch only recogise his results to determine whether he is a good or bad kid.

We as parents, only can HOPE that one fine day he become BOSS. hahaaaa.... then I can shake leg.
SNG's mummy

If I'm in your situation, I will let my girl skip level. In fact, I already feel excited fantasizing my girl skipping level

Hubby holds a different view. He said better to relax & breeze through primary school, no point skipping level

my dd2 said she wants to be a super star
haha! I'm totally supportive. Then I can be star-mom & collect royalty from her CDs. Really can shake legs liao

haha! me & my fantasy
hippo, the first thought of skipping level also sounds very exciting. But then on second thoughts, relax also don't sounds so bad. i think a KS child is harder to cope with than one who is contented with what he is taught. I am more worried that he cannot take the stress or if he cannot manage the stress not being on top.. i might end up having to deal with a demoralize kid or a suicide kid.. Children who always tops what he does easily cannot take failure very well. So, choice will be let him now dream in class (aka waste time) and let him still remain on top, or let him be challenged and if he cannot cope, have to face another set of problems.

So far i never have any fantasy they will be someone great or give me a lot of $$ leh... haha... i always tell dh i am looking forward to the day i finish my duty of providing them the basics in life (i mean education) and they can support themselves and their family. Then they can all get out of my house, dh and me can downgrade the house and hold hands go roam the streets and the globe...
Mummies, Sale going on..

John Little Mega Expo Sale

Event type : Consumer
Venue : Hall 5
Admission : Public - Free Admission
Event Schedules :
27 Aug to 7 Sep 2008

Time: 10.30am to 10.00pm
Hi Sng Mummy
How about your son? Probably explain to him what will involve if he skip grade to P4. See how it's his response. He may jolly like the challenge, you won't know. Some children can take stress better than others. Or let him talk to the "seniors" and assess on his own. Is it possible for him to only skip grade for 1 year instead of 2 years? Probably easier to adjust.
Hi Gin, he is skipping 1 year.. P2 going into P4. He quite like the idea of being promoted to P4 because he says he's classmates are too childish and he couldn't really communicate with them. He likes challengers but i think he cannot accept a failure. My cousin who is 1yo his junior started violin lessons about the same time as my boy . My son told me he wants to increase his violin to twice a week instead of the standard once a week so that he can progress faster as he is elder..

Recently read an article somewhere.. Looking at his character, he don't seems "gifted" to me.. More of a high achiever only.. Maybe a little bit of bright, but dont think is gifted.. So to certain extend, i feel that GEP might not be very suitable for him.
Hi mummies,

Although I'm not staying at Bedok, can I try this thread? I'm currently staying at Paya Lebar Way...have a 3 yo gal (Dec 04 bb) and currently expecting a boy (EDD: 15 Jan 09).
Welcome Nicole!

Dear Mommies
We will be leaving our 1st home @ Senja Grand this weekend

I m taking leave tomorrow to finish the packing as still have more than 50% to go ...

Didn't know we have accumulated so many things over the last 5 years ...

Those things we hardly used are all going down the rubbish chute

And finally, I am shifting back to Bedok where I had stayed 25 years!

am interested in
- Thomas Wooden Puzzle (S$3)
- Farm Animals Wooden Puzzle (S$3)
- wood puzzle4 (S$2.5)
- wood puzzle5 (S$4)

Let me know if the reserved buyer didn't buy them k.
Hi Sng Mummy,
Will reserved
- wood puzzle4 (S$2.5)
- wood puzzle5 (S$4)

for you and let you know when deal did not go through.
am interested in
- 2 inch mattress($5).
Pls advise condition & dimensions for this.
- police car ($6)
Pls advise condition.
would like to know what is the average day like for SAHM's ? i'm still currently on no pay leave till dec1..but am considering if i should go back to work or quit my job permanently instead...btw...i just moved to Tanah Merah (though my other house is in Bedok South road as well)..

any idea what to expect during P1 orientation?
besides touring the school compound, do we collect booklist & buy uniforms too?
Heard that the kids will be taken to their classrooms to see their form teachers. My friend advise me not to buy uniforms on orientation day as the shop would be chaotic with hundred children trying the sizes at the same time. She said it's better we ask the school which other day the bookshop is opened during school hol and go down separately.
Hi Mummies,

School hol finished liao, back to routine again.

Hi! Am new here too... I turn to SAHM since Jan08. That's how I spot this thread. Haahaaa.

My kids age gap is wide. Eldest is p3, daughter is k2 n bb 7months. The reason I am at home is for the 2 big ones cos as they grow bigger, their daily routine is impt, food, study, hobby. This is impt time to HOPE that they will not pick up bad habits.

The younger one I would say is easy... cos she jus eat, drink n POO. Yes, we would missed their bb-hood but personally if given the choice I would work. SAHM is tiring too, cos we got to cook, run up n down to pick children and housework.

SAHM n FTWM is equally tiring. But mentally I would say FTWM is better cos when you are back home you give the full attention to them and all the hugs n kisses... SAHM is quite frustrating at times cos no one to take over your load.

My mum used to help me with my elder 2 but now I am at home with 3. AND struggling with work too... I bring work home to do and W/O helper... I MUST find help soon b4 I go insane.

If you have someone you TRUST to look after bb I THINK I would say work is better... as they grow older, kids will get more demanding.

RSS P1 Orientation, If I not wrong, the kids will be taken to their classroom with their form teacher, show them canteen, some rooms.... If you are taking school bus, all the bus vendors will be they on tt day. Taking the bus vendor number is important cos they are not always in school, so very hard to catch them. Gin is corret, it's too chaotic to try sizes on Orientation day, wkday is better....

My apologies such long post... this is SAHM's nag nag nag nag nag....
Do you have intention to go back to work few years later?

I agree with Hammy. Assuming if you have family support, more "worthwhile" to stay at home until you have 2 kids. But if you've no family support and do not want child care centre, then quitting the job is a necessity.

Is there a 'test' to segregate kids into different classes based on abilities?
or class allocation already decided before orientation?

read about the 'test' in another thread

schools now mix student with good and poor grades together hoping the good grades students will guide the poorer ones and the poorer ones will improve. The poorer grades students also don't feel so bad that they are put into the last class or the better ones don't feel proud cos they are in the 1st class..

P1 students are allocated before orientation.
SNG's mummy

Not really true cos I heard from my colleagues whose children are still schooling. That their school has a class with all the good grades together and other classes are mixtures. I guess maybe some schools still do that.

By any chance anyone hear of the YWCA child care services? Any comments on their services?
Lee Tai, hmm... dunno leh.. i heard it only have 2 classes of the better grades one from P5, the rest will be mixed. lower primary to P4, good or bad, they mix..
spagoh, if the child still look very much like the photo, yes.. if it's a bb photo and the child already 2yo.. then cannot. Need to go ICA change new passport. New passport is 80 bucks
i just changed my 3 kids one also.. pockets damaged! dunno y cannot like last time, just update pix!
Just my point of view to share...
Btw, what instructment is your girl interested? Consider Yamaha if is piano, otherewise get a private teacher if your child is 5 to 6 years old. For piano, i knew a private teacher, teaching at her own home.
SAHM - Projects


Hi Mummies, I understand this is not a baking thread.... but just share my project for last wk. Walnut Moonies and Apple lotus Moonies!

Any recommedation for maid agency? I think we really need a helper cos my work piling up. So bake moonies for de-stresssss.....

Thanks for feedback.

I prefer the CDE method. I heard Yamaha uses listening, not CDE method

I hired private tutor before. With diploma some more. But no rapport with my elder girl & cannot stimulate her interest. she refused to go for any more music classes

So for my younger girl, I intend to enrol her in a music school. Wlll consider private tutor only when she demonstrated strong interest & ready for individual lesson
Hi everyone,

I'm glad i come across this column for mums at bedok! I have 3 kids, 10, 7 and 3 yrs and has just turned SAHM this yr.

Hope to join yr group. Staying home is pretty boring.
hi wendy

Yes that YWCA oh u don't like there ...
I am finding one near that area cos parents staying nearby ... any other recommendations?
I guess there is hardly any child care centres there
Hi mummies, Pasar malam near Chai Chee. Walked there yesteday with kids.... just a short stretch but quite fun loh.

Hi Shirley! Welcome. Me also pretty new. Turn SAHM (but work fm home) this year too... boring ma? I am overloaded with housework n work. My kids 9yrs, 6yrs n 7mths maybe its the age gap that causing me to be blur. Milk bottle on right and cane on left.

Hi Lee Tai, you looking for childcare? You visit any centres? Am considering too, me no helper and everyday just clean n clean, mop n mop, bringing kids to n fro, hope to find a solution soon...

yes, i have a maid to help.
i stopped working in feb this yr to go ovr to states as my hubby was relocated there for work. we just came back spore 3 wks ago.

my main job staying home is to coach my 2 sons on their sch wk and spend time with my little girl.

hammy, wat u working as at home? can give me some ideas? if can work fm home, i also dun mind leh.
Hi shirley, Welcome... my 2 elder kids are boys too.. Youngest is a girl..

Lee Tai, wrt Childcare centre : i gave up looking for one in Chai chee/bedok/siglap area. My #2 is now with mind champs and #3 will be joining him there in jan next year. but i heard a couple of childcare centres in simei areas which are good.. Siglap, Jeet's schoolhouse is ok, just that i am not comfortable that my then 2yo boy had to take the school bus and he fell once from the bus.

Hippo, what's the CDE method?

Hammy, i was there last night too.. cannot quite make it.. haha..
SNG's mummy
C - Do
D - Re
E - Mi
instead of saying Do, teacher refers to position on keyboard as C

pasar malam near which block in Chai Chee?
wanted to buy wrapping papers & stickers

hello all SAHMs
I've been one for 5.5 years. No free time too
My cleaning standard not very high, I adopt the 'throw throw throw' approach to keep the house neat
Next year dd1 going to P1, hope to get an afternoon nap if dd2 is cooperative

your two elder ones in which primary school?
hippo, the yamaha also teaches the students as C D E.. not as do re mi unless its for the JMC programs.. i was a yamaha student and my son's violin and piano teacher teach at christofori also do it as CDE.. but well.. i think it really depends on the teachers..

There is no wrapping paper and sticker at the chai chee pasar malam leh..
I think if the music school adopt ABRSM as the standard, then they should be teaching in C D E. I think only the organ / keyboard classes in Yamaha teach in do re mi. Piano should be C D E. My friend's gal was learning in Siempi for 2 terms but stopped thereafter and switch to Yamaha. She didn't comment on Siempi but mentioned that she changed because the timing was not suitable.
SNG's mummy, Iwg26

thanks for the clarification.
I went to the counter at Yamaha Tampines & the staff said they only teach listening skills, not using CDE. Don't know whether they are referring to JMC. My dd2 is 4yo
I will pop by Yamaha to enquire again

By the way, which music school is your kid attending?

SNG's mummy
Have you decided whether to let your son skip level?

My dd is taking small group private piano lesson in CC. She completed her JMC last year (also at CC). I took on CC for piano because the timing and location is more convenient for me.
