BEDOK mommies club

Halo mummies,
May I join this thread?
I am currently not staying in Bedok but parents are. I grew up in Bedok North....
I am SAHM and I have a son (3yo, in Jan 05).

me too! which primary school did you attend?


I will decide which school bag to buy after orientation. my girl wanted a trolley bag but not practical since there are stairs
hubby starts accumulating $1 coin for her pocket money next year
hi winnie,

tat time when i am shifting i ask ard and heard ppl tell me must let the fridge "rest & stable" down before shifting usually after off will drip water must let it dry first. tat time i off for 2 day and the day when i shift the water is still dripping
Yes I think trolley bag is not good idea as the kids may need to climb up staircase. Very heavy with a trolley bag. Will you be preparing snacks for your gal next year? If yes, what kind of snacks are suitable, besides bread.

I plan to give her cereals like coco pops & honey stars, plus bread. She can buy milo or holick from drinks stall

the canteen food doesn't look appetising, seems either too oily or soggy. Maybe twice a week can eat at canteen
Sleepy resolutions,
Was formerly from Bedok Town Pri. Urself?

SNG's mummy,
My son is also in Shichida (HDB Hub). He attends the class on Sat at 6pm. How about ur kiddo??

This thread was previously "hot" on P1 registration. Sound scarily... I guess I will be as super kan jiong when the date are nearing. Does RSS stands for Red Swastika School? It has been very popular in bedok area.

Can I find out if PV does really help in getting a placement in pri school? What do you normally do for being a PV?

Anyone looking for child care at bedok north can try Sunflower Childcare at Kaki Bukit CC...

Bedok View. merged with Bedok Green now, no longer retain the school name

my dd2 used to attend Shichida at HDB hub too. I withdrawn her when she was 3yo, old enough for most enrichment classes
Good idea. Thanks. My dd is a bread and japanese foodie. She can eat bread and sushi everyday. I also thot of making Sushi. Easy to eat. My dd eats so slow that I told her she will be late for class next time. Heard that recess only 20 min.

Have you zoomed on any target pri school for your boy?
My 2 ds uses Crosscom McNeil, . But it more expensive (about $200). My ds1 use the bag coming to 3 years (by end of this end) To break down, it cause about $65 per year.

Normally the school will keep the files, textbooks like moral education, social studies, health education, spelling books. On normal day for P1, most of the time, 3 textbook (english, math, chinese)+ 1 handbook + storybook for silent reading + a file (to collect loose worksheet, leaflet)+ color pencils + pencil case (pencils + staple + glue +scissors + ruler + eraser) + water bottle + snacks (if any). On day that you have art or music lesson, you need to bring the music textbook or art textbook + art file + crayons.

When examination dates are near, the bags are heavy as the files (english/math/chinese worsheet) are brought home and back to school cos need to revise.

JoanY, my girl's on sunday afternoon..

Gin, school bag, i usually buy what's in fashion for that year as long as it's not those heavy kind.

School books, usually they will put some books in the lockers in school. My boy usually lock his social Study, Health Ed, music books, white board in the locker.

Colour pencils, i usually sharpen and give it to him in a pencil case. I dont give him a full box of 24 colours as too many, they tend to lose some or friends borrow and don't return.

Pocket $$. i give him 2 bucks in coins daily. Simple plate of noodles is like 1 dollar and the rest is for him to save in his piggy bank. I dont give my child home food for recess cos my "silly" father says he needs to learn how to buy food on his own and manage his $$. He also say until so "yan zong" claiming that we hurt his pride when we give him home food etc...
Sleepy Resolutions,
I intend to drop him out from Shichida the following term too. He is not showing much interest and progress in the ESP and memory games but is strong in other activities. I will consider putting him in Speech & Drama classes instead next year, esp Chinese. He dislikes communicating in Chinese and speaks the language with English accent......

I am staying in Whampoa area. There aren't many good schools around these area. The better ones are St Andrew Junior, St Joseph Junior (formerly known as St Micheal), Hong Wen (which I dont know if is within 1-2km).

I am trying for a 2nd kid. My choice will be narrowed down to 1 if it's a girl.... Sigh.... (My husband says I think too much, heeheee)
cdajun and sngmummy,
Thanks for the suggestion. Waiting for orientation before buying all the stuff ; )

Actually I chose mixed school also becos I've 1 boy 1 girl. If I choose girl school for my dd1, then I've to headache again for ds. So in the end, we decided on mixed school. Especially my kids are only 1 year apart so they will go to school together.
Welcome to all the new mommies to this thread!

I am currently busy packing for the big move next month to bedok ... finally back to where I grow up but not quite the same area. I grew up at Bedok South but will be shifting to Reservoir instead because can't find a suitable house there and there is hardly any supply as well

Has more or less choose one contractor and going to spend a bomb on the renovation and all the costs has risen compared to last time

Finally looking forward to the day where I can bring my children home everyday
Anyone watch the Rally?

16 weeks of maternity leave? That's double compared to Yr 2003 ...

At end of day, rearing a child is still the responsibly of us the parents. It is not something like if we buy don't like it and can discard.

With the high inflation costs and other costs (receive a letter from my girl's school that fees going to increase next yr), how many of us can really afford to see the kids thru uni?

The economy outlook is not rosy and recession may come, jobs may be cut and etc. Who would want more kids to add as burden?
Govt know that birth rate will continue to fall that's why introduce all the goodies. But then, it means women will face even more Discrimination. Most employers will choose women who are single or not having kids. Parents who already have kids dun benefit much. Childcare leave is only until the kid is 7 yo.
Iwg26, winniebear

yeah lor. Whatever goodies not applicable to me, too late liao
- Don't intend to have another kid
- Already gave up my career
I think the govt goodies are skewed in that sense that it aids those who are planning or just have kids. Working and SAHM with kids do not benefit much. Higher children work relief is not crucial unless the salary is very high. And if our kids are 7 yo, the childcare leave is not applicable anymore.

I foresee bigger problem is that, in some work place which are dominanted by women, working mums like us with grown up children may have to cover the younger mothers who just give birth (maternity leave is now 4 months). It ends up we have work longer hours and don't benefit from the "goodies" ; (

don't think feasible lor

hubby not supportive of me returning to work because my mom cannot cope.

I'm reluctant to leave dd1 in student care & dd2 in childcare.
Maybe when both in Pri school, can consider part time job that ends in early afternoon. In any case, by primary school, the kids come home very late after CCA.

It's indeed a dillema for mothers. That's why nobody wan to have babies. It's huge lifetime commitment. And so disappointing that the govt doesn't help existing mothers and SAHM. The least they shd do is extend some tax relief to husband. I've been a SAHM so fully understand. I think what we want is not only $$$, it's more time to spend with kids and better working environment. If the mother only give birth bcos of the bonus, then it is very sad lor.

now the primary school is partial single session so at any one point, one of my kids will be home

must wait long long till 2013 when both in same session. By then, I will be away from work for exactly 10 years!

Am new. Whether working or Full Time Mum.... enjoy the moment when they are young. Once they reach PRIMARY SCHOOL! Night mares start...

So sad... my son failed his chinese AGAIN!
he just dont like chinese!!! 1 page correct 1 page all wrong. I think he has "no heart" problem.

I recently put him at Tien Hsia... P3, 1 of Bedok mummies choice sch - RSS!!!

True. To do well in Chinese must have interest

Seems to have quite a number of mommies with kids in or going to RSS. Maybe can start a new thread for RSS mommies to share info on the school such as exams, CCAs, teachers
Hi hippo...

Its good to have another mother from RSS to talk with. I know my son's schoolmate mum, sometimes we share info to help each other!

Your kid going to RSS too? Next Yr? My girl next yr P1.

I just hope that he can just start having tt little bit of interest soon... just a pass is good enough.
Hi Hammy,

My ds is in P3/4 , our whole family was there to fetch him today. He commented that Math is very easy, but English is difficult.
Hi Hammy,

Have you try Eduplus

I saw the presentation at the book fair in June and the way that teach is different and help to build the child interest in Chinese.

I did not send my ds as I can still manage to coach him some chinese on my own.

Hong Kee
Hi Hong Kee,

Our Whole family was there too! Like family outing. Same here... he thought the Math quite fun but very troublesome need to flip the PAGES. FAINT

My ds in 3/1. He was ok in Chinese just no interest... so the marks like stock market. I also coach him Chinese myself but stop a while cos got to care for newborn and no helper. Dd is now 7 months so hopefully I can beef him up to get a reasonable mark in SA2.

Thanks for sharing the info on Eduplus
Hi welcome. My dd1 is going to RSS next year P1. Maybe I will see you at the orientation. Can exchange info on teachers and tests ; D

Have been trying our best to get her ready for P1. She went to Berries for the last 1.5 years. Have seen good improvement in Chinese although her English is still better.

Did you send your ds to Chinese enrichment b4 he starts P1? At first, I was quite quite reluctant but she enjoys the session at Berries. Though it burn a BIG hole in my pocket. Very expensive...hopefully it helps if not i very sim tia.
Yes, we can meet during the orientation. Now I am trying to get my Ds to take down some info at the canteen. Chicken Rice forever long queue! So he say skip... go for noodle soup or something else.

I didnt send him for tuition except last yr. His chinese was all the while ok but last yr teacher was... that's y his chinese score starts to drop. He was ok for last yr end result cos I revise with him before I delivered.

Teacher in charge is very important. My son is not the guai guai type so I dont expect the teachers to understand him.

Just hope he can enjoy his primary school days n enter into a better sec sch.
Hi Hammy,

I think the P3 chinese is a big jump from P2. The chinese magazine chi shi hua bao is harder to understand compare to hao peng youo. More difficult words now and for comprehension, you are suppose to deduce the answer instead of copy the whole block.

The school also put more weightage on Composition 20%, Oral 20% and listening 10%. Most of the children's chinese marks had gone down.
No worries. Kids have their own talent and strength.
My Ds is can't sit still type so he face problem to concentrate n focus. He is weak in composition, he need to think before writting which he don't like.

The rest of paper he did well : ) As cdajun said, P3 is a big JUMP!
hello mummies..

it's been some time since i last posted. As it is, i am facing a tough decision.. DS is currently in P2, and we are given a choice of having him being promoted straight into P4 next year.. As it is, i was already worrying if he can cope with P4 work and now that everyone is saying that P2 to P3 chinese is a big jump, am even more worried..

Maybe mummies can share some thoughts on this..
hippo, they allow.. need to write to MOE, take test, school recommendations, counseling etc.. long process and case to case basis.. They allow up to 4 levels jump but apparently, my boy don't happen to be those extremely smart ones leh..
wow, if 4 levels means P6 next year! too drastic liao
more of pyschological factor, how to make new friends

you used his P1 result to write in to MOE? or the principal recommends your boy to go for assessment?

can your boy join GEP if he jump to P4 next year?
then maybe worth consideration

by the way, your boy is in which primary school?

why don't you let him attempt P4 assessment books. If he can do it easily, then less worrying
hippo, he will be going for GEP program. But am concern if he can cope. Solution given is he can go back to normal P4 if we think he is under too much stress. According to MOE, 1-2 students will go back to the normal program every year, but my son happen to be one of those who will push himself very hard to compete with the rest and he is someone who cannot accept failure. Am worried bout his ego, his stress etc..

With his P2 mid year results, the school did a recommendation.

He can manage the P3 assessment books with no major problems except carelessness. But i think it's more of the process which he will be missing out.
Hi Mummies,

I would like to ask if anyone knows if there is any infant-care centres ard bedok south areas? Can recommend? Cos i'm gg back to work in October already and i need to be fast to decide where i can settle my baby....

There is one at:
PCF Fengshan Sparkletots Infant & Child Care Centre Fengshan 184 Bedok North Road
#01-01 Singapore 460184 Tel:62429044

It is the new flats build 3 years back near New Upper Changi Rd (opp Bedok South Blk 56)

Never used them, not sure if there are good.
