BEDOK mommies club

Hi Lamb03
My son is also turning 5 soon - in Dec. I also have a gal who is 6.5, registering in Pri 1 this year. So we are 'sweating' now cos next week is my turn to go for registration ; P

Who's taking care your gal now while you work?
Yes , sweating now .. tomorrow is Phase 2A2 first day .. should be able to know more or less whether we can got chance ..
Hi there! I am a non PR in Singapore and my daughter is K2 in Fengshan. Her teacher told me that by July through August I should start registering my kid in P1. Can I register in several schools at one time or should be one at a time. I haven't start doing my rounds since I don't have the vaccination booklet of my kid wit me. I left it in our hometown which worries me as well. Is the vaccination booklet essential to be able to register for P1. By the time I would be able to get the booklet it might be too late already like the slots would be filled. The nearest school in my area is RSS and Bedok Green. Please enlighten me on how I will go about this matter. Your help will be greatly appreciated
RSS only left with 50 seats for phase 2B. Qt tight since there are 42 PV this year. But I believe the school will try to let all PV get in. I asked the teacher, she say if subsequently there are any students withdraw, they will give priority to those PV that din get in.

Non-PR should be the final phase after 2C. Probably you can consider Bedok Green. RSS would be all filled up after phase 2C.
Hi Hippo

Like u previously, I will have to find a warehouse to store my furniture and all the barang barang temporarily till my new flat is ready.

I will have shift out by latest early sept and that is also the time I am expected to get keys to our new place

Once we get the keys we will renovate immediately.

Have been busy sourcing for contractors and looking around for ideas ...
Lee tai,
There are 42 PV this year. The teacher said they turned away some PV if not would be >50 PV. So better start doing PV early if you are really keen. RSS is founded by Red Swastika Society but the society is not involved in running the school. Members have priority under phase 2b (similar to HKHK in Tao Nan)
I think many parents drop out or the school ask them to stop because the principal foresee insufficient vacancies in Phase 2B. Heard about Temasek's PV no also. But difference is that Temasek has no society members whereas RSS has RSS society so they can't take in as many PV as Temasek. Otherwise, not enough space.
I agreed with Gin but I think RSS society not a lot as I heard that they are mostly grandparents liao . I think it's depend on the sch , my colleague who is PV for Pei Chun told me they got 80 and so sure ballot , think St Hilda's also , they take in quite a no. but don't forget they got church members also can join 2B so sure ballot , same go to Tao Nan who got clan . I think RSS is trying to help all PV in like others I heard is GongShang also , they keep their no. of intake low so that all have chance .

I wish all of u good luck in the coming registration

do you have a place to stay while renovating?
can borrow design books from Bedok library magazine section. I find some of the Taiwan design books quite innovative

Iwg26, foocj

if only 42 PVs then quite high chance all can get in, unless many grassroot leaders
Count down to P1 registration!
Tomorrow is the registration day! Yesterday nite, I couldn't sleep well. In the middle of nite, I woke up and thought that I should change and get ready for registration. Ha ha. Think too much. That's the stress of mother. No wonder even now LKY also must worry about birth rate. With all the stress on mothers, discrimination on working mothers, nobody wants to give birth more babies.
Hi mummies,

I need some advice on doing PV work for Red Swastika School.

What is the procedure involved and how to get a better chance of being accepted? ;)

For those who were accepted as PV, what kind of volunteer work are you doing?

My gal's going P1 in 2011. Just called RSS to enquire. They will open up registration for PV only in Jan 09.

yeah lor, that's why I'm stopping at 2. no more energy liao.

with all the crazy working hours, how to have work life balance & time for bonding? dump the kids to maid? forget it!
unless government can address the root cause, birth rate will only be going in one direction - downwards

no need to worry about P1 registration lah. I think within 2km very safe since only 42 PVs
I worried I may wake up late, miss the registration altho it's near impossible cos there's 2 whole days to do it. But being old liao, I can't take the "excitement" anymore.

My friend gave birth to her 4th kid this year. Altho she is SAHM, it's not easy. I think 2 is manageable, 3 is a challenge and 4 is impossible!

Usually volunteer should be helping out in class, go for excursion, library duty, help during special occasion (like pri 1 first day registration/new year festival celebration). Some school has traffic warden also. Best to ask the school what they need. I recently met a parent who volunteered in RSS, she was the photography for special events (graduation, concert, sports day).
Thanks Gin!

The gentleman I spoke to just briefly told me there's a form to fill up and the school will then decide if we are suitable. Will try to see if I can get more information.

also practical issue like having to upsize car since no place for a 3rd car seat liao

If both my kids are so sweet & easy going like my dd2, then I don't mind having a 3rd child. But my dd1 is very headstrong & stubborn. Imagine I have to argue with a 6yo, so frustrating! one kid like that already vomit blood liao, if 3rd child also like that, I think I will go crazy, better don't take chance

mommies with 2 kids or more

do you feel that there's always one easy child & one difficult child?
hello mummies...

Long time since i last posted.. My maid went home for 2 weeks for a family emergency and i was forced to take 2 weeks leave to look after them. Coincidentally, dh and mine long overdue honeymoon to thailand was due that same weekend and we asked MIL for help to look after my 3 kids for 6 days! My youngest girl cried her heart out for day 1 and 2, and i ended up having to dh to fly home on day 3 cos i was very very worried bout her. MIL told us that she only drank 2 bottles of milk and refuse any other food and drinks while we were away.. Very disappointed that our long overdue honeymoon ended that way.. haiz.. My Let's Sea resort in hua hin and Mandarin oriental in chiangmai flew away.. Heartache as i pre-paid them and it cost me close to 1k which i cannot get a refund. haiz.. dunno when can we plan another honeymoon..

hippo, my 3 kids... i think #2 is quite difficult to manage. He's extremely stubborn! I praying that it's only a terrible 2's stage..
SNG's mummy

I thought my dd1 will outgrow her terrible 2 phrase....but she's already 6yo....
don't understand why such a big kid still likes to cry & throw tantrum. super sensitive girl
my dd2 hardly cries unless dd1 disturbed her intentionally.

sorry to hear about your aborted holiday. I have been wanting to go holiday with hubby too but he always said my mom cannot cope, which is quite true...all stuck at home
Hi hippo

we will be putting up at my bro's place till the reno is completed. Now the packing up for the warehouse is headache. As we are shifting to smaller unit, alot of things will go down into the bin.

My gal is a sensitive and stubborn girl. Each time i said i am angry with her, she will cry immediately and only stop after I said I am no longer angry. And she don't like me to fold my arms.

We have yet to discover my boy's character but guess soon. However poor boy, each time if he take jie jie's toys, jie jie will in turn snatch the toys back and hit his head with it. I think both of them will fight when my boy becomes older.

I always wanted 3 children but hubby said no.
hi hippo.. i recently tried the lock him in the room and let him calm down then i speak to him. it seems to start working on him so i hope this problem will end soon. But also, because i am a ftwm, it's kind of hard to enforce rules and ensure the maid also follows especially she is the one who spoils him rotten.

lee tai, having 3 kids is fun but the cost of raising them is very high.. dh says it's because we did not bring them up the traditional way (where they just go to pre-school then primary school.. weekends stay at home and eat) but we brought them up the ang mo way where we send them for all the different kinds of programs, expose them to plenty of stuffs etc. i think it;s true.. maybe we should try doing it the traditional way but then again, will we be making them mountain tortoises?
Hello, I'm new and glad to find out on this bedok club thread. I have 3 boys and just registered the eldest in temasek recently.

Hope to get to know all of you better!
you are in phrase 2A2?

have you called the school? I think outside 2km need to ballot.
If only 42 PVs, I am suprised so many grassroots this year
Welcome! Temasek is difficult to get in this yr. Under phase 2B, heard from my friend who's a PV that about 45 places are < 2km. So she purposely move house to next to the school to increase her chance.

I called the school on friday. I managed to "scrap through" without ballot as I'm <2km. There are 50 vacancies versus 51 applicants.
Hi Gin

you registered in RSS is it? As of now it is 51 vacancies vs 52 applications.

I guess all the mummies in this thread will successfully enrol in RSS under phrase 2B
Hi mummies who are RSS PVs,

Could you share your experience on how you get accepted as PVs? What expertise/skills will RSS be keen to look at for PVs?

Hippo, registered in phrase 2B, i'm <1km, so shd be safe. If i know that there are so few pv at RSS, I would have volunteer there last year instead of temasek, so i prefer RSS.

can't turn back the clock now....
Hi Mommies,

I am Hong Kee, just happen to bounce into this group.

I am staying at Bedok North. I have 3 kids: ds1(9yrs old, P3 in RSS), ds2 (7 yrs old, P1 in RSS), dd (3 yrs old. attending playgroup).
E.g. of volunteer activities - contact time (take care of the P1/P2 class while teachers have meeting), excursion, library duty (easily half a day or 3-4 hours), activities during festive season (make mooncake w children, racial harmony day, treasure hunt etc).

Welcome, Cdajun
I am FTWM with 2 kids (6 yo and 5yo). How do you find RSS so far? We happened to have many yr 2002 kids in this thread entering P1 for the first time next year. Last few weeks were on discussion on school registration and on how to prepare kids for Pri 1. Any tips would be great. Are you a SAHM or FTWM?
welcome cdajun!

Gin, thanks! i was told that there's a form to complete to register as PV. Any tips on how to fill it up so that there's a higher chance of getting accepted? I was thinking if just fill up then my submission will be like any other parent so won't stand out if the demand is more than supply...
I am a SAHM.

RSS has just change a new principal (more focus on acadamic), old one focus more on CCA. Most of permanent teacher are good, some relief teacher are not so good. There always a lot of relief teacher cos a lot of teachers (especially the lower primary) go on maternity leave, male teachers will go for reservist. Our teacher are quite young as you can see.

If you had attended Preschool, P1 should be quite OK for the kids, as the syllabus cover Preschool works. The school is more relax now as there are not very much homeworks. most are done in school. We have more chinese worksheet to bring home to do. The chinese for P1, P2 is still quite manageable, but in P3, it gets a bit more difficult. I have not sent my kids for tuition. I coach my two ds on chinese, the rest they manage on their own. If there is any problem that they can't anwser, then they will ask me. There is a big from P2 to P3. suddenly everything gets harder.
I think there isn't any "special skill" that they need. But if you show yourself to be > pro-active (call to check the status if they din immediately give you 'jobs'), then higher chance.
welcome all new mummy

hello mummies
wow this thread is so active over the P1 reg exercise.
I mia so long alry. very busy wif sick children and work. My girl had HFMD and an incident of unprofessional doc mis diagnose. Luckily my girl is now well and back to normal.

congrats on getting a place in temasek, maybe 1 day i see u there cos my parent and sis stay the blk beside it.

congrats on yur new hse hope ur new place will be ready soon and now i can officially WELCOME u back to bedok. Frankly speaking I really much happy now and not really miss my old place as much as when i just shifted.

sng's mummy
yur trip really sound so wasted, me too dun ever tink of holiday cos both my girl stick like glue.
i saw yur post on my thread on that unresponsible doc, we 2 really suay to kanna such doc. we must really post on tat thread till tat woman "famous"
if i not wrong u are under Dr Benjamin Tham for delivery right? I tink we chat abt him before.

Is Temasek your first choice?
This year Temasek outdo RSS to take the number 1 hot spot in Bedok

how many choices do you have as grassroot leader?
Just a correction. I registered for RSS. We've many RSS and Temasek kids here. Next time can exchange exam paper ; ) Welcome back!
sleepy resolution
ya tink temasek will be my first choice, since my sis 2 kids are there. but too early to say my kids on 4yr and 2 year now long way.
I have not check on the GRO scheme yet. opps.. i sound like a bochap mother hor. I check out and let u all know.

thank for the welcome haha. opps so sorry i get the wrong mummy tink is ssm who choose Temasek. So u got a place in RSS?
hi Bedok Mommies,
Sorie to 'gate-crash' here, my parents are staying at Bedok, so I mite intend to place my kids here when they are of Pri 1, may I know why is Temasek so popular ?
thanks a lot
Yep manage to get in RSS. Luckily I didn't volunteer at Temasek otherwise, I may not be able to get in.

Was comtemplating between both as I'm 1-2km for both schools. RSS ex-principal say he tries to restrict no. of PV so that most or all PV will get. Whereas when I called Temasek, they say PV is no guarantee. Heard that temasek initially took in 80 PV but some pull out so in the end 62 PV. That explain why they are so "hot" this year.

Temasek &amp; RSS are always hot in Bedok every year. These schools are old. I guess parents like to send their kids to established schools lor
Gin is right. Some of my friends were being turned down by RSS to do PV as they restrict the nbr of PV. All of them went to do PV at temasek instead.
with benefit of hindsight, i think it's better to be grassroot leaders

you can choose between RSS &amp; Temasek (same GRC), swing the votes depending on which school has higher chance that year.

I heard this time round some grassroots swing to RSS because Temasek has more PVs &amp; hence more competitive during balloting
It also depends on where the grassroot stays.
If the grassroot stays < 1km to Temasek, then they can get in Temasek without ballot.
On the other hand, if they are >2km for RSS , will still need to ballot.

Hi mummies,

Congrats to mummies who child have got into the choice of school. Is a GOOD NEWS.

This year Temasek Pri and RSS is real hot, as usual.
For RSS PV within 1km - 2km, sure can get in. If outside 2km will have balloting, same for Temasek Pri. If mummies really wants their child go to these school, go for PV or Grassroot.

But if you doesn't want to stress out yourself, Yu Neng also not bad, 3rd popular in Bedok. PV outside 2km also can get in. 2C within 1km will have balloting for past few years, not sure for this year.

I am monitoring, and doing homework for next year registration.
