BEDOK mommies club

7 tops is a great conquest already!

I went shopping too, but only managed to buy a dress, cos I am still not back to pre-preg weight yet so its harder to shop

Any mommies here who had c-section delivery b4? I had mine 2mths ago. Wondering if still effective to do the malay massage?
I din get clothes but bought 4 pairs of shoes ; P No more shoes for me for the rest of this year.

hehe, last few years better, bought a whole year supply, haven't even finish wearing by CNY

I had cesearean for both kids. massage lady said must do before confinement is over to get rid of wind. I think I did mine on 4th week

I was looking for shoes too. Don't know what happen to the last batch of Everbest shoes I bought from Isetan few months ago, leather start peeling after a few wear!

do you have any particular favourite brand of clothings or shoes?
I like ness. Combed all their outlets on 1st day of sale. Their nearest outlet is at Tampines mall, now having up to 70% off
I used to like everbest shoes. Because in the past I owned 3 pairs of it and I worn them for many many years until I throw away due to wear and tear

However after that I can't find the designs that I like so I switch to Charles and Keith for a while.

Now I just buy any brand which I came across that I like the design.
I bought some from Bysi. Isetan has nice clothes.

I also buy from spree. In chinatown, the shops there sell quite nice and affordable suits. The cons is that the fitting room is v small and no air con.
I had being to Bysi last week twice at different branches but didn't find anything I like.

I was at Raffles City last friday and only manage to grab some clothes for children. Bought from Esprit, Fox Kids and the other brand I think Okadi something like that and OP. The best deal I gotten was from Fox Kids where I only paid $9 each for two tops one for dd and one for ds

Actually plan to buy some working clothes and one bag for work for myself but didn't find any.
Hi mommies

do you go for branded bags?

anyone go to US for work purpose?

haha I am eyeing on a coach bag and is wishing someone will get it for me from US
Good morning! MIA for quite a while and now the topic has shifted to shopping!

Ness clothings are very nice but their cutting doesnt suit me. I went BYSI too but didnt find anything I like. Went G2000 last week cos my friend has got bday 50% discount, so managed to got a few tops. Bought a $18 dress from Yin & Yang and more dresses at OAMC at 50% discount.

As for bags, I dont go for a particular brand. My criteria is I will buy only if it meets my needs. Got a few Coach Hobo bags cos very versatile. Recently bought Agnes Bag tote bag from Japan, so much cheaper there and can dump many stuff inside. Oh, btw I saw Kate Spade at Raffles City is having sale when I went on Tues, i think is 30% discount. For those branded bags (i.e. LV, Tods, Loewe) which are above $1K, i still don't have the "guts" to buy yet! Haha.
hi hi

wah.... all those branded bags.. haiz... they now gone to my kid's education funds man! the only bags i buy these days are laptop bags.. lol

Hippo, i give them on daily basis.. After 1 bottle, stop for a while then another bottle.
Recently brought my children to see chinese physician as they had been coughing for nearly a month already.

The physician said why bring them here so late as their health are not good. She said my boy is so pale. For my girl she said those medication is damaging her organs as reflected on her tongues with a circle

I was so shocked!!

She said they took the medication for too long already and is harmful in long run.

Now her main priority is to cure their cough and follow up with nourishment later.

Really praying hard after this TCM, I can just throw away all the medication for good.

which chinese physician did you go to?

I don't like my kids to be on medication for more than 2 weeks in a stretch. Even if didn't recover totally, I stopped giving medication. As long not coughing continuously, just give pi-pa-gao. Cough usually takes a long time to heal completely.
Another useful method is psychological factor. I keep telling them to 'box away' the germs

I brought them to see one at tampines st 21 recommended by my cousin.

My cousin's son also cough for a while and after taking the TCM, he heal completely

Actually I also see the chinese physican myself. Told her I always feel heaty and even thou I drink about 2 litre of plain water each day I still feel heaty.

She told me no matter how much water I drink, it won't take away the heatiness.

Hence I m also on TCM now
Lee Tai,
Is the chinese physician near Tampines Central? I heard of one there but not sure whether is same one. How much is the charges? I thot of going to one myself to improve my health. Feel old and always tired. Think I need to eat more "bu pin".
Hi Gin

no the chinese physician is not near Tampines Central. It's a mini neighbour shopping area.
She gave me two types of pills for one week and cost me 60 plus. I will be going back there this thursday evening with my children

Like you I always feel tired as well. Hence need some "bu pin" as well

My hubby is kind enough to let me take 1-2 hr of nap during the weekend while he fully handle the children.
Dear Mommies

Remember I share before regarding one flat which the owner wants 50K cash above valuation?

The owner has finally cracked and willing to accept our offer of 25K.

Going to meet up with the owner and agent this sunday evening and we hope everything will turn up well
Did I remember correctly that someone mention before if I need to do PV work for registration in 2010, then I need to register for PV this July?

How come one school said registration only in jan?

Think I better call the school again
Your hubby is so sweet. I think we women must take care of ourselves because (1) women aged faster than man (2) we have given birth to children so naturally our body is not as strong as before. Nowadays I pass the grocery shopping responsibility to my hubby
so saturday I have longer sleep.

If you want to register for PV, must register at least 1 year before. For example, P1 registration in 2010 means must register for PV before June 2009. If you register in Jan 2009, you will have about 1 1/2 years to complete 40 hours.
Hi Apple

There is a popular one called Kidzlink at Bedok North. It is located at the stretch of shop houses behind the Bedok Swimming Complex.

Not too sure good or not but the queue is always quite long and usually the parents will call to make appointment first
I think it's not strictly 40 hours within 12 months. It depends on the discretion of the school. If you read from MOE website, it says only to complete 40 hour up to June. A friend of mine did 60 hours at Pei Chun Public School in 18 months as she was due for delivery so she ask the principal to let her start early. Some more popular schools such as Pei Chun need to do 60 hours of volunteer work

if you can start PV earlier, it's better. Gives you more time to clock the 40 hours in case there are too many PVs & not sufficient work to go around

Most of the PVs do not stop at exactly 40 hours, usually a few hours excess. I know some even clock 50+ hours
how's school holiday? chaotic?

my dd1 attended 3 Maths workshops, 1 science workshop & 1 dance workshop the last 2 weeks. All organised by CCs. hmm, didn't seem to learn much, more for fun. ok lah, for that price, cannot hiam

brought my girls to watch 'kungfu panda' today at Downtown East. nice leh, I enjoyed the movie too.
Cathay mums & tots promotion, buy one ticket & the child gets in free

we also watched 'high school musical' at united square. so so lah
Lee Tai,
Glad that you managed to strike a deal. I haven't been looking for a flat for a while. Wonder whether the prices have come down.
Hi Hippo
we went to watch "kungfu panda" yesterday at GV vivo at $3 per ticket with drink and snacks.
My 11month boy does not enjoy the show and making noise half of the time. Luckily no one complain if not I have to go out

Hi Caymon
We haven't strike the deal yet cos the owner cannot make up his mind. Making us so anxious now.
The COV for those non matured estates have gone down but for Bedok not yet. We had called a few units in Bedok and sellers are still looking at 40k to 50k cash. Some units are in their very original condition and seller also looking at range
I went World bookfair at Suntec on Saturday and bot some educational toys for my kids. So many things to buy but can't buy all so choose and pick. Quite good as it's not as crowded as I thought. My kids went to all the computer station to try out the programs ; P

BHB, welcome!

$3 GV ticket is very good deal leh. Which credit card promo?

i think Bedok prices remained high mainly because supply is limited. Not that many sellers compared to new estates

I'm actually quite new to Bedok. Was a Toa Payoh person till I got married.

I'm thinking of sending my gal to childcare or playgroup when she turns 18 months. Does anyone know of any good centres in Bedok which I can consider?

Hippo: the tickets are not from any promotion but is one organised by my company. My company usually organised movie screening during the school holidays
BHD: My gal is attending nursery so not able to recommend any childcare centre to you.

However I sent my gal to once a week Apple Tree playgroup classes last year. She enjoyed it alot. Not all Apple Tree centres have once a week playgroup.
Hi Apple GP,
I stay in Bedok, but as I don't know any good PD here, I go to Kinder clinic in Parkway Parade. There's a PD who's quite good, doctor Vasanthi. Quite long queue, and must book appointment in advance.

hehe, I'm still checking this thread but so quiet hor

brought my kids to swimming at Tampines swimming pool just now. they love the slides in children pool. We been to Jurong West swimming pool once a few months ago, more gadgets but too far lah, like a day trip to the other end of Singapore

one more week left before school holiday over. What do you plan to do with your kids this week?

by the way, <font color="119911">any recommendation for gynae</font>? thinking of going for pap smear
survey on credit cards

what are the credit cards you have now?

which credit cards you find most useful eg. offer the most discount, faster rewards points, etc etc

I have ocbc platinum &amp; uob signature. However, I hardly get any discounts from these 2 cards other than petrol. Thinking of switching to other banks. Don't want to apply too many cards because I don't like fat wallet lah &amp; I prefer to consolidate my spending into one or at most 2 cards

thanks for sharing

not planning anything for my kids for next week as it will be my most busiest week of the month

So far, I used my CapitaCard from DBS the most frequent. Especially when I shop at CapitaMalls. If the shops participate in the Cap$ rebates, then I will earn some rebates. Each time when I accumulate the Cap$, I always use it to offset our brunch at Cafe Cartel.

We brunch at Cafe Cartel quite often as we like the breakfast sets. Each time when I redeemed the Cap$, one of us get to eat for free
The Cap$ will be offset from the total bill and we only pay the balance amount
We have sold our flat already but haven't confirm on the purchase part as the uncle cannot make up his mind.

We are going for a viewing this evening at another unit. Hope we have better luck with this one.

If not soon, we will be sleeping on the streets with no place to stay ...

I always go back to my gynae for the annual pap smear test. He's from KKH. As he has my birth records so I go back to him.

Don't think you want to go KKH right cos it is always long queue.

I just did my pap smear at my gynae (at Bedok Central) and the bill was terribly expensive! Made me decide that I shall just visit any polyclinic for my next pap smear.
credit cards
I have citibank, UOB and OCBC. For points, I think Citibank and UOB about the same but the service of UOB is no good.

OCBC - I use only when I go Robinson, other than that the points very little. Maybe I don't spend enough so points very little.

hello mummies had been so busy recently.
my elder girl down wif high fever 2 day later younger one got it on 3rd day red spot appear doc cfm it HFMD. So angry wif a female doc, the usual doc not ard so we had to see her we told her so many time there is ucler and high fever she dare not touch my girl and just glare thru and say thorat infection. worst she can prescribe antibiotic yest the usual doc back cfm is HFMD and want us to stop the antibiotic. I was blowing mad at the doc so upset for such mistake.
my poor girl cant eat at all she drool when she see us eat but once give her she cry liek no tom . so heart pain.
sorry for the grumbling i soooo deprived of sleep.

wow u so hero sell b4 buy ah i dare not leh, u try to drag the whole process to complete by 3 mth so u got so time.

credit card
we had a few but most of them are use when have discount, if normal purchase we will used citibank. maybank have a cc tat tag along wif downtown east kids explorer.
