BEDOK mommies club

Can try HK. I brought my gal and boy there when they were 4 and 5 year old respectively. Was very enjoyable. Altho most pp din like HK disneyland, I like it bcos precisely it's small so good for young children. I went in Mar off peak and was v little Q. We took pic with Pooh bears, mickey mouse. Stay at the Disneyland at least 2 nights as they have activities for the kids. I left them with the hotel and they brought them on castle tour (the hotel looks like castle), dress them up as prince/princess and took pic. And the buffet lunch is wonderful, the characters came out and linger with the guests so we no need to Q up also can take lotsa pic with minnie mouse, donald duck.

My "rotting" status also like you mayb slightly better only. Last time on tour was las year Tokyo. When I ask my son whether to leave baby at home then we go hol, he was so sweet. He said we wait for bb to be 3 year old then go together, if not leave him at home very poor thing.

Is your office in Raffles place?

BTW, anyone buys Grow milk and has unwanted extra receipts? I want to join the Grow Club.

Kris, don wrk too hard mus take care of ur health.
ya maybe the water not clean bt i tink u boil it wil be better rite?? Wat abt thier mineral water over there?? izzit safe to drink??

Tinkerbelle, ya agree tat remind my bil & my cousin they win bt in the end oso lose. u can oso plan for a nearby trip if u realli wan to go relax.

Cdajun, as for us son hand writting Need to hv more pratice and constant remind them to wrtting properly.

Cherrios, my hb don realli like to go gentin bt will try to persuade him.

Jun, may consider HKG too.. I will buy grow milk this friday nite. bt tin i buy is the standard wan can?? if u wan let me knw.
Nice to see posting. I was just thinking of you yesterday then see your posting liao. Haha...

Tell u hor, I jux jinxed myself. That day I was telling you Erica oso wake up screaming and the past 2 nites she really did tt. At least 4 times a nite, I wanna die liao. Then 8am wake up crying, I checked her, she pooed. Urgh, these 2 days she always like tt, wake up in sleep to poo den dun wanna sleep again. I'm going crazy liao...

Heh, I mountain turtle never been to China so dunno e condition of their water, but I think if going to Shanghai and those more developed part of their cities should be fine bah.

So Mon on?

Yaloh, all the holiday talks making me itch! But hb juz booked a trip for the 2 of us to BKK in Dec. So happy! Although it's a 4 days trip only, but I'm very happy liao cos initially he told me this yr no holiday for us cos earlier this yr our house reno costed us a bomb in this yr finances statues liao, n to top it off, he was quite badly affected during the economic downtown this yr, only these 2 mths things started improving. So I'm very happy and contented with e little arrangement already. Haha...

Join us for lunch?

Heh, Tokyo leh. I wanna go there again during their summer. Must try to plan with hb in 2011(Provided we are still ok!).Last yr CNY supposed to go for Taiwan trip one, den who knows I got pregnant, den complicated pregnancy and the agency screwed up n told us 3 wks before the trip that no more tickets to fly off on 1st day of CNY so in the end rot in Sg and distribute Ang Pows. LOL... Think I got no more chance to go travelling during CNY liao cos now with a kid in tow, everyone sure gossip if we fly off during CNY.

Wah, your son so sweet! The way you describe him now is like how SNG talks about her Nick. So sweet...

Mon lunch u can? We go down Bugis n meet u? I put my name down first!

Interested parties pls put down your name.

Lunch at Bugis on 02/11 (Mon):
1. Tinkerbelle

Going to BKK in Dec. I'm so excited n happy cos I can really see myself growing mushrooms n spiderwebs in Sg if I stay here any longer. LOL...

My ex-colleagues told me hor, at the door of the casinos during reno, they'll place knives there so that ppl will lose money there. Only those with super good luck during that period of time can walk out with their winnings. Nt sure how true it is though.

Why HK Disneyland nt suitable for teenagers? DO they have future land there?
Monday I can't confirm yet. My colleagues supposed to organize lunch but they on leave today. If Monday cannot, Wed can?

I'm in raffles place too. You wanna join us at Bugis? If not, other days we can meet for lunch too. Then can talk about kids over lunch. Haha...
Future/Adventureland is v. small. The whole thing is small lah. But sufficient for little kids.

Boohoo! I can't join u guys for lunch at Bugis lah! It's too far!Can you guys join us at Raffles Place???hehehee..If not then I meet you guys another day then! When I can take a longer lunch!

Jun!Let's meet lunch! Whereabouts in Raffles Place are you lcoated? I am at UOB Plaza.
I told my hubby say Forum friends miss me.. I need a rest. But he just laugh. But he ask me Y i nv go supper with u'll. I was thinking, these days so tired how to go supper.
Last night Lucas play from 4-6am again, and I got to wake up at 8.30am to leave for work. I was late for 10mins, see the guys all stand outside the shop looks very poor thing, make me so guilty. I'm going cazy soon. Now having a bad headache. Now can feel a bit sore throat. Just feel like booking a hotel and go and slp for a night then no one can disturb me.

I was so disappointed, hubby promise to bring me to Greece. But last min the trip with the company change to next month, so cannot go. Sigh,.. Was looking forward to go.
But hubby say will bring me to South Africa (if i nv rem the wrong place) next yr cause he goin to see world cup. But say no ticket for the soccer match for me, so ask me to stay at the hotel and wait for him. I told him i scare later the hotel get bomb. hahaa...last year actually goin to watch, just nice I give birth, so I told him I'll kill him if he make me pregnant again..

Now a days if I plan distant trip, hubby will say don't go, wait for ppl to invite then no need to waste money.. Sigh.. But most of the invitation trip woman cannot go!!

For the China trip, hubby going to acc me the whole trip cause I complain say my birthday trip, how can u go half way.. and Cause I was angry he don;t wan to acc me Thailand to see my Sponsor Child. So to keep my mouth shut, he go for the china one.

I have not go to China for 10+yrs. Everytime I plan to go China, then in the end change to other place, cause find that going China is a bit waste if got time to travel.

Ur son so nice.. He must love BB a lot..Which is gd cause next time U can leave him to take care of BB when they grow up.
Hahaha enjoy ur trip to BKK! I am sure you would enjoy the trip. It's not the place...but the company that counts...really.

My hubby is going to watch worldcup next year too! I am also not watching the football (coz I am not really interested in football) but I plan to go shopping with the kids instead hahaha. That is, if I go lah. not sure if I can go coz of work. I haven't booked my plane tickets yet although hotel rooms have already been booked.

I have not gone on an all girls' shopping trip before. The last time I planned something like that, we met with the BKK riots so we called it off. Then I got preggers. And then...another one got preggers. Would love to go on a all girls' shopping trip to Milan/Paris.....
Are you ok? You sound really tired. Must take care don't get stress up.

How about lunch at Raffles place instead? My office is at Battery road, very near to UOB Plaza.

We can consider all girls+ children trip? Haha. My hubby dun allow me to go overseas without the kids. Last time my biz trip to China, although I can extend 1 more day to go shopping, he made me fly back immediately. Irritating lor. He claimed that the kids miss me. Then my colleagues who extended their trip went shopping and eat beijing duck. Made me envy. Sigh... dunno when I can go all girls shopping trip.

I think all girls trip go Korea better. The fashion is good and cheap. My hubby went Korea for biz but I cannot go cos I just give birth. I was soooooo disappointed. I wanted to bring the baby there but he can't leave the kids behind. As compensation, he bot back accessories and clothes for me. Stuff in Paris too expensive aside for the branded goods. My colleagues go to France very often so if I want to buy, can tumpang them.
I hope I can go for sightseeing. Not so much about the match. But usually I watch with hubby.
My honeymoon I want to paris and italy, shop till I drop. So not so soon will go for shopping trip. Else hubby will kill me. But after shopping trip there, U'll never shop Gucci and LV in S'pore anymore. Cause U'll realise the model there is so much nicer and cheaper.

These days I feel bit stress up. Everyday pack with things to do. So tired. Scolded him for not helping me seeing me so tired, keep dozing off while acc Lucas. Then he say Lucas don't wan him when he go to him. Then I say he should reflect himself for Y lucas don wan him. So angry.
Kris least u usually watch with hubby. My hubby gave up persuading me to watch football with him. When there's football on TV, I would usually sit with him....and read a book. Bleah.
You sound exhausted. Make sure you do take good care of yourself. Yar? When possible, go check urself into a spa for a couple of hours. it does wonders
LIVE match i'll watch with him, but on TV, i'll dozz off.
I use to sneak off for an hour massage at Kenko just opposite where i work. But now my existance is a need, so can't just disappear like tt. Then my working hours now is 11am to 9pm.. But the time i off work, I miss my bed more than anything. My off days is pack with either activities with Lucas or visiting.
Wah, Adventure land n future land so small very sian liao. I like the LA Disneyland the best although everyone told me they prefer Florida one. But I find Florida one too big for my liking. So LA is the perfect and nice one, or maybe because it's e 1st Disneyland I've been to so my impression of there is the nicest. U know hor, my hb always say he wanna go HK Disneyland and hear Mickey Mouse speak Cantonese. I ROFL...

I agreed! I tell myself to really go n enjoy although it's only BKK. Cos hor, my hb n I haven go for honeymoon b4 leh. Cos tt time after our wedding, all our APs went to pay off FIL's CC bill, so the next few mths we ended up paying back the debts for e wedding. And when e debts are cleared, I got pregnant. Damn sian rite?

My working location is my house, occupation: Stay At Home Maria! LOL...

Lwg, Cheerios,
I don't mind heading to Raffles place to do lunch with u ladies. But only thing is we need to settle for a date n time n book a restaurant or something for the lunch cos Raffles Place lunch time very hard to find seats one leh.

*Hugs* I think u better take a good rest else if u fall sick, lagi worst, esp now is the flu season. If immunity low due to nt enough rest, very easy to catch e virus one...

Yaloh, we really miss u leh. Tell ur hb we wanna write petition to release u liao. LOL.

LOL, protection is always better than accident. In order to ensure ur trip to SA next yr is secured, better take protection leh. I was joking with SNG's mummy telling her next time she can start a BP selling condoms cos nobody do BP on that, so sure got business for her one. Hehe...

Re: All girls holiday, I think I can only go if I pay for myself n prior to tt must make plans with my parents without hb knowing. Else he know liao, he go tell PILs or wat, I have a drama to watch again.
Btw, Lunch if confirm can we do it on Mon cos I think Kris can only make it on Mon. If coming Mon cannot, shall we do it e week after next?

Heh, I dunno if u ladies will envy me or nt for this. My hubby dun watch soccer. LOL. But the bad is my hb is glued to the PC and games.
Hard to release me at the moment. I just have to keep my cool, so that I don blow up at him.
Selling condom might be a gd idea.. haha.. But this is a motherhood forum, more like producing baby rather then preventing. hahaa

I envy you leh.. Cause my hubby watch soccer, play PC. HE can do all at one time.. So i get bored in the room as TV is channel on soccer, PC on game, I'm left with nothin to do.
I got an idea, u tell him to give u more money for the work u have to do. Hehe... Den at least it can make up for the unhappiness.

LOL, true lah, but some mummies their factories are closed liao, so they want prevention mah. I very free during my last trimester of pregnancy so go n KPO at other threads, and there are mummies who do abortion cos they cannot afford anymore babies. So condoms is "xiao cai chu" rather than later pregnant liao have to commit murder and more money out their pocket leh. But I'm wondering abt the collection. Keke...

Hehe, U envy me ah? I teach u a method my gf taught me one but I haven tried it yet. She will walk ard e room either top off or bottom off, den her bf attention will shift to her liao. And she very bad, when the bf attention shift to her liao, she said she no mood liao. LOL...

I wanna ask if anyone of u wanna get Happy Puffs for your kiddos? It's actually something like the Gerber puffs but less sweet and the content is more than Gerber puffs. Erica's current can of Happy Puff is finishing so I am getting 6 cans if anyone of u want, u can ride on my order to get it at $5.90 per can instead of $6.30 per can. Retail selling at $7.40 at Vita Kids. Collection will be at my place at Chai Chee St. Let me know if u wanna ride on my order?
Tinkerbelle Ur friend is funny. I am SURE that would get the hubby's attention
U should hear Mickey sprouting Japanese. Even funnier. But I enjoyed Tokyo Disneyland better....but then maybe coz it was winter when I went and I didn't have a two year old tagging along.
I just saw ur blog. The picture is damn cute lah!!! I have that binder too. But I think it did no help. Damn itchy too.
Belle, u shopping again? alamak.. i thought u sworn to chop fingers? :p condom can post.. no need to meetup.

Belle/Kris, then u both envy me more lah.. hahaha... My hb is neither a soccer nor a computer addict..

Cheerios, it is indeed funny to hear mickey speaking Japanese. I also dont mind going there again. That time when i was there, my girl was still in my tummy.. Now if i were to bring her there, i think i will have to drag her out of the park at the end of the day.

Er, kris arh.. our bangkok trip how? wahahaa...

Someone was saying what themepark does UK have.. Got THOMASLAND!! :p we were also suppose to go UK end of this year to visit SIL, but looking at the number of vacations we had for the year.. i think we better say at home..
You are back! How was the trip?

actually i think for UK don't even need themeparks. Kids would just love running around Hyde park and feeding the swans and ducks...i think.
hi mummies
I'm a mummy from the Aug thread, I recv this from a fren

<font color="0000ff">St. Hildas' Church is organising a food festival on 21st Nov (Sat) and it's in the morning. It's to raise funds for two local communities that the church supports through their community project. The project caters to Old folks and latch-key kid mainly. The church is located at Ceylon Road which is on East Coast Road, opposite Katong Mall.

In the spirit of good causes! I've tickets to sell for this fundraiser, one set of tickets goes for S$10.</font>

This is also a church kindy so mummies living in the east can check them out too.

Any mummies interested in going or getting tickets, do email me [email protected] I'll consolidate and get the tickets from my friend.

I live in UK for 2 yrs.. But never go to Hyde Park before.. haha... I think kids will enjoy places like Cabury Factory. I enjoyed it too.. Cause by walking near the enterance, U smell the chocolate smell.. and give you lots of chocolate before the tour around. I think these are places we can't visit in Asia.
cherrios, agree.. But got theme park also good.. At least they get to see what they like.. :p Back liao.. had to drag the kids out of the themepark and put them into the car.. cry and cry.. Last night my 2yo still told me in her dreams "tomorrow we go sit bumper car k.. " hahaha

Kris, Singapore's Cadbury office also has free flow or all their products.. just all wrapped up and no smell..

BTW hor, someone was saying 4yo right age to go genting themepark.. Er, 4yo somehow not too right cos a bit too tall for the kiddy rides and a bit too young for the adult rides. so they can only take very limited rides liao!
whahha....ur 2yo must have really enjoyed herself!

Don't feel like doing work today! boss and I r going to WOmen's Fair at Marina Sq later. Anyone gg down?
cherrios, it's friday.. so no mood to work.. I also no mood to do anything.. just feel like sleeping.. very tired.
Today u and me in the forum only izzit? :p
Haha, I tell u hor, I think the trick will work on most hb but nt mine, cos my hb used to work in Singtel when he was 16 n he is e guy who does all the porn n gross site filtering for Singtel. He see woman's naked picture until numb liao. He told me sometimes he can even sit in front of his workdesk having his lunch n do the search n filtering at the same time. So I even even I top n bottom off oso no use, somemore the figure out of shape liao... lol...

I heard Mickey Mouse in Japanese and french b4. I find Donald Duck's voice more cute. Keke. Just that I am still imagining Mickey in Cantonese.

Yaloh, the binder didn't help one. Or mayb cos since Day 1 after pop I was on binder due to C-sec so never get to see much difference. My gal notti lah. Go and dig my stuff, den her crappy daddy oso do funny things with her. His fav past time is to distub Erica n make her scream!

SNG's mummy,
Chop fingers for 1 wk liao. Aiyah, u nt ard no-one to entertain me mah, so gone shopping again. LOL... Happy to be missed by me??? LOL...

Haha, later some horny mummies order 1 carton, den how to do postage? :p

Haha, u go UK lah. Anyway 1 more or 1 less country nt alot of difference lah. At most u chop fingers next yr no holidays lah. Chop 1 mth oso better than nt chopping rite?

Yah, I really envy u leh. I always tell my hb he should learn from ur hb. Keke...

I wanna go UK!!! Ok, I think I wanna plan for UK trip in either 2011 or 2012. Next yr nt possible. But hopefully my PILs dun come n spoil my plan.

Tell u hor, my PILs red-eye me again. SIan. FIL learnt abt us going to BKK again when they called n say they wanna go. Then FIL ask hb why we going. Kaoz! Hb said since married he haven bring me oversea b4, so give us a short break loh. In e end he use "ku rou ji" to extort money again. Say wanna sell their house or rent out a room claiming tt he scared hb cannot pay for their house when hb had been paying for e house, bills n their allowance all these while. Full of crap! He said tt is to hint to hb tt he nv give them enough money to spend n in e end hb promised them a trip and to raise their allowance next yr after I go work. I hear liao so angry but kept quiet cos nt my money but I buay song cos it's like even I work, e money don't come to our household but to my stupid monster in laws. Urgh!!!! I really hate my ILs...

Sorry for venting it here, cos cannot tell hb I angry wif his parents else we'll quarrel again.
Lwg, Cheerios, Kris,
U all wanna get the Happy puffs? Cos if u all dun want then I'll just join my friend's order in AMK n she collect it for me already...
Monday I can do lunch liao. Onz?

Next time got overseas trip dun tell them lah. That's what I do also.

I think confirm this year I won't go any overseas trip. Maybe next year.... Perth and Taiwan is my target. My sis say she can rent a resort 3 bedroom at S$500+ for 1 week. Muz convince Ah Cek to go first.
I juz finished watching the "Bai Quan Nv Wang"(Defeated queen) e nite b4. Damn nice and Ethan Ruan so cute. My sis saying I am star-strike cos now I go n watch Green Forrest, My home where Ethan Ruan is starring as 2nd lead. LOL. I haven idolize someone for very long time liao.
Hi gals!
just came back frm LUnch. Went to the Marina Square women's fair and extended my subscription for 4 years. The gifts are quite gd. Can use as Xmas gifts for other people.
Thanks but no thanks for the puffs. Not laest.

U guys have luncn on Monday? Have fun. I can't join
Which day are you free next week/the week after? Two of us meet lah. Quick lunch cos I also qt busy. Still got >10 days leave to clear by this year. Will leave it to Nov/Dec school hol. What school is your #1 attending?

I subscribe Women's weekly only cos they always give out good gifts in Raffles exchange. I like the chinese/Taiwanese magazines actually. I like their fashion, more suitable for Asians.
Yo Jun
Sure!sounds gd. Tuesday is good for me. JOsh is at MMI Bedok. He's been there for a year already. Most likely EMma will go to the same school too...if I continue living near bedok.

Coz I was away for most of the year for my maternity leave, I hardly took any of my annual leave too. Anyway, i forfeited so many last year.

My fav mag is actually Style...but v. dangerous coz everytime once I see something I like, I will wana go and buy it.
Btw gals

I have a bottle of Fenugreek to let go. Bought it from my secretary last year but never used it. Those still breastfeeding lemme know if u guys are interested.
How about next Tues? This coming tues have appt liao. Aiyah, I just bot a bottle of Fenugreek if not, can get from you ....
talkn abt mag which mag will tel u hw to dress up. my dressing nw gettin more &amp; more teribble. lol!!

tinkerbelle, nice rite watchin 1/2 thru and stp cos gt 1 cantonese show (gong xin ji) i am watchin nw.
U mean the Tues in the week of 9 NOv onwards? I am on trial for two weeks leh. bleah. So I think lunch will all be at Furama for me for the next two weeks. What abt other days next week?

hahaha i am sure its not that bad lah! I am loyal fan of style, her world and female. The rest i am not so interested. and i only subscribe to motherhood and mother &amp; baby. THo' I should start 'graduating' to today's parents or something similar....

realli i wear these LE RANGE BRAND blouse cost abt less den $20 &amp; a flare skirt to work wor.. wen i in the train somtimes i can c ppl dressing more nice leh... tat y i tink i had lack of fashion sense liao lol!!
i be a SAHM for 1yr... Now start to work.. also feel like i got no fashion sense.. These days also try to shop for clothes.. Else i look like Auntie everytime..
Are you guys SAHMs??? So lucky> I also want to be but I can't.....I would love to spend time 24/7 with the kids...but if I don't work, my kisd will be eating air.
I use to be SAHM.. not now.. but I work 3-4 full days.. then the rest is a few hours, depends on boss... Now just started working.. I start to miss my kid a lot.. Wish I can don work again.. But I feel working is gd too.. There are gd and bad points..
hmm... i also no sense of fashion!! And to make things worse, i dont even take TRAIN when i was working so not much chance to see pple.... All pple around me are in Tees and Jeans..

Cherrios, can lah, just have to scale down on spending.. I also thought i cannot when i decided to throw in a 3mths NPL.. Now, i do occasional sprees, bring the kids out etc.. except no more $$ to dine in nice restaurants..
SNG/ Taurus,
After brith I also nv bother so much about dressing. Then I always tell my friends saying.. If guys see us carrying a kid.. Will don even bother to give a glance at us.. Then one friend told me.. can also be a Hot Mama.. then I decide to dress up a little bit.. Else like Auntie.. Ppl don even glance.
You are still slim and young. If put on some makeup wear a sexy dress, sure v hot mama liao. Dun make me upset leh. I so many yrs older than you leh.
kris, after i give brith i concentrate to take care of kid totally 4get hw to dress up.

cherrios, hw i wish to be a sahm bt if i nt working my son oso will eat air LOL

sng, so we mus browse more magazine to improve our fashion sense. LOL


ya lor wen i bring my kids out no guys will look @ me oso. worse my dressin on weekend is mostly tee n bermudas cos i feel unconfortable to wear so nice abit to run aft my son

Agree lo.. When I bring Lucas out I also always wear shorts or jeans. Easier to carry him. As my boy don sit in pram, always run around, so can't wear skirt at all.
