BEDOK mommies club

My friends attended. Heard that it's good.

Not that I imply you r rich lah. Just that I'm many yrs older than you so at that time $$ value is smaller. Moreover I'm eldest of 3 so can't afford to send all 3 for class.

Coincidence! I'm also the eldest of 3.

Do you feel that birth order contributes to personality of the child? like more responsible or independent?

Only my youngest brother attended BC but he felt stressed because after paying an arm & leg for BC fees, we naturally expect to see improvement in his grades but there was none. I guess it takes years to develop a language.

I heard learning lab is good. Also cost an arm & leg
Js Mummy,
Paiseh paiseh, I kept forgetting to collect. I try to do so asap.

U nt very old lah, aiyoh, dun say until like tt leh. I think last time most of parents all less willing to spend on enrichment classes one. My dad just happened to be the kind tt dun like us to just spend our holidays playing away only.

Yawn yawn,
Yah, researches have proven tt birth order does contribute abit to the child's behaviour. One very gd example is they found out that most political leaders and high flyers tend to be the eldest child because mentally they are trained from young to be more responsible.
I jus received letter. Will see u at the Orientation ; ) not same class as your gal. I may not buy all the books on the booklist cos some like art book, music book will use back my girl's. But those heavy duty text got to see the condition cos my gal v rough. Some books already qt torn and tattered.

Will you go to the school first 2 days? I'll take leave for 2 days.
Hi Iwg, I think I will. Your boy is in which class? I almost need to buy all the things except the stationary. I ask u hor, as for the exercise book, how many do we need to buy. I think I will order all the stuff and collect at the orientation.

Hi HappyKids, mine dd is in 1/8.
Hi Dory,
u have the same questions as me when i first got the orientation letter.. in the end, think will just get everything first. haa. so messy..

urs is in 1/8, maybe can let the kids noe each other next time also. .hee. cos my boy is quite shy, so not easy to make frens..
My ds is "neighbor" to your ds's class. We should introduce them cos their recess time will be the same. P1/1 - 1/5 will have earlier recess and 1/6-1/10 will have recess later. The P1/1 will sit together with the P2/1. My gal always tell me so highly of her "senior". Usually, end up the P1 and P2 gals (same class no.) will all sit together while the boys will sit at another table, discussing about boys things.

Btw, you need not buy the art bag from the school. Can buy or use your own if you already have. Same for things like crayons, color pencils etc. I prefer buy my own if not whole class is same. If you get for him mechanical pencils, remember to paste the name stickers if not can easily get lost. My girl always lost her belongings cos she v blur. So I tag almost everything that she brings. She can even lost her PE t-shirt lor.
I recieved my clothes frm Js Mummy liao. I like their material very much. Very gd buy!

Next Mon we do lunch u want? Cos Kris only free on Mon nowadays so see u wanna do lunch? Ask cjfoo along also.

Do join us if we meet for lunch ok?
Forgot to reply you. Exercise book - buy a few extras cos it can get OOS. That time, the broadline exercise book, we waited for a few weeks before the stock arrives.

Dun think I will take leave now. Will wait till Nov/Dec school hol. Unless lunch at town, then I take MRT there to meet. Ya, my pink dress v nice. I bot another white tube dress from her but stock not here yet. But from now onwards, I must control cos no more space to put my clothes.
Yah, I was thinking we go town n find u for lunch. :p But must see SNG's mummy free or nt.

Paging for SNG's mummy....
Jun, wahahaha.. no leh.. Sam still on the sofa happily reading his story books.. I packing luggage, going genting on wednesday.. :p This month really overdose from traveling..
Happykid, np my gal very friendly and active. So are u going to order the bk through mail or on that day? I will order first and hope can collect during the orientation, don't need to go down another day.
I thot it's exam period, can skip school? I still haven't convince ah cek to travel. Bad mood lor... If u still keen on the church camp let me know cos closing registration soon. It's at bedok methodist church.
Hi mummies, check with u'll, does rashes appear after a high fever?FYI, my dd2 just recoverd from fever and I realise today she got rashes on her back and her forehead. Is it normal?
Dory, normal.. should go off in a day or 2..

Jun, wahaha.. not bringing Sam along. He's staying with my mum. What happen to ur ah cek? Exam fever izzit? :p Church camp thingy hor, i think better not for now.. my dad very upset with me cos i say church camp..
LOL. Sng's mummy very rich. That's why can be so bo eng to get travel intoxication. LOL...

Sng's mummy,
Wat's wrong with the idea of Church Camp? I hope my CFO won't raise an issue with church camp in e future cos I think at least church is still positive influence to e child mah...

I am so so pissed with the stupid SingPost! Their stupid n lazy postman didn't come up n let me sign for my reg postage parcel, and squeezed the whole damn big parcel into the mailbox and I cannot remove my parcel out. In the end after tugging at the damn parcel for 15 mins n ended up with a bruised finger and torn parcel, den I managed to get my parcel out. Should I write a complain letter to the Singpost of their stupidity act?
can order now and get the books on orientation day? i thot they stated that the first collection day is 30 Nov leh (i.e. have to go back again). Which class is your daughter in?
Actually ah cek also not keen on church camp but he thot once a year should be ok. But now with the stayover 3 night thingy, he has raised his eyebrow. On the actual days he sure chion to the premise to take a glimpse of his bao bei, in case kena bullied, mosquito bite, miss him cannot sleep etc etc.

It's ok, still have badminton. It's last week of Nov. Your Samuel so kwai allow u to go without him. Mine cannot. All must go tog that's why logistic headache. Then still must see his leave schedule. Everytime hol must wait for him. By then all the flights full lor. And year end is not good time to travel. Expensive and pack.
tinkerbelle, call them and say u never receive the reg mail.. if they say delivered liao, then ask them to show u the signed document.

nothing wrong with church camps, but my family is buddhist, so oldies will prefer the kids to stick with the same. Remember that saying that goes "The family that prays together, stays together." Can u imagine if someone passes on, the the sons fight want to do it the christian way or the buddhist way and then u have a cross at the funeral with monks chanting and pple carrying joss sticks.. weird right?

Jun, hehe.. best book now.. u want me to scan the KK write-up for u? It tells u what u can do with a baby in tow, so nothing super duper adventurous..

Cheerios, me me!! I usually dont like to bring the kids for such "concerts" cos i feel is haven't learn to earn money already want to spend my money on such things, but since that was my son's b'day pressie, so just once!.. lol.. But there is a high chance i need to sell off the tix too cos that's usually our vacation period.. See how till then loh.. i bought the friday show.. u?
Mummies, i ask hor.. Does your 4yo child have atrocious hand-writing? If so hor, do u think i should make him do writing practice? Nick can write but they are super ugly.. I dunno if i should make him do writing, but also feel that writing is so boring and such a waste of time.. Also worried that it will kill his interest in doing work.. what do u think?
Hey SNG's mummy!
I haven't purchased them yet. Am watching ballet at the Esplanade tonight so I thought I would just go and have a look at Sistic and buy it, depending on how good the available seats are. I am thinking of Sat evening.
Coz i know last year they came but my son was still too young. So thought maybe he would be old enough to appreciate them this year.
Ur friday show is the evening one?
SNG's mummy
No...he prefers song and dances and music. so plays are out. At least now. bringing ur kids to bbies proms too? I want to too but haven't purchased tix.

Ha! is that ur blog? Gona tag u to mine.
cheerios, the kids play are all music and dancing. look for those that says 2yo and up.. My dotter's 1st show was the gingerbreadman, and was really good.. she sat thru the whole 45 mins, clapping and singing along.. I dont think they very much will understand the whole story, so when u go home, need to recap the story, but songs wise, until today she will sing the "run run as fast as u can, u cannot catch me cos i am GINGER BREAD GIRL" whenever she runs.. :p

Some other shows they watch also have audiences interaction like they go on stage and play with the instruments, or meet up with the characters and the characters will tell them more about their costume, let them touch this and that etc.. :p
Sng's mummy,
I also thinking to call them n say I nv recieve. Now I wondering issit the seller dishonest nv pay for my reg post or the stupid singpost and their lazy postmans.

Sng's mummy,
Does Nick do tracing? Cos I remember last time those kids who cannot write nicely we encourage them to do tracing. But then again, it seems like a boys thing cos my nephew's handwriting is horrible also! His teacher feedback tt his composition have good contents but very hard to read.

Post ur blog leh. I wanna link u oso!
ooooh ic. your daughter is so cute!!!!ok, i will eventually expose him to plays. COz I am not a SAHM...we squeeze everything into two days...its pack enough!! PLus he has music lessons on sunday as well...

You have one too??????
Saw your blog. Wah, you're very pretty and well-maintained after 2 kids. Envy envy... Wait till u see us, cos we very lazy to make up n dress up one. Are u born in the year 1981 also?

I think we have actually met before at Ikea. Cos I remember see your gal and her hat looks very familiar.

Yah, I have a multiply account for Erica also but this lazy mummy here seldom update her blog. Her last developmental update stops at 11 mths. LOL. But I still try to update abit here n there lah.
Cheerios, i agree.. 2 days of weekend is just too short and too tiring to cramp everything in!.. We used to shuttle from one place to another cos we have 3 rascals going for classes.. Now at least lot better cos i spread them out over the week.. :p

Tinkerbelle, i also lazy to blog lately leh.. i got so much pix to put up, especially the recent Hua Hin trip, but too lazy to write, plus i am still hopeless with the new camera, or when i am in the mood to write, it's like 4am in the morning... Then hor, my luggage bag not yet unpack finish, tomorrow going on a road trip again..
i think i am getting tired.. Nick's beginning to have insomnia problems, dunno izzit due to we keep traveling or not..

BTW hor,, week after next i cant make it for play dates.. Daddy's going to Japan, and i think *hmm* high chance we tagging along cos nick badly wants to go back to thomasland.. i think my homeschooling plans hor, down the drain again..
hahahaa u just made my day by complimenting me!! Yes. I am born in 1981. U too? Ooooh I love what you did for Erica's first year birthday. The decor is gorgeous!!
Did you see us at Ikea Tampiness? Yes. we live at Bedok so we often go there. Emma has to wear a hat to cover her non existent hair.

I just purchased the Thomas the Train tix last night for Sat evening show! Yay! Hope he still likes Thomas by the end of the year.
SNG's mummy,
^5... We lazy mummy! But u still more hardworking than me cos sometimes the blog is left untouched for more than 1 mth.

Hmm, wat u mean by Nick having insonmia? Does he wake up very often or he cannot even sleep at all? I think maybe it's due to the change of routine cos although children adapt better to "jet lag" as in change of routine, but they still do suffer from a little part of it. Dun say Nick travel he have problems, even Erica stay over at my mum's house for 1 nite, when she is back, she oso need ard 1-3 days to tune back to her normal self cos my mum's place too stimulating for her liao.

Hehe, don't think this way lah. Travelling is also educational mah. Heh, Japan. U are tempting me!!! I am still thinking next yr can tag along my folks to Japan or Korea or nt, but Daddy said no travelling for Erica until she is 5 yrs old, that's why until now Erica haven got her passport made yet.

Haha, I m speaking the truth leh! Yes, I am born in 1981 also. :p Now I see u so well-maintained, I think I better buck up else I'll look like obasan very soon liao.

I read tt u go for run huh? How u find the energy to do so esp having 2 kids? I am so drained after running after Erica everyday, nt to mention running. I just wanna be a crouch potato when she KO at nite.

Thanks for the compliment! Next time if u want the contact for Emma bday, let me knw. I think we've seen each other at Ikea Tampines once or twice. Erica also Botak! But I find tt after I start bringing her for swimming, her hair growth seem to speed up. Still botak, but the back at least is showing. U may wana try bringing Emma for a swim.
Enjoy ur trip toe GEnting!!!!

looks like its just us in the thread today...sighz...
we have been bringing Emma for swims since she was 4.5 mths on every sunday...still no use leh...but then Josh was botak until he was after one. So maybe she is like her brother.

Yes. I do run on every weekends. It's v. important to me because it's my 'space out' time for myself. but then coz i have been running since my uni days so to me its not draining but rather energizing instead.

i also want to go travelling!!! how about u ask ur hubby to bring erica for a short and nearer trip? like Batam or Bintan? then don't need to wait until 5 years...hehe.
Haha, I think so too! Recently the thread rather inactive, think now yr end, everyone rushing work so busy to log in bah.

Have u tried Evian water on Emma? Some said it works cos of the minerals in e water. Nt sure how true though. But I like babies being botak. I pray hard hard during my pregnancy tt Erica will be born botak, so that it's easier to manage and nt so smelly when they sweat. So I haven been complaining abt her being botak cos I like it this way. LOL. Only bad thing is I cannot put on clips for her like other babies and with her boyish look, everyone thinks she is a boy even she is in dress or in pink!!! *Faint* Mon we went Parkway and this auntie was commenting I have a "handsome" baby. I lazy to explained n just smile, den my hb said looks like nowadays alot of boys have been wearing pink huh...

I haven been running since I got married, only sports activity before pregnancy for me is badminton every Sun morning. SInce pregnant, I had been a potato liao cos I had a difficult pregnancy so bedrest for me all e way.

Think I am over ambitious liao. I am thinking of Australia for Erica cos it's more pram and kids friendly plus I wanna buy their clothes and GAIA preducts. And I cannot imagine carrying that little rascal all e way if she needs to nap.Ask u huh, Have u tried Clubmed Bintan? I was looking through this OCBC advertisement and now with CDA card, they having this promo that kids stay for free wor. Tempting. Too bad I'm nt eligible for e promo and the package is for 2 adults and 2 kids.
australia sounds gd. V. child friendly. Yes. I found that bringing a pram along really does makes alot of difference. When we went to HK this year, I was glad we brought our stroller along and Josh could nap when he wanted to.

Haven't tried Bintan. To be honest, we haven't had alot of time to travel coz of my work. ONly went to the nearby countries so far but we planning to go London next year....with both the kids
Hi tinkerbelle & cherrios, i m plannin for oversea trip oso bt my 4yrs+ son too active liao so mus find places tat interest him. A lot of my fren suggest Genting cos they say suitable 4 him Bt i tel them is more suitable for ppl who lv to gamble.
Hi Ladies,
Sorry have been busy these days, but i do read the thread after I reach hm at night. But nothing much to comment so never post.

I just came back from Genting a wk ago, I think Lucas enjoyed himself there. As I brought him to take the indoor rides in First World Hotel while everyone is busy gambling.

I'm going China next month with Lucas for Holiday for 8 days. Hope everything goes well for him, as I'm worried that the water might not be clean for him.
U brought stroller to HK? I tot HK nt convenient to bring stroller cos they dun have escalator like sg to their subways.

London is nice, but do they have theme parks? Sorry that I very suaku cos I haven been to London yet. Personally to me,if bringing kids, I'll make sure they have children theme park cos thats what my dad did last time when he bring us travelling, every country we go sure go to their theme park one.

Actually Genting oso have a theme park lah, wat most ppl do is they go with grandparents. So take turns to babysit while some head for e casino. But I think Casinos they have a curse at their entrance one, so tt ppl will nt win too much from them.

I think u can consider Australia cos they have Dreamworld, Seaworld and Movie World. Or HK would be good cos they have the Ocean Park and the Disneyland. Or Japan wise, U can consider Disneyland and Thomasland for your boy. Or Korea cos they have alot of theme parks also. These are the only nearby countries I know tt kids will be interested cos of the theme parks. Else those really good ones, I wanna go to the States, go California or Florida for their theme park. I told hb one day I wanna bring Erica to the LA Disneyland cos I dun like the HK and Japan ones as they're too crowded already. Hehe, I think I am like a kid like that also, getting excited over theme parks.

Aiyoh, I think I better stop toking abt holidays else I can see more spiderwebs on my body liao. I am really rotting in Sg for too long liao, my last holiday was to Tokyo in 2007 when I was 10 wks pregnant. See lah, now 2009 liao leh...

Talking about handwriting. My P4 ds1's handwriting is also horrible, like doctor's handwriting. The teacher in the school would also write in his progress report to "put in more effort in your handwriting". Sometimes, they would write a comment at the end of his piece of work and ask him to redo.

He has no proper space and he leave space as and when he like. So space between two words are too near, some space in a word looks like spacing. The 4 and 9 look alike, the f look like t, the u look like a, the r looks v, the n look like h, sometimes the h look like n.

Only he himself can read what he is writing.

The indoor theme park is suitable for 4 yr old kids. my son loves to go on the kiddy car ride. we go there every half a year. but one day is more than enough. Both my hubby and I don't nothing to say abt that.

Hahahaha all the holiday talk making u itch issit????Go persuade ur hubby to bring u for holiday!!! Nah...stroller in HK was fine for us. most MTR stations have got for one small entrance at the Tsim Shai Tsui station. But then, me and my hubby are used to bringing the stroller out with us when we are on holiday.
