BEDOK mommies club


Yes...the teachers packed the hat into his boy told me...itz "George" (tatz how he pronouced your boy's name) birthday...


Maybe I can share with you the information on MMI...the director does not allow the kids to play in the public playground at the reservoir park...which I like...but they do go for nature walks occasionally...I am not aware of them doing any waterplay...but they do have a private gym session indoor once a week conducted by external will cost an additional $48...

whahahah....its ok. my son mis pronounces his own sister's name all the time. Instead of Emma...he says it as E-ma or Ama.
I wonder which one is your boy....
Staying in First World, cause we are genting card member, so can use the points to get free room. So we just got to rent the car.
Just pick up the car, should be leaving soon.

Will it be dangerous? cause its only ur family and the driver. Never know where he'll drive you to. Esp now econimic not very gd, so lots of robber. Y don't you go by coach instead. That what I usually go with.
enjoy ur short trip to genting, esp the weather ther...its cooling manz
by coach also quite convinent, at least not so stress, dun haf to drive.. jus tat coach takes slightly longer to reach ther...
Jun, i quite agree with what kris says leh.. Sometimes it's like we are at their mercy especially with so many kids. Actually between car and coach, coach is more comfortable. Only good thing bout car is u can decide where and when to stop, and where u want to divert to.. :p
Good one! But anti-virus on liao cos I am going shopping later. LOL. Wanna get a present for hb for his bday.

Hehe, buy 1 bag to pamper yourself lah, LV there per bag u can save up to 600-800 leh. Europe very shoik leh, my friend oso in spain now. Tempting me with LV. Then I told my hb, he said next yr cos this yr the house is his biggest purchase for me. KNS... As if this house is solely under my name only.

Cheerios, Fizz,
Thanks for e info on the sch. I check them out some time next wk. Either that center or the one at Pasir Ris liao.

I check with my ex classmate who was a teacher from Cambridge, she said e sch no good. I was thinking of checking out there at first but thank God she gave me e feedback.

Welcome back to the thread!

I also prefer schs without stairs. I like those which is on landed properties one. At least they have their own playgound.

Haiz, toking abt tt, I just realized my relax mode is coming to an end soon since now is already Oct n Erica is prolly going to CC in Jan.

I wanna go Genting also leh, but my hb kiasi, he said the road up to e genting very "dirty", if suay we can just die there. I told him stay at home also no promise tt we dun have robbers tt come in n kill us. Urgh, I think I can die rotting in Singapore soon. At least till Dec. *Grumbles*

U look for a boy who looks like a girl...tatz my boy...
...all the aunties say so...


Care to share the reason that your friend said that the school was not good...;P...actually...I am not 100% satisfied with the school...but I cant find a perfect school lor...actually I registered my boy for Nafa and St Hilda's as case things dont work out there...but I think I will continue to let him stay at MMI...cos itz more viable logistically now that I have a lil one to take care...and the boy is still not toilet trained!!!...but if you like outdoor play...this is not the one...I like the fact that the director is very on the ball though...
Jun, bcoz the wisdom tooth is hurting me. It pushes out half way, stuck against my gums, so my gums are infected. No choice, have to do the operation asap. In the meanwhile i will continue my fenugreek, 3 capsules X 3 times a day, hope my supply won't drop too low.

I bought those dried seaweed from ntuc, pasar brand i think. I also add some dried scallop to enhance the taste.. I didn't wake up to pump in the middle of the night, too tired. I only wake up early, ard six, to express b4 1 go for work.
I dunno wor. SHe never really explain why the school is no good. But being a early childhood educator herself, I think I trust her opinions on the school.

At least u stay near the sch, I am having alot of issues with logistics with my hb cos Chai CHee dun have any good CC! Nafa sch fees nt cheap leh. U serious u wanna send your boy there?
Hi Ladies,
Just back from Genting. Tyre puncher on the way back, was quite dangerous as we're travelling at 130km/hr. Lucky my hubby have experience it before, so able to stop tha car in time. And the most lucky thing is that after 5mins we alight from the car to change the tyre, a Tow Car drove pass and helped us. What an experience..
Kris, in malaysia hor, when there is a tyre puncture halfway, usually it's not because it's lucky a tow truck pass by.. It's usually they had put some nails or other stuffs "pre-placed" on the road and that's y the tow truck arrive in such a short timing..

But lucky all home safely.
We thought so too when the tow car arrived. But it was quite dangerous at that time as the car was swifting left right for quite a while before stopping.. But at least he change my tyre instead of towing the car away and charge double.
BTW, are you back from you're trip? Enjoyed urself?
hi yawn yawn

my girl will be going pri one in Yr 2011. Same as your youngest.

hi june

my children also started cereals around 4 months plus
No lah.. Can't go out. I take leave to go facial then prepare my #2 for his graduation concert the same night. My leave v precious now cos old maid leaving us in 2 weeks time. So anytime I'm "on call". Will also take leave in Nov/Dec to go for holiday program. My son already say want to go for Badminton course. Samuel interested to join him? It's at Kembangan.

I plan to start bb at 5.5 months. But yday let him try 2 teaspoon of plain rice cereal. He goggled down without any problem. After that stare at us, expecting more to come. Haha... Greedy boy lor.
Jun, can can.. u let me know the dates, cos i planning to send Sam to his grandma's place in malaysia for 2 weeks during the holidays also, then my parents also bringing him for vacation, and then i have to plan the family vacation... hehe...

Kris, flying back today... I told u i cannot travel without my computer... i will suffer withdrawal symptoms without it...:p
SNG's mummy,
Bo jio me n Kris on 21st??? Sob sob sob... I am suffering from rotting in Singapore leh. U wanna meet me soon to help me ease my sufferings or nt?

Wat an experience. Thankfully U are alrite and the tow car came in time. Cos one of my friend's parents kanna robbed along the way when their tyre punture. And they ended up stuck in Malaysia for another 2 more days due to their lose of passport.

Sng's mummy,
LOL. U got ur hb leh, still have withdrawal symptoms. Haha... Anyway, gd to hear u are enjoying yourself. Have a safe trip back to Sg!
I wanna ask u for the review for the restaurant u went with ur hb last wk leh. I having headache where to bring hb.
I let you know again. The kids got a lot of request. My gal pestered me for her ceramic clay course and the boy on badminton. U still can download to grannies. I everything 1 leg kick lor. I'm planning cameron+KL trip. Hopefully can fix a date to go. Any recommendation on which resort or hotel? Dunno whether Dec is very crowded or not. Will likely take the coach if can go.
Me too... Will miss my computer on trips. But usually hubby will snatch with me on who to use.

My hubby is a China man, He prefered chinese restaurant as compare to fine dinning. I think the food is So-So only. But lots of pplo told me the restaurant food is not bad. Quite romantic cause dim lighting(hubby say very sleepy). Its a quiet area, nothin but the restaurant only. If u drink wine, will be quite nice to enjoy the embance. Me and hubby got nothin to talk abt except work. so we left in an hr. And enjoyed Ben & Jerry ice-cream at Dempsy instead.

Funan have a children clay course shop. I see lots of kids there everday. U might want to consider there?
Tinkerbelle, i chio-ing jun and if she on then i know u and kris 80% will on de.. :p

Jun, Dec not a very good time for cameron cos raining season, i worry landslide.. Usually cameron go from Mar - sept. If u want to go cameron hor, best is Penang, Cameron, Ipoh, KL together cos the new route to cameron is from ipoh side. Much safer and less winding.

Cameron can stay Equatorial. Others like lakehouse are also not bad. Stay over on sat night cos they have a night market there, but just dont buy the plants back cos they wont survive singapore's weather. :p I tell u more when we meet up lah cos too much to say liao.. Wait i type all out, the rest will "name" me chong hei liao.. :p
Last Jun holiday, my gal went for ceramic clay course in Tampines. She made a few "masterpieces" back now displayed in my living room. So she request to go back there again. That place nearer for me to fetch. The didi actually don't like ceramic course but he very kiasu. Everything jie jie go, he also want to go. So this time I want to convince him to go for badminton instead. I prefer during school hols for them to do some academic stuff, life needs to be more balanced.

Try JAAN? French restaurant...but can't bring kids. Chinese food, can try the new Taste Paradise at ION Orchard. The frois gros and sharks fin v nice.

Were you looking for phonics classes for your dd some time ago? Found one?

My dd2 still very babyish. Can't imagine her going to P1


For holiday art classes, can consider Nafa. They have clay classes & all sort of medium. Call junior art department to enquire if you are interested, classes filled up quite rapidly

My dd already taking non-academic classes during school term so school holiday I prefer her to attend some academic ones like creative writing. Only for a few days not so high commitment

What time did the incident happen?

I'm thinking hor, if got nails on road, any cars or even coaches can kanna. Very dangerous. Wondering how they select targets...
If a few days should be fine. I so far din see any academic course that I like. Wanted to go for British council but timing not suitable. Nafa very far lah. My driving restricted to bedok, east coast, tampines only. What hol prog have u lined up for your gal?
yawnyawn, they usually dont have any targets. They usually just have these items placed on the roads so whichever vehicle pass by, then will "kanna". According to my hb, if u see tow trucks around that area, then it's usually those area around it have something liao.. Also, if u are driving into malaysia, just ensure the doors are locked at all times cos sometimes, the robbers will open the car doors from the back, and grab the kids arm then there is no way we can escape cos as parents, we usually just want to make sure our kids are ok.. Haiz.. talk bout it i also scared..

Jun, hb say maybe this holiday, we maybe go KK. I got a pretty interesting article on KK, maybe can try and scan and email to u.. I think by air bout 2.5hours so should be ok for ur bb?
KK is kota kinabalu right? Was one of my target but I heard all mountains. Babies can go hiking? Next time let me read e article. I like places w nature. Genting n Macau not my cup of tea. I very sian. He currently not listening to my "grand plans". Everyday complain kids not studying hard enough and that I didn't coach them. Then worry new maid not coping. Next time I see you then grumble my mood is rock bottom.

Ok talk about holiday. My colleague in Paris email me pic from her BB. Shiok lor. Not married can tour around.
Haha, most men are chee na man cos they think tt chinese food got rice can fill them up faster. LOL. My papa also Chee na man. Anyway yesterday after the post I MIA to my mum's place cos she nt working so I go over there n shake legs while Erica have more space to roam abt and follow my mum ard cos she'll give her food to eat.

I went to this place call The Queen and Mangosteen at Vivocity. The food nt bad and very big portion even we ordered the nibbles. The ambience nt bad and the price pretty reasonable.

SNG's mummy,
Muahahaha.... U very cute leh...

Okok, I go n try tt restaurant on my anniversary. Alamak, e rate i see all the dates so near, I am starting to worry abt my pocket liao. Anniversary, Xmas, CNY, Valentine's Day(Provided my marriage survive pass this yr) n already 2 Red Bombs for next yr.

Urgh. Holiday in Paris so shoik. Sometimes I also think I married too early n have Erica too soon liao.
hi all
urgh...back in the forum after MIA-ed for a few days. Josh came down with high fever. TUrned out he had mouth ulcers and tonsils were swollen. He was totally listless for the past few days but yesterday he was feeling better...finally. So tired. haven't been sleeping well these few days.
hahaha...I know what you mean. I wish I could just whisk off to Paris as and when I want to. But then hubby and I agree, our travel plans to places where we want to go will just have to hold off until the kids are bigger or until we retire!!
Ouch, Tonsils swollens very terrible one. Last time I always kanna and I was recommended to get it removed cos it gave me infections so frequently. But now better liao cos I'm no longer working in e Childcare industry.

Haha, Sometimes I wonder if I will live tt long to enjoy retirement or nt. Cos given the stress level we have to deal with nowadays and the inflation, I really have my doubts. Esp I see relatives dying from cancer before they ever get to enjoy, really very sad loh. Nt tt I am negative lah, just that I see my dad still slogging at the age of 58 while FIL is semi retired liao cos hb supporting him. Sometimes I really aspire to go out work, den earn more money n bring my parents to tour before I lose my chance to do so forever. See lah, so many things to plan for, nt only own kid n household plus own parents n a set of dependent PILs, how to imagine retirement??? LOL...
If you are clearing / selling any baby/toddlers toys, can let me know? Will soon have to get some toys for the baby to play. For now, he's still playing with the rattles now ; )

He likes the Mozart Music Cube also. The music is wonderful. I can hum some of the pieces already.
Good to hear tt you n Jayden likes e cube cos Erica liked it also.

I have some more packs of rafferty garden at my mum's place, I get it liao see when we can meet n i pass u ok?

Btw, I m helping some friends to get some leapfrog toys. Are u keen in anyone of those? Cos I m having orders for 7 sets of Fridge Phonics and 2 sets of Alphabet Ball. Both at 30 each. If u happen to see any leapfrog toys u wanted, let me know n I check wif e supplier for stocks n cheaper pricing since I m getting in bulk.
i know what you many things to slog for. i aim to retire by that leaves...another 10 years?? but then by then, maybe not enuff retirement funds already. so many things to little time.

Josh was so ill we didn't even make it to music class on Sunday. We stayed for about 20 minutes then he told me he wanted to go home...
Aiyoh, have u taken Josh to e doc yet? Everytime our kids fall sick, we suffer e most. Even worst than we fall sick ourselves.

Wah, Retire at 40 very difficult in Sg leh. SOmemore our kids so young. According to e way e insurance ppl plan it, gals support for 21 yrs while boys we need to support for 25-26 yrs. If suay suay our son decided to stay wif ur after he married, we ended up having to serve other's daughter also. Thats why I think my PILs very gd life liao, retired so early n still complain so much. FIL every day study 4D n MIL every 2-3 days MJ. Shoik leh. I told my hb I aspire to live my life like his mum, cos she dun need to worry abt anything except too much time n nothing to do. But Hb said I useless cos I dun aim high and dun set meaningful goals in life.
exactly! and i feel so guilty being at work rather than being at home. but have no choice lor.

whahaha i think differently from you. if possible i would want to take care of my children for their whole lives. don't mind them staying with me. as long as my children are with me.
me oso target to retire @ 40 bt is quite hard loh.. cos need to save alot includ my son UNI fee. aiyo....

cheerios, ur son better??

tinkebelle, ur mil so shiok wor.. me veri envy her leh.. don take it too hard wat ur hb say..
is not tat u don aim high. i find tat once we woman marry our goal all drop bcos of our commitment to our family..
Thanks. Will look at the website. My son told me Erica has the same music cube in her room (he went into the playroom when we were talking). After I went home, the 2 kids were fighting over the cube while the poor baby look at his toy. He hasn't know how to join in the "fight" yet.

My friend say I no need to work so hard cos next time got 3 kids to look after me. He doesn't know having kids is a "loss making biz".
Hi taurus
No. He's not. The fever's gone down but the ulcers are still he's still not eating much. We are bringing him back to the specialist for a review this afternoon...rather my parents are bringing him for the review.

yar, don't take your husband's words to heart. I also want power at work but we women just have too many other priorities and responsibilities to bear.
Hi Yawn Yawn

I didn't manage to send my girl to phonics afterall. The one that Jun recommended me was fully booked. In the end I booked a place for my son when he turn 4 yrs old.

I also did not sign up any enrichment classes for her. If sign up my weekend will be burnt. I am a lazy mummy here :p

However I did get K1 assessment books for her. So I will try to make her do some pages over the weekend every week.
I only want my kids to STAY NEAR me and nt with me. Cos I stongly believe tt staying together will have conflicts. I rather them have their own home where they have their own place and I get to see them yet nt have to serve them. LOL.

Cheerios, Lee Tai
No lah, I m nt offended by my hb words at all. Actually I am suaning him in a way cos he and parents always think me and my parents are having very gd life cos my parents travel very frequently. So MIL "red eye" cos her son and her hb never take her travelling mah. So the way I say him is to tell him tt his mum is already very gd life liao. If wanna compare, there will always be a taller mountian to compare and its endless one loh. But I think he never get wat I meant and in his eyes he thinks his mum is a useless woman cos no contribution to the family except complaints n comparison, thats why he said I never aim high or set goals. Haha... But the main thing of me telling him this is hoping tt he will appreciate me.

Yah Erica had been playing with e cube since 2 mths plus and she still playing with it juz to press e music n dance. I think the cube can play for quite long cos later part the kids will discover tt they can create different effects of music by adding n substracting the instruments. Oh yah, 1 toy u can consider is the Leapfrog counting pals. That's also 1 of Erica's fav toy. Next time I can lend u some of Erica's toys she outgrown. Doesn't matter if kanna ruin cos like tt I have excuse to buy new toys if one day I ever plan to have #2 mah. :p My hb nagging at me to sell the toys but I lazy to deal with bargaining parents or fussy parents. So I rather keep and if there r friends with babies who dun mind 2nd hand toys, I can give them.

I told my dd1 if she intends to migrate, please bring me along

My parents generation, very hard to get them to uproot.


British council beyond my budget. $500 for 5 half-days is super expensive!
I'm still waiting for the CC holiday activies schedule to be out. Targetting CC activities only. Usually about 2 to 3 hours cost < $30. 2 to 3 days workshop also quite affordable < $100
BC very expensive and not sure effective or not. I'm send dd to church camp, stay overnight 3 nights. She's excited while her mummy worries if she'll cry. 3 nights like a lot. Lucky got a friend going w her so hope can adapt. I will miss her more than she miss me.
Jun, can i send my samuel off for that camp too? LOL.. these few days at home, i think i going to murder him liao...hahaha
Yawn, Lwg,
Last time kanna dump there by my dad during holidays n oso for my "O" level English. I would say sending your kids there is like sending to an oversea teacher, the english they use is really very chim one. Good if u wanna brush up your kids vocab.
It's church camp. They will learn bible and stuff. Are you ok with that? If you ok, I send you the link to download registration form. 4D3N is $50 only. It's my every year ritual to send them. My son want to stay overnight with jiejie but cannot cos "underage". Ah cek very worried cos his precious gal never stay out before. I told him we can visit her every morning during breakfast.

My mum say BC too expensive too poor to send me. Haha.. Last time my English v bad, can't even converse well so I feel it's important to speak good English. I will consider maybe next year when she slightly older and hopefully can absorb better, if not waste my $$ then I very Sim Tia.

How to teach kids the value of $$ and how to treasure their belongings? My kids v rough. I see pp's toys always neat and in good condition. Mine is terok. The boy worse, always tear the books that I bot for him. "Beat chest"!
My dad oso nt rich lah, just tt my English oso nt very gd last time tt's why my papa sent me there after his colleagues recommended the courses to him. I would say it helps cos I find tt after attending BC, I am able to write better composition in class with the use of some "chim chim" and bombastic words tt help me to gain some extra pts. :p BUt now if u ask me, I forgot wat was being taught liao. Haha...

I think it's the nature of kids. Children are naturally violent but there are exceptional children like my hb n my gf who still have their childhood toys till today and they are in Tip-Top condition. Mine dunno where my mum gave them to liao... But 1 method I know tt can help children to treasure their belongings is to make them save e money n bring them to buy so they know tt the toys dun come by easy and will treasure the toy.

Hey gals
I heard about this reading class called "I Can Read". Anyone's kids attending this class? Coz Josh just turned 3 and I was thinking if I should sign him up for this....still contemplating...coz he has school during the weekday mornings and music class on Sunday. And I don't want him to be too busy with so many classes....
