BEDOK mommies club

Added!!Love ur profile pic!

She's cute. but she's BALD!!!! boohoo. Alot of pple say she looks like me but also say she looks like Josh but Josh doesn't look like I dunno... Sure. weekends can. I drop you a FB message my hp number and we can arrange. this Sunday is ok.

Bald babies are cute! Easier to maintain. They don't sweat and their hair is so soft and fluffy... I love to kiss my baby's head now. Next time when the hair is out and he starts running, it will be stinko. My gal was bald till she was 1.5 years. But look at her, she is abundant with black hair.

I PM you my email. Do you prefer your new office? Nearer to home is better. Can speed home after work. keke.
Its a long time since I go Polliwogs, every week sems to have something on, then got to postpone the plans again.

I use the website as a guideline, as I'm a first time mum, I find it very informative. Hows the cable I pass to you? Cannot use then return to me, don need to waste money.

I don think I wan the flashcard, Lucas don seems to be interested with the flashcards session. And I might stop him after this term as next yr he is going to school. Don wan him to be so stressful to be pack with sch and enrichment class. Let see how again..

My boy don like to play cars, he like to play balls. When we pass him cars, he just walk away. So everythin to him which is round is ball. The threading beads also ball *(faint)*.

I've add you on Facebook.

I hope my next one is girl.. One girl one boy then enough already.. But wait till I wan to get pregnant then I start praying for one.
Whahahaha...thanks for the consolation. Josh had no hair too. But now it sprouts like grass. :p I hope Emma's hair will fall nicely =)...then can add clips and stuffs

Are you planning for #2? I am so done with kids already. second pregnancy was very difficult for me. And I gained 22kg for both my pregnancies! I was like a whale towards the mum said...sprawled across the living room. Even the sofa was too small for me.
No plans yet, cause Lucas is only 15 mths. Maybe next year end then think about it. I want Lucas to attend school first, then He don feel left out when he got things to do everyday.
I gain 15kg for my first pregnancy. For the first time in my life I feel my stomach will never get full no matter how much I eat. So I ate the most buffet during my prenancy period.
Mix more with me then you will get a girl. Haha... Cos when I got a girl + a boy, my friends all started to have 1 girl + 1 boy. I say my good luck spread to them. Now I have 1 "extra" as buffer. Never say stop at 2. Accidents may happen!

I haven't tried the cable. Will let you know. My maid going back tonight midnight. Gotta bring the whole ging gang to send her off.

You don't like you gained 22kg at all! Now So slim. Share your secret of maintaining?
kris year would be good. Josh was 2.5 years old when Emma was born and I think it's just the right timing...where are you planning to send Lucas to?

Stress lor..from the kids..from the work. But I run too. I like running :p as in just running...not run after the kids.
i think its just my body type coz I didn't eat alot for my first pregnancy...still gain 22 kg. then my second pregnancy...i just ate like siao. still gain same amount of weight. and the water retention set in v. early on both around 5 months
I'm on but I dunno the rest if they are ok? Haha, I just paiseh tt I said wanna pass u but kept forgetting leh.

Is Lucas still taking custard? I got 2-3 bottles to give away. U wanna take over? Cos I bot it thinking tt nt puree so Miss fussy will eat but in e end I buy 4, opened 1, she dun even wanna come near, so went down the chute. U let me know if u want, den I pass to u the new bottles.

Sometimes I almost feel neglected cos hb everytime come home, leave e house will greet Erica but treat me like transparent like tt.

My pregnancy I gained 20kgs also. Feel like a giant beside hb. And difficult pregnancy plus difficult baby, so at the moment I also think I am done with kids n pregnancy.
Okie.. then we got to meet more for lunch. But only on my off day cause i cannot hv 2hrs lunch, else my staff will look at me, give me a face that i go late and go back early. Seems like i'm a staff then boss.. haha..

I enrol Lucas at Brighton montessori. Starting class next yr feb. Cause its just 5-10 mins drive from my place.

Lucas is taking Banana Custard. Only banana. He refuse to take other taste, I wasted lots of bottle trying to switch him.. Don't he get bored of only banana taste. Maybe like his dad, will only eat things that he like.
wah.. u all everytime say difficult pregnancy.. cannot fight with mine right? I 3 times also camp in hospital from 2nd trimester onwards till i pop yet i have 3!! *bish bish!!* Or unless u all consider mine not difficult cos i always on bed rest for all 3 pregnancies? wahahaha..

Jun, the PJ with holes seems like the most comfy ones! my kids always choose that to wear at night, then rubble loose liao ask daddy to "repair".. Those newer ones, they barely touch! HOw come u never add me on FB huh?

BTW hor, last night i was thinking leh.. I still think i want another boy and girl.. Grace is now growing so big, and i am missing babies.. Plus hor, if i have another kid, i no need to lelong my flashcards for now.. good reason to still keep them :p i told sir told bout my "big" plans of #4 and #5 in the car this morning.. Sir say if i really want another kid, go an babysit other pple's kids.. Got $$ and can play with them.. He no more spares for #4 and #5.. Plus he was telling me if i have #4 and #5, there is no way i can travel on my own liao.. Bimbo me told him can, hold nick with the right hand, Grace on the left, 1 baby carry in front and another behind.
wahahaha I envy you how you can hope with all 3!!!! To have 5 is really too too many! But if you can afford it, then go ahead. My brother in law (husband's brother) has 4 kids too...and my husband himself comes from a family of 4 siblings...but i told hubby he can go 'outsource' if he wants more kids.
cherrios, tats my demanding son.. cant stand him.. comming to five yrs loh.. still cannt behave well veri stick to me.. is nt tat i don like bt overall he is a boy mah cannt too sticky if nt next time like sissy lor. LOL

Jun,still can accept lor.. the journey still same due to traffic congestion ard simei ave.

my weight gain did nt increase intially and i was 40kg so doc advice me to eat more if nt my bb wont grow well so i eat & eat till ard 7mth my weight bcum 60kg so doc ask me nt to eat too much otherwise i can delivery smoothly bt i oreadi cant ctrl my diet liao. lol!!

Kris, noted..
I go n check. If mine is Banana ones I pass to u.

I salute u! So difficult yet u can want 3, I 1 time enough liao. My pregnancy was quite bad cos I even suffered from Pre-natal depression cos staying with PILs tt time very stressful. Mine nt exactly from 2nd Trimester bed rest but from 5th mths onwards, then 7th months cos the contractions was so quite frequent until go for the stupid n painful steriod jabs. 1st time in my life I cried over jabs. But after Erica is born, I forgot alot of the unhappiness during pregnancy liao, so even hb said plan for 1 more this or next yr, I still agreed. But Erica was a terror. Her 2-5th mths old, every nite wake at 12am sharp to cry until 5-6am den sleep, that's why now the #2 plan is shelved to outer space liao.

Think u have #4 or #5, by then Nick and Grace dun need u to hold liao. LOL... Wanna babysit my Erica bo, but this one nt baby anymore, but a noisy n fussy active tot.

U bear to let ur hubby "outsource"?

me too, for my 2nd pregnancy, first 5 months no weight gain at all. Gynae didn't ask me to eat more though. I gained 7 kg eventually when reached full term

1st pregnancy I think I gained around 19 kg, all the excess weight gain stuck with me till today
Josh is also very sticky to me. But I told myself, for boys, they will not cuddle up to you when they grow up....not like I am stickler for his hugs and kisses still...

Hahaha....If it happens, it happens. there's nothing I can do about it also...
cheerios, u very 看的开 leh.. i told my sir if he ever dare outsource, i will chop that "bird" away!.. wahahaha

belle, i tell u first hor.. my grace clothes is nothing branded especially now that she goes to school, lagee not much going out clothes, mostly are PJ and home wear. Most are i see, i like, i buy.. If u dont mind, i can pass them to u after she outgrown. I told u loh, i dont mind bbsitting erica if u go and look for a job.. i just buay tahan u keep calling her stupid.. wahahaha...
You miss baby, come to my house to babysit my little one lah. I am opposite as you. All my pregnancies, no vommit, no water retention and I work, swim and like normal till last day. I hate the pain of giving birth but I like to breastfeed. I will be v sad when I need to wean off. My friend say I should give birth a few more because my body v elastic. Haha. But no lah, 3 is more than enough.

Why don't you add me into FB? You have my email address? I am not sure how to do it. I only recently set up FB for the kids after my gal pester me.
Jun, u bring bb come my place.. i want to have "sole ownership" of him.. no want to share with ur maid or ur kids.. wahahahaa... I added u to FB liao..

Wah, ur pregnancy so easy!!.. Really can have more kids leh, plus ur sir so on!! Help u to teach them study.. Mine is kids poo liao, he will ask maria to go wash, he teach them to study will end up screaming at them or tell them he wants to sleep.. if i want #4 and #5, i need to wash more backsides and teach more leh.. maybe will die younger also.. hmm..
Mine opposite. I scream at Ah Cek why they so big you still want to do everything for them, never train them independence. Then he very bo liao. He see I nothing to do, will come and scold me say I never take care of them. And he dun allow me to watch TV. It's like he very busy and I have to also be busy. Faintz. Now got baby, so I entertain myself with the baby.
Haha, den wat will e consequences be if he "outsource"?

I seriously dunno if my hb outsource, wat will I do loh. Must prepare a back-up plan #2 cos his family history have outsourcing case.

Yeah, I know Erica is in gd hands under u. Keke. When I start looking for jobs, I let u know so u can gear up to help me babysit Erica ok? I really think Erica is slow lah, although I know I shouldnt compare her to other kids but sometimes u know lah, I'm under alot of stress. Esp when hb side got a cousin who gave birth 1 mth later than me and my Erica and tt baby is always under some "competition". I really dread those family events.

Add me to FB oso leh!?!

Wah Piang, ur body seem to be custom made for pregnnacy one loh! I vomit until 4am squating at the toilet bowl no stength to stand up. I really envy those mummies who breeze through their pregnancies and looking fab. I remember my 1st trimester of pregnancy I looked like a walking zombie.
Die younger but u leave behind a legendary. LOL. I don't mind dying early cos I see those old folks suffering but haven die, everyday here pain there pain, I so scare my days will come. SOmemore I always bath at nite, very bad for health.

Honestly if Erica was an easy baby, I wouldn't mind 3-4 kids. So my chances of having grandchildren running ard me is higher. And I dun need to put all my eggs in 1 basket and worry tt the egg will turn rotten or crack halfway, den I no more gd eggs liao. But now my 1st egg already give me probia, I have doubts I'm having 2nd, 3rd or 4th egg. LOL.

Haha... U sure bo? Like that I buay paiseh liao. I let u have training first, next time deposit her to u while I go for my pedicure. Keke. My right toe got this blue-black very ugly, thanks to my hb for acting gentlemen to other ladies and made me e offering lamb.

I also think if I have hb like yours, half a dozen I also dun mind. :p Your parenting journey is so fun and relaxing. Smooth pregnancy, Hands-on hb, well-behaved kids. Wat more can a woman ask for?
Alamak, die younger...your thoughts are v. morbid leh. But must always have proper provision for the must do a will.

Hehehe...if hubby outsources, I can do alot of physical damage as well as monetary damage to him. so he knows not to fool around with me. hahaha
cherrios, physical damage like? Share some ideas leh.. My hb got no more money for me to damage his pockets..

Belle, sorry hor.. i want to see my grandchildren plus i want to hold my sir hand when he is old... so i dont want to die young.. U go pedicure or shopping hor, please dont deposit her at my house hor..
I told my hb if he outsouce i will be sad denfinetly bt i will let him go bt he cant take my son away from me.
Share about physical damage leh.. Cause I always warn my hubby about the monetry damage if he fools around. But mine is business man so they know lots of loop holes to go around laws. So the monetory damage might not be a lot to him.

I always remind hubby that the son is MINE.

After I have my son, I also scare to die young.

Most of us here seems to envy that you have a "Kiasu" Hubby as compare to ours. hehee.. Maybe our hubby should mix around with ur hubby. Can brain wash them to put in more effort on the kids.
physical damage means hurt him physically lah...such that he will not have be able to celebrate father's day with aynone else. hahaha.

Alamak anyway gals, don't worry about the children. The law favours the women. its very hard for guys to fight for custody.
Kris, good idea.. wahahaha.. i hope mine can study with the kids..

Cherrios, that might not mean a big deal to the man leh.. Cos he will have new children to celebrate father's day with him.. oops..

My dad when i got married also told me to make sure my hb dont get his PR status.. Remain forever a work permit holder best cos then no way he can bring the kids go back kampong.. and he cannot fight for the kids in anyway cos they are not malaysia citizens and cannot reside there for more than 30days at a time.. but after i got married for 4 years hor, i force my sir to go study and went all out to apply his PR for him.. :p so if he runs off with another woman, i only got myself to kick!
After we get the kids we got to worry about $$$.
Agree, we're letting our imagination go wild.

Its fated one la.. If he wants the kids, its not about the PR status anymore.
I feel that 2 person get tog is fated one. We can know thousands of guys, but just this particular one will be ur partner. There is no reason for why its him.
Yah, I planning to make a will after I go back to work. I don't intend to leave a cent for Hb cos he don't need my income to survive n he can bring up Erica. I intend to freeze Erica's portion of my will until she is 25 hopefully by then PILs all up e lorry and cannot ask her for it. LOL. I know I very evil towards my ILs, but they don't deserve my kindness. Keke...

My greatest fear is to be like my grandparents. Cos they had to suffer for years before they passed on, so to me, I hope tt if I really have to go through those, I rather die earlier. U know e show "Money nt enough 2"? Both my grandmothers died in e hospital with tubes ard them like the show. I fear dying the same way as them.

I dun plan to die young lah. I only think if I can witness my children grow up, have them own family, my role as a mum is done. I dun want to live till very very old n later incurred alot of medical expenses n burden my children. My PILs gave my hb n I alot of stress cos they dun have insurance coverage, n no CPF. So my hb n I fear of anything happening to them tt incurs high medical bills. I don't want my future generation to live in my kinda fear towards my ILs.

I think I m the most heartless mummy here. If I don't ended up with my hb, I'll nt take my kids. My hb knows my plan for this very well. Mayb tt's e reason why he kept wanting Erica to bond with his mum in case 1 day we divorce.
I agree with you. It's all fate. I always believe...what is yours will always be yours...vice versa.

Then you will need to appoint a trustee to hold the monies on trust for Erica till she turns 25 then....
I also see what you mean...but not being a burden to our own family next time...just that I haven't thought so far yet.

I also understand if you say you do not take your kids. I have known of people who voluntarily give up their kids during a divorce. But personally, I will not. I will fight for the kids till death. but i know i will win lah. haha
Tell u something to make ur day again. I was looking at ur FB photos with Erica on 1 hand n she was happily pointing to Emma n say "Beh beh" meaning baby n u she said "meh meh" meaning pretty. LOL. Den I buay paiseh n ask her Mummy mei mei? She dun wanna say her usual "orh". -_-

I told my insurance agent to settle tt for me next yr for all these. Actually I oso no much money lah, but if I die, I think my insurance is pretty hefty cos my dad been buying insurance for us since I was young plus those additional coverage, should be gd enough for Erica's drowy next time if i die. lol...

My PILs r burden to my hb cos they spent all their money when they were younger. That's why now hb hav to support them fully n as a wife, I see already very unhappy cos half or more of hb's salary goes to his parents n we cannot have savings, I feel very burdened by them oso cos we cannot have big plans becos we have to allocate back up plans for my PILs. I hate them for making their younger generation suffer, so I tell myself I'll nv want my SIL or DIL to view me this way.

Keke, thats y I said I'm e most heartless mummy here liao. I don't think I can handle a child by myself when I'm dealing with y new statues, life n my emotions. I see some mothers cannot deal with their own emotions after divorce n they ended up abusing the child. Thats the last thing I wanna do, so I rather leave everything behind n go.
belle, to me hor, u cannot completely freeze tat sum up.. so from the date u die till erica turns 25yo, she going to live on fresh air and sunshine? My $$ all willed to my kids and my parents are the trustee.. My dad is the $$ controller at home, so def is able to trust him. My sir's also willed to my father so if anything happens to the both of us, my dad got to live till my kids are old enuff to take the $$..

Kris, by making my kids 101% Singaporean and my hb a then foreigner, more or less guarantees that my sir cannot take the kids and run otherwise they will end up as illegal immigrants.. Plus my tok kong malaysian sir can barely read or write or communicate in malay makes it even tougher for him to apply for them to stay there permanently..

Ok, but having married to my sir for so long, i think if he runs, he will leave the kids to me cos he knows my dad will take better care of the kids than him or me.. That's also y he willingly made my dad the trustee to his money.. *the way i say hor, like my sir and me got so much money to split around like that.. wahahaha.. sekali when we both goes under, the CPF also got nothing, the cash portion also nothing.. wahahaha*
Think we can consult you things about Law next time. haha..

You think too far la.. Maybe we got very gd kids that take care of us no matter what. Just keep our fingers cross.
But I just cannot accept letting others torture my kids. Only I can torture them.. hahaa..
I also feel my parents can take care of my kid better than me or my hubby. They are much more patient than me. And they'll bring Lucas wherever they go. My mum will feel guilty when she go out and don't bring Lucas along. Esp when Lucas will scream seeing her go out without him.
I very bad, I'm planning tt my hb support her with his money. Until she is 25 den the money give her. I haven check out the full details yet but I heard frm my boss tt it can be done.

I think ur sir wun run away one lah. Usually family man hardly run away. I more worried abt my hb cos alot of bees outside eyeing him.

I also think I think very far, but hor after my own PILs experience n I see my friend's hb dying in a car accident leaving her n her 2 yr old son behind, I always think of the "Wat if"?

U know why only Erica can take e money at 25? Cos I planning at such a way tt she dun have money for ppl to cheat her, n by the time she got money, she knows how to think liao. Haha... I even planning mayb got portion somemore. 25 yr take once, 30 yr old once, n last sum when she's 45 yrs old. LOL. Many ppl thinks my planning is crazy but my boss n bosses alot of them oso willed such tt their kids only get the money after they turn 25 so that the guardian even aiming at her money gotta raise her up in order to get the money. Haha.

I also think my parents will take care of Erica better than my hb, but I know my hb side sure fight to take over Erica, so no pt fighting with them.
Hmmmm... Why are we talking about all these divorce stuff here huh? Change the thread to "Divorce support group"..

Anyway, for Women, if divorce, the man will need to pay for the kids expenses and we will get half of the husband's assets. So need to appoint trustee meh?

Our lunch tomo on. Anyone want to join us and continue discussion on this?

KS husband also got its stress. He decide everything for the kids and damn stubborn and impatient. So I feel sometimes I'm extras at home. Maybe if I'm the kwai kwai bochap wife then it's ok la.
Carrie, yes i removed 4 wisdom teeth all at once. Very painful indeed. "Gong Xin Jin" is nice! Nicer than "Jin Zi Yu Nie".

Taurus, You watch until which episode liao?

I always told my husband, if i caught him outsourcing, then that's it. No more hope for this marriage, coz if got one time, then got 2nd time, 3rd time etc. He still joked saying, just don't get caught by me loe. *faint*

Jun, how long you intend to bf your boy? You expressing during work time?

what is the title of 'Gong Xin Jin' drama in Chinese? I can't find on youtube


My girl finally received the rest of her English results. Didn't do so well, lost marks in every section - oral, listening comprehension, compo. I don't expect very high marks for compo but must at least score better in listening comprehension & oral. Disappointing....
Yawn Yawn,
My gal also. Her Eng results worse than SA. Last 2 exams her Eng was high Band 1 so I left her alone and target her Chinese and Maths. This time Maths and Chinese do well but Eng deteriorate. My hubby is in charge of her Chinese and I in charge of Maths. Nobody in charge of Eng that's why go downhill.

I pump in the office 2-3 times a week. Will try my best to Bf as long as possible. historical record of bf is very long. Both kids I fully BF till 1 year old and partially BF my son to 3.5 years old. Even at 3.5 years, I was reluctant to stop. Hopefully no need to break this record lor. Cos I very bu she de wean off. I like them cuddle with me.
How about you? When do u intend to stop? If can then continue better.
Haha... U very funny leh!

Toking abt bfing, sometimes Erica got this very bad habit tt makes me so paiseh in e public, sometimes she still have e urge to latch, den in e public will attempt to pull down my top. How can I wean Erica off this habit?
I had meant lunch yesterday I can't. So sorry coz i only have time fora short lunch today So it doesn't make sense for us to meet today. Wahlao. Any other days?

Whahaha ERica really made my day by saying Emma is pretty. Whaha. We should let them meet someday.
Money take at 25 still ok lah....35 abit the too old already.

I really admire and envy those ladies who still breastfeed. My breastfeeding career was a failure. FOr Josh it was 5.5 mths. For Emma...a miserable 2 months only. My ss cuold not keep up. And I was so demoralized. But surprisingly, I started enjoying motherhood more when I stopped breastfeeding.
Bought a bottle of Fenugreek from my secretary when I was pregnant with #2 also never use!
I'm free next week. But since next week you are not free, how about 16th (Monday) then we jio Tinkerbelle, SNG and Kris down to Raffles place?

You gotta tell Erica firmly cannot pull your clothes in public and explain that cannot expose. Keep repeating that until she gets it.
jayce, i watch up to esposide 10 liao yest esposide 11 is up bt aft teaching my son eng & math too tired to watch.
hi mummies
hasn't come in and chat. cannot keep up with you all

U bf yr kids as in latch when home? want to ask you... when they are babies, there'll be a stage where they cannot concentrate on latching n will tug n pull the nipple while drinking, if not will turn around when hear sounds right? how do u deal with this? just let them be? worried that they don't drink enuf. as they get older, they will guai guai drink? my #1 was like that... i stop latching him after finding that he cannot concentrate on latching. now my #2 also displaying same behaviour. a bit reluctant to stop latching cos i know milk ss will drop.
Bb Ethan,
My #2 I bf very long because I was SAHM. Now my baby 5 months has started to be v distracted when he latch on. So I lock the door when I feed him, so that he will have no distractions. As for tugging and pulling, it's qt normal. They think it's a toy? I tell him cannot pull because v pain. It's a phase. After a while, they will stop doing that.

i think i am going to get depression..
Today grace went back to school, i almost cried.. I wanted to tell sir to let her stay at home another day.. Dunno y, but seems to feel so blue today.. perhaps i'll walk to school and bring her home in a while.. haiz... Talk bout empty nest syndrome, i think i am getting it liao..
