Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

taurus033, I won't recommend the place to anyone too. I do not like the way the teacher run the class at all. I think your gal stay at home with you better than go there :p

So u have made a trip down to that place before? Then think is better to put in PCF than this. So sad there's no appletree playgroup over here.

Thks for your advice. Since both of u and westbb does not have good reviews, then I won't waste my time to check them out.
Hi mummies,

Wow happen to saw this thread...May I know where is st Josephs? My elder gal is also a 2005 baby and I have enrolled her in Bukit Panjang Methodist Church Kindergarten. She's currently in Talentplus at the BP CC.The CC is under renovation so it's quite dusty and noisy sometimes. But overall tink it's still okie. Though the rest of the children plays by themself when the teacher does worksheet 1 to 1, but tink most playgroup or those enrichment center aso does the same for this age group coz they still dunno how to write yet so the teacher has to hold their hand and write. My DD goes to 'I can Read' at CCK every Sat and the teacher aso does the same thing. To me its ok coz after all my main purpose for her to go playgroup is juz to socialize and get ready for her N2 nxt year....juz my thoughts....

ya agree tat its a pity they dun have appletree here.... I like e one at nxt to lot one but its not convenient for my mil to bring her back and forth coz I still got a younger gal....
hi mummies,
have the following to give away free:
1) avent VIA lid x 6 pcs, VIA feeding adaptor kit x 1 set (adaptor, slow flowteat and cap)
2) Anmum materna milk powder for pregnant women - 6 pkts in a box expiry date 25July2008
3) nestle gold brown rice with yogurt & rasberi (from 8 to 24 mths) - 1 pkt expiry date 12aug2008

Interested mummies,please PM or email me at [email protected]
Pick up at my home at senja blk 631 as me lazy to go post it at the post office.
Thanks alot.
So long never come to this thread :p

I'm looking forward to the sch orientation. We can meet there!
Dunno by then my ML over yet or not...:p

im oso not catholic, i think for kindys they dun hv religious's just normal curriculum.
hmmm the other private kindys in the area are carpe diem, cherie hearts & the one that's affiliated with Pat's Sch Hse...think it's called Children's Campus...
Hi firefly

If i not wrong, the one at 183 is a childcare, not the normal PCF 3-4 hrs class.

Any mummy can confirm?
Hi redrose & Firefly,

The one at 183 is a childcare, i have called up PCF HQ to check. Still doing renovation, they anticipate to open by end of the year depending on the approval of license from MCYS. Intend to enrol my gal for half-day child care.
Hi Mummies,

Hehe long time never come in liao.

My boy also starting N1 next year. Still deciding on St Joseph or Grace Hse Church Kindy, anyone got any opinion.

Schoolbus ok bo? Was shock to know that 2-way trip costs $105 per mth :p
Hi MamaPanda,
May I know where is "Little Pals"?

My girl is 2006 baby and I also considering St Joseph, KinderLand or YMCA?

Don't really know which one is good. Actually, more interested to send her for those 2-3 hours playgroup.

Any advice, please.
Hi snowzzy

My gal is also 2006 baby? I am still looking for those half day playgroup. Sigh. Let me know if you find any.

From this thread, i think there are Little Pals, St joseph
Have they increased the price for school bus for St Joseph? The last I heard during registration in April was single-trip is $60, dual-trip $80 for bukit panjang area. My colleague who lives in Kranji area, who had recently registered his 2006 girl at St Josephs in June told me his bus fare was $100 2-way. BTW, he was told St-Josephs is full for morning session already. Only left afternoon session so he registered his girl for afternoon session.

Little Pals
Its in Blk 505, opposite Greenridge Shopping Centre. I think their 9am class is full already. Not sure abt the 11am classes though.
Thank you mummies for your prompt reply.

For 2 hrs playgroup, I need to put her nearby the nanny's house (Blk 429) as she is also taking care of my baby girl.

How is Blk 435 Adelfibel Infant and Child Development Centre and Amazing Star Montessori House at Greenridge Shopping Centre?
hi all,
I also enrolled my son in N1 at pcf blk528.
Anyone same as me?I enrolled him for session from 8-12pm.
thinking of bringing him to enrichment class but dunno which is good...heard that zoophonics is good...went to I can read at CCK few mths back, teacher commented my boy a bit young and go back only when he is 4 next year
hi snowzzy,

blk 435 adelfibel is a child care centre, no 2 hrs playgrp thing. they have half day childcare. but when ur kid is in N2, they have some lessons in afternoon.
Hi fatmamalove

My son oso in PCF 528 but he is in N2.

But how come your son session is from 8-12 pm? 4 hours? My boy session is only 3 hrs from 8 - 11 am.
oh.. you mean next year ah?? keke... Your son now in Pre-nursery and is taught by teacher Lateefah?

My boy will be in K1 next year and taking the premium program from 8 am to 3pm.
nah, my boy only 3years old he is wif tots house this year and has enrolled in next year Nursery at PCf. He's born in 2005.
I also intend to let my boy take the premium program when he is in K1.
How is the classes at PCF? Heard that the PCF at blk528 is the best PCF...kekeke
hmm... so far so good, quite satisfied with the sch. oso heard its the best PCF too. hee...

i think the sch is trying to raise the standard, my boy does not have computer class in his nursery this year. Being a nursery student there, you will get priority to get into the premium program comes K1.

btw, you asking abt zoophonics, one of my colleague son is attending, she said it's good. My son is attending phonics at MMI Ten Mile.
is it?how much is it for the mmi?
zoophonics cost abt $100+ rite?
thats good...cos I find in tots house he is not learning alot hopefully in pcf he can improve himself. Haha thats why I let him to study pcf first...kekeke so that can go to the premium clss in K1...hahaha
it's $110 per mth (exclude gst). i think zoophonics is abt $120 but theirs is 1.5 hrs, MMI only 1 hr.

every parent expectation is different, to me, I feel 528 PCF is ok, but others may not think so. however, i feel it is still necessary to send for enrichment class. PCF does not teach phonics at nursery level.
Hi redrose,

Just to check with u, is the premium K1 programme avail at other PCF branches? how is it different from normal K1 programme?
Hi christina

I only know another one is at blk 620. normal K1 is 4 hrs, premium is 7 hrs but no nap. class is abt 20 students with 2 teachers, with speech and drama, abacus, internet research, etc... i try to pm you the write up of the class but you dun accept PM. maybe you can give me your email address and i will forward to you.

fyi, the preimum program at 528 has no more vacancies.
Hi Mummies,

My boy is now 23mths... also planning to send him to St Joseph next year..
But the morning class full liao, can only enrol 11.30class

anyone attending Kinderland now?
thinking of sending him there for a few months before he starts Pre-N.

or any other good toddler playgroup around BP?
can PM me the write up of the class @ 528.
My ger attending N1 there next yr.

I oso heard of very gd comments on MMI phonics.
Is it true that there is no music n movements, its sit n learn kind of style?
Any homework? Or Working materials?

For ZP, there is M&M, and for my ger's class there 1/2 hr mandarian. There is a workbook, sometimes there would be homework.

My ger had been attending ZP since 18mths, so far very gd, at least i can see results.

sorry, i dunno how to attach file using PM. paiseh... perhaps you PM me or give me your email addy.

Yes, MMI phonics has no music and movements, its a sit and learn style. but they hv montessori playgroup which has M&M and i think they oso teach the sound of each alphabet. MMI phonics entry level is 3.5 yrs old.
Hoho03, can share wat results u observe fr yr kid? Me stil thinking shd my gal continue with Zoophonics classes.

Christina, depending on the mth, some 4-5 classes in a mth.
OK, later i PM u.

Ya, i ever waitlist the one at rail mall. But in the end we din take up cos timing not gd.
Mayb next yr...

YUp, depend on the no. of weeks in that mth.
Yup, my ger is at bt. timah.

2nd baby,
The results are good enough, as she started at speak really late, at 2yrs old.
But she dun speak in baby talk, in proper sentence. So i guess this is the hard work in ZP that she had pay attention.
She is now very vocal.

Then she is able to sound frm A-Z, and now trying to use phonics to do word n picture matching.

She can do lots of A-Z, words tracing. And she love it!

1 more + point, the class is conducted in both mandarian and english, and this is where she learn mandarian from. Not that gd yet, but at least a gd start - can talk to my mil.

I love the idea of workbook n homework. At least i know what is being taught in class.

But whatever class it is, most important she love the school and teacher.
I can see she enjoy herself a lot, and learn lots.

I believe all classes are the same, mayb just dun expect overnight results.

But my ger is still very shy towards stranger or relief teacher, this is 1 thing i m pushing her now.

So trying out speech n drama @ act3. :p:p
Hope she can be more daring n brave.
hi hoho03,

my boy also in ZP. but its only once a week, sunday 11.30 class.
he has no workbook leh..
was told no need for materials for toddler class.
ur girl attending 3 times weekly? toddler class?
my boy also can't really talk, his now 24mths..
can only say papa, mama, go go, po po..
DD & Sunnysun,
My ger 3yrs old liao. Now in ZP kids.
So got workbook.

Mine is sunday, 11am class, teacher Zura & Xu lao shi, same rght? :p
Zoophonics got so many good comments...I am still trying to convince my hubby to let my son go..cos he finds a bit waste of money...

Got BP for Thomas Friends Concert? How much is it?
hoho, my boy is in toddler class under teacher Sahara. I'm withdrawing him soon cos i find him cant really concentrate with me ard, maybe he is too young. Will enroll again when he 3 yrs =)

fatmamalove, i have cancelled the Thomas friends BP cos reponse not good and also i wanted to book it asap .. maybe there some mummies organising u can search ard. =)

May I know which doctor in Bukit Panjang is good at treating baby illness like flu, cough, fever and running nose.

So far I have bring my gals to LifeSpring@Greenridge but too bad the clinic closed on saturday night.

Thanks in advance.
Hi Snowzzy,

u can try Cashew Medical at Fajar Shopping ctr, they are open on sat nite.

Hi those mummies who send ur child to zoophonic,

is it compulsory to buy the enrolment pack?
Christina, its not compulsory to buy the enrolment pack but it would be gd for our kids if we could reinforce the zoophonics at home which are taught in class.
Hi all,
Anyone has any comments on the MMI at Ten mile? I heard they have a 3 hours programme.

Snowzzy, did u check that MMI out?
