Any Porridge Recipies to Share??

Grandma's chicken soup and stock
1 large chicken with giblets, cut into 8 pieces and trimmed off excess fat
3 litres of water
2 large onions, peeled and roughly chopped
3 large carrots, peeled and roughly sliced
2 parsnips, peeled and roughly chopped
2 leeks, washed and sliced
1 celery stalk
2 sprigs of parsley
1 sprig thyme (optional)

Put the raw or cooked chicken pieces into a very large pan and cover with the water. Slowly bring to the boil and skim off any scum that comes to the surface.

Add all the remaining ingredients. Cover and simmer for about 3 hours, checking it occasionally and adding more water as necessary.

Remove the pan from the heat and allow to cool. Chill for at least 4 hours or overnight in the fridge, and skim off the layer of fat from the surface.

Strain the stock through a sieve into a clean bowl and use to make baby purees.

rosypetal, PMed you already..

jas, thanks for sharing.. seems yummy for me.. haha... if got time, i try ur method this weekend. or if any mommies has any good secret recipes for bb or kids, do share with us. thanks!
hi jaz..

i think for me, i will put the minced mushroom and a piece of medium size lean pork to cook with the porridge together with a slow cooker..i think result would be the same..hopefully! haha..let me try this wkend and let you know!
Hi Thumbprint,

Pls PM me the link too. Desperately need ideas to prepare food for dd. Thanks in advance.
Hi all,

babies below 7months can eat porridge cooked with mushrooms?

I am a new cook, so don't really know how to cook for bb...
So far had only cooked porridge mixed with sweet potato and spinach...My bb hates it!!!

Any simpler recipes for beginners to cook for bb?
hi tidalstorm,

I cooked spinach with carrot. I think spinach gives a very strong smell. I ate the leftover porridge from my girl, and I felt not that nice too. First few spoon taste are ok, but subsquent spoon not nice already.

Maybe you can try this:
300g sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped
1 large carrot, peeled and sliced
125g broccoli, cut into florets

Put the sweet potatoes and carrot in a steamer and cook for 1 minutes. Add the broccoli and continue to cook for about 7 mintues, or until all the vegetables are tender.

Blend the vegetables with 6-7 tablespoon of water from the bottom of the steamer to make a puree.

Than add the puree to the porridge
HI Jas,

Thanks alot!!

WIll try it!!

Hi Thumprint,

Thanks for PM-ing me the link!

Hi all,

How do u juggle with taking care of your bbs, while still preparing meals for them?
I am alone taking care of my bb (almost 7 months) in the daytime, find that it can be impossible at most times to probably prepare/cook a meal for him, unless i feed him commercial cereals and fruit jars...??
hi tidalstorm,

I'm a sahm taking care of a 7 month old girl.

Early morning, (abt 7 to 8am) I will put the rice in a slow cooker. Than I feed my girl milk.

After a while, bath my girl and let her take a nap. After she sleeps, I will cook vegetable.

By the time she wakes up, it already her lunch time! I will mix the vegetable puree together with the porridge.

Batch cooking and freezing is the most convenient way. Normally, I cook in batch and freeze. However, I only cook for about 1 to 2 days stock. I don't freeze alot and keep for 1 month.

Than the next day or the next 2 day, just take out from the freezer, cook the stock in the slow cooker together with the porridge (only cook the stock 10 mintues before feeding). This way save my time.

Do you use a slow cooker to cook porridge?

Slow cooker really help me save alot of time.
hi tidalstorm,

I means heat up the stock in the slow cooker together with the porridge. And not cook as the stock is already cook.
hey jaz..

did u try out last wkend?
i did! Mushroom really make the porridge smells wonderful!

wat i did is to soak the mushroom first, cut 1/4 to cook with the porridge n pork meat in the cooker..the rest i minced it..and cooked it together.. in order to make the mushroom softer for easi digestion..

my boy loves it! try out if u havent! but remember 1 small mushroom is enough, cos bb might not like it if the smell is too strong.

Hi thumbprint,
can you please also PM me the link?
Been desperately looking for more recipes
Cos lately my 2yr old son refuse to eat porridge/rice le
Hi mummies,

wonder if anyone can help me. My girl has her porridge cooked in a crockpot and it would be thick when it gets to the table. But when it is scooped into her bowl, it will turn watery and it's really frustrating feeding her when it's dripping all over the place.

Why does it turn from thick to watery? is it because of the rice that is used? is there a special kind of rice that you use to cook porridge?

thanks in advance for your answers
Pls PM me the link.....thanks
My DS is 7 mth....n trying to cook some porridge for him....
my normal porridge will be ikan bilis stock + carrot + potato or else pork/chic with carrot...
So now trying to get new recipes.....
Hello LCB, you dun accept PM, maybe you can update your profile or give me your email add and I send you the link again..
Hi Jas,

Thanks alot!!
My son is also 7months old!
Batch cook & freezing doesn't seem very fresh leh...I will send a PM to u, if u are ok in sharing ur tips, then u reply to my PM, else is ok.
Hi Thumbprint
Could you pM me the link? Many thanks. I find this topic really interesting & useful as my bb turning to 6mth,,trying to feed him cereal now.
Hello wenniekok, you dun accept PM, maybe you can update your profile or give me your email add and I send you the link again..
hi thumbprint,
Could you pls share the link with me? I don't know how to PM. Can you pls email to me at [email protected]. Thanks!!!!

I cook soup in the crockpot. But never experience anything like porridge turning watery when left on the table.

I usu cook porridge using diff stock every day.
hello mommies, paisey so late then reply. i have sent the link to you. Let me know if you did not receive it.

hellp KT, i could not email you. it keeps bouncing back to me. Do you have another email address?
Hi all

can give mi some comments?

My dau juz 7mths old now refuse cereal aft few mouthfuls & reduce milk intakeby half... So worrying....

Can I start porridge now? & anyone encounter the same situation like my dau? If yes, anyway to increase her milk consumption & cereal intake?
Hi Thumbprint,

I need the link too. Could you PM me?
Been cooking only threadfin and spinach for my 8 mths girl....
hi tempura,
wow, ok. I will try it.

hi tidalstorm,
my email address is [email protected].

hi gladys,
Is your girl teething? This might cause her to reduce her cereal and milk intake. My girl don't like to drink milk too, so I will cook those recipies that include milk and cheese. I learn from a cookbook. How about letting your baby eat yougurt?

As for my girl, when she refuses milk, I will try to change another type of milk bottle, or change milk powder. I guess she just feel tired of drinking same milk and from the same milk bottle. Maybe you can try.

I intro my girl porridge when she is 7th month.
hi no name,

I would like to know how you cook the spinach? Normally, I will steam and grind, than before feeding i just add to the porridge. I find it very troublesome.

Hi jaspeng,
my girl not teething yet leh. is the cookbook gd? Can give me the title? Mayb gt to make reference from there.

haven let mi girl try yogurt yet... When u give(as a meal?) and how much? yogurt is cold right(haven to leave in room temp till it is not cold?)? buy plain yogurt from NTUC?

I just bought NUK bottle. May try on her. I changed milk powder liao but doesn'tseem to increase her appetite...
