Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

Hi angicmon,

Apply for npl as early as possible cos sch needs to plan for relief.

I've already applied for mine
Although got months to go

Hi blessed and goodgal,
so if i manage to find the cookie cutters in Tokyo, does it mean that i'll can go ahead & help both of u purchase them? do both of u need to know the price b4 i buy them? coz not sure if it'll be cheaper to buy over there or to buy online.

pls advise.
hi mary,
For me, if 1 pair of cutter is below $10, as the stated price is ard $6-7 sing, I m fine with it. u can go ahead. Thks for much for ur help!!!!
Hi raldmom, thanks for your concern.
Think advancing also no use cos august, sept, oct, so nov go back two weeks lor.
I will take NPL before that too
Now BABY come first
Hi good gal,

I'm not due yet until June. So will be working till then. Hopefully can tahan.

Then after that I will have my 3 mths maternity and then will take npl till nov. So that it will not eat into my dec pay.

Just to check, I took NPL last year after my no 2. I went back to teach this year, but I find that the children are not coping and am so tempted to take NPL again next year. Can I ? I should be able to until my girl turns 4 right??
Hi gabby,

You are entitled to childcare leave until the child turns 3 yrs of age.

MOE needs 2 months to process childcare leave. Apply early.
hi mary,

sorry to reply late,i was away,for the cutters,the price wise,I m fine with it. u can go ahead. Thanks so much for ur help!!!!
So sorry ladies, internet connection in the few apartment blocks that we will staying were down till recent restore but speed is still very slow since they are still working on connecting back all the broken cables. Japan, I think the cutter is about 500 to 650yen...for a pair, so if the exchange rate is 100yen for S$1.35 during my stay then
each pair comes up to S$6.75 for the lowest price depending on where the cutter can be found and also the design and order thru the site is at a standard price but then you have to include the shipping when using VPost.
Hi ladies, I taking NPL for till i deliver. REally can strength.
hi good gal, Holiday pay will be prorated depending on the number of present days u are in sch.
how many of ur are on NPL during pregnancy?

I took NPL (3 weeks) b4 advanced Maternity Leave (4 weeks). So I returned to work when my boy was not even 2 months old.
If all

If I take 1 year of no pay leave, when I come back to work does it mean that I will have to get a pro rated hols when I come back....
Hi gabby,
i think if the holidays fall soon after your no pay or within ur no pay, guess is prorated.
U can ask ur sch OM to print you the info on leaves from intranet. then u can refer to.
is really tough to cope with pregnancy and teaching as well as looking after new born and teaching at the same time.
I still have to finish my bond after i am back in sch from maternity cos i have taken NPL.
Hi good gal,

My AE told me that with npl, the HR will deduct your salary from the dec pay first. Not enough then deduct from the normal months. I was very confused. But once you take npl, be prepared to have a pro-rated dec bonus, pro-rated performance bonus and pro-rated Connect Plan.
Hi ladies,

Me just went for my check-up yesterday. Doc said I must rest more. Have 9hrs of sleep. He said water in womb now enough. But if I continue worlaholic (he didn't even need to ask!), he said my water level in womb will become low. Sharks ... now is the stressful period, how to rest enough.
Naaa ... me not on npl yet. Can't afford to. Need the $$. Now still can cope I think. Just a bit forgetful and slow in almost all that I do.

My HB also asks me to sleep. I told u wait wait. Haha ... If can I would sleep, but there seems to be so much to do man! Some more there's CCA. I'm in performing group and there are so many performances coming up. So have to arrange and arrange.
hi phy, same here..really tiring for teachers.
i really cant tahan so i take NPL.
not enuf sleep plus cant take nap if at work.
MOE shd pity us by giving us some pregnancy leaves!!if not birth rates from teachers will be the lowest!
hi blessed and goodgal,
am back from my japan trip.
unfortunately, i couldn't find the cookie cutters.
showed my tour guide the print out of the website but he doesn't know where it can be found other than through online ordering. went to takashimaya and parco at tokyo but unsuccessful.
guess we hv to order online then.
hi ladies
if u all wan to do bulk purchase, count me in! but cant really understand japan leh... can someone help? mary, tks a lot for trying too! appreciate ur effort.
hi ladies, I m trying to contact some sellers in ebay as their prices r rather reasonable. Let me know what u want and I will ask for the best postage and price.
Hi blessed and goodgal,
I can't read Jap but my SIL can. Want me to ask her to translate?

I wld like to get 1 set of Winnie Pooh bear cutters & 1 set of Mickey, Minnie cutters.

Btw, read that there's a VPost promotion for UOB card holders. I hv to read the brochure again. Not sure if it'll be cheaper to order online and send via VPost then.
hi blessed and mary,

I wld like to get 2 set of Winnie Pooh bear cutters & 1 set of Mickey, Minnie cutters.
the winnie poohbear sets,1 wif the rabbit and 1 set with the tigger,ok?thanks
hi gals i sent out the qns to the 2 ebay sellers but they didnt reply. still waiting for them to reply. else mary, could u kindly get ur sil to help? tks
hi teacher mommies,
am helping a friend who's a tuition agent to find someone who can tutor a kid at bukit merah.

bio and chem. but i dunno which level he/she's studying. just know that the student's from a neighbourhood sch.

rate is quite good. think it's $60/hr. once a week. can also be twice a week.

pls PM me if you are interested.
Hi all mummies,

I am also a teacher also on NPL. I am considering taking the flexi work hours scheme. Anyone knows how long I can be on this scheme? My current school does not offer this.

When you are on flexi, what I understand is that you need to leave the service. In addition, you do not enjoy things like bonus etc...Can you consider part time scheme?? You still have most of your benefits.

Hi mummy teachers...
going thr a bad patch as my former student just pass on... I feel so depressed. I spent so much time with her previously... I suppose this is one thing about our job. Its such a 'heart' job, our emotions are so engaged all the time. I spent a good 15 mins crying upon hearing the news.
Hi gabby,

Sorry to hear the tragic news. My heart goes out to the bereaved family. So sad to lose a beloved child.

This is part and parcel of our profession. Providing counselling for the students and no one to counsel us in return. Guess we all have to be emotionally strong.

Take care
gabby...I agreed with Jane. It is part and parcel of our profession.

In my case, I have witnessed dh's student passed on and also colleagues who passed on due to sickness.

It is never easy being a teacher, we definitely have emotion attachment with each child even though they are not our own since we are all human.
Hi all... used to be a teacher for 10 years... but quit end of last year... do I still qualify to be on this thread??

I have a ds and two dd... ds just started p1 this yr, so thought it is a good time lah.

yeah, so sad when our "kids" pass on ... I've had three in my "lifetime" of teaching... one an ex-student who committed suicide, and two others while they were still studying in school. Sad.
Hi dorie and all mummies,

I believe some tragedies can be prevented if we imbue sound moral values in our kids when young.

To me, the most impt ones are integrity, self-discipline, resilience and respect.

As a parent and teacher, I want my kids to accept responsibilities for their actions and be able to tell the right from wrong, be self-disciplined to stay out of trouble and have the mental resilience to admit failures. Respect the differences in others and be able to empathize with them.

I worry about my kids whenever I read about violence in schools, girls falling prey to paedophilies and smart people charged in court for assault and drink driving, or for petty crimes like rioting or shoplifting.

Are our schools doing enough in the teaching of lifeskills and PC? How do we teach the above values?

BTW: My son cries whenever he loses in a game.
How do u handle this? Hope to have some sharing from mummies.
Hi Jane... sigh, how to teach the above values? I don't think there is a surefire way. I guess being there for them, establishing clear boundaries when they are young and continuing to enforce them as they grow will definitely help.

I used to be in Discipline... and I would say that the ones who have problems, 9 out of 10 times, come from problematic homes. Homes where the basic structure has fallen apart, where parents don't behave like parents, or who cannot see beyond the end of their own noses. The worst ones are the parents who bend over backwards trying to be "friends" with their teenage children (without boundaries and consequences whatsoever) and end up being so afraid that their children will run away or hurt themselves that they end up being manipulated by their children, because children being children, pick up on our "weaknesses" very easily... and they can smell fear a mile away.

I just try to bring them up right, imbibing the right values from the start, not waiting until they are "older and when they can understand" but already drilling it in from day one... Giving them a good relationship with us, and having them witness a good stable relationship between hubby and I... I think stability and clear expectations help to pave the way to less nonsense... not that it is foolproof... but it's the best we can do... and pray that they will just not be led astray anyway.

Having said all that, I also know of the 1 out the 10 who seem to come from perfectly loving and nurturing environments and yet go astray... and the only consolation I can think of is that if their environment had been any worse, they might be beyond rescuing...

Don't know, just my 2c worth.

I don't know how old your son is - I guess handling it would be different at different age groups.

Mine will get angry (he used to cry when he was younger), but I've explained to my children that it is normal to feel disappointed when they lose or don't get what they want, but crying or getting angry and venting it on people is not going to help... and it might turn people off from playing with you in the future. So I allow them to be disappointed for a short while, after which I tell them that they are old enough to control their tears and get them to stop. Then I give them the option of continuing with the game or going off to do something else while reminding them that if they stomp off each time they lose, people might not like to start a game with them the next time.

So far, it's slowly sinking in. Plus the close age between the older two helps give them practice in give and take... and so they get plenty of practice.
Hi dorie,

Thanks for your sharing. I am just concerned about the upbringing of my children. Being teachers, I place paramount importance on the character development of the child. Sad to say, I feel guilty not to being there during my son's formative years, relegating the task to my IL. My son has become too pampered and getting out of hand. With the arrival of the dd, I sincerely wish that he will more caring and not so selfish.

Seriously, the idea of being a SAHM has ever crossed my mind. But with higher financial obligations, it's just wishful thinking. With part-time teaching, at least I can still strike a balance between motherhood and career.

Mummies who are on the part-time scheme, just wondering whether the deal is worth it?Will ur promotional prospects be affected too? I also heard that there must be two trs to pair up for it to work.
hi ladies,
jus to find out from ur. if i take 1 year NPL away from teaching during bond period. after i return sch, i jus work back that one year rite? not 2 years from when i start work again hor??
jane - now that most schools have excess teachers, it is easier to do the part time or adjunct... no need to find a partner to take our other half of the load. my principal was very keen on me doing adjunct or something instead of quitting because my dept was very lacking in teachers... but even though we didn't have any spare teachers in our dept, he was willing to let me go part time or take adjunct.

As for promotional prospects... I don't know. But I know that your pay increase will take proportionately longer... so if you take 1/2 load, your pay increment will be every 2 years instead of 1 year... that kind of thing.

Yes, I understand what you mean about having to leave it to the IL... I was in the same position, so my elder two have very bad habits and attitudes that I am now working very hard to correct. At the end of the day, grandparents will indulge them, and it's so hard to teach them otherwise (both the grandparents and our kids, I mean... heh).

But don't expect your son to change overnight with the arrival of DD... it's unlikely that he will be moved. If he's anything like my son, he will be besotted with the baby, but once she's old enough to be a nuisance, all his nonsense will surface. Sigh. But I hope that I am wrong, and your son will be different lah.

xinyao - have you checked the intranet on personnel policies? I got very good information from there. Under circulars if I'm not wrong. Or lazy just ask the AM lah, unless you are worried he/she lets the cat out of the bag.
hi dorie, thanks.
i have the info but was abit unsure.seem like just have to work back the years i take NPL n also holidays.
jus need someone to re assure..:p
xinyao....if you take NPL when you still have 2 years bond then you need to serve back 2 years bond when you return. They will postphone your bond.
hi priscilla,
thank you.
i think is worth taking NPL to rest for pregnancy as well as to take care of the baby after delivery. jus work back after that. cant bear to leave BB to let others take care.
Hi ladies,

I think as pregnant women, we need to rest especially during the last stage of pregnancy.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant. Last Thursday (34 weeks ++), I suddenly felt contractions and pain 5 mins about. Went to hospital and was termed threatened premature labour. Goodness, I was about to be in labour in school. And I actually thought I could work all the way until the 38th week just before I deliver.

After that incident, I'm now under hospitalisation leave. Home rest for a week and to be extended weekly. I'm also on pills to stop contractions and took two jabs for baby's lungs strengthening. The whole experience taught me that I must really take it slow in the last lake. It wasn't fun to be hospitalised with tubes, drips and all over me.

So if you're gonna to deliver soon (like me), try to slow down. Else when you start labour contractions early, it's no joke. Now I'm on pills all the way.

Hi Dorie,

I admire your courage to quit after being in the profession for 10 years. It's difficult to balance work and family life, especially as teachers, when we are faced with deadlines and heavy workload. Gone were the days when we could leave on the dot at 1 pm, and be able to spend quality time with our families. I always feel very guilty having to complete my marking over the weekends, instead of playing with my son. My son is getting out of hand, insisting of getting his way all the time. My hb advocates the soft approach whereas I believe in "spare the rod and spoil the child". This has become the bone of contention in the family.

Since ur kid is in P1, do you find the EL tough?

Hi phy_*o*,

Please take care of yourself now. I gave birth on my 36 wk when my water bag suddenly burst. Thank god my gal was above 2.5 kg and was able to breathe on her own. Looking back, I guess I didn't rest enough and was putting my bb at risk.
