Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?


how old is yr son? he can write on his own? Wow!

btw, i'm looking for the pooh cookie cutters. missed the bulk purchase. can advise on where to get them in s'pore (even though you are not in s'pore) boy is 3. He is eager to write as he wants to write to his cousins and friends in Singapore.

I left all my disney cutters in Singapore so I bought the ones he was using in Japan when we were there from October 06 to early January this year. Think you can check out here and direct order from Japan:
hi all,

didnt get a chance to speak to my am but asked my colleague who went on two weeks mc last year. She said must insist with the admin staff that the two weeks is mc cos u give the mc mah.. cannot let the mc eat into maternity leave..
Destitonia...they could also take it as prematernity leave too if it is two weeks before delivery since we can clear the maternity leave a month before delivery. So it depend whether MOE has change the policy.And I know of friends the MC was rejected and the school called up the gynae to find out why is there a need for MC as the teacher could go on maternity.

Hi all

Here's my sharing of using of scrap materials for craft, we use the egg carton box for caterpillars. And one of his favourite book from young was "The very Hungry Caterpillar" By Eric Carle, he uses the caterpillars to retell the story on his own and add on his own parts since he has two handmade caterpillars and having lots of fun doing it.






The best gift, parents can give to their children, is to teach them to read and enjoy books!
hi priscillia

Wow... Kai seems so intelligent and cute! I tried going into the website to order the cookie cutters but it's all in Japanese... how to order?

Anyway I'll love to see your blog. Can I have the URL?
hi pris,

I did the same thing with my ds, make a caterpillar after reading the hungry caterpillar. Haha... you can also ask him to draw the caterpillar since the illustration of the caterpillar in the book is formed using only circles and lines.

Just love Eric Carle's books
Augustmum, yes we have done that. He want to make caterpillar and retell the story. In fact, we are doing the life-cycle of insect after we read the hungry caterpillar. And he knows that for butterfly and moth are 4 stage life cycle and we watch a video on how a egg hatch into a caterpillar, into pupae stage and then the final stage butterfly. He is asking me when we can make butterflies. Will probably get him to do the life-cycle chart soon as I need to get the big cardboard for him.

Actually, I wonder if I should touch on topics which will be covered in pri. school. Scare my son will be bored in school next time. However, hubby who's also a teacher thinks it should be fine, the more (knowledge) the merrier.

btw, how long can we keep home-made cookies? Just made some choc. chips cookies and cornflakes cookies with my son. Hubby said the choc chip cookies were nice. However, the cornflakes on the cornflakes cookies are soft despite the baking. Any idea why.
augustmum, I don't think they will be bother but will ask the teachers more questions.

I seldom make cornflakes cookies, those I made is from cornflakes are very easy and they are still crispy.
so sad, i will be returning to work on 1 Mar, taking only one month NPL, wish to extend but financially not sound to do so.

If I take up relief, will there be CPF deduction?

I also consider is adjunct or part time teaching viable? Anyone know what is the difference?
when you are on relief, you have not entitiled to medical benefits. however, when you are on part time, you are entitled. I was when I was on part time
hi hi

Jus wanna ask abt NPL. Can i still take again for childcare if my boy's more than a year old? I already took 7mths NPL, went back to work last Sept, now thinking of taking again coz my boy's always sick in infant care...

then abt connect plan, i thought as long as u are in sch during the mth of payout, u'll get the $$?

that day i tok to P abt part-time scheme, could see his face change colour....ministry also don encourage, so y have it in the 1st place...chey.. no wonder birth rate so low.. can take up to your child turn 3 yr old.

I am on childcare too till ds turned 3 yr and now I am on overseas leave as our family is away overseas.

I think MOE support P/T but it is up to the school and if the P is not keen then it all washes down the drain. In fact, my cousin was on P/T, she was telling me not worth doing P/T since you be doing as much as a full load teacher but with lesser pay. Her first school required her to work only 3 days with cca but she was been posted to another school during her 2nd yr P/T and they required her to be in school daily (lesser teaching hours) and also with cca and remedial so in the end she resigned.

All I would say is that it depends on school and the P. My P was very supportive when I told him in advance that I am going for a yr no-pay and subsequently, I reapply for another year. I think my child and family are important and if I would do alot for my students then, now I should do for my child. It is not easy to depend on one income but it is possible and the joy of watching my child grows and when he crosses each of his milestones make staying home all the worth.
I told my ex P that I would either take part-time or resign and she told me the latter was better. She said it would be difficult for her to give me part time and then look for a teacher to take up the other half of my load. So I submitted my resignation.
Generally, most teachers I talk to said that their Ps frowned upon the idea of part-time teaching. And the ministry can't help if your P doesn't approve your application. I even called up MOE and they said they couldn't do anything about it. Then why roll out that scheme in the first place?
Betty...there are school where the Ps are very supportive of that and pro-family but very few in Singapore.

In fact, when I was on childcare, I still dropped by my school to meet up and wait for my colleagues when we arranged to go out together. I would run into my P sometimes and would chit-chat with for a while. It is not easy to get another P/T teacher as the workload as to be share and the time-tabling too but if there is another teacher going on P/T and doing the same combination of what you are teaching, then that will not be a problem. And it is up to the school to decide the number of teaching period, whether you are required for CCA or even remedial lessons. Think when you are in teaching, what matter is that you do not short change the students.

For me, personally I found that I would have to give up one for the time being to be with my child to nurture him first. I am very thankful for the support that I got from my husband, my mum and brother since my mum have told me not to give her monthly allowance and my brother had chipped in to give my mum more allowance and it is more stressful for my husband since he became the sole breadwinner but everything works out for us as we learnt to be contented and made some adjustable to our lifestyle.
Hi everyone!

I chanced upon this thread only after creating the same one!

Well, like u, Emma, I'll be back to school tomorrow! A bit excited to see my colleagues and students again but i know the workload is gonna be thrown into my face the minute they see me!

I also took 1 mth NPL and it's been hard financially considering we have q a few instalment plans to pay off every mth. I just got married in nov 05 and delivered to a baby girl last nov. SO u cna imagine the wedding, house adn peripherals, bills, baby...

How I wish I could take childcare leave like Priscilla and watch my baby grow...

My in-law will be taking care of her when i go bk to work since she stays opp my sch.

Anyone hv tried part- time cleaner? let me knw..
Welcome sharena!

i heard bad experiences about part time scheme too.My 2 colleagues applied for part time scheme,and they were hoping they could match each other to become one full time teacher load,but even then the principal was so reluctant and took so long to approve that one teacher left the service.

Another friend went back to work after 2 years NPL and applied for part time
the VP was so sarcastice and hinted to her that she will be graded along with other teachers even if she is part time,like threatening her

Why implement the part time scheme when the principals don even support it?
makes me feel its just for the media to publish and give the public a false impression that moe is so supportive

i just submitted my application for npl.HOD sms me to tell me to clear my desk by march hols,my i haven even finish my maternity leave she already telling me to pack my bags!Felt so hurt!Then next day smsed me to tell me to reconsider shortening my leave until june.These people are so strange!
Hi Mummies and Teachers (teaching in Sec schools),
There is a preview for a film documentary called "The Kallang Wave" ( If you would like to arrange this show for your students, you may request for complimentary tickets from the company Orbital, then see if it is suitable for your students.

They'd contacted me regarding this, and thought I'd share it with the teachers here
i think the film is best suited for S3s & S4s.

The film will be screened next thursday (15 March) at 2.30pm at The Picturehouse.

just sharing...

PT teaching
I was on part time and school was very nice. I only had to come in on 3 days and 2 afternoons was spent on CCA/remedials. SO not that bad. I think its all dependent on the school and admin. We must also be aware that we will be given a lower ranking as we are on part time. If we can take everything, I think its okay to be on part time. however, I do agree, sometimes, its ironic as schools so not really like teachers on part time. Its against national productivity isn't it?

Contemplating on taking no pay to spend more time with my kids....
hi Priscilla ,

can share where to buy the disney cutters in spore?can email me the recipe to bake the nice cookies?thanks :>
Hi all teacher mummies,
I'm a secondary sch tr with a 19mo dd. Currently on no pay leave as I need some time to find my passion for teaching again, and to have more time with my dd.

Must say my P was very supportive of me taking this half year of no-pay. Am very glad about it. She actually suggested I take up the part-time teaching thingy, but I told her that's not the best choice for me.
Btw, heard from my fren tt a colleague of hers took P/T and she was graded badly during ranking. Reason? She didn't do as much. So, it's really contradicting rite?
Hi all teacher mummies,

I'm a primary school tr MTB. Delivering in June 07. Any other primary school teachers here?
Hi Lin,

Yap, I am. That's why had to disappear for so long. Lots of work and marking to be done. Sigh ..
Hi all

MIA for a while, will still be MIA as very busy with homeschool and also dh is busy preparing for his conference presentation and he will be away for a couple of days for conference so I am left all alone to handle ds.

Good Gal, I got my cutters in Japan last year when we were there when dh went to do his research there. I could not give a accurate measurement for the cookies recipe as we are outstationed in Vancouver and my kitchen is not as equipped as the one back home in Singapore so here's the recipe,

It is roughly like that, measuring cup is used:
3.5 cups of flour
1.75 cups of sugar (I usually use lesser to make it not so sweet, but I think it is normally half the about of flour when measuring)
1 stick of butter (about 125g)
1 tsp of vanilla
2 eggs
1 tsp of baking powder
1 pinch sea salt

Mix butter and sugar until pale yellow.
Add in the eggs.
Shift in flour with salt and baking powder.
Make into dough.
Use cutter to cut and bake in preheat over of 375F until the edge of cookies turn a little brown.

So sorry, I did not take note of the time as everything we do is agar agar, think is less than 10 minutes also depending on the thickness and size of cookies.
hi priscilla,

thanks for the recipe,i dun have an oven,i have the 3 in 1 convention oven,can it be used?


any 1 bought the disney cutters in spore b4?where to buy?
Hi All,
I'm a sec sch teacher on npl to take care of my two girls. Tried part-time (1/2 load)teaching for half yr, didn't work out cos only pay & benefits are halved, 3/4 teaching load, CCA, remedials, workshops, meetings, camps, etc still the same as a full pay teacher! Now on NPL till yr end. Any teacher with two kids, no maid but still teaching full time? How do u cope?
Hi trishbb,

Personally, I feel that as a teacher, we already don't have enough time for ourselves even as a single. I clearly remember how my dh (then bf) used to complain that I didn't spend enough time with him. Even when we got married, the situation remained the same. Evenings and weekends are for marking homework and preparing lessons.

Now, as a mum, our time is split between work and family. It's already quite impossible to balance this without a maid. With 2 kids and still teaching full time, I really think it's very very difficult. Almost all my colleagues with 2 kids and above have a maid and/or parents to help take care of their kids. Or else, it's a maid + childcare centre.

In this present days as a modern woman, we have to bring home the bread + take care of our family. It's a real difficult role to play. Sometimes, I feel that this is such a sad situation. Our mummies/grandmothers were good homemakers coz they concentrated on that one role only.

Btw, does anyone of you share the following experience as me? My dd has been waking up at night until now. Used to wake up for feeds (coz she's a small eater during the day). Then she woke up becoz she couldn't find her paci. For a very short period of time, she slept thru the night. But for the last 1 mth, she has been waking up every night between 2-3am and insists on sleeping with me. She'll keep crying and she doesn't want to sleep in her own cot (she has been sleeping in her own room since birth). I can't think of any reason to explain this except that it coincides with my taking of NPL. Could this be the reason? That she's very clingy to me coz she sees me more now? Or could it be that I shld upgrade her to a bed/ mattress on the floor instead of a cot?

Please advise. I'm losing a lot of sleep becoz of this.

hi trishbb and Mary,
so both of you are on NPL now?I just delivered my no.2 in Jan and have applied for NPL till end of the year.I went back to teaching when my no.1 was about 4 months old.Like what u said,without maid,nor help from parents is very tough.Not to mention with 2 kids,even those of my colleagues with 1 kid had maid and/or parents to help.

my no.1 is coming to 2 years old and no.2 2 months old.i had a nanny to take care of no.1 when i worked,no maid,no help fr anybody,take him back after work everyday.

mary,i had similar exoerience with woke up every 2-3 hours and cried for attention until did not sleep thru night till he was more than 1 even though he is 2,he still wakes up occasionally to look for me.until today,it remains a mystery to my hub and i why he woke up so often.Maybe for attachment,maybe scared...we just grit our teeth and go through that difficult phase.Was a zombie by the time i go to school every morning.

Mary,i actually co-sleep with my son.It sort of became a convenient thing after he always wakes up for me.The disadvantage is he needs me to be around.You may not be for the idea,but some of my friends use the cry-it-out method and it seemed to work for them.After ignoring them,the kids dont wake up at night.But it seems also that they are not so attached to their parents as a result.Maybe you can seek advice from the pediatrician.

Now that i have the second one,i decided to take npl hopefully for a number of years because i had to pay nanny a lot.I don't trust maids,but i am not comfortable to send children to childcare so early.I also wish to be there for them as they grow because this is a season in life and it will pass and never return.Our finances are tight with one less income but we feel nurturing the kids and them growing up feeling secure is important.My parents-in-law are complaining why i am not working but i suppose we cant please everybody.
Hi Mary,
my dd sleeps on a mattress on the floor next to my bed. She wakes up for milk in the night till she's about 2. Slept thru the night for the past few months, but after I gave birth to no2, she started waking up for milk or to sleep with me every few nights. guessed it's another passing phrase, dd just wants some reassurance that I'm still there for her.Maybe you can try putting your dd on a mattress on the floor? My dd prefers that to her cot and actually sleeps better.

Hi Tyan, I don't trust maids too and dh works long hrs, so it's really tiring to teach, do housework & take care of bb myself. Actually went back to tender my resignation after my no-pay maternity leave but P asks me to take NPL till end of yr instead. Now with two kids, really wonder how I can go back to work next yr!

My MIL also not very happy that I'm not working, weird cos she didn't work since the day she got married. Hubby is supportive cos he couldn't help out with housework or childcare, and he really hates waking up at 6+am to send bbs to my mum's place and me to school.:p
hi, tyan & trishbb,

weird, my mother in law also not happy that I am not working. In front of relatives, she made the remark loud and clear. I thought they should be supportive that we are taking good care of their grandchildren.
Hi Tyan, Trishbb & Pauline

I am slightly more fortunate in a way that my mum-in-law especially told us before we got married that she is not going to look after our children so when I took NPL, she cannot say much though she made some noise. She also kicked up a fussy in front of her sibling after we were married for 3 years and we were on family planning so did not want a child then by telling everyone I was selfish and I do not want to give birth and want to study more which I reacted back and told everyone off. After that she did not try to kick up a fuss in front of me but I do think she still do it to DH.

And now away from Singapore, we are also trying for #2.
Hi Pauline,
Felt that MIL not very happy cos the financial burden will be on her son. She also made the remark in front of relatives during CNY, and commented that I'm not working so taking care of two kids alone is no big deal!

Hi Priscilla,
Must really get some tips from u. Want to start cooking soon, but it's already not easy taking care of two kids plus housework. How did u manage to do so much?

Anyone know whether can tender resignation during NPL? Is it considered as one month notice? Don't think need to go back to work for one month right? :p
hi everyone!
I stumbled upon this thread. Can I join you all?

A little about myself. I am a teacher too. Took NPL to accompany hub to States in 2004. Gave birth to my girl in 2005 and have been on NPL till now. This is my second year of NPL. My bond is not finished yet. I wrote to MOE to ask for my outstanding bond period but they did not get back to me at all. Any advice on this?

Hmm, reason why I took leave is cuz i have zilch family support. My parents were unhappy that I took leave cuz that means they received less allowance from me, but they did not offer to help me at all. I have only myself to depend on. I do not have a domestic helper as I do not believe in having one.

It;s very tough at first since I am a first time mum but the days got better and now I am absolutely enjoying my life with my girl. My hub works extremely long hours so no support from him except financially. We are not well-to-do at all cuz only my hub is working. I never once regret taking leave although no work means no $$.
hi, glad to know got pple on bond also take least got some info from ur.
but if continue to take NPL, my bond will never end..i wish to end soon n one day leave service haha.
Hi ladies, I m also a current sch tr, still got 1y + more bond to fulfil. If I take 12 wk maternity leave, its not included in my bond right and I ve 2 pay bck 12 wks?

Mary, I do agree with u that even as a single, i dun even ve much time to myself and after marriage, there are tensions so feel quite tired and worn out.

I m intendin to conceive within this 1 - 2 mths, but sigh, the tot of my bond being extended makes me v sian!
hi trish,can i ask u how old your kids are?
how do u cope with no maid?
my kids are 2 years and 2 months respectively,the older one i still send to nanny until may when i will take him back full time.been worrying how i am going to manage with zero help.

i have also taken npl till year end,but don think i can work next year,kids are still so young!

welcome to u too,peewee!
Hi PeeWee,
Welcome! My hb works very long hours too. I've no support from him even when I'm teaching. My elder gal is already 30mths, but the no of diaper he change for her is less than 10, bathe her less than 5 times (with my help)! He can only play with the kids when they're happy. :>

Hi Tyan,
My kids are 3mths and 30mths. Actually I don't think I'm coping very well. There're times when I feel that I'm going crazy:p I seldom cook, will do housework when bb is sleeping, and when both take their afternoon nap, I'll try to have some time for myself :>
hi HY, tks so much for ur response! cross my fingers that urs is the gd news cos in the other thread, some mummy actually say that HQ says muz pay bck leh... do u ve any personal experience b4?

hi ladies, does any1 know where to get the cookie cutter in sg? if any 1 know or doing bulk order, pls count me in! think me v kiasu, though my kid not born yet, i already planning ahead!
