Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

tyan,me in jkt now. Prob staying here for a couple of years.
Like you, I havent seen snow at all!! Sob!

wow pris! you are an all rounder mum!!! yr kid si so fortunate! and yes, the snowman is as cute as yr son!! hee hee

tyan, yeah... bz with my sch's CCA fiesta... sch just started but my engine hasnt. sian lor... hey! today is 12th !!! how come u r still here !!??

pauline, i heard from my colleague who is planning to enrol his kid in ai tong that he is told to start volunteering 1.5 yr in advance. maybe you can check with the sch u are interested to enrol yr kid in. nowadays parents very cham, gotta do all these to guarantee our kid a place in a gd sch... think i will do the same in future... but i heard from my colleague that ai tong told him, even with volunteering, leaving close to sch proximity and joining hokkien clan will NOT guarantee a place lor... sad.
Edde....circumstances will make a person grow and take responsibilities. I have no choice as we are depending on dh's tutoring pay as we do not have the luxury but make the best out of what we are given. And being a teacher ourselves, we should make use of all the skills we have learned to impart knowledge to our own children all the more.

As a hand-on mum, I involves ds in everything - household chores (now he sweep or vacuum the floor, I mop/He helps me to throw clothing into washing machine when we go to laundry room to wash as the apartment here does not have a washing machine like the one we stayed in Japan or home. And I start the machine to wash.), he was able to help out from very young with lots of patience and training like wiping the floor when he spilt, bringing his plate,bowl or bottle to the sink after he finished eating and drinking, throw away wrapper from snack, sweets into rustbin, help to hang clothing by passing me one piece at a time and keeps all his toys after play etc That leaves me more time to homeschool him and to bring him out for more field trips.

Think with a clear mind of why we chose to stay home, we can steer clear of any obstacles ahead of us and achieve our goals with a little of planning and some sacrifices of our own time to help our own children to reach the maximum of their own potentials in all areas.

Now with him in preschool for peer interaction, group learning daily, I have 2 to 2.5 hours to myself which I used look for resources in the library and will start making more resources for homeschooling since I am doing it hand in hand to supplement what he is learning in preschool and also to help him master CL2 since eventually we will be home(back in Singapore).
Here's what we have for dinner on Thursday night as our Japanese nite...all these recipes can be found in my blog.



Grilled Teriyaki Chicken drumsticks


all these are served together with rice, miso soup and a simple salad.
edde and everyone...i am still here.only 8 days from due date but still here.Beginning to dread sms-es and phonecalls from concerned friends to ask:"Are you STILL around???"i even dreamt my water bag burst last night..My hub has a deavy schedule at work today and asked baby if he could arrive today..there is this sale i am thinking of going but don't dare to go..just keep doing housework to take my mind off worries..
Hi Tyan !! so u are on maternity leave now ?? so gd... i am longing for mine to start on 2 mar. am counting down everyday.... you take care of yrself yeah !!! and dun worry !! have fun with yr kid before the next one arrives!!

i am on mc today and also tmr... think my ms has returned, though not as bad as 1st trimester, now watever i ate i feel like throwing up..
hi edde,ya on maternity since the term started.Wanted to work till i deliver but was told that once i go back work in a year,even if it is for a day,i can be used as scapegoat to get D.Did not want to risk it.Have no energy to climb the stairs nor scold students also.haha
hi pris! yeah.. am doing that.... actually i do get hungry easily... but once i eat i feel queasy... so eat or dun eat its equally bad.... haha.. very cham.. gastric prob is the only thing that is haunting me thru out this preg..

hi lin! welcome !!! wat do u teach? pri or sec? so now u r enjoying the 2nd tri honeymoon !! enjoy while u can !!

tyan !! envious envious !!!! i still have to suffer for 2 mths... and the sch is making full use of me lor !!!!! making me i/c of some events before i go.. wei shen me ta men bu fang guo wo !!! yeah... i heard pple who take maternity or NPL will usually get a "D", so in a way, by giving me duties before i go, maybe they are helping me "zheng qu" some chances of performances to save me from the "D" lor.. haha... wishful thinking on my part ! :p btw, when exactly is yr EDD????
Actually who gets D depends very much on ROs and P. Not necessarily on maternity leave or NPL will get D, if your P recognises your hardwork before you go on leave.

I was initially quite scared too about ranking when I applied for NPL. Lucky thing my P is very reasonable. Even though I was on leave for 6 mths (3 months NPL, 3 mths maternity), she didn't give me a D.
bettybad, then siao liao lor... coz my P has this thing against pple getting married or having kids !! haha !!! though i have a very gd RO/HOD, ultimately the final decision is with P !!

actually in my previous sch, i have this colleague who only worked for a few wks before she went on NPL. but she was her HOD's pet, so in the end, the HOD fought a "B+" for her !!!! win liao lor ! toking abt transparency...
Edde....I did not get a D for your info, I took maternity leave ended since ds arrived 3 weeks earlier, I returned to teach for 3 weeks as my NPL only start in January the next year and I do not want to have my end-year holiday taken away.

I done lots of stuff when I was in School and went on course signed up by my stupid no married female VP and she got a told off by the instructor a male that she should not have insisted a female staff who is in the final stage of pregnancy to be there since he understood as his wife went through I was going through. After the course during sept holiday, I delivered on the monday school reopening haahaa.
i am also hesitant to go back to work, but at home coping with two kids is not easy feat. My elder is 25 months old and my second one is abt 2 months plus.
abc, I'm a 2005 mummy. My 1st son is 19mths old. The younger one is just 2+ weeks old.

Emma, tell me about it. I'm currently looking after both also. No need to diet. Can become skinny liao.
hi pris, i guess you din get a D becoz you have worked in term 1 & 2 and like you said, you did a lot of stuff... but for my case, i only stayed for 9 wks in term 1, and compared to many teachers, might not be doing "a lot of" things... haha... so..sigh....

wah Lin, pri sch not easy wor... think i will kill many chidren if i were to teach them !! haha... truthfully speaking i dun like kids, but many pple said we will treat our own differently... hopefully !! haha
Edde....probably as I have so much on my hand too. My class is always been observed by overseas visitors with one day notice and also involved with project with overseas school and it is not the best class. And also I was acting head for my HOD on maternity leave. So during her absence, I ran the whole department, discuss budget with her through video conferencing, attending all meeting in and outside school on her behalf. Trained children for competition and also create English Worksheets for the new syllabus for my whole level as a level head as well.

Primary school is not that bad if you know how to handle the children.
Here's my menu for yesterday to share with all. Recipes can be found in my blog.

Breakfast- Roast Beef Sandwich


Lunch - Macaroni Soup


Dinner - Fried Crispy Sesame Prawn, Vietnamese Rice Wrap Spring Roll, Herbal Chicken Soup, a Simple Fried Rice and A simple salad with homemade vinegarette.





Salad is rather easy so I did not take photos.
Think she was saying 8 days to edd. Maybe she has gone for delivery. is rather fun to cook and dress up dishes haahaa...
hi everyone...
i have delivered!Last wednesday midnight 0050am.Actually i went to my gynae for a regular check up on tuesday and i was joking with him whether i could go to the hospital already,and after he did a check,he said you can go now...i was like,"you joking back with me is it?"

Turned out i was already 4cm dilated and i din even know!He broke my water bag and i made my way to the hospital.Baby came slightly after midnight and i just reached home on Fri.

Betty,my 2 children's age very similar to yours.My no.1 is almost 20 months now and no.2 is 5 days old.")
Congrats Tyan!! Rest well. How did the 1st react to his little brother?
My elder one had a hard time adjusting and was sooo cranky at first. Now he's a little ok.

Emma, I have no helper and no need for NPL already as I'm actually an ex teacher. Resigned when I was pregnant with my 2nd one.
Will be MIA for sometime, very busy as Dh's counterparts from Japan are here, lots of entertaining as we are hosting them for dinners as well as going out with them during weekend.

Also Kai is in preschool cum we are also into full swing of our homeschooling. Will drop by when time permit now and then.
hi all, i have a qn...

i am due for connect payout in dec 2008. if i take NPL all the way from july 2007 to Dec 2008, will I still get a pro-rated connect payout?

and during my NPL, do we still got our pro-rated july and dec bonus for this yr (i worked from jan to early mar)?

hi edde,
i emailed MOE HR recently,i am due for connect this year.i asked if i could get connect if i took leave from mar to dec this year,they said no,only during the year i get back to work.So i presume you wont get your connect till you go back work that year.say only 2009 if you resume duties in 2009.

bonus wise i am not v sure..
hi all,
i will applying for NPL soon.One colleague asked why i don't stay until end of the year to get my connect pay out.Wanted to do that but realised how tough it is after second baby came.Its really tough coping with 2 with no help on top of working.

I suppose i can pay the nanny to take care of 2 while i work but i was thinking then i would be paying someone else to "suffer" my children's cranky times yes,and make life easier for myself but also paying someone else to raise my children and witness their milestones.I can choose not to care and let my nanny take care of them,but that would also mean letting my children grow attached to a stranger rather than their own mother.

I realise i cant wait albeit a few more months for the money because these few months is a long time for my children and i would have missed out so much.
Tyan, thx for the info.. sigh... then i wld have to say bye bye to my connect payout liao...

if i were u, i will do the same lor... another few mths of pay is not enuf to compensate what you miss out on yr children lor...
Hi all,

Does anyone know if the 12 weeks of maternity leave affect our July or Dec bonus? If we do not take any NPL, would our bonuses be pro-rated due to the 12 weeks of maternity leave?

Hi all,

Can i ask, if i take two weeks mc then go into maternity, i will still be entitled to 12 weeks maternity leave right?
Yes, it's still 12 weeks as your two weeks are covered with mc. Unless u take 2 weeks of pre maternity leave then your maternity leave will be left with 10 weeks.
hi all,

bettybad, but my AM told me if i take MC and followed by maternity leave immediately, my MC will be counted as pre maternity leave and counted into the maternity leave wor.... >.<'''

initially, i also intend to take 1.5 wk of mc before ML, then i dun have to go back to sch aft CNY hols... but seems like bo hua leh...
Oh issit? During my time which was 2 years ago, it wasn't counted. Maybe they have changed the policy. Destitonia, you better check with your AM.
actually i have heard diff versions also... so the best is to check with HP directly i guess...
hi all,

thanks for your input..will check with my am.. cos my gynae predicted i will deliver at 38 wks which is zun zun cny.. so if i dun deliver i thinking of getting mc to rest at home so that bb will come out faster.. hehe..heard people say too stress bb wont come out..and also bb really getting heavy liao..
hey destinonia, can share with me reply from yr AM aft u asked?? my EDD is also brought forward to my 39th wk i.e. 3 mar and my last day of sch before ML is 2 mar lor... dats why i am also considering taking mc before that to at least have a gd rest before the BIG DAY arrives !!
bettybad, oh you resigned. Same here. Why did u resign instead of taking npl?

tyan, congrats. I scrolled back and realised that you have already delivered. Post the photos here yah?

just went bavk to teach after 8 months of NPL and have problems adjusting. Can quit now?? haha.

so glad to see so many teachers. I really miss my children. Hate to think that while I am teaching someone's kids my kids are at home

Hi all

How's everyone? Just pop by to say hi and to share what Kai do during homeschooling for CNY and also for Valentine's Day for his preschool teachers and friends.

CNY - Kai made about 20 cards and wrote in them and we included a photo and send them back to relatives and friends in Singapore.





Here's some of his CNY cards

Here's what he made for Valentines' Day








We are using Festivals and Celebrations Theme at home for homeschooling and Kai reads books on festivals and watch educational programme on CNY and what he has done was his craftwork and baking sessions for homeschooling and his preschool is using Valentines and Festivals for the theme.
