Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

thanks pauline

oic ...betty ..the west.. I dunno the west at all.
I am a primary sch teacher teaching in the north. Currently on 3 month maternity leave, taking one month leave NPL. Are we allowed to take less than a month NPL?

I want to quit or take longer NPL but it will be rather taxing on financial side. I have 2 kids and they are still young, one abt one month and other one is 2 years old only.

Really hope to stay home and have income.
I guess the only way is to give tuition. TIming wise more flexible. I got a maid at home to look after my baby and I give tuition esp during weekends. No choice. Must have some $ to pay maid and to supp household.
hi babypooh,

if you go into part time teaching, u'll still be in the service, so everything will be pro-rated.

if you quit, everything's gone.
Yeah babypooh, once you quit, you don't get anything. I only got my first payout from my CONNECT plan. After that, it's byebye.
where got heartache? Actually, tuition can earn quite a bit leh. Tuition gives u freedom. Allows u to spend time with your child. So no bonus also nevermind...spending time w your child already a bonus
oh i got it last yr, thats abt 4.5 yrs in svc. I think we can check the connect plan website rite?

Mikel u quit after 5 yrs?
In that case, I should go back and work for another 1 to 2 yrs, get my connect plan and then 'ciao'. (evil horns coming out, heehee).

During termtime, tuition can earn quite a bit. This is what I notice then during holidays very dry. Definitely can spend more time with my kids. No need to rush for lessons, report books, admin stuff and last but not least workplan. After I finish my second round of half yr NPL, if tuition stabalized will really consider quiting too.
Quit after 5 and half years ...

You should as it's a waste not to collect the money! Many pple do that
If you are a teacher, you'll definitely have no problems getting students
Can charge more too!!!
As a teacher, the tuition pay is quite high. And if you are good, the students' parents will recommend more students.
Pauline, yes, go get your CONNECT plan first. Then can think of quitting. No one's giving us that amt of $$ so easily. But then if you are on NPL for that particular year, the amount credited for that year will be pro-rated

Should have stayed on till end of this year, then could have gotten my 2.2. Hehe.
hi all, i am a current teacher, baby due in mar so wld be taking at least 1.5yr NPL aft maternity leave so that baby is 18mth to go child care. so i am expecting myself to go back to sch in jan 2009 (if i were to go back to teaching

speaking of connect plan, my 2nd payout is due in 2008. however, since i will be on leave the whole of next yr, wld i still get my payout in 2008 (prorated) or wld the payout be delayed till a later date??

also, how much is the current mkt rate for ex-teacher doing tuition?

thanks in advance for yr advice!
edde, wow 18 mths npl...excellent!

I dunno abt mkt rate. You can charge abt $45 per hour? I am not very sure. The last I heard is this
Wow, you are brave. Take 18month one shot. I don't dare, half a yr each time. As for market rat is around $30 to $40 per hour. This is what the tuition agency offers so far. If not you put flyers around yr area, sometimes response can be quite surprising. Then can charge cheaper if students come to yr place. Save a lot of time. will be delayed to the year you go back to work, if they did not change the policy yet.

I also have my payout deferred as I was on leave. So far, on leave for 3 years already. No regret so far, a joy to see all my ds's milestones etc.
hi guys, thx for yr advice!

priscilla, thats exactly why i wanted to take leave, i wanna see my child grows up.... i think this is def more rewarding that anything else.. how i envy u...
i think the payout is just a bonus, though i think i well-deserved it !! ha ha.... in any case, our children are still the most impt
but sad to hear that it wld be delayed due to leave

Pauline, in fact i hvnt applied yet... ha ha...i also dunno if i should take 18mth in 1 shot, think my P will blow her top coz she is not someone pro-family. On the contrary, she is kinda biased towards staff who are getting married or giving birth. I just saw her true colours when I applied for my maternity, suddenly change to a diff person. scary. but whatever it is, she has no right not to approve my leave rite! :p

missk & pauline, the rate seems lower than wat it should be at $70-80 hor.. i used to charge $70/hr and the ACSI sec 1 kid came to my house, but aft a few mths, the mother said he is taking up CLB (yeah, i teach CL), so dun need tuition anymore... dunno true or not... ha ha... maybe she finds me too ex!!!
edde....the most they allow is 1 yr at ago. I applied every year.

When I was in Singapore, at least $50per hour. But I dun think the rate are not very good now, know of friends who got about $25 to $40 through agent. And all my students are recommended from students' parents. I also teach through the holiday unless I go for holidays, in fact, some parents requested for more sessions during holidays.
edde, which area do u teach in? Wah fren's mum earns tons of money giving CL tuition. She has children coming to her place. She doesnt go to other pple's house. I hear she earns abt 5K every month. She's also looking after two grandchildren at teh same time!

Pris, $25 per hour? That's really really pathetic.

I think must build a reputation first. If you can churn results, students will come knocking at your door!
missk, yes. In fact, some of my tuition kids are waiting for me to return and have been in contact with them and their parents.

I never go through agent, it is always recommendation from people. And they come to my place, save me the trouble of going out.

Anyway, am taking a break from tuition and enjoy more bonding with my boy. Taught tuition for a while in Vancouver, prices there are worst than Singapore, paying only C$10 to 15 per hour. I did it for a neighbour's child as the mum kept asking me. After a month, I gave up as the child was not interested to learn and would not even do 2 digits calculation for addition and subtraction. Children in most of the govt. elementary school are not given homework and tests, and they tend to be running alot around the neighbourhood instead of revising their work. And those in the private school are the ones that are doing very well and top the cohort to go to the universities.

This is what I learnt from another friend who is overseas and her child is in a International School and there was a guideline to parents that parents should not teach or revise with the child more than an hour per week. We have a good laugh over it when we were chatting on skype with each other.
I do agree with Missek. Got to build up reputation then students will come knocking at your door. So starting is the most difficult. Perhaps got to have a few students from agency, then from there take off again. And somehow, Chinese tuition seems better business than English and maths. I also have a few chinese ex-teachers earning bog bucks. I guess because fewer chinese teachers around, this is why the business is booming. Even for myself, my son Chinese sounds like 'ang moh'. haha
hello chers!

I like the Singapore education system. I think it's evolving and it's just getting better. Schools are equipped with better facilities. MOE now focuses on teacher development, encouraging teachers to do masters.

But many parents complain abt the system, saying that it stresses the students. Well, I beg to differ. I think it's a really good training grounds for them. The real world is very stressful. It's good that they are exposed to competition from young.

It all depends on how parents manage the stress level. Is the stress coming from the school, the child or the parents? Yes, children should enjoy their childhood. That I also believe. I hope to give my own son an all-rounded education - music, physical activities, mental stimulation and moral development.

And of cos, if I can help it, I would like him to be educated in Singapore for his pri and sec education then prob overseas for exposure.
I agreed with missk. We will return for my boy's Primary to Secondary education and it will give them a cutting edge when they leave for overseas studies. Personally, dh and I gone overseas for our studies and we were thankful for our education back home that we are able to survive and do well even in a foreignland.

I am homeschooling my boy now and in January, he will be attending MMI preschool in Vancouver daily for 2 hours for peer interaction and socialising and will still homeschool him. So far, it has been very rewarding watching him grow and teaching him. Have not plan to send him for enrichment class like creative writing, tuition etc but will send him for music lessons, he has started running at the track daily with us and after winter, he will be going for swimming lessons. I also using a right brain stimulation program with him as well as doing Logic Learning System(I enjoyed this every much).

Personally, I think it is important that he also helps out at home, so from young he is being taught to help out in the house. And also a skill he needs when he goes overseas to study in future.

Help to Vacuum floor


Help to bake cookie

Help to chop garlic

Doing his art work

Gift to his daddy on fathers' day

Just my sharing.
prisc, I love the way u educate your son! It's exactly what I would love to do! Hey, we havent started our discussion on homeschooling. Never see u online at all!

Yes I strongly believe that our education system will give us a cutting edge.

Prisc, will u be back in sg when ur son is in p1? I am still in a dilemma cos there is no one to look after him.
missk...I do not have anyone to look after my ds too and I am now trying for #2 as ds is so eager to have a sibling. I am on my own most of the time except in Singapore, I will drop by my mum's or my in-laws' place for them to play with the little one while I take a little break.

No sure whether we will be back when he is starting P1 or a year or two later. Dh and I agreed that if away, the children will go to private schools and homeschooling will continue.
hi priscilla, thx for the info! just hope my P wont flip from her chair upon seeing my leave application! oh yes, yr boy is so handsome !! and i agree with missk, i like the way u teach him, involve him in everyday chore.. let the kids learn thru everyday living!

hi missk, i am at punggol... am also considering giving tuition at my own place rather than travelling coz i wld still need to look aft the kid then.. no intention to get a maid. but 5k is a lot!!!!! if only i can earn so much thru tuition i wld have quit from MOE long ago!! ha ha!!! but to hit 5k i believe yr fren's mum takes in A LOT OF students huh!!
edde...I agreed to hit 5K must have lots of students and probably have a helper at home.

He also need to read and write but education is in all areas. So apart of it is household chores that he learns from young. We have a schedule that we follow.
hi ladies,

Just received from MOE stating that I will be receiving my connect plan pro-rated next month. What a surprise! So I guess it is around 4.5 yrs for the connect plan payout. So it means I can quit if I want. Heehee!
Pauline....that is provided you do not quit before that or go on leave. I go that for 2nd payout but when on leave and they delay payment.
hey mummies ....merry xmas

prisc, yah son will also go to pte schools here. It's exorbitant. Abt US4K per year. Imagine paying that for 10 years. Faint! Also, the quality of the teachers arent that fantastic. So we are considering sending him to school here till he's abt 13 yrs old then send him to a boarding school in SG.

Hmm,,my fren's mum seems very free leh. She was a Chinese HOD. And I heard from my fren that people go knocking on the door for her. She gives group tuition.

edde, what subject do u teach?

Pauline, congratS! Wow ...connect plan payout! Excellent. will taking about private school overseas so I was asking where are you stationed now. So sorry, must be typing to fast.

If you all don't see me around, I am busy packing and clearing the place as we are vacanting the apartment and going off to Osaka before we fly back to Vancouver so will have no more internet connection. See all again when I am back in Vancouver.
hi mommies!Just chanced upon this thread...Its great to meet you all,mind if i join?

missk,remember me?I am tyan from "SAHM,how it feels like?" thread...din know you are teacher also.

I teach chinese,now already on pre-maternity leave to wait for no.2 's arrival.Now 38 weeks already/Intend to take npl to take care of kids,not sure how long,prob as long as i can take.Read somewhere 3 years consecutive is max.

Sandra,i took maternity nearer EDD.I did not take earlier cos i was not sure whether i wanted to work till i deliver or work till few weeks before to rest.So i think there is no hurry to take leave till near EDD.

i am also thinking of giving tuition when i am more or less settled with 2 so i can help defray some costs.But i am actually quite apprehensive abt it cos now that the exam format has changed and that it is not such an important subj now,i thoguht its harder to get tuition?

Pauline,you mean MOE still gave u the CONNECT even though u were on leave?
Hi tyan,

This is what is stated in the letter.(cross my fingers). Then at least this amount will help during my dry months.
