Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?

Fiona: My last sch and present sch are both good schs.

BBLoveMe: No, I'm a direct staff. Quit MOE the moment I finished my PGDE.
It's been 7+ yrs already.
Kris, which good schools are these? Can PM me to tell me? cuz I'm also considering applying to join an independent school and quit from MOE. =P

BBLoveMe, nice to see you in this thread! hehe.
meixue: i am the founder of this thread. hehe....

Kris: Then can still take part in opening posting? Cannot go other neighbourhood sch right?
BBLoveMe: open posting includes all independant schools as well mah.
Anyway direct staff enjoys all the same benefits as MOE staff. The only thing we dun get is the chalet booking privileges.
You are seconded to HQ or you ask for a transfer to HQ? how do you know whether there are suitable postings for you? Actullay, I still have a year of bond to complete so can I service my bond while in HQ?
kris:is it? We dun hv CSC card leh. Singtel, starhub n M1 has corporate plans for MOE staff but how do we share we can hv such priilege too?

Oso can we join the civil service club since we no longer civil servants?
BBLoveMe: Find out if your sch has subscribed to these phone line providers for their corporate plans. I know my sch has. As for Civil Service Club I suppose have to give that up as well lah.
Many IS now are trying to tailor their benefit plans such that it is at least comparable to MOE's package, so it makes sense to go your accounts office and ask the Bursar for such info.
Hosanna, I think you can find out from APEX what vacancies are available in HQ. Actually quite difficult to find out if the post is suitable or not until you actually go into the division/school. For example, all the post indicates is 'Officer, Curriculum Planning XXX branch'. One would not know the exact job scope/projects until you're there. For me, I didnt know what my job scope entailed until i got posted here and i really dislike the job scope. Btw, there is no need to be seconded to HQ. HQ and schools are all part of MOE. I was given a posting there as part of a career track.
Mummies, how do we apply for Open Posting? i logged into the PM2S, all i see is a list of vacancies, but how to actually submit an application?
What do you mean by 'you were given a posting there as part of a career track'? Which track did you choose? You mean out of the blue, they offer you that position? How long have you been teaching before you went to HQ?

I went to Apex to see and the application process is only between May and June. So guess have to try it next year when my bond is finished... there's this document in the MOE INtranet > Posting which gives you a step-by-step intruction to apply for open posting...

Can I know what was your job scope then in HQ? If not convenient to put up here, can pm me?
hello! wondering if this thread wld still be active! am teaching in a sec sch now... 7wk preg EDD March 07.. any teacher here newly preg too?

What do you want to find out from SEAB? They are mostly super administrators... (at least my friend is)thinking of joining them?
hi gabby's mum:
i applied for a position there... till now, didnt hear anything from them...
want to know how the working environment is like there.. normal stuff... increment ... hahah..
apparently, the opening was available on the intranet and several weeks ago, they advertised on straits times... so wondering is it because no candidates applied via intranet? or they too picky and choosy...?
Hi Hi,

I've been thinking to apply for administrative post with MOE/school leh, anyone knows howz the work like there?
They have a lot of work to do... answering calls from schools, parents... it depends on where you are... think my friend is in the branch that looks into the carrying out of national exams...

Think they look for people who are good administrators/ prefers paper work. Think they want non-teachers too...

You mean you want to be a school administrators? You kind of do a lot... finance, administration, handle pupil funds, the general of office staff and etc... can work long hours too...
gabby's mum:
i see. i have an interview with them... coming up soon.. wonder how it will go.
hi teacher mummies,

wat u tink of GROW package? at first i tot d part-time teaching scheme would help me. dont mind d pay cut. but after finding out in detail abt it.... mite as well stick to full time teaching. not worth it at all. haiz!! back to square one.

anyone knows when the closed posting results will be out? I am on no pay now so am waiting for the result but no news yet.... help!!! Thanks
I'm new to this posting
My posting results are out. The new school principal called me yet. I am very disappointed with the result.
cannot sleep the whole night). Really need advice from you guys.
I am currently on NPL, should be going back to teach in Jan. I requested a school during the annual posting exercise and my choice school P also wrote for me but in the end I did not get it. Because the other school which is nearer to my house really needs teachers. I heard from my choice P, that school needs 9 teachers, that is why I could not get posted. But it really sounds terrible, so many asking to quit and transfer.
So now i am thinking of extendg my NPL. Is it possible? My leave is till 17Nov, is it too late to extend now and how to do that? Then somemore, I very stupid told that posted school, I am not extendg my leave and even met up with her. That school got very horrible stories. It seemed that I moved house to get out of a horrible school and now going into another horrible school. very sad!!!

If i go that posted school, it will be another long 3 yrs and if want to transfer also cannot becasue so near my new house.
HOw???any advice? my choice P suggested me extending my NPL, then term one, she will ask for me again but what if, MOE send me back to that horrible school again. My husband keep telling me he is very stress with $$$$. Me now very stress too!
So sorry! think my posting abit out here but is there any teacher mummies here giving part time tution? Looking for one for my son (P2 next year). Pls PM me. Thanks in advance.
Hi Pauline
Your choice P is right... You may need to extend your NPL for at least another 6 months before the school will/can transfer your name out of the school.

A friend of mine called HR all the time and harass them none stop till they posted her to the school she wants after her NPL!
hi gabby's mum,
after serious consideration, I decided to extend my NPL for another 6 months. I made sure it is really after 6 months, to make sure it is pure vacancy. This is to give myself another chance. Hopefully, I will noe get it. If after 6 months, I am still posted there after my NPL, then I guess it is fate liao.
Can I know who did your friend called in HR dept? Is it the person who signed my extended childcare leave form? The HR dept like all sleeping, nobody answered call. So frustrating calling them.
Do you know when must I start writing in to let them know about my decision to work again in my choice school? Who should I attention it to? so sorry so many questions.Thanks in advance!
Hi Pauline

She became the 'best' friend of the HR officer in charge of her zone. You need to call the person in charge of your zone. Harass her if need be. They need that extra push!!!

You need to get your choice school to write in to HR to get you.
Hi Pauline and gabby's mum,

I'm also on no-pay leave currently. Just to check, while on no-pay leave, can we still apply for closed or even open posting?
If I am not wrong, when you are on NPL, they will take away yr password. Anyway, for my case, i actually applied for closed posting stating my choice of school. They when I told them I did state my preferred school, placement unit simply say they did what I stated, posted to the zone which I requested. They did not even look at the request.
Then after talking to one of the nicer officer, they say there is another type of posting, known as No Pay Leave posting. And I should have apply for that instead. So confusing.

For extension, go back to old P.
I was a former teacher. Tendered my resignation this year. Tried to apply for part-time teaching before resigning but my P said she won't accede to my request.

Augustmum, to extend your NPL, you have to go back to your P.
Just remember that when you're on a long NPL, you won't be getting your CSC benefits.
How long did you take to decide to resign? Just curious, are you a primary or sec school tr. I am also considering. It seems that I can spend more time with my kids.
hi mommies
I delivered my gal on 11 Nov and I am a primary sch teacher, will be taking one month NPL only.

I also wish to resign or take longer leave but not sure is it worth it with no pay.
Pauline, about half a year. My son was 6 mths old at that time and was not close to me. I thought by asking for part time, I could spend more time with him but since my P already said No and HR kept saying they cldn't help me if my P doesn't allow, I thought resignation was the best option. From March to May, I took NPL and tendered in June.

I was a primary sch teacher. After resigning, I spent lotsa time with my son and now at nearly 18mths he could finally talk a little. He's very close to me and nothing can beat that feeling. I applied for relief teaching so I do take on relief assignments once in a while.
hi bettybad,
luckily you did not take up parttime teaching, becasue I told it is not worth it. The school will still ask you to do alot of things.

Yes, i know what you mean. Last time, my son used to be look after by babysitter, also not close to me. So when i have my second one, i decided to take NPL and now both of them stick to me like glue. haha! Nothin can beat that feeling.

Just kaypoh, how much do they pay you for relief teaching? around how much? Thought is not a bad idea. So much flexibility. Never cross my mind to take up relief teaching until you mentioned.
Part time is really not worth it? Lucky me. Heh. Another reason why I quit is also because I'm having a 2nd one. Due soon. HR did ask me to reconsider NPL but then during NPL you cannot do any part time or relief. Sometimes you do need to go out and have a breather right.

I'm a non-grad so it's $95 per day. $5 less than retired teachers. Should be more for grad teachers.

Yes, for part time, My friend was in it. Initially, discuss the workload with P and as time passes, they ask you do this and do that, which you find difficulty in rejecting.

After you mentioned about relief teaching, i called my school to ask the rates. They say the teachers are categarize according to the no. of yrs of service in school. I am also a non-grad. She told is I maybe getting only $85 because I work for 4 yrs. How many yrs are you with MOE? They say if 5yrs to 10yrs will get abt $105.
How can I find out the rate I will be getting?

I will discuss with my husband. Relief sounds like a good thing too. Less stress, no CCA and don't need to rush for report books, no PSLE. Will seriously consider.

Augustmum, why must we pay back one month? For what reasons?
augustmum, yeah must pay back. So after hols till July 31st I was still working.

Pauline, thanks for the info. Doesn't seem worth it if we still have to do so many stuff at a lower pay.

I was with MOE for 6 years. 10 years can get $105? The retired relief teachers I know so far are all getting only $100 a day. I am not so sure how they calculate. So far, I've taught relief in 2 schools and both paid me the same rate.

Pauline, everytime you take NPL, you must pay back before you can decide what else to do ie. resign. Something like being bonded lah.

The good thing about relief teaching is that no one can demand anything from you. And you get to go home on the dot. I definitely enjoy my classroom teaching more without having to think of anything else.
Me also a teacher and reading through the post. Indeed teaching sucks now as compared to before. The most sickening thing abt teaching is the endless lesson plans we hv to write and of cos not forgetting the checking books.
hi hi,
Is this thread only for moe teachers or pre-school teachers can also join?

I used to be a preschool teacher and then a principal for abt 7 years, now not working since i got preggie....but i really miss working
You're most welcome. I resigned to take care of my son and myself since I'm pregnant with no 2. Wanted to take part time but my P refused to accede to my request. Right now, enjoying my time at home. So far did relief teaching twice, once for 4 days and the other for a month.
