Any Mummy Who's Also a Teacher?


u gonna take NPL to take care of your bb? for how long? I took for 2.5 years to go abroad with my hub. Connect plan juz got started then and the amt i hv now is pathetic! I dunno how things will be like after birth. Was so desperate looking for babysitter as the initial babysitter my mom had in mind cldnt make it. Was telling my hub dat if no choice then put infant care but my mom was very much agaist it. Luckily, managed to get my aunt to look after. Phew! It was a real headache.

hi Y,

yup. i intend to take NPL for at least half a year. it'll be my second payout. that's about $7K+, i think.

anyway, i may go back in 2008. i may consider the contract adjunct position or something. i am not too certain what my plans from 2008 onwards.
hi teachers / mummies:

we have 3 weeks more before the maddness starts again...

any of you planning to quit to go to private schools? by private, i mean, indept ones like chinese high, acsi and so on.

any of you know of people there? how is it like? i am toying with the idea... my initial plans were to get pregnant by this dec, give birth next sept so that i can take 5 months off (3 months of maternity leave and come back for 2 weeks of nov, but will at least have the rest of nov and dec off) then i will leave for indept. schools.

but now,... i think better not have 2nd one... afraid that i cannot cope.
Hi, colleagues,

I have been on no pay leave since Jan05. My son is coming 2 years next year. Will be getting back to work this January but havent receive my posting yet.

Any idea if we would be posted back to same school after a year of NPL?
i have a friend who went on npl and after a year, she was posted to a school near her home. however, a colleague of mine... she also took npl but she is not going anywhere; staying put in my school.
it really depends on the subj you teach too. if your colleagues in your department managed to get their transfer / resignation / etc, your chances will be hurt so to speak.

for my colleague who didnt get posted to anotehr school, she teaches CPA, but anotehr colleague who teaches this subj resigned.
yup, 3 more weeks left! how fast shiok to stay at home and enjoy the break. dont hv to think abt the piles of books and assignment waiting for us to mark!


After my 2.5 years of NPL, i was posted to another school. Unless u make a request and the school has vacancy (both u and the school have to write in), I dont think MOE will post u back. I tried so hard but unsuccessful. anyway, mine is a primary school.
krazy: I've been teaching at an Independent School (IS) for the past 7 yrs.
And erm, well, it's actually v hectic in such schools and competition among teachers can be quite stiff. What I mean is that it becomes important to let the management know that you are capable and worth their keeping. So you've gotta 'show your stuff' once in while, like offering special courses for the pupils, sharing teaching techniques (IT etc) with your dept, and of cos your SOW must be really 'happening' one. The 1st thing that struck me 7 yrs ago when I first entered the school was that it wasn't enuf for me to just be outstanding. It was in fact a minimal requirement that I am outstanding to be able to stay in an IS to teach.

Oh, and I believe most IS dun use textbooks for some subjects and so the teachers have to craft the SOW from scratch and find all teaching resources on their own. That's what I do every single yr... and I hate and love it at the same time. Cos it's v v time consuming and tedious, and every yr the SOW has to be different... but you are not bound by a textbook and do many higher-order stuff and current issues with the kids.

The plus however is that there are little or even zero disciplinary problems to handle. Most of the disciplinary probs are minor. You can concentrate fully on the curriculum and your mind will certainly be challenged as the kids are v bright. Some may be even smart-alecky and downright rude. And er, the better the IS you go to, you can expect it to be tougher to value-add to the already v smart kids, and they may also tend to show less appreciation to their teachers cos they have been conditioned to think that they are v capable to begin with (which actually is true lah).

All this said, I still prefer to teach in an IS.
Arielene: No lah, if it's really so scary I wouldn't have stayed 7 yrs rite?
My IS is at Bukit Timah. Anyway when my maternity leave ends on 11 Jan I'll be making a move to another IS in the same area.

But seriously, any teacher who wants to go to an IS must be prepared to work hard.
thanks for the info.

yeah... i mean, its hard work regardless of which sch we go to or are in. in IS, its the brain power, but in neighbourhood schs, its enduring ... hahah.

can i ask what sch will you be joining?
Kris n Krazy, i going to an IS in bukit timah too. PM me where u going leh.. mabe colleagues? haha...

err whether or u go IS oso hv to work hard mah...
Hi Mummies

I am a mother of a 13 month old boy and expecting in May 2006.

Currently teaching in a sec on half load!!! Yes, it means half pay but a lot of work! However I am enjoying it as I have a good working environment. My HOD is nice. My P is also very nice. Will take no pay after no 2 comes along.
Nice to meet all of you...

The only horrible thing is despite the fact that I am going on ML next year, for the first half of the year, I am taking graduating as the school lacks experienced teachers teaching Humanities. SIGH!!! Dont know if I will be able to pull it off...

Hi Ruffy and kk... nice to meet you here...
Hi Krazy/Y,

Thanx 4 the reply. Actually, I was hoping to be posted out to a school nearer my home.

Anyway, called my former school to check and was told my name is not in the school and should be receiving my new posting. But till now, ???.

So me hanging in the air lor. Sigh! New term is starting and I am still school-less!

Can call HR and harass them. Find out the person in-charge of your area and they can find out for you. My friend did that... Just tell them that you need to prepare and etc....

Haha... that is why I am reluctant to move from my school which is in the west despite staying in the east. Sometimes it helps to have wondeful boss. But my P is due to be rotated. So just keeping my fingers crossed.
was wondering would it be demanding or offensive to ask the other side of sch to give me a seat first? i nd to clear my things from previous sch but tot easier if i transfer from one sch to another direct than to bring from one sch then home then to the other sch again
Hi, Gabby,

Tanx! Called HR liao. Confirmed I am not transferred out. Looks like I am destined to go through thick and thin with my P ... ...
Oh u hving problem with yr P? School starting real soon.. must enjoy the last week k.. cos most ppl will hv to go back after christmas right? hehe
Hi Gabby's mum,
so ur #2 is a boy or girl?
Transfer should get the memo by Nov if you get your school of your choice.
Hi Ruffy,

My no 2 is a girl! So happy and excited!! Hope that she is not spoilt as she is going to be the only girl in the family of numerous boys!!! But I personally prefer girls!

Am dreading next week as school will start soon!!!
gabby's mum:
u living in the east and going to a sch in the west? me in the same situation. i live in simei and my sch is in b.batok.

yeah... one more week and all the maddness start.

i have to go back on 23 for the sec 1 posting and 30 for meeting.
Krazy: bukit batok? U teach in bukit batok sec?

Yea man.. me typing this in school.. doing packing to get ready for transfer.. tell myself must get myself to the mood to work already.. but i will be missing my darling so much... hehee.. Duno abt the deployment yet.. got to wait till next week...
How do u manage to get to sch on time? It must have been very tiring for u. Same here i'm gg back tmr for sec 1 reg and 30th for meeting.
no.. i dont teach in bukit batok sec but its within the vicinity. (Cannot disclose too much... hehe... least cannot bitch" hahah)

this is the first time that my desk is not totally cleaned out.. by that i mean, proper filing of all my docs and such. a far cry from how things were in the past.

before we got a car, i used to wake up at 4 am daily to get to sch by 645am. it was still alright. but i guess, age has caught up ... and besides, with baby... if no car, i think ... no need to sleep already.
now, at least i wake up at 545am. still not too bad.

the going back part is the tedious thing. the journey... more than 1 hr, plus waiting and walking.... 1h30min. lots of time wasted.
Guess wat again? Juz when I am so prepared 2 go back to my old sch, I received HR letter last wk, informing me I have been posted out! Can't decide whether gd news or bad news... Havent even called my new P yet to report! Wat if mting is tmr??? Sigh, after a yr of NPL, tink I've got jitters whenever I tink of having to get back to wk ... Only 8 more daz to enjoy ... ...
haha 8 days? i thiink less than that bah.. cos this week most sch start assigning their duties as well as staff mtg. I am reporting tml for new teachers induction..Time to work..sigh
Hi all,

Back at work... Have to survive 2 days of non stop meetings and training on Thursday and Friday! Anyway, all the best for the new year.
dear all, jus got my duties for next yr. Will be teaching 2 sec 1 LSS n 4 sec 3 class. Hmm...tml will be my only free day to do packing.. mtgs on thurs n fri..
Hi all

Back to school!!! Here's wishing all a wonderful year and that the students will be good!!!
Hi all...i'm also a teacher...been in the profession for coming 8 a mum of 2...a 3 year old boy and a 1 month old boy...
Will be going back to school in March...
Hi everyone,
Me a teacher too.
Saw that Krazy and gabby's mum are "easterners" and teaching on the other side of singapore? Me too. I stay in marine parade area but teach in the northern central part of singapore.
This year my 10th year in the profession!!!
Have a bb gal. 7th months.
Ask you all, how you find the school's support when you continue to BF after coming back to work?
My school has a real small area for us to express however, 3 guys sit near the area!!! So can you imagine how embarassed I was one day after expressing, i walked out of the cubby hole with milk and one of the guys says, hi cow!!! stupid idiot!!! To think that he is an educator!

Some schools have beautiful lounge for bf mothers not mine. So my school gives minimal support.
Hi fellow teachers,
Am currently on ML and mom to 2 boys (older DS is 2 and younger one is almost a month old)
Am teaching in an IS and hope to meet frenz through this thread too
Hi Kris
My boys are about your girls' ages
My older boy is 28 months and younger one will be one month old on Monday

Are you in an IS at the Bt Timah area?
Hi ladies,
I'm a teacher too, a kindergarten teacher to be exact. Just handed in my resignation letter last week. Been very tiring for me cos i'm taking the 2 year olds this year. I carried them, bent down most of the time to help them. So decided to just resign and prepare for motherhood. It's weird cos even when you're working in a children-related institution, i still have the feeling that my principal is not so supportive of my pregnancy.

I guess it's a waste that i can't enjoy the 3 months maternity benefits if i were to keep on working till i give birth. But i do feel that it's also a waste of time working in a place where even the kindy principal doesn't support my pregnancy. It's supposed to be a happy period for me, but been feeling quite stressed and tired from work. What do you girls think?
Dear all.. it has been a long time since we corresponds. How hv u been? Been working till 6.30pm almost everyday.. sigh...

Keep the thread going...
Andrea: Sorry, now then I see your post.
Are u still on ML? yup, I'm in IS in Bt Timah.
May wanna move in abt 2 yrs time...
ask u all a qn: since gov recommend that companies give their employees 1 more day to their annual leave in lieu of voting day, then we how ah???
think only applicable to those 5 and half day week or 6 day week company. We? well nothing lor. Mabe no CCA on that sat lor...
