Any mummies feed their baby on expressed breast milk only?

did not buy the CD in the end, bo lui oredi uh.. ask u hor, is the BJG sign up confirmed liao? start when? pay when? can't wait...

jas- am thinking of the same too... hope it's good enuf.. how about the others? what do you all do?

crystalmum - just came back from robinsons - couldn't buy anything cos the queue was so ridiculously long. sian to shop like this.
just asked my hb to try feeding the bb - v jia lat. scream and yell. i really don't want a situation whereby only the maid can feed her and nobody else.. I don't dare to try to feed her cos she will root for my breasts. what are your experiences?
jas - u finally appear u and shauna recovered? wat is bb supplies website hah? they got retail shop or not? maybe 2molo go down UE to check out bumwear..

acutally haven tot of wat to name to second one..dont know will have or leh? tink of the name of the next one liao?

the bjg shd be confirm cos min 4 4 babies in the class liao..starting 7 Jan, sat, 4pm..serrich have mention abt payment yet oso cant wait! can see wesbb boi and shauna leh..huh..who shd i bao bao first leh??

me bgt another kammi jz now at robinsons leh..i jz happen to see it..bgt the blue color one..or izit green? alamak..dont know wat color..

tuffy - me oso came back 6plus..the queue is crazy hubby queue for more than 1hr!!!

love - i saw someone i tot like like Nat leh..then i went to ask the mummy if she is nat..the mummy said u hor? so paiseh..hehe..then i tink tink tink..the gal look older...your nat how many mths liao hah?
crystalmum - me and kammi got no yuan. I couldn't find it at centrepoint yet again... where did you find it? your hb v patient hoh. My hb was counting his lucky stars that he wasn't asked to join me.
tuffy - aiya..u din ask the sales manager? saw one there leh..i found it at one of the shelves near the area where they put the a few shelves away from the entrance..cant remember with what other items on the shelves..maybe u wanna buy online?
ya one lady came to me.....I heard her calling me Adeline....then I think after that....might be calling my ger so blur.....u got very good memory har....can remember all the Nat is 5 mths old now......she look older??

yup yup thats my ger Natalynn.....hahaha.....u went wif ur crystal??

Didnt managed to buy fact didnt even went in cos too crowded....I think I will go tom on my own.....
I saw the Kammi....actually wanna buy but the q is crazy.....didnt buy in the end.....isit really useful?still considering whether to buy or not cos my Nat is drooling like mad.......btw raffles place robinson got sell or not??
crystal was crying and crying jz now..jz wont not go to sleep..maid was saying she did not poo 2 times today..usually she does..she did only once in the morning..true enuff..after much crying..she finally poo and went to sleep..poor gal..tink i did not give her any fruits to eat! can give papaya or not hah? i know banana cannot..

u r sorry abt just now......I so ger name also hear shocked someone called me.........I tot u calling me Adeline....hahaha...
harlow mummies
looks like many mummies went shopping hor...
ELC having discount leh...up to 50%...i bought 3 items...2 for angel and 1 for my godson.
i was also in town but not the centrepoint side leh... was at the Tangs side of town.

your hubby queued for 1 hr!!!! some patience he has there man... hope the kammi was not the only thing you bought!

you where got want to close shop still puping 700 ml wat...that is actually quite a bit of milk to pump out...
talking about pumping and cutting down... me today pump at 6 30 then pump again at 1215pm...then have to tahan til next moring! dunno whether will get clogged ducts or not... will report tomorrow morning... but i hope will have lotsa milk... this morning i hit target of 420ml!
you quite amazing hor...can recognise the babies on the streets!
you can give crystal some prune juice ( i hear 1 tablespoon enough)... for me, i give the dried prunes...i blend it together with angel's food.
love - aiya..u lah..see i cannot bao bao nat was a bit paiseh when u said no is not nat..hehe..tot she look older than my crystal..u shd see my gal..crystal was in the pram beside me when i asked u lor..

i saw u looking at the kammi oso after i took leh..i was tinking u could be one of the forum mummies..left 3 cos i took one..hehe..tink 2 pink and 1 green (so is green hah) left..i got the green one cos already got pink..was trying to see if i can get purple one but of cos dont have..kekeke..

the crowd was really crazy hor..if i know is u hor..i can buy for u leh..then u dont have to wait so long..but hubby oso queue for another half hour or so after i dump him the kammi and went to settle my gal..
alittlemiracle - ELC is wat hah? no lah..went robsinson to get his pants and shirts lor..if not u tink he will queue for the kammi meh? fat hope leh..hehe..anyway..his twin bro took turns to queue with pp tink is the same person queueing..haha..

so good can pump so i like how long interval also cannot pump over 300ml liao sad..700ml can tahan my gal's 3 feeds nia..and is decreasing each day leh..maybe shd increase another solid for her..

tuffy - tink i forgot to reply wat is my target..initially i planned 6 mths..then later tot still can tahan till was hoping 8 mths..almost half way there liao..but i see alittlemiracle and bitbit..i kept going..thanks to them both!!

we were jz outside the entrance of robinson lor..maybe i din pronounced nat was like 'dont bother me..' haha..

those off the rack prune juice can or not hah? 1 tablespoon enuff..then i drink the rest hah..jz give if she din poo rite..not everyday hor..
Hello Mommies

I also go shopping today ley... Malaysia also having sales all around. Their Pigeon got selling cloth, a lot of choices bought 2 set of rompers at 9RM before 50% discount... Very very cheap. Tollyjoy also got more choices on clothing and even Pureer, Classic Disney and many more. I feel that I am going to go bankrupt liao...

Hubby also got a few seed's pant... Dunno whether WestBB got shop until drop during her Malacca Trip or not?

BTW I'm bringing my milk using the icebox around. I personally feel that the icebox is better than icebag for travelling. But is more bulky lah...

Crystalmom, help me sayang Crystal, hope that she is ok now, I think papaya should be ok. But better check with those more experience mom...

Love really blur ley. Crystalmom eyes very sharp 8)

I am so sad ley going to miss the sales at Isetan too 8(
hahaha poko
crystalmum wan to clear all the toxin in her y drink all.....
jokes aside me gal poopoo very poor thg one always hv to use the medicine which u squeeze into the butt to soften the poo poo..... give her banana, prune, all no use....
poko - u back u enjoyed your trip? wah..things so cheap envy..u save a lot or spend a lot? haha..

so u got guai guai pump many times? got interrupt your shopping?

aiya..maybe i shd have insist tat is love's nat make me blur and paiseh oso..keke..

hehe..heng alittlemiracle got say one tablespoon..if not hor..would have given her the whole bottle..

sheris - tink if i clear all the toxin..u all cant see me liao..hehe..

poor often u gotten insert the thing into the butt..
wow! one pump session u can get 420ml! thats alot.. u really super! "bu kui si wo de ou siang!!" why u cant pump again tonite,muz wait for tom morninh then can pump? u outside isit?
jas - supplies is bayb supplies..tot is another bb website i dont know mah..paiseh u on leave 2molo? wanna go UE? i on leave next 2 days..tues & wed..keke..
crystalmum, i've stop using stout to bathe Daryll coz there's no improvement.. finally brought him to his PD and get some cream to apply. all dissapear in 2 days except those dry patches on his legs.. still around after almost 2 weeks liao. think i'll need to bring him back again.

try giving crystal some barley water.. it helps with constipation. but it's not those normal barley hor.. have to get it from those chinese medical hall and tell them u want 'china barley'.
my boy drink already can poo poo 3 times in a day..

not seeing westbb go online.. wonder how's her melacca trip..
Hi, everyone! Hope u all had a wonderful Christmas!!!

I've stopped pumping for the past few days, just latched my bb on every few hrs for "snack" & give FM the rest of the time for his full feeds. I'm too lazy to spend 1 hr pumping 2-3oz, might as well latch him & enjoy bf him b4 I dry up completely, sob sob.

Jas, how's yr ss? Hope yr ss is back to normal after u recovered.

alittlemiracle, how's yr this morning pump? Hope u ok, no blocked ducts...

crystalmum, enjoy yr leave & megabonding with crystal!

sheris, yr gal so poor thing. Is she still on medication that's why she hard to poopoo?

poko, sounds like u had a great time shopping!

love, heehee, u blur... did u see crystal that day?

tuffy, u going back to work when? 3rd Jan? Yr JW hard to bottle-feed is it? Sigh, my hh started his nonsense again last sat, got to try all sorts of tricks to get him to drink from bottle. Already made the milk colder since he prefers it colder but still so hard to feed. His whole day intake 10 odd oz only. At times like these I wish I had lots of bm like u, can just let him latch no need to worry he not getting enough...
sp, u try changing the teats and see how..
my boy has been drinking ard 80-90ml every 3 hourly for more than 1 month.. his PD said not to worry as long as he gain weight coz babies has their own appetite loh..
but after more than 1 month and he still not taking much, i decided to do something and changed his teat. and it really helps coz once changed, he's now taking 160ml and can finish his milk in just 10 mins.
so paisei....wanna buy the kammi but the q was didnt buy in the end...

is it really good??raffles place robinson got sell or not??starting work very better make use of the remaining time to bond wif my Nat...

no at home all night..but because i lazy liao, wnat to reduce to 1 pump in 2006 so must let the breasts get used to it mah... so must tahan... so this morning woke up with enogrged breasts (18 hours) but dun think got clogged ducts....gonna see how much milk i can drain out!!!!

your gal so poor thing leh... me also got consti i take colon cleaning pdt from GNC, maybe they have stuff for kids? or maybe you can try TMC or massage her descending colon ( learnt this from baby massage and it applies to all age groups) or maybe diamond water (learnt this from the advert!)

ELC= Early Learning Centre at paragon

you all got give maids year end bonus or not ah?
hee hee...morning time i coul dnot post leh.... so the above post was typed in the morning then now then post...

me go see dentist... must extract both wisdom teeth leh... fix appt liao... dentist say i BF so not giving me antibiotics...

my morning pump was good.. up by 10 ml so today got 430ml of milk... i need to hit 450ml!!!!
mummies ah..really xie tian xie di..finally found the teat she want..i tried NUK, Avent, pigeon, tollyjoy, Dr brown, 2 brandless one..all dont want (can imagine how many teats i have now!)..finally drink from the Gerber one..aiyo..tat gal really qi si wo leh..saw the gerber's shape is like the one she using..the one she using is the brandless kind..and shop close down i cant get liao..

phoebe - wat cream your pd give huh? aiya..tot the stout can means no hope liao..haii..

sheris - u really young and pretty leh..keke..and your 3 bao beis are so cute..jj at me so many times leh..

love - my gal now likes it liao..but i haven put it to use yet as in..i did not freeze it yet..cos she not teething jz let her bao bao only..dont know other robsinson have or not leh..

sp - love no good lah..i approach her she 'brush' me away leh..haha..never keep a look out of my crystal oso..keke..

alittlemiracle - hah? gotta give yearend bonus to maids one? me no bonus how to give leh..

so when u going to pull out your gigi? much! but u doing one pump huh? or 2? wah if 2 pumps can get 430ml each..i oso wanna reduce leh..keke..

westbb C report on your trip leh..any problems with milk storage and pumping? Did your boi enjoy?
hee hee...morning time i coul dnot post leh.... so the above post was typed in the morning then now then post...

me go see dentist... must extract both wisdom teeth leh... fix appt liao... dentist say i BF so not giving me antibiotics...

my morning pump was good.. up by 10 ml so today got 430ml of milk... i need to hit 450ml!!!!
i'm back!! malacca trip quite boring leh.... didnt do much shopping cos the shopping centre there quite lousy, and the pace there realllly sloooowww... we always have to wait like hours for our food, and the traffic jam was horrific! the first nite i was there, i had to tahan for 18 hours then i got to return back to the resort to pump!!! didnt expect the traffic from shopping centre back to resort was SO BAD! regret didnt pump first before leaving resort for dinner. my goodness, my brs were rock hard, could even feel the veins popping up, got breastpads my bras also wet!!! cheong into my room once i step into the resort and pump pump pump!! got 400ml in that session, not as super as alittlemiracle but my "personal best record" hahaha

was trying to post this pm but the server keep giving error leh... crystalmum, milk storage n pumping no prob lah cos now i only twice a day mah, so pump once when wake up n once b4 sleep lor... if i still pumping 3-4 times a day i think i may not want to go liao...

some pics of my boy enjoying their "dirty" swimming pool, my FIL kept saying their pool very dirty cos no chlorine smell so i only let him swim one time!

crystalmum your eyes really sharp like eagle! me very lousy at recognising pple one!!!

constipated bbs, last time when my boy constipated, i reduce his intake of cereal for a few days then his condition improve. i read that some bbs take too much rice will be constipated too. i give him steamed peas and it helps a bit too. i read if u want to give banana, must give more water too then it will help.

maid- no year end bonus lah... but she enjoyed all the food we had during the trip, even haagen daz icecream and let her went for go-kart!!! recently also spend quite some money for her checkup and medicine liao, so i think enuff for the time being, maybe new year day give her another off, and CNY still got to give her angpow leh..

alittlemiracle, so u can tahan for 18hrs liao?? think ur target 450ml for 1 pump no prob leh!
alittlemiracle - u wanna remind us you got 430ml today hah..hehehehe..k going to aim for it too! but is it 14 hrs?

westbb - welcome back! miss my FSIL so much leh..thanks for uploading his photo when u back..aiyooooo..still so handsome..and his funny so so cute! wah your maid so onz one hah..still went for go kart??!!!

me eyes must be sharp mah..then can chop handsome laogong for crystal fast fast mah..kekeke..

steamed peas..huh..means u smash it after steaming and mix with the porridge wat kind of peas hah..i really no idea leh..have u started meat liao? wonder if i can give her fish seafood? cos doc say cannot give seafood leh..

sheris - u din see my white hair wat did doc say abt jj..give wat cream tis time? i see him like my gal scratch till like tat oso heartpain for u..haiiii..
westbb - so when u going for the cute bb contest photo shoot? me going tomolo..went to buy the bandana today..wan her to wear 2molo..keke..jz now try on cute leh..i decided not to let her wear pink for this photo shoot..cos got studio shoot with pink i going to dress her in bright orange..more pei her 'yang guang' character..hehe..
sp - me going back to work next week. feeling quite sian about it. i just switched to pigeon bottle (the slim one) and it seems to be working quite well. Hai.. the gal hah, really waste my money. what I am going to do with all the nuk teats!?

love - robinsons raffles city doesn't have the kammi. I asked one gal there.

crystalmum - wah! you can recognise bb on the street! v impressive!
went to raffles city robinsons today - crowd more manageable but a lot of stuff is gone. Also couldn't find kammi - hai. not meant to be. re ebm - jia you! you can do it.

alittlemiracle - were you carrying angel in a carrier that looks like the ergo? I thought I saw a bb who looks like her at tangs yesterday.
tuffy - tell me abt it..haha..wat am i going to do with all my NUK, avent, pigeon, tollyjoy, dr brown etc teats..

love says she going down mah..tot may see her..i like to look and other bb and guess how old they are oso..kekeke..

thanks for your jia you..i wanna give up oso paiseh..keke..
Any mummies come across a table that starts the benefits of breastmilk month by month hah? like 1 mth wat benefit the bb get, 2 mths..3mths to how many years..etc? i saw one before on the web..but now cant find it leh..
finally decided to buy the kammi....bought the green one...hahaha....hope my Nat love it....miss her now as I didnt bring her home tonite....just finish vacumming, mopping and laundry...dead beat now......

crystalmum I didnt brush u away lar...I was very fan of the crowd yest mah.....indeed u look very young n slim....not like me..

btw anyone of u tried driving alone wif ur baby??u put the car seat in front or behind?? I am going to start driving alone wif Nat.....she is willing to sit in the car seat behind wif me beside her but not sure if the view in front is ok wif her....any adv???
Hi Crystalmom
I am still in Penang will be staying here until next year... 1st Jan 2006 8)

WestBB boi is so cute in the pool, he is so expressive.

I tot drink BM BB won't have consipation, but your gal got. So BM is not really "Xian Dang". Can give her fruit with more fiber? Or I suspect she use to the insultion or she afriad to push when going to poo poo...As it hurt her before?

I let Justen latch on when he is asleep when I am in my in law shop but still feel the engorgement when back to her house. The feeling is really no good. So my MIL ask me to bring the pump with me tomorrow. Tot can "Dou Lan" for a few day 8(

Today didn't buy BB stuff, but got 4 tops and 1 pant at Seed at less than S$100 really cheap 8)

I think your girl older than my boi right? How come your leave so lone one? Still got 2 more weeks to go. Like that you go back a few days CNY liao. Can rest again...
i'm interested in the title of this thread, but guess u gals have already gone way beyond it. However hope u cld share ur experiences wt me.
My baby is close to 2.5 mths. He sucks q slowly and usually falls asleep at breast. I also hv insuff supply, so usually gotta supplement for each feed. Trying to inc supply by pumping after each feed, but v diff and tedious to do tt, esp when i'm on my own wt baby, and he hardly sleeps during the day and seems to always be hungry. Thinking of just doing pumping during the day, instead of latching on directly, so tt i cld establish a regular freq of pumping, and hence hope to inc supply too. Wonder whether it wld work tho...
morning mummies!

tuffy!!!! i think it could hav ebeen angel and I!!!! i was at Tangs on Monday and I did carry angel in an ergo!!!! was angel sleeping? another sharp eye!...

honey bee
no guarantee if it will work but if you think you wnat to give it a shot... why not lor... my baby does not latch so i have been total expressing typw...hav efound that it is possible to up supply with regular pumping...but MUST be very regular and religious about it then can work. 430ml is after 18 hours.
this morning is after 15 hours so dunno can get 430ml or not...but i will still try.
today i am gonna pump at 11am so that it will be 19 hours tomorrow moring...see whether can get 440ml or not!!!! fingers crossed!

my husband thinks it is good motivation we will give maid a bonus... but i also dun want to over do it leh... christmas present i also give her, birthday present i also give her, i buy phone cards for her to call home, i also sent a present back to her son for christmas (the postage was so EX man!).... ah... is it over doing liao?

your boy so cute hor... i like the first pic best!
alittlemiracle - hehehe! I wanted to take a second look but you were gone already. Me also gong gong at that time after battling the crowds from robinsons. Angel was awake. You were just outside the entrance when I saw you.
The ergo looks v comfortable leh. Hai.. too bad i already got my baby bjorn. How much is the ergo?

crystalmum - me too! I am always checking out other bbs. So kaypoh right?
I am trying to use my nuk bottles and fit them with pigeon teats. seems ok. Only thing is don't have the milk flow regulator which is supposed to prevent colic. But do bbs still get colic when they are older like 5 months plus when they never had it before? BM chart: haven't seen one before but I know beyond 1 year, the nutritional value of BM drops a lot. After 6 months, BM doesn't provide enough iron for the child.

love - bb cannot put in front unless your car doesn't have airbags. I have been driving alone with my gal for a while. She is quite ok, doesn't fuss. I think it v much depends on each bb. Some will wail all the way. Is Nat ok with the car seat?

poko - I am on no pay leave. That's why can drag on for so long.

westbb - your boi looks so happy in the water.

wonder when I can take my gal for a swim.

expressing after long hours
Recently with all the shopping, my pumping schedule has gone haywired. Yes, me very bad. Put shopping ahead of providing for my gal.
Tried pumping after 6 hours. V difficult cos like everything is stuck in the breasts! took v long to express too. can't imagine not pumping for 15 hours!!
by then I don't think I can recognise my breasts anymore. kekeke.

expressing in office
how do you gals sterilise your equipment hah? am still trying to decide how to do it and whether to follow jas' method.
yah...cannot put carseat in front unless no airbags... and anyway, the safest place in the car for your babe is in the back seat in a car seat. Angel does not like being in a car seat...she will wail and wail lor...most times there is someone with her who will keep her entertained but occasionally she is alone and will yell her lungs out...but no choice wat...mama has to drive...just drive fast fast to destination lor...most times they are just fussing and will be ok once out of the car seat

the ergo was given to i dunno how much it costs leh... but got mummies buying ergo in blk right... i love my ergo! it si ery comfortable...that day, i carry angel from 3 to 6 using the ergo while she slept for 1 hour. When i am out, i always sleep her in it too..
That day was first time i bring her out in the afternoon...usually i will go home for her nap...but that day i pump early can go kaikai!
